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Facilitating Object Detection with Gaze Information for Kitchen Environments

sample Demo Video is uploaded as 'demo.avi'

(Because of the large size, here I didn't upload backup/*weights, or dataset.)

1 Getting Started

Here we combine Pupil and Darknet.

1.1 Prerequisites

  • The pupil version(pupil-0.9.14) need python3. So I install python3.5 on Ubuntu 16.04.
  • CUDA. We test with Cuda V9.0.176.
  • Opencv. We test with oepncv-3.2.0-dev. This is also a dependency of Pupil. So we will install opencv later.

1.2 Installing


The requirements for the installation of the pupil framework are listed in its website. For linux user, you can go straight here. The source code is also uploaded here as When installing opencv during this step, change :




This is because darknet will need opencv build with gtk.


Darknet Logo

Darknet is an open source neural network framework written in C and CUDA. It is fast, easy to install, and supports CPU and GPU computation.

We have made some changes to original darknet, so you may just download it here.

  • Download this branch.
  • Unzip it and rename it to be darknet. I put this fold in ~/otherSw/. Some of the path in the code is writen according to this.
  • Install darknet on your computer with the following step:

I have already modify the Makefile as:


If you could use CUDNN, you can also add it.

Then you need only two steps:

cd ~/otherSw/darknet  #go to the path you set

Demo recording of pupil

Move folder recordings into home path.

cd ~/otherSw/darknet
cp -r recordings ~/

Now you have downloaded all you need and everything installed.

2 Simple test

You should modify ~/otherSw/darknet/cfg/yolo41_kitchen.cfg for testing instead of training. ~/otherSw/darknet/cfg/yolo41_kitchen.cfg should look like this:

 # Testing
 # Training
 # batch=16
 # subdivisions=8
cd ~/otherSw/darknet

Since we only make change to demo module, so the third argument is demo. Details for other parameters, you can refer to this website.


./darknet detector demo ~/otherSw/darknet/cfg/ ~/otherSw/darknet/cfg/yolo41_kitchen.cfg ~/otherSw/darknet/backup/yolo41_kitchen_48000.weights /home/gazetracker/recordings/2018_02_17/006_95%/world.mp4

Then you will see a video as output, with single cross and bounding box on it.

3 Develop

Please remember, every time you modify .c or .h files, you need to compile darknet again.

3.1 Training Darknet

This training process has nothing to do with pupil.

check .cfg

Modify ~/otherSw/darknet/cfg/yolo41_kitchen.cfg for training instead of testing. ~/otherSw/darknet/cfg/yolo41_kitchen.cfg should look like this:

 # Testing
 # batch=1
 # subdivisions=1
 # Training

You can change the value of batch and subdivisions to fit it with your GPU memory and increase the training speed. Here the size and number of anchor-box is decided by k-means, written in

 anchors = 1.80856, 2.43484 , 4.28920, 6.24500 , 12.83713, 7.54301 , 7.35418 , 13.89931, 16.32208 , 16.81458


We collected and labeled kitchen dataset(30,000+ images, 70,000+ labels), saved in ~/otherSw/darknet/data/kitchen. The data comes from COCO,VOC,Imagenet, and our lab's kitchen. converts label from COCO2014, provided by YOLO author. And removes images that only have label for person. convert label from VOC dataset. convert rare labels from imagenet to fit YOLO.

check .data

gedit ~/otherSw/darknet/cfg/

Then you will see:

classes= 41
train  = /home/gazetracker/otherSw/darknet/data/kitchen/train.txt
valid  = /home/gazetracker/otherSw/darknet/data/kitchen/val.txt 
names = data/kitchen.names
backup = backup/
EVAL = kitchen

train.txt and val.txt contains the whole kitchen dataset.

change frequency of saving weight

In detector.c, command i%300==0 in line 136 decide the frequency to save weight. If you just want to see the final result, you can change it bigger, such as 10000. Don't forget to run

make clean

when you make any change to the code.


Goto darknet path. If you want to start with the weight given by YOLO author, run:

./darknet detector train cfg/ cfg/yolo41_kitchen.cfg darknet19_448.conv.23 

If you want to start with our trained weight(might be overfitted), run:

./darknet detector train cfg/ cfg/yolo41_kitchen.cfg backup/yolo41_kitchen_48000.weights 

If you want to train tiny-yolo model, run:

./darknet detector train cfg/ cfg/tiny-yolo_kitchen.cfg darknet19_448.conv.23

3.2 Use Pupil to record

cd ~/pupil/pupil_v0.9.14-7_linux_x64/pupil/src

Then you can calibrate and record. The default path for records is ~/recordings. Please refer to Pupil for details. Do calibration every time before you record. Flip the eye image if it is upside-down.

3.3 Extract gaze position from Pupil

The default saving path is ~/recordings. Each recording of pupil will be saved in a folder. The folder contains original world video and timestamp for world camera. For gaze data, there are files recording coordinate and its timestamps seperately. Other recoding files also exists, while not used here.

Code in darknet/python/ generates gaze position for each frame, saved in pos_frame.txt. You should change the path in this code to fit your pupil recordings.

However, this code works only for off-line recordings.

3.4 Apply gaze position into darknet

When we are testing darknet, the code will first go to detecter.c.

If we give video or webcam(ignore the last agrv) as an input, the code will then go to demo.c, where we introduced a function called demo_pose. In this function, we write the file name of gaze position, pos_frame.txt, and read the gaze data. But this is inconvenient, because we need to change the path if we want to test different video with different gaze position. A simple idea is to add the path as another agrv in command.

Also, it doesn't detect the end of txt file so we set the length at the beginning. But sorry for my poor coding skills, I failed. So the code for reading gaze data need to be improved. Function demo_pose reads the video frame by frame and count the number of processed frame. It will send the gaze position to the function draw_detections_pose in image.c. File image.c is to display image with bounding boxed and labels. draw_detections_pose is where I apply score algorithm. These two functions are included in appendix. Since I introduce some new-named functions, I also change the head files, image.h and darknet.h. One more unfixed task is to save the output into video file. There are some guys sharing their codes online, using CvVideoWriter. But still, I got error when compiling it.

4 Deployment

The files in my computer is deployed as:

  • ~/otherSw/darknet
  • ~/pupil/pupil_v0.9.14-7_linux_x64/pupil
  • ~/recordings

Built With


  title={YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger},
  author={Redmon, Joseph and Farhadi, Ali},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.08242},
 author = {Kassner, Moritz and Patera, William and Bulling, Andreas},
 title = {Pupil: An Open Source Platform for Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Gaze-based Interaction},
 booktitle = {Adjunct Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing},
 series = {UbiComp '14 Adjunct},
 year = {2014},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-3047-3},
 location = {Seattle, Washington},
 pages = {1151--1160},
 numpages = {10},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1145/2638728.2641695},
 acmid = {2641695},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {eye movement, gaze-based interaction, mobile eye tracking, wearable computing},