Please note that the version update is still experimental, and may have consequences both in terms of performance and resource consumption, as well as the need to adapt your current web3 applications or development tools (remix, truffle)
Please, follow these instructions to upgrade your binaries to the last versions provided by Consensys Quorum. As of November 2020, after the update, the outcome of geth version should be:
**Version: 1.9.7-stable
Git Commit: af7525189f2cee801ef6673d438b8577c8c5aa34
Quorum Version: 20.10.0
Architecture: amd64
Protocol Versions: [64 63]
Network Id: 1337
Go Version: go1.15.2
Operating System: linux
Please, note that due to a change in Quorum versioning number, the version 20.10.0 would have corresponded to the older nomenclature 2.8.0
This document was meant to bump your 2.2.3 Alastria version to Consensys 2.8.0 , but changing the commit-hash it will serve to establish lifecycle management for upcoming versions.
- geth will change from version 1.8.x to version 1.9.7
- geth will log now more metrics than 1.8.x, that can be visualized in Grafana
- log verbosity level is increased to 5
- prometheus scraping is included at port 9545 to make it compatible with Alastria RedB current settings of Besu
- env PRIVATE_CONFIG=ignore was added when CONSTELLATION environment variable not set, so geth can start up
- get rid of monitor by now as it is unmaintained
You must select the instructions corresponding to your type of node:
- A) Node non-installed with docker
- B) Node installed with docker
Step 1: Please verify your current version by executing geth version. If it is in the last version, skip.
Step 2: Please verify your system requirements as the new version needs new memory and ports
- RAM needed is 8 Gb now , as geth 1.9.x is more memory hungry
- Open port for incoming scraping of port 9545 , protocol HTTP, IP address (Prometheus)
- Open port for outgoing HTTP traffic to IP address (Influx)
- Open port for outgoing HTTP and HTTPS websockets traffic to IP address (netstats)
Step 3: The upgrade procedure consists of four simple steps being positioned in /root/alastria/node-scripts
./ reinstall
Step 4: Then run geth version to verify that you've changed version. If it is below the required, please go to step 2
Step 5: You will find your logs now in a fixed path, namely /root/alastria/logs/quorum.log with increased verbosity
Step 1: Please verify your current version by executing geth version. If it is in the last version, skip.
Step 2: Please verify your system requirements as the new version needs new memory and ports
- RAM needed is 8 Gb now , as geth 1.9.x is more memory hungry
- Open port for incoming scraping of port 9545 , protocol HTTP, IP address (Prometheus)
- Open port for outgoing HTTP traffic to IP address (Influx)
- Open port for outgoing HTTP and HTTPS websockets traffic to IP address (netstats)
Step 3: Connecting to your Alastria Container
Step 4: The upgrade procedure consists of four simple steps being positioned in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/root/alastria/node-scripts
./ reinstall
Step 4: Then run geth version to verify that you've changed version. If it is below the required, please go to step 2
Step 5: You will find your logs now in a fixed path, namely XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/root/alastria/logs/quorum.log with increased verbosity
In order to keep your disk space consumption controlled, it's recommended that geth be periodically restarted in order to recycle the log file, and old log files can be deleted.
You can install this line in your crontab by issuing crontab -e and copying-pasting this line
0 1 * * * find /root/alastria/logs -type f -name '*log' -mtime +1 -exec /bin/rm -f {} ; 2>/dev/null > /tmp/deletelogs.out
As part of the continuouos experimentation and innovation, there are several actions to do to enhance these processs.
Please feel free to take any of these actions and propose them as Pull Request to collaborate with us.
- systemd unit with an option to restart in case geth crashes
- place a unit in /etc/logrotate.d/geth to ensure log rotation of quorum.log
- log shipping with telegraf (analyze quorum.log with grok regex patterns and ship to Prometheus)
- get rid of constellation as it is no more supported by Consensys
- build ansible playbook for new installations
- move to microservices architecture with automatic auto-restart in case of crashes
- explore docker-compose
- explore kubernetes version of Quorum (qubernetes) at