We use Docker as our container engine and it should run smoothly on most systems.
docker build . -t barateza-nfcrawler
docker-compose build
docker-compose up --build
docker run --rm -ti barateza-nfcrawler sh
docker-compose run --rm scrapy sh
docker rmi barateza-nfcrawler
docker-compose down
docker run --rm -ti barateza-nfcrawler
Pass them to the container using the -e
option. It is also possible
to pass them using a --env-file
location for the items file (defaults to/scrapy/nfcrawler/.scrapy/httpcache
location for the items file (defaults to/scrapy/nfcrawler/.scrapy/data/items.json
location for the log file (defaults to/scrapy/nfcrawler/.scrapy/log/logfile.log
location of the page to get scraped. It can be also afile://