The aim of this project is to make the multi-agent BFWS ma-bfws (bibtex) planning engine available in the unified_planning library by the AIPlan4EU project.
We recommend the installation from PyPi because it has pre-built wheels for all common operating systems.
To automatically get a version that works with your version of the unified planning framework, you can list it as a solver in the pip installation of unified_planning
pip install unified-planning[ma-bfws]
If you need several solvers, you can list them all within the brackets.
You can also install the ma-BFWS integration separately (in case the current version of unified_planning does not include ma-BFWS or you want to add it later to your unified planning installation). After cloning this repository run
pip install up-ma-bfws
you get the latest version.
This repository incudes the ma-BFWS binaries compiled for Linux. The installation has been tested in Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS.
If you need an older version, you can install it with:
pip install up-ma-bfws==<version number>
You can for example call it as follows:
from unified_planning.shortcuts import *
from unified_planning.engines import PlanGenerationResultStatus
problem = MultiAgentProblem('myproblem')
# specify the problem (e.g. fluents, initial state, actions, goal)
planner = OneshotPlanner(name="ma-bfws")
result = planner.solve(problem)
if result.status == PlanGenerationResultStatus.SOLVED_SATISFICING:
print(f'{Found a plan.\nThe plan is: {result.plan}')
print("No plan found.")
Multi-agent planning
Current members: Alfonso E. Gerevini, Nir Lipovetzky, Alessandro Saetti and Ivan Serina
Planning group coordinator: Alfonso E. Gerevini
Past PhD students: Andrea Bonisoli, Francesco Percassi