return true if field is null.
Argument type:
- all the supported data type.
- Return type: BOOLEAN
os> source=accounts | eval result = isnull(employer) | fields result, employer, firstname
fetched rows / total rows = 4/4
| result | employer | firstname |
| False | Pyrami | Amber |
| False | Netagy | Hattie |
| False | Quility | Nanette |
| True | null | Dale |
return true if field is not null.
Argument type:
- all the supported data type.
- Return type: BOOLEAN
os> source=accounts | where not isnotnull(employer) | fields account_number, employer
fetched rows / total rows = 1/1
| account_number | employer |
| 18 | null |
os> source=accounts | where isnull(email) | fields account_number, email
fetched rows / total rows = 1/1
| account_number | email |
| 13 | null |
ifnull(field1, field2)
return field2 if field1 is null.
Argument type:
- all the supported data type, (NOTE : if two parameters has different type, you will fail semantic check.)
- Return type: any
os> source=accounts | eval result = ifnull(employer, 'default') | fields result, employer, firstname
fetched rows / total rows = 4/4
| result | employer | firstname |
| Pyrami | Pyrami | Amber |
| Netagy | Netagy | Hattie |
| Quility | Quility | Nanette |
| default | null | Dale |
nullif(field1, field2)
return null if two parameters are same, otherwiser return field1.
Argument type:
- all the supported data type, (NOTE : if two parameters has different type, if two parameters has different type, you will fail semantic check)
- Return type: any
os> source=accounts | eval result = nullif(employer, 'Pyrami') | fields result, employer, firstname
fetched rows / total rows = 4/4
| result | employer | firstname |
| null | Pyrami | Amber |
| Netagy | Netagy | Hattie |
| Quility | Quility | Nanette |
| null | null | Dale |
isnull(field1, field2)
return null if two parameters are same, otherwise return field1.
Argument type:
- all the supported data type
- Return type: any
os> source=accounts | eval result = isnull(employer) | fields result, employer, firstname
fetched rows / total rows = 4/4
| result | employer | firstname |
| False | Pyrami | Amber |
| False | Netagy | Hattie |
| False | Quility | Nanette |
| True | null | Dale |
if(condition, expr1, expr2)
return expr1 if condition is true, otherwiser return expr2.
Argument type:
- all the supported data type, (NOTE : if expr1 and expr2 are different type, you will fail semantic check
- Return type: any
os> source=accounts | eval result = if(true, firstname, lastname) | fields result, firstname, lastname
fetched rows / total rows = 4/4
| result | firstname | lastname |
| Amber | Amber | Duke |
| Hattie | Hattie | Bond |
| Nanette | Nanette | Bates |
| Dale | Dale | Adams |
os> source=accounts | eval result = if(false, firstname, lastname) | fields result, firstname, lastname
fetched rows / total rows = 4/4
| result | firstname | lastname |
| Duke | Amber | Duke |
| Bond | Hattie | Bond |
| Bates | Nanette | Bates |
| Adams | Dale | Adams |
os> source=accounts | eval is_vip = if(age > 30 AND isnotnull(employer), true, false) | fields is_vip, firstname, lastname
fetched rows / total rows = 4/4
| is_vip | firstname | lastname |
| True | Amber | Duke |
| True | Hattie | Bond |
| False | Nanette | Bates |
| False | Dale | Adams |