diff --git a/docs/dev-guides/timeline.md b/docs/dev-guides/timeline.md index 84aa0f99656efe..453c9d0cc32f9f 100644 --- a/docs/dev-guides/timeline.md +++ b/docs/dev-guides/timeline.md @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ based on timestamp. A `ChangeEvent` consists of: - `elementId`: Optional, the ID of the element being applied to the target - `description`: A human readable description of the change produced by the `Differ` type computing the diff - `changeDetails`: A loose property map of additional details about the change +- `modificationCategory`: Specifies the type of modification made to a schema field within an Entity change event. Options are `RENAME`, `TYPE_CHANGE` and `OTHER`. ### Change Event Examples - A tag was applied to a *field* of a dataset through the UI: @@ -41,12 +42,14 @@ based on timestamp. A `ChangeEvent` consists of: - `category`: `TAG` - `elementId`: `urn:li:tag:` -> The ID of the tag being added - `semVerChange`: `MINOR` + - `modificationCategory`: `OTHER` - A tag was added directly at the top-level to a dataset through the UI: - `changeType`: `ADD` - `target`: `urn:li:dataset:(urn:li:dataPlatform:,,)` -> The dataset the tag is being added to - `category`: `TAG` - `elementId`: `urn:li:tag:` -> The ID of the tag being added - `semVerChange`: `MINOR` + - `modificationCategory`: `OTHER` Note the `target` and `elementId` fields in the examples above to familiarize yourself with the semantics.