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Builtin Backends

Using a backend, you can convert the data types and routes in your spec into objects in your programming language of choice.

Stone includes backends for an assortment of languages, including:

If you're looking to write your own backend, see Backend Reference. We would love to see a contribution of a PHP or Ruby backend.

Compile with the CLI

Compiling a spec and generating code is done using the stone command-line interface (CLI):

$ stone -h
usage: stone [-h] [-v] [--clean-build] [-f FILTER_BY_ROUTE_ATTR]
             backend output [spec [spec ...]]


positional arguments:
  backend               Either the name of a built-in backend or the path to
                        a backend module. Paths to backend modules must
                        end with a extension. The following
                        backends are built-in: js_client, js_types,
                        tsd_client, tsd_types, python_types, python_client,
  output                The folder to save generated files to.
  spec                  Path to API specifications. Each must have a .stone
                        extension. If omitted or set to "-", the spec is read
                        from stdin. Multiple namespaces can be provided over
                        stdin by concatenating multiple specs together.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Print debugging statements.
  --clean-build         The path to the template SDK for the target language.
  -f FILTER_BY_ROUTE_ATTR, --filter-by-route-attr FILTER_BY_ROUTE_ATTR
                        Removes routes that do not match the expression. The
                        expression must specify a route attribute on the left-
                        hand side and a value on the right-hand side. Use
                        quotes for strings and bytes. The only supported
                        operators are "=" and "!=". For example, if "hide" is
                        a route attribute, we can use this filter:
                        "hide!=true". You can combine multiple expressions
                        with "and"/"or" and use parentheses to enforce
                        If set, backends will only see the specified
                        namespaces as having routes.
                        If set, backends will not see any routes for the
                        specified namespaces.

We'll generate code based on an calc.stone spec with the following contents:

namespace calc

route eval(Expression, Result, EvalError)

struct Expression
    "This expression is limited to a binary operation."
    op Operator = add
    left Int64
    right Int64

union Operator
    div Boolean
        "If value is true, rounds up. Otherwise, rounds down."

struct Result
    answer Int64

union EvalError

Python Guide

This section explains how to use the pre-packaged Python backends and work with the Python classes that have been generated from a spec.

There are two different Python backends: python_types and python_client. The former generates Python classes for the data types defined in your spec. The latter generates a single Python class with a method per route, which is useful for building SDKs.

We'll use the python_types backend:

$ stone python_types . calc.stone

This runs the backend on the calc.stone spec. Its output target is . which is the current directory. A Python module is created for each declared namespace, so in this case only is created.

Three additional modules are copied into the target directory. The first,, contains classes for validating Python values against their expected Stone types. You will not need to explicitly import this module, but the auto-generated Python classes depend on it. The second,, contains a pair of json_encode() and json_decode() functions. You will need to import this module to serialize your objects. The last is which shouldn't be used directly.

In the following sections, we'll interact with the classes generated in For simplicity, we'll assume we've opened a Python interpreter with the following shell command:

$ python -i

For non-test projects, we recommend that you set the generation target to a path within a Python package, and use Python's import facility.

Primitive Types

The following table shows the mapping between a Stone primitive type and its corresponding type in Python.

Primitive Python 2.x / 3 Notes
Bytes bytes  
Boolean bool  
Float{32,64} float long type within range is converted.
Int{32,64}, UInt{32,64} long  
List list  
String unicode / str str type is converted to unicode.
Timestamp datetime  


For each struct in your spec, you will see a corresponding Python class of the same name.

In our example, Expression, Operator, Answer, EvalError, and are Python classes. They have an attribute (getter/setter/deleter property) for each field defined in the spec. You can instantiate these classes and specify field values either in the constructor or by assigning to an attribute:

>>> expr = Expression(op=Operator.add, left=1, right=1)

If you assign a value that fails validation, an exception is raised:

>>> expr.op = '+'
Traceback (most recent call last)
ValidationError: expected type Operator or subtype, got string

Accessing a required field (non-optional with no default) that has not been set raises an error:

>>> res = Result()
>>> res.answer
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 221, in answer
    raise AttributeError("missing required field 'answer'")
AttributeError: missing required field 'answer'

Other characteristics:

  1. Inheritance in Stone is represented as inheritance in Python.
  2. If a field is nullable and was never set, None is returned.
  3. If a field has a default but was never set, the default is returned.


For each union in your spec, you will see a corresponding Python class of the same name.

