Releases: ZeeCoder/container-query
Releases · ZeeCoder/container-query
Readme Patch
Another attempt to make the readme work on npm
New Feature: comma separated queries
Made comma separated ("or") queries work as they do for @media queries, so now this is possible:
@container (width >= 100px) and (height >= 100px), (orientation: landscape)
cmin / cmax unit support
Now you can write "1cminpx", which turns to "10px" if the container's width and height are the following: 1000x2000.
Since 1000 is smaller, and 1% of that is 10.
"px" is then is attached as a suffix finally giving us "10px".
This works with any other unit too, so this is possible:
1cminem => 10em
1cmax% => 20%
Patch release
- Fixed the aspect-ratio query
- Improved the isEmptyObject tests
Patch Release
Made Jest a dev-only dependency
Patch Release
Removed coverage/ and .babelrc from the installed package, hence making it a bit lighter.
First stable release
The first stable release, with 100% test coverage.