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Over the past 6 months, to what extent: Have you walked or exercised outdoors in your neighborhood?|active lifestyle
Over the past 6 months, to what extent: Have you gone to parks for picnics, walks, or other outings?|active lifestyle
# Feet walked in 2 minutes|physical capacity
# Feet walked in 6 minutes|physical capacity
The total number of steps a person takes in a defined period.|physical capacity
Why do you feel you aren't getting enough exercise?|active lifestyle
Presence of atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter during exercise?|physical capacity
The number of half sit-ups performed in one minute|physical capacity
Exercise Peak diastolic blood pressure|physical capacity
Walking on a level at your own pace|physical capacity
Does your health now limit you in terms of moderate activities such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner, bowling or playing golf?|physical capacity
Does your health now limit you in these activities: Walking more than a mile|physical capacity
ALS (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- FA (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- GENERAL (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- HD (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- HEADACHE (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- MG (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- MS (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- NMD (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- PD (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- SMA (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- STROKE (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile? ----- TBI (F1195): Does your health now limit you in: Walking more than a mile?|physical capacity
Does your health now limit you in these activities: Walking one hundred yards|physical capacity
Does your health now limit you in these activities: Walking several hundred yards|physical capacity
Walking up a hill|physical capacity
By yourself and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty do you have doing chores around the house [like vacuuming, sweeping, dusting or straightening up]?|physical capacity
By yourself and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty do you have pushing or puling large objects like a living room chair?|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty:1. using your usual technique for playing your instrument or sport?|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty:2. playing your musical instrument or sport because of arm, shoulder or hand pain?|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty:3. playing your musical instrument or sport as well as you would like?|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty:4. spending your usual amount of time practising or playing your instrument or sport?|physical capacity
Today, how concerned are you about: moving around (walking, climbing stairs, lifting, etc)?|physical capacity
During the past 4 weeks, how much did physical health problems limit your usual physical activities (such as walking or climbing stairs)?|physical capacity
I have difficulty walking.|physical capacity
I have difficulty walking and/or moving around.|physical capacity
I have difficulty doing physical activities such as running and playing sports.|physical capacity
Mobility: I have no problems in walking about|physical capacity
I have some problems in walking about|physical capacity
Over the last 3 days did you have trouble climbing stairs or inclines or walking off the curb?|physical capacity
Over the last 3 days did you avoid walking, have trouble walking, or walk more slowly than other people your age?|physical capacity
Ability to do sports|physical capacity
Does patient have an exercise intolerance|physical capacity
Do you have difficulty doing any of these activities?|physical capacity
To what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?|physical capacity
Climbing several flights of stairs|physical capacity
I have trouble walking|physical capacity
I have trouble walking|physical capacity
During the 4 weeks before the injury, how often did they have problems with participating in sports activity or exercise?|physical capacity
In the past month, how often did you have problems with participating in sports activity or exercise?|physical capacity
Have you had difficulty standing from a seated position or walking up stairs?|physical capacity
Walking more than a mile|active lifestyle
Walking several blocks|active lifestyle
Walking one block|active lifestyle
Distance walked|active lifestyle
Final partial lap distance|active lifestyle
Total number of yards walked in 6 minutes|physical capacity
Total distance walked in 6 minutes (Number of laps X 60 meters + Final partial lap distance)|physical capacity
How much time did you {usually} spend on {one of those days/that day} doing moderate physical activities in your free time?|active lifestyle
Moderate Exercise Average Hours per Week|active lifestyle
On those days that you engage in moderate to strenuous exercise, how many minutes, on average, do you exercise at this level?|active lifestyle
Time usually spent on vigorous physical activity in a day?|active lifestyle
How much time did you {usually} spend on {one of those days/that day} doing vigorous physical activities in your free time?|active lifestyle
In the past year, on average, how many hours per day did you spend in each of the following activities?|active lifestyle
How long did that walk take/On average, how long did those walks take?|active lifestyle
Other Activities Hours per Day|active lifestyle
Minutes Spent/Activity|active lifestyle
Time usually spent on walking in a day?|active lifestyle
Walking time|active lifestyle
Walk Time:|active lifestyle
Time spent exercising/playing sports with household children|active lifestyle
Number of hours of exercise per week|active lifestyle
Walk or Bike To/From Work (Min/Day)|active lifestyle
On average, over the previous year, how much time did you spend walking or bicycling?|active lifestyle
Time spent exercising with pets|active lifestyle
Time spent in sports and exercise as part of job|active lifestyle
Time spent on specific recreational/leisure sports and exercise (e.g., biking, walking, aerobics, basketball)|active lifestyle
On average, how many hours per week do you exercise?|active lifestyle
Total exercise duration (seconds):|active lifestyle
Frequency and length of physical education classes|active lifestyle
End of Test Dyspnea (from Borg scale)|physical capacity
How often did you have enough energy to exercise strenuously|physical capacity
I have a lot of energy for running or sports|physical capacity
How much of the time can you keep up with others of your age when taking part in sports or games, running soccer, baseball, biking, etc.?|physical capacity
End of Test Fatigue (from Borg scale)|physical capacity
Exercise brings on my fatigue.|physical capacity
I do some light or moderate physical activities, but not every week.|active lifestyle
In the past 7 days, how many times did you do that [if needed, say "walk for at least 10 minutes to get some place."]|active lifestyle
Frequency of physical activity (60 minutes+/day)|active lifestyle
In the past 7 days, how many times did you do that? [If needed, say "walk for at least 10 minutes for fun, relaxation, exercise, or to walk the dog."]|active lifestyle
How often do you play or exercise enough to make you sweat and breathe hard?|active lifestyle
Frequency of light and vigorous physical activity|active lifestyle
Days Per Week of Moderate Physical Activities?|active lifestyle
Frequency of sustained (30 minutes or more), moderate exercise (number of days)|active lifestyle
Moderate Exercise Average Months per Year|active lifestyle
How many days a week of moderate to strenuous exercise, like a brisk walk, do you typically do?|active lifestyle
Frequency of moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity|active lifestyle
Days Per Week of Vigorous Physical Activities?|active lifestyle
Frequency of vigorous physical activity|active lifestyle
Frequency of sustained (20 minutes or more), vigorous exercise (number of days)|active lifestyle
Other Activities Days per Week|active lifestyle
Days Per Week of Walking?|active lifestyle
Frequency of physical activity in past 7 days|active lifestyle
Frequency of exercise each week|active lifestyle
Frequency of exercising|active lifestyle
Frequency of active methods such as walking or bicycling to/from school|active lifestyle
Frequency of use of parks and physical activity in parks|active lifestyle
Physical education enrollment, frequency of class, and amount of activity during class|active lifestyle
Number of days participated in specific outdoor recreational activity (e.g., walking, hiking, kayaking, backpacking, snowboarding) during the past year|active lifestyle
Frequency of childs bicycle riding in past month|active lifestyle
Exercise at least 3 times a week|active lifestyle
Frequency of physical education and average amount of time spent in class exercising or playing sports|active lifestyle
Frequency of participation in sports or exercise|active lifestyle
In the past month, circle a number for how many times you: Participated in sports with other people you do not live with|active lifestyle
I do activities to increase muscle strength, such as lifting weights or calisthenics, once a week or more.|active lifestyle
I do activities to improve flexibility, such as stretching or yoga, once a week or more.|active lifestyle
# Times per week (Aerobics)|active lifestyle
TBI (F0385): In a typical month how many times do you engage in sports or exercise outside your home? Include activities like running, bowling, going to the gym, swimming, walking for exercise and the like.|active lifestyle
Frequency weight-bearing exercise|active lifestyle
I do moderate physical activities every week, but less than 30 minutes a day or 5 days a week.|active lifestyle
I do 30 minutes or more a day of moderate physical activities, 5 or more days a week.|active lifestyle
Frequency and amount of time spent on vigorous and moderate physical activity|active lifestyle
I do vigorous physical activities every week, but less than 20 minutes a day or 3 days a week.|active lifestyle
I do 20 minutes or more a day of vigorous physical activities, 3 or more days a week.|active lifestyle
Frequency of physical activity for 60 or more minutes per day|active lifestyle
Frequency of physical activity (number of days respondent spent 60 minutes or more exercising)|active lifestyle
How many flights of stairs (not individual steps) do you climb daily|active lifestyle
Participants heart rate during 4 minute warm up|physical capacity
Participants heart rate immediately after the walk|physical capacity
Participants heart rate during the last 10 minutes of the walk as shown on heart rate monitor|physical capacity
How many days in the past week have you performed physical activity where your heart beats faster and your breathing is harder than normal for 30 minutes or more? (In 3, 10 minute bouts, or one 30-minute bout)|physical capacity
Exercise testing for evaluation of hypoxemia and/or desaturation that occurs on exertion|physical capacity
Hard Activity (Increased breathing and moderate movement)|active lifestyle
Activity Level|active lifestyle
Activity Intensity|active lifestyle
An assessment of all recent physical activities and the intensity of those activities.|active lifestyle
Compared to other children your child's age, what was (his/her) level of participation before the injury in structured events and activities in the neighborhood and community (eg, team sports, clubs, holiday or religious events, concerts, parades and fairs)?|physical capacity
I have to limit my physical activity because of diarrhea|environment
Do you know of any other reason why you should NOT do physical activity?|environment
Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?|environment
Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?|environment
In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?|environment
Does your health limit you in terms of climbing several flights of stairs?|environment
I have trouble walking because of pain|environment
Does the patient have other clinical conditions limiting ability to walk (recent leg fracture, significant osteoarthritis, related orthopedic conditions, degenerative neurological conditions, etc.)?|environment
HEADACHE (F1384): Would you have had physical trouble or difficulty doing the activities in gym class?|environment
HEADACHE (F1383): Would your child have had physical trouble or difficulty doing the activities in gym class (or playing sports)?|environment
Pain experienced while engaging in physical activity|environment
Supplemental oxygen during the test|physical capacity
Supplemental oxygen during the test flow|physical capacity
What is your usual walking pace outdoors|active lifestyle
Before the patient was sick, how many days per week did the patient exercise for 20 minutes or longer?|physical capacity
Exercise peak pulse rate|physical capacity
Exercise peak systolic blood pressure|physical capacity
Do you exercise regularly?|active lifestyle
Number of curl-ups|active lifestyle
Total number of curls made correctly within 30 seconds|physical capacity
Number of modified pull-ups completed|physical capacity
Number of push-ups completed|physical capacity
Number of push-ups|physical capacity
Does your health now limit you in these activities: Vigorous activities, such as running, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports|physical capacity
A measure of a person's confidence in their ability to exercise on a regular basis - Adolescent Protocol|active lifestyle
A measure of a person's confidence in their ability to exercise on a regular basis.|active lifestyle
Section 2: These are questions about what activities usually make you feel short of breath. Mark either True or False as it applied to you now. Walking in the house|physical capacity
