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libqi Change Log

libqi 4.0.5

This minor release fixes an issue on the installation path of qimodule library files.

libqi 4.0.4

This minor release fixes an issue on the installation path of qimodule '.mod' files. It also fixes a build error that occurred on Boost 1.84.

libqi 4.0.3

This minor release rewrites parts of the exported configuration CMake files and updates Boost version used by Conan to 1.83.

libqi 4.0.2

This minor release focuses on fixing bugs.


  • An assertion failed occurs at the restart of services. #SW-4667
  • Gateway is stuck at startup if IP interface is not up, even if it comes later. #SW-1331
  • Fix build error in tests when building with Boost 1.79.
  • conan: Fix function defining version and update GTest dependency to v1.14.

libqi 4.0.1

This release focuses on fixing some bugs, rewriting and improving the project build definition, and porting library code to OpenSSL 3 and Boost 1.78.


The definition of the build of libqi as be rewritten to remove the dependency to qibuild and qi toolchains and instead use more standard tools and conventions.

The CMakeLists.txt files have been completely refactored to use an approach closer to what is referred to as "modern CMake". The project now requires CMake 3.23 or greater.

A Conan 2 project definition file has also been added so that Conan 2 may be used to fetch the dependencies of the project or to create a package.

OpenSSL 3

The library used to depend on OpenSSL 1, which will soon no longer be maintained. It now depends on OpenSSL 3.

Boost 1.78

The library now supports Boost 1.78.


  • Member functions that are declared noexcept are now advertised properly. #SW-2913
  • Build errors have been fixed when compiling with Clang 12 and more.
  • Some compiler warnings have been fixed.

libqi 4.0.0

This release sets the version of C++ supported by libqi to C++17. Prior versions of C++ are not supported anymore.

API Changes

  • If the [[fallthrough]] attribute is available (introduced in C++17), QI_FALLTHROUGH expands to it. Before the attribute was available, it was, in most cases, expanded to ((void)0).

  • qi::AnyValue can now contain std::optional values. More generally, the std::optional types are now supported in the type system of qi.

  • The conversion operator of qi::Future<T> and qi::FutureSync<T> to const T& has been removed. It has been deprecated for several years and is considered harmful. In order to access the result of a future, user code must now either create a continuation with then or andThen or explicitly block until the result is available with value or wait.

libqi 3.0.1

This version fixes a number of internal memory errors, including bad accesses and leaks. It also corrects an error concerning Unicode characters and locales in JSON serialization.

libqi 3.0.0

This release aims to add the support of mTLS with peer certification verification to the library.

API changes

New header: 'qi/messaging/tcpscheme.hpp"

This header introduces a new enumeration qi::TcpScheme.

This enumeration has been added in an effort to remove usage of URL "protocol" values as raw strings. It contains three values, each associated to a URI scheme:

  • TcpScheme::Raw associated to the 'tcp' scheme.
  • TcpScheme::Tls associated to the 'tcps' scheme.
  • TcpScheme::MutualTls associated to the new 'tcpsm' scheme.

With this new type come a few utility functions, such as a conversion function from URL/URI or strings into TcpScheme values.

New header: 'qi/messaging/ssl/ssl.hpp'

This header introduces a new namespace qi::ssl which contains types and functions around the OpenSSL library.

The header introduces the following types (among less significant others):

  • qi::ssl::BIO: a basic input/output wrapper.
  • qi::ssl::Certificate: a X509 Certificate.
  • qi::ssl::PKey: a private key.
  • qi::ssl::CertChainWithPrivateKey: a pair of a X509 certificates chain and a private key.
  • qi::ssl::ClientConfig: the configuration of a client doing SSL over TCP.
  • qi::ssl::ServerConfig: the configuration of a server doing SSL over TCP.
  • qi::ssl::Error: an error type usually thrown when an SSL error occurs in our code.
  • qi::ssl::PemPasswordCallback: a callback to decrypt a PEM object protected by a password.


A few fields were added to the qi::SessionConfig type:

  • clientSslConfig: the client side SSL configuration for the session.
  • serverSslConfig: the server side SSL configuration for the session.
  • clientAuthenticatorFactory: added for consistency, the factory used by the client side of the session for qi based authentication.
  • authProviderFactory: added for consistency, the factory used by the server side of the session for qi based authentication.

However, some of these fields are not comparable. Therefore, qi::SessionConfig is also not comparable anymore.

The qi::Session::endpoints() member function returns a list of endpoints now ordered by preference according to the qi::isPreferredEndpoint predicate.

