We got very disappointed with the official PHP client Amazon offers on their docs and decided to write a simple client based on Guzzle and suitable for PHP 7 projects. This project is based on the official client. The idea is to just hide all the nitty-gritty of handling requests and have as little abstraction as possible, basically you pass the request params and get a XML object back.
Check their documentation and scratchpad to learn all available actions and their request params:
- http://docs.developer.amazonservices.com/en_UK/dev_guide/DG_Registering.html
- https://mws.amazonservices.co.uk/scratchpad/index.html
- PHP >= 7.0
- Guzzle 6
composer require weengsapp/amazon-mws-client
// instantiate the client with your credentials
$client = new AmazonMwsClient(
'access key',
'secret key',
'seller id',
['marketplace id'],
'mws auth token'
// List orders
$optionalParams = [
'CreatedAfter' => '2017-09-30T23:00:00Z', // dates should always be in ISO8601 format
'CreatedBefore' => '2017-10-23T23:00:00Z',
var_dump($client->send('ListOrders', '/Orders/2013-09-01', $optionalParams));
Pull requests are welcome :)