All merges to main
will bump the semantic version and create a new tag automatically.
By default it will be a patch release, but if you include #minor
or #major
in a commit message, it will bump those.
mv log/bot.log log/bot.$(date "+%Y%m%d").log
go get -u
go get -u
go list -u -m -json all | go-mod-outdated
sudo certbot -d $EXTERNAL_URL --manual --preferred-challenges dns certonly
# use this to verify the DNS change:
dig -t txt _acme-challenge.$EXTERNAL_URL
# copy over the new certs
sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$EXTERNAL_URL/fullchain.pem infra/certs/$EXTERNAL_URL.fullchain.pem
sudo cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/$EXTERNAL_URL/privkey.pem infra/certs/$EXTERNAL_URL.key
To renew certs:
sudo certbot renew
The video manifest is used in the GitHub Actions build process to avoid pulling down big files too often.
md5sum assets/video/*.MP4 > assets/video/manifest.txt
We use the ffpmeg docker file, but with an updated version of freetype.
Specifically, the freetype version matches the one available in apt
, because the obs-studio build was failing.
It was failing because the version of freetype installed on the system was newer than the one used to build ffmpeg.
docker build -t danalol/ffmpeg -f infra/docker/obs/Dockerfile.nvidia .
docker push danalol/ffmpeg
These are just notes, this doc needs to be updated with Docker setup instructions.
#TODO: put this in order, make it pretty
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521
git clone [email protected]:dmerrick/git-prompt.git
git clone [email protected]:dmerrick/configs.git
stow bash tmux vim # ...
# install rvm
# install tmuxinator to global gemset
apt install xsel # pbcopy/pbpaste
# install firefox
# install xfce4-terminal
# install postgresql
# start it, set up db
# install golang
sudo snap install go --classic
# if you started with ubuntu-server…
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop
# set up screen sharing
sudo apt-get install vino
# some magic to be done here, i ended up disabling encryption D:
# install nvidia drivers
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
# find the driver package and install it
# i used non-free cause the version was highest
# install ffmpeg/obs with the script
git clone
# you know ffmpeg works if this has results:
ffmpeg -encoders | grep nvenc
# you know obs works if NVENC is in the dropdown
# you might have to use the helper scripts it generates
# sudo apt-get install vlc
# bind ESC to capslock
# get fonts working in obs-studio snap