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This chef cookbook installs Karamel. Used by Vagrant to provision multi-node clusters.

Baremetal installation with karamel-ui (version 0.6)

Used a ubuntu 16.04 64bit from osboxes( password: Note: The VM requires a bit of time to load everything - otherwise the apt-get install complains about locks being tacken when you try to install openssh, java or git.

  1. The installing user must not have a sudo password. If your user has a password, do:
sudo visudo

and change the sudo line from:

%sudo   ALL=(ALL) ALL


  1. The installation script has to be able to ssh back into the installed vm - since this is a baremetal installation, we require the machine to be able to ssh into itself 2.1. generate ssh keys
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa

2.2. authorise your key to ssh into this machine

cd .ssh
touch authorized_keys
cat >> authorized_keys
chmod 600 authorized_keys

2.3. install openssh-server

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Note: Make sure you can ssh into the machine with the install user (osboxes) into the

  1. Modify in the /etc/hosts file this line:   osboxes

to: osboxes
  1. Install java
sudo apt-get install jre-default
  1. Install git
sudo apt-get install git
  1. Get karamel-chef and change the install user in the cluster definition
git clone 

Change the baremetal/username user to your user (osboxes) in the cluster definition: karamel-chef/cluster-defns/1.aegis.yml

  1. Get karamel ( version 0.5:

  1. Run karamel:
cd karamel-0.5
  1. After running karamel it will automatically load in your browser under localhost:9090/index.html

  2. Within karamel go to Menu - Load Cluster Defn and load the 1.hopsworks.yml cluster definition, after which Launch the cluster.

Note: remember to change the install/baremetal user from vagrant to osboxes in this case.

  1. Launch and check the status until all recipies are installed (status - done).

  2. Access hops at the localhost:8080/hopsworks


  1. Recipe hopsworks::default fails and the logs point to some python permission issues. Fix: Change the owner of ~/.local/bin and ~/.local/lib (recursively) to the install user (osboxes in this case)
sudo chown -R osboxes:osboxes ~/.local/bin
sudo chown -R osboxes:osboxes ~/.local/lib

Custom installation - mainly for testing cluster

Dela instructions

Follow the dela/ instructions

Visualization libraries

  1. Hide Code Extension
pip install --user hide_code
sudo jupyter nbextension install --py hide_code --sys-prefix
sudo jupyter nbextension enable --py hide_code --sys-prefix
sudo jupyter serverextension enable --py hide_code --sys-prefix

Folium might fail to display the map in the notebook due to CORS restrictions with iframes. To address this issue, edit the file to contain the following:

c.NotebookApp.tornado_settings = {
    'headers': {
        'Content-Security-Policy': "frame-ancestors 'self' "

Fixed in:

  1. QGrid (
sudo pip install qgrid
sudo jupyter nbextension install --py qgrid --sys-prefix
sudo jupyter nbextension enable --py qgrid --sys-prefix

Install these libraries in both python 2.7 and 3.6 on all machines and add them to the variables table


Spark common lang lib fix:

Replace the hops-util lib within hdfs, with the snurran versison 0.4.1(as version 0.4.0)


Out of extent error fix (Fixed in

Increase the preallocated disk space in the script /srv/hops/mysql-cluster/ndb/scripts/ by changing the dc parameter at the end of the command, the number is in GB, and then run the script.

NDB Out of memory

Increase the DataMemory to 20GB, the IndexMemory to 10GB, and the MaxNoOfExecutionThreads to 4 in the config.ini file inside the mysql-cluster installation (/srv/hops/mysql-cluster/).

Temporary fixes:



highcharts.src.js:28370 Uncaught TypeError: (e.series || []).forEach is not a function
    at a.Chart.firstRender (VM1982 highcharts.js:283)
    at a.Chart.<anonymous> (VM1982 highcharts.js:257)
    at a.fireEvent (VM1982 highcharts.js:31)
    at a.Chart.init (VM1982 highcharts.js:256)
    at a.Chart.getArgs (VM1982 highcharts.js:256)
    at new a.Chart (VM1982 highcharts.js:255)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (VM1986 about:srcdoc:1)
    at c (VM1981 jquery.min.js:3)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (VM1981 jquery.min.js:3)
    at Function.ready (VM1981 jquery.min.js:3)

Problem: Version mismatch

Temporary Fix:

file /srv/hops/jupyter/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/highcharts/highcharts/ lines 71-74:


line 210:


line 295:


line 343:


file /srv/hops/jupyter/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/highcharts/highstock/ lines 65-67:
