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161 lines (122 loc) · 8.08 KB


Utils: ☐ iscnf(::Formula)/isdnf(::Formula)

Modal Logic: ☐ recheck/double-check/add tests for accessibles Point1D

Connectives: ☐ Change DiamondRelationalConnective and BoxRelationalConnective from singletons to structs wrapping a relation. In theory, not all relations are singletons; some might be parametric (e.g., a relation leading to the world w). Therefore, the Diamond and Box relational connectives (e.g., DiamondRelationalConnective) should be structs containing a relation, rather than singletons with the relation encoded only as a type parameter.

Interpretations: ☐ Create a SupportedInterpretation ☐ Algorithm to generate a truth table

Normalization: ☐ Add custom normalization rules to normalize ☐ Assuming boolean logic, "((¬q v p) ∧ ¬q)" could be simplified to "¬q"

Random: ☐ Generator for formulas with specific contraints: ✔ Fixed height formulas @done(23-12-06 12:04) ☐ CNF/DNF formulas ☐ UnSAT formulas ☐ Fuzzy formulas (algebra is an argument) ☐ Logger for offline formulas (in a log file, i can load and retrieve already generated formulas) ☐ Generator for complete collection of formulas generator (all possible combinations of formulas are considered)

☐ Add the following utility dispatches: ☐ rand(connectives, atom leaves array, algebra from which infer truth values) ☐ rand(connectives, atom leaves array, truth values with common supertype) ☐ rand(connectives, atom leaves array, true/false (use truth values as leaf or not. If true, default to boolean)) ☐ sample(..., probability distribution)

✔ Write random models generation (see pluto-demo.jl and exploit Graphs.SimpleGraphs generation) @done(23-12-20 17:52) ☐ Expand the model generator with the possibility of using a generic SimpleGraphs method to shape a kripke frame

Readability: ☐ Add parameters to syntaxstring: ☐ syntaxstring.parenthesize_unary_modals = false, but force parentheses in cases like φ -> (φ). ☐ syntaxstring.parenthesize_operators = [list of unary/binary operators for which you want to force parentheses...]/function that decides whether to parenthesize or not

☐ meaningful names for relations: - IA_L -> After/Right - IA_A -> RightAfter

Tests: ☐ Increase code coverage

PAndQ: ☐ Recognize if a formula is satisfiable, is a contingency, a tautology or a contraddiction.


  • That is, the user provides a callback, or a set of callbacks to cover additional cases beyond the defaults. To test it, try simplifying normalize(parseformula("((¬q v p) ∧ ¬q)")) to parseformula("¬q") by providing a function that applies a specific rule. First, study how normalize works: it's divided into steps, and it's not obvious in which step these callbacks should be applied.

  • normalize: again, (always assuming a Boolean algebra) cases like "((¬q v p) ∧ ¬q)" could be simplified to "¬q", but... even without providing callbacks: can we add simple logic that understands what to remove?

  • Increase the package "coverage" by checking the results from codecov via GitHub Actions, and adding tests.

  • Check everywhere we have assumed that ismodal(x) implies isunary(x), because, in general, it's not true. Soon we will have binary modal operators and I don't want to be embarrassed :P i.e., I don't want something to break or, worse, silently not break.

Three cases I noted where there might be redundant parentheses. They might be obsolete checks, dating back at least 3 months. Check:

  • f = parseformula("⟨G⟩p → [G]q"); syntaxstring(f) == "(⟨G⟩p) → ([G]q)" != "⟨G⟩p → [G]q"

  • syntaxstring(parseformula("¬1→0"; atom_parser = (x -> Atom{Float64}(parse(Float64, x))))) == "(¬1.0) → 0.0"

  • syntaxstring(parseformula("¬a → b ∧ c")) == "(¬a) → (b ∧ c)"

  • Relation -> Relation{A}

  • composeformulas(::Connective, ::Tuple{}) = TODO to resolve ambiguities

  • SoleLogics: TODO note that IA_A for time series (and not for words) does not reflect what it should. Everything is shifted by one.