Section 2: These are questions about what activities usually make you feel short of breath. Mark either True or False as it applied to you now. Walking outside on level ground|physical capacity
Section 2: These are questions about what activities usually make you feel short of breath. Mark either True or False as it applied to you now. Walking up a flight of stairs|physical capacity
Section 2: These are questions about what activities usually make you feel short of breath. Mark either True or False as it applied to you now. Walking up hills|physical capacity
Section 2: These are questions about what activities usually make you feel short of breath. Mark either True or False as it applied to you now. Playing sports or active games (baseball, tennis, etc.)|physical capacity
Shortness of breath with walking around your home and activities of daily living?|physical capacity
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Planned for exercise on recreational outings.|active lifestyle
Walking speed|active lifestyle
Time to complete entire 1 mile run|physical capacity
Time to complete entire 1 mile walk|physical capacity
Time to complete entire 1 mile walk|physical capacity
Treadmill speed during warm up|physical capacity
End of Test Oxygen Saturation (SpO2)|physical capacity
Exercise SpO2|physical capacity
Resting or Exercise Arterial pO2 <= 55 mm Hg or SpO2 <= 88%|physical capacity
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Exercised with me.|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Offered to exercise with me.|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Gave me helpful reminders to exercise ("Are you going to exercise tonight?").|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Gave me encouragement to stick with my exercise program.|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Changed their schedule so we could exercise together.|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Discussed exercise with me.|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Complained about the time I spend exercising.|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Criticized me or made fun of me for exercising.|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Gave me rewards for exercising (bought me something or gave me something I like).|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Helped plan activities around my exercise.|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Asked me for ideas on how they can get more exercise.|environment
During the past three months, my family (or members of my household) or friends: Talked about how much they like to exercise.|environment
Over the past 6 months, to what extent: Has your workplace had rules or policies that made it easier for you to manage your illness (such as no smoking rules or time off work to exercise)?|environment
Exercise Type|active lifestyle
What kind of exercise do you typically do?|active lifestyle
End of Test Heart Rate|physical capacity
Walk Velocity % Predicted - 2 minutes|physical capacity
Walk Velocity % Predicted - 6 minutes|physical capacity
I do some light physical activity every week.|active lifestyle
How often did you participate in STRENUOUS exercise activities or sports (e.g., swimming laps, aerobics, calisthenics, running, jogging, basketball, cycling on hills, racquetball)?|active lifestyle
During the past 7 days, did you walk to get some place that took you at least 10 minutes?|active lifestyle
Running (10-minute miles or faster)|active lifestyle
Running (10-minute miles or faster)|active lifestyle
Jogging (slower than 10-minute mile)|active lifestyle
Walking one hundred yards|active lifestyle
Walking on a level with others your age|environment
Sometimes you may walk for fun, relaxation, exercise, or to walk the dog. During the past 7 days, did you walk for at least 10 minutes for any of these reasons?|active lifestyle
Has the patient participated in a marathon, triathalon, or other endurance-related physical activity within the last 24 months?|active lifestyle
Do you exercise or play enough to make you sweat and breathe hard?|active lifestyle
Have you walked fast or briskly for exercise in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you swam gently in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Hard Activity|active lifestyle
5 METs: Heavy outdoor work (digging, spading soil), playing singles tennis, carry 60 pounds|active lifestyle
Have you done heavy work around the house in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
2 METs: Light yard work (raking leaves, weeding, pushing power mower), painting, light carpentry|active lifestyle
Light Activity|active lifestyle
Have you done light work around the house in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you done light gardening in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you done light strength training in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Lower intensity exercise (yoga, stretching, Pilates, toning)|active lifestyle
Lower intensity exercise (yoga, stretching, Pilates, toning)|active lifestyle
GENERAL (F1278): Mild Exercise (minimal effort) ----- HD (F1278): Mild Exercise (minimal effort) ----- MS (F1278): Mild Exercise (minimal effort)|active lifestyle
Moderate activities, such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner, bowling, or playing golf|active lifestyle
Does your health now limit you in these activities: Moderate activities, such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner, bowling, or playing golf|active lifestyle
GENERAL (F1278): Moderate Exercise (Not exhausting) ----- HD (F1278): Moderate Exercise (Not exhausting) ----- MS (F1278): Moderate Exercise (Not exhausting)|active lifestyle
The following survey questions have to do with moderate-intensity walking. It is important to think clearly about the sort of walking you do in order to answer these questions accurately. Here are a few guidelines about moderate-intensity walking. Moderate-intensity walking is done at a medium pace (about 3 miles per hour) such as walking done for pleasure, transportation, exercise, sport, hiking, or backpacking; walking your dog; walking during lunch breaks or after dinner; walking instead of driving a short distance; and walking to and from classes. How much do the following things prevent you from accumulating at least 30 minutes of walking throughout your daily routine? ... foot pain, perspiring in nice clothing, blisters ...|active lifestyle
How often did you participate in MODERATE exercise activities or sports (e.g., brisk walking, golf, volleyball, cycling on level streets, recreational tennis, or softball)?|active lifestyle
Moderate Activity|active lifestyle
The next questions are about physical activities or exercise you may do in your free time for at least 10 minutes, other than walking. First, think about activities that take moderate physical effort, such as bicycling, dancing, swimming, and gardening. During the last 7 days, did you do any moderate physical activities in your free time for at least 10 minutes, other than walking?|active lifestyle
Have you swam moderately or fast in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you done moderate to heavy strength training in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Walking more than a mile|active lifestyle
11. Carry a heavy object (over 10 lbs)|physical capacity
Walking several hundred yards|active lifestyle
GENERAL (F1278): Strenuous Exercise (heart beats rapidly) ----- HD (F1278): Strenuous Exercise (heart beats rapidly) ----- MS (F1278): Strenuous Exercise (heart beats rapidly)|active lifestyle
Very Hard activity (hard breathing and quick movement)|physical capacity
Any other vigorous activities (lawn mowing, etc.)|active lifestyle
Very Hard Activity|active lifestyle
Now think about vigorous activities you did in your free time that take hard physical effort, such as aerobics, running, soccer, fast bicycling, or fast swimming. Again, do not include walking. During the last 7 days, did you do any vigorous physical activities in your free time?|active lifestyle
Vigorous activities, such as running, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports|active lifestyle
Vigorous activities, such as runing, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports|active lifestyle
By yourself and without using any special equipment, how much difficulty do you have lifting or carrying something as heavy as 10 pounds?|physical capacity
GENERAL (F1278): During a typical 7-Day period (a week), in your leisure time, how often do you engage in any regular activity long enough to work up a sweat (heart beats rapidly) ----- HD (F1278): During a typical 7-Day period (a week), in your leisure time, how often do you engage in any regular activity long enough to work up a sweat (heart beats rapidly) ----- MS (F1278): During a typical 7-Day period (a week), in your leisure time, how often do you engage in any regular activity long enough to work up a sweat (heart beats rapidly)|active lifestyle
Meaningfulness of physical activity|active lifestyle
Rate HOW SURE you are that you can do the following in each situation: Instead of just sitting listening to music, listen while you are being active (e.g. walking or dancing)?|active lifestyle
I rarely or never do any physical activities.|active lifestyle
1 METs: Walking slowly on a flat surface for 1-2 blocks, moderate housework (vacuum, sweeping floors, carrying groceries)|active lifestyle
3 METs: Walking briskly (4 miles in an hour), social dancing, washing a car|active lifestyle
4 METs: Playing 9 holes of golf carrying your own clubs, heavy carpentry, mow lawn with push mower|active lifestyle
6 METs: Move heavy furniture, jog slowly, climb stairs quickly, carry 20 pounds upstairs|active lifestyle
Walking for exercise or walking to work|active lifestyle
Other Activity Description|active lifestyle
Standing or walking around at work or away from home|active lifestyle
Standing or walking around at home|active lifestyle
Walking|active lifestyle
Walking up stairs|active lifestyle
Walk|active lifestyle
Leisure-time physical activity (adults only)|active lifestyle
Take frequent walks in neighborhood|active lifestyle
Physical activity|active lifestyle
Physical activity outside of school|active lifestyle
Whether or not respondent engaged in exercise for the purpose of weight loss in past 30 days|active lifestyle
Occupational physical activity|active lifestyle
Have you played billiards or shot pool in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you walked uphill in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you walked to do errands in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you walked leisurely for exercise or pleasure in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you done yoga or Tai-chi in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
During the past month, other than your regular job, did you participate in any physical activities or exercises such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or walking for exercise?|active lifestyle
7 METs: Bicycling at a moderate pace, sawing wood, jumping rope (slowly)|active lifestyle
8 METs: Brisk swimming, bicycle up a hill, walking briskly uphill, jog 6 miles per hour|active lifestyle
Walking/bicycling for travel|active lifestyle
Favorite outdoor activities|active lifestyle
Childrens bicycle use in past year|active lifestyle
Ride a bicycle to work or for other transportation|active lifestyle
Have you played golf, riding a cart in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you played golf, carrying or pulling your equipment in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Efforts to encourage physical activity|environment
Over the past 6 months, to what extent: Have family or friends exercised with you?|environment
Over the past 6 months, to what extent: Have you walked or done other exercise activities with neighbors?|environment
Constraints on outdoor activities (e.g., lack of money; lack of time due to work, family, or other obligations; health restrictions; lack of companion for activity; inadequate transportation; pollution)|environment
Participation in sports|active lifestyle
9 METs: Cross country ski, play full court basketball|active lifestyle
10 METs: Running briskly, continuously (level grounds, 8 minutes per mile)|active lifestyle
11 METs: Any competitive activity with intermittent sprinting, running competitively, rowing, backpacking|active lifestyle
Compared to other children your child's age, what was (his/her) level of participation before the injury in social, play and recreational activities with other children at school (eg, 'hanging out,' sports, clubs, hobbies, creative arts, lunchtime or recess activities)?|active lifestyle
Participation in specific sports|active lifestyle
Participation in sports teams during the past year (number of teams)|active lifestyle
Physical activity environment: Parks within walking distance, their safety|active lifestyle
Have you danced in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you played singles tennis in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you played doubles tennis in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you skated in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you ridden a bicycle or stationary cycle in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you done water exercises in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you done stretching or flexibility exercises in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you done aerobics or aerobic dancing in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Over the past 6 months, to what extent: Have you attended wellness programs or fitness facilities?|active lifestyle
Other aerobic exercise (aerobic dancing, ski or stair machine, etc.)|active lifestyle
Lap swimming|active lifestyle
Weight training or resistance exercises (including free weights or machines such as Nautilus)|active lifestyle
Tennis, squash, racquetball|active lifestyle
Tennis, squash, racquetball|active lifestyle
Run|active lifestyle
Cardiorespiratory fitness|active lifestyle
Have you jogged or run in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you done general conditioning exercises in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
Have you played basketball, soccer, or racquetball in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
8. Garden or do yard work.|physical capacity
7. Do heavy household chores (e.g., wash walls, wash floors).|physical capacity
18. Recreational activities in which you take some force or impact through your arm, shoulder or hand (e.g., golf, hammering, tennis, etc.).|physical capacity
19. Recreational activities in which you move your arm freely (e.g., playing frisbee, badminton, etc.).|physical capacity
Lifting or carrying groceries|physical capacity
NMD (F1062): Post-Exercise ----- SMA (F1062): Post-Exercise|physical capacity
ALS (F0786): Exercise brings on my fatigue ----- GENERAL (F0786): Exercise brings on my fatigue ----- MS (F0786): Exercise brings on my fatigue ----- PD (F0786): Exercise brings on my fatigue|physical capacity
When I don't exercise I feel guilty.|environment
I sometimes feel like I don't want to exercise, but I go ahead and push myself anyway.|environment
When I miss an exercise session, I feel concerned about my body possibly getting out of shape.|environment
If I miss a planned workout, I attempt to make up for it the next day.|active lifestyle
I may miss a day of exercise for no good reason.|active lifestyle
Sometimes, I feel a need to exercise twice in one day, even though I may feel a little tired.|environment
If I feel I have overeaten, I will try to make up for it by increasing the amount I exercise.|active lifestyle
When I miss a scheduled exercise session I may feel tense, irritable or depressed.|environment
Sometimes, I find that my mind wanders to thoughts about exercising.|active lifestyle
I have had daydreams about exercising.|active lifestyle
I keep a record of my exercise performance, such as how long I work out, how far or fast I run.|active lifestyle
I have experienced a feeling of euphoria or a high during or after an exercise session.|environment
I frequently push myself to the limits.|environment
I have exercised when advised against such activity (i.e. by a doctor, friend, etc.)|active lifestyle
For each situation, give me a number between 1 and 5 that describes how s.u.r.e. you are that you can walk for exercise. (1) means I'm sure I cannot, and (5) means I'm sure I can. You can use any number in between; I can set aside at least 10 minutes, 3 days a week, for regular walking for exercise|active lifestyle
Do you usually feel motivated to exercise?|environment
Do you enjoy exercise?|active lifestyle
Are you too tired to exercise?|environment
I'm in too much pain to exercise|physical capacity
Were you sick last week, or did anything prevent you from doing your normal physical activities?|environment
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Sitting at work (if child has a job)|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) becauseNo other children walk or bike to this park|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because It's not considered cool to walk or bike|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because It is easier for me to drive my child here on the way to something else|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because It involves too much planning ahead|environment
I don't have anyone to exercise with|environment
If I have planned to exercise at a particular time and somethingunexpected comes up (like an old friend comes to visit or I have some work to do that needs immediate attention) I will usually skip my exercise for that day.|environment
About how many times during the month did you participate in vigorous activities, that lasted at least 10 minutes and caused large increases in breathing, heart rate, or leg fatigue, or caused you to perspire?|active lifestyle
Are you able to do chores such as vaccuming or yard work? (Without any difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to do chores such as vaccuming or yard work? (With a little difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to do chores such as vaccuming or yard work? (With some difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to do chores such as vaccuming or yard work? (With much difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to do chores such as vaccuming or yard work? (unable to do)|physical capacity
Are you able to go up and down stairs at a normal pace? (Without any difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to go up and down stairs at a normal pace? (With a little difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to go up and down stairs at a normal pace? (With some difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to go up and down stairs at a normal pace? (With much difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to go up and down stairs at a normal pace? (unable to do)|physical capacity
Are you able to go for a walk of at least 15 minutes? (Without any difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to go for a walk of at least 15 minutes? (With a little difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to go for a walk of at least 15 minutes? (With some difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to go for a walk of at least 15 minutes? (With much difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to go for a walk of at least 15 minutes? (unable to do)|physical capacity
Are you able to run errands and shop? (Without any difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to run errands and shop? (With a little difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to run errands and shop? (With some difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to run errands and shop? (With much difficulty)|physical capacity
Are you able to run errands and shop? (unable to do)|physical capacity
Has you doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only perform physical activity reccommended by a doctor?|physical capacity
Do you feel pain in your chest when you perform physical activity?|physical capacity
In the past month, have you ever had chest pain when you were not performing any physical activity?|physical capacity
Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?|physical capacity
Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be be made worse by a change in your physical activity?|physical capacity
Does your occupation require extended periods of sitting?|environment
Does your occupation require extended periods of repetitive movements?|active lifestyle
Do you partake in any recreational activities (golf, tennis, skiing, etc.)?|active lifestyle
I rarely or never do any physical activities.|active lifestyle
I do some light or moderate physical activities, but not every week.|active lifestyle
I do some light physical activity every week.|active lifestyle
I do vigorous physical activities every week, but less than 20 minutes a day or 3 days a week.|active lifestyle
I do activities to increase muscle strength, such as lifting weights or calisthenics, once a week or more.|active lifestyle
I do activities to improve flexibility, such as stretching or yoga, once a week or more.|active lifestyle
Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. (push open a heavy door)|physical capacity
Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. (place an object on a shelf above your head)|physical capacity
Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. (do heavy household chores (e.g., wash walls, wash floors)|physical capacity
Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. (graden or do yard work)|physical capacity
Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. (carry a shopping bag or briefcase)|physical capacity
Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. (carry a heavy object (over 10 lbs))|physical capacity
Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. (recreational activities which require little effort (e.g., cardplaying, knitting, etc)|physical capacity
Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. (recreational activities in which you take some force or impact through your arm, shoulder or hand (e.g., golf, hammering, tennis, etc)|physical capacity
Please rate your ability to do the following activities in the last week by circling the number below the appropriate response. (recreational activities in which you move your arm freely (e.g., playing frisbee, badminton, etc)|physical capacity
During the past week, to what extent has your arm, shoulder or hand problem interfered with your nonrmal social activities with family, friends, neighbors or groups? (circle number)|physical capacity
During the past week, were you limited in your work or other regular daily activities as a result of your arm, shoulder or hand problem? (circle number)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: using your usual technique for playing your instrument or sport? (No difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: playing your musical instrument or sport because of arm, shoulder or hand pain?(No difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: spending your usual amount of time practising or playing your instrument or sport? (No difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: using your usual technique for playing your instrument or sport? (Mild difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: playing your musical instrument or sport because of arm, shoulder or hand pain? (Mild difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: spending your usual amount of time practising or playing your instrument or sport? (Mild Difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: using your usual technique for playing your instrument or sport? (Moderate difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: playing your musical instrument or sport because of arm, shoulder or hand pain? (Moderate Difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: spending your usual amount of time practising or playing your instrument or sport? (Moderate difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: using your usual technique for playing your instrument or sport?(Severe difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: playing your musical instrument or sport because of arm, shoulder or hand pain? (Severe difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: spending your usual amount of time practising or playing your instrument or sport? (Severe difficulty)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: using your usual technique for playing your instrument or sport? (Unable)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: playing your musical instrument or sport because of arm, shoulder or hand pain? (Unable)|physical capacity
Please circle the number that best describes your physical ability in the past week. Did you have any difficulty: spending your usual amount of time practising or playing your instrument or sport? (Unable)|physical capacity
About how many days did you walk fur exercise?|active lifestyle
On average, how many minutes did you walk each time?|active lifestyle
Did you usually have a small increase, a medium increase, a large increase or no increase at all in your heart beat and/or breathing?|physical capacity
What is your usual pace of walking? Is it: (1) casual or strolling, (2) average or normal, (3) fairly brisk, or (4) brisk or striding?|active lifestyle
I would like you to respond with never ,rarely, sometimes, onen, or very often; During the past 3 months, my family or friends exercised or walked with me|environment
I would like you to respond with never ,rarely, sometimes, onen, or very often; During the past 3 months my family or friends offered to exercise or walk with me.|environment
I would like you to respond with never ,rarely, sometimes, onen, or very often; During the past 3 months. my family or friends encouraged me to exercise or walk.|environment
On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 meaning I hate it and 5 meaning I enjoy it. how much do you enjoy physical activity while you are doing it?|active lifestyle
On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 meaning I feel interested and 5 meaning I feel bored, how much are you interested by physical activity while you are doing it?|active lifestyle
On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 meaning it's no fun at all and 5 meaning it's a lot of fun, how fun is physical activity for you while you are doing it?|active lifestyle
On a scale from I to 5 with 1 meaning it's very pleasant and 5 meaning it's vea unQleasant. how pleasant is physical activity for you while you are doing it?|active lifestyle
On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 meaning I feel good physically and 5 meaning I feel bad pysically, how do you feel while you are doing physical activity?|active lifestyle
For each situation, give me a number between 1 and 5 that describes how s.u.r.e. you are that you can walk for exercise. (1) means I'm sure I cannot, and (5) means I'm sure I can. You can use any number in between; I can walk at least 10 minutes, for 3 days a week even though I am feeling sad or highly stressed|environment
For each situation, give me a number between 1 and 5 that describes how s.u.r.e. you are that you can walk for exercise. (1) means I'm sure I cannot, and (5) means I'm sure I can. You can use any number in between; I can stick to walking for at least 10 minutes, for 3 days a week, even when my family or social life take a lot of my time.|environment
I am going to read to you some things that may interfere with or prevent you from exercising or walking. For each onet tell me how often it interferes or prevents you from exercising or walking; I lack someone to exercise with me|environment
I am going to read to you some things that may interfere with or prevent you from exercising or walking. For each onet tell me how often it interferes or prevents you from exercising or walking; Others discourage me|environment
I am going to read to you some things that may interfere with or prevent you from exercising or walking. For each onet tell me how often it interferes or prevents you from exercising or walking; I am afraid of injury|environment
I am going to read to you some things that may interfere with or prevent you from exercising or walking. For each onet tell me how often it interferes or prevents you from exercising or walking; I have a lack of time|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; gas station|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; convenience/corner store/ small grocery store/ bodega|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; supermarket|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; hardware store|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; fruit/vegetable market|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; laundry or dry cleaners|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; clothing store|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; post office|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; library|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; elementary school|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; middle or high school|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; book store|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; fast food restaurant|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; coffee place|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; bank/credit union|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; non-fast food restaurant|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; video store|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; pharmacy/drug store|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; hairdressers/barber shop|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; any offices/worksites|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest stores or places listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; bus, subway or train stop|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; indoor recreation or exercise facility (public or private)|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; beach, lake, river, or creek|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; bike/hiking/walking trails, paths|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; basketball court|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; other playing fields/courts (e.g., soccer,football,softball,tennis, skate park etc.)|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; YMCA|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; boys and girls club|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; swimming pool|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; walking/running track|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; school with recreation facilities open to the public|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; small public park|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; large public park|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; public playground with equipment|environment
About how long would it take you to walk (on your own, without your children) from your home to the nearest recreation place listed below? Please circle the time it would take you to walk to each place, even if you don't normally go there; public open space (grass or sand/dirt) that is not a park|environment
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; indoor recreation or exercise facility (public or private)|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; beach, lake, river, or creek|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; bike/hiking/walking trails, paths|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; basketball court|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; other playing fields/courts (e.g., football, softball, tennis)|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; YMCA|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; boys and girls club|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; swimming pool|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; walking / running track|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; school with recreation facilities open to the public|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; small public park|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; large public park|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; public playground with equipment|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; public open space (grass or sanddirt) that is not a park|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; shopping mall, plaza|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; friend/relative's house|active lifestyle
Please tell us how often your child is active in the following places; place child works|active lifestyle
If your child goes there, does he/she usually walk or bike there? (Alone or with someone)|active lifestyle
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because There are too many hills along the way|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because There are no sidewalks or bike lanes|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because The route does not have good lighting|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because The route is boring|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) becauseThere is too much traffic along the route|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because There is one or more dangerous crossings|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because My child gets too hot and sweaty|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because My child has too much stuff to carry|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because It is unsafe because of crime (strangers,gangs, drugs)|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because My child gets bullied, teased, harassed|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because There is nowhere to leave a bike safely|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because There are stray dogs|environment
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements: It is difficult for my child to walk or bike to the local park (alone or with someone) because It is too far|environment
For the past seven days, how many days was your child physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day?|active lifestyle
Over a typical or usual week on how many days is your child physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day?|active lifestyle
Outside of school, how many days per week does your child play or practice team sports?|active lifestyle
Outside of school, how many days per week does your child have activity training or instruction not in a team sport (e.g., martial arts, dance, tennis)|active lifestyle
How many days per week does your child have gym or Phys Ed class at school?|active lifestyle
how much time did your child spend walking your dog last week?|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Watching television/videos/DVDs|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Playing computer or video games (like Nintendo or xbox)|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Using the internet, emailing, or other electronic media for leisure|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Doing homework (including reading, writing, or using the computer)|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Sitting listening to music (on radio, CD, tape, MP3, iPod, etc.)|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Sitting talking on the telephone or texting|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Sitting/hanging out/talking with friends or family|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Reading a book or magazine NOT for school (including comic books)|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Doing inactive hobbies (music, art, crafts, clubs, going to movies etc)|active lifestyle
Please indicate how much time on a typical WEEK DAY your child does the following activities, when he/she is mostly sitting, and not moving around; Riding or driving in a car|active lifestyle
How often does your child's school have supervised physical activities after school?|environment
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Shopping (eg, grocery, clothes)|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Stair climbing while carrying a load.|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Laundry: Unloading/ loading machine, hanging, folding only|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Laundry: Washing clothes by hand|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Light housework: tidying, dusting, sweeping, collecting rubbish in the home, polishing, ironing.|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week.|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Heavy housework: vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing floors and walls, moving furniture, boxes or rubbish bins.|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Food preparation: chopping, stirring, moving about to get food items and pans.|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Food service: setting table, carrying food, serving food|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Dish washing: clearing the table, washing /drying dishes, putting dishes away.|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Light home repair. Small appliance repair, light home maintenance / repair.|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Heavy home repair: painting, carpentry, washing/polishing car.|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Yard work Gardening, pruning, planting, weeding, digging, hoeing|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Yard work: Lawn mowing (walking only)|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Yard work: Clearing walks/driveways: sweeping, shoveling, raking|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Care taking: Older or disabled person (lifting, pushing wheelchair)|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Care taking: Child care (lifting, carrying, pushing pram)|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Exercise: Brisk walking|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Exercise: Pool exercises, stretching, yoga|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Exercise: Vigorous calisthenics, aerobics|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Exercise: Cycling|active lifestyle
We are interested to learn about the types of activities which are part of your regular routine. I am going to show you lists of common types of physical activities. Please tell me how much time (in minutes or hours) you spent during the past week; Exercise: Swimming (laps only)|active lifestyle
About how long do you do this vigorous activity/ies each time?|active lifestyle
Think about the walks you have taken in the past month. About how many times per month did you walk for at least 10 minutes or more without stopping which was not strenuous enough to cause large increases in breathing, heart rate, or leg fatigue or cause you to perspire?|active lifestyle
When you did this walking, for how many minutes did you do it?|active lifestyle
About how many hours per day do you spend moving around on your feet while doing things? Please report only the item that you are actually moving.|active lifestyle
Think about how much time you spend standing or moving around on your feet on an average day during the past month. About how many how per day do you stand?|active lifestyle
About how many hours did you spend sitting on an average day during the past month?|active lifestyle
About how many flights of stairs do you climb up each day? (let 10 steps = 1 flight|active lifestyle
Please compare the amount of physical activity that you do during other seasons of the year with the amount of activity you just reported for a typical week in the past month. For example, in the summer, do you do more or less activity than what you reported in the past month?|active lifestyle
How often do you exercise?|active lifestyle
With what intensity do you usually exercise?|active lifestyle
How long do you usually work out?|active lifestyle
Yesterday, were you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes? (Add up all the time you spent in any kind of physical activity that increased your heart rate and made you breathe hard some of the time.)|active lifestyle
During the past 7 days, on how many days were you physically active for a total of at least 60 minutes per day?|active lifestyle
On how many of the past 7 days did you exercise or participate in physical activity for at least 20 minutes that made you sweat and breathe hard, such as basketball, soccer, running, swimming laps, fast bicycling, fast dancing, or similar aerobic activities?|active lifestyle
On how many of the past 7 days did you do exercises to strengthen or tone your muscles, such as push-ups, sit-ups, or weight lifting?|active lifestyle
On an average school day, how many hours do you play video or computer games or use a computer for something that is not school work? (Include activities such as Nintendo, Game Boy, PlayStation, Xbox, computer games, and the Internet.)|active lifestyle
On an average school day, how many hours do you spend watching DVDs or videos? Include DVDs or videos you watch on a TV, computer, iPod, or other portable device.|active lifestyle
