We will learn about reading and writing files. This covers chapters 10 and 11 from the book.
- Homework review - classes (maybe go over step 5 ?)
- Homework review - forms
- Homework review - try/catch
- Homework review - week 8
- Homework 8: how do you compare dates? What is a unix timestamp? How do you get them?
- look @ week 4 "notes-on-code.md"
- Don't capitalize Methods, that is not idiomatic java
- Don't capitalize package names. This is reverse DNS format.
- in the forms homework: note about catching exceptions and swallowing exceptions.
- in the classes homework, I did not see a lot of null checks. You will get NullPointer Exceptions
- go around class and see what liking and what is a struggle
- youtube videos are now up
- Reading a file in,
- writing a file out
- reading + writing at the same time.
- What is grep?
- What are we building for the homework assignment?
I have pulled a few datasets from data.gov:
We will use these to play around with reading files and pulling data out. This is a good place to go if you want to get large CSV data dumps full of interesting (actually, mostly not so interesting) statistics and raw data.
options to write files: