Check the nagios configuration with 'nagios -v'. There are many situations where a nagios configuration can sit broken without anyone noticing.
Supports chroot’ed Nagios environments and can provide data for graphing.
wget chmod +x check_nagios_config mv check_nagios_config /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/
WARNING: 1 warnings, 0 errors, 72 hosts, 1430 services. CRITICAL: 0 warnings, 1 errors, 72 hosts, 1430 services. OK: 0 warnings, 0 errors, 72 hosts, 1430 services.
$ ./check_nagios_config -h Usage: check_nagios_config [options] -h : Display this help text. -c FILE : Location of nagios configuration file, nagios.cfg. (Default is: /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg) -n FILE : Location of nagios main executable file, nagios. (Default is: /usr/sbin/nagios) -x DIR : Run in a chroot environment based at DIR. -X FILE : Location of the chroot executable file. (Default is: /usr/sbin/chroot) -s : Use sudo to run the command. -p : Add performance data output for graphing. -W NUM : Don't alert until NUM warnings have been reached. (Default is: 0) -C NUM : Don't alert until NUM errors have been reached. (Usually zero unless there's a really good reason.) (Default is: 0) Example: Check the configuration, alerting on any errors or warnings that Nagios reports. Also create performance data for graphing. ./check_nagios_config -p