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502 lines (400 loc) · 15.7 KB

File metadata and controls

502 lines (400 loc) · 15.7 KB



Use this org file to experiment with CLI creation. Keep CLI functionality out of the main library, to keep things clean and lean.


 {org.clojure/clojure    {:mvn/version "1.10.3"}
  org.clojure/tools.cli  {:mvn/version "1.0.206"}
  org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}
  org.clojure/data.xml   {:mvn/version "0.0.8"}
  same/ish               {:mvn/version "0.1.4"}
  hawk/hawk              {:mvn/version "0.2.11"}
  hiccup/hiccup          {:mvn/version "2.0.0-alpha2"}
  batik-rasterize/batik-rasterize {:local/root "/Users/adam/dev/batik-rasterize"} #_{:mvn/version "0.1.2"}
  borkdude/sci           {:mvn/version "0.2.5"}}
:aliases {:test {:extra-paths ["test"]
                 :extra-deps {com.cognitect/test-runner {:git/url ""
                                                         :sha "209b64504cb3bd3b99ecfec7937b358a879f55c1"}}
                 :main-opts ["-m" "cognitect.test-runner"]}
           {com.github.seancorfield/depstar {:mvn/version "2.0.216"}}
           :exec-fn hf.depstar/uberjar
           :exec-args {:jar svg_clj.jar
                       :main-class svg-clj.cli
                       :aot true}}}}


always need GRAALVM_HOME set If you want to run an agent to help build a reflect-config.json, then you need to set JAVA executable to GRAAL version as well.

export GRAALVM_HOME=/Users/adam/Downloads/graalvm-ce-java11-21.1.0/Contents/Home export JAVA_HOME=$GRAALVM_HOME

binary file reduction: ‘upx’, which is a binary compression tool.

  1. Run bb gen-reflect with -i drawing.clj -w

This causes the GraalVM agent to correctly walk the codepath that requires the watcher libs/classes.

Check that the uberjar is running by making a trivial change (such as adding a space) to drawing.clj and saving. You should see a message in the terminal. If successful, you can quit the watcher with CTRL-C in the terminal.

  1. Edit the generated reflect-config.json. Manually Replace

{ “name”:”java.lang.reflect.Method”, “methods”:[{“name”:”canAccess”,”parameterTypes”:[“java.lang.Object”] }] },


{ “name”:”java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject”, “methods”:[{“name”:”canAccess”}] },

And add the following to the end of the list:

{ “name”:”com.barbarysoftware.watchservice.StandardWatchEventKind$StdWatchEventKind[]”, “allPublicMethods”:true },

This is true on MacOS… I don’t yet know how this works on linux or windows.

  1. Run bb native-image
  2. Test the binary by running ./svg_clj -i drawing.clj

This should successfully produce drawing.svg in the directory.

  1. Test the binary by running ./svg_clj -i drawing.clj -w

This should successfully start a watcher. Check that it responds to file changes by saving a trivial change to drawing.clj. For example, add a space somewhere and save.

 {:requires ([babashka.fs :as fs]
             [clojure.string :as str])
  :init (def windows? (str/starts-with? (System/getProperty "")
  {:doc "Run main"
   :task (apply clojure "-M -m svg-clj.cli" *command-line-args*)}
  {:doc "Builds uberjar"
   :task (when (seq (fs/modified-since "svg_clj.jar" "src"))
           (clojure "-X:uberjar"))}

  {:doc "Run uberjar"
   :depends [uberjar]
   :task (apply shell "java -jar svg_clj.jar" *command-line-args*)}
  {:doc "Checks GRAALVM_HOME env var"
   (let [env (System/getenv "GRAALVM_HOME")]
     (assert "Set GRAALVM_HOME")
  {:doc "Runs scripts/gen-reflect-config.clj on the compiled jar."
   :depends [graalvm uberjar]
   :task (binding [*command-line-args* ["java" "-jar" "svg_clj.jar" "-i" "drawing.clj"]]
           (load-file "scripts/gen-reflect-config.clj"))}

  {:doc "Builds native image"
   :depends [graalvm uberjar gen-reflect-config]
   :task (do
           (shell (str (fs/file graalvm
                                (if windows?
                  "install" "native-image")
           (shell (str (fs/file graalvm
                                (if windows?
                  "-jar" "svg_clj.jar"


Use these scripts to help with the native-image build process. Jar/uberjar builds work just fine with bb tasks already.

This script is from borkdude’s example repo:

This script takes a reflect-config.json and cleans it up by removing unnecessary clojure classes and fixing the bug(?) where java.lang.reflect.Method causes native-image to fail at setup phase.

