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Machine Learning library comparisons for testing brain architectures

Aditya Gilra edited this page Feb 9, 2017 · 15 revisions

There are already nice ML comparisons out there:


Here, I compare free ML libraries for suitability of use in archibrain.
Particularly, we want
0. python / julia support

  1. arbitrary even spiking neurons
  2. auto-differentiation of arbitrary functions
  3. ease of implementing different learning algos (not just backprop) - almost Brian style.
  4. can use GPUs (and CPUs) across multiple nodes (openmp/cuda/opencl?).
  5. ease of implementing both RL and supervised learning tasks.
library py/ju? arb nrns? auto-diff? arb learn algo? multi-node GPU/CPU tasks
tensorflow py ? yes ? cuda ?
mxnet py/ju ? yes ? openmp,cuda ?
theano py ? yes ? openmp,cuda,(dev-opencl) ?
keras py ? yes ? (theano backend) ?
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