You do not use a union class's constructor directly. To select a tag with a void type, use the class attribute of the same name:

>>> EvalError.overflow
EvalError('overflow', None)

To select a tag with a value, use the class method of the same name and pass in an argument to serve as the value:

>>> Operator.div(False)
Operator('div', False)

To write code that handles the union options, use the is_[tag]() methods. We recommend you exhaustively check all tags, or include an else clause to ensure that all possibilities are accounted for. For tags that have values, use the get_[tag]() method to access the value:

>>> # assume that op is an instance of Operator
>>> if op.is_add():
...     # handle addition
... elif op.is_sub():
...     # handle subtraction
... elif op.is_mult():
...     # handle multiplication
... elif op.is_div():
...     round_up = op.get_div()
...     # handle division

Struct Polymorphism

As with regular structs, structs that enumerate subtypes have corresponding Python classes that behave identically to regular structs.

The difference is apparent when a field has a data type that is a struct with enumerated subtypes. Expanding on our example from the language reference, assume the following spec:

struct Resource
        file File
        folder Folder

    path String

struct File extends Resource:
    size UInt64

struct Folder extends Resource:
    "No new fields."

struct Response
    rsrc Resource

If we instantiate Response, the rsrc field can only be assigned a File or Folder object. It should not be assigned a Resource object.

An exception to this is on deserialization. Because Resource is specified as a catch-all, it's possible when deserializing a Response to get a Resource object in the rsrc field. This indicates that the returned subtype was unknown because the recipient has an older spec than the sender. To handle catch-alls, you should use an else clause:

>>> print resp.rsrc.path  # Guaranteed to work regardless of subtype
>>> if isinstance(resp, File):
...     # handle File
... elif isinstance(resp, Folder):
...     # handle Folder
... else:
...     # unknown subtype of Resource


Routes are represented as instances of a Route object. The generated Python module for the namespace will have a module-level variable for each route:

>>> eval
Route('eval', 1, False, ...)

Route attributes specified in the spec are available as a dict in the attrs member variable. Route deprecation is stored in the deprecated member variable. The name and version of a route are stored in the name and version member variables, respectively.


We can use stone_serializers.json_encode() to serialize our objects to JSON:

>>> import stone_serializers
>>> stone_serializers.json_encode(eval.result_type, Result(answer=10))
'{"answer": 10}'

To deserialize, we can use json_decode:

>>> stone_serializers.json_decode(eval.result_type, '{"answer": 10}')

There's also json_compat_obj_encode and json_compat_obj_decode for converting to and from Python primitive types rather than JSON strings.

Route Functions

To generate functions that represent routes, use the python_client generator:

$ stone python_client . calc.stone -- -m client -c Client -t myservice

-m specifies the name of the Python module to generate, in this case The important contents of the file look as follows:

class Client(object):
    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def request(self, route, namespace, arg, arg_binary=None):

    # ------------------------------------------
    # Routes in calc namespace

    def calc_eval(self,
        :type op: :class:`myservice.calc.Operator`
        :type left: long
        :type right: long
        :rtype: :class:`myservice.calc.Result`
        :raises: :class:`.exceptions.ApiError`

        If this raises, ApiError will contain:
        arg = calc.Expression(left,
        r = self.request(
        return r

-c specified the name of the abstract class to generate. Using this class, you'll likely want to inherit the class and implement the request function. For example, an API that goes over HTTP might have the following client:

import requests  # use the popular HTTP library

from .stone_serializers import json_decode, json_encode
from .exceptions import ApiError  # You must implement this

class MyServiceClient(Client):

    def request(self, route, namespace, arg, arg_binary=None):
        url = '{}/{}'.format(
        r = requests.get(
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
            data=json_encode(route.arg_type, arg))
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise ApiError(...)
        return json_decode(route.result_type, r.content)

Note that care is taken to ensure that that the return type and exception type match those that were specified in the automatically generated documentation.

Routes with Version Numbers

There can be multiple versions of routes sharing the same name. For each route with a version numbers other than 1, the generated module-level route variable and route function have a version suffix appended in the form of {name}_v{version}.

For example, suppose we add a new version of route eval in calc.stone as follows:


route eval:2(Expression, ResultV2, EvalError)

struct ResultV2
    answer String


The module-level variable for the route will be:

>>> eval_v2
Route('eval', 2, False, ...)

And the corresponding route function in will be calc_eval_v2.