upgrade testcase to the latest
- a new fault injection framework
- allows injecting errors into a specific package/receiver/function's context.Err call
- includes a fault injection middleware/round-tripper that allows propagating faults in distributed systems.
- Added the ability to propagate injected faults in the round-tripper
- allows the ability to inject errors through the HTTP API in a controlled manner
- has a Global Enable Disable toggle to exclude all possibilities where faults injection is are not expected on an environment.
- default is off
defer faultinject.Enable()()
ctx := context.Background()
// all fault field is optional.
// in case left as zero value,
// it will match every caller context,
// and returns on the first .Err() / .Value(faultinject.Fault{})
ctx = faultinject.Inject(ctx, faultinject.CallerFault{
Package: "targetpkg",
Receiver: "*myreceiver",
Function: "myfunction",
}, errors.New("boom"))
// from and after call stack reached: targetpkg.(*myreceiver).myfunction
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Println(err) // in the position defined by the Fault, it will yield an error
- added support for a deterministic random generation as io.Reader with random.Random
rnd := random.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix()))
p := make([]byte, 42)
n, err := rnd.Read(p)
_, _ = n, err
- added support for deterministic random error generation
rnd := random.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix()))
err := rnd.Error()
_ = err
- nil is an acceptable constant value for the testcase.LetValue
- more examples in the pkg documentation
- changed signature to accept receiver in the Before hook of a testcase.Var,
- This allows the use of a global testcase.Var with a dynamic Before hook arrangement without the need to use the init() function.
var v = testcase.Var[int]{
ID: "myvar",
Init: func(t *testcase.T) int { return 42 },
Before: func(t *testcase.T, v testcase.Var[int]) {
t.Logf(`I'm from the Var.Before block, and the value: %#v`, v.Get(t))
- [EXPERIMENT] deprecate Around, AroundAll, After, AfterAll to trim down on the testcase's API
- They can be expressed using a Before/BeforeAll with T.Defer or T.Cleanup
- added support for sandboxing function blocks
- This allows testing test helpers easily without letting your test exit with runtime.Goexit on testing.TB.FailNow
var tb testing.TB = &testcase.StubTB{}
outcome := testcase.Sandbox(func() {
// some test helper function calls fatal, which cause runtime.Goexit after marking the test failed.
fmt.Println("The sandbox run has finished without an issue", outcome.OK)
fmt.Println("runtime.Goexit was called:", outcome.Goexit)
fmt.Println("panic value:", outcome.PanicValue)
- added support for assert.NoError
var tb testing.TB
assert.NoError(tb, nil) // passes
assert.NoError(tb, errors.New("boom")) // fails
- improved the usability of StubTB to make it easier to assert the log content
stub := &testcase.StubTB{}
stub.Log("hello", "world")
- added commonly used charsets to make random string generation more convenient for a given charset
rnd := random.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix()))
rnd.StringNWithCharset(42, random.Charset())
rnd.StringNWithCharset(42, random.CharsetASCII())
rnd.StringNWithCharset(42, random.CharsetAlpha())
rnd.StringNWithCharset(42, "ABC")
- added alias for random.StringWithCharset to make it easier to use
rnd := random.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix()))
rnd.StringNC(42, random.Charset())
- extend assert.ErrorIs to check equality even with wrapped values
- move Eventually async test helper into the assert package
- backward compatibility is ensured for awhile
- add more safety guards to prevent variables without ID
- added http.Handler middleware contract to httpspec
- if you write an http.Handler-based middleware ensures that the minimum expectations are there.
myHandlerWithFaultInjectionMiddleware := fihttp.Handler{
Next: myHandler,
ServiceName: "our-service-name",
FaultsMapping: fihttp.FaultsMapping{
"mapped-fault-name": func(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return faultinject.Inject(ctx, FaultTag{}, errors.New("boom"))
- many small improvements