Make sure you have Golang already setup in your local environment.
We have 4 different kinds of tests:
- Standard unit tests at reconciler level
- Linter/formatting tests for embedded configuration files
- Integration tests with GrafanaCloud API
- Require a valid API key set as env variable GRAFANA_CLOUD_TOKEN
- Verify the API client works properly (for stack discovery)
- Integration tests for the entire program and Helm chart run in a Kind cluster
- Require env variable RUN_INTEGRATION_TESTS set to "true"
- Verify the operator can be deployed and behave correctly inside a k8s cluster
For convenience, you may want to run the Operator against a local cluster during development.
Make sure you have a container runtime installed.
For macOS users, consider using colima
colima start --edit # set enough resources, ie: 4 cpus and 8gb mem
Create a Kind cluster configuration (ie:
):cat << EOF > kind-cluster.yaml # three node (two workers) cluster config kind: Cluster apiVersion: name: observability-operator-demo nodes: - role: control-plane image: kindest/node:v1.30.0 - role: worker image: kindest/node:v1.30.0 EOF
Create the Kind cluster:
kind create cluster --config kind-cluster.yaml
Make sure you are using the kubectl context of your kind cluster, ie:
kubectl config use-context kind-observability-operator-demo # or equivalent with kubectx
kubectl create namespace platform-services # for Prometheus instances and operator kubectl create namespace observability # for Alloy instances kubectl create namespace userns-dev # for user namespace (example) kubectl create namespace observability-operator # where Operator pods run (if installed via helm)
Prometheus Operator
helm repo add prometheus-community helm install prometheus-operator prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n platform-services
Kubernetes Metrics Server
curl -L -O # edit components.yaml: # add `- --kubelet-insecure-tls` arg to "metrics-server" container kubectl apply -f components.yaml
You should now be able to run
kubectl top pod
against your kind cluster. -
Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)
git clone # fix addext param for openssl version OPENSSL_VERSION=$(openssl version | awk '{print $2}') if [[ ! $OPENSSL_VERSION =~ ^1\.1\..* ]]; then echo "OpenSSL version is not 1.1.x, modifying the file..." sed -i 's/-addext "subjectAltName = DNS:${CN_BASE}_ca"//g' autoscaler/vertical-pod-autoscaler/pkg/admission-controller/ else echo "OpenSSL version is 1.1.x, no modification needed." fi # Make the autoscaler up ./autoscaler/vertical-pod-autoscaler/hack/ # check vpa-admission-controller is running kubectl get pods -n kube-system
Make sure you are using the kubectl context of your kind cluster, ie:
kubectl config use-context kind-observability-operator-demo # or equivalent with kubectx
Tokens must be set but they can be fake if you don't need to test the Grafana Cloud integration.
go run cmd/observability-operator/main.go\
docker build -t local/adevinta/observability-operator:latest .
kind load docker-image --name observability-operator-demo local/adevinta/observability-operator:latest
cat << EOF > secrets.yaml
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
apiVersion: v1
name: observability-operator-grafana-cloud-credentials
namespace: observability-operator
grafana-cloud-api-key: YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_TOKEN
grafana-cloud-traces-token: YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_TOKEN
kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml
helm upgrade observability-operator helm-chart/observability-operator --install --namespace observability-operator\
--set image.registry=local\
--set image.repository=adevinta/observability-operator\
--set image.tag=latest\
--set image.pullPolicy=Never\
--set enableSelfVpa=false\
--set clusterName=observability-operator-demo\
--set region=eu-west-1\
--set excludeNamespaces=kube-system\
--set credentials.GRAFANA_CLOUD_TOKEN.secretName=observability-operator-grafana-cloud-credentials\
--set credentials.GRAFANA_CLOUD_TRACES_TOKEN.secretName=observability-operator-grafana-cloud-credentials
If you are using VS Code you can use the following "launch configuration"2 to start a Debugging session from within your editor:
// .vscode/launch.json
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Run Observability Operator",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/observability-operator/main.go",
"args": [
"-cluster-name", "observability-operator-demo",
"-cluster-region", "eu-west-1",
"-cluster-environment", "dev",
"env": {
"GRAFANA_CLOUD_TOKEN": "test1234",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"preLaunchTask": "check-kubectl-context"
The check-kubectl-context
preLaunchTask might be useful to ensure you are running against the right kubernetes cluster.
You may define this task as follows:
// your workspace settings
"folders": [
"path": "path/to/observability-operator"
"settings": {},
"tasks": {
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "check-kubectl-context",
"type": "shell",
"command": "[[ $(kubectl config current-context) == 'kind-observability-operator-demo' ]] || exit 1"