#!/usr/bin/env bb

(require '[babashka.process :refer [process]]
         '[cheshire.core :as cheshire]
         '[clojure.string :as str])

(def trace-cmd *command-line-args*)

(def trace-agent-env "-agentlib:native-image-agent=trace-output=trace-file.json")
(def config-agent-env "-agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=.")

@(process trace-cmd {:inherit true :extra-env {"JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" trace-agent-env}})
@(process trace-cmd {:inherit true :extra-env {"JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS" config-agent-env}})

(def trace-json (cheshire/parse-string (slurp "trace-file.json") true))

;; [Z = boolean
;; [B = byte
;; [S = short
;; [I = int
;; [J = long
;; [F = float
;; [D = double
;; [C = char
;; [L = any non-primitives(Object)

(defn normalize-array-name [n]
  ({"[F" "float[]"
    "[B" "byte[]"
    "[Z" "boolean[]"
    "[C" "char[]"
    "[D" "double[]"
    "[I" "int[]"
    "[J" "long[]"
    "[S" "short[]"} n n))

(def ignored (atom #{}))
(def unignored (atom #{}))

(defn ignore [{:keys [:tracer :caller_class :function :args] :as _m}]
  (when (= "reflect" tracer)
    (when-let [arg (first args)]
      (let [arg (normalize-array-name arg)]
        (if (and caller_class
                 (or (= "clojure.lang.RT" caller_class)
                     (= "clojure.genclass__init" caller_class)
                     (and (str/starts-with? caller_class "clojure.core$fn")
                          (= "java.sql.Timestamp" arg)))
                 (= "forName" function))
          (swap! ignored conj arg)
          (when (= "clojure.lang.RT" caller_class)
            ;; unignore other reflective calls in clojure.lang.RT
            (swap! unignored conj arg)))))))

(run! ignore trace-json)

;; (prn @ignored)
;; (prn @unignored)

(defn process-1 [{:keys [:name] :as m}]
  (when-not (and (= 1 (count m))
                 (contains? @ignored name)
                 (not (contains? @unignored name)))
    ;; fix bug(?) in automated generated config
    (if (= "java.lang.reflect.Method" name)
      (assoc m :name "java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject")

(def config-json (cheshire/parse-string (slurp "reflect-config.json") true))

(def cleaned (keep process-1 config-json))

(spit "reflect-config-cleaned.json" (cheshire/generate-string cleaned {:pretty true}))



  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [ :refer [sh]]
            [hiccup.core :refer [html]]
            [svg-clj.elements :as svg]
            [svg-clj.composites :refer [svg]]
            [svg-clj.path :as path]
            [svg-clj.transforms :as tf]
            [batik.rasterize :as b]
            [svg-clj.utils :as utils]))


(defn sh-png! [svg-data fname]
  (sh "convert" "-background" "none" "/dev/stdin" fname
      :in (html svg-data)))

(defn png! [svg-data fname]
  (b/render-svg-string (html svg-data) fname))


(defn save-svg
  [svg-data fname]
  (let [data (if (= (first svg-data) :svg)
               (svg svg-data))]
    (spit fname (html data))))

(defn load-svg
  (-> fname


(defn cider-show
  (let [fname "_imgtmp.png"
        data (if (= (first svg-data) :svg)
               (svg svg-data))]
    (do (png! data fname)
        ( fname))))

(defn show
  (let [fname "_tmp.svg"]
    (do (save-svg svg-data fname))
        ( fname)))


This is a WIP.

The idea is to have a CLI tool that ‘compiles’ svg-clj code into an SVG file.

GraalVM native image:

bb native-image

The resulting executable will be svg_clj and works for exporting .svg files, but fails with .png due to reflection issues with the Batik library.

Fixing this might be possible with alteration to reflect-config.json and/or adding type hints (via a Github pull request perhaps?) to the batik library.

(ns svg-clj.cli
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [ :as cli]
            [hiccup.core :refer [html]]
            [svg-clj.composites :as cp :refer [svg]]
            [svg-clj.utils :as utils]
            [svg-clj.elements :as el]
            [svg-clj.path :as path]
            [svg-clj.transforms :as tf]
            [svg-clj.layout :as lo]
            [sci.core :as sci])


For GraalVM native image, you can’t use Clojure’s loading functions. Luckily, Borkdude’s Simple Clojure Interpreter (SCI) has eval-string capability which we can use to load our namespaces and evaluate files from a native image.

