Italian translation of the standard library of the Dialog language.
Current version: 0.06 / 8th of April 2021
It's an early release that needs a lot of improvements.
More advanced versions will be available in this repository:
Dialog is a domain-specific language for creating works of interactive fiction created by Linus Åkesson. The official site is
In this repository you can find the translation of the standard library (originally written to support English) to write interactive fiction (once known as text adventures) in Italian.
First you need to download this repository in a folder of choice.
Then you must download these two files:
Probably, at this time, more recent versions of the two files will be available here: and here: but the translation available in this repository (see the file "stdlib_it.dg" in the folder "stdlib_it_0_46") is compatible with those versions of the compiler and the virtual machine.
Unzip those two files (preserving the directory structure) in the same folder of the repository.
In the folder "stdlib_it_0_46", there are two batch files:
- "_start_debugger.bat" executes the example "prova.dg" in the Dialog debugger
- "_compile_for_web.bat" compiles the example creating a web page to play
Feel free to contact Leonardo Boselli by email.