All sub-commands are under //ezdeform
e.g //ezdeform hexagonalize
//ezdeform hexagonalize [size] [air_gap] [x_rotation] [z_rotation] [offset_angle]
- Size (Default: 12): Sets the size of hexagons.
- Air Gap (Default: 0.0): Defines the width of the air gap between columns.
- X Rotation (Default: 0.0): Sets the column rotation angle along the X-axis, in degrees.
- Z Rotation (Default: 0.0): Sets the column rotation angle along the Z-axis, in degrees.
- Offset Angle (Default: 60.0): Adjusts the offset angle, controlling the shape (range: 0-90 degrees).
//ezdeform noise <noise> [strength] [-z <scale>] [-s <seed>]
- Noise: Specifies the type of noise to use for deformation.
- Strength (Default: 2.0): Sets the strength of the noise effect.
- Scale (Default: 1): Determines the scale of the noise.
- -s (Default: -1): Optional seed for the noise pattern.
- -h: When used, only deforms the region horizontally.
- -v: When used, only deforms the region vertically.
//ezdeform rotate <angle> [-o]
- Angle: Sets the angle of rotation, in degrees.
- -o: When used, uses the player's position as the center of rotation instead of the selection's center.
//ezdeform voronoialize [size] [air_gap] [-s <seed>]
- Size (Default: 12): Determines the size of the voronoi cells.
- Air Gap (Default: 0.0): Specifies the width of the air gap between cells.
- -s (Default: -1): Optional seed for generating the pattern.
Placeholder Name
//ezdeform voronoialize2 <amount> [air_gap] [-s <seed>] [-r <seed_repulsion>] [-n <normalOffset>]
- Amount: Specifies the cell amount in the voronoi pattern.
- Air Gap (Default: 0.0): Determines the width of the air gap between cells.
- -s (Default: -1): Optional seed for generating the pattern.
- -r (Default: 15): Sets the voronoi seed point repulsion factor.
- -n (Default: 5): Adjusts the normal offset factor, which can be decreased for thinner shapes.
//ezdeform voxelize <scales> <gap> <distortion> [-i <primary>] [-j <secondary>] [-s <seed>] [-hv]
- Scales (Default: 3,3,3): Sets the scale for each dimension.
- Gap (Default: 0.0): Defines the width of the air gap between voxels.
- Distortion (Default: 0.0): Adjusts the strength of random grid distortion (range: 0-1).
- -i (Default: y): Specifies the primary axis for grid rotation.
- -j (Default: -x): Specifies the secondary axis for grid rotation.
- -s (Default: -1): Optional seed for random distortion.
- -h: When used, only voxelizes horizontally.
- -v: When used, only voxelizes vertically.