- Webserver
- Cross platform (should be tested)
- Single sample visualization: Phylogeny, tools agreement Venn diagram, identification score histogram of the
- Multiple samples visualization: Anvio wheel, heatmap.
- Cloud-based with bidding system
- Test cases
- Code documentation.
- GitHub (follow the 10 rules)
- Validation using simulated data.
- Validation using Mock libraries.
- Tutorials.
- Add novel analysis idea (will discuss once we finish all the above).
- Tools agreement Venn diagram
- Phylogeny visualization: Radial Tidy Tree: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063550
- Enhance Abundance visualization: using hierarchial color palette to represent abundance tree. References: (1) Martijn Tennekes and Edwin de Jonge, Tree Colors: Color Schemes for Tree-Structured Data.
- Identification score histogram
- Communicate server with wevote service. Ideas: (1) Integrate wevote app inside a C++ web app. Issue requests from the wevote-web app to wevote-service. Similar examples: http://www.dotnetcurry.com/nodejs/1225/call-external-service-using-nodejs see: https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/122043/simple-multi-threaded-web-server
- Integrate anvio.