You will need go with modules support and opus to run this examples.
On MacOS:
$ brew install opus opusfile
On Ubuntu:
$ apt install libopus-dev libopusfile-dev
Build binaries:
$ go build cmd/recognize/recognize.go
$ go build cmd/recognize_stream/recognize_stream.go
$ go build cmd/synthesize_stream/synthesize_stream.go
Run basic (non-streaming) speech recognition example:
$ ./recognize -e MPEG_AUDIO -r 16000 -c 1 -i ../audio/sample_1.mp3
To disable automatic punctuation and get up to 3 recognition alternatives:
$ ./recognize -e MPEG_AUDIO -r 16000 -c 1 --disable-automatic-punctuation --max-alternatives 3 -i ../audio/sample_1.mp3
Run streaming speech recognition with interim results:
$ ./recognize_stream -e MPEG_AUDIO -r 16000 -c 1 --interim-results -i ../audio/sample_1.mp3
Specify longer silence timeout for voice activity detection (you will probably need longer audio to actually see the difference):
$ ./recognize_stream -e MPEG_AUDIO -r 16000 -c 1 --interim-results --silence-duration-threshold 1.2 -i ../audio/sample_1.mp3
Return just the first recognized utterance and halt (you will probably need longer audio to actually see the difference):
$ ./recognize_stream -e MPEG_AUDIO -r 16000 -c 1 --interim-results --single-utterance -i ../audio/sample_1.mp3
To run basic speech synthesis and save result to wav:
$ ./synthesize_stream -r 48000 -e LINEAR16 -i "И мысли тоже тяжелые и медлительные, падают неторопливо и редко одна за другой, точно песчинки в разленившихся песочных часах." -o output_1.wav
You can also specify alternative stress with 0
sign after a vowel:
$ ./synthesize_stream -r 48000 -e LINEAR16 -i "За0мок - замо0к." -o output_2.wav
Feel free to use arabic numerals and named entities:
$ ./synthesize_stream -r 48000 -e LINEAR16 -i "Газета Times, 03 января 2009 года - Канцлер на грани ради второго спасения банков." -o output_3.wav
For now, LINEAR16
does not support samples rates other than 48kHz. Use RAW_OPUS
required) to specify different sample rates:
$ ./synthesize_stream -r 16000 -e RAW_OPUS -i "Привет, мир." -o output_4.wav
In case of API changes (*.proto
files in apis
you may regenerate Protobuf and gRPC definitions by simply running the following script
(no need to re-clone the whole repo):
$ ./sh/