A modular Java library dependent on and complimenting BigMath with functionality for:
matrix calculations;
handling prime numbers
Generating pseudorandom numbers numbers.
For many arithmetic calculations, the user specifies an Order of Magnitude for the precision of results. If a result cannot be precisely and accurately represented, then it is rounded to the given Order of Magnitude. BigMath arithmetic is slightly different in that it focusses on users specifying a precision (rather than a scale), so BigMath is geared for computing calculations accurate to a specified number of significant figures.
Developed and tested on Java Development Kit, version 15.
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.github.agdturner/ccg-math -->
See ccg-math-example for an example of how to set up and use the library.
Math_BigRational is based on BigRational, but has been slightly modified. Mostly this was to make it serializable. The library is dependent on both ccg-io and big-math
- Conduct some computational comparisons, e.g. compare Math_BigDecimal.sqrt(BigDecimal, int, RoundingMode), BigDecimal.sqrt(MathContext) and BigDecimalMath.sqrt().
- Generalise Math_BigRationalSqrt for nth roots.
- Create a pseudo random number generator for BigInteger.
- Develop functionality for processing complex numbers where the real and imaginary parts are stored as Math_BigRational.
- Generally improve the coverage of unit tests.
- Consider developing more functionality for symbolic computation.
- The library was repackaged and Math_BigRational based on BigRational was included and used in it's place.
- Math_BigRationalSqrt for representing the square roots of BigRational numbers, some of which (including the square roots of prime numbers) are irrational.
- Math_Matrix_BR for processing matrices of BigRational numbers.
- Early versions of this code were bundled together with lots of other code developed for academic research projects. A separation of code produced agdt-java-generic a generic higher level library upon which this depends. Since Version 1.7 an attempt is being made to provide a summary of changes for each version released on Maven Central.
- Welcome.
- APACHE LICENSE, VERSION 2.0: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- The University of Leeds and externally funded research grants have supported the development of this library.
- Thank you openJDK contributors and all involved in creating the platform.
- Thank you Eric for the BigMath library.
- Thank you developers and maintainers of other useful Java libraries that provide inspiration.
- Thank you developers and maintainers of Apache Maven, Apache NetBeans, and git which I use for developing code.
- Thank you developers and maintainers of GitHub for supporting the development of this code and for providing a means of creating a community of users and developers.
- Thank you developers, maintainers and contributors of relevent content on: -- Wikimedia projects, in particular the English language Wikipedia -- StackExchange, in particular StackOverflow and Math.StackExchange.
- Information that has helped me develop this library is cited in the source code.
- Thank you to those that supported me personally and all who have made a positive contribution to society. Let us try to look after each other, look after this world, make space for wildlife, and engineer knowledge :)