AccessId |
string |
Access ID |
[optional] |
AccessKey |
string |
Access Key |
[optional] |
AccessType |
string |
Access Type (access_key/password/azure_ad/saml/oidc/aws_iam/gcp/k8s/cert) |
[optional] [default to "access_key"] |
AccountId |
string |
Account id (relevant only for access-type=password where the email address is associated with more than one account) |
[optional] |
AdminEmail |
string |
Email (relevant only for access-type=password) |
[optional] |
AdminPassword |
string |
Password (relevant only for access-type=password) |
[optional] |
AzureAdObjectId |
string |
Azure Active Directory ObjectId (relevant only for access-type=azure_ad) |
[optional] |
CertData |
string |
Certificate data encoded in base64. Used if file was not provided. (relevant only for access-type=cert in Curl Context) |
[optional] |
CertIssuerName |
string |
Certificate Issuer Name |
[optional] |
CertUsername |
string |
The username to sign in the SSH certificate (use a comma-separated list for more than one username) |
[optional] |
DefaultLocationPrefix |
string |
Default path prefix for name of items, targets and auth methods |
[optional] |
DisablePafxfast |
string |
Disable the FAST negotiation in the Kerberos authentication method |
[optional] |
GatewaySpn |
string |
The service principal name of the gateway as registered in LDAP (i.e., HTTP/gateway) |
[optional] |
GcpAudience |
string |
GCP JWT audience |
[optional] [default to ""] |
Json |
bool |
Set output format to JSON |
[optional] [default to false] |
K8sAuthConfigName |
string |
The K8S Auth config name (relevant only for access-type=k8s) |
[optional] |
KerberosUsername |
string |
TThe username for the entry within the keytab to authenticate via Kerberos |
[optional] |
KeyData |
string |
Private key data encoded in base64. Used if file was not provided.(relevant only for access-type=cert in Curl Context) |
[optional] |
KeytabData |
string |
Base64-encoded content of a valid keytab file, containing the service account's entry. |
[optional] |
Krb5ConfData |
string |
Base64-encoded content of a valid krb5.conf file, specifying the settings and parameters required for Kerberos authentication. |
[optional] |
LegacySigningAlgName |
bool |
Set this option to output legacy ('[email protected]') signing algorithm name in the certificate. |
[optional] |
OciAuthType |
string |
The type of the OCI configuration to use [instance/apikey/resource] (relevant only for access-type=oci) |
[optional] [default to "apikey"] |
OciGroupOcid |
List<string> |
A list of Oracle Cloud IDs groups (relevant only for access-type=oci) |
[optional] |