Malaria Plant DB was generated using the JHipster v2.23 stack, you can find documentation and help at this [JHipster archive documentation][].
Before you can build this project, you must install and configure the following dependencies on your machine:
- Node.js: We use Node to run a development web server and build the project. Depending on your system, you can install Node either from source or as a pre-packaged bundle.
After installing Node, you should be able to run the following command to install development tools (like Bower and BrowserSync). You will only need to run this command when dependencies change in package.json.
npm install
We use Grunt as our build system. Install the grunt command-line tool globally with:
npm install -g grunt-cli
Run the following commands in two separate terminals to create a blissful development experience where your browser auto-refreshes when files change on your hard drive.
Bower is used to manage CSS and JavaScript dependencies used in this application. You can upgrade dependencies by
specifying a newer version in bower.json
. You can also run bower update
and bower install
to manage dependencies.
Add the -h
flag on any command to see how you can use it. For example, bower update -h
To optimize the malariaplantdb client for production, run:
mvn -Pprod clean package
This will concatenate and minify CSS and JavaScript files. It will also modify index.html
so it references
these new files.
To ensure everything worked, run:
java -jar target/*.war
Then navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
You need both a PostgreSQL server and an Elasticsearch engine to run the web server.
To have the database and elasticsearch set quicky, it's possible to use the same docker image than in production. For
this, you can go to the directory docker/test
and launch separately the two services :
docker-compose up postgres
docker-compose up elasticsearch
Then, to launch the web server you can use the maven plugin by taping :
mvn spring-boot:run
But the quicker is to use you IDE to launch the nc.ird.malariaplantdb.Application
main class. By default, the dev
profile is set. You speed up the startup, you can also add the fast
profile (,fast
in a
command line).
If the database schema is not created, the web application will init it at startup. However, it will not the case with
the fast
profile activated. So think about to disable it, the first time you start the web application.
To keep you web navigator synchronized with the last version on the web client, you can use the BrowserSync facility by launching :
grunt serve
Then you will need to connect you at the web application by a different port : http://localhost:3000
mvn -Pprod clean package
cp target/malariaplantdb-1.0.war docker/test/malariaplantdb-web/malariaplantdb.war
cd docker/test
docker-compose build
docker tag acheype/malariaplantdb-web:latest acheype/malariaplantdb-web:0.9.2
docker push acheype/malariaplantdb-web:latest
docker push acheype/malariaplantdb-web:0.9.2
git pull
cd /docker/prod
docker-compose down
docker-compose up
mkdir /data
mkdir /data/postgres -R
mkdir /data/es-data
sudo chown 999:999 /data/es-data/