  • SoleLogics add tests for simplify

  • simple minimize

    function collatetruth(c::typeof(∧), (φ1, φ2)::NTuple{N,Formula}) if isbot(φ1) ⊥ # ⊥ ∧ φ ≡ ⊥ elseif isbot(φ2) ⊥ # φ ∧ ⊥ ≡ ⊥ elseif istop(φ1) φ2 # ⊤ ∧ φ ≡ φ elseif istop(φ2) φ1 # φ ∧ ⊤ ≡ φ else c((φ1, φ2)) end end

    function collatetruth(c::typeof(∧), chs::NTuple{N,Formula}) if any(isbot, chs) ⊥ elseif all(istop, chs) ⊤ else chs = filter(!istop, chs) if length(...) chs else c(chs) end end end

  • TODO: some types like Union{AbstractString,Number,AbstractChar} can be passively used as atoms? e.g. "a" in \varphi ?

  • (PAndQ.jl) Algorithm that produces truth tables of propositional logic formulas, and that determines whether a formula is satisfiable, contingent, a tautology, or a contradiction.

  • function normalize: simplify the function using the two new traits dual/hasdual.

  • Adjust normalize rules

  • SoleLogics documentation: sections, examples of random generation, parsing, formula enumeration,

  • separate dual/negation returns an abstractformula representing the negated one.

  • LeftmostDisjunctiveForm -> Disjunction

  • default value for allow_atom_flipping?

  • @Mauro expand and improve the definition of dual_op into booleandual. ⊤/\bottom \land/\lor

  • @Mauro OneWorldFrame where accessibles and representatives are defined on globalrel/identityrel only: _frame(X::Union{UniformDimensionalDataset{T,2},AbstractArray{T,2}}) where {T} = OneWorldFrame()

  • frame-specific formula normalization!!!

  • Examples with the definition of xor: composing formulas also with infix notation if:

  • parts of formulas that are nested can probably come out.

  • Modal formulas simplification examples: ⟨G⟩(p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p)) ⟨G⟩p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p) ⟨G⟩p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p) ∧ ⟨G⟩⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p

    ⟨G⟩(p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p)) -> ⟨G⟩p ⟨G⟩(p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p)) -> ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p)

    ⟨G⟩p ∧ ⟨G⟩(q ∧ ⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p) -> ⟨G⟩⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p ⟨G⟩⟨A̅∨O̅⟩p -> ⟨G⟩p

  • In add:

  1. Checks of propositional and modal formulas (maybe take from NOTE or pluto-demo.jl?)
  2. Next to the list of similar packages, explain what SoleLogics offers and doesn't offer.


Documentation: ✔ In the documentation, show how to create a custom operator (maybe a Xor/⊻/⊕) starting from scratch. @done(23-12-06 12:05)

Normalization: ✔ Simplify code when possible, using dual/hasdual traits @done(23-12-06 12:05)

Random: ✔ Clean rand and sample dispatches

README: ✔ Check examples (see NOTE or pluto-demo.jl) @done(23-09-05 19:34) ✔ List of similar packages @done(23-09-05 19:30) ✔ Highlight SoleLogics use cases

Readability: ✔ Write check's docstring @done(23-09-05 19:33) ✔ Rename things to increase readability, using @deprecate in a deprecate.jl file. @done(23-12-06 12:05)

Tests: ✔ Fix SatsBase.sample errors @done(23-09-05 19:36) ✔ Add the following tests: @done(23-12-20 18:07) ✔ syntaxstring tests: get "◊¬p ∧ ¬q" from "(◊¬p) ∧ (¬q)" @done(23-12-20 18:06) ✔ syntaxstring tests: get "(q) → ((p) → (¬(q)))" from "q → p → ¬q" @done(23-12-20 18:07) ✔ (parseformula("p ∧ q ∧ r ∨ s ∧ t")) == @synexpr p ∧ q ∧ r ∨ s ∧ t @done(23-12-19 10:29)

Utilities: ✔ Differentiate Base.rand and StatsBase.sample (randformula should have a picker::Function argument, which can be rand or sample) @done(23-12-06 12:05) ✔ @atoms defaulted to String @done(23-09-12 15:48)

PAndQ: ✔ Write the algorithm that produces truth tables of propositional formulae @done(23-09-05 19:36) ✔ Macro to easily create atoms and parse expressions related to syntax (See PAndQ.jl) @done(23-09-05 19:36)