All sub-commands are under //eznoisegen
, //ng
e.g //ng heightmap
Heightmap (2D)
//eznoisegen heightmap <palette> <noise> [height] [-z <zoom>] [-s <seed>] [-o <offset>] [-ct]
- Palette: Specifies the palette of blocks to use.
- Noise: Defines the noise preset to use.
- Height (Default: 0): Controls the height from the bottom of your selection. A value of 0 will take the selection's height. Can place blocks above the selection if the height is great enough
- -z (Default: 1): Adjusts the zoom level of the noise.
- -s (Default: -1): Sets the noise seed.
- -o (Default: (0,0,0)): Offsets the noise generation coordinates by a given vector (X,Y,Z).
- -c: When used, centres the noise generation on the world coordinates of the selection.
- -t: Enables smooth mode, specifically for snow, water, and lava blocks in the palette [Applicable only in heightmap mode].
Terrain (3D)
//eznoisegen terrain <palette> <noise> [height] [strength] [-z <scale>] [-s <seed>] [-l <smear>] [-o <offset>] [-c]
- Palette: Specifies the palette of blocks to use.
- Noise: Defines the noise preset to use.
- Height (Default: 0): Controls the height from the bottom of your selection. A value of 0 will take the selection's height. Can place blocks above the selection if the height is great enough
- Strength (Default: 1,0.5,0): Takes up to 3 comma-separated values which controls the strength of noise at various heights:
would be 50% strength everywhere0.7,0
would be 70% strength at the very bottom and 0% at the top, with everything in-between being a smooth transition0,1,0
would be 0% strength at the bottom, 100% in the middle, and 0% at the top
- -z (Default: 1): Adjusts the zoom level of the noise.
- -s (Default: -1): Sets the noise seed.
- -l (Default: 0): Applies a vertical smear to 3D noise.
- -o (Default: (0,0,0)): Offsets the noise generation coordinates by a given vector (X,Y,Z).
- -c: When used, centres the noise generation on the world coordinates of the selection.
//eznoisegen <palette> <noise> [lowerThreshold] [upperThreshold] [-z <scale>] [-s <seed>] [-l <smear>] [-o <offset>] [-chnt]
- Palette: Specifies the palette of blocks to use.
- Noise: Defines the noise preset to use.
- Lower Threshold (Default: 0): Sets the lower threshold for noise generation, with support for WorldEdit expressions (range: 0-1.0).
- Upper Threshold (Default: 0.5): Sets the upper threshold for noise generation, with support for WorldEdit expressions (range: 0-1.0).
- -z (Default: 1): Adjusts the zoom level of the noise.
- -s (Default: -1): Sets the noise seed.
- -l (Default: 0): Applies a vertical smear to 3D noise.
- -o (Default: (0,0,0)): Offsets the noise generation coordinates by a given vector (X,Y,Z).
- -c: When used, centres the noise generation on the world coordinates of the selection.
- -h: Activates heightmap mode using 2D noise.
&#xNAN;Heightmap mode is only compatible with Cuboid, Cylinder, or Polygon region types. - -n: Uses normalized (-1 to 1) selection-centred coordinates for noise generation.
- -t: Enables smooth mode, specifically for snow, water, and lava blocks in the palette [Applicable only in heightmap mode].