Utils: ☐ iscnf(::Formula)/isdnf(::Formula)
Modal Logic: ☐ recheck/double-check/add tests for accessibles Point1D
Connectives: ☐ Change DiamondRelationalConnective and BoxRelationalConnective from singletons to structs wrapping a relation. In theory, not all relations are singletons; some might be parametric (e.g., a relation leading to the world w). Therefore, the Diamond and Box relational connectives (e.g., DiamondRelationalConnective) should be structs containing a relation, rather than singletons with the relation encoded only as a type parameter.
Interpretations: ☐ Create a SupportedInterpretation ☐ Algorithm to generate a truth table
Normalization: ☐ Add custom normalization rules to normalize ☐ Assuming boolean logic, "((¬q v p) ∧ ¬q)" could be simplified to "¬q"
Random: ☐ Generator for formulas with specific contraints: ✔ Fixed height formulas @done(23-12-06 12:04) ☐ CNF/DNF formulas ☐ UnSAT formulas ☐ Fuzzy formulas (algebra is an argument) ☐ Logger for offline formulas (in a log file, i can load and retrieve already generated formulas) ☐ Generator for complete collection of formulas generator (all possible combinations of formulas are considered)
☐ Add the following utility dispatches: ☐ rand(connectives, atom leaves array, algebra from which infer truth values) ☐ rand(connectives, atom leaves array, truth values with common supertype) ☐ rand(connectives, atom leaves array, true/false (use truth values as leaf or not. If true, default to boolean)) ☐ sample(..., probability distribution)
✔ Write random models generation (see pluto-demo.jl and exploit Graphs.SimpleGraphs generation) @done(23-12-20 17:52) ☐ Expand the model generator with the possibility of using a generic SimpleGraphs method to shape a kripke frame
Readability: ☐ Add parameters to syntaxstring: ☐ syntaxstring.parenthesize_unary_modals = false, but force parentheses in cases like φ -> (φ). ☐ syntaxstring.parenthesize_operators = [list of unary/binary operators for which you want to force parentheses...]/function that decides whether to parenthesize or not
☐ meaningful names for relations: - IA_L -> After/Right - IA_A -> RightAfter
Tests: ☐ Increase code coverage
PAndQ: ☐ Recognize if a formula is satisfiable, is a contingency, a tautology or a contraddiction.
That is, the user provides a callback, or a set of callbacks to cover additional cases beyond the defaults. To test it, try simplifying normalize(parseformula("((¬q v p) ∧ ¬q)")) to parseformula("¬q") by providing a function that applies a specific rule. First, study how normalize works: it's divided into steps, and it's not obvious in which step these callbacks should be applied.
normalize: again, (always assuming a Boolean algebra) cases like "((¬q v p) ∧ ¬q)" could be simplified to "¬q", but... even without providing callbacks: can we add simple logic that understands what to remove?
Increase the package "coverage" by checking the results from codecov via GitHub Actions, and adding tests.
Check everywhere we have assumed that ismodal(x) implies isunary(x), because, in general, it's not true. Soon we will have binary modal operators and I don't want to be embarrassed :P i.e., I don't want something to break or, worse, silently not break.
Three cases I noted where there might be redundant parentheses. They might be obsolete checks, dating back at least 3 months. Check:
f = parseformula("⟨G⟩p → [G]q"); syntaxstring(f) == "(⟨G⟩p) → ([G]q)" != "⟨G⟩p → [G]q"
syntaxstring(parseformula("¬1→0"; atom_parser = (x -> Atom{Float64}(parse(Float64, x))))) == "(¬1.0) → 0.0"
syntaxstring(parseformula("¬a → b ∧ c")) == "(¬a) → (b ∧ c)"
Relation -> Relation{A}
composeformulas(::Connective, ::Tuple{}) = TODO to resolve ambiguities
SoleLogics: TODO note that IA_A for time series (and not for words) does not reflect what it should. Everything is shifted by one.
SoleLogics add tests for
simple minimize
function collatetruth(c::typeof(∧), (φ1, φ2)::NTuple{N,Formula}) if isbot(φ1) ⊥ # ⊥ ∧ φ ≡ ⊥ elseif isbot(φ2) ⊥ # φ ∧ ⊥ ≡ ⊥ elseif istop(φ1) φ2 # ⊤ ∧ φ ≡ φ elseif istop(φ2) φ1 # φ ∧ ⊤ ≡ φ else c((φ1, φ2)) end end
function collatetruth(c::typeof(∧), chs::NTuple{N,Formula}) if any(isbot, chs) ⊥ elseif all(istop, chs) ⊤ else chs = filter(!istop, chs) if length(...) chs else c(chs) end end end
TODO: some types like Union{AbstractString,Number,AbstractChar} can be passively used as atoms? e.g. "a" in \varphi ?
(PAndQ.jl) Algorithm that produces truth tables of propositional logic formulas, and that determines whether a formula is satisfiable, contingent, a tautology, or a contradiction.
function normalize: simplify the function using the two new traits dual/hasdual.
Adjust normalize rules
SoleLogics documentation: sections, examples of random generation, parsing, formula enumeration,
separate dual/negation returns an abstractformula representing the negated one.
LeftmostDisjunctiveForm -> Disjunction
default value for allow_atom_flipping?
@Mauro expand and improve the definition of dual_op into booleandual. ⊤/\bottom \land/\lor
@Mauro OneWorldFrame where accessibles and representatives are defined on globalrel/identityrel only: _frame(X::Union{UniformDimensionalDataset{T,2},AbstractArray{T,2}}) where {T} = OneWorldFrame()
frame-specific formula normalization!!!
Examples with the definition of xor: composing formulas also with infix notation if: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60321302/5646732
parts of formulas that are nested can probably come out.
Modal formulas simplification examples: ⟨G⟩(p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p)) ⟨G⟩p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p) ⟨G⟩p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p) ∧ ⟨G⟩⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p
⟨G⟩(p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p)) -> ⟨G⟩p ⟨G⟩(p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p)) -> ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p)
⟨G⟩p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p) -> ⟨G⟩⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p ⟨G⟩⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p -> ⟨G⟩p
In README.md add:
- Checks of propositional and modal formulas (maybe take from NOTE or pluto-demo.jl?)
- Next to the list of similar packages, explain what SoleLogics offers and doesn't offer.
Documentation: ✔ In the documentation, show how to create a custom operator (maybe a Xor/⊻/⊕) starting from scratch. @done(23-12-06 12:05)
Normalization: ✔ Simplify code when possible, using dual/hasdual traits @done(23-12-06 12:05)
Random: ✔ Clean rand and sample dispatches
README: ✔ Check examples (see NOTE or pluto-demo.jl) @done(23-09-05 19:34) ✔ List of similar packages @done(23-09-05 19:30) ✔ Highlight SoleLogics use cases
Readability: ✔ Write check's docstring @done(23-09-05 19:33) ✔ Rename things to increase readability, using @deprecate in a deprecate.jl file. @done(23-12-06 12:05)
Tests: ✔ Fix SatsBase.sample errors @done(23-09-05 19:36) ✔ Add the following tests: @done(23-12-20 18:07) ✔ syntaxstring tests: get "◊¬p ∧ ¬q" from "(◊¬p) ∧ (¬q)" @done(23-12-20 18:06) ✔ syntaxstring tests: get "(q) → ((p) → (¬(q)))" from "q → p → ¬q" @done(23-12-20 18:07) ✔ (parseformula("p ∧ q ∧ r ∨ s ∧ t")) == @synexpr p ∧ q ∧ r ∨ s ∧ t @done(23-12-19 10:29)
Utilities: ✔ Differentiate Base.rand and StatsBase.sample (randformula should have a picker::Function argument, which can be rand or sample) @done(23-12-06 12:05) ✔ @atoms defaulted to String @done(23-09-12 15:48)
PAndQ: ✔ Write the algorithm that produces truth tables of propositional formulae @done(23-09-05 19:36) ✔ Macro to easily create atoms and parse expressions related to syntax (See PAndQ.jl) @done(23-09-05 19:36)