Calculates march count for each tier of troop based on march capacity and custom ratios. Supports max tier of t7 and t8.
Requires Ruby to be installed in order to run it locally. (See alternative) Ruby can be installed here:
If you only need it for this script, you may uncheck the box to install mysys (sp?) at the finish screen of the ruby installer. s
Go to: Hit run. Respond to the prompt on the right as needed. As far as I know, this will remain available. Feel free to save it your own account there too. (Not needed for use only)
Simply clone or download and extract the repository to the desired location.
With ruby installed, it is as simple as double clicking on the script. You will see a command prompt, and you only need to follow the prompts and supply the corresponding information.
From a terminal, simply run 'ruby march_calc.rb' from within its directory.
The ratios used are hardcoded at the top in a hash and may be changed if desired. All credit goes to tiger38 for the values used.
Not all possible errors are accounted for. Supply the march capacity prompt with only a whole number. The tier prompt accepts t7, t8, T7, T8, 7, and 8 as valid input.
-- Add siege support -- Support for other max tiers -- Better looking output
Kingdom 387, SDW