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Developing observability-operator

Make sure you have Golang already setup in your local environment.

Running tests

We have 4 different kinds of tests:

  • Standard unit tests at reconciler level
  • Linter/formatting tests for embedded configuration files
  • Integration tests with GrafanaCloud API
    • Require a valid API key set as env variable GRAFANA_CLOUD_TOKEN
    • Verify the API client works properly (for stack discovery)
  • Integration tests for the entire program and Helm chart run in a Kind cluster
    • Require env variable RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS set to "true"
    • Verify the operator can be deployed and behave correctly inside a k8s cluster

Setup a local Kubernetes cluster with Kind

For convenience, you may want to run the Operator against a local cluster during development.

Make sure you have a container runtime installed.

For macOS users, consider using colima1:

colima start --edit # set enough resources, ie: 4 cpus and 8gb mem

Create kind cluster

  • Create a Kind cluster configuration (ie: kind-cluster.yaml):

    cat << EOF > kind-cluster.yaml
    # three node (two workers) cluster config
    kind: Cluster
    name: observability-operator-demo
    - role: control-plane
      image: kindest/node:v1.30.0
    - role: worker
      image: kindest/node:v1.30.0
  • Create the Kind cluster:

    kind create cluster --config kind-cluster.yaml

Setup Operator runtime dependencies


Make sure you are using the kubectl context of your kind cluster, ie:

kubectl config use-context kind-observability-operator-demo # or equivalent with kubectx
  • Namespaces

    kubectl create namespace platform-services      # for Prometheus instances and operator 
    kubectl create namespace observability          # for Alloy instances
    kubectl create namespace userns-dev             # for user namespace (example)
    kubectl create namespace observability-operator # where Operator pods run (if installed via helm)
  • Prometheus Operator

    helm repo add prometheus-community
    helm install prometheus-operator prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n platform-services
  • Kubernetes Metrics Server

    curl -L -O
    # edit components.yaml:
    #   add `- --kubelet-insecure-tls` arg to "metrics-server" container 
    kubectl apply -f components.yaml

    You should now be able to run kubectl top pod against your kind cluster.

  • Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)

    git clone
    # fix addext param for openssl version 
    OPENSSL_VERSION=$(openssl version | awk '{print $2}')
    if [[ ! $OPENSSL_VERSION =~ ^1\.1\..* ]]; then
      echo "OpenSSL version is not 1.1.x, modifying the file..."
      sed -i 's/-addext "subjectAltName = DNS:${CN_BASE}_ca"//g' autoscaler/vertical-pod-autoscaler/pkg/admission-controller/
      echo "OpenSSL version is 1.1.x, no modification needed."
    # Make the autoscaler up
    # check vpa-admission-controller is running
    kubectl get pods -n kube-system 

Run the Operator


Make sure you are using the kubectl context of your kind cluster, ie:

kubectl config use-context kind-observability-operator-demo # or equivalent with kubectx

A. Locally against your local kind cluster

Tokens must be set but they can be fake if you don't need to test the Grafana Cloud integration.

go run cmd/observability-operator/main.go\

B. In-cluster (within your local kind cluster)

docker build -t local/adevinta/observability-operator:latest .
kind load docker-image --name observability-operator-demo local/adevinta/observability-operator:latest

cat << EOF > secrets.yaml 
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
apiVersion: v1
  name: observability-operator-grafana-cloud-credentials
  namespace: observability-operator
  grafana-cloud-api-key: YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_TOKEN
  grafana-cloud-traces-token: YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_TOKEN

kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml 

helm upgrade observability-operator helm-chart/observability-operator --install --namespace observability-operator\
  --set image.registry=local\
  --set image.repository=adevinta/observability-operator\
  --set image.tag=latest\
  --set image.pullPolicy=Never\
  --set enableSelfVpa=false\
  --set clusterName=observability-operator-demo\
  --set region=eu-west-1\
  --set excludeNamespaces=kube-system\
  --set credentials.GRAFANA_CLOUD_TOKEN.secretName=observability-operator-grafana-cloud-credentials\
  --set credentials.GRAFANA_CLOUD_TRACES_TOKEN.secretName=observability-operator-grafana-cloud-credentials

[Optional] Debug the Operator with VS Code

If you are using VS Code you can use the following "launch configuration"2 to start a Debugging session from within your editor:

// .vscode/launch.json
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [        
            "name": "Run Observability Operator",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "auto",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/observability-operator/main.go",
            "args": [
                "-cluster-name", "observability-operator-demo",
                "-cluster-region", "eu-west-1",
                "-cluster-environment", "dev",
            "env": { 
                "GRAFANA_CLOUD_TOKEN": "test1234",
                "GRAFANA_CLOUD_TRACES_TOKEN": "test1234"
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "preLaunchTask": "check-kubectl-context"

The check-kubectl-context preLaunchTask might be useful to ensure you are running against the right kubernetes cluster.

You may define this task as follows:

// your workspace settings
    "folders": [
            "path": "path/to/observability-operator"
    "settings": {},
    "tasks": {
        "version": "2.0.0",
        "tasks": [
                "label": "check-kubectl-context",
                "type": "shell",
                "command": "[[ $(kubectl config current-context) == 'kind-observability-operator-demo' ]] || exit 1"


