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CS156: Intro to C, Part I Fall 2017 Syllabus

Home Syllabus Schedule Connect Checkin Homework Piazza Slides Other Info 

What CS156: Introduction to C Programming I Why Basic elements of language structure, data types, expressions, program control flow and modularity. When September 25 – October 29, 2017; MWF 1:00–1:50ᴘᴍ Last day to drop: Sep 28 Last day to withdraw: Oct 11 Where Clark A 103 Web Prerequisites CS 155 & MATH 118, each with D- or better. Textbook None required, but one of these is highly recommended. The C Programming Language, Second Edition Kernighan & Ritchie, ISBN 0131103628 C for Dummies Dan Gookin, ISBN 0764570692 Instructor Dave Matthews Office Hours CSB 244 M 2:30-4:30, WF 2:30-3:30, TR 10:30-11:30 Otherwise by appointment or when my door is open. GTA Travis Augustine <Travis.Augustine> Office Hours Monday, 3-5 PM in CSB 225 (CS156 only) Tuesday, 10-12 in the Linux Lab Thursday, 10-12 in the Linux Lab Tutors Tutor schedule

Canvas is not used for this course. Task Points Homework 0 1 Homework 1–4 5 each Quiz 1–3 13 each Final Exam 40 Homework

There are weekly homework assignments:

HW0: trivial assignment to show that you can log in
HW1: variables, if statements
HW2: loops
HW3: arrays, functions

Homework is submitted & graded online, with ~cs156/bin/checkin and ~cs156/bin/grade. Use ~cs156/bin/grade to see all of your scores, or ~cs156/bin/grade HW3 for detailed feedback on homework #3. Quizzes

Quizzes are given during class to assess your understanding of the material recently presented and used in the homework. The written answers will include commands, output from commands, or similar information. The one page quizzes contain 7 questions worth 2 points each for a maximum of 13 points. Final Exam

The Final Exam is given the last day of classes during the five week session to evaluate your comprehension of the material. The exam contains 41 multiple choice questions that are answered on a Scantron sheet for grading by University Testing Services. The maximum grade is 40 points so you can miss one question with no penalty.

Students utilizing Resource for Disabled Students should notify the instructor well in advance so the proper arrangements can be made. Grade Points A ≥ 90 B ≥ 80 C ≥ 70 D ≥ 60 F < 60 (no +/- grades) (no rounding) Grading

Homework, quizzes, and the final exam are weighted according to the number of points. Quizzes and tests are curved, homework is not. For example, you will see both Q2 (quiz #2) and a Q2-curved (quiz #2, curved) versions. Quizzes are returned in class. Final exams are not returned, but you can schedule time with the instructor to review them. There is no extra credit and final grades are not rounded.

The GTA grades everything. If you don’t like your score, talk with the GTA first, then the instructor if you still disagree. The Unexpected

If illness prevents you from doing homework or taking a quiz/test, get a note from Hartshorn, a doctor, an emergency room, etc. It is not good enough to diagnose yourself. Similarly, if you suffer a family tragedy, your apartment catches fire, you’re called up for military service, etc., then provide documentation for the event. Concerts and ski trips are not unexpected. Multitasking

Some students believe that they can efficiently multitask. They believe that they can surf the web, catch up on social networking, and absorb the lecture at the same time. Studies consistently show that we are all miserable at multitasking. Conduct in Class

Don’t distract other students, move to the back of the class. I can’t force you to learn, but you must allow others to do so. This means:

Do not distract others with conversation.
Do not distract others with your phone.
Do not distract others by reading the newspaper.
Do not distract others by playing games on your laptop in front of the class.
If you snore, I will wake you up. 


Exams and projects will be done individually and grades assigned on an individual basis. Further, students not already familiar with the CSU Honor Pledge should review this clear and simple pledge and always adhere to it.

Policies on cheating, plagiarism, incomplete grades, attendance, discrimination, sexual harassment, and student grievances are described in the Student Information Guide. All other matters follow the policies set in the current CSU General Catalog, and in the CS Dept. Code of Conduct.

Writing a program comprises two phases: design and implementation. You must do both on your own. It is not acceptable to have joint design but separate implementations.

You may not copy or use, all or in part, someone else’s work.
You may not give your work, all or in part, to someone else for any reason.
You may not collaborate to produce one product turned in multiple times.
You may not use work done in a previous semester by someone else.
You may not post assignments on the internet.
It is your responsibility to keep your work private from all others. 

You MAY discuss what they assignment says but all work you turn in must be your own. You have crossed the line if you start comparing someone else’s work to your own (or vice versa). You have crossed the line if you cannot explain/understand the work you submit. “I copied it from the internet” is not an explanation.

Modified: 2017-09-25T07:33

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