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Get Test OCEAN and Verify It

As you develop on Ocean, you'll often need to use the OCEAN token. It's an ERC20 token on Ethereum mainnet, along with bridges to other networks and testnet deployments.

Here, let's get some OCEAN for the Rinkeby testnet, and verify in Python that we have it.


Install library

In a new console:

#Initialize virtual environment and activate it.
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

#Install the library. Install wheel first to avoid errors.
pip install wheel
pip install ocean-lib

Create a new address / key

In a Python console:

from eth_account.account import Account
account = Account.create()
print(f"New address: {account.address}")
print(f"New private key: {account.key.hex()}")

The address is randomly generated, so our transactions don't overlap with others' on Rinkeby, which is public.


In your browser:

  • Go to the Rinkeby OCEAN faucet.
  • In that page, supply the address printed above
  • It will tell you that test OCEAN are on the way, and report the transaction id (txid). Copy this txid.

Verify in Etherscan

Let's confirm that we hold the OCEAN, from Etherscan.

In your browser:

  • Go to
  • Into the search field, enter txid from the previous step or your Ethereum address. Hit Enter.
  • In the results, click on the "ERC20 Token Txns" tab
  • You will see the tx that sent you OCEAN.

Alternatively, go straight to this address:<OCEAN address>?a=<your account address>

Verify in Python

Both Python and Etherscan give views of the same data: your OCEAN balance on the Rinkeby blockchain.

Now, let's confirm that we hold the OCEAN, from Python.

In a bash console:

export OCEAN_NETWORK_URL=<your Infura project id>
export MY_TEST_KEY=<your private key>

In a Python console:

from ocean_lib.example_config import ExampleConfig
from ocean_lib.ocean.ocean import Ocean
config = ExampleConfig.get_config()
ocean = Ocean(config)

#create an ERC20 object of OCEAN token
print(f"Address of OCEAN token: {ocean.OCEAN_address}")
from ocean_lib.models.btoken import BToken #BToken is ERC20
OCEAN_token = BToken(ocean.web3, ocean.OCEAN_address)

#set wallet
private_key = os.getenv('MY_TEST_KEY')
from ocean_lib.web3_internal.wallet import Wallet
wallet = Wallet(ocean.web3, private_key, config.block_confirmations, config.transaction_timeout)
print(f"Address of your account: {wallet.address}")

#get balance
OCEAN_balance_in_wei = OCEAN_token.balanceOf(wallet.address)
from ocean_lib.web3_internal.currency import from_wei
OCEAN_balance_in_ether = from_wei(OCEAN_balance_in_wei)
print(f"Balance: {OCEAN_balance_in_ether} OCEAN")
if OCEAN_balance_in_wei == 0:
  print("WARNING: you don't have any OCEAN yet")

Further reading