Introduction :- Tkinter is the most commonly used library for developing GUI (Graphical User Interface) in Python. It is a standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python. As Tk and Tkinter are available on most of the Unix platforms as well as on the Windows system, developing GUI applications with Tkinter becomes the fastest and easiest.
Some Needed :- Python offers multiple options for developing GUI (Graphical User Interface). Out of all the GUI methods, tkinter is the most commonly used method. It is a standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python. Python Tkinter is the fastest and easiest way to create GUI applications. Creating a GUI using Tkinter is an easy task.
These are useful in providing some other different features regarding message boxes and other different tools. Creating more Interactive different tools inside your owned application or designed application with the help of different intermediate widgets like Combobox, Scale, Toplevel, message box. These customization tools will surely give you a new look to the Designed Application.
Widgets | Uses |
Combobox | It provides a proper dropdown list of options with editable entry |
Scale | It is been created in order to select a value within a particular range |
TopLevel | Used for creating an additional window or dialog box |
Message | Used for displaying a simple messagebox or notification |
MenuButton | Creates a Button for opening the menu of the Window |
ProgressBar | Used for creating a proper progress related to a particular task |
SpinBox | Provides a numerical input and output options to be shown a interact using Arrow Keys |
Combobox is a combination of Listbox and an entry field. It is one of the Tkinter widgets where it contains a down arrow to select from a list of options. It helps the users to select according to the list of options displayed.
When the user clicks on the drop-down arrow on the entry field, a pop up of the scrolled Listbox is displayed down the entry field. The selected option will be displayed in the entry field only when an option from the Listbox is selected.
- Establishing Combobox() : This is a procedure that is been used in order to create a combobox and this is been created with the help of a Module which is a part of tkinter Module ttk class in it. Further explanation will be provided below in the form of code.
Syntax Code :
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk1
frm1 = tk.Frame(window,bd = 3,relief = 'groove') # frame for Combobox
frm1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # frame packed
str1 = tk.StringVar() # String variable for Combo Selected Values
cb1 = ttk1.Combobox(frm1,width = 30,textvariable = str1) # Combobox Creation
l1 = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','Octuber','November','December']
cb1['values'] = l1 # providing data for options
cb1.pack(padx = 3,pady = 4)
cb1.current(0) # cb1.current() will not show anything in Combobox
- Getting Selected Item : This is an overall procedure of getting the item that is been selected by the user and getting a button for clearing overall data or all the data. And the data is taken either the similar one or another one. Below we have the code for its explanation regarding selection in the Combobox.
Syntax Code :
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk1
frm1 = tk.Frame(window,bd = 3,relief = 'ridge') # frame established
frm1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # frame packed
# list data
l1 = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','Octuber','November','December']
def getindex(*args):
if str2.get() >= str(0):
lb1 = tk.Label(frm1,text = 'The Value at index ' + str(cb1.current()) + ' is ' + str(str1.get()))
lb1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3)
def clear_all():
str1 = tk.StringVar() # String variable for Selected data
cb1 = ttk1.Combobox(frm1,textvariable = str1) # Combobox created
cb1['values'] = l1 # data added
cb1.current(0) # adding current instance
cb1['state'] = 'readonly'
cb1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 4)
str1.trace_add('write',getindex) # tracing the selected item
btn1 = tk.Button(window,text = 'Clear All',command = clear_all) # btn for clearing or reseting
btn1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3)
The Scale widget is used whenever we want to select a specific value from a range of values. It provides a sliding bar through which we can select the values by sliding from left to right or top to bottom depending upon the orientation of our sliding bar.
Methods | Uses |
set(value) | Used for setting up the values of the scale |
get() | Returns the value of the scale from selected |
- Horizontal Scale : This procedure is been used in order to implement the Horizontal Scale properly in the main window designed for solving particular problem with the help of GUI Interface.
Syntax Code :
frm1 = tk.Frame(window,bd = 3,relief = 'groove') # frame established
frm1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # frame packed
var1 = tk.DoubleVar() # variable for scale's value
# Implementation of scale
scl1 = tk.Scale(frm1,variable = var1,from_ = 1,to = 100,orient = tk.HORIZONTAL) # Scale Established
scl1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # Scale packed
lb1 = tk.Label(frm1,text = 'Horizontal Scale',font = ('Fira Code',12)) # label for Scale
lb1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # label packed
# Method for getting the value on click
def showval():
set1 = "Horizontal Scale value : " + str(var1.get())
lb2.coonfig(text = set1,font = ('Fira Code',9))
lb2 = tk.Label(frm1) # label for value
lb2.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # label packed
btn1 = tk.Button(frm1,text = 'Display Value',command = showval) # Button for value
btn1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3)
- Vertical Scale : This procedure is been used for implementing a Vertical Scale in the window for scaling or selecting a particular value in the GUI Interface for selection, further concept will be explained with the help of code given below.
