newest updates include:
- Enemy shots
- Enemies can now kill the player with random shooting.
- Settings menu
- Settings can be altered in the main menu changing enemy rate, enemy max health and particle effects.
- Settings are written to a file upon leaving the settings menu.
- Settings will be loaded when the game starts, default will be loaded if there is an issue with the saved txt file.
- Player health
- the player can now die and is indicated by a health bar in the top corner, this has taken the position of enemies passed and bullets used but i will add those into a "stats" menu entry.
- Game over
- A game over menu has been made and will allow the player to reset the game, return to the main menu or quit the game.
- Notes
- Notes now have an individual timer and will be removed after roughly 1.5 seconds, this change has been made due to notes stacking up and not leaving the screen for a long time when many enimies are killed at once.
Even more updates(21/10/2015):
- The player can now buy health from the shop for a pretty low price right now so that might change to make it a little more difficult
- Enemies will now have a random chance of dropping a health pack which the player can collect, health packs are green and the upgrade packs are blue