Okay basically there is a config.json that you need to pass as argument to the program. Or to be more accurate, you need to pass the full path of the config.json file like this.
./main ~/mybot/config.json
Now what shoud be there inside this file? lets take a look:
"PreferredNames":["name 1", "name 2"],
"BiographyPreference": ["preference 1","preference 2"],
"BlacklistUsers":["blacklisted 1","blacklisted 2"],
"IRCUser":"ircbot ircbot ircbot ircbot ircbot ircbot",
"OpeningLine":["hello {name}!!! how are u? I really like that picture.","Hi {name}, good to see you, are you interested on buying this pills?"]
Now here I will explain each parameter an why its used.
- InstaUser: The user id of your instagram account, its used during Login.
- InstaPass: The password of your instagram account, its used during Login.
- PreferredNames: This list of names are considered during Auto following, Bot will only add people with this names.
- BiographyPreference: This list of biography words are considered during Auto following, Bot will only add people with any of this words present on his instagram biography.
- BlacklistUsers: This are users that you dont want to follow, because of some reason.
- IRCNick: This is the nickname of the bot on the IRC server.
- IRCChannels: This is the channel the bot will join once connected.
- IRCUser: This the IRC user of the bot, leave it like it is in the sample if you dont know what to put.
- IRCServerPort: This is the server and port combination that the bot will connect to.
- DBHost: This is the hostname of the PostgreSQL server.
- DBPort: The port of your PostgreSQL Server.
- DBUser: The user to connect to you PostgreSQL DB.
- DBPass: The password of the user to connect to your PostgreSQL DB.
- DBName: The name of your DB, where your tables will be created.
- DialogFlowProjectID: This project ID is created on Google Cloud Platform. Check this link if you dont have idea of what Im talking.
- DialogFlowLangCode: This is the language of the Bot, en for English, es for Spanish, and so on.
- OpeningLine: Its the first sentence our bot is going to send to his following contacts. Try to have more than one, It helps on Instagram Spam checks
- You need to create a PostgreSQL Database. Sorry for that :( Why a DB is required? Okay basically the bot has some sort of memory stored in the DB. Which memory? For example if you manually unfollow someone, Bot will detect this and will not follow this contact again in future.
Important: For database config you just need to give a user that has enough privileges to create tables on a DB, you dont need to create anything, the ORM will take care of that.
You should have a environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS pointing to the json file of your (GCP) Google Cloud Platform configuration. For more info about this, check this link.
If this is not set, the Bot will still work but only the Chatbot functionality will not work.