Syntax Code :
frm1 = tk.Frame(window,bd = 3,relief = 'groove') # frame established
frm1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # frame packed
var1 = tk.DoubleVar() # variable for scale's value
# Implementation of scale
scl1 = tk.Scale(frm1,variable = var1,from_ = 1,to = 100,orient = tk.VERTICAL) # Scale Established
scl1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # Scale packed
lb1 = tk.Label(frm1,text = 'Vertical Scale',font = ('Fira Code',12)) # label for Scale
lb1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # label packed
# Method for getting the value on click
def showval():
set1 = "Vertical Scale value : " + str(var1.get())
lb2.coonfig(text = set1,font = ('Fira Code',9))
lb2 = tk.Label(frm1) # label for value
lb2.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # label packed
btn1 = tk.Button(frm1,text = 'Display Value',command = showval) # Button for value
btn1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3)
A Toplevel widget is used to create a window on top of all other windows. The Toplevel widget is used to provide some extra information to the user and also when our program deals with more than one application. These windows are directly organized and managed by the Window Manager and do not need to have any parent window associated with them every time.
Method's Name | Uses |
iconify() | It helps the developer for turning a particular window into an icon |
deiconify() | It helps to turn that particular window back into that particular icon |
state() | It is used for getting the state of the window to be returned |
withdraw() | It is used for removing the window from the screen |
title() | It is used for defining the title of the window |
frame() | It returns the window identifier which is system specific |
- General Implementation : This is a simple method or procedure to work on the Topleve Widget and is useful when we need to take work from more than one Window at a time in order to implement more work from the user. Further explanation is been given in the code below. This is simply used for creating more than one window at a time.
Syntax Code :
lb1 = tk.Label(window,text = 'Main Window',font = ('Fira Code',10)) # Label Established
lb1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # Label packed
top1 = tk.Toplevel(window)
top1.title('Second Window')
btn1 = tk.Button(top,text = 'Close',command = top1.destroy) # Button for Closing Window
btn1.pack() # Button packed
- Generating Toplevel : This is another method for the implementation of the Toplevel Widget for implementing more than one window, and in the similar way we can generate more than one window at a time.
Syntax Code :
l1 = tk.Label(window,text = 'Main Window Label',font = ('Fira Code',10)) # Label Established
l1.pack() # Label Packed
def cmd1():
top1 = tk.Toplevel(window)
top1.title('Second Window')
btn1 = tk.Button(top1,text = 'Close',command = top1.destroy) # Button For Closing Window
btn1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # Button Packed
btn1 = tk.Button(window,text = 'Open Another Window',command = cmd1) # Open another window
btn1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 4) # Button Packed
Python offers multiple options for developing a GUI (Graphical User Interface). Out of all the GUI methods, Tkinter is the most commonly used method. It is a standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit shipped with Python.
Python with Tkinter is the fastest and easiest way to create GUI applications. Creating a GUI using Tkinter is an easy task. The Message widget is used to show the message to the user regarding the behavior of the python application. The message text contains more than one line.
- General Implementation : This is a general procedure for implementing the Message Widget in the Main GUI Window, it is been done with the help of tk Module. Further concept will be explained with the help of code given below.
Syntax Code :
frm1 = tk.Frame(window,bd = 3,relief = 'groove') # frame Established
lb1 = tk.Label(frm1,text = 'Simple Label',font = ('Fira Code',10)) # Label Created
msg1 = tk.Message(frm1,text = 'This is a general Message in GUI Window',font = ('Fira Code'.12)) # Message in GUI
The Menubutton widget can be defined as the drop-down menu that is shown to the user all the time. The Menubutton is used to implement various types of menus in the python application.
- General Implementation : This is an overall procedure for the implementation of MenuButton inside the main GUI Window regarding view and purpose for different methods for getting view from the user and developers.
Syntax Code :
menubtn = tk.Menubutton(window,text = 'Menu') # Menu Button Implementation = tk.Menu(menubtn) # Adding Menu Widget
menubtn['menu'] = menubtn
var1 = tk.IntVar() # Variables for getting input regarding menu options
var2 = tk.IntVar()
var3 = tk.IntVar() = 'Label1',variable = var1) # First Option = 'Label2',variable = var2) # Second Option = 'Label3',variable = var3) # Third Option
# Packing the Menu
menubtn.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3)
The purpose of this widget is to reassure the user that something is happening. It can operate in one of two modes –
In determinate mode, the widget shows an indicator that moves from beginning to end under program control. In indeterminate mode, the widget is animated so the user will believe that something is in progress. In this mode, the indicator bounces back and forth between the ends of the widget.
- General Implementation (Determinate Mode) : In this particular implementation, we uses the time module for running the progressbar in a proper slow way that a continuous process would be observable. And also some of the method (update_idletasks()), also the Progressbar is a part of ttk module of tkinter library in python.