On an average school day, how many hours do you watch TV?|active lifestyle
In an average week when you are in school, on how many days do you go to physical education (PE) classes?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, on how many sports teams did you play? (Include teams run by your school or community groups.)|active lifestyle
In an average week when you are in school, on how many days do you walk or ride your bike to school when weather allows you to do so?|active lifestyle
In an average week when you are in school, on how many days do you walk or ride your bike home from school when weather allows you to do so?|environment
During a typical week, how often does an adult in your householdencourage you to do physical activities or play sports?|environment
During a typical week, how often does an adult in your householddo a physical activity or play sports with you?|environment
During a typical week, how often does an adult in your householdprovide transportation to a place where you can do physical activities or play sports?|environment
During a typical week, how often does an adult in your householdwatch you participate in physical activities or sports?|environment
During the past 30 days, did you exercise to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?|active lifestyle
Over the past 7 days, how often did you participate in sitting activities such as reading, watching TV, or doing handcrafts?|active lifestyle
On average, how many hours per day did you engage in these sitting activities?|active lifestyle
Over the past 7 days, how often did you take a walk outside your home or yard for any reason? For example, for fun or exercise, walking to work, walking the dog, walking in a mall, etc?|active lifestyle
On average, how many hours per day did you spend walking?|active lifestyle
Over the past 7 days, how often did you engage in light sport or recreational activities such as bowling, golf with a cart, shuffleboard, fishing from a boat or pier or other similar activities?|active lifestyle
On average, how many hours per day did you engage in these light sport or recreational activities?|active lifestyle
Over the past 7 days, how often did you engage in moderate sport or recreational activities such as doubles tennis, ballroom dancing, hunting, ice skating, golf without a cart, softball or other similar activities?|active lifestyle
On average, how many hours per day did you engage in these moderate sport or recreational activities?|active lifestyle
Over the past 7 days, how often did you engage in strenuous sport or recreational activities such as jogging, swimming, cycling, singles tennis, aerobic dance, skiing (downhill or cross country or other similar activities?|active lifestyle
On average, how many hours per day did you engage in these strenuous activities?|active lifestyle
Over the past 7 days, how often did you do any exercises specifically to increase muscle strength or endurance, such as lifting weights or pushups, etc?|active lifestyle
On average, how many hours per day did you engage in exercises to increase muscle strength or endurance, such as lifting weights, pushups, or physical therapy with weights, etc.?|active lifestyle
During the past 7 days, have you done any light housework, such as dusting, washing or drying dishes, or ironing?|active lifestyle
During the past 7 days, have you done any heavy housework or chores such as vacuuming, scrubbing floors, washing windows, or carrying wood?|active lifestyle
During the past 7 days, did you engage in home repairs like painting, wallpapering, electrical work, etc.?|active lifestyle
During the past 7 days, did you engage in lawn work or yard care, including snow or leaf removal, chopping wood, etc?|active lifestyle
During the past 7 days, did you engage in outdoor gardening?|active lifestyle
Which of the following categories best describes the amount of physical activity required on your job and/or volunteer work?|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times?; Skipping|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Rowing/canoeing|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? In-line skating|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Tag|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Walking for exercise|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Bicycling|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Jogging or running|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Aerobics|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Swimming|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Baseball, softball|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Dance|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Football|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Badminton|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Skateboarding|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? soccer|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Street hockey|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? volleyball|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Floor hockey|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Basketball|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Ice skating|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Cross-country skiing|active lifestyle
Physical activity in your spare time: Have you done any of the following activities in the past 7 days (last week)? If yes, how many times? Ice hockey/ringette|active lifestyle
In the last 7 days, during your physical education (PE) classes, how often were you very active (playing hard, running, jumping, throwing)?|active lifestyle
In the last 7 days, on how many days right after school, did you do sports, dance, or play games in which you were very active? (Check one only.)|active lifestyle
In the last 7 days, on how many evenings did you do sports, dance, or play games in which you were very active?|active lifestyle
On the last weekend, how many times did you do sports, dance, or play games in which you were very active?|active lifestyle
How likely are you to be physically active 3-5 times a week?|active lifestyle
How likely you to exercise and keep moving for most of the time in your after school program?|active lifestyle
How likely are you to run or bike 3-5 times a week?|active lifestyle
How likely are you to keep up a steady pace without stopping for 15- 20 minutes when you are physically active?|physical capacity
How long does your sport or physical activity go for each time?|active lifestyle
I enjoy doing at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activities every day.|active lifestyle
I look for ways to include activity in my daily life|active lifestyle
I do some kind of stretching and strength activities at least 3 times a week.|active lifestyle
How often do you get around on foot or by bicycle?|active lifestyle
How often do you take the stairs instead of using the elevator?|active lifestyle
How many times a week do you exercise for at least 30 minutes?|active lifestyle
Do you organize your time so as to include exercise?|active lifestyle
Do you find alternative ways of staying active when the weather is bad and you don't want to go outside to exercise?|environment
Do you follow the physical activity recommendations to help you lose weight?|active lifestyle
Do you limit your physical activity for fear of being hungry at the end of a training session?|environment
With me, it's all or nothing, either I exercise every day or I don't do it at all for the week|active lifestyle
I'm too tired to cook or exercise|environment
Do you engage in moderate physical activity 4 5 times / week?|active lifestyle
Do you enjoy being physically active?|active lifestyle
What activities do you participate in now? How often?|active lifestyle
How far do you walk each day? (To and from classes, etc.)|active lifestyle
I engage in physical exercise on a daily basis.|active lifestyle
I engage in one/more of the following forms of exercise: walking, jogging/running or weightlifting.|active lifestyle
I exercise more than three days per week|active lifestyle
My best friend likes to exercise.|environment
I will engage in other forms of exercise if I am unable to engage in my usual form of exercise.|active lifestyle
Does your work involve vigorous-intensity activity that causes large increases in breathing or heart rate like [carrying or lifting heavy loads, digging or construction work] for at least 10 minutes continuously?|environment
In a typical week, on how many days do you do vigorous-intensity activities as part of your work?|active lifestyle
How much time do you spend doing vigorous-intensity activities at work on a typical day?|active lifestyle
Does your work involve moderate-intensity activity, that causes small increases in breathing or heart rate such as brisk walking [or carrying light loads] for at least 10 minutes continuously?|physical capacity
In a typical week, on how many days do you do moderate-intensity activities as part of your work?|active lifestyle
Do you walk or use a bicycle (pedal cycle) for at least 10 minutes continuously to get to and from places?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, on how many days do you walk or bicycle for at least 10 minutes continuously to get to and from places?|active lifestyle
How much time do you spend walking or bicycling for travel on a typical day?|active lifestyle
Do you do any vigorous-intensity sports, fitness or recreational (leisure) activities that cause large increases in breathing or heart rate like [running or football] for at least 10 minutes continuously?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, on how many days do you do vigorous-intensity sports, fitness or recreational (leisure) activities?|active lifestyle
How much time do you spend doing vigorous-intensity sports, fitness or recreational activities on a typical day?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, on how many days do you do moderate-intensity sports, fitness or recreational (leisure) activities?|active lifestyle
How much time do you spend doing moderate-intensity sports, fitness or recreational (leisure) activities on a typical day?|active lifestyle
Last week did you walk continuously for at least 10 min for recreation, exercise or to get to and from places?|active lifestyle
How many days last week did you spend walking each day?|active lifestyle
On average, how many total minutes did you spend walking each day?|active lifestyle
Did you do this activity today : Walk to work, school, shopping?|active lifestyle
How long did you do this activity today: walk to work, school, shopping?|active lifestyle
Did you do this activity today: bicycle to work, school, shopping?|active lifestyle
How long did you do this activity today: bicycle to work, school, shopping?|active lifestyle
Did you do this activity today: walking at work?|active lifestyle
How long did you do this activity today: walking at work?|active lifestyle
Did you do this activity today: walking for exercise?|active lifestyle
How long: did you do this activity today: walking for exercise?|active lifestyle
Did you do this activity today: bicycling?|active lifestyle
How long did you do this activity today: bicycling?|active lifestyle
Did you do this activity today: walking for pleasure or social?|active lifestyle
How Long: did you do this activity today: walking for pleasure or social?|active lifestyle
Did you do any walks of 2 miles or more (at least 40 minutes) in the past 4 weeks?|active lifestyle
During the past 4 weeks, how many times did you do any long walks of 2 miles or more?|active lifestyle
During the last week, how many times did you do any long walks of 2 miles or more?|active lifestyle
How long did you spend walking on the most recent occasion you did a walk of 2 miles or more?|active lifestyle
During the last week, did you do any walks between 1 and 2 miles (walking about 20 to 30 min)?|active lifestyle
During the past week, how many times did you do any long walks between 1 and 2 miles (walking about 20 to 30 min)?|active lifestyle
Yesterday, how many times did you do any long walks between 1 and 2 miles (walking about 20 to 30 min)?|active lifestyle
In the last week, have you done any shorter walks which lasted at least 5 minutes?|active lifestyle
During the time from when you left school up to the present, have you, at any time, walked for 2 miles or more on a regular basis, for a period of at least 2 years?|active lifestyle
About how many years total did you walked for 2 miles or more on a regular basis?|active lifestyle
Did you do it in the last 4 weeks: walking upstairs or using a stair climber?|active lifestyle
How many times did you do it in the last 4 weeks: walking upstairs or using a stair climber?|active lifestyle
Did you do it in the last 4 weeks:Walk, include on a treadmill and walking to the store?|active lifestyle
How many times did you do it in the last 4 weeks: Walk, include on a treadmill and walking to the store?|active lifestyle
How much time did you spend on this activity each time (on average): walking (include on a treadmill and walking to the store)?|active lifestyle
Did you do it in the last 4 weeks: bicycling for pleasure or transportation?|active lifestyle
How many times did you do it in the last 4 weeks: bicycling for pleasure or transportation?|active lifestyle
How much time did you spend on this activity each time (on average): bicycling for pleasure or transportation?|active lifestyle
Did you do it in the last 4 weeks: hiking?|active lifestyle
How many times did you do it in the last 4 weeks: hiking?|active lifestyle
How much time did you spend on this activity each time (on average): hiking?|active lifestyle
How many minutes per day would you spend walking to work?|active lifestyle
How many days per week do you spend walking to work?|active lifestyle
Have you done any brisk walking on a regular basis = once per 2 weeks in last 3 months|active lifestyle
Minutes per day you have done brisk walking on a regular basis = once per 2 weeks|active lifestyle
