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How to add a new encoder/decoder model

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Note: these guidelines were written for vLLM 0.5.4

First, review the vLLM project guidelines for adding a new decoder-only model.

Each section heading below links to a corresponding section on the vLLM "Adding a new model" webpage, and (with a few exceptions) the section body text discusses only the unique considerations for adding encoder/decoder models.

Note: for encoder/decoder models, we port over the <ModelName>ForConditionalGeneration implementation rather than the <ModelName>ForCausalLM implementation.

Follow the instructions in the vLLM documentation.

Follow the instructions in the vLLM documentation.

Add a .py file for your model in vllm/model_executor/models/. The name of this file (without the .py extension) is the module_name you will use to register your model later. For example, the BART model resides in

Follow the instructions in the vLLM documentation.

The encoder/decoder forward() method signature differs slightly from decoder-only. For example, the change in input parameters between the HF BART forward() method signature, and the vLLM BART forward() method signature is shown below:

     def forward(
-        input_ids: torch.LongTensor = None,
-        attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
-        decoder_input_ids: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,
-        decoder_attention_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,
-        head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
-        decoder_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
-        cross_attn_head_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
-        encoder_outputs: Optional[List[torch.FloatTensor]] = None,
-        past_key_values: Optional[List[torch.FloatTensor]] = None,
-        inputs_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
-        decoder_inputs_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None,
-        labels: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None,
-        use_cache: Optional[bool] = None,
-        output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None,
-        output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None,
-        return_dict: Optional[bool] = None,
-    ) -> Union[Tuple, Seq2SeqLMOutput]:
+        input_ids: torch.Tensor,
+        positions: torch.Tensor,
+        encoder_input_ids: torch.Tensor,
+        encoder_positions: torch.Tensor,
+        kv_caches: List[torch.Tensor],
+        attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata,
+        intermediate_tensors: Optional[IntermediateTensors] = None,
+    ) -> torch.Tensor:

Of note, input_ids and positions are the decoder input token ids and positions, respectively, while encoder_input_ids and encoder_positions the corresponding encoder inputs.

2.5 (Optional but strongly recommended) Implement the following encoder/decoder model architecture

(There is not a corresponding section in the vLLM documentation.)

This section proposes a general encoder/decoder model architecture, starting with the top-level task-specific model class and proceeding hierarchically downward to the Attention layers.

This summary is at a high level of abstraction, so details like normalization, residuals, etc. are glossed over (and tend to be very model-specific anyway.)

<ModelName>ForConditionalGeneration: top-level, task-specific model class

  • Wraps <ModelName>Model & handles weight loading, logit processing & token sampling
  • Members:
    • model: <ModelName>Model instance
    • lm_head: ParallelLMHead or subclass
    • logits_processor
    • sampler
  • Methods other than forward():
    • compute_logits()
    • sample()
    • load_weights()
  • The forward() function signature is discussed in the previous section.

<ModelName>Model: core model class

  • Encapsulates the encoder and decoder modules

  • Members:

    • encoder: Encoder instance
    • decoder: Decoder instance
  • The behavior of <ModelName>Model.forward() mirrors Figure 1 in the encoder/decoder infrastructure guide:

    • Prefill:
      • Invoke the encoder against the encoder input tokens/positions & obtain encoder output hidden states
      • Invoke the decoder against the decoder input tokens/positions & the encoder output hidden states to obtain decoder output hidden states
        • In the course of this step, each self-attention layer caches its KVs in its self-attention KV cache, and each cross-attention layer caches its KVs in its cross-attention KV cache.
        • Caching is handled implicitly by the underlying vLLM Attention layers & should not be explicitly handled by your model implementation.
      • Since cross-attention KVs are cached, discard the encoder output hidden states permanently
    • Decode:
      • Bypass the encoder entirely
      • Invoke the decoder against the decoder input tokens/positions
        • The underlying vLLM Attention layers in the decoder implicitly reuse the cached self-attention & cross-attention KVs
        • The self-attention KVs corresponding to the last decoded token will be cached
        • The cross-attention KV cache is read-only, since the encoder input sequence is static
  • Example forward() function signature:

    def forward(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, positions: torch.Tensor,
                encoder_input_ids: torch.Tensor,
                encoder_positions: torch.Tensor, kv_caches: List[torch.Tensor],
                attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata) -> torch.Tensor

<ModelName>Encoder and <ModelName>Decoder: encoder and decoder modules

  • The encoder and decoder have generally similar structures, although specific models may differentiate them in subtle ways. However, one difference is that in addition to consuming decoder input tokens/positions, the decoder also consumes encoder output hidden states & passes them into each decoder layer.
  • Members
    • cache_config
    • quant_config
    • embed_tokens: token embedding layer; instance of VocabParallelEmbedding or subclass
    • embed_positions: position embedding layer; instance of VocabParallelEmbedding or subclass
    • layers: {encoder,decoder} layer stack
    • Instances of any other layers such as nn.LayerNorm
  • A general outline of <ModelName>Encoder.forward() and <ModelName>Decoder.forward() behavior:
    • Compute token & position embeddings
    • Evaluate the {encoder,decoder} layer stack against the embeddings to obtain {encoder,decoder} output hidden states
      • Only for decoder: pass encoder output hidden states to each decoder layer
    • Also account for normalization, etc.
  • Example forward() function signature:
    • Encoder:
      def forward(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor, positions: torch.Tensor,
                  kv_caches: List[torch.Tensor],
                  attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata) -> torch.Tensor
    • Decoder:
      # Compared to encoder, has additional `encoder_hidden_states` input
      def forward(self, decoder_input_ids: torch.Tensor,
                  decoder_positions: torch.Tensor,
                  encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.Tensor],
                  kv_caches: List[torch.Tensor],
                  attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata) -> torch.Tensor:

Individual encoder and decoder layers

  • <ModelName>EncoderLayer: encoder layer class

    • <ModelName>EncoderLayer corresponds to any one of the gray boxes representing encoder layers in Figure 1 (left) of the encoder/decoder infrastructure guide
    • Members:
      • self_attn: <ModelName>EncoderAttention
      • activation_fn: vLLM MLP activation function
      • fc1 and fc2: MLP layers; ColumnParallelLinear and RowParallelLinear respectively
      • Instances of any other layers such as nn.LayerNorm which are applied by the encoder layer
    • Behavior of <ModelName>EncoderLayer.forward():
      • Apply encoder self-attention to previous encoder-layer output hidden states
      • Apply MLP
      • Also account for residuals, normalization, etc.
    • Example forward() function signature:
      def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, kv_cache: torch.Tensor,
                  attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata) -> torch.Tensor
  • <ModelName>DecoderLayer: decoder layer class

    • Members:
      • self_attn: <ModelName>DecoderSelfAttention
      • cross_attn (or encoder_attn in BART): <ModelName>CrossAttention
      • activation_fn: vLLM MLP activation function
      • fc1 and fc2: MLP layers; ColumnParallelLinear and RowParallelLinear respectively
      • Instances of any other layers such as nn.LayerNorm which are applied once by the encoder
    • The behavior of <ModelName>DecoderLayer.forward() mirrors the blown-up decoder layer in Figure 1 (right) of the encoder/decoder infrastructure guide:
      • Apply decoder self-attention to previous decoder-layer output hidden states
      • Apply encoder/decoder cross-attention to self-attention output hidden states & encoder output hidden states
      • Apply MLP
      • Also account for residuals, normalization, etc.
    • Example forward() function signature:
      def forward(
          decoder_hidden_states: torch.Tensor,
          kv_cache: torch.Tensor,
          attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata,
          encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
      ) -> torch.Tensor

Wrapper classes for QKV computation + attention backend invocation

Note: for more context on the non-causal and causal attention masks described in this section, review the default encoder/decoder attention masks.

  • <ModelName>EncoderAttention

    • Members

      • qkv_proj: $[W_Q W_K W_V]$ as QKVParallelLinear instance
      • attn: Attention instance
      • out_proj: $W_O$ as RowParalleLinear instance
      • q_size: (heads per GPU) $\times$ (head dim)
      • kv_size: (KV heads per GPU) $\times$ (head dim)
    • forward() behavior:

      • Compute $[Q K V] = x [W_Q W_K W_V]$ using qkv_proj(hidden_states)
      • Invoke Attention backend against Q,K,V, passing in attn_type=AttentionType.ENCODER
        • attn_type=AttentionType.ENCODER causes Attention to
          • utilize attn_metadata.encoder_seq_lens as a reference for the sequence lengths of the encoder input
          • Construct a non-causal attention mask, where each diagonal block is a square matrix equal in side-length to the sequence length of the corresponding encoder hidden states
          • Forego KV caching entirely
      • Apply $W_O$ to attention output using out_proj, yielding result
    • Example forward() function signature:

      def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, kv_cache: torch.Tensor,
                  attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata) -> torch.Tensor
  • <ModelName>DecoderSelfAttention

    • Members:

      • qkv_proj: $[W_Q W_K W_V]$ as QKVParallelLinear instance
      • attn: Attention instance
      • out_proj: $W_O$ as RowParalleLinear instance
      • q_size: (heads per GPU) $\times$ (head dim)
      • kv_size: (KV heads per GPU) $\times$ (head dim)
    • forward() behavior:

      • Compute $[Q K V] = x [W_Q W_K W_V]$ using qkv_proj(hidden_states)
      • Invoke Attention backend against Q,K,V, passing in attn_type=AttentionType.DECODER
        • attn_type=AttentionType.DECODER causes Attention to
          • utilize attn_metadata.seq_lens as a reference for the sequence lengths of the decoder input
          • Construct a causal attention mask, where each diagonal block is a square matrix equal in side-length to the sequence length of the corresponding decoder hidden states
          • Cache self-attention KVs during prefill; cache new KVs & reuse old ones during decode
      • Apply $W_O$ to attention output using out_proj, yielding result
    • Example forward() function signature:

      def forward(self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, kv_cache: torch.Tensor,
                  attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata) -> torch.Tensor
  • <ModelName>CrossAttention

    • The QKV computation here is currently inefficient, for reasons described later. Addressing this is a near-term workstream.

    • Members

      • qkv_proj: $[W_Q W_K W_V]$ as QKVParallelLinear instance
      • attn: Attention instance
      • out_proj: $W_O$ as RowParalleLinear instance
      • q_size: (heads per GPU) $\times$ (head dim)
      • kv_size: (KV heads per GPU) $\times$ (head dim)
    • forward() behavior:

      • Compute $[Q_{dec} K_{dec} V_{dec}] = x [W_Q W_K W_V]$ using qkv_proj(decoder_hidden_states)
      • Keep $Q_{dec}$, discard $K_{dec}$, $V_{dec}$
      • Compute $K_{enc}$ and $V_{enc}$
        • Prefill: compute $[Q_{enc} K_{enc} V_{enc}] = x [W_Q W_K W_V]$ using qkv_proj(encoder_hidden_states); discard $Q_{enc}$
        • Decode: $K_{enc} = V_{enc} =$ None
      • Invoke Attention backend against $Q_{dec}$ , $K_{enc}$ , $V_{enc}$ , passing in attn_type=AttentionType.ENCODER_DECODER
        • attn_type=AttentionType.ENCODER_DECODER causes Attention to
          • utilize attn_metadata.seq_lens as a reference for the sequence lengths of the corresponding decoder hidden states, and attn_metadata.encoder_seq_lens as a reference for the sequence lengths of the corresponding encoder hidden states
          • Construct a non-causal attention mask, where each diagonal block is a rectangular matrix with dimensions (decoder seq len) $\times$ (encoder seq len)
          • Cache cross-attention KVs during prefill; reuse old KVs during decode
    • Example forward() function signature:

      def forward(
          decoder_hidden_states: torch.Tensor,
          kv_cache: torch.Tensor,
          attn_metadata: AttentionMetadata,
          encoder_hidden_states: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
      ) -> torch.Tensor

2.6 (If necessary) adjust LLMEngine default decoder prompt & decoder prompt preprocessing

(There is not a corresponding section in the vLLM documentation.)

As described at the end of this section, vLLM LLMEngine emulates the default behavior of HuggingFace transformers GenerationMixin when preprocessing decoder prompts for encoder/decoder models.

If the default behavior is not appropriate for your model, you add special cases to LLMEngine to correctly handle decoder prompts for your model.

Decoder prompt preprocessing

By default, LLMEngine._prepare_decoder_input_ids_for_generation(decoder_input_ids) will prepend <DEC> (decoder start token) to the beginning of the decoder prompt token list. However if the decoder prompt token list already begins with <DEC> then nothing is changed.