Syntax Code :
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as tk1
import time as t
frm1 = tk.Frame(window) # frame for progressbar created
pgrs1 = tk1.Progressbar(frm1,orient = tk.HORIZONTAL,length = 100,mode = 'determinate') # Progressbar Implemented
pgrs1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # Progressbar Packed
def start1():
pgrs1['value'] = 20
pgrs1['value'] = 40
pgrs1['value'] = 60
pgrs1['value'] = 80
pgrs1['value'] = 100
btn1 = tk.Button(frm1,text = 'Start',command = start1) # Button for Starting Progress Bar
btn1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3)
- Implementation in Indeterminate Mode : This mode is specified for working over to the pointing Progressbar Widget, referring to the main GUI Progressbar in particular increased point.
Syntax Code :
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as tk1
import time as t
frm1 = tk.Frame(window) # frame for progressbar created
pgrs1 = tk1.Progressbar(frm1,orient = tk.HORIZONTAL,length = 100,mode = 'indeterminate') # Progressbar Implemented
pgrs1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3) # Progressbar Packed
def start1():
pgrs1['value'] = 20
pgrs1['value'] = 40
pgrs1['value'] = 60
pgrs1['value'] = 80
pgrs1['value'] = 100
btn1 = tk.Button(frm1,text = 'Start',command = start1) # Button for Starting Progress Bar
btn1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3)
The Spinbox widget in Tkinter is a numerical input field that allows users to select a value from a predefined range by either typing directly into the widget or by using up and down arrow buttons to increment or decrement the value.
Method's Name | Uses |
delete() | Used in order to delete the value in the entry as per the given index |
get() | It is used for retrieving the value from the entry |
identify() | It returns a particular value like, number, entry, buttonup or buttondown |
index() | It returns an absolute value as per the index passed in it |
insert() | Used for inserting the values at the specific passed index |
invoke() | Used to invoke the callback associated with the widget |
- General Implementation : It is a general structure of code used in order to implement the Spinbox Widget in the GUI Window implemented for specific purpose regarding the user interaction, further one will be explained with the code given below.
Syntax Code :
spn1 = tk.Spinbox(window,from_ = 0,to = 100,relief = 'sunken',font = ('Fira Code',12))
spn1.config(state = 'normal',bd = 2,relief = 'groove',justify = 'center',wrap = True)
- delete() Method : This method is used in order to delete a particular value from the Spinbox entry as per the given index, and the value will be deleted as per the given index together by using the button widget from the tkinter Module.
Syntax Code :
spn1 = tk.Spinbox(window,from_ = 0,to = 100,width = 5,relief = 'sunken',font = ('Fira Code',10))
spn1.config(state = 'normal',bd = 2,justify = 'right',wrap = True)
def cmd():
btn1 = tk.Button(window,text = 'Delete',command = cmd)
btn1.pack(padx = 2,pady = 3)
- identify() Method : This method is used in order to check the range if the values comes under the identification as per the given range for checking the values if the user enters in the given range.
Syntax Code :
spn1 = tk.Spinbox(window,from_ = 0,to = 100,width = 5,relief = 'sunken',font = ('Fira Code',10))
spn1.config(state = 'normal',bd = 2,justify = 'right',wrap = True)
def cmd():
val1 = spn1.identify(0,4)
btn = tk.Button(window,text = 'Identify',command = cmd)
- get() Method : This method is used in order to get the values from the range given at the place of method declaration in the method, and also this is been implemented with the help of Button Widget in it.
Syntax Code :
spn1 = tk.Spinbox(window,from_ = 0,to = 100,width = 5,relief = 'sunken',font = ('Fira Code',10))
spn1.config(state = 'normal',bd = 2,justify = 'right',wrap = True)
def cmd():
data = spn1.get()
btn = tk.Button(window,text = 'Get',command = cmd)
- index() Method : This method is used for getting an absolute value from the entry available in Spinbox, and also below we have the code for its implementation and proper working with Button Widget.
Syntax Code :
spn1 = tk.Spinbox(window,from_ = 0,to = 100,width = 5,relief = 'sunken',font = ('Fira Code',10))
spn1.config(state = 'normal',bd = 2,justify = 'right',wrap = True)
def cmd():
val1 = spn1.index(0)
btn = tk.Button(window,text = 'Get Value',command = cmd)
- insert() Method : This method is been used to insert the values in the Spinbox entry level for adding data to the our side, in order to work together with the values entered with the user's values.
Syntax Code :
spn1 = tk.Spinbox(window,from_ = 0,to = 100,width = 5,relief = 'sunken',font = ('Fira Code',10))
spn1.config(state = 'normal',bd = 2,justify = 'right',wrap = True)
def cmd():
btn = tk.Button(window,text = 'Insert',command = cmd)
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Abhay Chaudhary Ack Wolver !