cd contract
yarn # may take a while
yarn test
$ yarn test
yarn run v1.22.19
$ ava --verbose
✔ bundle-source › bundleSource() bundles the contract for use with zoe (3.3s)
✔ contract › Install the contract
ℹ Object @Alleged: BundleInstallation {}
✔ contract › Start the contract (1.3s)
✔ contract › Alice trades: give some play money, want some game places (1.3s)
ℹ Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle {}
ℹ Alice gives {
Price: {
brand: Object @Alleged: PlayMoney brand {},
value: 5n,
ℹ Alice payout brand Object @Alleged: Place brand {}
ℹ Alice payout value Object @copyBag {
payload: [
'Park Place',
✔ contract › Trade in IST rather than play money (8.5s)
✔ contract › use the code that will go on chain to start the contract (8.5s)
6 tests passed
Done in 12.74s.
Any Error#1: changed ...
diagnostics are benign reports of updated files
outdating the contract bundle. It's benign: the test will re-build the bundle
as necessary.