Android app sharing user's beat-box recordings, creating opportunities to collaborate
###API Visualizer: Sound Frequency Visualizer.
Audio Analysis Library: Acoustic Finger Printing.
###Improvements needed:
Record beatbox sound and update list (Check)
Facebook login (Check)
Host Backend (Started)
Send sound to friend
Collaboration feature (NEED FUNCTIONAL DESIGN)
Update visualizer live (Needs research)
Unit tests
Configuring media player allow users to play multiple sounds.
Updating SelectSoundFragment List after recording.
Finding visualizer and acoustic fingerprinting library.
Inflating list in SelectSoundFragment.
Modify RecordSoundFragment to append to SelectSoundFragment list.
Implemented hosted backend
Sending a sound through distributed system
AudioData: Provides container for audio byte [].
Beat: Object representing list to hold description and sound file.
LineRenderer: Render audio data for visualizer.
MainActivity: Creates SectionsPagerAdapter
RecordSoundFragment: Play, stop and record while displaying visualizer.
Renderer: Canvas rendering for LineRenderer.
SectionsPagerAdapter: Scroll through multiple fragments
SelectSoundFragment: Sound selection scrollable list. Tap a sound to play audio and see the visualizer
VisualizerView: Element to visualize audio data.
LoginFragment: Facebook login functionality
OnlineDatabase: Firebase API to host database