If this behavior is not appropriate for your model, you can add a special case to LLMEngine._prepare_decoder_input_ids_for_generation(decoder_input_ids) in order to implement the correct behavior for your model.

Default decoder prompt

Currently, the default vLLM decoder prompt is <DEC><BOS> where <DEC> is the decoder start token.

Here is how the default decoder prompt is implemented:

  • If a request contains a None decoder prompt, LLMEngine._get_default_enc_dec_decoder_prompt() replaces the decoder prompt with <BOS>
  • Next, LLMEngine._prepare_decoder_input_ids_for_generation(decoder_input_ids) detects that <DEC> is absent from the decoder prompt & prepends <DEC>
  • This results in <DEC><BOS>

If the current vLLM default decoder prompt is not appropriate for your model, you add a special case to LLMEngine._get_default_enc_dec_decoder_prompt() and LLMEngine._prepare_decoder_input_ids_for_generation(decoder_input_ids) in order to implement the correct behavior for your model.

Follow the instructions in the vLLM documentation.

Recall that vLLM parallelizes QKV computation & Attention.forward() along the head-index dimension (i.e. per-head computations are distributed among GPUs.) Review the __init__() code in BartEncoderAttention, BartDecoderSelfAttention, and BartCrossAttention for guidance on how to use tp_world_size to compute the size of the attention computation (num_heads, num_kv_heads, etc.) on a single GPU.

Parallel cross-attention QKV computation #

Cross-attention complicates the parallel GEMM computations against the $W_Q$, $W_K$, $W_V$ parameter matrices, because the Q/K/V computation must operate on both the previous-layer decoder hidden states and also encoder output hidden states; however, QKVParallelLinear.forward() is designed to operate on only a single input.

A near-term goal is to add a CrossAttentionQKVParallelLinear class which supports two inputs.

Until that fix becomes available, the following workaround was employed in BART to parallelize the Q/K/V computation:

# (afeldman-nm 2024/07/22) TODO:
# Need a more efficient solution for q/k/v
qkv_dec, _ = self.qkv_proj(decoder_hidden_states)
q, _, _ = qkv_dec.split([self.q_size, self.kv_size, self.kv_size],
if encoder_hidden_states is None:
    k = None
    v = None
    qkv_enc, _ = self.qkv_proj(encoder_hidden_states)
    _, k, v = qkv_enc.split([self.q_size, self.kv_size, self.kv_size],

As this is not efficient, it is a near-term goal to find a better approach.

Follow the instructions in the vLLM documentation.

Encoder/decoder weight loader logic belongs in <ModelName>ForConditionalGeneration (as opposed to <ModelName>ForCausalLM.)

This step differs from the vLLM documentation. For encoder/decoder models, register the ForConditionalGeneration class to the _CONDITIONAL_GENERATION_MODELS in vllm/model_executor/models/

The registry is a dictionary; the structure of a registry entry is:

"model_arch": ("module_name","model_cls_name")


  • module_name is the model's Python module name in vLLM, i.e. the filename of the model in vLLM/model_executor/models/ omitting the .py extension
    • For vLLM BART, this is bart
  • model_cls_name is the name of the model's ForConditionalGeneration class within its vLLM Python module
    • For vLLM BART, this is BartForConditionalGeneration
  • model_arch is the value in the architectures field of the model's config.json file on HF
    • HF BART model_arch examples:
      • facebook/bart-large: model_arch is BartModel
      • facebook/bart-large-cnn: model_arch is BartForConditionalGeneration
      • BART is an example of a model which has a different model_arch for different variants. If this is the case, you need to add a registry entry for each model_arch that you want to support, even if the model_cls_name and module_name are the same.
      • If the HF model you are porting to vLLM has multiple entries under the architectures field of config.json, then more in-depth study will be required in order to determine how to correctly register it with vLLM

For example, the BART model registration comprises the following two entries:

"BartModel": ("bart", "BartForConditionalGeneration"),
"BartForConditionalGeneration": ("bart", "BartForConditionalGeneration"),

Out-of-tree model integration has not been tested with encoder/decoder models.

Example: add BART model

As an example, the latest vLLM BART model integration may be found here.

Final note: feature dependencies

Some encoder/decoder models depend on other vLLM encoder/decoder workstreams: