Before reporting an issue related to RosarioSIS, please consider the following recommendations:
Search the closed issues or the Wiki, your problem may already have been answered. Please do not create duplicates.
Specify your RosarioSIS, PHP & PostgreSQL versions, along with the server & browser used.
Provide steps to reproduce the problem.
Attach a screenshot.
RosarioSIS errors, bugs (PHP, SQL, JS errors) & design or logic errors are welcome.
Installation problems: RosarioSIS has been succesfully installed on various environments; nevertheless, you may encounter errors specific to your OS, PHP or PostgreSQL version or configuration. For the same reasons, installation problems will likely not be solved here.
RosarioSIS use: the Handbooks, the inline Help & the Wiki contain useful resources to help you get the most out of RosarioSIS. For all your questions about RosarioSIS use and school administration, you can discuss them in the forum.
Email support: to get professional help with installation problems, or RosarioSIS configuration, please head to
You have PHP web development skills? Please head to the next section & send a pull request.
Please head to the offical Contribute page to learn about how you can contribute to the project.
We roughly follow the Wordpress Coding Standards.
Comment your code: we use PHPDoc.
Quality Assurance: we use code linters & other QA tools
Testing: Activate debug mode; for emails, we use MailCatcher
Freely study and reuse the Example module