Check out movies from a wide variety of genres, add to your favorites, and build your watchlist.
These steps will set up project locally on you machine. To deploy it on heroku, read the instructions at the end.
Clone the project and install all the dependencies using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Add your API_KEY in a file in root directory of project.
Now make migrations using:
python makemigrations
then apply migrations using:
python migrate
Run following command to activate the cron job:
python crontab add
Now cron job will run after the interval specified in CRONJOBS in
python add_movies
to add configured count (you can configure this count in file in movies directory) of movies.
python runserver
to start the app.
Follow steps below to deploy the app on heroku:
- Make sure there's a file named
in root directory._ - Run
pip install gunicorn
- Your Procfile should have this line:
web: gunicorn cinehoard.wsgi
- Run pip install
- Create an app on heroku and add heroku remote to git:
heroku git:remote -a your-heroku-app-name
- Now commit all the changes and push to heroku:
git push heroku main
git push heroku master
- Heroku will build the project and attach an ad-on of Postgresql to your app (Heroku doesn't support sqlite or any file based DB).
- Go to your app settings, you'll get DATABASE_URL in the config vars.
- Follow instructions here to set up the database.
- Once the database migrations are done, you'll be able to access the backend at your heroku app url.
Once you have set up the backend, start the backend and frontend apps. Go to http://localhost:3000, you'll now have a working app.