The constructor qi::Session(bool enforceAuth, SessionConfig) is now deprecated. Enforcing authentication should now be done by setting the authentication provider factory and the client authenticator factory of the session configuration structure.

The qi::Session::setIdentity(...) member function has been removed. The certificate and the key of either side of the session should now be set in the session configuration structure.


As a result of qi::SessionConfig not being comparable, qi::ApplicationSession::Config is also not comparable anymore.


The previous qi::Gateway structure has been replaced by a type alias to qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy.

A qi::GatewayPtr type alias to qi::ServiceDirectoryProxyPtr has been added.


The qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy has been reworked in an effort to reduce its code complexity.

All the parameters of the proxy (including the service directory URL, the list of listen URL, the service filter, the SSL parameters and the authentication factories) are now set through a configuration structure qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy::Config that is passed at construction of the proxy.

Previous member functions that would change the state of the proxy have been removed, including:

  • qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy::attachToServiceDirectory(...).
  • qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy::listenAsync(...).
  • qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy::setServiceFilter(...).
  • qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy::setValidateIdentity(...).

The class now offers a static member function qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy::create(Config) returning a qi::Future<qi::ServiceDirectoryProxyPtr> that is set once the proxy is fully operational, i.e. it is connected to the service directory and its server is running. This ensures that service directory proxy objects are less stateful and simplifies user code.

Since a proxy can still lose connection from its service directory, the status property is still available. The ListenStatus and ConnectionStatus enumeration have been merged into one Status enumeration. Its values are limited to the following values:

  • Status::Initializing: the proxy is still initializing and has not launched a connection to the service directory yet.
  • Status::Created: equivalent to Status::Initializing.
  • Status::Connecting: the proxy is trying to connect to the service directory.
  • Status::Initialized: equivalent to Status::Connecting.
  • Status::TryingToListen: the proxy is connected to the service directory and is trying to launch its server.
  • Status::Connected: equivalent to Status::TryingToListen.
  • Status::Listening: the proxy is connected and its server is operational.
  • Status::Ready: equivalent to Status::Listening.

To avoid exposing unnecessary implementation details, a static qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy::Config::createFromListeningProtocol method has been added.

qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy::Filepaths is a sum type corresponding to the file paths needed to create a configuration for each listening protocol.

Since there is no logic based on Gateway::Config itself, qi::ServiceDirectoryProxy::createFromListeningProtocol is provided that passes arguments as-is to qi::ServiceDirectoryProxyPtr::Config::createFromListeningProtocol.

libqi 2.1.0

This release mainly aims to upgrade some used libraries and the C++ dialect, as well as some tools.


  • Boost: from 1.64 to 1.77
  • C++: the required version of the standard has been changed from C++11 to C++14.
  • CMake: minimum version from 2.8 to 3.16 (the version coming with Ubuntu 20.04)

API changes

  • ka.typetraits: Renames HasInputIteratorTag into IsInputIterator (API break, but only used internally).
  • ka.typetraits: Adds type predicates checking the category of an iterator type (input, forward, bidirectional, random access).

libqi 2.0.0

This release provides a few fixes. Particularly, on OS using systemd, when compiling with the WITH_SYSTEMD flag, it fixes localhost communication issues due to the qi-messaging's machine-id implementation. Compatibility breakage on OS using systemd: The behavior change when WITH_SYSTEMD is defined at compile time, makes it incompatible with older versions of libqi running on the same machine, when localhost is the only available endpoint. This change shall be considered a qi-messaging protocol breakage.

libqi 1.8.7

This release mainly ports the tests on GoogleTest 1.10.0, and improves the compatibility with more recent versions of boost.

libqi 1.8.6

This release aims to improve security and reliability.

libqi 1.8.3

This release aims to improve TLS connection security (#45843) and to fix a connection backward compatibility issue (#45842).

libqi 1.8.2

This release focuses on fixing a blocking issue on the service directory proxy (mirroring) (#45483).

libqi 1.8.1

This release focuses on enabling remote access to service gateways on a machine hidden behind another, by adding NAT support.

libqi 1.8.0

This release focuses on improving security. Particularly, libqi now requires TLS 1.2 on server side.

libqi 1.7.2

This release focuses on improving reliability of libqi client side.

libqi 1.7.0

This release focuses on improving reliability and memory consumption. It includes fixes to libqi.

Notice that this release introduces a small API breakage by changing qi::Signal<T> and qi::Property<T> to be no more a boost::function<T>. However qi::SignalF<T> still can be converted to boost::function<T> implicitely.

libqi 1.6.15

This release focuses on improving security and fixes some gateway crashes.

libqi 1.6.14

This release fixes a few qi-messaging issues.