BRACNAC (BRAc Copy Number Alteration Caller) is a new tool for calling copy number variations (CNVs) and alterations (CNAs) in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
- Download latest BRACNAC release:
- Unzip:
git clone
Run executable file BRACNAC.exe
To use graphical interface run:
or in command-line version:
python -in file_with_coverage.csv -af file_with_coordinates.csv -out output_file
BRACNAC can be used with graphical interface or in command-line version. As an input files both versions use:
- Tab-separated file (TSV) with coverage for each target region (see the detailed description below).
- TSV-file with coordinates for each target region. They should correspond to target regions of the coverage file.
Other options and input files are optional.
TSV-file with amplicon coverages should have following columns:
Patient#, Patient_ID, Barcodes, Median_Coverage, Number_<30, amplicon#1...
Patient_ID, Barcodes, Median_Coverage, Number_<30 are optional columns
Reference version (hg19 or hg38). BRCA1 and BRCA2 genome coordinates depend on this version (default: hg19). -
Not clust - by default, one of normalization steps includes clusterization of sample coverage values, and normalization is additionally carried out inside sample clusters. -
Hard score threshold - minimal hard score for large rearrangement detection (default: 9.9) -
Hard p-value threshold - maximal p-value for hard filtering mutations (default: 0.001) -
Minimal score for large rearrangement detection (default: 2) -
Maximal p-value for filtering mutations (default: 0.05) -
Minimal median coverage for patients (default: 100) -
Number of permutations for calculating p-value (default: 1000) -
Value for calculating score when whole exon is covered (default: 1) -
Value for calculating score when part of exon is covered (default: 0.5) -
Value for calculating score when exon is not covered (default: 0) -
Normalized value of coverage for considering an amplicon as likely deleted (default: 1.3) -
Normalized value of coverage for considering an amplicon as probably deleted (default: 1.4) -
Normalized value of coverage for considering an amplicon as likely duplicated (default: 2.8) -
Normalized value of coverage for considering an amplicon as probably duplicated (default: 2.7)