- Title images - code with comments on adding titles to video | youtube example| youtube example 2|
- Text with special characters - example code with comments | youtube example|
- Rolling credits - example code of credits scrolling up from bottom | youtube example|
- Drawing a grid - examples to add gridlines to a video | youtube example|
- Color background - making a plain background and other lavfi examples| youtube example|
- Scrolling - examples scrolling across a video or photo | youtube example|
- Logos - examples of adding and removing logos | youtube example|
- Combining photos - command and comments to make a video slideshow from images | youtube example|
- Fade in an image - the last command in this file is the command to fade in an image using overlay
- Cartoon lipsync - a bunch of commands to create batch of images that are lipsynced to audio wav file | youtube example|
- morph images together - morphs frames to give transition between two distinct frames | youtube example
- create images from video - found this useful gist (not mine) that extracts frames from a video.
- Generic equations - examples from ffmpeg documentation | youtube example
- Crop and Crop detect - example to crop a video and crop detect command to crop out padding | youtube example|
- Adjust Brightness - example command that adjusts brightness with comments | youtube example|
- Adjust Saturation - example command that adjusts saturation with comments| youtube example|
- Lag effect (trippy) - example command of video that leaves trails of previous frames | youtube example|
- Hex values - example shows hexadecimal pixel values of part of video | youtube example|
- Scaling - example of changing size or rectangular shape of a video | youtube example|
- Rotating - examples of rotating and reflecting a video | youtube example|
- Mirror - example to mirror the left half onto the right half | youtube example|
- Drop frames - removing every other frame to remove flicker | youtube example|
- Cut - making multiple videos by cutting one video into even time segments | youtube example|
- Padding - add padding around a video | youtube example|
- Error - a possible solution for timebase error| youtube example|
- Fade - in and out video and audio | youtube example|
- Reverse - making one or many videos in reverse | youtube example|
- Perspective - changing shape of video to give an appearance of perspective | youtube example|
- Time elapse - show time to the millisecond that has elapsed on the video while playing
- Mozaic - example of 4 videos being played at once | youtube example|
- Side by Side - 1 video split in 2 side by side, 1 sliding over another, 2 different videos side by side | youtube example|
- Side by Side - sit videos side by side by using hstack and/or vstack option in the command | youtube example|
- Concatenate - combine videos 1 after the other | youtube example|
- Different video types - combine videos of different file types one after the other | youtube example|
- Blend - example commands for blending 2 videos | old youtube e.g.1 new youtube e.g.2|
- Overlay - different examples of overlay commands | youtube example|
- Overlay - chain several overlay in cascade | youtube example|
- Cross fade - fading 2 videos together | youtube example|
- Pixelate - making a pixelated video or image | youtube example
- Mask - using alphamerge command to overlay irregular shaped areas | youtube example
- Add Audio - adding audio to a video | youtube example|
- Fade Audio - fading in audio | youtube example|
- Change Audio and video speed - speed up or slow down video