Number of days per week that you have done any brisk walking on a regular basis.|active lifestyle
How many hours did you spend (brisk walking) in an average week?|active lifestyle
How many minutes do you walk or cycle per day to and from work, school and shopping?|active lifestyle
In a usual week, do you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time for recreation, exercise.....|active lifestyle
How many days per week do you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time?|active lifestyle
On days when you walk for at least 10 minutes, how much total time per day do you spend walking?|active lifestyle
Have you done any of the activities in the past 12 months? Walking for exercise|active lifestyle
Number of times each month you have (walked for exercise)?|active lifestyle
Average time per occasion you have (walked for exercise)?|active lifestyle
Have you done any of the activities in the past 12 months? Bicycling|active lifestyle
Number of times each month you have (bicycled)?|active lifestyle
Average time per occasion you have (bicycled)?|active lifestyle
Activities in the past year: Walking for exercise: # of occasions in last 12 months.|active lifestyle
Activities in the past year: Walking for exercise / # times each month|active lifestyle
Activities in the past year: Walking for exercise / Average # of minutes spent on each occasion.|active lifestyle
Activities in the past year: Bicycling: # of occasions in last 12 months.|active lifestyle
Activities in the past year: Bicycling: # times each month|active lifestyle
Activities in the past year: Bicycling / Average # of minutes spent on each occasion.|active lifestyle
Did you bike faster than 10miles/hr in the past 12 months for at least 1 hr?|active lifestyle
Activities in the past year: How many months did you do this activity? Bike faster than 10miles/hr for at least 1 hr|active lifestyle
Activities in the past year:How many of these months were for at least 3 hours per week? Bike faster than 10miles/hr for at least 1 hr|active lifestyle
Leisurely Activities: Did you do leisurely biking in the past 12 months for at least one hour?|active lifestyle
How many months did you do this activity? Leisurely biking in the past 12 months for at least one hour|active lifestyle
How many of these months were for at least 3 hours per week? Leisurely biking in the past 12 months|active lifestyle
Did you take walks or hikes or walk to work in the 12 months for at least 1 hour total time?|active lifestyle
How many of these months did you do this activity? Take walks or hikes or walk to work in the 12 months for at least 1 hour total time|active lifestyle
How many of these months were for at least 4 hours per week? Take walks or hikes or walk to work in the 12 months|active lifestyle
Mark your usual physical activity during the previous year. Mostly walking, lifts, carry little|active lifestyle
Mark your usual physical activity during the previous year. Walking/Bicycling|active lifestyle
In a typical week in the last 4 weeks did you - Walk uphill or hike uphill ?|active lifestyle
In a typical week in the last 4 weeks how many times a week week did you - Walk uphill or hike uphill ?|active lifestyle
In a typical week in the last 4 weeks how many total hours per week did you - Walk uphill or hike uphill ?|active lifestyle
In a typical week in the last 4 weeks did you - Walk fast or briskly for exercise?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, how many times a week did you walk fast or briskly for exercise?|active lifestyle
In a typical week in the last 4 weeks how many total hours per week did you - Walk fast or briskly for exercise?|active lifestyle
In a typical week in the last 4 weeks did you walk to do errands?|active lifestyle
In a typical week in the last 4 weeks how many times a week week did you - Walk to do errands?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, how many total hours per week did you walk to do errands?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, did you walk leisurely for exercise or pleasure?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, how many times a week week did you walk leisurely for exercise or pleasure?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, how many total hours per week did you walk leisurely for exercise or pleasure?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, did you ride a bike?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, how many times a week did you ride a bike?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, in the last 4 weeks, how many total hours per week did you ride a bike?|active lifestyle
In a typical week, during the last 12 months, (in the summer), how many hours (hr/week) did you spend on each activity: walking?|active lifestyle
In a typical week during the last 12 months (in the winter), how many hours (hr/week) did you spend on each activity: walking?|active lifestyle
In a typical week during the last 12 months (in the summer), how many hours (hr/week) did you spend on each activity: cycling?|active lifestyle
In a typical week during the last 12 months (in the winter), how many hours (hr/week) did you spend on each activity: cycling?|active lifestyle
In a typical week during the past year did you practice any of these activities vigorously? (Walking/Biking)|active lifestyle
How many hours per week in total did you practice such vigorous physical activities? (Walking/Biking)|active lifestyle
Activity levels at work: Do you walk at work carrying nothing heavier than a breifcase....?|active lifestyle
Activity levels at work: hours per week you walk at work carrying nothing heavier than a breifcase....?|active lifestyle
Activity levels at work: Do you walk at work carrying something heavy?|active lifestyle
Activity levels at work: hours per week you walk at work carrying something heavy?|active lifestyle
Recreation: Number of times you did the activity in the last 12 months: walking for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Recreation: Average time per episode you did the activity in the last 12 months: walking for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Recreation: Number of times you did the activity in the last 12 months: racing or rough terrain cycling?|active lifestyle
Recreation: Average time per episode you did the activity in the last 12 months: racing or rough terrain cycling?|active lifestyle
Recreation: Number of times you did the activity in the last 12 months: cycling for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Recreation: Average time per episode you did the activity in the last 12 months: cycling for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Strenuous Exercise: How often did you participate in strenuous activities? (cycling on hills) Please estimate the average amount of time each week.|active lifestyle
Strenuous Exercise: How often did you participate in strenuous activities? (cycling on hills) Please estimate the average number of months each year.|active lifestyle
Moderate Exercise: How often did you participate in moderate activities? (Brisk walking, cycling) Please estimate the average amount of time each week.|active lifestyle
Moderate Exercise: How often did you participate in moderate activities? (Brisk walking, cycling) Please estimate the average number of months each year.|active lifestyle
Other Activities: In the past year, on average, how many hours per day did you spend in each of the following: casual walking?|active lifestyle
Other Activities: How many days per week did you spend in each of the following: casual walking?|active lifestyle
Historical Activities; Number of years bicycling (see Age periods)|active lifestyle
Historical Activities; Number of months per year bicycling (see Age periods)|active lifestyle
Historical Activities; Number of hours per week bicycling (see Age periods)|active lifestyle
Historical Activities;Number of years walking for exercise (see Age periods)|active lifestyle
Historical Activities; Number of months per year walking for exercise (see Age periods)|active lifestyle
Historical Activities; Number of hours per week walking for exercise (see Age periods)|active lifestyle
How many miles did you normally walk each day? (at various age periods)|active lifestyle
Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of years walking for exercise? (at various age periods)|active lifestyle
Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of months per year walking for exercise (at various age periods)|active lifestyle
Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of hours per month walking for exercise (at various age periods)|active lifestyle
Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of years bicycling? (at various age periods)|active lifestyle
Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of months per year bicycling (at various age periods)|active lifestyle
Activities you participated in with any regularity: number of hours per month bicycling (at various age periods)|active lifestyle
During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes as part of your work?|active lifestyle
How much time did you usually spend on one of those days walking as part of work?|active lifestyle
During the last 7 days, on how many days did you bicycle for at least 10 minutes, to go from place to place?|active lifestyle
How much time did you usually spend on one of those days to bicycle from place to place?|active lifestyle
How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days walking from place to place?|active lifestyle
During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes in your leisure time?|active lifestyle
How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days walking in your leisure time?|active lifestyle
During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activities; for at least 10 minutes? (Biking)|active lifestyle
How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days doing vigorous physical activities in your leisure time? (Biking)|active lifestyle
During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical activities; for at least 10 minutes? (Biking)|active lifestyle
How much time did you usually spend on one of those days doing moderate physical activities in your leisure time? (Biking)|active lifestyle
During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time?|active lifestyle
How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days?|active lifestyle
What is the total amount of time you spent walking over the last 7 days as part of your work?|active lifestyle
How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days to bicycle from place to place?|active lifestyle
What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days walking from place to place?|active lifestyle
What is the total amount of time you spent over the last 7 days walking for leisure?|active lifestyle
How many minutes a day do you usually walk/bike to and from work, school or errands?|active lifestyle
Did you walk for at least 15 minutes at a time?|active lifestyle
Did you bike for at least 15 minutes at a time?|active lifestyle
How much of your leisure-time did you spend performing the following specific activities last week: walking on work trips?|active lifestyle
How much of your leisure-time did you spend performing the following specific activities last week: conditioning walking?|active lifestyle
How much of your leisure-time did you spend performing the following specific activities last week: conditioning bycycling?|active lifestyle
How much of your leisure-time did you spend performing the following specific activities last week: bicycling on work trips?|active lifestyle
How many kilometers did you perform following physical activities last week? walking|active lifestyle
How many kilometers did you perform following physical activities last week? bicycling|active lifestyle
How many times per month: walking on work trips?|active lifestyle
What duration per month: walking on work trips?|active lifestyle
How many times per month: conditioning walking ?|active lifestyle
What duration per month: conditioning walking ?|active lifestyle
How many times per month: bicycling?|active lifestyle
How many times per month: bicycling on work trips?|active lifestyle
What duration per month: bicycling on work trips?|active lifestyle
Record all activity for each 30 minute period per day: upright activities (walking slowly)|active lifestyle
Record all activity for each 30 minute period per day: walking/light bicycling|active lifestyle
Record all activity for each 30 minute period per day: walking with heavy load and lifting|active lifestyle
Estimate the average duration for all the activities performed in a typical work-day ie. walking on a level ground.|active lifestyle
Estimate the average duration for all the activities performed in a typical work-day ie. Walking on uneven ground|active lifestyle
Estimate the average duration for all the activities performed in a typical work-day ie. Climbing stairs|active lifestyle
Activities you have participated in more than 10 times in a lifetime: Have you participated in walking for exercise|active lifestyle
During the past year, number of months you have you participated in walking for exercise|active lifestyle
During the past year, number of hours per week you have you participated in walking for exercise?|active lifestyle
Did you walk during the past 2 weeks?|active lifestyle
How many times did you walk during the past 2 weeks?|active lifestyle
How long do you usually walk each time?|active lifestyle
Did you cycle in the past 2 weeks?|active lifestyle
How many times did you cycle in the past 2 weeks?|active lifestyle
How long do you usually cycle each time?|active lifestyle
Did you perform this activity in the last 12 months: walk for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Number of months of activity per year: Walk for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Average number of times per month: Walk for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Amount of time per occasion: Walk for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Did you perform this activity in the last 12 months: walk to work?|active lifestyle
