please report any issues or bugs, or ask any question here:
Reform google drive and dropbox urls so you can host your photos on gDrive or dropbox then use them directly in your html code for img.src attribuite.
dg-url is a client & server side function.
- when you host an image on google drive or dropbox you can't use the direct url of your file to be an image source.
- you need to make changes to this url in order to use it directly as an image source.
- This App will take the url of your image file, and change it to be used directly as an image source.
- Important : you need to check your files permessions first, and wether it's public.
- another live example with react:
Function title: goobox | tags: image hosting, regex, url, google drive, dropbox, advanced |
return: string | Returns a string url that can be used directly as source of an image. |
let gDriveUrl =
let dropboxUrl = "";
dg(gDriveUrl); //
dg(dropboxUrl); //
npm i dg-url
import dg from "dg-url";
<img src={dg(url) /*your shared photo's url (google drive or dropbox);*/} />;
const dg = require("dg-url");
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
let url = //your shared photo's url (google drive or dropbox);
req.render( 'index', { imageSrc: dg(url) } ); //to the client
} );
//client : EJS
<img src = <%= imageSrc %> />