(def my-ns-map
  (into {} 
        (map #(vector % (ns-publics %))

(defn sci-load-file
  (-> (slurp fname)
      (sci/eval-string {:namespaces my-ns-map})))


(def cli-options
  [["-i" "--infile FNAME" "The file to be compiled."
    :default nil]
   ["-o" "--outfile FNAME" "The output filename. Valid Extensions: svg"
    :default nil]
   ["-h" "--help"]])

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [parsed (cli/parse-opts args cli-options)
        {:keys [:infile :outfile :watch :help]} (:options parsed)
        [in _] (when infile (str/split infile #"\."))
        outfile (if outfile outfile (str in ".svg"))
        [out ext] (str/split outfile #"\.")]
      (do (println "Usage:")
          (println (:summary parsed)))
      (nil? infile)
      (println "Please specify an input file")

      (not (contains? #{"svg"} ext))
      (println "Please specify a valid output format. Valid formats: svg.")
      (let [result (deref (sci-load-file infile))
            data (if (= :svg (first result)) result (svg result))
            msg (str "| Compiling " infile " into " outfile ". |")]
        (println (apply str (repeat (count msg) "-")))
        (println msg)
        (println (apply str (repeat (count msg) "-")))
        (spit outfile (html data))
        (println "Success! Have a nice day :)")))))


This is a WIP.

The idea is to have a CLI tool that ‘compiles’ svg-clj code into an SVG file.

GraalVM native image:

bb native-image

The resulting executable will be svg_clj and works for exporting .svg files, but fails with .png due to reflection issues with the Batik library.

Fixing this might be possible with alteration to reflect-config.json and/or adding type hints (via a Github pull request perhaps?) to the batik library.

(ns svg-clj.cli2
  (:require [clojure.string :as str]
            [ :as cli]
            [hiccup.core :refer [html]]
            [hawk.core :as hawk]
            [svg-clj.composites :as cp :refer [svg]]
            [svg-clj.utils :as utils]
            [svg-clj.elements :as el]
            [svg-clj.path :as path]
            [svg-clj.transforms :as tf]
            [svg-clj.layout :as lo]
            [sci.core :as sci])


For GraalVM native image, you can’t use Clojure’s loading functions. Luckily, Borkdude’s Simple Clojure Interpreter (SCI) has eval-string capability which we can use to load our namespaces and evaluate files from a native image.

(def my-ns-map
  (into {} 
        (map #(vector % (ns-publics %))

(defn sci-load-file
  (-> (slurp fname)
      (sci/eval-string {:namespaces my-ns-map})))


This fn is not working yet, but the idea is to let the CLI watch a source file, launch a basic server, compile the SVG, and display it in the web browser, which will be auto-refreshed any time the file is updated.

(defn watch!
  [infile outfile]
  (let [ [name ext] (str/split infile #"\.")]
     [{:paths [infile]
       (fn [ctx e]
         (let [result (deref (sci-load-file infile))
               data (if (= :svg (first result)) result (svg result))
               msg (str "| Compiling " infile " into " outfile ". |")]
           (println (apply str (repeat (count msg) "-")))
           (println msg)
           (println (apply str (repeat (count msg) "-")))
           (spit outfile (html data))
           (println "Done. Waiting for changes")


Experimental… trying to compile with more features like a file watcher and rasterizing.

(def cli-options
  [["-i" "--infile FNAME" "The file to be compiled."
    :default nil]
   ["-o" "--outfile FNAME" "The output filename. Valid Extensions: svg"
    :default nil]
   ["-w" "--watch" "Watch the file for changes and re-compile on change."
    :default false]
   ["-h" "--help"]])

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [parsed (cli/parse-opts args cli-options)
        {:keys [:infile :outfile :watch :help]} (:options parsed)
        [in _] (when infile (str/split infile #"\."))
        outfile (if outfile outfile (str in ".svg"))
        [out ext] (str/split outfile #"\.")]
      (do (println "Usage:")
          (println (:summary parsed)))
      (nil? infile)
      (println "Please specify an input file")

      (not (contains? #{"svg"} ext))
      (println "Please specify a valid output format. Valid formats: svg.")

      (do (println (str "Waiting for changes to " infile "."))
          (watch! infile outfile))
      (let [result (deref (sci-load-file infile))
            data (if (= :svg (first result)) result (svg result))
            msg (str "| Compiling " infile " into " outfile ". |")]
        (println (apply str (repeat (count msg) "-")))
        (println msg)
        (println (apply str (repeat (count msg) "-")))
        (spit outfile (html data))
        (println "Success! Have a nice day :)")))))