Number of months of activity per year: walk to work?|active lifestyle
Average number of times per month: walk to work?|active lifestyle
Amount of time per occasion: Walk to work?|active lifestyle
Did you perform this activity in the last 12 months: walk during work breaks?|active lifestyle
Number of months of activity per year: walk during work breaks?|active lifestyle
Average number of times per month: walk during work breaks?|active lifestyle
Amount of time per occasion: Walk during work breaks?|active lifestyle
Did you perform this activity in the last 12 months: bicycling to work or for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Number of months of activity per year: bicycling to work or for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Average number of times per month: bicycling to work or for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Amount of time per occasion: bicycling to work or for pleasure?|active lifestyle
Did you perform this activity in the last 12 months: jog/walk combination?|active lifestyle
Number of months of activity per year: jog/walk combination?|active lifestyle
Average number of times per month: jog/walk combination?|active lifestyle
Amount of time per occasion: jog/walk combination?|active lifestyle
Activities you have done more than 10 times in the past year: bicycling for exercise?|active lifestyle
Check the months you did each activity over the past year: bicycling for exercise?|active lifestyle
Average number of times per month: bicycling for exercise?|active lifestyle
Average number of minutes each time: bicycling for exercise?|active lifestyle
Activity you have done more than 10 times in the past year: walking for exercise?|active lifestyle
Check the months you did each activity over the past year: walking for exercise?|active lifestyle
Average number of times per month: walking for exercise?|active lifestyle
Average number of minutes each time: walking for exercise?|active lifestyle
Occasional/short distance walking on job: for this job category, minutes per day you walk or bike to/from work?|active lifestyle
Continuous walking on job: for this job category, minutes per day you walk or bike to/from work?|active lifestyle
Activity Survey - Occupational activities: average months in past year you walk or bike to work?|active lifestyle
Activity Survey - Occupational activities: average days in past week you walk or bike to work?|active lifestyle
Activity Survey - Occupational activities: average minutes per day you walk or bike to work?|active lifestyle
Activity Survey-Leisure Activity: Number of years per age period (12-18) (19-34)(35-49(>50) you bicycled.|active lifestyle
Activity Survey-Leisure Activity: Number of months per year you bicycled.|active lifestyle
Activity Survey-Leisure Activity: Number of hours per week you bicycled.|active lifestyle
Activity Survey-Leisure Activity: Number of years per age period (12-18) (19-34)(35-49(>50) you walked.|active lifestyle
Activity Survey-Leisure Activity: Number of months per year you walked.|active lifestyle
Activity Survey-Leisure Activity: Number of hours per week you walked.|active lifestyle
Occupational PA: On a typical day at work, how much time do you spend walking?|active lifestyle
Going to or from work, school or shopping, how much time do you spend walking each day?|active lifestyle
Going to or from work, school and shopping, how much time do you spend bicycling each day?|active lifestyle
Walking during Leisure-Time for Pleasure or Exercise: During an average week, how many hours do you spend walking?|active lifestyle
Leisure Time Sport:During past 12 months, did you play any sports or do any exercise such as cycling, etc for exercise or pleasure at least 12 times?|active lifestyle
Leisure Time Sport: Prior to the past 12 months, did you play any sports or do any exercise such as cycling, etc for exercise or pleasure at least 12 times?|active lifestyle
In the past 2 weeks have you done any of the following exercises, sports or physically active hobbies: Walking for exercise?|physical capacity
How many times in the past 2 weeks did you do: Walking for exercise?|active lifestyle
On average, about how many minutes did you actually spend walking for exercise each time?|active lifestyle
In the past 2 weeks have you done any of the following exercises, sports or physically active hobbies: Riding a bicycle or exercise bike?|active lifestyle
How many times in the past 2 weeks did you do: Riding a bicycle or exercise bike?|active lifestyle
On average, about how many minutes did you actually spend riding a bicycle or exercise bike each time?|active lifestyle
Over the past 30 days, have you walked or bicycled as part of getting to and from work, or school, or to do errands?|active lifestyle
Over the past 30 days, how often did you do this: walk or bicycle as part of getting to and from work, or school, or to do errands?|active lifestyle
On those days when you walked or bicycled, about how long did you spend altogether doing this?|active lifestyle
Over the past 30 days, did you do any vigorous activities for at least 10 minutes that caused heavy sweating...? (running, fast bicycling)|active lifestyle
Over the past 30 days, what vigorous activities did you do? Walking/Bicycling|active lifestyle
Vigorous Activity: Over the past 30 days, how often did you bicycle ?|active lifestyle
Vigorous Activity: Over the past 30 days, on average how long did you bicycle each time?|active lifestyle
Vigorous Activity: Over the past 30 days, how often did you walk ?|active lifestyle
Vigorous Activity: Over the past 30 days, on average how long did you walk each time?|active lifestyle
Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, did you do moderate activities for at least 10 minutes that caused light sweating...? (brisk walking, bicycling for pleasure)|active lifestyle
Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, what activities did you do? Walking/Bicycling|active lifestyle
Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, how often did you bicycle ?|active lifestyle
Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, on average how long did you bicycle each time?|active lifestyle
Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, how often did you walk ?|active lifestyle
Moderate Activity: Over the past 30 days, on average how long did you walk each time?|active lifestyle
In the past month, how often did you walk a mile or more at a time without stopping? Times per day|active lifestyle
In the past month, how often did you walk a mile or more at a time without stopping? Times per week|active lifestyle
In the past month, how often did you walk a mile or more at a time without stopping? Times per month|active lifestyle
In the past month, how often did you walk a mile or more at a time without stopping? Times per day/week/month|active lifestyle
In the past month, did you ride a bicycle or exercise bike?|active lifestyle
The number of times per day/week/month you rode a bicycle or exercise bike?|active lifestyle
On average during the summer (May-September), how often do you use a bike?|active lifestyle
On average during the summer (May-September), how many days per week do you use a bike?|active lifestyle
On average during the summer (May-September), how many days per month do you use a bicycle?|active lifestyle
Thinking about in the past 30 days, how many of those days did you ride a bicycle?|active lifestyle
How many days ago was the last day you rode a bike?|active lifestyle
How many trips did you make on this most recent day you rode your bike?|active lifestyle
Thinking about the last day you rode your bike, what was your starting point for this trip / where did this trip end?|active lifestyle
Thinking about the last day you rode your bike, what was the area within 1/4 mile of where you started/ended your trip?|active lifestyle
How far did you bike on this trip?|active lifestyle
Compared to about a year ago, would you say you are now riding a bike more often, less often or about the same amount?|active lifestyle
On average during the summer (May-September), how often do you walk?|active lifestyle
On average during the summer (May-September), how many days per week do you walk?|active lifestyle
On average during the summer (May-September), how many days per month do you walk?|active lifestyle
Thinking about in the past 30 days, how many of those days did you walk?|active lifestyle
What is the primary reason you never walk in the summer? Bad weather-wrong season/ Too busy- no opportunity/ Bike is broken / No safe place to ride / Disability / Don't have access to bike / Other transportation is faster / Don't know how to ride a bike|active lifestyle
How many days ago was the last day you walk?|active lifestyle
How many trips did you make on this most recent day you walked?|active lifestyle
What was your starting point for this (walking) trip / where did this trip end?|active lifestyle
What time did you begin this (walking) trip/About what time did you get to your destination?|active lifestyle
Was the starting/ending point in a downtow-city area / urban or suburban area / rural town or farm (for this walking trip)?|active lifestyle
How far did you walk on this trip?|active lifestyle
How many hours did you work in the last 7 days?|active lifestyle
How would you describe your typical work day in the last 7 days? (This involves only your work day, and does not include travel to and from work, or what you did in your leisure time) Sitting (including driving) _____ %|environment
How would you describe your typical work day in the last 7 days? (This involves only your work day, and does not include travel to and from work, or what you did in your leisure time)Standing _____ %|environment
How would you describe your typical work day in the last 7 days? (This involves only your work day, and does not include travel to and from work, or what you did in your leisure time) Walking _____ %|environment
How would you describe your typical work day in the last 7 days? (This involves only your work day, and does not include travel to and from work, or what you did in your leisure time) Heavy labour or physically demanding tasks _____ %|environment
How would you describe your typical work day in the last 7 days? (This involves only your work day, and does not include travel to and from work, or what you did in your leisure time) Total _____ %|environment
How long did that walk take?/ [On average, how long did those walks take?|active lifestyle
Enter time period for length of walking for transportation.|active lifestyle
Sometimes you may walk for fun, relaxation, exercise, or to walk the dog. During the past 7 days, did you walk for at least 10 minutes for any of these reasons? Please do not include walking for transportation.|active lifestyle
How long did that walk take?/ Fill2: On average, how long did those walks take?] * Enter number for length of walk for fun, relaxation, or exercise.|active lifestyle
Enter time period for length of walking for fun, relaxation, or exercise.|active lifestyle
Do you do any of these exercises on a regular basis - Ride a bicycle?|active lifestyle
Do you do any of these exercises on a regular basis - Do calisthenics?|active lifestyle
Do you do any of these exercises on a regular basis - Jog?|active lifestyle
Do you do any of these exercises on a regular basis - Lift weights?|active lifestyle
Do you do any of these exercises on a regular basis - Swim?|active lifestyle
Do you do any of these exercises on a regular basis - Walk for exercise?|active lifestyle
Do you do any of these exercises on a regular basis - Do you do any other exercise on a regular basis?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Basketball?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Bowling?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Football?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Golf?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Gymnastics?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Handball?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Soccer?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Softball?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Swimming?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Tennis?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Track and field?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Vollyball?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Wrestling?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Any other sport?|active lifestyle
During the past 12 months, have you participated in (any of these sports) - Baseball?|active lifestyle
Did you participate inas a member of an organized team during the past 12 months?|active lifestyle
Did you participate in anytournaments either as an individual or as a member of a team during the past 12 months?|active lifestyle
Would you say that you are physically more active, less active or about as active as other persons your age?|physical capacity
Compared to your own level of physical activity 1 year ago, would you say you are now more active, less active, or about the same as you were then?|physical capacity
How much control do you think YOU have over your future health? Would you say you have a great deal of control, some, very little, or none at all?|physical capacity
Do you feel that you get as much exercise as you need, or less than you need?|physical capacity
Do you follow a REGULAR routine of physical exercise?|active lifestyle
How often do you walk a mile or more at a time, without resting? (Note: One mile equals 812 blocks.) Probe if necessary: About how many days a week is that?|active lifestyle
Have you increased your physical activity to lose weight?|active lifestyle
