An extremely simple reactive programming library using Observables.
An observable variable is a function, which holds a value. You can get the value by calling the function without any arguments, and you update the value by calling the function with the desired new value.
The useful thing about an observable is that you can choose to be notified every time the value of this observable changes.
import { observable, onChange } from "compute";
// Create a new observable.
const o1 = observable(42);
// Access the value
console.log(o1()); // Logs 42
// Subscribe to it
const mySubscription = onChange(newValue => console.log(newValue), o1);
// Update the value
o1(84); // Console shows 84
// You won't get notified until the value changes (strict equality).
o1(84); // Nothing happens.
// Stop getting notifications
As demonstrated above, onChange
let's you subscribe to observables. In fact, you can also subscribe to multiple variables.
import {observable, onChange} from "compute";
const a = observable(1);
const b = observable(2);
const c = observable(3);
const sum = (x, y, z) => console.log(`The sum is ${x + y + z}`);
onChange(sum, a, b, c); // Nothing happens so far
a(2); // Console shows "The sum is 7"
b(3); // Console shows "The sum is 8"
import {observable, onChange, from} from "compute";
const a = observable(1);
const b = observable(2);
const c = observable(3);
const getSum = (...values) => values?.reduce(val, x => x + val, 0);
const sum = from(
console.log(sum()); // Prints 6
console.log(sum()); // Prints 7
// And because sum is an observable, you can subscribe to it.
when(sum, x => console.log(x));
a(3); // Console shows 8
b(3); // Console shows 9
c(0); // Console shows 6
npm install compute
Or if you are using yarn,
yarn add compute
And then in your code, simply import
import { compute, onChange, from } from "compute";
You can see the API at