CXS development is done through three branch types. The master branch with the last stable relase of CSX. The develop version which is mostly bug free but may contain some bugs. The issue branches which represent work done on particular issues.
When developing CSX select an issue which you would like to solve and assign yourself to it. In case you have any questions about the implementation details feel free to ask in the issue comments. To start development create a local branch named issue-{issue number} (for example issue-42). Make sure your code is well documented and tested. Once you are confident your solution works open a pull request against the develop branch and describe what your pull request contributes. Once your pull request has been approved and merged you will also be added to the list of contributors of this project.
In case you belong to an institution/organisation/company which would like to do extensive work on this project please feel free to contact us on one of the contact methods mentioned in the README file. In case of extensive contributons your affiliation can also be added to the list of participating institutions.