Define your models, ensuring they conform to the Codable protocol.
// Basic Todo Model
struct Todo: Codable {
let userId: Int
let id: Int?
let title: String
let completed: Bool
// Empty Response Object -- To handle empty API responses
struct Empty: Codable {}
Your REST API actions are defined using WKRequest. You can also group multiple requests based on an endpoint or specific functionality.
Each request has its own set of properties that you can define as needed (including Output Types, URL/Path, HTTPMethod, Body, Headers, and more).
Here, we are defining Find, Delete, and Add requests for a simple Todo API.
import WireKit
struct TodoAPI {
private struct APIConstants {
static var path = "/todos"
static var root = "/"
// Find all Todo Items
struct FindAll: WKRequest {
// Return an array of 'Todo' items
typealias ReturnType = [Todo]
var path: String = APIConstants.path
// Delete item with ID
struct Delete: WKRequest {
// Return an Empty object
typealias ReturnType = Empty
var path: String
var method: WKHTTPMethod = .delete
init(_ id: Int) {
// This translates into /todo/1
path = "\(APIConstants.path)/\(id)"
// Adds a new Item
struct Add: WKRequest {
var path: String = APIConstants.path
// Return a single 'Todo' item
typealias ReturnType = Todo
var method: WKHTTPMethod = .post
var body: WKHTTPParams?
init(_ todoItem: Todo) {
self.body = todoItem.asDictionary
Initialize your APIClient and use the internal dispatch function to dispatch a request.
With WireKit's migration to async/await, performing asynchronous API requests is even more streamlined, providing a clear and concise way to handle API calls and responses.
import Foundation
import WireKit
class YourModel {
private var apiClient: WKAPIClient
private enum Constants {
static let apiURL = ""
init() {
// Initialize the API client
apiClient = WKAPIClient(baseURL: Constants.apiURL)
Task {
await loadData()
private func loadData() async {
// Perform a request from the TodoAPI
do {
let todos: [Todo] = try await apiClient.dispatch(TodoAPI.FindAll())
// Process todos...
} catch {
// Handle API response errors here (WKNetworkRequestError)
print("Error loading data: \(error)")
For more advanced requests, incluiding Headers, Query parameters, and Body, checkout the WKRequest documentation.