In the past 2 weeks (outlined on that calendar), beginning Monday (date) and ending this past Sunday (date), have you done any exercises, sports, or physically active hobbies?|active lifestyle
In the past 2 weeks (outlined on that calendar), beginning Monday (date) and ending this past Sunday (date), have you done any exercises, sports, or physically active hobbies? What were they? Record on next page, THEN 1c|active lifestyle
Do you exercise or play sports regularly?|active lifestyle
For how long have you exercised or played sports regularly?|active lifestyle
How much hard physical work is required on your job? Would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, a little, or none?|environment
About how many hours per day do you perform hard physical work on your job?|active lifestyle
How much hard physical work is required in your main daily activity? Would you say a great deal, a moderate amount, a little, or none?|active lifestyle
About how many hours per day do you perform hard physical work in your main daily activity?|active lifestyle
These next questions are about strengthening the heart and lungs through exercise. How many days a week do you think a person should exercise to strengthen the heart and lungs?|physical capacity
These next questions are about strengthening the heart and lungs through exercise. For how many minutes do you think a person should exercise on EACH occasion so that the heart and lungs are strengthened?|physical capacity
Did your job require you to do REPEATED STRENUOUS PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES such as lifting, pushing or pulling heavy objects?|active lifestyle
During a typical work day, how many minutes or hours altogether did you spend doing STRENUOUS PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES?|active lifestyle
Did this job require you to do REPEATED bending, twisting or reaching?|active lifestyle
During a typical work day, how many minutes or hours altogether did you spend bending, twisting or reaching?|active lifestyle
Did this job require you to BEND or TWIST your hands or wrists MANY TIMES AN HOUR?|active lifestyle
During a typical work day, how many minutes or hour altogether did you spend bending or twisting your hands or wrists?|active lifestyle
On this job, did you work with hand-held or hand-operated vibrating tools or machinery?|active lifestyle
During a typical work day, how many minutes or hours altogether did you spend working with hand-held or hand-operated vibrating machinery?|active lifestyle
In a USUAL WEEK, do you walk in or around your new neighbourhood or new local area to get to or from somewhere (such as walking to a shop or to public transport) or for recreation, health or fitness (including walking your dog)?|active lifestyle
In a USUAL WEEK, how many times do you walk as a means of transport, such as going to and from work, walking to the shop or walking to public transport in your neighbourhood or local area?|active lifestyle
Please estimate the total time you spend walking as a means of transport in your neighbourhood or local area in a USUAL WEEK. (eg. 5 times by 10 minutes = 50 minutes).|active lifestyle
Tick all the places where you walk to as a means of transport in or around your neighbourhood or local area in a USUAL WEEK; To or from work [or study]|active lifestyle
Tick all the places where you walk to as a means of transport in or around your neighbourhood or local area in a USUAL WEEK; To or from public transport|active lifestyle
Tick all the places where you walk to as a means of transport in or around your neighbourhood or local area in a USUAL WEEK; To or from shops (1)|active lifestyle
Tick all the places where you walk to as a means of transport in or around your neighbourhood or local area in a USUAL WEEK; To or from school|active lifestyle
Tick all the places where you walk to as a means of transport in or around your neighbourhood or local area in a USUAL WEEK; To or from caf or restaurant|active lifestyle
Tick all the places where you walk to as a means of transport in or around your neighbourhood or local area in a USUAL WEEK;To or from friends house|active lifestyle
In a USUAL WEEK, how many times do you walk for recreation, health or fitness (including walking your dog) in or around your neighbourhood or local area?|active lifestyle
Please estimate the total time you spend walking for recreation, health or fitness in or around your neighbourhood or local area in a USUAL WEEK. (|active lifestyle
Please tick all the places where you walk for recreation, health or fitness in or around your neighbourhood or local area in a USUAL WEEK; Beach|active lifestyle
In a USUAL WEEK, do you do any other vigorous or moderate intensity leisure time physical activities? Do not include any walking or cycling.|active lifestyle
In a USUAL WEEK, do you do any vigorous intensity leisure time physical activities like jogging, aerobics or competitive tennis? Do not include walking or cycling or moderate intensity physical activities. Vigorous intensity physical activities make you breathe harder or puff and pant.|active lifestyle
In a USUAL WEEK, how many times do you do vigorous intensity leisure time physical activities which makes you breathe harder or puff and pant?|physical capacity
What do you estimate is the total time you spend doing vigorous intensity leisure time physical activities in a USUAL WEEK? (Eg. 3 times for 20 minutes = 60 minutes)|active lifestyle
Apart from what you have already mentioned, in a USUAL WEEK do you do any other moderate intensity leisure time physical activities like gentle swimming, social tennis, golf or heavy gardening? Moderate intensity physical activities do not make you breathe harder or puff and pant.|active lifestyle
In a USUAL WEEK, how many times do you do moderate intensity leisure time physical activities which do not make you breathe harder or puff and pant?|physical capacity
What do you estimate is the total time you spend doing moderate intensity leisure time physical activities in a USUAL WEEK? (Eg. 1 time for 1 hour = 1 hour)|active lifestyle
During thepast 7 days, did you walk to get some place that took youat least 10 minutes?|active lifestyle
In the past 7 days, how many times did you do that? [IF NEEDED, SAY: "Walk for at least 10 minutes to get some place."]|active lifestyle
{How long did that walk take/On average, how long did those walks take}?|active lifestyle
Sometimes you may walk for fun, relaxation, exercise, or to walk the dog. During the past 7 days, did you walk for at least 10 minutes for any of these reasons? {Please do not include walking for transportation.}|active lifestyle
In the past 7 days, how many times did you do that? [IF NEEDED, SAY: "Walk for at least 10 minutes for fun, relaxation, exercise, or to walk the dog."]|active lifestyle
The next questions are about physical activities or exercise you may do in your free time for at least 10 minutes, other than walking. First, think about activities that take moderate physical effort, such as bicycling, dancing, swimming, and gardening. During the last 7 days, did you do any moderate physical activities in your free time for at least 10 minutes, other than walking?|active lifestyle
think about activities that take moderate physical effort, such as bicycling, dancing, swimming, and gardening. During the last 7 days, did you do any moderate physical activities in your free time for at least 10 minutes, other than walking? On how many days did you do this?|active lifestyle
think about vigorous activities you did in your free time that take hard physical effort, such as aerobics, running, soccer, fast bicycling, or fast swimming. Again, do not include walking. During the last 7 days, did you do any vigorous physical activities in your free time?|active lifestyle
think about vigorous activities you did in your free time that take hard physical effort, such as aerobics, running, soccer, fast bicycling, or fast swimming. Again, do not include walking. During the last 7 days, did you do any vigorous physical activities in your free time; On how many days did you do this?|active lifestyle
think about vigorous activities you did in your free time that take hard physical effort, such as aerobics, running, soccer, fast bicycling, or fast swimming. Again, do not include walking. During the last 7 days, did you do any vigorous physical activities in your free time; How much time did you {usually} spend on {one of those days/that day} doing vigorous physical activities in your free time?|active lifestyle
Do you have a condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, reaching, lifting, or carrying?|physical capacity
How many times per week or per month did you take part in this activity during the past month?|active lifestyle
How many times per week do you regularly cycle (either on an outdoor or a stationary cycle)?|active lifestyle
How many times per DAY you use the stairs in school, home, or elsewhere? (one floor of stair counts as 1 time)|active lifestyle
How many times per week do you regularly walk?|active lifestyle
If you regularly walk, what is the pace of your walk?|active lifestyle
If you regularly walk, how many minutes do you walk each time? Number of minutes: ___|active lifestyle
If you use an outdoor or a stationary cycle regularly, how many minutes do you cycle each time?|active lifestyle
How many times per week do you regularly swim?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any planned activities of LIGHT EFFORT such as slow walking, stretching, fishing, playing in water or playing golf with a cart?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any planned activities of LIGHT EFFORT such as slow walking, stretching, fishing, playing in water or playing golf with a cart; If Yes. Just thinking about the weekdays from Monday to Friday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekday how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
Just thinking about the weekend from Saturday to Sunday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekend day how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any planned activities of LIGHT EFFORT such as slow walking, stretching, fishing, playing in water or playing golf with a cart; In a typical week do you do any planned activities that involve BRISK WALKING such as walking for exercise or walking the dog?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any planned activities that involve BRISK WALKING such as walking for exercise or walking the dog; If Yes. Just thinking about the weekdays from Monday to Friday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekday how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any planned activities that involve BRISK WALKING such as walking for exercise or walking the dog; Just thinking about the weekend from Saturday to Sunday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekend day how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any planned activities MODERATE EFFORT that do not include brisk walking such as social sports, tai chi, doubles tennis, slow cycling, low-impact aerobics, ballroom dancing or play golf without a cart?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any planned activities MODERATE EFFORT that do not include brisk walking such as social sports, tai chi, doubles tennis, slow cycling, low-impact aerobics, ballroom dancing or play golf without a cart; If Yes. Just thinking about the weekdays from Monday to Friday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekday how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any planned activities MODERATE EFFORT that do not include brisk walking such as social sports, tai chi, doubles tennis, slow cycling, low-impact aerobics, ballroom dancing or play golf without a cart; Just thinking about the weekend from Saturday to Sunday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekend day how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any work-related activities of MODERATE EFFORT such as mostly brisk walking like teaching, nursing or waiting tables|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any work-related activities of MODERATE EFFORT such as mostly brisk walking like teaching, nursing or waiting tables; If Yes. Just thinking about the weekdays from Monday to Friday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekday how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any work-related activities of MODERATE EFFORT such as mostly brisk walking like teaching, nursing or waiting tables; Just thinking about the weekend from Saturday to Sunday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekend day how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any transport-related activities of LIGHT EFFORT such walking slowly?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any transport-related activities of LIGHT EFFORT such walking slowly; If Yes. Just thinking about the weekdays from Monday to Friday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekday how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any transport-related activities of LIGHT EFFORT such walking slowly; Just thinking about the weekend from Saturday to Sunday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekend day how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any transport-related activities that involve BRISK WALKING such as walking to get places or walking to the bus?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any transport-related activities that involve BRISK WALKING such as walking to get places or walking to the bus; If Yes. Just thinking about the weekdays from Monday to Friday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekday how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle
In a typical week do you do any transport-related activities that involve BRISK WALKING such as walking to get places or walking to the bus; Just thinking about the weekend from Saturday to Sunday. How many days would you do this activity? On an average weekend day how long would you spend doing this activity?|active lifestyle