Commands related to using stained glass for color.
Glass Gradient
//ezstainedglassgradient <startColor> [endColor] <layers> [length] [quality] [direction] [-c <backgroundColor>] [-bs]
Aliases: //stainedglassgradient, //glassgradient
- StartColor: Specifies the starting color (as a Hex code) for the gradient.
- EndColor (Default: None): Specifies the end color (as a Hex code) for the gradient. If no value is provided, then the start color will be used for the whole gradient.
- Layers: How many layers of glass to use in creating the gradient.
- Length (Default: 1): How many blocks long should the gradient be.
- Quality (Default: 7): How accurate should the gradient be. A higher value may take longer to run.
- -c (Default: #000000): Specifies the background colour (as a Hex code) that the gradient is on if -b flag is not used.
- -b: Finds the closest solid block to place behind the glass to increase color accuracy. This is much more resource intensive.
- -s: Skip duplicate layer combinations.