diff --git a/Duin/Duin.vcxproj b/Duin/Duin.vcxproj index 561c40e..d2cc9f4 100644 --- a/Duin/Duin.vcxproj +++ b/Duin/Duin.vcxproj @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ dnpch.h Level3 DN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;DN_BUILD_DLL;IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLAD;DN_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - src;vendor\patches\include;vendor\spdlog\include;vendor\raylib5\include;vendor\raylib5\src;vendor\raylib-cpp\include;vendor\imgui;vendor\rlgui;vendor\entt\single_include;vendor\fmt\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + src;vendor\patches\include;vendor\spdlog\include;vendor\raylib5\include;vendor\raylib5\src;vendor\raylib-cpp\include;vendor\imgui;vendor\rlgui;vendor\entt\single_include;vendor\fmt\include;vendor\cdt\CDT\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) EditAndContinue Disabled MultiThreadedDebugDLL @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ IF EXIST ..\bin\Debug-windows-x86_64\Duin\Duin.dll\ (xcopy /Q /E /Y /I ..\bin\De dnpch.h Level3 DN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;DN_BUILD_DLL;IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLAD;DN_RELEASE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - src;vendor\patches\include;vendor\spdlog\include;vendor\raylib5\include;vendor\raylib5\src;vendor\raylib-cpp\include;vendor\imgui;vendor\rlgui;vendor\entt\single_include;vendor\fmt\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + src;vendor\patches\include;vendor\spdlog\include;vendor\raylib5\include;vendor\raylib5\src;vendor\raylib-cpp\include;vendor\imgui;vendor\rlgui;vendor\entt\single_include;vendor\fmt\include;vendor\cdt\CDT\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) Full true true @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ IF EXIST ..\bin\Release-windows-x86_64\Duin\Duin.dll\ (xcopy /Q /E /Y /I ..\bin\ dnpch.h Level3 DN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;DN_BUILD_DLL;IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLAD;DN_DIST;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - src;vendor\patches\include;vendor\spdlog\include;vendor\raylib5\include;vendor\raylib5\src;vendor\raylib-cpp\include;vendor\imgui;vendor\rlgui;vendor\entt\single_include;vendor\fmt\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + src;vendor\patches\include;vendor\spdlog\include;vendor\raylib5\include;vendor\raylib5\src;vendor\raylib-cpp\include;vendor\imgui;vendor\rlgui;vendor\entt\single_include;vendor\fmt\include;vendor\cdt\CDT\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) Full true true @@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ IF EXIST ..\bin\Dist-windows-x86_64\Duin\Duin.dll\ (xcopy /Q /E /Y /I ..\bin\Dis + @@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ IF EXIST ..\bin\Dist-windows-x86_64\Duin\Duin.dll\ (xcopy /Q /E /Y /I ..\bin\Dis + @@ -198,6 +200,7 @@ IF EXIST ..\bin\Dist-windows-x86_64\Duin\Duin.dll\ (xcopy /Q /E /Y /I ..\bin\Dis + diff --git a/Duin/Duin.vcxproj.filters b/Duin/Duin.vcxproj.filters index 0cdeca3..8a1136a 100644 --- a/Duin/Duin.vcxproj.filters +++ b/Duin/Duin.vcxproj.filters @@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ Duin\Core + + Duin\Core\Structures + Duin\Core\Structures @@ -155,6 +158,7 @@ Duin\Object + @@ -215,5 +219,6 @@ Duin\Object + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/src/Duin.h b/Duin/src/Duin.h index de5eb09..19e1b21 100644 --- a/Duin/src/Duin.h +++ b/Duin/src/Duin.h @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ #include "Duin/Core/Debug/Log.h" #include "Duin/Core/Debug/Profiler.h" #include "Duin/Core/Debug/Timer.h" +#include "Duin/Core/Debug/DebugDraw.h" #include "Duin/Core/Maths/DuinMaths.h" #include "Duin/Core/Structures/RenderStructs.h" #include "Duin/Core/Structures/QuadTree.h" diff --git a/Duin/src/Duin/Core/Debug/DebugDraw.cpp b/Duin/src/Duin/Core/Debug/DebugDraw.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a833b3b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/src/Duin/Core/Debug/DebugDraw.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#include "dnpch.h" + +#include "DebugDraw.h" + +namespace Duin +{ + void DebugDraw::DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color) + { + ::Color rlColor = { color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a }; + ::DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, rlColor); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/src/Duin/Core/Debug/DebugDraw.h b/Duin/src/Duin/Core/Debug/DebugDraw.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..919cb06 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/src/Duin/Core/Debug/DebugDraw.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "Duin/Core/Core.h" +#include "Duin/Core/Structures/RenderStructs.h" + +#include + +namespace Duin +{ + class DUIN_API DebugDraw + { + public: + static void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color); + }; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/src/Duin/Core/Structures/Delaunay.h b/Duin/src/Duin/Core/Structures/Delaunay.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a719cfc --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/src/Duin/Core/Structures/Delaunay.h @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "Duin/Core/Core.h" + +#include + +namespace Duin +{ + class DUIN_API Delauney + { + public: + + private: + + }; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/.clang-format b/Duin/vendor/cdt/.clang-format new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6892bad --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/.clang-format @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# ================================ +# Can be used when needed locally: +# ================================ + SortIncludes: true + SortUsingDeclarations: true + +AccessModifierOffset: -4 +AlignAfterOpenBracket: AlwaysBreak +AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false +AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: None +AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false +AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true +BinPackArguments: false +BinPackParameters: false +BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true +ColumnLimit: 80 +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +DerivePointerAlignment: false +PointerAlignment: Left +IndentWidth: 4 +Language: Cpp +NamespaceIndentation: None +SpaceBeforeParens: Never +SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 +Standard: Cpp03 +UseTab: Never + +# ===================== +# Clang 5 new features: +# ===================== +BreakBeforeBraces: Custom +BraceWrapping: + AfterClass: true + AfterControlStatement: true + AfterEnum : true + AfterFunction : true + AfterNamespace : true + AfterStruct : true + AfterUnion : true + BeforeCatch : true + BeforeElse : true + IndentBraces : false + SplitEmptyFunction: false + SplitEmptyRecord: false + SplitEmptyNamespace: true +BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: true +FixNamespaceComments: true +ReflowComments: true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/.gitignore b/Duin/vendor/cdt/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47561a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +# This file is used to ignore files which are generated +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +build/ +cmake-build*/ +*~ +*.autosave +*.a +*.core +*.moc +*.o +*.obj +*.orig +*.rej +*.so +*.so.* +*_pch.h.cpp +*_resource.rc +*.qm +.#* +*.*# +core +!core/ +tags +.DS_Store +.directory +*.debug +Makefile* +*.prl +*.app +moc_*.cpp +ui_*.h +qrc_*.cpp +Thumbs.db +*.res +*.rc +/.qmake.cache +/.qmake.stash + +# qtcreator generated files +*.pro.user* + +# xemacs temporary files +*.flc + +# Vim temporary files +.*.swp + +# Visual Studio generated files +*.ib_pdb_index +*.idb +*.ilk +*.pdb +*.sln +*.suo +*.vcproj +*vcproj.*.*.user +*.ncb +*.sdf +*.opensdf +*.vcxproj +*vcxproj.* + +# MinGW generated files +*.Debug +*.Release + +# Python byte code +*.pyc + +# Binaries +# -------- +*.dll +*.exe + +# xcode +*.xcode* +# moc +moc_*.h + +# CLion +*.idea* + +# Visual code files +*.code-workspace +*.vscode \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/.gitmodules b/Duin/vendor/cdt/.gitmodules new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd1b778 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/.gitmodules @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[submodule "CDT/tests/Catch2"] + path = CDT/tests/Catch2 + url = https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2.git diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/.mailmap b/Duin/vendor/cdt/.mailmap new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5da42bf --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/.mailmap @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +artem-ogre +artem-ogre +artem-ogre +kalleakerblom diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/CMakeLists.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..781b28f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4) + +project( + "CDT" + VERSION 1.3.0 + DESCRIPTION + "C++ library for constrained Delaunay triangulation" + HOMEPAGE_URL "https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT" + LANGUAGES CXX) + +# ------- +# target +# ------- + +# export all symbols as we do it by instantiating templates anyway +set(CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON) + +# options +option(CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY + "If enabled templates for float and double will be instantiated and compiled into a library") + +option(CDT_USE_64_BIT_INDEX_TYPE + "If enabled 64bits are used to store vertex/triangle index types. Otherwise 32bits are used (up to 4.2bn items)" + OFF) + +option(CDT_ENABLE_TESTING + "If enabled tests target will ge generated)" + OFF) + +option(CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING + "If enabled uses strong typing for types: useful for development and debugging" + OFF) + +option(CDT_DEVELOPER_BUILD + "Enables all warnings." + OFF) + +if(CDT_DEVELOPER_BUILD) + if (MSVC) + # warning level 4 and all warnings as errors + add_compile_options(/W4 /WX) + else() + # lots of warnings and all warnings as errors + add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-comment) + endif() +endif() + +# check if Boost is needed +if(cxx_std_11 IN_LIST CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_FEATURES) + # Work-around as AppleClang 11 defaults to c++98 by default + if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "AppleClang") + message(STATUS "AppleClang work-around: set CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD to 11") + set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) + endif() +else() + message(STATUS "Compiler does not support C++11: falling back to Boost") + set(CDT_USE_BOOST ON) +endif() + +if(CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING) + set(CDT_USE_BOOST ON) +endif() + +message(STATUS "CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY is ${CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY}") +message(STATUS "CDT_USE_64_BIT_INDEX_TYPE is ${CDT_USE_64_BIT_INDEX_TYPE}") +message(STATUS "CDT_ENABLE_TESTING is ${CDT_ENABLE_TESTING}") +message(STATUS "CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING is ${CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING}") +message(STATUS "CDT_DEVELOPER_BUILD is ${CDT_DEVELOPER_BUILD}") + +# Use boost for c++98 versions of c++11 containers or for Boost::rtree +if(CDT_USE_BOOST) + find_package(Boost REQUIRED) +endif() + + +# configure target +set(cdt_include_dirs + include + extras +) + +if(CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY) + set(cdt_scope PUBLIC) + set(cdt_sources + src/CDT.cpp + ) + set(cdt_headers + include/CDT.h + include/CDTUtils.h + include/Triangulation.h + include/KDTree.h + include/LocatorKDTree.h + include/remove_at.hpp + include/CDT.hpp + include/CDTUtils.hpp + include/Triangulation.hpp + include/predicates.h + extras/VerifyTopology.h + extras/InitializeWithGrid.h + ) + add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} ${cdt_sources} ${cdt_headers}) + # Set symbols visibility to hidden by default + set_target_properties( + ${PROJECT_NAME} + PROPERTIES + VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION} + SOVERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION} + CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden + VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN 1 + ) + # Generate export header and add it to include directories + include(GenerateExportHeader) + generate_export_header(${PROJECT_NAME}) + target_include_directories( + ${PROJECT_NAME} ${cdt_scope} + $ + ) + target_sources( + ${PROJECT_NAME} ${cdt_scope} + $ + ) + +else() + set(cdt_scope INTERFACE) + add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} INTERFACE) +endif() + +add_library(${PROJECT_NAME}::${PROJECT_NAME} ALIAS ${PROJECT_NAME}) + +foreach(dir_ ${cdt_include_dirs}) + target_include_directories( + ${PROJECT_NAME} + ${cdt_scope} + $ + ) +endforeach() + +target_include_directories( + ${PROJECT_NAME} INTERFACE $) + +target_compile_definitions( + ${PROJECT_NAME} + ${cdt_scope} + $<$:CDT_USE_BOOST> + $<$:CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY> + $<$:CDT_USE_64_BIT_INDEX_TYPE> + $<$:CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING> +) + +target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${cdt_scope} $<$:Boost::boost>) + +# ------------- +# installation +# ------------- + + +include(GNUInstallDirs) + +# install and export the library +foreach(dir_ ${cdt_include_dirs}) + install(DIRECTORY ${dir_}/ DESTINATION include) +endforeach() + +install( + TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} + EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}Config + INCLUDES DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} + LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} + ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} + RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} +) + +install( + FILES + $<$:${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cdt_export.h> + DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} +) + +install(EXPORT ${PROJECT_NAME}Config NAMESPACE CDT:: DESTINATION cmake) + +# ------------ +# documentation +# ------------ + +# work-around to detect custom-doxygen +#set(DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE /usr/local/bin/doxygen) + +find_package(Doxygen 1.9) +if(DOXYGEN_FOUND) + message(STATUS "Doxygen found: adding documentation target.") + set(DOXYGEN_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS + */cmake-build* + */predicates.h + conanfile.py + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/* + ) + # doxygen settings can be set here, prefixed with "DOXYGEN_" + set(DOXYGEN_SOURCE_BROWSER YES) + set(DOXYGEN_JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF YES) + set(DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/docs") + set(CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../docs) + set(DOXYGEN_USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/README.md) + set(DOXYGEN_IMAGE_PATH ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/images) + + set(DOXYGEN_GENERATE_TREEVIEW YES) + set(CDT_DOXYGEN_AWESOME_DIRECTORY ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-custom/doxygen-awesome) + set(DOXYGEN_HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET + ${CDT_DOXYGEN_AWESOME_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-awesome.css + ${CDT_DOXYGEN_AWESOME_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-awesome-sidebar-only.css + ${CDT_DOXYGEN_AWESOME_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-awesome-sidebar-only-darkmode-toggle.css + ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-custom/custom.css + ) + set(DOXYGEN_HTML_HEADER ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../docs/doxygen-custom/header.html) + set(DOXYGEN_HTML_EXTRA_FILES + ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-custom/logo.svg + ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-custom/favicon/favicon.ico + ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-custom/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png + ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-custom/favicon/android-chrome-192x192.png + ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-custom/favicon/android-chrome-512x512.png + ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-custom/favicon/site.webmanifest + ${CDT_DOXYGEN_AWESOME_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-awesome-darkmode-toggle.js + ${CDT_DOXYGEN_AWESOME_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-awesome-fragment-copy-button.js + ${CDT_DOXYGEN_AWESOME_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-awesome-paragraph-link.js + ${CDT_DOXYGEN_AWESOME_DIRECTORY}/toggle-alternative-theme.js + ) + set(DOXYGEN_LAYOUT_FILE ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY}/doxygen-custom/DoxygenLayout.xml) + # this target will only be built if specifically asked to. + # run "make api-docs" to create the doxygen documentation + doxygen_add_docs( + ${PROJECT_NAME}-docs + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} + ${CDT_DOCS_DIRECTORY} + COMMENT "Generate doxygen documentation for CDT." + ) + # copy README.md images to doxygen so that they are displayed + add_custom_command( + TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}-docs POST_BUILD + COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory + ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../docs/images + ${DOXYGEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/html/images + ) +endif(DOXYGEN_FOUND) + + +# ------------ +# tests +# ------------ + +if(CDT_ENABLE_TESTING) + include(CTest) + enable_testing() + # add Catch2 + find_package(Catch2 3 QUIET) + if(Catch2_FOUND) + list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${catch2_SOURCE_DIR}/extras) + else() + set(Catch2_directory ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/Catch2) + add_subdirectory(${Catch2_directory}) + list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${Catch2_directory}/extras) + endif() + set(TEST_TARGET_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME}-tests) + add_executable(${TEST_TARGET_NAME}) + set_property(TARGET ${TEST_TARGET_NAME} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 17) + target_sources(${TEST_TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE tests/cdt.test.cpp) + target_link_libraries( + ${TEST_TARGET_NAME} + PRIVATE + Catch2::Catch2WithMain + CDT::CDT + ) + include(Catch) + catch_discover_tests(${TEST_TARGET_NAME} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tests") +endif() diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/LICENSE b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14e2f77 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 +================================== + +1. Definitions +-------------- + +1.1. "Contributor" + means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to + the creation of, or owns Covered Software. + +1.2. "Contributor Version" + means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used + by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution. + +1.3. "Contribution" + means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. + +1.4. "Covered Software" + means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached + the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code + Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case + including portions thereof. + +1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" + means + + (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described + in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or + + (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of + version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the + terms of a Secondary License. + +1.6. "Executable Form" + means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. + +1.7. "Larger Work" + means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in + a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software. + +1.8. "License" + means this document. + +1.9. "Licensable" + means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, + whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and + all of the rights conveyed by this License. + +1.10. "Modifications" + means any of the following: + + (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, + deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered + Software; or + + (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered + Software. + +1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor + means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, + process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such + Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the + License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having + made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its + Contributor Version. + +1.12. "Secondary License" + means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU + Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General + Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those + licenses. + +1.13. "Source Code Form" + means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. + +1.14. "You" (or "Your") + means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this + License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that + controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For + purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct + or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, + whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than + fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial + ownership of such entity. + +2. License Grants and Conditions +-------------------------------- + +2.1. Grants + +Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, +non-exclusive license: + +(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) + Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, + modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its + Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or + as part of a Larger Work; and + +(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer + for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its + Contributions or its Contributor Version. + +2.2. Effective Date + +The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution +become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first +distributes such Contribution. + +2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope + +The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under +this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the +distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License. +Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a +Contributor: + +(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; + or + +(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's + modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its + Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor + Version); or + +(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of + its Contributions. + +This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, +or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with +the notice requirements in Section 3.4). + +2.4. Subsequent Licenses + +No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to +distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this +License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if +permitted under the terms of Section 3.3). + +2.5. Representation + +Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its +Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights +to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. + +2.6. Fair Use + +This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under +applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other +equivalents. + +2.7. Conditions + +Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted +in Section 2.1. + +3. Responsibilities +------------------- + +3.1. Distribution of Source Form + +All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any +Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under +the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source +Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this +License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not +attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code +Form. + +3.2. Distribution of Executable Form + +If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: + +(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code + Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of + the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code + Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more + than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and + +(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this + License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the + license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter + the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License. + +3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work + +You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, +provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for +the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered +Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the +Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this +License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software +under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of +the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered +Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary +License(s). + +3.4. Notices + +You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices +(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, +or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of +the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to +the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. + +3.5. Application of Additional Terms + +You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, +indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered +Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on +behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any +such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by +You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any +liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, +indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional +disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any +jurisdiction. + +4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation +--------------------------------------------------- + +If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this +License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to +statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with +the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) +describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must +be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered +Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute +or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a +recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. + +5. Termination +-------------- + +5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically +if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become +compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular +Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such +Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an +ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the +non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have +come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular +Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor +notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the +first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License +from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after +Your receipt of the notice. + +5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent +infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, +counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version +directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to +You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section +2.1 of this License shall terminate. + +5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all +end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which +have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License +prior to termination shall survive termination. + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty * +* ------------------------- * +* * +* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" * +* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or * +* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the * +* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a * +* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the * +* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. * +* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You * +* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, * +* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an * +* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is * +* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 7. Limitation of Liability * +* -------------------------- * +* * +* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort * +* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any * +* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as * +* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, * +* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character * +* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of * +* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any * +* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party * +* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This * +* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or * +* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the * +* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some * +* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * +* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and * +* limitation may not apply to You. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +8. Litigation +------------- + +Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the +courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal +place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that +jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. +Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring +cross-claims or counter-claims. + +9. Miscellaneous +---------------- + +This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject +matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be +unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent +necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides +that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter +shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor. + +10. Versions of the License +--------------------------- + +10.1. New Versions + +Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section +10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or +publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a +distinguishing version number. + +10.2. Effect of New Versions + +You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version +of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, +or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license +steward. + +10.3. Modified Versions + +If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to +create a new license for such software, you may create and use a +modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove +any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that +such modified license differs from this License). + +10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary +Licenses + +If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With +Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the +notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. + +Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice +------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular +file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE +file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look +for such a notice. + +You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. + +Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice +--------------------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as + defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/conan_basic_setup.cmake b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/conan_basic_setup.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4949c3c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/conan_basic_setup.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake") + message(STATUS "Detected Conan build: perform conan setup") + include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/conanbuildinfo.cmake") + # See: https://docs.conan.io/en/latest/howtos/manage_shared_libraries/rpaths.html#default-conan-approach + if(APPLE) + conan_basic_setup(KEEP_RPATHS) + else() + conan_basic_setup() + endif() +endif() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/conanfile.py b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/conanfile.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c60a13 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/conanfile.py @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +from conan import ConanFile +from conan.tools.cmake import CMake, CMakeToolchain +from conan.tools.files import collect_libs + +class CDTConan(ConanFile): + name = "cdt" + version = "1.3.0" + license = "MPL-2.0 License" + url = "https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT" + description = "Numerically robust C++ implementation of constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT)" + settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" + generators = "CMakeDeps" + options = { + "shared": [True, False], + "use_boost": [True, False], + "as_compiled_library": [True, False], + "enable_testing": [True, False], + } + default_options = { + "shared": False, + "use_boost": False, + "as_compiled_library": False, + } + exports_sources = "*", "!.idea", "!conanfile.py" + + def requirements(self): + if self.options.use_boost: + self.requires("boost/1.83.0") + self.requires("catch2/3.4.0") + + def configure(self): + if self.options.use_boost: + self.options["boost"].header_only = True + + def generate(self): + tc = CMakeToolchain(self) + tc.variables["CDT_USE_BOOST"] = self.options.use_boost + tc.cache_variables["CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY"] = self.options.as_compiled_library + tc.cache_variables["CMAKE_PROJECT_CDT_INCLUDE"] = "conan_basic_setup.cmake" + tc.cache_variables["CDT_ENABLE_TESTING"] = self.options.enable_testing + tc.generate() + + def build(self): + cmake = CMake(self) + cmake.configure() + cmake.build() + if self.options.enable_testing: + cmake.test(cli_args=["--verbose"]) + + def package(self): + cmake = CMake(self) + cmake.install() + + def package_info(self): + self.cpp_info.libs = collect_libs(self) diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/extras/InitializeWithGrid.h b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/extras/InitializeWithGrid.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bf3b04 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/extras/InitializeWithGrid.h @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Helper function to initialize triangulation with regular grid instead of + * super-triangle + */ + +#ifndef CDT_HmXGv083vZCrT3OXASD9 +#define CDT_HmXGv083vZCrT3OXASD9 + +#include +#include + +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED +#include +#endif +#include +#include +#include + +namespace CDT +{ +namespace detail +{ + +/** + * Generate grid vertices given of X- and Y-ticks + * + * @tparam OutputVertIt output vertices iterator + * @tparam OutputTriIt output triangles iterator + * @tparam TXCoordIter iterator dereferencing to X coordinate + * @tparam TYCoordIter iterator dereferencing to Y coordinate + * @param outFirst the beginning of the destination range + * @param xfirst beginning of X-ticks range + * @param xlast end of X-ticks range + * @param yfirst beginning of Y-ticks range + * @param ylast end of Y-ticks range + */ +template < + typename OutputVertIt, + typename OutputTriIt, + typename TXCoordIter, + typename TYCoordIter> +void generateGridVertices( + OutputVertIt outVertsFirst, + OutputTriIt outTrisFirst, + const TXCoordIter xfirst, + const TXCoordIter xlast, + const TYCoordIter yfirst, + const TYCoordIter ylast) +{ + typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type T; + const std::size_t xres = std::distance(xfirst, xlast) - 1; + const std::size_t yres = std::distance(yfirst, ylast) - 1; + + TXCoordIter yiter = yfirst; + for(std::size_t iy = 0; yiter != ylast; ++yiter, ++iy) + { + TXCoordIter xiter = xfirst; + for(std::size_t ix = 0; xiter != xlast; ++xiter, ++ix) + { + *outVertsFirst++ = V2d::make(*xiter, *yiter); + const std::size_t i = iy * xres + ix; + TriIndVec vTris; + vTris.reserve(6); + // left-up + if(ix > 0 && iy < yres) + { + vTris.push_back(static_cast(2 * (i - 1))); + vTris.push_back(static_cast(2 * (i - 1) + 1)); + } + // right-up + if(ix < xres && iy < yres) + { + vTris.push_back(static_cast(2 * i)); + } + // left-down + if(ix > 0 && iy > 0) + { + vTris.push_back(static_cast(2 * (i - xres - 1) + 1)); + } + // right-down + if(ix < xres && iy > 0) + { + vTris.push_back(static_cast(2 * (i - xres))); + vTris.push_back(static_cast(2 * (i - xres) + 1)); + } +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + *outTrisFirst++ = std::move(vTris.front()); +#else + *outTrisFirst++ = vTris; +#endif + } + } +} + +/** + * Generate grid triangles + * + * @tparam OutputIt output iterator + * @param outFirst the beginning of the destination range + * @param xres grid X-resolution + * @param yres grid Y-resolution + */ +template +void generateGridTriangles( + OutputIt outFirst, + const IndexSizeType xres, + const IndexSizeType yres) +{ + for(IndexSizeType iy = 0; iy < yres; ++iy) + { + for(IndexSizeType ix = 0; ix < xres; ++ix) + { + // 2___3 v3 + // |\ | /\ + // | \ | n3/ \n2 + // |__\| /____\ + // 0 1 v1 n1 v2 + const IndexSizeType i = iy * xres + ix; + const IndexSizeType iv = iy * (xres + 1) + ix; + const VertInd vv[4] = { + VertInd(iv), + VertInd(iv + 1), + VertInd(iv + xres + 1), + VertInd(iv + xres + 2)}; + { + const Triangle t = { + {vv[0], vv[1], vv[2]}, + {TriInd(iy ? 2 * i - xres * 2 + 1 : noNeighbor), + TriInd(2 * i + 1), + TriInd(ix ? 2 * i - 1 : noNeighbor)}}; + *outFirst++ = t; + } + { + const Triangle t = { + {vv[1], vv[3], vv[2]}, + {TriInd(ix < xres - 1 ? 2 * i + 2 : noNeighbor), + TriInd(iy < yres - 1 ? 2 * i + xres * 2 : noNeighbor), + TriInd(2 * i)}}; + *outFirst++ = t; + } + } + } +} + +} // namespace detail + +/** + * Make a triangulation that uses regular grid triangles instead of + * super-triangle + * + * @tparam T type of vertex coordinates (e.g., float, double) + * @tparam TNearPointLocator class providing locating near point for efficiently + * inserting new points. + * @param xmin minimum X-coordinate of grid + * @param xmax maximum X-coordinate of grid + * @param ymin minimum Y-coordinate of grid + * @param ymax maximum Y-coordinate of grid + * @param xres grid X-resolution + * @param yres grid Y-resolution + * @param out triangulation to initialize with grid super-geometry + */ +template +void initializeWithRegularGrid( + const T xmin, + const T xmax, + const T ymin, + const T ymax, + const std::size_t xres, + const std::size_t yres, + Triangulation& out) +{ + std::vector xcoords; + std::vector ycoords; + xcoords.reserve(xres + 1); + ycoords.reserve(yres + 1); + const T xstep = (xmax - xmin) / xres; + T x = xmin; + for(std::size_t ix = 0; ix <= xres; ++ix, x += xstep) + xcoords.push_back(x); + const T ystep = (ymax - ymin) / yres; + T y = ymin; + for(std::size_t iy = 0; iy <= yres; ++iy, y += ystep) + ycoords.push_back(y); + + return initializeWithIrregularGrid( + xcoords.begin(), xcoords.end(), ycoords.begin(), ycoords.end(), out); +} + +/** + * Make a triangulation that uses irregular grid triangles instead of + * super-triangle. Irregular grid is given by collections of X- and Y-ticks + * + * @tparam T type of vertex coordinates (e.g., float, double) + * @tparam TNearPointLocator class providing locating near point for efficiently + * inserting new points. + * @tparam TXCoordIter iterator dereferencing to X coordinate + * @tparam TYCoordIter iterator dereferencing to Y coordinate + * @param xfirst beginning of X-ticks range + * @param xlast end of X-ticks range + * @param yfirst beginning of Y-ticks range + * @param ylast end of Y-ticks range + * @param out triangulation to initialize with grid super-geometry + */ +template < + typename T, + typename TNearPointLocator, + typename TXCoordIter, + typename TYCoordIter> +void initializeWithIrregularGrid( + const TXCoordIter xfirst, + const TXCoordIter xlast, + const TYCoordIter yfirst, + const TYCoordIter ylast, + Triangulation& out) +{ + const std::size_t xres = std::distance(xfirst, xlast) - 1; + const std::size_t yres = std::distance(yfirst, ylast) - 1; + out.triangles.reserve(xres * yres * 2); + out.vertices.reserve((xres + 1) * (yres + 1)); + out.VertTrisInternal().reserve((xres + 1) * (yres + 1)); + detail::generateGridVertices( + std::back_inserter(out.vertices), + std::back_inserter(out.VertTrisInternal()), + xfirst, + xlast, + yfirst, + ylast); + detail::generateGridTriangles( + std::back_inserter(out.triangles), + static_cast(xres), + static_cast(yres)); + out.initializedWithCustomSuperGeometry(); +} + +} // namespace CDT + +#endif diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/extras/VerifyTopology.h b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/extras/VerifyTopology.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bcac63 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/extras/VerifyTopology.h @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Helper function to verify if triangulation has no inconsistencies + */ + +#ifndef CDT_Zahj4kpHLwFgkKtcOI1i +#define CDT_Zahj4kpHLwFgkKtcOI1i + +#include + +#include + +namespace CDT +{ + +/** + * Verify that triangulation topology is consistent. + * + * Checks: + * - for each vertex adjacent triangles contain the vertex + * - each triangle's neighbor in turn has triangle as its neighbor + * - each of triangle's vertices has triangle as adjacent + * + * @tparam T type of vertex coordinates (e.g., float, double) + * @tparam TNearPointLocator class providing locating near point for efficiently + */ +template +inline bool verifyTopology(const CDT::Triangulation& cdt) +{ + // Check if vertices' adjacent triangles contain vertex + const VerticesTriangles vertTris = calculateTrianglesByVertex( + cdt.triangles, static_cast(cdt.vertices.size())); + for(VertInd iV(0); iV < VertInd(cdt.vertices.size()); ++iV) + { + const TriIndVec& vTris = vertTris[iV]; + typedef TriIndVec::const_iterator TriIndCit; + for(TriIndCit it = vTris.begin(); it != vTris.end(); ++it) + { + const array& vv = cdt.triangles[*it].vertices; + if(std::find(vv.begin(), vv.end(), iV) == vv.end()) + return false; + } + } + // Check if triangle neighbor links are fine + for(TriInd iT(0); iT < TriInd(cdt.triangles.size()); ++iT) + { + const Triangle& t = cdt.triangles[iT]; + typedef NeighborsArr3::const_iterator NCit; + for(NCit it = t.neighbors.begin(); it != t.neighbors.end(); ++it) + { + if(*it == noNeighbor) + continue; + const array& nn = cdt.triangles[*it].neighbors; + if(std::find(nn.begin(), nn.end(), iT) == nn.end()) + return false; + } + } + // Check if triangle's vertices have triangle as adjacent + for(TriInd iT(0); iT < TriInd(cdt.triangles.size()); ++iT) + { + const Triangle& t = cdt.triangles[iT]; + typedef VerticesArr3::const_iterator VCit; + for(VCit it = t.vertices.begin(); it != t.vertices.end(); ++it) + { + const TriIndVec& tt = vertTris[*it]; + if(std::find(tt.begin(), tt.end(), iT) == tt.end()) + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +/// Check that each vertex has a neighbor triangle +template +inline bool eachVertexHasNeighborTriangle( + const CDT::Triangulation& cdt) +{ + for(const auto& vt : cdt.VertTrisInternal()) + if(vt == noNeighbor) + return false; + return true; +} + +} // namespace CDT + +#endif diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDT.h b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDT.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8055a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDT.h @@ -0,0 +1,448 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Public API + */ + +#ifndef CDT_lNrmUayWQaIR5fxnsg9B +#define CDT_lNrmUayWQaIR5fxnsg9B + +#include "CDTUtils.h" +#include "Triangulation.h" + +#include "remove_at.hpp" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/// Namespace containing triangulation functionality +namespace CDT +{ + +/** @defgroup API Public API + * Contains API for constrained and conforming Delaunay triangulations + */ +/// @{ + +/** + * Type used for storing layer depths for triangles + * @note LayerDepth should support 60K+ layers, which could be to much or + * too little for some use cases. Feel free to re-define this typedef. + */ +typedef unsigned short LayerDepth; +typedef LayerDepth BoundaryOverlapCount; + +/// Triangles by vertex index +typedef std::vector VerticesTriangles; + +/** @defgroup helpers Helpers + * Helpers for working with CDT::Triangulation. + */ +/// @{ + +/** + * Calculate triangles adjacent to vertices (triangles by vertex index) + * @param triangles triangulation + * @param verticesSize total number of vertices to pre-allocate the output + * @return triangles by vertex index + */ +CDT_EXPORT VerticesTriangles +calculateTrianglesByVertex(const TriangleVec& triangles, VertInd verticesSize); + +/** + * Information about removed duplicated vertices. + * + * Contains mapping information and removed duplicates indices. + * @note vertices {0,1,2,3,4} where 0 and 3 are the same will produce mapping + * {0,1,2,0,3} (to new vertices {0,1,2,3}) and duplicates {3} + */ +struct CDT_EXPORT DuplicatesInfo +{ + std::vector mapping; ///< vertex index mapping + std::vector duplicates; ///< duplicates' indices +}; + +/** + * Find duplicates in given custom point-type range + * @note duplicates are points with exactly same X and Y coordinates + * @tparam TVertexIter iterator that dereferences to custom point type + * @tparam TGetVertexCoordX function object getting x coordinate from vertex. + * Getter signature: const TVertexIter::value_type& -> T + * @tparam TGetVertexCoordY function object getting y coordinate from vertex. + * Getter signature: const TVertexIter::value_type& -> T + * @param first beginning of the range of vertices + * @param last end of the range of vertices + * @param getX getter of X-coordinate + * @param getY getter of Y-coordinate + * @returns information about vertex duplicates + */ +template < + typename T, + typename TVertexIter, + typename TGetVertexCoordX, + typename TGetVertexCoordY> +DuplicatesInfo FindDuplicates( + TVertexIter first, + TVertexIter last, + TGetVertexCoordX getX, + TGetVertexCoordY getY); + +/** + * Remove duplicates in-place from vector of custom points + * @tparam TVertex vertex type + * @tparam TAllocator allocator used by input vector of vertices + * @param vertices vertices to remove duplicates from + * @param duplicates information about duplicates + */ +template +void RemoveDuplicates( + std::vector& vertices, + const std::vector& duplicates); + +/** + * Remove duplicated points in-place + * + * @tparam T type of vertex coordinates (e.g., float, double) + * @param[in, out] vertices collection of vertices to remove duplicates from + * @returns information about duplicated vertices that were removed. + */ +template +CDT_EXPORT DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicates(std::vector >& vertices); + +/** + * Remap vertex indices in edges (in-place) using given vertex-index mapping. + * @tparam TEdgeIter iterator that dereferences to custom edge type + * @tparam TGetEdgeVertexStart function object getting start vertex index + * from an edge. + * Getter signature: const TEdgeIter::value_type& -> CDT::VertInd + * @tparam TGetEdgeVertexEnd function object getting end vertex index from + * an edge. Getter signature: const TEdgeIter::value_type& -> CDT::VertInd + * @tparam TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd function object that makes new edge from + * start and end vertices + * @param first beginning of the range of edges + * @param last end of the range of edges + * @param mapping vertex-index mapping + * @param getStart getter of edge start vertex index + * @param getEnd getter of edge end vertex index + * @param makeEdge factory for making edge from vetices + */ +template < + typename TEdgeIter, + typename TGetEdgeVertexStart, + typename TGetEdgeVertexEnd, + typename TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd> +CDT_EXPORT void RemapEdges( + TEdgeIter first, + TEdgeIter last, + const std::vector& mapping, + TGetEdgeVertexStart getStart, + TGetEdgeVertexEnd getEnd, + TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd makeEdge); + +/** + * Remap vertex indices in edges (in-place) using given vertex-index mapping. + * + * @note Mapping can be a result of RemoveDuplicates function + * @param[in,out] edges collection of edges to remap + * @param mapping vertex-index mapping + */ +CDT_EXPORT void +RemapEdges(std::vector& edges, const std::vector& mapping); + +/** + * Find point duplicates, remove them from vector (in-place) and remap edges + * (in-place) + * @note Same as a chained call of CDT::FindDuplicates, CDT::RemoveDuplicates, + * and CDT::RemapEdges + * @tparam T type of vertex coordinates (e.g., float, double) + * @tparam TVertex type of vertex + * @tparam TGetVertexCoordX function object getting x coordinate from vertex. + * Getter signature: const TVertexIter::value_type& -> T + * @tparam TGetVertexCoordY function object getting y coordinate from vertex. + * Getter signature: const TVertexIter::value_type& -> T + * @tparam TEdgeIter iterator that dereferences to custom edge type + * @tparam TGetEdgeVertexStart function object getting start vertex index + * from an edge. + * Getter signature: const TEdgeIter::value_type& -> CDT::VertInd + * @tparam TGetEdgeVertexEnd function object getting end vertex index from + * an edge. Getter signature: const TEdgeIter::value_type& -> CDT::VertInd + * @tparam TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd function object that makes new edge from + * start and end vertices + * @param[in, out] vertices vertices to remove duplicates from + * @param[in, out] edges collection of edges connecting vertices + * @param getX getter of X-coordinate + * @param getY getter of Y-coordinate + * @param edgesFirst beginning of the range of edges + * @param edgesLast end of the range of edges + * @param getStart getter of edge start vertex index + * @param getEnd getter of edge end vertex index + * @param makeEdge factory for making edge from vetices + * @returns information about vertex duplicates + */ +template < + typename T, + typename TVertex, + typename TGetVertexCoordX, + typename TGetVertexCoordY, + typename TVertexAllocator, + typename TEdgeIter, + typename TGetEdgeVertexStart, + typename TGetEdgeVertexEnd, + typename TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd> +DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges( + std::vector& vertices, + TGetVertexCoordX getX, + TGetVertexCoordY getY, + TEdgeIter edgesFirst, + TEdgeIter edgesLast, + TGetEdgeVertexStart getStart, + TGetEdgeVertexEnd getEnd, + TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd makeEdge); + +/** + * Same as a chained call of CDT::RemoveDuplicates + CDT::RemapEdges + * + * @tparam T type of vertex coordinates (e.g., float, double) + * @param[in, out] vertices collection of vertices to remove duplicates from + * @param[in,out] edges collection of edges to remap + */ +template +CDT_EXPORT DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges( + std::vector >& vertices, + std::vector& edges); + +/** + * Extract all edges of triangles + * + * @param triangles triangles used to extract edges + * @return an unordered set of all edges of triangulation + */ +CDT_EXPORT EdgeUSet extractEdgesFromTriangles(const TriangleVec& triangles); + +/*! + * Converts piece->original_edges mapping to original_edge->pieces + * @param pieceToOriginals maps pieces to original edges + * @return mapping of original edges to pieces + */ +CDT_EXPORT unordered_map +EdgeToPiecesMapping(const unordered_map& pieceToOriginals); + +/*! + * Convert edge-to-pieces mapping into edge-to-split-vertices mapping + * @tparam T type of vertex coordinates (e.g., float, double) + * @param edgeToPieces edge-to-pieces mapping + * @param vertices vertex buffer + * @return mapping of edge-to-split-points. + * Split points are sorted from edge's start (v1) to end (v2) + */ +template +CDT_EXPORT unordered_map > EdgeToSplitVertices( + const unordered_map& edgeToPieces, + const std::vector >& vertices); + +/// @} + +/// @} + +} // namespace CDT + +//***************************************************************************** +// Implementations of template functionlity +//***************************************************************************** +// hash for CDT::V2d +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED +namespace std +#else +namespace boost +#endif +{ +template +struct hash > +{ + size_t operator()(const CDT::V2d& xy) const + { +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + typedef std::hash Hasher; +#else + typedef boost::hash Hasher; +#endif + return Hasher()(xy.x) ^ Hasher()(xy.y); + } +}; +} // namespace std + +namespace CDT +{ + +//----- +// API +//----- +template < + typename T, + typename TVertexIter, + typename TGetVertexCoordX, + typename TGetVertexCoordY> +DuplicatesInfo FindDuplicates( + TVertexIter first, + TVertexIter last, + TGetVertexCoordX getX, + TGetVertexCoordY getY) +{ + typedef unordered_map, std::size_t> PosToIndex; + PosToIndex uniqueVerts; + const std::size_t verticesSize = std::distance(first, last); + DuplicatesInfo di = { + std::vector(verticesSize), std::vector()}; + for(std::size_t iIn = 0, iOut = iIn; iIn < verticesSize; ++iIn, ++first) + { + typename PosToIndex::const_iterator it; + bool isUnique; + tie(it, isUnique) = uniqueVerts.insert( + std::make_pair(V2d::make(getX(*first), getY(*first)), iOut)); + if(isUnique) + { + di.mapping[iIn] = iOut++; + continue; + } + di.mapping[iIn] = it->second; // found a duplicate + di.duplicates.push_back(iIn); + } + return di; +} + +template +void RemoveDuplicates( + std::vector& vertices, + const std::vector& duplicates) +{ + vertices.erase( + remove_at( + vertices.begin(), + vertices.end(), + duplicates.begin(), + duplicates.end()), + vertices.end()); +} + +template < + typename TEdgeIter, + typename TGetEdgeVertexStart, + typename TGetEdgeVertexEnd, + typename TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd> +void RemapEdges( + TEdgeIter first, + const TEdgeIter last, + const std::vector& mapping, + TGetEdgeVertexStart getStart, + TGetEdgeVertexEnd getEnd, + TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd makeEdge) +{ + for(; first != last; ++first) + { + *first = makeEdge( + static_cast(mapping[getStart(*first)]), + static_cast(mapping[getEnd(*first)])); + } +} + +template < + typename T, + typename TVertex, + typename TGetVertexCoordX, + typename TGetVertexCoordY, + typename TVertexAllocator, + typename TEdgeIter, + typename TGetEdgeVertexStart, + typename TGetEdgeVertexEnd, + typename TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd> +DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges( + std::vector& vertices, + TGetVertexCoordX getX, + TGetVertexCoordY getY, + const TEdgeIter edgesFirst, + const TEdgeIter edgesLast, + TGetEdgeVertexStart getStart, + TGetEdgeVertexEnd getEnd, + TMakeEdgeFromStartAndEnd makeEdge) +{ + const DuplicatesInfo di = + FindDuplicates(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), getX, getY); + RemoveDuplicates(vertices, di.duplicates); + RemapEdges(edgesFirst, edgesLast, di.mapping, getStart, getEnd, makeEdge); + return di; +} + +template +unordered_map > EdgeToSplitVertices( + const unordered_map& edgeToPieces, + const std::vector >& vertices) +{ + typedef std::pair VertCoordPair; + struct ComparePred + { + bool operator()(const VertCoordPair& a, const VertCoordPair& b) const + { + return a.second < b.second; + } + } comparePred; + + unordered_map > edgeToSplitVerts; + typedef unordered_map::const_iterator It; + for(It e2pIt = edgeToPieces.begin(); e2pIt != edgeToPieces.end(); ++e2pIt) + { + const Edge& e = e2pIt->first; + const T dX = vertices[e.v2()].x - vertices[e.v1()].x; + const T dY = vertices[e.v2()].y - vertices[e.v1()].y; + const bool isX = std::abs(dX) >= std::abs(dY); // X-coord longer + const bool isAscending = + isX ? dX >= 0 : dY >= 0; // Longer coordinate ascends + const EdgeVec& pieces = e2pIt->second; + std::vector splitVerts; + // size is: 2[ends] + (pieces - 1)[split vertices] = pieces + 1 + splitVerts.reserve(pieces.size() + 1); + typedef EdgeVec::const_iterator EIt; + for(EIt pieceIt = pieces.begin(); pieceIt != pieces.end(); ++pieceIt) + { + const array vv = {pieceIt->v1(), pieceIt->v2()}; + typedef array::const_iterator VIt; + for(VIt v = vv.begin(); v != vv.end(); ++v) + { + const T c = isX ? vertices[*v].x : vertices[*v].y; + splitVerts.push_back(std::make_pair(*v, isAscending ? c : -c)); + } + } + // sort by longest coordinate + std::sort(splitVerts.begin(), splitVerts.end(), comparePred); + // remove duplicates + splitVerts.erase( + std::unique(splitVerts.begin(), splitVerts.end()), + splitVerts.end()); + assert(splitVerts.size() > 2); // 2 end points with split vertices + std::pair > val = + std::make_pair(e, std::vector()); + val.second.reserve(splitVerts.size()); + typedef typename std::vector::const_iterator SEIt; + for(SEIt it = splitVerts.begin() + 1; it != splitVerts.end() - 1; ++it) + { + val.second.push_back(it->first); + } + edgeToSplitVerts.insert(val); + } + return edgeToSplitVerts; +} + +} // namespace CDT + +#ifndef CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY +#include "CDT.hpp" +#endif + +#endif // header-guard diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDT.hpp b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDT.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66f9f26 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDT.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Public API - implementation + */ + +#include "CDT.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace CDT +{ + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY VerticesTriangles calculateTrianglesByVertex( + const TriangleVec& triangles, + const VertInd verticesSize) +{ + VerticesTriangles vertTris(verticesSize); + for(TriInd iT(0); iT < triangles.size(); ++iT) + { + const VerticesArr3& vv = triangles[iT].vertices; + for(VerticesArr3::const_iterator v = vv.begin(); v != vv.end(); ++v) + { + vertTris[*v].push_back(iT); + } + } + return vertTris; +} + +template +DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicates(std::vector >& vertices) +{ + const DuplicatesInfo di = FindDuplicates( + vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), getX_V2d, getY_V2d); + RemoveDuplicates(vertices, di.duplicates); + return di; +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY void +RemapEdges(std::vector& edges, const std::vector& mapping) +{ + RemapEdges( + edges.begin(), + edges.end(), + mapping, + edge_get_v1, + edge_get_v2, + edge_make); +} + +template +DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges( + std::vector >& vertices, + std::vector& edges) +{ + return RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges( + vertices, + getX_V2d, + getY_V2d, + edges.begin(), + edges.end(), + edge_get_v1, + edge_get_v2, + edge_make); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY EdgeUSet +extractEdgesFromTriangles(const TriangleVec& triangles) +{ + EdgeUSet edges; + typedef TriangleVec::const_iterator CIt; + for(CIt t = triangles.begin(); t != triangles.end(); ++t) + { + edges.insert(Edge(VertInd(t->vertices[0]), VertInd(t->vertices[1]))); + edges.insert(Edge(VertInd(t->vertices[1]), VertInd(t->vertices[2]))); + edges.insert(Edge(VertInd(t->vertices[2]), VertInd(t->vertices[0]))); + } + return edges; +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY unordered_map +EdgeToPiecesMapping(const unordered_map& pieceToOriginals) +{ + unordered_map originalToPieces; + typedef unordered_map::const_iterator Cit; + for(Cit ptoIt = pieceToOriginals.begin(); ptoIt != pieceToOriginals.end(); + ++ptoIt) + { + const Edge piece = ptoIt->first; + const EdgeVec& originals = ptoIt->second; + for(EdgeVec::const_iterator origIt = originals.begin(); + origIt != originals.end(); + ++origIt) + { + originalToPieces[*origIt].push_back(piece); + } + } + return originalToPieces; +} + +} // namespace CDT diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDTUtils.h b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDTUtils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b9a0ff --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDTUtils.h @@ -0,0 +1,508 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Utilities and helpers + */ + +#ifndef CDT_obwOaxOTdAWcLNTlNnaq +#define CDT_obwOaxOTdAWcLNTlNnaq + +#ifdef CDT_DONT_USE_BOOST_RTREE +// CDT_DONT_USE_BOOST_RTREE was replaced with CDT_USE_BOOST +typedef char CDT_DONT_USE_BOOST_RTREE__was__replaced__with__CDT_USE_BOOST[-1]; +#endif + +// #define CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING // strong type checks on indices + +// check if c++11 is supported +#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900) +#define CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED +#elif !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(_MSC_VER) +typedef char couldnt_parse_cxx_standard[-1]; ///< Error: couldn't parse standard +#endif + +// Functions defined outside the class need to be 'inline' +// if CDT is configured to be used as header-only library: +// single-definition rule is violated otherwise +#ifdef CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY +#define CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY +#include "cdt_export.h" // automatically generated by CMake +#else +/** + * Macro for inlining non-template functions when in header-only mode to + * avoid multiple declaration errors. + */ +#define CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY inline +/// Export not needed in header-only mode +#define CDT_EXPORT +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING +#include +#endif + +// use fall-backs for c++11 features +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +namespace CDT +{ +using std::array; +using std::get; +using std::make_tuple; +using std::tie; +using std::tuple; +using std::unordered_map; +using std::unordered_set; +} // namespace CDT + +#else +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +namespace CDT +{ +using boost::array; +using boost::get; +using boost::make_tuple; +using boost::tie; +using boost::tuple; +using boost::unordered_map; +using boost::unordered_set; +} // namespace CDT +#endif + +namespace CDT +{ + +/// 2D vector +template +struct CDT_EXPORT V2d +{ + T x; ///< X-coordinate + T y; ///< Y-coordinate + + /// Create vector from X and Y coordinates + static V2d make(T x, T y); +}; + +/// X- coordinate getter for V2d +template +const T& getX_V2d(const V2d& v) +{ + return v.x; +} + +/// Y-coordinate getter for V2d +template +const T& getY_V2d(const V2d& v) +{ + return v.y; +} + +/// If two 2D vectors are exactly equal +template +bool operator==(const CDT::V2d& lhs, const CDT::V2d& rhs) +{ + return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y; +} + +#ifdef CDT_USE_64_BIT_INDEX_TYPE +typedef unsigned long long IndexSizeType; +#else +typedef unsigned int IndexSizeType; +#endif + +#ifdef CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING +/// Index in triangle +BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF(unsigned char, Index); +/// Vertex index +BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF(IndexSizeType, VertInd); +/// Triangle index +BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF(IndexSizeType, TriInd); +#else +/// Index in triangle +typedef unsigned char Index; +/// Vertex index +typedef IndexSizeType VertInd; +/// Triangle index +typedef IndexSizeType TriInd; +#endif + +/// Constant representing no valid value for index +const static IndexSizeType + invalidIndex(std::numeric_limits::max()); +/// Constant representing no valid neighbor for a triangle +const static TriInd noNeighbor(invalidIndex); +/// Constant representing no valid vertex for a triangle +const static VertInd noVertex(invalidIndex); + +typedef std::vector TriIndVec; ///< Vector of triangle indices +typedef array VerticesArr3; ///< array of three vertex indices +typedef array NeighborsArr3; ///< array of three neighbors + +/// 2D bounding box +template +struct CDT_EXPORT Box2d +{ + V2d min; ///< min box corner + V2d max; ///< max box corner + + /// Envelop box around a point + void envelopPoint(const V2d& p) + { + envelopPoint(p.x, p.y); + } + /// Envelop box around a point with given coordinates + void envelopPoint(const T x, const T y) + { + min.x = std::min(x, min.x); + max.x = std::max(x, max.x); + min.y = std::min(y, min.y); + max.y = std::max(y, max.y); + } +}; + +/// Bounding box of a collection of custom 2D points given coordinate getters +template < + typename T, + typename TVertexIter, + typename TGetVertexCoordX, + typename TGetVertexCoordY> +Box2d envelopBox( + TVertexIter first, + TVertexIter last, + TGetVertexCoordX getX, + TGetVertexCoordY getY) +{ + const T max = std::numeric_limits::max(); + Box2d box = {{max, max}, {-max, -max}}; + for(; first != last; ++first) + { + box.envelopPoint(getX(*first), getY(*first)); + } + return box; +} + +/// Bounding box of a collection of 2D points +template +CDT_EXPORT Box2d envelopBox(const std::vector >& vertices); + +/// Edge connecting two vertices: vertex with smaller index is always first +/// \note: hash Edge is specialized at the bottom +struct CDT_EXPORT Edge +{ + /// Constructor + Edge(VertInd iV1, VertInd iV2); + /// Equals operator + bool operator==(const Edge& other) const; + /// Not-equals operator + bool operator!=(const Edge& other) const; + /// V1 getter + VertInd v1() const; + /// V2 getter + VertInd v2() const; + /// Edges' vertices + const std::pair& verts() const; + +private: + std::pair m_vertices; +}; + +/// Get edge first vertex +inline VertInd edge_get_v1(const Edge& e) +{ + return e.v1(); +} + +/// Get edge second vertex +inline VertInd edge_get_v2(const Edge& e) +{ + return e.v2(); +} + +/// Get edge second vertex +inline Edge edge_make(VertInd iV1, VertInd iV2) +{ + return Edge(iV1, iV2); +} + +typedef std::vector EdgeVec; ///< Vector of edges +typedef unordered_set EdgeUSet; ///< Hash table of edges +typedef unordered_set TriIndUSet; ///< Hash table of triangles +typedef unordered_map TriIndUMap; ///< Triangle hash map + +/// Triangulation triangle (counter-clockwise winding) +/* + * v3 + * /\ + * n3/ \n2 + * /____\ + * v1 n1 v2 + */ +struct CDT_EXPORT Triangle +{ + VerticesArr3 vertices; ///< triangle's three vertices + NeighborsArr3 neighbors; ///< triangle's three neighbors + + /** + * Factory method + * @note needed for c++03 compatibility (no uniform initialization + * available) + */ + static Triangle + make(const array& vertices, const array& neighbors) + { + Triangle t = {vertices, neighbors}; + return t; + } + + /// Next triangle adjacent to a vertex (clockwise) + /// @returns pair of next triangle and the other vertex of a common edge + std::pair next(const VertInd i) const + { + assert(vertices[0] == i || vertices[1] == i || vertices[2] == i); + if(vertices[0] == i) + { + return std::make_pair(neighbors[0], vertices[1]); + } + if(vertices[1] == i) + { + return std::make_pair(neighbors[1], vertices[2]); + } + return std::make_pair(neighbors[2], vertices[0]); + } + /// Previous triangle adjacent to a vertex (counter-clockwise) + /// @returns pair of previous triangle and the other vertex of a common edge + std::pair prev(const VertInd i) const + { + assert(vertices[0] == i || vertices[1] == i || vertices[2] == i); + if(vertices[0] == i) + return std::make_pair(neighbors[2], vertices[2]); + if(vertices[1] == i) + return std::make_pair(neighbors[0], vertices[0]); + return std::make_pair(neighbors[1], vertices[1]); + } + + bool containsVertex(const VertInd i) const + { + return std::find(vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), i) != vertices.end(); + } +}; + +typedef std::vector TriangleVec; ///< Vector of triangles + +/// Advance vertex or neighbor index counter-clockwise +CDT_EXPORT Index ccw(Index i); + +/// Advance vertex or neighbor index clockwise +CDT_EXPORT Index cw(Index i); + +/// Location of point on a triangle +struct CDT_EXPORT PtTriLocation +{ + /// Enum + enum Enum + { + Inside, + Outside, + OnEdge1, + OnEdge2, + OnEdge3, + OnVertex, + }; +}; + +/// Check if location is classified as on any of three edges +CDT_EXPORT bool isOnEdge(PtTriLocation::Enum location); + +/// Neighbor index from a on-edge location +/// \note Call only if located on the edge! +CDT_EXPORT Index edgeNeighbor(PtTriLocation::Enum location); + +/// Relative location of point to a line +struct CDT_EXPORT PtLineLocation +{ + /// Enum + enum Enum + { + Left, + Right, + OnLine, + }; +}; + +/// Orient p against line v1-v2 2D: robust geometric predicate +template +CDT_EXPORT T orient2D(const V2d& p, const V2d& v1, const V2d& v2); + +/// Check if point lies to the left of, to the right of, or on a line +template +CDT_EXPORT PtLineLocation::Enum locatePointLine( + const V2d& p, + const V2d& v1, + const V2d& v2, + T orientationTolerance = T(0)); + +/// Classify value of orient2d predicate +template +CDT_EXPORT PtLineLocation::Enum +classifyOrientation(T orientation, T orientationTolerance = T(0)); + +/// Check if point a lies inside of, outside of, or on an edge of a triangle +template +CDT_EXPORT PtTriLocation::Enum locatePointTriangle( + const V2d& p, + const V2d& v1, + const V2d& v2, + const V2d& v3); + +/// Opposed neighbor index from vertex index +CDT_EXPORT CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index opoNbr(Index vertIndex); + +/// Opposed vertex index from neighbor index +CDT_EXPORT CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index opoVrt(Index neighborIndex); + +/// Index of triangle's neighbor opposed to a vertex +CDT_EXPORT CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index +opposedTriangleInd(const VerticesArr3& vv, VertInd iVert); + +/// Index of triangle's neighbor opposed to an edge +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index +edgeNeighborInd(const VerticesArr3& vv, VertInd iVedge1, VertInd iVedge2); + +/// Index of triangle's vertex opposed to a triangle +CDT_EXPORT CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index +opposedVertexInd(const NeighborsArr3& nn, TriInd iTopo); + +/// If triangle has a given vertex return vertex-index +CDT_EXPORT CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index +vertexInd(const VerticesArr3& vv, VertInd iV); + +/// Given triangle and a vertex find opposed triangle +CDT_EXPORT CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY TriInd +opposedTriangle(const Triangle& tri, VertInd iVert); + +/// Given triangle and an edge find neighbor sharing the edge +CDT_EXPORT CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY TriInd +edgeNeighbor(const Triangle& tri, VertInd iVedge1, VertInd iVedge2); + +/// Given two triangles, return vertex of first triangle opposed to the second +CDT_EXPORT CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY VertInd +opposedVertex(const Triangle& tri, TriInd iTopo); + +/// Test if point lies in a circumscribed circle of a triangle +template +CDT_EXPORT bool isInCircumcircle( + const V2d& p, + const V2d& v1, + const V2d& v2, + const V2d& v3); + +/// Test if two vertices share at least one common triangle +CDT_EXPORT CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY bool +verticesShareEdge(const TriIndVec& aTris, const TriIndVec& bTris); + +/// Distance between two 2D points +template +CDT_EXPORT T distance(const V2d& a, const V2d& b); + +/// Squared distance between two 2D points +template +CDT_EXPORT T distanceSquared(const V2d& a, const V2d& b); + +/// Check if any of triangle's vertices belongs to a super-triangle +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY bool touchesSuperTriangle(const Triangle& t); + +} // namespace CDT + +#ifndef CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY +#include "CDTUtils.hpp" +#endif + +//***************************************************************************** +// Specialize hash functions +//***************************************************************************** +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED +namespace std +#else +namespace boost +#endif +{ + +#ifdef CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING + +/// Vertex index hasher +template <> +struct hash +{ + /// Hash operator + std::size_t operator()(const CDT::VertInd& vi) const + { + return std::hash()(vi.t); + } +}; + +/// Triangle index hasher +template <> +struct hash +{ + /// Hash operator + std::size_t operator()(const CDT::TriInd& vi) const + { + return std::hash()(vi.t); + } +}; + +#endif // CDT_USE_STRONG_TYPING + +/// Edge hasher +template <> +struct hash +{ + /// Hash operator + std::size_t operator()(const CDT::Edge& e) const + { + return hashEdge(e); + } + +private: + static void hashCombine(std::size_t& seed, const CDT::VertInd& key) + { +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + typedef std::hash Hasher; +#else + typedef boost::hash Hasher; +#endif + seed ^= Hasher()(key) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed << 6) + (seed >> 2); + } + static std::size_t hashEdge(const CDT::Edge& e) + { + const std::pair& vv = e.verts(); + std::size_t seed1(0); + hashCombine(seed1, vv.first); + hashCombine(seed1, vv.second); + std::size_t seed2(0); + hashCombine(seed2, vv.second); + hashCombine(seed2, vv.first); + return std::min(seed1, seed2); + } +}; +} // namespace std/boost + +#endif // header guard diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDTUtils.hpp b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDTUtils.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..001098a --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/CDTUtils.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Utilities and helpers - implementation + */ + +#include "CDTUtils.h" + +#include "predicates.h" // robust predicates: orient, in-circle + +#include + +namespace CDT +{ + +//***************************************************************************** +// V2d +//***************************************************************************** +template +V2d V2d::make(const T x, const T y) +{ + V2d out = {x, y}; + return out; +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// Box2d +//***************************************************************************** +template +Box2d envelopBox(const std::vector >& vertices) +{ + return envelopBox( + vertices.begin(), vertices.end(), getX_V2d, getY_V2d); +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// Edge +//***************************************************************************** +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Edge::Edge(VertInd iV1, VertInd iV2) + : m_vertices( + iV1 < iV2 ? std::make_pair(iV1, iV2) : std::make_pair(iV2, iV1)) +{} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY bool Edge::operator==(const Edge& other) const +{ + return m_vertices == other.m_vertices; +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY bool Edge::operator!=(const Edge& other) const +{ + return !(this->operator==(other)); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY VertInd Edge::v1() const +{ + return m_vertices.first; +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY VertInd Edge::v2() const +{ + return m_vertices.second; +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY const std::pair& Edge::verts() const +{ + return m_vertices; +} + +//***************************************************************************** +// Utility functions +//***************************************************************************** +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index ccw(Index i) +{ + return Index((i + 1) % 3); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index cw(Index i) +{ + return Index((i + 2) % 3); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY bool isOnEdge(const PtTriLocation::Enum location) +{ + return location == PtTriLocation::OnEdge1 || + location == PtTriLocation::OnEdge2 || + location == PtTriLocation::OnEdge3; +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index edgeNeighbor(const PtTriLocation::Enum location) +{ + assert(isOnEdge(location)); + return static_cast(location - PtTriLocation::OnEdge1); +} + +template +T orient2D(const V2d& p, const V2d& v1, const V2d& v2) +{ + return predicates::adaptive::orient2d(v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, p.x, p.y); +} + +template +PtLineLocation::Enum locatePointLine( + const V2d& p, + const V2d& v1, + const V2d& v2, + const T orientationTolerance) +{ + return classifyOrientation(orient2D(p, v1, v2), orientationTolerance); +} + +template +PtLineLocation::Enum +classifyOrientation(const T orientation, const T orientationTolerance) +{ + if(orientation < -orientationTolerance) + return PtLineLocation::Right; + if(orientation > orientationTolerance) + return PtLineLocation::Left; + return PtLineLocation::OnLine; +} + +template +PtTriLocation::Enum locatePointTriangle( + const V2d& p, + const V2d& v1, + const V2d& v2, + const V2d& v3) +{ + using namespace predicates::adaptive; + PtTriLocation::Enum result = PtTriLocation::Inside; + PtLineLocation::Enum edgeCheck = locatePointLine(p, v1, v2); + if(edgeCheck == PtLineLocation::Right) + return PtTriLocation::Outside; + if(edgeCheck == PtLineLocation::OnLine) + result = PtTriLocation::OnEdge1; + edgeCheck = locatePointLine(p, v2, v3); + if(edgeCheck == PtLineLocation::Right) + return PtTriLocation::Outside; + if(edgeCheck == PtLineLocation::OnLine) + { + result = (result == PtTriLocation::Inside) ? PtTriLocation::OnEdge2 + : PtTriLocation::OnVertex; + } + edgeCheck = locatePointLine(p, v3, v1); + if(edgeCheck == PtLineLocation::Right) + return PtTriLocation::Outside; + if(edgeCheck == PtLineLocation::OnLine) + { + result = (result == PtTriLocation::Inside) ? PtTriLocation::OnEdge3 + : PtTriLocation::OnVertex; + } + return result; +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index opoNbr(const Index vertIndex) +{ + if(vertIndex == Index(0)) + return Index(1); + if(vertIndex == Index(1)) + return Index(2); + if(vertIndex == Index(2)) + return Index(0); + assert(false && "Invalid vertex index"); + throw std::runtime_error("Invalid vertex index"); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index opoVrt(const Index neighborIndex) +{ + if(neighborIndex == Index(0)) + return Index(2); + if(neighborIndex == Index(1)) + return Index(0); + if(neighborIndex == Index(2)) + return Index(1); + assert(false && "Invalid neighbor index"); + throw std::runtime_error("Invalid neighbor index"); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index +opposedTriangleInd(const VerticesArr3& vv, const VertInd iVert) +{ + assert(vv[0] == iVert || vv[1] == iVert || vv[2] == iVert); + if(vv[0] == iVert) + return Index(1); + if(vv[1] == iVert) + return Index(2); + return Index(0); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index edgeNeighborInd( + const VerticesArr3& vv, + const VertInd iVedge1, + const VertInd iVedge2) +{ + assert(vv[0] == iVedge1 || vv[1] == iVedge1 || vv[2] == iVedge1); + assert(vv[0] == iVedge2 || vv[1] == iVedge2 || vv[2] == iVedge2); + assert( + (vv[0] != iVedge1 && vv[0] != iVedge2) || + (vv[1] != iVedge1 && vv[1] != iVedge2) || + (vv[2] != iVedge1 && vv[2] != iVedge2)); + /* + * vv[2] + * /\ + * n[2]/ \n[1] + * /____\ + * vv[0] n[0] vv[1] + */ + if(vv[0] == iVedge1) + { + if(vv[1] == iVedge2) + return Index(0); + return Index(2); + } + if(vv[0] == iVedge2) + { + if(vv[1] == iVedge1) + return Index(0); + return Index(2); + } + return Index(1); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index +opposedVertexInd(const NeighborsArr3& nn, const TriInd iTopo) +{ + assert(nn[0] == iTopo || nn[1] == iTopo || nn[2] == iTopo); + if(nn[0] == iTopo) + return Index(2); + if(nn[1] == iTopo) + return Index(0); + return Index(1); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY Index +vertexInd(const VerticesArr3& vv, const VertInd iV) +{ + assert(vv[0] == iV || vv[1] == iV || vv[2] == iV); + if(vv[0] == iV) + return Index(0); + if(vv[1] == iV) + return Index(1); + return Index(2); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY TriInd +opposedTriangle(const Triangle& tri, const VertInd iVert) +{ + return tri.neighbors[opposedTriangleInd(tri.vertices, iVert)]; +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY VertInd +opposedVertex(const Triangle& tri, const TriInd iTopo) +{ + return tri.vertices[opposedVertexInd(tri.neighbors, iTopo)]; +} + +/// Given triangle and an edge find neighbor sharing the edge +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY TriInd +edgeNeighbor(const Triangle& tri, VertInd iVedge1, VertInd iVedge2) +{ + return tri.neighbors[edgeNeighborInd(tri.vertices, iVedge1, iVedge2)]; +} + +template +bool isInCircumcircle( + const V2d& p, + const V2d& v1, + const V2d& v2, + const V2d& v3) +{ + using namespace predicates::adaptive; + return incircle(v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, v3.x, v3.y, p.x, p.y) > T(0); +} + +CDT_INLINE_IF_HEADER_ONLY +bool verticesShareEdge(const TriIndVec& aTris, const TriIndVec& bTris) +{ + for(TriIndVec::const_iterator it = aTris.begin(); it != aTris.end(); ++it) + if(std::find(bTris.begin(), bTris.end(), *it) != bTris.end()) + return true; + return false; +} + +template +T distanceSquared(const T ax, const T ay, const T bx, const T by) +{ + const T dx = bx - ax; + const T dy = by - ay; + return dx * dx + dy * dy; +} + +template +T distance(const T ax, const T ay, const T bx, const T by) +{ + return std::sqrt(distanceSquared(ax, ay, bx, by)); +} + +template +T distance(const V2d& a, const V2d& b) +{ + return distance(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y); +} + +template +T distanceSquared(const V2d& a, const V2d& b) +{ + return distanceSquared(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y); +} + +bool touchesSuperTriangle(const Triangle& t) +{ + return t.vertices[0] < 3 || t.vertices[1] < 3 || t.vertices[2] < 3; +} + +} // namespace CDT diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/KDTree.h b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/KDTree.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2aa4eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/KDTree.h @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +/// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +/// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +/// file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +/// Contribution of original implementation: +/// Andre Fecteau + +#ifndef KDTREE_KDTREE_H +#define KDTREE_KDTREE_H + +#include "CDTUtils.h" + +#include +#include + +namespace CDT +{ +namespace KDTree +{ + +struct NodeSplitDirection +{ + enum Enum + { + X, + Y, + }; +}; + +/// Simple tree structure with alternating half splitting nodes +/// @details Simple tree structure +/// - Tree to incrementally add points to the structure. +/// - Get the nearest point to a given input. +/// - Does not check for duplicates, expect unique points. +/// @tparam TCoordType type used for storing point coordinate. +/// @tparam NumVerticesInLeaf The number of points per leaf. +/// @tparam InitialStackDepth initial size of stack depth for nearest query. +/// Should be at least 1. +/// @tparam StackDepthIncrement increment of stack depth for nearest query when +/// stack depth is reached. +template < + typename TCoordType, + size_t NumVerticesInLeaf, + size_t InitialStackDepth, + size_t StackDepthIncrement> +class KDTree +{ +public: + typedef TCoordType coord_type; + typedef CDT::V2d point_type; + typedef CDT::VertInd point_index; + typedef std::pair value_type; + typedef std::vector point_data_vec; + typedef point_data_vec::const_iterator pd_cit; + typedef CDT::VertInd node_index; + typedef CDT::array children_type; + + /// Stores kd-tree node data + struct Node + { + children_type children; ///< two children if not leaf; {0,0} if leaf + point_data_vec data; ///< points' data if leaf + /// Create empty leaf + Node() + { + setChildren(node_index(0), node_index(0)); + data.reserve(NumVerticesInLeaf); + } + /// Children setter for convenience + void setChildren(const node_index c1, const node_index c2) + { + children[0] = c1; + children[1] = c2; + } + /// Check if node is a leaf (has no valid children) + bool isLeaf() const + { + return children[0] == children[1]; + } + }; + + /// Default constructor + KDTree() + : m_rootDir(NodeSplitDirection::X) + , m_min(point_type::make( + -std::numeric_limits::max(), + -std::numeric_limits::max())) + , m_max(point_type::make( + std::numeric_limits::max(), + std::numeric_limits::max())) + , m_size(0) + , m_isRootBoxInitialized(false) + , m_tasksStack(InitialStackDepth, NearestTask()) + { + m_root = addNewNode(); + } + + /// Constructor with bounding box known in advance + KDTree(const point_type& min, const point_type& max) + : m_rootDir(NodeSplitDirection::X) + , m_min(min) + , m_max(max) + , m_size(0) + , m_isRootBoxInitialized(true) + , m_tasksStack(InitialStackDepth, NearestTask()) + { + m_root = addNewNode(); + } + + CDT::VertInd size() const + { + return m_size; + } + + /// Insert a point into kd-tree + /// @note external point-buffer is used to reduce kd-tree's memory footprint + /// @param iPoint index of point in external point-buffer + /// @param points external point-buffer + void + insert(const point_index& iPoint, const std::vector& points) + { + ++m_size; + // if point is outside root, extend tree by adding new roots + const point_type& pos = points[iPoint]; + while(!isInsideBox(pos, m_min, m_max)) + { + extendTree(pos); + } + // now insert the point into the tree + node_index node = m_root; + point_type min = m_min; + point_type max = m_max; + NodeSplitDirection::Enum dir = m_rootDir; + + // below: initialized only to suppress warnings + NodeSplitDirection::Enum newDir(NodeSplitDirection::X); + coord_type mid(0); + point_type newMin, newMax; + while(true) + { + if(m_nodes[node].isLeaf()) + { + // add point if capacity is not reached + point_data_vec& pd = m_nodes[node].data; + if(pd.size() < NumVerticesInLeaf) + { + pd.push_back(iPoint); + return; + } + // initialize bbox first time the root capacity is reached + if(!m_isRootBoxInitialized) + { + initializeRootBox(points); + min = m_min; + max = m_max; + } + // split a full leaf node + calcSplitInfo(min, max, dir, mid, newDir, newMin, newMax); + const node_index c1 = addNewNode(), c2 = addNewNode(); + Node& n = m_nodes[node]; + n.setChildren(c1, c2); + point_data_vec& c1data = m_nodes[c1].data; + point_data_vec& c2data = m_nodes[c2].data; + // move node's points to children + for(pd_cit it = n.data.begin(); it != n.data.end(); ++it) + { + whichChild(points[*it], mid, dir) == 0 + ? c1data.push_back(*it) + : c2data.push_back(*it); + } + n.data = point_data_vec(); + } + else + { + calcSplitInfo(min, max, dir, mid, newDir, newMin, newMax); + } + // add the point to a child + const std::size_t iChild = whichChild(points[iPoint], mid, dir); + iChild == 0 ? max = newMax : min = newMin; + node = m_nodes[node].children[iChild]; + dir = newDir; + } + } + + /// Query kd-tree for a nearest neighbor point + /// @note external point-buffer is used to reduce kd-tree's memory footprint + /// @param point query point position + /// @param points external point-buffer + value_type nearest( + const point_type& point, + const std::vector& points) const + { + value_type out; + int iTask = -1; + coord_type minDistSq = std::numeric_limits::max(); + m_tasksStack[++iTask] = + NearestTask(m_root, m_min, m_max, m_rootDir, minDistSq); + while(iTask != -1) + { + const NearestTask t = m_tasksStack[iTask--]; + if(t.distSq > minDistSq) + continue; + const Node& n = m_nodes[t.node]; + if(n.isLeaf()) + { + for(pd_cit it = n.data.begin(); it != n.data.end(); ++it) + { + const point_type& p = points[*it]; + const coord_type distSq = CDT::distanceSquared(point, p); + if(distSq < minDistSq) + { + minDistSq = distSq; + out.first = p; + out.second = *it; + } + } + } + else + { + coord_type mid(0); + NodeSplitDirection::Enum newDir; + point_type newMin, newMax; + calcSplitInfo(t.min, t.max, t.dir, mid, newDir, newMin, newMax); + + const coord_type distToMid = t.dir == NodeSplitDirection::X + ? (point.x - mid) + : (point.y - mid); + const coord_type toMidSq = distToMid * distToMid; + + const std::size_t iChild = whichChild(point, mid, t.dir); + if(iTask + 2 >= static_cast(m_tasksStack.size())) + { + m_tasksStack.resize( + m_tasksStack.size() + StackDepthIncrement); + } + // node containing point should end up on top of the stack + if(iChild == 0) + { + m_tasksStack[++iTask] = NearestTask( + n.children[1], newMin, t.max, newDir, toMidSq); + m_tasksStack[++iTask] = NearestTask( + n.children[0], t.min, newMax, newDir, toMidSq); + } + else + { + m_tasksStack[++iTask] = NearestTask( + n.children[0], t.min, newMax, newDir, toMidSq); + m_tasksStack[++iTask] = NearestTask( + n.children[1], newMin, t.max, newDir, toMidSq); + } + } + } + return out; + } + +private: + /// Add a new node and return it's index in nodes buffer + node_index addNewNode() + { + const node_index newNodeIndex = static_cast(m_nodes.size()); + m_nodes.push_back(Node()); + return newNodeIndex; + } + + /// Test which child point belongs to after the split + /// @returns 0 if first child, 1 if second child + std::size_t whichChild( + const point_type& point, + const coord_type& split, + const NodeSplitDirection::Enum dir) const + { + return static_cast( + dir == NodeSplitDirection::X ? point.x > split : point.y > split); + } + + /// Calculate split location, direction, and children boxes + static void calcSplitInfo( + const point_type& min, + const point_type& max, + const NodeSplitDirection::Enum dir, + coord_type& midOut, + NodeSplitDirection::Enum& newDirOut, + point_type& newMinOut, + point_type& newMaxOut) + { + newMaxOut = max; + newMinOut = min; + switch(dir) + { + case NodeSplitDirection::X: + midOut = (min.x + max.x) / coord_type(2); + newDirOut = NodeSplitDirection::Y; + newMinOut.x = midOut; + newMaxOut.x = midOut; + return; + case NodeSplitDirection::Y: + midOut = (min.y + max.y) / coord_type(2); + newDirOut = NodeSplitDirection::X; + newMinOut.y = midOut; + newMaxOut.y = midOut; + return; + } + } + + /// Test if point is inside a box + static bool isInsideBox( + const point_type& p, + const point_type& min, + const point_type& max) + { + return p.x >= min.x && p.x <= max.x && p.y >= min.y && p.y <= max.y; + } + + /// Extend a tree by creating new root with old root and a new node as + /// children + void extendTree(const point_type& point) + { + const node_index newRoot = addNewNode(); + const node_index newLeaf = addNewNode(); + switch(m_rootDir) + { + case NodeSplitDirection::X: + m_rootDir = NodeSplitDirection::Y; + point.y < m_min.y ? m_nodes[newRoot].setChildren(newLeaf, m_root) + : m_nodes[newRoot].setChildren(m_root, newLeaf); + if(point.y < m_min.y) + m_min.y -= m_max.y - m_min.y; + else if(point.y > m_max.y) + m_max.y += m_max.y - m_min.y; + break; + case NodeSplitDirection::Y: + m_rootDir = NodeSplitDirection::X; + point.x < m_min.x ? m_nodes[newRoot].setChildren(newLeaf, m_root) + : m_nodes[newRoot].setChildren(m_root, newLeaf); + if(point.x < m_min.x) + m_min.x -= m_max.x - m_min.x; + else if(point.x > m_max.x) + m_max.x += m_max.x - m_min.x; + break; + } + m_root = newRoot; + } + + /// Calculate root's box enclosing all root points + void initializeRootBox(const std::vector& points) + { + const point_data_vec& data = m_nodes[m_root].data; + m_min = points[data.front()]; + m_max = m_min; + for(pd_cit it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) + { + const point_type& p = points[*it]; + m_min = point_type::make( + std::min(m_min.x, p.x), std::min(m_min.y, p.y)); + m_max = point_type::make( + std::max(m_max.x, p.x), std::max(m_max.y, p.y)); + } + // Make sure bounding box does not have a zero size by adding padding: + // zero-size bounding box cannot be extended properly + const TCoordType padding(1); + if(m_min.x == m_max.x) + { + m_min.x -= padding; + m_max.x += padding; + } + if(m_min.y == m_max.y) + { + m_min.y -= padding; + m_max.y += padding; + } + m_isRootBoxInitialized = true; + } + +private: + node_index m_root; + std::vector m_nodes; + NodeSplitDirection::Enum m_rootDir; + point_type m_min; + point_type m_max; + CDT::VertInd m_size; + + bool m_isRootBoxInitialized; + + // used for nearest query + struct NearestTask + { + node_index node; + point_type min, max; + NodeSplitDirection::Enum dir; + coord_type distSq; + NearestTask() + {} + NearestTask( + const node_index node_, + const point_type& min_, + const point_type& max_, + const NodeSplitDirection::Enum dir_, + const coord_type distSq_) + : node(node_) + , min(min_) + , max(max_) + , dir(dir_) + , distSq(distSq_) + {} + }; + // allocated in class (not in the 'nearest' method) for better performance + mutable std::vector m_tasksStack; +}; + +} // namespace KDTree +} // namespace CDT + +#endif // header guard diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/LocatorKDTree.h b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/LocatorKDTree.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb3684e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/LocatorKDTree.h @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Adapter between for KDTree and CDT + */ + +#ifndef CDT_POINTKDTREE_H +#define CDT_POINTKDTREE_H + +#include "CDTUtils.h" +#include "KDTree.h" + +namespace CDT +{ + +/// KD-tree holding points +template < + typename TCoordType, + size_t NumVerticesInLeaf = 32, + size_t InitialStackDepth = 32, + size_t StackDepthIncrement = 32> +class LocatorKDTree +{ +public: + /// Initialize KD-tree with points + void initialize(const std::vector >& points) + { + typedef V2d V2d_t; + V2d_t min = points.front(); + V2d_t max = min; + typedef typename std::vector::const_iterator Cit; + for(Cit it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it) + { + min = V2d_t::make(std::min(min.x, it->x), std::min(min.y, it->y)); + max = V2d_t::make(std::max(max.x, it->x), std::max(max.y, it->y)); + } + m_kdTree = KDTree_t(min, max); + for(VertInd i(0); i < points.size(); ++i) + { + m_kdTree.insert(i, points); + } + } + /// Add point to KD-tree + void addPoint(const VertInd i, const std::vector >& points) + { + m_kdTree.insert(i, points); + } + /// Find nearest point using R-tree + VertInd nearPoint( + const V2d& pos, + const std::vector >& points) const + { + return m_kdTree.nearest(pos, points).second; + } + + CDT::VertInd size() const + { + return m_kdTree.size(); + } + + bool empty() const + { + return !size(); + } + +private: + typedef KDTree::KDTree< + TCoordType, + NumVerticesInLeaf, + InitialStackDepth, + StackDepthIncrement> + KDTree_t; + KDTree_t m_kdTree; +}; + +} // namespace CDT + +#endif diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/Triangulation.h b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/Triangulation.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f744eb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/Triangulation.h @@ -0,0 +1,909 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Triangulation class + */ + +#ifndef CDT_vW1vZ0lO8rS4gY4uI4fB +#define CDT_vW1vZ0lO8rS4gY4uI4fB + +#include "CDTUtils.h" +#include "LocatorKDTree.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/// Namespace containing triangulation functionality +namespace CDT +{ + +/// @addtogroup API +/// @{ + +/** + * Enum of strategies specifying order in which a range of vertices is inserted + * @note VertexInsertionOrder::Randomized will only randomize order of + * inserting in triangulation, vertex indices will be preserved as they were + * specified in the final triangulation + */ +struct CDT_EXPORT VertexInsertionOrder +{ + /** + * The Enum itself + * @note needed to pre c++11 compilers that don't support 'class enum' + */ + enum Enum + { + /** + * Automatic insertion order optimized for better performance + * @details breadth-first traversal of a Kd-tree for initial bulk-load, + * randomized for subsequent insertions + */ + Auto, + /// insert vertices in same order they are provided + AsProvided, + }; +}; + +/// Enum of what type of geometry used to embed triangulation into +struct CDT_EXPORT SuperGeometryType +{ + /** + * The Enum itself + * @note needed to pre c++11 compilers that don't support 'class enum' + */ + enum Enum + { + SuperTriangle, ///< conventional super-triangle + Custom, ///< user-specified custom geometry (e.g., grid) + }; +}; + +/** + * Enum of strategies for treating intersecting constraint edges + */ +struct CDT_EXPORT IntersectingConstraintEdges +{ + /** + * The Enum itself + * @note needed to pre c++11 compilers that don't support 'class enum' + */ + enum Enum + { + NotAllowed, ///< constraint edge intersections are not allowed + TryResolve, ///< attempt to resolve constraint edge intersections + /** + * No checks: slightly faster but less safe. + * User must provide a valid input without intersecting constraints. + */ + DontCheck, + }; +}; + +/** + * Type used for storing layer depths for triangles + * @note LayerDepth should support 60K+ layers, which could be to much or + * too little for some use cases. Feel free to re-define this typedef. + */ +typedef unsigned short LayerDepth; +typedef LayerDepth BoundaryOverlapCount; + +/** + * Contains source location info: file, function, line + */ +class SourceLocation +{ +public: + SourceLocation(const std::string& file, const std::string& func, int line) + : m_file(file) + , m_func(func) + , m_line(line) + {} + const std::string& file() const + { + return m_file; + } + const std::string& func() const + { + return m_func; + } + int line() const + { + return m_line; + } + +private: + std::string m_file; + std::string m_func; + int m_line; +}; + +/// Macro for getting source location +#define CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION \ + SourceLocation(std::string(__FILE__), std::string(__func__), __LINE__) + +/** + * Base class for errors. Contains error description and source location: file, + * function, line + */ +class Error : public std::runtime_error +{ +public: + /// Constructor + Error(const std::string& description, const SourceLocation& srcLoc) + : std::runtime_error( + description + "\nin '" + srcLoc.func() + "' at " + srcLoc.file() + + ":" + std::to_string(srcLoc.line())) + , m_description(description) + , m_srcLoc(srcLoc) + {} + /// Get error description + const std::string& description() const + { + return m_description; + } + /// Get source location from where the error was thrown + const SourceLocation& sourceLocation() const + { + return m_srcLoc; + } + +private: + std::string m_description; + SourceLocation m_srcLoc; +}; + +/** + * Error thrown when triangulation modification is attempted after it was + * finalized + */ +class FinalizedError : public Error +{ +public: + FinalizedError(const SourceLocation& srcLoc) + : Error( + "Triangulation was finalized with 'erase...' method. Further " + "modification is not possible.", + srcLoc) + {} +}; + +/** + * Error thrown when duplicate vertex is detected during vertex insertion + */ +class DuplicateVertexError : public Error +{ +public: + DuplicateVertexError( + const VertInd v1, + const VertInd v2, + const SourceLocation& srcLoc) + : Error( + "Duplicate vertex detected: #" + std::to_string(v1) + + " is a duplicate of #" + std::to_string(v2), + srcLoc) + , m_v1(v1) + , m_v2(v2) + {} + VertInd v1() const + { + return m_v1; + } + VertInd v2() const + { + return m_v2; + } + +private: + VertInd m_v1, m_v2; +}; + +/** + * Error thrown when intersecting constraint edges are detected, but + * triangulation is not configured to attempt to resolve them + */ +class IntersectingConstraintsError : public Error +{ +public: + IntersectingConstraintsError( + const Edge& e1, + const Edge& e2, + const SourceLocation& srcLoc) + : Error( + "Intersecting constraint edges detected: (" + + std::to_string(e1.v1()) + ", " + std::to_string(e1.v2()) + + ") intersects (" + std::to_string(e2.v1()) + ", " + + std::to_string(e2.v2()) + ")", + srcLoc) + , m_e1(e1) + , m_e2(e2) + {} + const Edge& e1() const + { + return m_e1; + } + const Edge& e2() const + { + return m_e2; + } + +private: + Edge m_e1, m_e2; +}; + +/** + * @defgroup Triangulation Triangulation Class + * Class performing triangulations. + */ +/// @{ + +/** + * Data structure representing a 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation + * + * @tparam T type of vertex coordinates (e.g., float, double) + * @tparam TNearPointLocator class providing locating near point for efficiently + * inserting new points. Provides methods: 'addPoint(vPos, iV)' and + * 'nearPoint(vPos) -> iV' + */ +template > +class CDT_EXPORT Triangulation +{ +public: + typedef std::vector > V2dVec; ///< Vertices vector + V2dVec vertices; ///< triangulation's vertices + TriangleVec triangles; ///< triangulation's triangles + EdgeUSet fixedEdges; ///< triangulation's constraints (fixed edges) + + /** Stores count of overlapping boundaries for a fixed edge. If no entry is + * present for an edge: no boundaries overlap. + * @note map only has entries for fixed for edges that represent overlapping + * boundaries + * @note needed for handling depth calculations and hole-removel in case of + * overlapping boundaries + */ + unordered_map overlapCount; + + /** Stores list of original edges represented by a given fixed edge + * @note map only has entries for edges where multiple original fixed edges + * overlap or where a fixed edge is a part of original edge created by + * conforming Delaunay triangulation vertex insertion + */ + unordered_map pieceToOriginals; + + /*____ API _____*/ + /// Default constructor + Triangulation(); + /** + * Constructor + * @param vertexInsertionOrder strategy used for ordering vertex insertions + */ + explicit Triangulation(VertexInsertionOrder::Enum vertexInsertionOrder); + /** + * Constructor + * @param vertexInsertionOrder strategy used for ordering vertex insertions + * @param intersectingEdgesStrategy strategy for treating intersecting + * constraint edges + * @param minDistToConstraintEdge distance within which point is considered + * to be lying on a constraint edge. Used when adding constraints to the + * triangulation. + */ + Triangulation( + VertexInsertionOrder::Enum vertexInsertionOrder, + IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum intersectingEdgesStrategy, + T minDistToConstraintEdge); + /** + * Constructor + * @param vertexInsertionOrder strategy used for ordering vertex insertions + * @param nearPtLocator class providing locating near point for efficiently + * inserting new points + * @param intersectingEdgesStrategy strategy for treating intersecting + * constraint edges + * @param minDistToConstraintEdge distance within which point is considered + * to be lying on a constraint edge. Used when adding constraints to the + * triangulation. + */ + Triangulation( + VertexInsertionOrder::Enum vertexInsertionOrder, + const TNearPointLocator& nearPtLocator, + IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum intersectingEdgesStrategy, + T minDistToConstraintEdge); + /** + * Insert custom point-types specified by iterator range and X/Y-getters + * @tparam TVertexIter iterator that dereferences to custom point type + * @tparam TGetVertexCoordX function object getting x coordinate from + * vertex. Getter signature: const TVertexIter::value_type& -> T + * @tparam TGetVertexCoordY function object getting y coordinate from + * vertex. Getter signature: const TVertexIter::value_type& -> T + * @param first beginning of the range of vertices to add + * @param last end of the range of vertices to add + * @param getX getter of X-coordinate + * @param getY getter of Y-coordinate + */ + template < + typename TVertexIter, + typename TGetVertexCoordX, + typename TGetVertexCoordY> + void insertVertices( + TVertexIter first, + TVertexIter last, + TGetVertexCoordX getX, + TGetVertexCoordY getY); + /** + * Insert vertices into triangulation + * @param vertices vector of vertices to insert + */ + void insertVertices(const std::vector >& vertices); + /** + * Insert constraints (custom-type fixed edges) into triangulation + * @note Each fixed edge is inserted by deleting the triangles it crosses, + * followed by the triangulation of the polygons on each side of the edge. + * No new vertices are inserted. + * @note If some edge appears more than once in the input this means that + * multiple boundaries overlap at the edge and impacts how hole detection + * algorithm of Triangulation::eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles works. + * Make sure there are no erroneous duplicates. + * @tparam TEdgeIter iterator that dereferences to custom edge type + * @tparam TGetEdgeVertexStart function object getting start vertex index + * from an edge. + * Getter signature: const TEdgeIter::value_type& -> CDT::VertInd + * @tparam TGetEdgeVertexEnd function object getting end vertex index from + * an edge. Getter signature: const TEdgeIter::value_type& -> CDT::VertInd + * @param first beginning of the range of edges to add + * @param last end of the range of edges to add + * @param getStart getter of edge start vertex index + * @param getEnd getter of edge end vertex index + */ + template < + typename TEdgeIter, + typename TGetEdgeVertexStart, + typename TGetEdgeVertexEnd> + void insertEdges( + TEdgeIter first, + TEdgeIter last, + TGetEdgeVertexStart getStart, + TGetEdgeVertexEnd getEnd); + /** + * Insert constraint edges into triangulation + * @note Each fixed edge is inserted by deleting the triangles it crosses, + * followed by the triangulation of the polygons on each side of the edge. + * No new vertices are inserted. + * @note If some edge appears more than once in the input this means that + * multiple boundaries overlap at the edge and impacts how hole detection + * algorithm of Triangulation::eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles works. + * Make sure there are no erroneous duplicates. + * @tparam edges constraint edges + */ + void insertEdges(const std::vector& edges); + /** + * Ensure that triangulation conforms to constraints (fixed edges) + * @note For each fixed edge that is not present in the triangulation its + * midpoint is recursively added until the original edge is represented by a + * sequence of its pieces. New vertices are inserted. + * @note If some edge appears more than once the input this + * means that multiple boundaries overlap at the edge and impacts how hole + * detection algorithm of Triangulation::eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles works. + * Make sure there are no erroneous duplicates. + * @tparam TEdgeIter iterator that dereferences to custom edge type + * @tparam TGetEdgeVertexStart function object getting start vertex index + * from an edge. + * Getter signature: const TEdgeIter::value_type& -> CDT::VertInd + * @tparam TGetEdgeVertexEnd function object getting end vertex index from + * an edge. Getter signature: const TEdgeIter::value_type& -> CDT::VertInd + * @param first beginning of the range of edges to add + * @param last end of the range of edges to add + * @param getStart getter of edge start vertex index + * @param getEnd getter of edge end vertex index + */ + template < + typename TEdgeIter, + typename TGetEdgeVertexStart, + typename TGetEdgeVertexEnd> + void conformToEdges( + TEdgeIter first, + TEdgeIter last, + TGetEdgeVertexStart getStart, + TGetEdgeVertexEnd getEnd); + /** + * Ensure that triangulation conforms to constraints (fixed edges) + * @note For each fixed edge that is not present in the triangulation its + * midpoint is recursively added until the original edge is represented by a + * sequence of its pieces. New vertices are inserted. + * @note If some edge appears more than once the input this + * means that multiple boundaries overlap at the edge and impacts how hole + * detection algorithm of Triangulation::eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles works. + * Make sure there are no erroneous duplicates. + * @tparam edges edges to conform to + */ + void conformToEdges(const std::vector& edges); + /** + * Erase triangles adjacent to super triangle + * + * @note does nothing if custom geometry is used + */ + void eraseSuperTriangle(); + /// Erase triangles outside of constrained boundary using growing + void eraseOuterTriangles(); + /** + * Erase triangles outside of constrained boundary and auto-detected holes + * + * @note detecting holes relies on layer peeling based on layer depth + * @note supports overlapping or touching boundaries + */ + void eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles(); + /** + * Call this method after directly setting custom super-geometry via + * vertices and triangles members + */ + void initializedWithCustomSuperGeometry(); + + /** + * Check if the triangulation was finalized with `erase...` method and + * super-triangle was removed. + * @return true if triangulation is finalized, false otherwise + */ + bool isFinalized() const; + + /** + * Calculate depth of each triangle in constraint triangulation. Supports + * overlapping boundaries. + * + * Perform depth peeling from super triangle to outermost boundary, + * then to next boundary and so on until all triangles are traversed.@n + * For example depth is: + * - 0 for triangles outside outermost boundary + * - 1 for triangles inside boundary but outside hole + * - 2 for triangles in hole + * - 3 for triangles in island and so on... + * @return vector where element at index i stores depth of i-th triangle + */ + std::vector calculateTriangleDepths() const; + + /** + * @defgroup Advanced Advanced Triangulation Methods + * Advanced methods for manually modifying the triangulation from + * outside. Please only use them when you know what you are doing. + */ + /// @{ + + /** + * Flip an edge between two triangle. + * @note Advanced method for manually modifying the triangulation from + * outside. Please call it when you know what you are doing. + * @param iT first triangle + * @param iTopo second triangle + */ + void flipEdge(TriInd iT, TriInd iTopo); + + void flipEdge( + TriInd iT, + TriInd iTopo, + VertInd v1, + VertInd v2, + VertInd v3, + VertInd v4, + TriInd n1, + TriInd n2, + TriInd n3, + TriInd n4); + + /** + * Remove triangles with specified indices. + * Adjust internal triangulation state accordingly. + * @param removedTriangles indices of triangles to remove + */ + void removeTriangles(const TriIndUSet& removedTriangles); + + /// Access internal vertex adjacent triangles + TriIndVec& VertTrisInternal(); + /// Access internal vertex adjacent triangles + const TriIndVec& VertTrisInternal() const; + /// @} + +private: + /*____ Detail __*/ + void addSuperTriangle(const Box2d& box); + void addNewVertex(const V2d& pos, TriInd iT); + void insertVertex(VertInd iVert); + void insertVertex(VertInd iVert, VertInd walkStart); + void ensureDelaunayByEdgeFlips(VertInd iV1, std::stack& triStack); + /// Flip fixed edges and return a list of flipped fixed edges + std::vector insertVertex_FlipFixedEdges(VertInd iV1); + + /// State for an iteration of triangulate pseudo-polygon + typedef tuple + TriangulatePseudoPolygonTask; + + /** + * Insert an edge into constraint Delaunay triangulation + * @param edge edge to insert + * @param originalEdge original edge inserted edge is part of + * @param[in,out] remaining parts of the edge that still need to + * be inserted + * @param[in,out] tppIterations stack to be used for storing iterations of + * triangulating pseudo-polygon + * @note in-out state (@param remaining @param tppIterations) is shared + * between different runs for performance gains (reducing memory + * allocations) + */ + void insertEdge( + Edge edge, + Edge originalEdge, + EdgeVec& remaining, + std::vector& tppIterations); + + /** + * Insert an edge or its part into constraint Delaunay triangulation + * @param edge edge to insert + * @param originalEdge original edge inserted edge is part of + * @param[in,out] remainingStack parts of the edge that still need to + * be inserted + * @param[in,out] tppIterations stack to be used for storing iterations of + * triangulating pseudo-polygon + * @note in-out state (@param remaining @param tppIterations) is shared + * between different runs for performance gains (reducing memory + * allocations) + */ + void insertEdgeIteration( + Edge edge, + Edge originalEdge, + EdgeVec& remaining, + std::vector& tppIterations); + + /// State for iteration of conforming to edge + typedef tuple ConformToEdgeTask; + + /** + * Conform Delaunay triangulation to a fixed edge by recursively inserting + * mid point of the edge and then conforming to its halves + * @param edge fixed edge to conform to + * @param originals original edges that new edge is piece of + * @param overlaps count of overlapping boundaries at the edge. Only used + * when re-introducing edge with overlaps > 0 + * @param[in,out] remaining remaining edge parts to be conformed to + * @note in-out state (@param remaining @param reintroduce) is shared + * between different runs for performance gains (reducing memory + * allocations) + */ + void conformToEdge( + Edge edge, + EdgeVec originals, + BoundaryOverlapCount overlaps, + std::vector& remaining); + + /** + * Iteration of conform to fixed edge. + * @param edge fixed edge to conform to + * @param originals original edges that new edge is piece of + * @param overlaps count of overlapping boundaries at the edge. Only used + * when re-introducing edge with overlaps > 0 + * @param[in,out] remaining remaining edge parts + * @note in-out state (@param remaining @param reintroduce) is shared + * between different runs for performance gains (reducing memory + * allocations) + */ + void conformToEdgeIteration( + Edge edge, + const EdgeVec& originals, + BoundaryOverlapCount overlaps, + std::vector& remaining); + + tuple intersectedTriangle( + VertInd iA, + const V2d& a, + const V2d& b, + T orientationTolerance = T(0)) const; + /// Returns indices of three resulting triangles + std::stack insertVertexInsideTriangle(VertInd v, TriInd iT); + /// Returns indices of four resulting triangles + std::stack insertVertexOnEdge(VertInd v, TriInd iT1, TriInd iT2); + array trianglesAt(const V2d& pos) const; + array + walkingSearchTrianglesAt(VertInd iV, VertInd startVertex) const; + TriInd walkTriangles(VertInd startVertex, const V2d& pos) const; + /// Given triangle and its vertex find opposite triangle and the other three + /// vertices and surrounding neighbors + void edgeFlipInfo( + TriInd iT, + VertInd iV1, + TriInd& iTopo, + VertInd& iV2, + VertInd& iV3, + VertInd& iV4, + TriInd& n1, + TriInd& n2, + TriInd& n3, + TriInd& n4); + bool isFlipNeeded(VertInd iV1, VertInd iV2, VertInd iV3, VertInd iV4) const; + void changeNeighbor(TriInd iT, TriInd oldNeighbor, TriInd newNeighbor); + void changeNeighbor( + TriInd iT, + VertInd iVedge1, + VertInd iVedge2, + TriInd newNeighbor); + void triangulatePseudoPolygon( + const std::vector& poly, + unordered_map& outerTris, + TriInd iT, + TriInd iN, + std::vector& iterations); + void triangulatePseudoPolygonIteration( + const std::vector& poly, + unordered_map& outerTris, + std::vector& iterations); + IndexSizeType findDelaunayPoint( + const std::vector& poly, + IndexSizeType iA, + IndexSizeType iB) const; + TriInd addTriangle(const Triangle& t); // note: invalidates iterators! + TriInd addTriangle(); // note: invalidates triangle iterators! + /** + * Remove super-triangle (if used) and triangles with specified indices. + * Adjust internal triangulation state accordingly. + * @removedTriangles indices of triangles to remove + */ + void finalizeTriangulation(const TriIndUSet& removedTriangles); + TriIndUSet growToBoundary(std::stack seeds) const; + void fixEdge(const Edge& edge); + void fixEdge(const Edge& edge, const Edge& originalEdge); + /** + * Split existing constraint (fixed) edge + * @param edge fixed edge to split + * @param iSplitVert index of the vertex to be used as a split vertex + */ + void splitFixedEdge(const Edge& edge, const VertInd iSplitVert); + /** + * Add a vertex that splits an edge into the triangulation + * @param splitVert position of split vertex + * @param iT index of a first triangle adjacent to the split edge + * @param iTopo index of a second triangle adjacent to the split edge + * (opposed to the first triangle) + * @return index of a newly added split vertex + */ + VertInd addSplitEdgeVertex( + const V2d& splitVert, + const TriInd iT, + const TriInd iTopo); + /** + * Split fixed edge and add a split vertex into the triangulation + * @param edge fixed edge to split + * @param splitVert position of split vertex + * @param iT index of a first triangle adjacent to the split edge + * @param iTopo index of a second triangle adjacent to the split edge + * (opposed to the first triangle) + * @return index of a newly added split vertex + */ + VertInd splitFixedEdgeAt( + const Edge& edge, + const V2d& splitVert, + const TriInd iT, + const TriInd iTopo); + /** + * Flag triangle as dummy + * @note Advanced method for manually modifying the triangulation from + * outside. Please call it when you know what you are doing. + * @param iT index of a triangle to flag + */ + void makeDummy(TriInd iT); + /** + * Erase all dummy triangles + * @note Advanced method for manually modifying the triangulation from + * outside. Please call it when you know what you are doing. + */ + void eraseDummies(); + /** + * Depth-peel a layer in triangulation, used when calculating triangle + * depths + * + * It takes starting seed triangles, traverses neighboring triangles, and + * assigns given layer depth to the traversed triangles. Traversal is + * blocked by constraint edges. Triangles behind constraint edges are + * recorded as seeds of next layer and returned from the function. + * + * @param seeds indices of seed triangles + * @param layerDepth current layer's depth to mark triangles with + * @param[in, out] triDepths depths of triangles + * @return triangles of the deeper layers that are adjacent to the peeled + * layer. To be used as seeds when peeling deeper layers. + */ + unordered_map peelLayer( + std::stack seeds, + LayerDepth layerDepth, + std::vector& triDepths) const; + + void insertVertices_AsProvided(VertInd superGeomVertCount); + void insertVertices_Randomized(VertInd superGeomVertCount); + void insertVertices_KDTreeBFS( + VertInd superGeomVertCount, + V2d boxMin, + V2d boxMax); + std::pair edgeTriangles(VertInd a, VertInd b) const; + bool hasEdge(VertInd a, VertInd b) const; + void setAdjacentTriangle(const VertInd v, const TriInd t); + void pivotVertexTriangleCW(VertInd v); + /// Add vertex to nearest-point locator if locator is initialized + void tryAddVertexToLocator(const VertInd v); + /// Perform lazy initialization of nearest-point locator after the Kd-tree + /// BFS bulk load if necessary + void tryInitNearestPointLocator(); + + std::vector m_dummyTris; + TNearPointLocator m_nearPtLocator; + IndexSizeType m_nTargetVerts; + SuperGeometryType::Enum m_superGeomType; + VertexInsertionOrder::Enum m_vertexInsertionOrder; + IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum m_intersectingEdgesStrategy; + T m_minDistToConstraintEdge; + TriIndVec m_vertTris; /// one triangle adjacent to each vertex +}; + +/// @} +/// @} + +namespace detail +{ + +/// SplitMix64 pseudo-random number generator +struct SplitMix64RandGen +{ + typedef unsigned long long uint64; + uint64 m_state; + explicit SplitMix64RandGen(uint64 state) + : m_state(state) + {} + explicit SplitMix64RandGen() + : m_state(0) + {} + uint64 operator()() + { + uint64 z = (m_state += 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15); + z = (z ^ (z >> 30)) * 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9; + z = (z ^ (z >> 27)) * 0x94d049bb133111eb; + return z ^ (z >> 31); + } +}; + +template +void random_shuffle(RandomIt first, RandomIt last) +{ + detail::SplitMix64RandGen prng; + typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type i, n; + n = last - first; + for(i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) + { + std::swap(first[i], first[prng() % (i + 1)]); + } +} + +// backport from c++11 +template +void iota(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, T value) +{ + while(first != last) + { + *first++ = value; + ++value; + } +} + +} // namespace detail + +//----------------------- +// Triangulation methods +//----------------------- +template +template < + typename TVertexIter, + typename TGetVertexCoordX, + typename TGetVertexCoordY> +void Triangulation::insertVertices( + const TVertexIter first, + const TVertexIter last, + TGetVertexCoordX getX, + TGetVertexCoordY getY) +{ + if(isFinalized()) + throw FinalizedError(CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION); + + const bool isFirstTime = vertices.empty(); + const T max = std::numeric_limits::max(); + Box2d box = {{max, max}, {-max, -max}}; + if(vertices.empty()) // called first time + { + box = envelopBox(first, last, getX, getY); + addSuperTriangle(box); + } + tryInitNearestPointLocator(); + + const VertInd nExistingVerts = static_cast(vertices.size()); + const VertInd nVerts = + static_cast(nExistingVerts + std::distance(first, last)); + // optimization, try to pre-allocate tris + triangles.reserve(triangles.size() + 2 * nVerts); + vertices.reserve(nVerts); + m_vertTris.reserve(nVerts); + for(TVertexIter it = first; it != last; ++it) + addNewVertex(V2d::make(getX(*it), getY(*it)), noNeighbor); + + switch(m_vertexInsertionOrder) + { + case VertexInsertionOrder::AsProvided: + insertVertices_AsProvided(nExistingVerts); + break; + case VertexInsertionOrder::Auto: + isFirstTime ? insertVertices_KDTreeBFS(nExistingVerts, box.min, box.max) + : insertVertices_Randomized(nExistingVerts); + break; + } +} + +template +template < + typename TEdgeIter, + typename TGetEdgeVertexStart, + typename TGetEdgeVertexEnd> +void Triangulation::insertEdges( + TEdgeIter first, + const TEdgeIter last, + TGetEdgeVertexStart getStart, + TGetEdgeVertexEnd getEnd) +{ + if(isFinalized()) + throw FinalizedError(CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION); + + std::vector tppIterations; + EdgeVec remaining; + for(; first != last; ++first) + { + // +3 to account for super-triangle vertices + const Edge edge( + VertInd(getStart(*first) + m_nTargetVerts), + VertInd(getEnd(*first) + m_nTargetVerts)); + insertEdge(edge, edge, remaining, tppIterations); + } + eraseDummies(); +} + +template +template < + typename TEdgeIter, + typename TGetEdgeVertexStart, + typename TGetEdgeVertexEnd> +void Triangulation::conformToEdges( + TEdgeIter first, + const TEdgeIter last, + TGetEdgeVertexStart getStart, + TGetEdgeVertexEnd getEnd) +{ + if(isFinalized()) + throw FinalizedError(CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION); + + tryInitNearestPointLocator(); + // state shared between different runs for performance gains + std::vector remaining; + for(; first != last; ++first) + { + // +3 to account for super-triangle vertices + const Edge e( + VertInd(getStart(*first) + m_nTargetVerts), + VertInd(getEnd(*first) + m_nTargetVerts)); + conformToEdge(e, EdgeVec(1, e), 0, remaining); + } + eraseDummies(); +} + +} // namespace CDT + +#ifndef CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY +#include "Triangulation.hpp" +#endif + +#endif // header-guard diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/Triangulation.hpp b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/Triangulation.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b0a8a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/Triangulation.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,2087 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Triangulation class - implementation + */ + +#include "Triangulation.h" +#include "portable_nth_element.hpp" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace CDT +{ + +typedef std::deque TriDeque; + +namespace detail +{ + +/// Needed for c++03 compatibility (no uniform initialization available) +template +array arr3(const T& v0, const T& v1, const T& v2) +{ + const array out = {v0, v1, v2}; + return out; +} + +namespace defaults +{ + +const std::size_t nTargetVerts = 0; +const SuperGeometryType::Enum superGeomType = SuperGeometryType::SuperTriangle; +const VertexInsertionOrder::Enum vertexInsertionOrder = + VertexInsertionOrder::Auto; +const IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum intersectingEdgesStrategy = + IntersectingConstraintEdges::NotAllowed; +const float minDistToConstraintEdge(0); + +} // namespace defaults + +} // namespace detail + +template +Triangulation::Triangulation() + : m_nTargetVerts(detail::defaults::nTargetVerts) + , m_superGeomType(detail::defaults::superGeomType) + , m_vertexInsertionOrder(detail::defaults::vertexInsertionOrder) + , m_intersectingEdgesStrategy(detail::defaults::intersectingEdgesStrategy) + , m_minDistToConstraintEdge(detail::defaults::minDistToConstraintEdge) +{} + +template +Triangulation::Triangulation( + const VertexInsertionOrder::Enum vertexInsertionOrder) + : m_nTargetVerts(detail::defaults::nTargetVerts) + , m_superGeomType(detail::defaults::superGeomType) + , m_vertexInsertionOrder(vertexInsertionOrder) + , m_intersectingEdgesStrategy(detail::defaults::intersectingEdgesStrategy) + , m_minDistToConstraintEdge(detail::defaults::minDistToConstraintEdge) +{} + +template +Triangulation::Triangulation( + const VertexInsertionOrder::Enum vertexInsertionOrder, + const IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum intersectingEdgesStrategy, + const T minDistToConstraintEdge) + : m_nTargetVerts(detail::defaults::nTargetVerts) + , m_superGeomType(detail::defaults::superGeomType) + , m_vertexInsertionOrder(vertexInsertionOrder) + , m_intersectingEdgesStrategy(intersectingEdgesStrategy) + , m_minDistToConstraintEdge(minDistToConstraintEdge) +{} + +template +Triangulation::Triangulation( + const VertexInsertionOrder::Enum vertexInsertionOrder, + const TNearPointLocator& nearPtLocator, + const IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum intersectingEdgesStrategy, + const T minDistToConstraintEdge) + : m_nearPtLocator(nearPtLocator) + , m_nTargetVerts(detail::defaults::nTargetVerts) + , m_superGeomType(detail::defaults::superGeomType) + , m_vertexInsertionOrder(vertexInsertionOrder) + , m_intersectingEdgesStrategy(intersectingEdgesStrategy) + , m_minDistToConstraintEdge(minDistToConstraintEdge) +{} + +template +void Triangulation::eraseDummies() +{ + if(m_dummyTris.empty()) + return; + const TriIndUSet dummySet(m_dummyTris.begin(), m_dummyTris.end()); + TriIndUMap triIndMap; + triIndMap[noNeighbor] = noNeighbor; + for(TriInd iT(0), iTnew(0); iT < TriInd(triangles.size()); ++iT) + { + if(dummySet.count(iT)) + continue; + triIndMap[iT] = iTnew; + triangles[iTnew] = triangles[iT]; + iTnew++; + } + triangles.erase(triangles.end() - dummySet.size(), triangles.end()); + + // remap adjacent triangle indices for vertices + for(TriIndVec::iterator iT = m_vertTris.begin(); iT != m_vertTris.end(); + ++iT) + { + *iT = triIndMap[*iT]; + } + // remap neighbor indices for triangles + for(TriangleVec::iterator t = triangles.begin(); t != triangles.end(); ++t) + { + NeighborsArr3& nn = t->neighbors; + for(NeighborsArr3::iterator iN = nn.begin(); iN != nn.end(); ++iN) + *iN = triIndMap[*iN]; + } + // clear dummy triangles + m_dummyTris = std::vector(); +} + +template +void Triangulation::eraseSuperTriangle() +{ + if(m_superGeomType != SuperGeometryType::SuperTriangle) + return; + // find triangles adjacent to super-triangle's vertices + TriIndUSet toErase; + for(TriInd iT(0); iT < TriInd(triangles.size()); ++iT) + { + if(touchesSuperTriangle(triangles[iT])) + toErase.insert(iT); + } + finalizeTriangulation(toErase); +} + +template +void Triangulation::eraseOuterTriangles() +{ + // make dummy triangles adjacent to super-triangle's vertices + assert(m_vertTris[0] != noNeighbor); + const std::stack seed(std::deque(1, m_vertTris[0])); + const TriIndUSet toErase = growToBoundary(seed); + finalizeTriangulation(toErase); +} + +template +void Triangulation::eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles() +{ + const std::vector triDepths = calculateTriangleDepths(); + TriIndUSet toErase; + toErase.reserve(triangles.size()); + for(std::size_t iT = 0; iT != triangles.size(); ++iT) + { + if(triDepths[iT] % 2 == 0) + toErase.insert(static_cast(iT)); + } + finalizeTriangulation(toErase); +} + +/// Remap removing super-triangle: subtract 3 from vertices +inline Edge RemapNoSuperTriangle(const Edge& e) +{ + return Edge(VertInd(e.v1() - 3), VertInd(e.v2() - 3)); +} + +template +void Triangulation::removeTriangles( + const TriIndUSet& removedTriangles) +{ + if(removedTriangles.empty()) + return; + // remove triangles and calculate triangle index mapping + TriIndUMap triIndMap; + for(TriInd iT(0), iTnew(0); iT < TriInd(triangles.size()); ++iT) + { + if(removedTriangles.count(iT)) + continue; + triIndMap[iT] = iTnew; + triangles[iTnew] = triangles[iT]; + iTnew++; + } + triangles.erase(triangles.end() - removedTriangles.size(), triangles.end()); + // adjust triangles' neighbors + for(TriInd iT(0); iT < triangles.size(); ++iT) + { + Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + // update neighbors to account for removed triangles + NeighborsArr3& nn = t.neighbors; + for(NeighborsArr3::iterator n = nn.begin(); n != nn.end(); ++n) + { + if(removedTriangles.count(*n)) + { + *n = noNeighbor; + } + else if(*n != noNeighbor) + { + *n = triIndMap[*n]; + } + } + } +} + +template +TriIndVec& Triangulation::VertTrisInternal() +{ + return m_vertTris; +} + +template +const TriIndVec& Triangulation::VertTrisInternal() const +{ + return m_vertTris; +} + +template +void Triangulation::finalizeTriangulation( + const TriIndUSet& removedTriangles) +{ + eraseDummies(); + m_vertTris = TriIndVec(); + // remove super-triangle + if(m_superGeomType == SuperGeometryType::SuperTriangle) + { + vertices.erase(vertices.begin(), vertices.begin() + 3); + // Edge re-mapping + { // fixed edges + EdgeUSet updatedFixedEdges; + typedef CDT::EdgeUSet::const_iterator It; + for(It e = fixedEdges.begin(); e != fixedEdges.end(); ++e) + { + updatedFixedEdges.insert(RemapNoSuperTriangle(*e)); + } + fixedEdges = updatedFixedEdges; + } + { // overlap count + unordered_map updatedOverlapCount; + typedef unordered_map::const_iterator + It; + for(It it = overlapCount.begin(); it != overlapCount.end(); ++it) + { + updatedOverlapCount.insert(std::make_pair( + RemapNoSuperTriangle(it->first), it->second)); + } + overlapCount = updatedOverlapCount; + } + { // split edges mapping + unordered_map updatedPieceToOriginals; + typedef unordered_map::const_iterator It; + for(It it = pieceToOriginals.begin(); it != pieceToOriginals.end(); + ++it) + { + EdgeVec ee = it->second; + for(EdgeVec::iterator eeIt = ee.begin(); eeIt != ee.end(); + ++eeIt) + { + *eeIt = RemapNoSuperTriangle(*eeIt); + } + updatedPieceToOriginals.insert( + std::make_pair(RemapNoSuperTriangle(it->first), ee)); + } + pieceToOriginals = updatedPieceToOriginals; + } + } + // remove other triangles + removeTriangles(removedTriangles); + // adjust triangle vertices: account for removed super-triangle + if(m_superGeomType == SuperGeometryType::SuperTriangle) + { + for(TriangleVec::iterator t = triangles.begin(); t != triangles.end(); + ++t) + { + VerticesArr3& vv = t->vertices; + for(VerticesArr3::iterator v = vv.begin(); v != vv.end(); ++v) + { + *v -= 3; + } + } + } +} + +template +void Triangulation::initializedWithCustomSuperGeometry() +{ + m_nearPtLocator.initialize(vertices); + m_nTargetVerts = static_cast(vertices.size()); + m_superGeomType = SuperGeometryType::Custom; +} + +template +TriIndUSet Triangulation::growToBoundary( + std::stack seeds) const +{ + TriIndUSet traversed; + while(!seeds.empty()) + { + const TriInd iT = seeds.top(); + seeds.pop(); + traversed.insert(iT); + const Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + for(Index i(0); i < Index(3); ++i) + { + const Edge opEdge(t.vertices[ccw(i)], t.vertices[cw(i)]); + if(fixedEdges.count(opEdge)) + continue; + const TriInd iN = t.neighbors[opoNbr(i)]; + if(iN != noNeighbor && traversed.count(iN) == 0) + seeds.push(iN); + } + } + return traversed; +} + +template +void Triangulation::makeDummy(const TriInd iT) +{ + m_dummyTris.push_back(iT); +} + +template +TriInd Triangulation::addTriangle(const Triangle& t) +{ + if(m_dummyTris.empty()) + { + triangles.push_back(t); + return TriInd(triangles.size() - 1); + } + const TriInd nxtDummy = m_dummyTris.back(); + m_dummyTris.pop_back(); + triangles[nxtDummy] = t; + return nxtDummy; +} + +template +TriInd Triangulation::addTriangle() +{ + if(m_dummyTris.empty()) + { + const Triangle dummy = { + {noVertex, noVertex, noVertex}, + {noNeighbor, noNeighbor, noNeighbor}}; + triangles.push_back(dummy); + return TriInd(triangles.size() - 1); + } + const TriInd nxtDummy = m_dummyTris.back(); + m_dummyTris.pop_back(); + return nxtDummy; +} + +template +void Triangulation::insertEdges( + const std::vector& edges) +{ + insertEdges(edges.begin(), edges.end(), edge_get_v1, edge_get_v2); +} + +template +void Triangulation::conformToEdges( + const std::vector& edges) +{ + conformToEdges(edges.begin(), edges.end(), edge_get_v1, edge_get_v2); +} + +template +void Triangulation::fixEdge(const Edge& edge) +{ + if(!fixedEdges.insert(edge).second) + { + ++overlapCount[edge]; // if edge is already fixed increment the counter + } +} + +namespace detail +{ + +// add element to 'to' if not already in 'to' +template +void insert_unique(std::vector& to, const T& elem) +{ + if(std::find(to.begin(), to.end(), elem) == to.end()) + { + to.push_back(elem); + } +} + +// add elements of 'from' that are not present in 'to' to 'to' +template +void insert_unique( + std::vector& to, + const std::vector& from) +{ + typedef typename std::vector::const_iterator Cit; + to.reserve(to.size() + from.size()); + for(Cit cit = from.begin(); cit != from.end(); ++cit) + { + insert_unique(to, *cit); + } +} + +} // namespace detail + +template +void Triangulation::splitFixedEdge( + const Edge& edge, + const VertInd iSplitVert) +{ + // split constraint (fixed) edge that already exists in triangulation + const Edge half1(edge.v1(), iSplitVert); + const Edge half2(iSplitVert, edge.v2()); + // remove the edge that and add its halves + fixedEdges.erase(edge); + fixEdge(half1); + fixEdge(half2); + // maintain overlaps + typedef unordered_map::const_iterator It; + const It overlapIt = overlapCount.find(edge); + if(overlapIt != overlapCount.end()) + { + overlapCount[half1] += overlapIt->second; + overlapCount[half2] += overlapIt->second; + overlapCount.erase(overlapIt); + } + // maintain piece-to-original mapping + EdgeVec newOriginals(1, edge); + const unordered_map::const_iterator originalsIt = + pieceToOriginals.find(edge); + if(originalsIt != pieceToOriginals.end()) + { // edge being split was split before: pass-through originals + newOriginals = originalsIt->second; + pieceToOriginals.erase(originalsIt); + } + detail::insert_unique(pieceToOriginals[half1], newOriginals); + detail::insert_unique(pieceToOriginals[half2], newOriginals); +} + +template +VertInd Triangulation::addSplitEdgeVertex( + const V2d& splitVert, + const TriInd iT, + const TriInd iTopo) +{ + // add a new point on the edge that splits an edge in two + const VertInd iSplitVert = static_cast(vertices.size()); + addNewVertex(splitVert, noNeighbor); + std::stack triStack = insertVertexOnEdge(iSplitVert, iT, iTopo); + tryAddVertexToLocator(iSplitVert); + ensureDelaunayByEdgeFlips(iSplitVert, triStack); + return iSplitVert; +} + +template +VertInd Triangulation::splitFixedEdgeAt( + const Edge& edge, + const V2d& splitVert, + const TriInd iT, + const TriInd iTopo) +{ + const VertInd iSplitVert = addSplitEdgeVertex(splitVert, iT, iTopo); + splitFixedEdge(edge, iSplitVert); + return iSplitVert; +} + +template +void Triangulation::fixEdge( + const Edge& edge, + const Edge& originalEdge) +{ + fixEdge(edge); + if(edge != originalEdge) + detail::insert_unique(pieceToOriginals[edge], originalEdge); +} + +namespace detail +{ + +template +T lerp(const T& a, const T& b, const T t) +{ + return (T(1) - t) * a + t * b; +} + +// Precondition: ab and cd intersect normally +template +V2d intersectionPosition( + const V2d& a, + const V2d& b, + const V2d& c, + const V2d& d) +{ + using namespace predicates::adaptive; + + // note: for better accuracy we interpolate x and y separately + // on a segment with the shortest x/y-projection correspondingly + const T a_cd = orient2d(c.x, c.y, d.x, d.y, a.x, a.y); + const T b_cd = orient2d(c.x, c.y, d.x, d.y, b.x, b.y); + const T t_ab = a_cd / (a_cd - b_cd); + + const T c_ab = orient2d(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x, c.y); + const T d_ab = orient2d(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, d.x, d.y); + const T t_cd = c_ab / (c_ab - d_ab); + + return V2d::make( + std::fabs(a.x - b.x) < std::fabs(c.x - d.x) ? lerp(a.x, b.x, t_ab) + : lerp(c.x, d.x, t_cd), + std::fabs(a.y - b.y) < std::fabs(c.y - d.y) ? lerp(a.y, b.y, t_ab) + : lerp(c.y, d.y, t_cd)); +} + +} // namespace detail + +template +void Triangulation::insertEdgeIteration( + const Edge edge, + const Edge originalEdge, + EdgeVec& remaining, + std::vector& tppIterations) +{ + const VertInd iA = edge.v1(); + VertInd iB = edge.v2(); + if(iA == iB) // edge connects a vertex to itself + return; + + if(hasEdge(iA, iB)) + { + fixEdge(edge, originalEdge); + return; + } + + const V2d& a = vertices[iA]; + const V2d& b = vertices[iB]; + const T distanceTolerance = + m_minDistToConstraintEdge == T(0) + ? T(0) + : m_minDistToConstraintEdge * distance(a, b); + + TriInd iT; + // Note: 'L' is left and 'R' is right of the inserted constraint edge + VertInd iVL, iVR; + tie(iT, iVL, iVR) = intersectedTriangle(iA, a, b, distanceTolerance); + // if one of the triangle vertices is on the edge, move edge start + if(iT == noNeighbor) + { + const Edge edgePart(iA, iVL); + fixEdge(edgePart, originalEdge); + remaining.push_back(Edge(iVL, iB)); + return; + } + Triangle t = triangles[iT]; + std::vector intersected(1, iT); + std::vector polyL, polyR; + polyL.reserve(2); + polyL.push_back(iA); + polyL.push_back(iVL); + polyR.reserve(2); + polyR.push_back(iA); + polyR.push_back(iVR); + unordered_map outerTris; + outerTris[Edge(iA, iVL)] = edgeNeighbor(t, iA, iVL); + outerTris[Edge(iA, iVR)] = edgeNeighbor(t, iA, iVR); + VertInd iV = iA; + + while(!t.containsVertex(iB)) + { + const TriInd iTopo = opposedTriangle(t, iV); + const Triangle& tOpo = triangles[iTopo]; + const VertInd iVopo = opposedVertex(tOpo, iT); + + switch(m_intersectingEdgesStrategy) + { + case IntersectingConstraintEdges::NotAllowed: + if(fixedEdges.count(Edge(iVL, iVR))) + { + // make sure to report original input edges in the exception + Edge e1 = originalEdge; + Edge e2 = Edge(iVL, iVR); + e2 = pieceToOriginals.count(e2) + ? pieceToOriginals.at(e2).front() + : e2; + // don't count super-triangle vertices + e1 = Edge(e1.v1() - m_nTargetVerts, e1.v2() - m_nTargetVerts); + e2 = Edge(e2.v1() - m_nTargetVerts, e2.v2() - m_nTargetVerts); + throw IntersectingConstraintsError( + e1, + pieceToOriginals.count(e2) ? pieceToOriginals.at(e2).front() + : e2, + CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION); + } + break; + case IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve: { + if(!fixedEdges.count(Edge(iVL, iVR))) + break; + // split edge at the intersection of two constraint edges + const V2d newV = detail::intersectionPosition( + vertices[iA], vertices[iB], vertices[iVL], vertices[iVR]); + const VertInd iNewVert = + splitFixedEdgeAt(Edge(iVL, iVR), newV, iT, iTopo); + // TODO: is it's possible to re-use pseudo-polygons + // for inserting [iA, iNewVert] edge half? + remaining.push_back(Edge(iA, iNewVert)); + remaining.push_back(Edge(iNewVert, iB)); + return; + } + case IntersectingConstraintEdges::DontCheck: + assert(!fixedEdges.count(Edge(iVL, iVR))); + break; + } + + const PtLineLocation::Enum loc = + locatePointLine(vertices[iVopo], a, b, distanceTolerance); + if(loc == PtLineLocation::Left) + { + const Edge e(polyL.back(), iVopo); + const TriInd outer = edgeNeighbor(tOpo, e.v1(), e.v2()); + if(!outerTris.insert(std::make_pair(e, outer)).second) + outerTris.at(e) = noNeighbor; // hanging edge detected + polyL.push_back(iVopo); + iV = iVL; + iVL = iVopo; + } + else if(loc == PtLineLocation::Right) + { + const Edge e(polyR.back(), iVopo); + const TriInd outer = edgeNeighbor(tOpo, e.v1(), e.v2()); + if(!outerTris.insert(std::make_pair(e, outer)).second) + outerTris.at(e) = noNeighbor; // hanging edge detected + polyR.push_back(iVopo); + iV = iVR; + iVR = iVopo; + } + else // encountered point on the edge + iB = iVopo; + + intersected.push_back(iTopo); + iT = iTopo; + t = triangles[iT]; + } + outerTris[Edge(polyL.back(), iB)] = edgeNeighbor(t, polyL.back(), iB); + outerTris[Edge(polyR.back(), iB)] = edgeNeighbor(t, polyR.back(), iB); + polyL.push_back(iB); + polyR.push_back(iB); + + assert(!intersected.empty()); + // make sure start/end vertices have a valid adjacent triangle + // that is not intersected by an edge + if(m_vertTris[iA] == intersected.front()) + pivotVertexTriangleCW(iA); + if(m_vertTris[iB] == intersected.back()) + pivotVertexTriangleCW(iB); + // Remove intersected triangles + typedef std::vector::const_iterator TriIndCit; + for(TriIndCit it = intersected.begin(); it != intersected.end(); ++it) + makeDummy(*it); + { // Triangulate pseudo-polygons on both sides + std::reverse(polyR.begin(), polyR.end()); + const TriInd iTL = addTriangle(); + const TriInd iTR = addTriangle(); + triangulatePseudoPolygon(polyL, outerTris, iTL, iTR, tppIterations); + triangulatePseudoPolygon(polyR, outerTris, iTR, iTL, tppIterations); + } + + if(iB != edge.v2()) // encountered point on the edge + { + // fix edge part + const Edge edgePart(iA, iB); + fixEdge(edgePart, originalEdge); + remaining.push_back(Edge(iB, edge.v2())); + return; + } + else + { + fixEdge(edge, originalEdge); + } +} + +template +void Triangulation::insertEdge( + Edge edge, + const Edge originalEdge, + EdgeVec& remaining, + std::vector& tppIterations) +{ + // use iteration over recursion to avoid stack overflows + remaining.clear(); + remaining.push_back(edge); + while(!remaining.empty()) + { + edge = remaining.back(); + remaining.pop_back(); + insertEdgeIteration(edge, originalEdge, remaining, tppIterations); + } +} + +template +void Triangulation::conformToEdgeIteration( + Edge edge, + const EdgeVec& originals, + BoundaryOverlapCount overlaps, + std::vector& remaining) +{ + const VertInd iA = edge.v1(); + VertInd iB = edge.v2(); + if(iA == iB) // edge connects a vertex to itself + return; + + if(hasEdge(iA, iB)) + { + fixEdge(edge); + if(overlaps > 0) + overlapCount[edge] = overlaps; + // avoid marking edge as a part of itself + if(!originals.empty() && edge != originals.front()) + { + detail::insert_unique(pieceToOriginals[edge], originals); + } + return; + } + + const V2d& a = vertices[iA]; + const V2d& b = vertices[iB]; + const T distanceTolerance = + m_minDistToConstraintEdge == T(0) + ? T(0) + : m_minDistToConstraintEdge * distance(a, b); + TriInd iT; + VertInd iVleft, iVright; + tie(iT, iVleft, iVright) = intersectedTriangle(iA, a, b, distanceTolerance); + // if one of the triangle vertices is on the edge, move edge start + if(iT == noNeighbor) + { + const Edge edgePart(iA, iVleft); + fixEdge(edgePart); + if(overlaps > 0) + overlapCount[edgePart] = overlaps; + detail::insert_unique(pieceToOriginals[edgePart], originals); +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + remaining.emplace_back(Edge(iVleft, iB), originals, overlaps); +#else + remaining.push_back(make_tuple(Edge(iVleft, iB), originals, overlaps)); +#endif + return; + } + + VertInd iV = iA; + Triangle t = triangles[iT]; + while(std::find(t.vertices.begin(), t.vertices.end(), iB) == + t.vertices.end()) + { + const TriInd iTopo = opposedTriangle(t, iV); + const Triangle& tOpo = triangles[iTopo]; + const VertInd iVopo = opposedVertex(tOpo, iT); + const V2d vOpo = vertices[iVopo]; + + switch(m_intersectingEdgesStrategy) + { + case IntersectingConstraintEdges::NotAllowed: + if(fixedEdges.count(Edge(iVleft, iVright))) + { + // make sure to report original input edges in the exception + Edge e1 = pieceToOriginals.count(edge) + ? pieceToOriginals.at(edge).front() + : edge; + Edge e2(iVleft, iVright); + e2 = pieceToOriginals.count(e2) + ? pieceToOriginals.at(e2).front() + : e2; + // don't count super-triangle vertices + e1 = Edge(e1.v1() - m_nTargetVerts, e1.v2() - m_nTargetVerts); + e2 = Edge(e2.v1() - m_nTargetVerts, e2.v2() - m_nTargetVerts); + throw IntersectingConstraintsError(e1, e2, CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION); + } + break; + case IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve: { + if(!fixedEdges.count(Edge(iVleft, iVright))) + break; + // split edge at the intersection of two constraint edges + const V2d newV = detail::intersectionPosition( + vertices[iA], + vertices[iB], + vertices[iVleft], + vertices[iVright]); + const VertInd iNewVert = + splitFixedEdgeAt(Edge(iVleft, iVright), newV, iT, iTopo); +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + remaining.emplace_back(Edge(iNewVert, iB), originals, overlaps); + remaining.emplace_back(Edge(iA, iNewVert), originals, overlaps); +#else + remaining.push_back( + make_tuple(Edge(iNewVert, iB), originals, overlaps)); + remaining.push_back( + make_tuple(Edge(iA, iNewVert), originals, overlaps)); +#endif + return; + } + case IntersectingConstraintEdges::DontCheck: + assert(!fixedEdges.count(Edge(iVleft, iVright))); + break; + } + + iT = iTopo; + t = triangles[iT]; + + const PtLineLocation::Enum loc = + locatePointLine(vOpo, a, b, distanceTolerance); + if(loc == PtLineLocation::Left) + { + iV = iVleft; + iVleft = iVopo; + } + else if(loc == PtLineLocation::Right) + { + iV = iVright; + iVright = iVopo; + } + else // encountered point on the edge + iB = iVopo; + } + + // encountered one or more points on the edge: add remaining edge part + if(iB != edge.v2()) + { +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + remaining.emplace_back(Edge(iB, edge.v2()), originals, overlaps); +#else + remaining.push_back( + make_tuple(Edge(iB, edge.v2()), originals, overlaps)); +#endif + } + + // add mid-point to triangulation + const VertInd iMid = static_cast(vertices.size()); + const V2d& start = vertices[iA]; + const V2d& end = vertices[iB]; + addNewVertex( + V2d::make((start.x + end.x) / T(2), (start.y + end.y) / T(2)), + noNeighbor); + const std::vector flippedFixedEdges = + insertVertex_FlipFixedEdges(iMid); + +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + remaining.emplace_back(Edge(iMid, iB), originals, overlaps); + remaining.emplace_back(Edge(iA, iMid), originals, overlaps); +#else + remaining.push_back(make_tuple(Edge(iMid, iB), originals, overlaps)); + remaining.push_back(make_tuple(Edge(iA, iMid), originals, overlaps)); +#endif + + // re-introduce fixed edges that were flipped + // and make sure overlap count is preserved + for(std::vector::const_iterator it = flippedFixedEdges.begin(); + it != flippedFixedEdges.end(); + ++it) + { + const Edge& flippedFixedEdge = *it; + fixedEdges.erase(flippedFixedEdge); + + BoundaryOverlapCount prevOverlaps = 0; + const unordered_map::const_iterator + overlapsIt = overlapCount.find(flippedFixedEdge); + if(overlapsIt != overlapCount.end()) + { + prevOverlaps = overlapsIt->second; + overlapCount.erase(overlapsIt); + } + // override overlapping boundaries count when re-inserting an edge + EdgeVec prevOriginals(1, flippedFixedEdge); + const unordered_map::const_iterator originalsIt = + pieceToOriginals.find(flippedFixedEdge); + if(originalsIt != pieceToOriginals.end()) + { + prevOriginals = originalsIt->second; + } +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + remaining.emplace_back(flippedFixedEdge, prevOriginals, prevOverlaps); +#else + remaining.push_back( + make_tuple(flippedFixedEdge, prevOriginals, prevOverlaps)); +#endif + } +} + +template +void Triangulation::conformToEdge( + Edge edge, + EdgeVec originals, + BoundaryOverlapCount overlaps, + std::vector& remaining) +{ + // use iteration over recursion to avoid stack overflows + remaining.clear(); +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + remaining.emplace_back(edge, originals, overlaps); +#else + remaining.push_back(make_tuple(edge, originals, overlaps)); +#endif + while(!remaining.empty()) + { + tie(edge, originals, overlaps) = remaining.back(); + remaining.pop_back(); + conformToEdgeIteration(edge, originals, overlaps, remaining); + } +} + +/*! + * Returns: + * - intersected triangle index + * - index of point on the left of the line + * - index of point on the right of the line + * If left point is right on the line: no triangle is intersected: + * - triangle index is no-neighbor (invalid) + * - index of point on the line + * - index of point on the right of the line + */ +template +tuple +Triangulation::intersectedTriangle( + const VertInd iA, + const V2d& a, + const V2d& b, + const T orientationTolerance) const +{ + const TriInd startTri = m_vertTris[iA]; + TriInd iT = startTri; + do + { + const Triangle t = triangles[iT]; + const Index i = vertexInd(t.vertices, iA); + const VertInd iP2 = t.vertices[ccw(i)]; + const T orientP2 = orient2D(vertices[iP2], a, b); + const PtLineLocation::Enum locP2 = classifyOrientation(orientP2); + if(locP2 == PtLineLocation::Right) + { + const VertInd iP1 = t.vertices[cw(i)]; + const T orientP1 = orient2D(vertices[iP1], a, b); + const PtLineLocation::Enum locP1 = classifyOrientation(orientP1); + if(locP1 == PtLineLocation::OnLine) + { + return make_tuple(noNeighbor, iP1, iP1); + } + if(locP1 == PtLineLocation::Left) + { + if(orientationTolerance) + { + T closestOrient; + VertInd iClosestP; + if(std::abs(orientP1) <= std::abs(orientP2)) + { + closestOrient = orientP1; + iClosestP = iP1; + } + else + { + closestOrient = orientP2; + iClosestP = iP2; + } + if(classifyOrientation( + closestOrient, orientationTolerance) == + PtLineLocation::OnLine) + { + return make_tuple(noNeighbor, iClosestP, iClosestP); + } + } + return make_tuple(iT, iP1, iP2); + } + } + iT = t.next(iA).first; + } while(iT != startTri); + + throw Error( + "Could not find vertex triangle intersected by an edge.", + CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION); +} + +template +void Triangulation::addSuperTriangle(const Box2d& box) +{ + m_nTargetVerts = 3; + m_superGeomType = SuperGeometryType::SuperTriangle; + + const V2d center = { + (box.min.x + box.max.x) / T(2), (box.min.y + box.max.y) / T(2)}; + const T w = box.max.x - box.min.x; + const T h = box.max.y - box.min.y; + T r = std::max(w, h); // incircle radius upper bound + + // Note: make sure radius is big enough. Constants chosen experimentally. + // - for tiny bounding boxes: use 1.0 as the smallest radius + // - multiply radius by 2.0 for extra safety margin + r = std::max(T(2) * r, T(1)); + + // Note: for very large floating point numbers rounding can lead to wrong + // super-triangle coordinates. This is a very rare corner-case so the + // handling is very primitive. + { // note: '<=' means '==' but avoids the warning + while(center.y <= center.y - r) + r *= T(2); + } + + const T R = T(2) * r; // excircle radius + const T cos_30_deg = 0.8660254037844386; // note: (std::sqrt(3.0) / 2.0) + const T shiftX = R * cos_30_deg; + const V2d posV1 = {center.x - shiftX, center.y - r}; + const V2d posV2 = {center.x + shiftX, center.y - r}; + const V2d posV3 = {center.x, center.y + R}; + addNewVertex(posV1, TriInd(0)); + addNewVertex(posV2, TriInd(0)); + addNewVertex(posV3, TriInd(0)); + const Triangle superTri = { + {VertInd(0), VertInd(1), VertInd(2)}, + {noNeighbor, noNeighbor, noNeighbor}}; + addTriangle(superTri); + if(m_vertexInsertionOrder != VertexInsertionOrder::Auto) + { + m_nearPtLocator.initialize(vertices); + } +} + +template +void Triangulation::addNewVertex( + const V2d& pos, + const TriInd iT) +{ + vertices.push_back(pos); + m_vertTris.push_back(iT); +} + +template +std::vector +Triangulation::insertVertex_FlipFixedEdges( + const VertInd iV1) +{ + std::vector flippedFixedEdges; + + const V2d& v1 = vertices[iV1]; + const VertInd startVertex = m_nearPtLocator.nearPoint(v1, vertices); + array trisAt = walkingSearchTrianglesAt(iV1, startVertex); + std::stack triStack = + trisAt[1] == noNeighbor ? insertVertexInsideTriangle(iV1, trisAt[0]) + : insertVertexOnEdge(iV1, trisAt[0], trisAt[1]); + + TriInd iTopo, n1, n2, n3, n4; + VertInd iV2, iV3, iV4; + while(!triStack.empty()) + { + const TriInd iT = triStack.top(); + triStack.pop(); + + edgeFlipInfo(iT, iV1, iTopo, iV2, iV3, iV4, n1, n2, n3, n4); + if(iTopo != noNeighbor && isFlipNeeded(iV1, iV2, iV3, iV4)) + { + // if flipped edge is fixed, remember it + const Edge flippedEdge(iV2, iV4); + if(!fixedEdges.empty() && + fixedEdges.find(flippedEdge) != fixedEdges.end()) + { + flippedFixedEdges.push_back(flippedEdge); + } + + flipEdge(iT, iTopo, iV1, iV2, iV3, iV4, n1, n2, n3, n4); + triStack.push(iT); + triStack.push(iTopo); + } + } + + tryAddVertexToLocator(iV1); + return flippedFixedEdges; +} + +template +void Triangulation::insertVertex( + const VertInd iVert, + const VertInd walkStart) +{ + const array trisAt = walkingSearchTrianglesAt(iVert, walkStart); + std::stack triStack = + trisAt[1] == noNeighbor + ? insertVertexInsideTriangle(iVert, trisAt[0]) + : insertVertexOnEdge(iVert, trisAt[0], trisAt[1]); + ensureDelaunayByEdgeFlips(iVert, triStack); +} + +template +void Triangulation::insertVertex(const VertInd iVert) +{ + const V2d& v = vertices[iVert]; + const VertInd walkStart = m_nearPtLocator.nearPoint(v, vertices); + insertVertex(iVert, walkStart); + tryAddVertexToLocator(iVert); +} + +template +void Triangulation::ensureDelaunayByEdgeFlips( + const VertInd iV1, + std::stack& triStack) +{ + TriInd iTopo, n1, n2, n3, n4; + VertInd iV2, iV3, iV4; + while(!triStack.empty()) + { + const TriInd iT = triStack.top(); + triStack.pop(); + + edgeFlipInfo(iT, iV1, iTopo, iV2, iV3, iV4, n1, n2, n3, n4); + if(iTopo != noNeighbor && isFlipNeeded(iV1, iV2, iV3, iV4)) + { + flipEdge(iT, iTopo, iV1, iV2, iV3, iV4, n1, n2, n3, n4); + triStack.push(iT); + triStack.push(iTopo); + } + } +} + +/* + * v4 original edge: (v1, v3) + * /|\ flip-candidate edge: (v, v2) + * / | \ + * n3 / | \ n4 + * / | \ + * new vertex--> v1 T | Topo v3 + * \ | / + * n1 \ | / n2 + * \ | / + * \|/ + * v2 + */ +template +void Triangulation::edgeFlipInfo( + const TriInd iT, + const VertInd iV1, + TriInd& iTopo, + VertInd& iV2, + VertInd& iV3, + VertInd& iV4, + TriInd& n1, + TriInd& n2, + TriInd& n3, + TriInd& n4) +{ + /* v[2] + / \ + n[2]/ \n[1] + /_____\ + v[0] n[0] v[1] */ + const Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + if(t.vertices[0] == iV1) + { + iV2 = t.vertices[1]; + iV4 = t.vertices[2]; + n1 = t.neighbors[0]; + n3 = t.neighbors[2]; + iTopo = t.neighbors[1]; + } + else if(t.vertices[1] == iV1) + { + iV2 = t.vertices[2]; + iV4 = t.vertices[0]; + n1 = t.neighbors[1]; + n3 = t.neighbors[0]; + iTopo = t.neighbors[2]; + } + else + { + iV2 = t.vertices[0]; + iV4 = t.vertices[1]; + n1 = t.neighbors[2]; + n3 = t.neighbors[1]; + iTopo = t.neighbors[0]; + } + if(iTopo == noNeighbor) + return; + const Triangle& tOpo = triangles[iTopo]; + if(tOpo.neighbors[0] == iT) + { + iV3 = tOpo.vertices[2]; + n2 = tOpo.neighbors[1]; + n4 = tOpo.neighbors[2]; + } + else if(tOpo.neighbors[1] == iT) + { + iV3 = tOpo.vertices[0]; + n2 = tOpo.neighbors[2]; + n4 = tOpo.neighbors[0]; + } + else + { + iV3 = tOpo.vertices[1]; + n2 = tOpo.neighbors[0]; + n4 = tOpo.neighbors[1]; + } +} + +/*! + * Handles super-triangle vertices. + * Super-tri points are not infinitely far and influence the input points + * Three cases are possible: + * 1. If one of the opposed vertices is super-tri: no flip needed + * 2. One of the shared vertices is super-tri: + * check if on point is same side of line formed by non-super-tri + * vertices as the non-super-tri shared vertex + * 3. None of the vertices are super-tri: normal circumcircle test + */ +/* + * v4 original edge: (v2, v4) + * /|\ flip-candidate edge: (v1, v3) + * / | \ + * / | \ + * / | \ + * new vertex--> v1 | v3 + * \ | / + * \ | / + * \ | / + * \|/ + * v2 + */ +template +bool Triangulation::isFlipNeeded( + const VertInd iV1, + const VertInd iV2, + const VertInd iV3, + const VertInd iV4) const +{ + if(fixedEdges.count(Edge(iV2, iV4))) + return false; // flip not needed if the original edge is fixed + const V2d& v1 = vertices[iV1]; + const V2d& v2 = vertices[iV2]; + const V2d& v3 = vertices[iV3]; + const V2d& v4 = vertices[iV4]; + if(m_superGeomType == SuperGeometryType::SuperTriangle) + { + // If flip-candidate edge touches super-triangle in-circumference + // test has to be replaced with orient2d test against the line + // formed by two non-artificial vertices (that don't belong to + // super-triangle) + if(iV1 < 3) // flip-candidate edge touches super-triangle + { + // does original edge also touch super-triangle? + if(iV2 < 3) + return locatePointLine(v2, v3, v4) == + locatePointLine(v1, v3, v4); + if(iV4 < 3) + return locatePointLine(v4, v2, v3) == + locatePointLine(v1, v2, v3); + return false; // original edge does not touch super-triangle + } + if(iV3 < 3) // flip-candidate edge touches super-triangle + { + // does original edge also touch super-triangle? + if(iV2 < 3) + { + return locatePointLine(v2, v1, v4) == + locatePointLine(v3, v1, v4); + } + if(iV4 < 3) + { + return locatePointLine(v4, v2, v1) == + locatePointLine(v3, v2, v1); + } + return false; // original edge does not touch super-triangle + } + // flip-candidate edge does not touch super-triangle + if(iV2 < 3) + return locatePointLine(v2, v3, v4) == locatePointLine(v1, v3, v4); + if(iV4 < 3) + return locatePointLine(v4, v2, v3) == locatePointLine(v1, v2, v3); + } + return isInCircumcircle(v1, v2, v3, v4); +} + +/* Flip edge between T and Topo: + * + * v4 | - old edge + * /|\ ~ - new edge + * / | \ + * n3 / T' \ n4 + * / | \ + * / | \ + * T -> v1 ~~~~~~~~ v3 <- Topo + * \ | / + * \ | / + * n1 \Topo'/ n2 + * \ | / + * \|/ + * v2 + */ +template +void Triangulation::flipEdge( + const TriInd iT, + const TriInd iTopo, + const VertInd v1, + const VertInd v2, + const VertInd v3, + const VertInd v4, + const TriInd n1, + const TriInd n2, + const TriInd n3, + const TriInd n4) +{ + // change vertices and neighbors + using detail::arr3; + triangles[iT] = Triangle::make(arr3(v4, v1, v3), arr3(n3, iTopo, n4)); + triangles[iTopo] = Triangle::make(arr3(v2, v3, v1), arr3(n2, iT, n1)); + // adjust neighboring triangles and vertices + changeNeighbor(n1, iT, iTopo); + changeNeighbor(n4, iTopo, iT); + // only adjust adjacent triangles if triangulation is not finalized: + // can happen when called from outside on an already finalized + // triangulation + if(!isFinalized()) + { + setAdjacentTriangle(v4, iT); + setAdjacentTriangle(v2, iTopo); + } +} + +/* Insert point into triangle: split into 3 triangles: + * - create 2 new triangles + * - re-use old triangle for the 3rd + * v3 + * / | \ + * / | \ <-- original triangle (t) + * / | \ + * n3 / | \ n2 + * /newT2|newT1\ + * / v \ + * / __/ \__ \ + * / __/ \__ \ + * / _/ t' \_ \ + * v1 ___________________ v2 + * n1 + */ +template +std::stack +Triangulation::insertVertexInsideTriangle( + VertInd v, + TriInd iT) +{ + const TriInd iNewT1 = addTriangle(); + const TriInd iNewT2 = addTriangle(); + + Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + const array vv = t.vertices; + const array nn = t.neighbors; + const VertInd v1 = vv[0], v2 = vv[1], v3 = vv[2]; + const TriInd n1 = nn[0], n2 = nn[1], n3 = nn[2]; + // make two new triangles and convert current triangle to 3rd new + // triangle + using detail::arr3; + triangles[iNewT1] = Triangle::make(arr3(v2, v3, v), arr3(n2, iNewT2, iT)); + triangles[iNewT2] = Triangle::make(arr3(v3, v1, v), arr3(n3, iT, iNewT1)); + t = Triangle::make(arr3(v1, v2, v), arr3(n1, iNewT1, iNewT2)); + // adjust adjacent triangles + setAdjacentTriangle(v, iT); + setAdjacentTriangle(v3, iNewT1); + // change triangle neighbor's neighbors to new triangles + changeNeighbor(n2, iT, iNewT1); + changeNeighbor(n3, iT, iNewT2); + // return newly added triangles + std::stack newTriangles; + newTriangles.push(iT); + newTriangles.push(iNewT1); + newTriangles.push(iNewT2); + return newTriangles; +} + +/* Inserting a point on the edge between two triangles + * T1 (top) v1 + * /|\ + * n1 / | \ n4 + * / | \ + * / T1' | Tnew1\ + * v2-------v-------v4 + * \ T2' | Tnew2/ + * \ | / + * n2 \ | / n3 + * \|/ + * T2 (bottom) v3 + */ +template +std::stack Triangulation::insertVertexOnEdge( + VertInd v, + TriInd iT1, + TriInd iT2) +{ + const TriInd iTnew1 = addTriangle(); + const TriInd iTnew2 = addTriangle(); + + Triangle& t1 = triangles[iT1]; + Triangle& t2 = triangles[iT2]; + Index i = opposedVertexInd(t1.neighbors, iT2); + const VertInd v1 = t1.vertices[i]; + const VertInd v2 = t1.vertices[ccw(i)]; + const TriInd n1 = t1.neighbors[i]; + const TriInd n4 = t1.neighbors[cw(i)]; + i = opposedVertexInd(t2.neighbors, iT1); + const VertInd v3 = t2.vertices[i]; + const VertInd v4 = t2.vertices[ccw(i)]; + const TriInd n3 = t2.neighbors[i]; + const TriInd n2 = t2.neighbors[cw(i)]; + // add new triangles and change existing ones + using detail::arr3; + t1 = Triangle::make(arr3(v, v1, v2), arr3(iTnew1, n1, iT2)); + t2 = Triangle::make(arr3(v, v2, v3), arr3(iT1, n2, iTnew2)); + triangles[iTnew1] = Triangle::make(arr3(v, v4, v1), arr3(iTnew2, n4, iT1)); + triangles[iTnew2] = Triangle::make(arr3(v, v3, v4), arr3(iT2, n3, iTnew1)); + // adjust adjacent triangles + setAdjacentTriangle(v, iT1); + setAdjacentTriangle(v4, iTnew1); + // adjust neighboring triangles and vertices + changeNeighbor(n4, iT1, iTnew1); + changeNeighbor(n3, iT2, iTnew2); + // return newly added triangles + std::stack newTriangles; + newTriangles.push(iT1); + newTriangles.push(iTnew2); + newTriangles.push(iT2); + newTriangles.push(iTnew1); + return newTriangles; +} + +template +array +Triangulation::trianglesAt(const V2d& pos) const +{ + array out = {noNeighbor, noNeighbor}; + for(TriInd i = TriInd(0); i < TriInd(triangles.size()); ++i) + { + const Triangle& t = triangles[i]; + const V2d& v1 = vertices[t.vertices[0]]; + const V2d& v2 = vertices[t.vertices[1]]; + const V2d& v3 = vertices[t.vertices[2]]; + const PtTriLocation::Enum loc = locatePointTriangle(pos, v1, v2, v3); + if(loc == PtTriLocation::Outside) + continue; + out[0] = i; + if(isOnEdge(loc)) + out[1] = t.neighbors[edgeNeighbor(loc)]; + return out; + } + throw Error("No triangle was found at position", CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION); +} + +template +TriInd Triangulation::walkTriangles( + const VertInd startVertex, + const V2d& pos) const +{ + // begin walk in search of triangle at pos + TriInd currTri = m_vertTris[startVertex]; + bool found = false; + detail::SplitMix64RandGen prng; + while(!found) + { + const Triangle& t = triangles[currTri]; + found = true; + // stochastic offset to randomize which edge we check first + const Index offset(prng() % 3); + for(Index i_(0); i_ < Index(3); ++i_) + { + const Index i((i_ + offset) % 3); + const V2d& vStart = vertices[t.vertices[i]]; + const V2d& vEnd = vertices[t.vertices[ccw(i)]]; + const PtLineLocation::Enum edgeCheck = + locatePointLine(pos, vStart, vEnd); + const TriInd iN = t.neighbors[i]; + if(edgeCheck == PtLineLocation::Right && iN != noNeighbor) + { + found = false; + currTri = iN; + break; + } + } + } + return currTri; +} + +template +array Triangulation::walkingSearchTrianglesAt( + const VertInd iV, + const VertInd startVertex) const +{ + const V2d v = vertices[iV]; + array out = {noNeighbor, noNeighbor}; + const TriInd iT = walkTriangles(startVertex, v); + // Finished walk, locate point in current triangle + const Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + const V2d& v1 = vertices[t.vertices[0]]; + const V2d& v2 = vertices[t.vertices[1]]; + const V2d& v3 = vertices[t.vertices[2]]; + const PtTriLocation::Enum loc = locatePointTriangle(v, v1, v2, v3); + + if(loc == PtTriLocation::Outside) + throw Error("No triangle was found at position", CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION); + if(loc == PtTriLocation::OnVertex) + { + const VertInd iDupe = v1 == v ? t.vertices[0] + : v2 == v ? t.vertices[1] + : t.vertices[2]; + throw DuplicateVertexError( + iV - m_nTargetVerts, iDupe - m_nTargetVerts, CDT_SOURCE_LOCATION); + } + + out[0] = iT; + if(isOnEdge(loc)) + out[1] = t.neighbors[edgeNeighbor(loc)]; + return out; +} + +/* Flip edge between T and Topo: + * + * v4 | - old edge + * /|\ ~ - new edge + * / | \ + * n3 / T' \ n4 + * / | \ + * / | \ + * T -> v1~~~~~~~~~v3 <- Topo + * \ | / + * \ | / + * n1 \Topo'/ n2 + * \ | / + * \|/ + * v2 + */ +template +void Triangulation::flipEdge( + const TriInd iT, + const TriInd iTopo) +{ + Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + Triangle& tOpo = triangles[iTopo]; + const array& triNs = t.neighbors; + const array& triOpoNs = tOpo.neighbors; + const array& triVs = t.vertices; + const array& triOpoVs = tOpo.vertices; + // find vertices and neighbors + Index i = opposedVertexInd(t.neighbors, iTopo); + const VertInd v1 = triVs[i]; + const VertInd v2 = triVs[ccw(i)]; + const TriInd n1 = triNs[i]; + const TriInd n3 = triNs[cw(i)]; + i = opposedVertexInd(tOpo.neighbors, iT); + const VertInd v3 = triOpoVs[i]; + const VertInd v4 = triOpoVs[ccw(i)]; + const TriInd n4 = triOpoNs[i]; + const TriInd n2 = triOpoNs[cw(i)]; + // change vertices and neighbors + using detail::arr3; + t = Triangle::make(arr3(v4, v1, v3), arr3(n3, iTopo, n4)); + tOpo = Triangle::make(arr3(v2, v3, v1), arr3(n2, iT, n1)); + // adjust neighboring triangles and vertices + changeNeighbor(n1, iT, iTopo); + changeNeighbor(n4, iTopo, iT); + // only adjust adjacent triangles if triangulation is not finalized: + // can happen when called from outside on an already finalized + // triangulation + if(!isFinalized()) + { + setAdjacentTriangle(v4, iT); + setAdjacentTriangle(v2, iTopo); + } +} + +template +void Triangulation::changeNeighbor( + const TriInd iT, + const TriInd oldNeighbor, + const TriInd newNeighbor) +{ + if(iT == noNeighbor) + return; + NeighborsArr3& nn = triangles[iT].neighbors; + assert( + nn[0] == oldNeighbor || nn[1] == oldNeighbor || nn[2] == oldNeighbor); + if(nn[0] == oldNeighbor) + nn[0] = newNeighbor; + else if(nn[1] == oldNeighbor) + nn[1] = newNeighbor; + else + nn[2] = newNeighbor; +} + +template +void Triangulation::changeNeighbor( + const TriInd iT, + const VertInd iVedge1, + const VertInd iVedge2, + const TriInd newNeighbor) +{ + assert(iT != noNeighbor); + Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + t.neighbors[edgeNeighborInd(t.vertices, iVedge1, iVedge2)] = newNeighbor; +} + +template +void Triangulation::triangulatePseudoPolygon( + const std::vector& poly, + unordered_map& outerTris, + TriInd iT, + TriInd iN, + std::vector& iterations) +{ + assert(poly.size() > 2); + // note: uses iteration instead of recursion to avoid stack overflows + iterations.clear(); + iterations.push_back(make_tuple( + IndexSizeType(0), + static_cast(poly.size() - 1), + iT, + iN, + Index(0))); + while(!iterations.empty()) + { + triangulatePseudoPolygonIteration(poly, outerTris, iterations); + } +} + +template +void Triangulation::triangulatePseudoPolygonIteration( + const std::vector& poly, + unordered_map& outerTris, + std::vector& iterations) +{ + IndexSizeType iA, iB; + TriInd iT, iParent; + Index iInParent; + assert(!iterations.empty()); + tie(iA, iB, iT, iParent, iInParent) = iterations.back(); + iterations.pop_back(); + assert(iB - iA > 1 && iT != noNeighbor && iParent != noNeighbor); + Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + // find Delaunay point + const IndexSizeType iC = findDelaunayPoint(poly, iA, iB); + + const VertInd a = poly[iA]; + const VertInd b = poly[iB]; + const VertInd c = poly[iC]; + + // split pseudo-polygon in two parts and triangulate them + // note: second part needs to be pushed on stack first to be processed first + + // second part: points after the Delaunay point + if(iB - iC > 1) + { + const TriInd iNext = addTriangle(); + iterations.push_back(make_tuple(iC, iB, iNext, iT, Index(1))); + } + else // pseudo-poly is reduced to a single outer edge + { + const Edge outerEdge(b, c); + const TriInd outerTri = outerTris.at(outerEdge); + if(outerTri != noNeighbor) + { + assert(outerTri != iT); + t.neighbors[1] = outerTri; + changeNeighbor(outerTri, c, b, iT); + } + else + outerTris.at(outerEdge) = iT; + } + // first part: points before the Delaunay point + if(iC - iA > 1) + { // add next triangle and add another iteration + const TriInd iNext = addTriangle(); + iterations.push_back(make_tuple(iA, iC, iNext, iT, Index(2))); + } + else + { // pseudo-poly is reduced to a single outer edge + const Edge outerEdge(c, a); + const TriInd outerTri = outerTris.at(outerEdge); + if(outerTri != noNeighbor) + { + assert(outerTri != iT); + t.neighbors[2] = outerTri; + changeNeighbor(outerTri, c, a, iT); + } + else + outerTris.at(outerEdge) = iT; + } + // Finalize triangle + // note: only when triangle is finalized to we add it as a neighbor to + // parent to maintain triangulation topology consistency + triangles[iParent].neighbors[iInParent] = iT; + t.neighbors[0] = iParent; + t.vertices = detail::arr3(a, b, c); + setAdjacentTriangle(c, iT); +} + +template +IndexSizeType Triangulation::findDelaunayPoint( + const std::vector& poly, + const IndexSizeType iA, + const IndexSizeType iB) const +{ + assert(iB - iA > 1); + const V2d& a = vertices[poly[iA]]; + const V2d& b = vertices[poly[iB]]; + IndexSizeType out = iA + 1; + const V2d* c = &vertices[poly[out]]; // caching for better performance + for(IndexSizeType i = iA + 1; i < iB; ++i) + { + const V2d& v = vertices[poly[i]]; + if(isInCircumcircle(v, a, b, *c)) + { + out = i; + c = &v; + } + } + assert(out > iA && out < iB); // point is between ends + return out; +} + +template +void Triangulation::insertVertices( + const std::vector >& newVertices) +{ + return insertVertices( + newVertices.begin(), newVertices.end(), getX_V2d, getY_V2d); +} + +template +bool Triangulation::isFinalized() const +{ + return m_vertTris.empty() && !vertices.empty(); +} + +template +unordered_map +Triangulation::peelLayer( + std::stack seeds, + const LayerDepth layerDepth, + std::vector& triDepths) const +{ + unordered_map behindBoundary; + while(!seeds.empty()) + { + const TriInd iT = seeds.top(); + seeds.pop(); + triDepths[iT] = std::min(triDepths[iT], layerDepth); + behindBoundary.erase(iT); + const Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + for(Index i(0); i < Index(3); ++i) + { + const Edge opEdge(t.vertices[ccw(i)], t.vertices[cw(i)]); + const TriInd iN = t.neighbors[opoNbr(i)]; + if(iN == noNeighbor || triDepths[iN] <= layerDepth) + continue; + if(fixedEdges.count(opEdge)) + { + const unordered_map::const_iterator cit = + overlapCount.find(opEdge); + const LayerDepth triDepth = cit == overlapCount.end() + ? layerDepth + 1 + : layerDepth + cit->second + 1; + behindBoundary[iN] = triDepth; + continue; + } + seeds.push(iN); + } + } + return behindBoundary; +} + +template +std::vector +Triangulation::calculateTriangleDepths() const +{ + std::vector triDepths( + triangles.size(), std::numeric_limits::max()); + std::stack seeds(TriDeque(1, m_vertTris[0])); + LayerDepth layerDepth = 0; + LayerDepth deepestSeedDepth = 0; + + unordered_map seedsByDepth; + do + { + const unordered_map& newSeeds = + peelLayer(seeds, layerDepth, triDepths); + + seedsByDepth.erase(layerDepth); + typedef unordered_map::const_iterator Iter; + for(Iter it = newSeeds.begin(); it != newSeeds.end(); ++it) + { + deepestSeedDepth = std::max(deepestSeedDepth, it->second); + seedsByDepth[it->second].insert(it->first); + } + const TriIndUSet& nextLayerSeeds = seedsByDepth[layerDepth + 1]; + seeds = std::stack( + TriDeque(nextLayerSeeds.begin(), nextLayerSeeds.end())); + ++layerDepth; + } while(!seeds.empty() || deepestSeedDepth > layerDepth); + + return triDepths; +} + +template +void Triangulation::insertVertices_AsProvided( + VertInd superGeomVertCount) +{ + for(VertInd iV = superGeomVertCount; iV < vertices.size(); ++iV) + { + insertVertex(iV); + } +} + +template +void Triangulation::insertVertices_Randomized( + VertInd superGeomVertCount) +{ + std::size_t vertexCount = vertices.size() - superGeomVertCount; + std::vector ii(vertexCount); + detail::iota(ii.begin(), ii.end(), superGeomVertCount); + detail::random_shuffle(ii.begin(), ii.end()); + for(std::vector::iterator it = ii.begin(); it != ii.end(); ++it) + { + insertVertex(*it); + } +} + +namespace detail +{ + +// log2 implementation backwards compatible with pre c++11 +template +inline double log2_bc(T x) +{ +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + return std::log2(x); +#else + static double log2_constant = std::log(2.0); + return std::log(static_cast(x)) / log2_constant; +#endif +} + +/// Since KD-tree bulk load builds a balanced tree the maximum length of a +/// queue can be pre-calculated: it is calculated as size of a completely +/// filled tree layer plus the number of the nodes on a completely filled +/// layer that have two children. +inline std::size_t maxQueueLengthBFSKDTree(const std::size_t vertexCount) +{ + const int filledLayerPow2 = + static_cast(std::floor(log2_bc(vertexCount)) - 1); + const std::size_t nodesInFilledTree = + static_cast(std::pow(2., filledLayerPow2 + 1) - 1); + const std::size_t nodesInLastFilledLayer = + static_cast(std::pow(2., filledLayerPow2)); + const std::size_t nodesInLastLayer = vertexCount - nodesInFilledTree; + return nodesInLastLayer >= nodesInLastFilledLayer + ? nodesInLastFilledLayer + nodesInLastLayer - + nodesInLastFilledLayer + : nodesInLastFilledLayer; +} + +template +class FixedCapacityQueue +{ +public: + FixedCapacityQueue(const std::size_t capacity) + : m_vec(capacity) + , m_front(m_vec.begin()) + , m_back(m_vec.begin()) + , m_size(0) + {} + bool empty() const + { + return m_size == 0; + } + const T& front() const + { + return *m_front; + } + void pop() + { + assert(m_size > 0); + ++m_front; + if(m_front == m_vec.end()) + m_front = m_vec.begin(); + --m_size; + } + void push(const T& t) + { + assert(m_size < m_vec.size()); + *m_back = t; + ++m_back; + if(m_back == m_vec.end()) + m_back = m_vec.begin(); + ++m_size; + } +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + void push(const T&& t) + { + assert(m_size < m_vec.size()); + *m_back = t; + ++m_back; + if(m_back == m_vec.end()) + m_back = m_vec.begin(); + ++m_size; + } +#endif +private: + std::vector m_vec; + typename std::vector::iterator m_front; + typename std::vector::iterator m_back; + std::size_t m_size; +}; + +template +class less_than_x +{ + const std::vector >& m_vertices; + +public: + less_than_x(const std::vector >& vertices) + : m_vertices(vertices) + {} + bool operator()(const VertInd a, const VertInd b) const + { + return m_vertices[a].x < m_vertices[b].x; + } +}; + +template +class less_than_y +{ + const std::vector >& m_vertices; + +public: + less_than_y(const std::vector >& vertices) + : m_vertices(vertices) + {} + bool operator()(const VertInd a, const VertInd b) const + { + return m_vertices[a].y < m_vertices[b].y; + } +}; + +} // namespace detail + +template +void Triangulation::insertVertices_KDTreeBFS( + VertInd superGeomVertCount, + V2d boxMin, + V2d boxMax) +{ + // calculate original indices + const VertInd vertexCount = + static_cast(vertices.size()) - superGeomVertCount; + if(vertexCount <= 0) + return; + std::vector ii(vertexCount); + detail::iota(ii.begin(), ii.end(), superGeomVertCount); + + typedef std::vector::iterator It; + detail::FixedCapacityQueue, V2d, VertInd> > queue( + detail::maxQueueLengthBFSKDTree(vertexCount)); + queue.push(make_tuple(ii.begin(), ii.end(), boxMin, boxMax, VertInd(0))); + + It first, last; + V2d newBoxMin, newBoxMax; + VertInd parent, mid; + + const detail::less_than_x cmpX(vertices); + const detail::less_than_y cmpY(vertices); + + while(!queue.empty()) + { + tie(first, last, boxMin, boxMax, parent) = queue.front(); + queue.pop(); + assert(first != last); + + const std::ptrdiff_t len = std::distance(first, last); + if(len == 1) + { + insertVertex(*first, parent); + continue; + } + const It midIt = first + len / 2; + if(boxMax.x - boxMin.x >= boxMax.y - boxMin.y) + { + detail::portable_nth_element(first, midIt, last, cmpX); + mid = *midIt; + const T split = vertices[mid].x; + newBoxMin.x = split; + newBoxMin.y = boxMin.y; + newBoxMax.x = split; + newBoxMax.y = boxMax.y; + } + else + { + detail::portable_nth_element(first, midIt, last, cmpY); + mid = *midIt; + const T split = vertices[mid].y; + newBoxMin.x = boxMin.x; + newBoxMin.y = split; + newBoxMax.x = boxMax.x; + newBoxMax.y = split; + } + insertVertex(mid, parent); + if(first != midIt) + { + queue.push(make_tuple(first, midIt, boxMin, newBoxMax, mid)); + } + if(midIt + 1 != last) + { + queue.push(make_tuple(midIt + 1, last, newBoxMin, boxMax, mid)); + } + } +} + +template +std::pair Triangulation::edgeTriangles( + const VertInd a, + const VertInd b) const +{ + const TriInd triStart = m_vertTris[a]; + assert(triStart != noNeighbor); + TriInd iT = triStart, iTNext = triStart; + VertInd iV = noVertex; + do + { + const Triangle& t = triangles[iT]; + tie(iTNext, iV) = t.next(a); + assert(iTNext != noNeighbor); + if(iV == b) + { + return std::make_pair(iT, iTNext); + } + iT = iTNext; + } while(iT != triStart); + return std::make_pair(invalidIndex, invalidIndex); +} + +template +bool Triangulation::hasEdge( + const VertInd a, + const VertInd b) const +{ + return edgeTriangles(a, b).first != invalidIndex; +} + +template +void Triangulation::setAdjacentTriangle( + const VertInd v, + const TriInd t) +{ + assert(t != noNeighbor); + m_vertTris[v] = t; + assert( + triangles[t].vertices[0] == v || triangles[t].vertices[1] == v || + triangles[t].vertices[2] == v); +} + +template +void Triangulation::pivotVertexTriangleCW(const VertInd v) +{ + assert(m_vertTris[v] != noNeighbor); + m_vertTris[v] = triangles[m_vertTris[v]].next(v).first; + assert(m_vertTris[v] != noNeighbor); + assert( + triangles[m_vertTris[v]].vertices[0] == v || + triangles[m_vertTris[v]].vertices[1] == v || + triangles[m_vertTris[v]].vertices[2] == v); +} + +template +void Triangulation::tryAddVertexToLocator(const VertInd v) +{ + if(!m_nearPtLocator.empty()) // only if locator is initialized already + m_nearPtLocator.addPoint(v, vertices); +} + +template +void Triangulation::tryInitNearestPointLocator() +{ + if(!vertices.empty() && m_nearPtLocator.empty()) + { + m_nearPtLocator.initialize(vertices); + } +} + +} // namespace CDT diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/portable_nth_element.hpp b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/portable_nth_element.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d560f29 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/portable_nth_element.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,313 @@ +// This code is copied from LLVM's libc++ +// https://github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxx/blob/4dde9ccef57d50e50620408a0b7a902f0aba803e/include/algorithm +// It is needed to provide portable nth_element on different platforms + +// -*- C++ -*- +//===-------------------------- algorithm ---------------------------------===// +// +// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. +// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. +// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception +// +//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// + +#ifndef CDT_PORTABLE_NTH_ELEMENT +#define CDT_PORTABLE_NTH_ELEMENT + +#include +#include +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED +#include +#else +#include +#endif + +namespace CDT +{ +namespace detail +{ + +// sort + +// stable, 2-3 compares, 0-2 swaps + +template +unsigned +sort3(ForwardIterator x, ForwardIterator y, ForwardIterator z, Compare c) +{ + unsigned r = 0; + if(!c(*y, *x)) // if x <= y + { + if(!c(*z, *y)) // if y <= z + return r; // x <= y && y <= z + // x <= y && y > z + std::swap(*y, *z); // x <= z && y < z + r = 1; + if(c(*y, *x)) // if x > y + { + std::swap(*x, *y); // x < y && y <= z + r = 2; + } + return r; // x <= y && y < z + } + if(c(*z, *y)) // x > y, if y > z + { + std::swap(*x, *z); // x < y && y < z + r = 1; + return r; + } + std::swap(*x, *y); // x > y && y <= z + r = 1; // x < y && x <= z + if(c(*z, *y)) // if y > z + { + std::swap(*y, *z); // x <= y && y < z + r = 2; + } + return r; +} // x <= y && y <= z + +// Assumes size > 0 +template +void selection_sort( + BirdirectionalIterator first, + BirdirectionalIterator last, + Compare comp) +{ + BirdirectionalIterator lm1 = last; + for(--lm1; first != lm1; ++first) + { +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + BirdirectionalIterator i = std::min_element< + BirdirectionalIterator, + typename std::add_lvalue_reference::type>( + first, last, comp); +#else + BirdirectionalIterator i = std::min_element< + BirdirectionalIterator, + typename boost::add_lvalue_reference::type>( + first, last, comp); +#endif + if(i != first) + std::swap(*first, *i); + } +} + +// nth_element + +template +void nth_element( + RandomAccessIterator first, + RandomAccessIterator nth, + RandomAccessIterator last, + Compare comp) +{ + // Compare is known to be a reference type + typedef typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type + difference_type; + const difference_type limit = 7; + while(true) + { + restart: + if(nth == last) + return; + difference_type len = last - first; + switch(len) + { + case 0: + case 1: + return; + case 2: + if(comp(*--last, *first)) + std::swap(*first, *last); + return; + case 3: { + RandomAccessIterator m = first; + detail::sort3(first, ++m, --last, comp); + return; + } + } + if(len <= limit) + { + detail::selection_sort(first, last, comp); + return; + } + // len > limit >= 3 + RandomAccessIterator m = first + len / 2; + RandomAccessIterator lm1 = last; + unsigned n_swaps = detail::sort3(first, m, --lm1, comp); + // *m is median + // partition [first, m) < *m and *m <= [m, last) + // (this inhibits tossing elements equivalent to m around + // unnecessarily) + RandomAccessIterator i = first; + RandomAccessIterator j = lm1; + // j points beyond range to be tested, *lm1 is known to be <= *m + // The search going up is known to be guarded but the search coming + // down isn't. Prime the downward search with a guard. + if(!comp(*i, *m)) // if *first == *m + { + // *first == *m, *first doesn't go in first part + // manually guard downward moving j against i + while(true) + { + if(i == --j) + { + // *first == *m, *m <= all other elements + // Parition instead into [first, i) == *first and + // *first < [i, last) + ++i; // first + 1 + j = last; + if(!comp(*first, *--j)) // we need a guard if + // *first == *(last-1) + { + while(true) + { + if(i == j) + return; // [first, last) all equivalent + // elements + if(comp(*first, *i)) + { + std::swap(*i, *j); + ++n_swaps; + ++i; + break; + } + ++i; + } + } + // [first, i) == *first and *first < [j, + // last) and j == last - 1 + if(i == j) + return; + while(true) + { + while(!comp(*first, *i)) + ++i; + while(comp(*first, *--j)) + ; + if(i >= j) + break; + std::swap(*i, *j); + ++n_swaps; + ++i; + } + // [first, i) == *first and *first < [i, + // last) The first part is sorted, + if(nth < i) + return; + // nth_element the secod part + // nth_element(i, nth, last, comp); + first = i; + goto restart; + } + if(comp(*j, *m)) + { + std::swap(*i, *j); + ++n_swaps; + break; // found guard for downward moving j, now use + // unguarded partition + } + } + } + ++i; + // j points beyond range to be tested, *lm1 is known to be <= *m + // if not yet partitioned... + if(i < j) + { + // known that *(i - 1) < *m + while(true) + { + // m still guards upward moving i + while(comp(*i, *m)) + ++i; + // It is now known that a guard exists for downward moving + // j + while(!comp(*--j, *m)) + ; + if(i >= j) + break; + std::swap(*i, *j); + ++n_swaps; + // It is known that m != j + // If m just moved, follow it + if(m == i) + m = j; + ++i; + } + } + // [first, i) < *m and *m <= [i, last) + if(i != m && comp(*m, *i)) + { + std::swap(*i, *m); + ++n_swaps; + } + // [first, i) < *i and *i <= [i+1, last) + if(nth == i) + return; + if(n_swaps == 0) + { + // We were given a perfectly partitioned sequence. Coincidence? + if(nth < i) + { + // Check for [first, i) already sorted + j = m = first; + while(++j != i) + { + if(comp(*j, *m)) + // not yet sorted, so sort + goto not_sorted; + m = j; + } + // [first, i) sorted + return; + } + else + { + // Check for [i, last) already sorted + j = m = i; + while(++j != last) + { + if(comp(*j, *m)) + // not yet sorted, so sort + goto not_sorted; + m = j; + } + // [i, last) sorted + return; + } + } + not_sorted: + // nth_element on range containing nth + if(nth < i) + { + // nth_element(first, nth, i, comp); + last = i; + } + else + { + // nth_element(i+1, nth, last, comp); + first = ++i; + } + } +} + +template +inline void portable_nth_element( + _RandomAccessIterator first, + _RandomAccessIterator nth, + _RandomAccessIterator last, + _Compare comp) +{ +#ifdef CDT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + detail::nth_element::type>( + first, nth, last, comp); +#else + detail::nth_element::type>( + first, nth, last, comp); +#endif +} + +} // namespace detail +} // namespace CDT + +#endif // CDT_PORTABLE_NTH_ELEMENT diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/predicates.h b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/predicates.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcdd3a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/predicates.h @@ -0,0 +1,915 @@ +/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * + * Copyright (c) 2019, William C. Lenthe * + * All rights reserved. * + * * + * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * + * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * + * * + * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * + * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * + * * + * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * + * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * + * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * + * * + * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * + * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * + * this software without specific prior written permission. * + * * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * + * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * + * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * + * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * + * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * + * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * + * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * + * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * + * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * + * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * + * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ + +#ifndef PREDICATES_H_INCLUDED +#define PREDICATES_H_INCLUDED + +//@reference: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/robust.html + +namespace predicates { + //@brief: geometric predicates using arbitrary precision arithmetic + //@note : these are provided primarily for illustrative purposes and adaptive routines should be preferred + namespace exact { + //@brief : determine if the 2d point c is above, on, or below the line defined by a and b + //@param ax: X-coordinate of a + //@param ay: Y-coordinate of a + //@param bx: X-coordinate of b + //@param by: Y-coordinate of b + //@param cx: X-coordinate of c + //@param cy: Y-coordinate of c + //@return : determinant of {{ax - cx, ay - cy}, {bx - cx, by - cy}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for c above, on, or below the line defined by a -> b + template T orient2d(T const ax, T const ay, T const bx, T const by, T const cx, T const cy); + + //@brief : determine if the 2d point c is above, on, or below the line defined by a and b + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - cx, ay - cy}, {bx - cx, by - cy}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for c above, on, or below the line defined by a -> b + template T orient2d(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc); + + //@brief : determine if the 2d point d is inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + //@param ax: X-coordinate of a + //@param ay: Y-coordinate of a + //@param bx: X-coordinate of b + //@param by: Y-coordinate of b + //@param cx: X-coordinate of c + //@param cy: Y-coordinate of c + //@param dx: X-coordinate of d + //@param dy: Y-coordinate of d + //@return : determinant of {{ax - dx, ay - dy, (ax - dx)^2 + (ay - dy)^2}, {bx - dx, by - dy, (bx - dx)^2 + (by - dy)^2}, {cx - dx, cy - dy, (cx - dx)^2 + (cy - dy)^2}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for d inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + template T incircle(T const ax, T const ay, T const bx, T const by, T const cx, T const cy, T const dx, T const dy); + + //@brief : determine if the 2d point d is inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y} + //@param pc: pointer to d as {x, y} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - dx, ay - dy, (ax - dx)^2 + (ay - dy)^2}, {bx - dx, by - dy, (bx - dx)^2 + (by - dy)^2}, {cx - dx, cy - dy, (cx - dx)^2 + (cy - dy)^2}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for d inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + template T incircle(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd); + + //@brief : determine if the 3d point d is above, on, or below the plane defined by a, b, and c + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y, z} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y, z} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y, z} + //@param pd: pointer to d as {x, y, z} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - dx, ay - dy, az - dz}, {bx - dx, by - dy, bz - dz}, {cx - dx, cy - dy, cz - dz}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for c above, on, or below the plane defined by a, b, and c + template T orient3d(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd); + + //@brief : determine if the 3d point e is inside, on, or outside the sphere defined by a, b, c, and d + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y, z} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y, z} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y, z} + //@param pd: pointer to d as {x, y, z} + //@param pe: pointer to e as {x, y, z} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - ex, ay - ey, az - ez, (ax - ex)^2 + (ay - ey)^2 + (az - ez)^2}, {bx - ex, by - ey, bz - ez, (bx - ex)^2 + (by - ey)^2 + (bz - ez)^2}, {cx - ex, cy - ey, cz - ez, (cx - ex)^2 + (cy - ey)^2 + (cz - ez)^2}, {dx - ex, dy - ey, dz - ez, (dx - ex)^2 + (dy - ey)^2 + (dz - ez)^2}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for d inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + template T insphere(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd, T const*const pe); + } + + //@brief: geometric predicates using normal floating point arithmetic but falling back to arbitrary precision when needed + //@note : these should have the same accuracy but are significantly faster when determinants are large + namespace adaptive { + //@brief : determine if the 2d point c is above, on, or below the line defined by a and b + //@param ax: X-coordinate of a + //@param ay: Y-coordinate of a + //@param bx: X-coordinate of b + //@param by: Y-coordinate of b + //@param cx: X-coordinate of c + //@param cy: Y-coordinate of c + //@return : determinant of {{ax - cx, ay - cy}, {bx - cx, by - cy}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for c above, on, or below the line defined by a -> b + template T orient2d(T const ax, T const ay, T const bx, T const by, T const cx, T const cy); + + //@brief : determine if the 2d point c is above, on, or below the line defined by a and b + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - cx, ay - cy}, {bx - cx, by - cy}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for c above, on, or below the line defined by a -> b + template T orient2d(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc); + + //@brief : determine if the 2d point d is inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + //@param ax: X-coordinate of a + //@param ay: Y-coordinate of a + //@param bx: X-coordinate of b + //@param by: Y-coordinate of b + //@param cx: X-coordinate of c + //@param cy: Y-coordinate of c + //@param dx: X-coordinate of d + //@param dy: Y-coordinate of d + //@return : determinant of {{ax - dx, ay - dy, (ax - dx)^2 + (ay - dy)^2}, {bx - dx, by - dy, (bx - dx)^2 + (by - dy)^2}, {cx - dx, cy - dy, (cx - dx)^2 + (cy - dy)^2}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for d inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + template T incircle(T const ax, T const ay, T const bx, T const by, T const cx, T const cy, T const dx, T const dy); + + //@brief : determine if the 2d point d is inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y} + //@param pc: pointer to d as {x, y} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - dx, ay - dy, (ax - dx)^2 + (ay - dy)^2}, {bx - dx, by - dy, (bx - dx)^2 + (by - dy)^2}, {cx - dx, cy - dy, (cx - dx)^2 + (cy - dy)^2}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for d inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + template T incircle(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd); + + //@brief : determine if the 3d point d is above, on, or below the plane defined by a, b, and c + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y, z} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y, z} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y, z} + //@param pd: pointer to d as {x, y, z} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - dx, ay - dy, az - dz}, {bx - dx, by - dy, bz - dz}, {cx - dx, cy - dy, cz - dz}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for c above, on, or below the plane defined by a, b, and c + template T orient3d(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd); + + //@brief : determine if the 3d point e is inside, on, or outside the sphere defined by a, b, c, and d + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y, z} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y, z} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y, z} + //@param pd: pointer to d as {x, y, z} + //@param pe: pointer to e as {x, y, z} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - ex, ay - ey, az - ez, (ax - ex)^2 + (ay - ey)^2 + (az - ez)^2}, {bx - ex, by - ey, bz - ez, (bx - ex)^2 + (by - ey)^2 + (bz - ez)^2}, {cx - ex, cy - ey, cz - ez, (cx - ex)^2 + (cy - ey)^2 + (cz - ez)^2}, {dx - ex, dy - ey, dz - ez, (dx - ex)^2 + (dy - ey)^2 + (dz - ez)^2}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for d inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + template T insphere(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd, T const*const pe); + } +} + +#include //abs, fma +#include +#include //pair +#include //accumulate +#include //transform, copy_n, merge +#include //negate + +// a macro based static assert for pre c++11 +#define PREDICATES_PORTABLE_STATIC_ASSERT(condition, message) typedef char message[(condition) ? 1 : -1] + +// check if c++11 is supported +#if !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(_MSC_VER) + PREDICATES_PORTABLE_STATIC_ASSERT(false, couldnt_parse_cxx_standard) +#endif +#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900) + #define PREDICATES_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED +#endif + +// choose to use c++11 features or their backports +#ifdef PREDICATES_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED +#include +#include // is_same, enable_if +#undef PREDICATES_PORTABLE_STATIC_ASSERT +#define PREDICATES_TOKEN_TO_STRING1(x) #x +#define PREDICATES_TOKEN_TO_STRING(x) PREDICATES_TOKEN_TO_STRING1(x) +#define PREDICATES_PORTABLE_STATIC_ASSERT(condition, message) static_assert(condition, PREDICATES_TOKEN_TO_STRING(message)) +namespace predicates { +namespace stdx { + using std::array; + using std::copy_n; +} +#else +namespace predicates { +namespace stdx { + // array + template + class array { + T buff[N]; + public: + T& operator[](const size_t& i) { return buff[i]; } + const T& operator[](const size_t& i) const { return buff[i]; } + + T * data() { return buff; } + T const * data() const { return buff; } + + T * begin() { return buff; } + T const * cbegin() const { return buff; } + }; + // copy_n + template< class InputIt, class Size, class OutputIt> + OutputIt copy_n(InputIt first, Size count, OutputIt result) + { + if (count > 0) { + *result++ = *first; + for (Size i = 1; i < count; ++i) { + *result++ = *++first; + } + } + return result; + } +} +#endif // PREDICATES_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + +namespace detail { + template class ExpansionBase; + + //@brief: class to exactly represent the result of a sequence of arithmetic operations as an sequence of values that sum to the result + template + class Expansion : private ExpansionBase, public stdx::array { + private: + public: + size_t m_size; + template friend class ExpansionBase;//access for base class + template friend class Expansion;//access for expansions of different size + + Expansion() : m_size(0) {} + template Expansion& operator=(const Expansion& e) { + PREDICATES_PORTABLE_STATIC_ASSERT(M <= N, cannot_assign_a_larger_expansion_to_a_smaller_expansion); + stdx::copy_n(e.cbegin(), e.size(), stdx::array::begin()); + m_size = e.size(); + return *this; + } + + //vector like convenience functions + size_t size() const {return m_size;} + bool empty() const {return 0 == m_size;} + void push_back(const T v) {stdx::array::operator[](m_size++) = v;} + + public: + //estimates of expansion value + T mostSignificant() const {return empty() ? T(0) : stdx::array::operator[](m_size - 1);} + T estimate() const {return std::accumulate(stdx::array::cbegin(), stdx::array::cbegin() + size(), T(0));} + + template Expansion operator+(const Expansion& f) const { + Expansion h; + h.m_size = ExpansionBase::ExpansionSum(this->data(), this->size(), f.data(), f.size(), h.data()); + return h; + } + + void negate() {std::transform(stdx::array::cbegin(), stdx::array::cbegin() + size(), stdx::array::begin(), std::negate());} + Expansion operator-() const {Expansion e = *this; e.negate(); return e;} + template Expansion operator-(const Expansion& f) const {return operator+(-f);} + + Expansion operator*(const T b) const { + Expansion h; + h.m_size = ExpansionBase::ScaleExpansion(this->data(), this->size(), b, h.data()); + return h; + } + }; + +// See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40765925/1597714 +// Standard defines: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/math/fma +#if defined(__FMA__) || defined(__FMA4__) || defined(__AVX2__) || (defined(FP_FAST_FMA) && defined(FP_FAST_FMAF)) +#define PREDICATES_FAST_FMA 1 +#endif + + //@brief : helper function to sort by absolute value + //@param a: lhs item to compare + //@param b: rhs item to compare + //@return : true if |a| < |b| + //@note : defined since lambda functions aren't allow in c++03 + template bool absLess(const T& a, const T& b) {return std::abs(a) < std::abs(b);} + + template + class ExpansionBase { + private: + static const T Splitter; + + PREDICATES_PORTABLE_STATIC_ASSERT(std::numeric_limits::is_iec559, Requires_IEC_559_IEEE_754_floating_point_type); + PREDICATES_PORTABLE_STATIC_ASSERT(2 == std::numeric_limits::radix, Requires_base_2_floating_point_type); + + //combine result + roundoff error into expansion + static inline Expansion MakeExpansion(const T value, const T tail) { + Expansion e; + if(T(0) != tail) e.push_back(tail); + if(T(0) != value) e.push_back(value); + return e; + } + + protected: + //add 2 expansions + static size_t ExpansionSum(T const * const e, const size_t n, T const * const f, const size_t m, T * const h) { + std::merge(e, e + n, f, f + m, h, absLess); + if(m == 0) return n; + if(n == 0) return m; + size_t hIndex = 0; + T Q = h[0]; + T Qnew = h[1] + Q; + T hh = FastPlusTail(h[1], Q, Qnew); + Q = Qnew; + if(T(0) != hh) h[hIndex++] = hh; + for(size_t g = 2; g != n + m; ++g) { + Qnew = Q + h[g]; + hh = PlusTail(Q, h[g], Qnew); + Q = Qnew; + if(T(0) != hh) h[hIndex++] = hh; + } + if(T(0) != Q) h[hIndex++] = Q; + return hIndex; + } + + //scale an expansion by a constant + static size_t ScaleExpansion(T const * const e, const size_t n, const T b, T * const h) { + if(n == 0 || T(0) == b) return 0; + size_t hIndex = 0; + T Q = e[0] * b; + const std::pair bSplit = Split(b); + T hh = MultTailPreSplit(e[0], b, bSplit, Q); + if(T(0) != hh) h[hIndex++] = hh; + for(size_t eIndex = 1; eIndex < n; ++eIndex) { + T Ti = e[eIndex] * b; + T ti = MultTailPreSplit(e[eIndex], b, bSplit, Ti); + T Qi = Q + ti; + hh = PlusTail(Q, ti, Qi); + if(T(0) != hh) h[hIndex++] = hh; + Q = Ti + Qi; + hh = FastPlusTail(Ti, Qi, Q); + if(T(0) != hh) h[hIndex++] = hh; + } + if(T(0) != Q) h[hIndex++] = Q; + return hIndex; + } + + public: + //roundoff error of x = a + b + static inline T PlusTail(const T a, const T b, const T x) { + const T bVirtual = x - a; + const T aVirtual = x - bVirtual; + const T bRoundoff = b - bVirtual; + const T aRoundoff = a - aVirtual; + return aRoundoff + bRoundoff; + } + + //roundoff error of x = a + b if |a| > |b| + static inline T FastPlusTail(const T a, const T b, const T x) { + const T bVirtual = x - a; + return b - bVirtual; + } + + //roundoff error of x = a - b + static inline T MinusTail(const T a, const T b, const T x) { + const T bVirtual = a - x; + const T aVirtual = x + bVirtual; + const T bRoundoff = bVirtual - b; + const T aRoundoff = a - aVirtual; + return aRoundoff + bRoundoff; + } + + //split a into 2 nonoverlapping values + static inline std::pair Split(const T a) { + const T c = a * Splitter; + const T aBig = c - a; + const T aHi = c - aBig; + return std::pair(aHi, a - aHi); + } + + //roundoff error of x = a * b via dekkers product + static inline T DekkersProduct(const T /*a*/, const std::pair aSplit, const T /*b*/, const std::pair bSplit, const T p) { + T y = p - T(aSplit.first * bSplit.first); + y -= T(aSplit.second * bSplit.first); + y -= T(aSplit.first * bSplit.second); + return T(aSplit.second * bSplit.second) - y; + } + + //roundoff error of x = a * b +#if defined(PREDICATES_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED) && defined(PREDICATES_FAST_FMA) + static T MultTail(const T a, const T b, const T p) {return std::fma(a, b, -p);} + static T MultTailPreSplit(const T a, const T b, const std::pair /*bSplit*/, const T p) {return std::fma(a, b, -p);} +#else + static T MultTail(const T a, const T b, const T p) {return DekkersProduct(a, Split(a), b, Split(b), p);} + static T MultTailPreSplit(const T a, const T b, const std::pair bSplit, const T p) {return DekkersProduct(a, Split(a), b, bSplit, p);} +#endif + //expand a + b + static inline Expansion Plus(const T a, const T b) { + const T x = a + b; + return MakeExpansion(x, PlusTail(a, b, x)); + } + + //expand a - b + static inline Expansion Minus(const T a, const T b) {return Plus(a, -b);} + + //expand a * b + static inline Expansion Mult(const T a, const T b) { + const T x = a * b; + return MakeExpansion(x, MultTail(a, b, x)); + } + + //expand the determinant of {{ax, ay}, {bx, by}} (unrolled Mult(ax, by) - Mult(ay, bx)) + static inline Expansion TwoTwoDiff(const T ax, const T by, const T ay, const T bx) { + const T axby1 = ax * by; + const T axby0 = MultTail(ax, by, axby1); + const T bxay1 = bx * ay; + const T bxay0 = MultTail(bx, ay, bxay1); + const T _i0 = axby0 - bxay0; + const T x0 = MinusTail(axby0, bxay0, _i0); + const T _j = axby1 + _i0; + const T _0 = PlusTail(axby1, _i0, _j); + const T _i1 = _0 - bxay1; + const T x1 = MinusTail(_0, bxay1, _i1); + const T x3 = _j + _i1; + const T x2 = PlusTail(_j, _i1, x3); + Expansion e; + if(T(0) != x0) e.push_back(x0); + if(T(0) != x1) e.push_back(x1); + if(T(0) != x2) e.push_back(x2); + if(T(0) != x3) e.push_back(x3); + return e; + } + + //TwoTwoDiff checking for zeros to avoid extra splitting + static inline Expansion TwoTwoDiffZeroCheck(const T ax, const T by, const T ay, const T bx) { + Expansion e; + if(T(0) == ax && T(0) == ay) return e; + else if(T(0) == ax) e = Mult(ay, bx); + else if(T(0) == ay) e = Mult(ax, by); + else e = TwoTwoDiff(ax, by, ay, bx); + return e; + } + + //(a * b) * c checking for zeros + static inline Expansion ThreeProd(const T a, const T b, const T c) {return (T(0) == a || T(0) == b || T(0) == c) ? Expansion() : Mult(a, b) * c;} + }; + + template const T ExpansionBase::Splitter = +#ifdef PREDICATES_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + static_cast(std::exp2(std::numeric_limits::digits/2 + 1)); +#else + static_cast(std::ldexp(T(1), std::numeric_limits::digits/2 + 1)); +#endif +} + + namespace exact { + template T orient2d(T const ax, T const ay, T const bx, T const by, T const cx, T const cy) + { + const detail::Expansion aterms = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(ax, by, ax, cy); + const detail::Expansion bterms = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(bx, cy, bx, ay); + const detail::Expansion cterms = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(cx, ay, cx, by); + const detail::Expansion w = aterms + bterms + cterms; + return w.mostSignificant(); + } + + template T orient2d(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc) { + return orient2d(pa[0], pa[1], pb[0], pb[1], pc[0], pc[1]); + } + + template T incircle(T const ax, T const ay, T const bx, T const by, T const cx, T const cy, T const dx, T const dy) { + const detail::Expansion ab = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(ax, by, bx, ay); + const detail::Expansion bc = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(bx, cy, cx, by); + const detail::Expansion cd = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(cx, dy, dx, cy); + const detail::Expansion da = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(dx, ay, ax, dy); + const detail::Expansion ac = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(ax, cy, cx, ay); + const detail::Expansion bd = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(bx, dy, dx, by); + + const detail::Expansion abc = ab + bc - ac; + const detail::Expansion bcd = bc + cd - bd; + const detail::Expansion cda = cd + da + ac; + const detail::Expansion dab = da + ab + bd; + + const detail::Expansion adet = bcd * ax * ax + bcd * ay * ay; + const detail::Expansion bdet = cda * bx * -bx + cda * by * -by; + const detail::Expansion cdet = dab * cx * cx + dab * cy * cy; + const detail::Expansion ddet = abc * dx * -dx + abc * dy * -dy; + + const detail::Expansion deter = (adet + bdet) + (cdet + ddet); + return deter.mostSignificant(); + } + + template T incircle(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd) { + return incircle(pa[0], pa[1], pb[0], pb[1], pc[0], pc[1], pd[0], pd[1]); + } + + //@brief : determine if the 3d point d is above, on, or below the plane defined by a, b, and c + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y, z} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y, z} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y, z} + //@param pd: pointer to d as {x, y, z} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - dx, ay - dy, az - dz}, {bx - dx, by - dy, bz - dz}, {cx - dx, cy - dy, cz - dz}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for c above, on, or below the plane defined by a, b, and c + template T orient3d(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd) { + const detail::Expansion ab = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pa[0], pb[1], pb[0], pa[1]); + const detail::Expansion bc = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pb[0], pc[1], pc[0], pb[1]); + const detail::Expansion cd = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pc[0], pd[1], pd[0], pc[1]); + const detail::Expansion da = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pd[0], pa[1], pa[0], pd[1]); + const detail::Expansion ac = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pa[0], pc[1], pc[0], pa[1]); + const detail::Expansion bd = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pb[0], pd[1], pd[0], pb[1]); + + const detail::Expansion abc = ab + bc - ac; + const detail::Expansion bcd = bc + cd - bd; + const detail::Expansion cda = cd + da + ac; + const detail::Expansion dab = da + ab + bd; + + const detail::Expansion adet = bcd * pa[2]; + const detail::Expansion bdet = cda * -pb[2]; + const detail::Expansion cdet = dab * pc[2]; + const detail::Expansion ddet = abc * -pd[2]; + + const detail::Expansion deter = (adet + bdet) + (cdet + ddet); + return deter.mostSignificant(); + } + + //@brief : determine if the 3d point e is inside, on, or outside the sphere defined by a, b, c, and d + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y, z} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y, z} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y, z} + //@param pd: pointer to d as {x, y, z} + //@param pe: pointer to e as {x, y, z} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - ex, ay - ey, az - ez, (ax - ex)^2 + (ay - ey)^2 + (az - ez)^2}, {bx - ex, by - ey, bz - ez, (bx - ex)^2 + (by - ey)^2 + (bz - ez)^2}, {cx - ex, cy - ey, cz - ez, (cx - ex)^2 + (cy - ey)^2 + (cz - ez)^2}, {dx - ex, dy - ey, dz - ez, (dx - ex)^2 + (dy - ey)^2 + (dz - ez)^2}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for d inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + template T insphere(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd, T const*const pe) { + const detail::Expansion ab = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pa[0], pb[1], pb[0], pa[1]); + const detail::Expansion bc = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pb[0], pc[1], pc[0], pb[1]); + const detail::Expansion cd = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pc[0], pd[1], pd[0], pc[1]); + const detail::Expansion de = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pd[0], pe[1], pe[0], pd[1]); + const detail::Expansion ea = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pe[0], pa[1], pa[0], pe[1]); + const detail::Expansion ac = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pa[0], pc[1], pc[0], pa[1]); + const detail::Expansion bd = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pb[0], pd[1], pd[0], pb[1]); + const detail::Expansion ce = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pc[0], pe[1], pe[0], pc[1]); + const detail::Expansion da = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pd[0], pa[1], pa[0], pd[1]); + const detail::Expansion eb = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(pe[0], pb[1], pb[0], pe[1]); + + const detail::Expansion abc = bc * pa[2] + ac * -pb[2] + ab * pc[2]; + const detail::Expansion bcd = cd * pb[2] + bd * -pc[2] + bc * pd[2]; + const detail::Expansion cde = de * pc[2] + ce * -pd[2] + cd * pe[2]; + const detail::Expansion dea = ea * pd[2] + da * -pe[2] + de * pa[2]; + const detail::Expansion eab = ab * pe[2] + eb * -pa[2] + ea * pb[2]; + const detail::Expansion abd = bd * pa[2] + da * pb[2] + ab * pd[2]; + const detail::Expansion bce = ce * pb[2] + eb * pc[2] + bc * pe[2]; + const detail::Expansion cda = da * pc[2] + ac * pd[2] + cd * pa[2]; + const detail::Expansion deb = eb * pd[2] + bd * pe[2] + de * pb[2]; + const detail::Expansion eac = ac * pe[2] + ce * pa[2] + ea * pc[2]; + + const detail::Expansion bcde = (cde + bce) - (deb + bcd); + const detail::Expansion cdea = (dea + cda) - (eac + cde); + const detail::Expansion deab = (eab + deb) - (abd + dea); + const detail::Expansion eabc = (abc + eac) - (bce + eab); + const detail::Expansion abcd = (bcd + abd) - (cda + abc); + + const detail::Expansion adet = bcde * pa[0] * pa[0] + bcde * pa[1] * pa[1] + bcde * pa[2] * pa[2]; + const detail::Expansion bdet = cdea * pb[0] * pb[0] + cdea * pb[1] * pb[1] + cdea * pb[2] * pb[2]; + const detail::Expansion cdet = deab * pc[0] * pc[0] + deab * pc[1] * pc[1] + deab * pc[2] * pc[2]; + const detail::Expansion ddet = eabc * pd[0] * pd[0] + eabc * pd[1] * pd[1] + eabc * pd[2] * pd[2]; + const detail::Expansion edet = abcd * pe[0] * pe[0] + abcd * pe[1] * pe[1] + abcd * pe[2] * pe[2]; + + const detail::Expansion deter = (adet + bdet) + ((cdet + ddet) + edet); + return deter.mostSignificant(); + } + } + + template + const T& Epsilon() + { + static const T epsilon = +#ifdef PREDICATES_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + static_cast(std::exp2(-std::numeric_limits::digits)); +#else + static_cast(std::ldexp(T(1), -std::numeric_limits::digits)); +#endif + return epsilon; + } + + template + class Constants { + public: + static const T epsilon, resulterrbound; + static const T ccwerrboundA, ccwerrboundB, ccwerrboundC; + static const T o3derrboundA, o3derrboundB, o3derrboundC; + static const T iccerrboundA, iccerrboundB, iccerrboundC; + static const T isperrboundA, isperrboundB, isperrboundC; + }; + + template const T Constants::epsilon = Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::resulterrbound = (T( 3) + T( 8) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::ccwerrboundA = (T( 3) + T( 16) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::ccwerrboundB = (T( 2) + T( 12) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::ccwerrboundC = (T( 9) + T( 64) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon() * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::o3derrboundA = (T( 7) + T( 56) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::o3derrboundB = (T( 3) + T( 28) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::o3derrboundC = (T(26) + T( 288) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon() * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::iccerrboundA = (T(10) + T( 96) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::iccerrboundB = (T( 4) + T( 48) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::iccerrboundC = (T(44) + T( 576) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon() * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::isperrboundA = (T(16) + T( 224) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::isperrboundB = (T( 5) + T( 72) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon(); + template const T Constants::isperrboundC = (T(71) + T(1408) * Epsilon()) * Epsilon() * Epsilon(); + + namespace adaptive { + template T orient2d(T const ax, T const ay, T const bx, T const by, T const cx, T const cy) { + const T acx = ax - cx; + const T bcx = bx - cx; + const T acy = ay - cy; + const T bcy = by - cy; + const T detleft = acx * bcy; + const T detright = acy * bcx; + T det = detleft - detright; + if((detleft < 0) != (detright < 0)) return det; + if(T(0) == detleft || T(0) == detright) return det; + + const T detsum = std::abs(detleft + detright); + T errbound = Constants::ccwerrboundA * detsum; + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + + const detail::Expansion B = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(acx, bcy, acy, bcx); + det = B.estimate(); + errbound = Constants::ccwerrboundB * detsum; + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + + const T acxtail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(ax, cx, acx); + const T bcxtail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(bx, cx, bcx); + const T acytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(ay, cy, acy); + const T bcytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(by, cy, bcy); + if(T(0) == acxtail && T(0) == bcxtail && T(0) == acytail && T(0) == bcytail) return det; + + errbound = Constants::ccwerrboundC * detsum + Constants::resulterrbound * std::abs(det); + det += (acx * bcytail + bcy * acxtail) - (acy * bcxtail + bcx * acytail); + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + + const detail::Expansion D = ((B + detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(acxtail, bcy, acytail, bcx)) + detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(acx, bcytail, acy, bcxtail)) + detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(acxtail, bcytail, acytail, bcxtail); + return D.mostSignificant(); + } + + template T orient2d(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc) { + return orient2d(pa[0], pa[1], pb[0], pb[1], pc[0], pc[1]); + } + + template T incircle(T const ax, T const ay, T const bx, T const by, T const cx, T const cy, T const dx, T const dy) { + const T adx = ax - dx; + const T bdx = bx - dx; + const T cdx = cx - dx; + const T ady = ay - dy; + const T bdy = by - dy; + const T cdy = cy - dy; + const T bdxcdy = bdx * cdy; + const T cdxbdy = cdx * bdy; + const T cdxady = cdx * ady; + const T adxcdy = adx * cdy; + const T adxbdy = adx * bdy; + const T bdxady = bdx * ady; + const T alift = adx * adx + ady * ady; + const T blift = bdx * bdx + bdy * bdy; + const T clift = cdx * cdx + cdy * cdy; + T det = alift * (bdxcdy - cdxbdy) + blift * (cdxady - adxcdy) + clift * (adxbdy - bdxady); + const T permanent = (std::abs(bdxcdy) + std::abs(cdxbdy)) * alift + + (std::abs(cdxady) + std::abs(adxcdy)) * blift + + (std::abs(adxbdy) + std::abs(bdxady)) * clift; + T errbound = Constants::iccerrboundA * permanent; + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + + const detail::Expansion bc = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(bdx, cdy, cdx, bdy); + const detail::Expansion ca = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(cdx, ady, adx, cdy); + const detail::Expansion ab = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(adx, bdy, bdx, ady); + const detail::Expansion adet = bc * adx * adx + bc * ady * ady; + const detail::Expansion bdet = ca * bdx * bdx + ca * bdy * bdy; + const detail::Expansion cdet = ab * cdx * cdx + ab * cdy * cdy; + const detail::Expansion fin1 = adet + bdet + cdet; + det = fin1.estimate(); + errbound = Constants::iccerrboundB * permanent; + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + + const T adxtail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(ax, dx, adx); + const T adytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(ay, dy, ady); + const T bdxtail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(bx, dx, bdx); + const T bdytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(by, dy, bdy); + const T cdxtail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(cx, dx, cdx); + const T cdytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(cy, dy, cdy); + if(T(0) == adxtail && T(0) == bdxtail && T(0) == cdxtail && T(0) == adytail && T(0) == bdytail && T(0) == cdytail) return det; + + errbound = Constants::iccerrboundC * permanent + Constants::resulterrbound * std::abs(det); + det += ((adx * adx + ady * ady) * ((bdx * cdytail + cdy * bdxtail) - (bdy * cdxtail + cdx * bdytail)) + + (bdx * cdy - bdy * cdx) * (adx * adxtail + ady * adytail) * T(2)) + + ((bdx * bdx + bdy * bdy) * ((cdx * adytail + ady * cdxtail) - (cdy * adxtail + adx * cdytail)) + + (cdx * ady - cdy * adx) * (bdx * bdxtail + bdy * bdytail) * T(2)) + + ((cdx * cdx + cdy * cdy) * ((adx * bdytail + bdy * adxtail) - (ady * bdxtail + bdx * adytail)) + + (adx * bdy - ady * bdx) * (cdx * cdxtail + cdy * cdytail) * T(2)); + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + return exact::incircle(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy); + } + + template T incircle(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd) { + return incircle(pa[0], pa[1], pb[0], pb[1], pc[0], pc[1], pd[0], pd[1]); + } + + //@brief : determine if the 3d point d is above, on, or below the plane defined by a, b, and c + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y, z} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y, z} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y, z} + //@param pd: pointer to d as {x, y, z} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - dx, ay - dy, az - dz}, {bx - dx, by - dy, bz - dz}, {cx - dx, cy - dy, cz - dz}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for c above, on, or below the plane defined by a, b, and c + template T orient3d(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd) { + const T adx = pa[0] - pd[0]; + const T bdx = pb[0] - pd[0]; + const T cdx = pc[0] - pd[0]; + const T ady = pa[1] - pd[1]; + const T bdy = pb[1] - pd[1]; + const T cdy = pc[1] - pd[1]; + const T adz = pa[2] - pd[2]; + const T bdz = pb[2] - pd[2]; + const T cdz = pc[2] - pd[2]; + const T bdxcdy = bdx * cdy; + const T cdxbdy = cdx * bdy; + const T cdxady = cdx * ady; + const T adxcdy = adx * cdy; + const T adxbdy = adx * bdy; + const T bdxady = bdx * ady; + T det = adz * (bdxcdy - cdxbdy) + bdz * (cdxady - adxcdy) + cdz * (adxbdy - bdxady); + const T permanent = (std::abs(bdxcdy) + std::abs(cdxbdy)) * std::abs(adz) + (std::abs(cdxady) + std::abs(adxcdy)) * std::abs(bdz) + (std::abs(adxbdy) + std::abs(bdxady)) * std::abs(cdz); + T errbound = Constants::o3derrboundA * permanent; + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + + const detail::Expansion bc = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(bdx, cdy, cdx, bdy); + const detail::Expansion ca = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(cdx, ady, adx, cdy); + const detail::Expansion ab = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(adx, bdy, bdx, ady); + const detail::Expansion fin1 = (bc * adz + ca * bdz) + ab * cdz; + det = fin1.estimate(); + errbound = Constants::o3derrboundB * permanent; + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + + const T adxtail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pa[0], pd[0], adx); + const T bdxtail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pb[0], pd[0], bdx); + const T cdxtail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pc[0], pd[0], cdx); + const T adytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pa[1], pd[1], ady); + const T bdytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pb[1], pd[1], bdy); + const T cdytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pc[1], pd[1], cdy); + const T adztail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pa[2], pd[2], adz); + const T bdztail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pb[2], pd[2], bdz); + const T cdztail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pc[2], pd[2], cdz); + if(T(0) == adxtail && T(0) == adytail && T(0) == adztail && + T(0) == bdxtail && T(0) == bdytail && T(0) == bdztail && + T(0) == cdxtail && T(0) == cdytail && T(0) == cdztail) return det; + + errbound = Constants::o3derrboundC * permanent + Constants::resulterrbound * std::abs(det); + det += (adz * ((bdx * cdytail + cdy * bdxtail) - (bdy * cdxtail + cdx * bdytail)) + adztail * (bdx * cdy - bdy * cdx)) + + (bdz * ((cdx * adytail + ady * cdxtail) - (cdy * adxtail + adx * cdytail)) + bdztail * (cdx * ady - cdy * adx)) + + (cdz * ((adx * bdytail + bdy * adxtail) - (ady * bdxtail + bdx * adytail)) + cdztail * (adx * bdy - ady * bdx)); + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + + const detail::Expansion bct = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiffZeroCheck(bdxtail, cdy, bdytail, cdx) + detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiffZeroCheck(cdytail, bdx, cdxtail, bdy); + const detail::Expansion cat = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiffZeroCheck(cdxtail, ady, cdytail, adx) + detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiffZeroCheck(adytail, cdx, adxtail, cdy); + const detail::Expansion abt = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiffZeroCheck(adxtail, bdy, adytail, bdx) + detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiffZeroCheck(bdytail, adx, bdxtail, ady); + const detail::Expansion fin2 = fin1 + bct * adz + cat * bdz + abt * cdz + bc * adztail + ca * bdztail + ab * cdztail + + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd( adxtail, bdytail, cdz) + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd( adxtail, bdytail, cdztail) + + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd(-adxtail, cdytail, bdz) + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd(-adxtail, cdytail, bdztail) + + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd( bdxtail, cdytail, adz) + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd( bdxtail, cdytail, adztail) + + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd(-bdxtail, adytail, cdz) + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd(-bdxtail, adytail, cdztail) + + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd( cdxtail, adytail, bdz) + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd( cdxtail, adytail, bdztail) + + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd(-cdxtail, bdytail, adz) + detail::ExpansionBase::ThreeProd(-cdxtail, bdytail, adztail) + + bct * adztail + cat * bdztail + abt * cdztail; + return fin2.mostSignificant(); + } + + //@brief : determine if the 3d point e is inside, on, or outside the sphere defined by a, b, c, and d + //@param pa: pointer to a as {x, y, z} + //@param pb: pointer to b as {x, y, z} + //@param pc: pointer to c as {x, y, z} + //@param pd: pointer to d as {x, y, z} + //@param pe: pointer to e as {x, y, z} + //@return : determinant of {{ax - ex, ay - ey, az - ez, (ax - ex)^2 + (ay - ey)^2 + (az - ez)^2}, {bx - ex, by - ey, bz - ez, (bx - ex)^2 + (by - ey)^2 + (bz - ez)^2}, {cx - ex, cy - ey, cz - ez, (cx - ex)^2 + (cy - ey)^2 + (cz - ez)^2}, {dx - ex, dy - ey, dz - ez, (dx - ex)^2 + (dy - ey)^2 + (dz - ez)^2}} + //@note : positive, 0, negative result for d inside, on, or outside the circle defined by a, b, and c + template T insphere(T const*const pa, T const*const pb, T const*const pc, T const*const pd, T const*const pe) { + T permanent; + const T aex = pa[0] - pe[0]; + const T bex = pb[0] - pe[0]; + const T cex = pc[0] - pe[0]; + const T dex = pd[0] - pe[0]; + const T aey = pa[1] - pe[1]; + const T bey = pb[1] - pe[1]; + const T cey = pc[1] - pe[1]; + const T dey = pd[1] - pe[1]; + const T aez = pa[2] - pe[2]; + const T bez = pb[2] - pe[2]; + const T cez = pc[2] - pe[2]; + const T dez = pd[2] - pe[2]; + { + const T aexbey = aex * bey; + const T bexaey = bex * aey; + const T bexcey = bex * cey; + const T cexbey = cex * bey; + const T cexdey = cex * dey; + const T dexcey = dex * cey; + const T dexaey = dex * aey; + const T aexdey = aex * dey; + const T aexcey = aex * cey; + const T cexaey = cex * aey; + const T bexdey = bex * dey; + const T dexbey = dex * bey; + const T ab = aexbey - bexaey; + const T bc = bexcey - cexbey; + const T cd = cexdey - dexcey; + const T da = dexaey - aexdey; + const T ac = aexcey - cexaey; + const T bd = bexdey - dexbey; + const T abc = aez * bc - bez * ac + cez * ab; + const T bcd = bez * cd - cez * bd + dez * bc; + const T cda = cez * da + dez * ac + aez * cd; + const T dab = dez * ab + aez * bd + bez * da; + const T alift = aex * aex + aey * aey + aez * aez; + const T blift = bex * bex + bey * bey + bez * bez; + const T clift = cex * cex + cey * cey + cez * cez; + const T dlift = dex * dex + dey * dey + dez * dez; + const T det = (dlift * abc - clift * dab) + (blift * cda - alift * bcd); + const T aezplus = std::abs(aez); + const T bezplus = std::abs(bez); + const T cezplus = std::abs(cez); + const T dezplus = std::abs(dez); + const T aexbeyplus = std::abs(aexbey); + const T bexaeyplus = std::abs(bexaey); + const T bexceyplus = std::abs(bexcey); + const T cexbeyplus = std::abs(cexbey); + const T cexdeyplus = std::abs(cexdey); + const T dexceyplus = std::abs(dexcey); + const T dexaeyplus = std::abs(dexaey); + const T aexdeyplus = std::abs(aexdey); + const T aexceyplus = std::abs(aexcey); + const T cexaeyplus = std::abs(cexaey); + const T bexdeyplus = std::abs(bexdey); + const T dexbeyplus = std::abs(dexbey); + permanent = ((cexdeyplus + dexceyplus) * bezplus + (dexbeyplus + bexdeyplus) * cezplus + (bexceyplus + cexbeyplus) * dezplus) * alift + + ((dexaeyplus + aexdeyplus) * cezplus + (aexceyplus + cexaeyplus) * dezplus + (cexdeyplus + dexceyplus) * aezplus) * blift + + ((aexbeyplus + bexaeyplus) * dezplus + (bexdeyplus + dexbeyplus) * aezplus + (dexaeyplus + aexdeyplus) * bezplus) * clift + + ((bexceyplus + cexbeyplus) * aezplus + (cexaeyplus + aexceyplus) * bezplus + (aexbeyplus + bexaeyplus) * cezplus) * dlift; + const T errbound = Constants::isperrboundA * permanent; + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + } + + const detail::Expansion ab = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(aex, bey, bex, aey); + const detail::Expansion bc = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(bex, cey, cex, bey); + const detail::Expansion cd = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(cex, dey, dex, cey); + const detail::Expansion da = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(dex, aey, aex, dey); + const detail::Expansion ac = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(aex, cey, cex, aey); + const detail::Expansion bd = detail::ExpansionBase::TwoTwoDiff(bex, dey, dex, bey); + const detail::Expansion temp24a = bc * dez + (cd * bez + bd * -cez); + const detail::Expansion temp24b = cd * aez + (da * cez + ac * dez); + const detail::Expansion temp24c = da * bez + (ab * dez + bd * aez); + const detail::Expansion temp24d = ab * cez + (bc * aez + ac * -bez); + const detail::Expansion adet = temp24a * aex * -aex + temp24a * aey * -aey + temp24a * aez * -aez; + const detail::Expansion bdet = temp24b * bex * bex + temp24b * bey * bey + temp24b * bez * bez; + const detail::Expansion cdet = temp24c * cex * -cex + temp24c * cey * -cey + temp24c * cez * -cez; + const detail::Expansion ddet = temp24d * dex * dex + temp24d * dey * dey + temp24d * dez * dez; + const detail::Expansion fin1 = (adet + bdet) + (cdet + ddet); + T det = fin1.estimate(); + T errbound = Constants::isperrboundB * permanent; + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + + const T aextail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pa[0], pe[0], aex); + const T aeytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pa[1], pe[1], aey); + const T aeztail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pa[2], pe[2], aez); + const T bextail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pb[0], pe[0], bex); + const T beytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pb[1], pe[1], bey); + const T beztail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pb[2], pe[2], bez); + const T cextail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pc[0], pe[0], cex); + const T ceytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pc[1], pe[1], cey); + const T ceztail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pc[2], pe[2], cez); + const T dextail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pd[0], pe[0], dex); + const T deytail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pd[1], pe[1], dey); + const T deztail = detail::ExpansionBase::MinusTail(pd[2], pe[2], dez); + if (T(0) == aextail && T(0) == aeytail && T(0) == aeztail && + T(0) == bextail && T(0) == beytail && T(0) == beztail && + T(0) == cextail && T(0) == ceytail && T(0) == ceztail && + T(0) == dextail && T(0) == deytail && T(0) == deztail) return det; + + errbound = Constants::isperrboundC * permanent + Constants::resulterrbound * std::abs(det); + const T abeps = (aex * beytail + bey * aextail) - (aey * bextail + bex * aeytail); + const T bceps = (bex * ceytail + cey * bextail) - (bey * cextail + cex * beytail); + const T cdeps = (cex * deytail + dey * cextail) - (cey * dextail + dex * ceytail); + const T daeps = (dex * aeytail + aey * dextail) - (dey * aextail + aex * deytail); + const T aceps = (aex * ceytail + cey * aextail) - (aey * cextail + cex * aeytail); + const T bdeps = (bex * deytail + dey * bextail) - (bey * dextail + dex * beytail); + const T ab3 = ab.mostSignificant(); + const T bc3 = bc.mostSignificant(); + const T cd3 = cd.mostSignificant(); + const T da3 = da.mostSignificant(); + const T ac3 = ac.mostSignificant(); + const T bd3 = bd.mostSignificant(); + det += ( ( (bex * bex + bey * bey + bez * bez) * ((cez * daeps + dez * aceps + aez * cdeps) + (ceztail * da3 + deztail * ac3 + aeztail * cd3)) + + (dex * dex + dey * dey + dez * dez) * ((aez * bceps - bez * aceps + cez * abeps) + (aeztail * bc3 - beztail * ac3 + ceztail * ab3)) ) + - ( (aex * aex + aey * aey + aez * aez) * ((bez * cdeps - cez * bdeps + dez * bceps) + (beztail * cd3 - ceztail * bd3 + deztail * bc3)) + + (cex * cex + cey * cey + cez * cez) * ((dez * abeps + aez * bdeps + bez * daeps) + (deztail * ab3 + aeztail * bd3 + beztail * da3)) ) ) + + T(2) * ( ( (bex * bextail + bey * beytail + bez * beztail) * (cez * da3 + dez * ac3 + aez * cd3) + + (dex * dextail + dey * deytail + dez * deztail) * (aez * bc3 - bez * ac3 + cez * ab3)) + - ( (aex * aextail + aey * aeytail + aez * aeztail) * (bez * cd3 - cez * bd3 + dez * bc3) + + (cex * cextail + cey * ceytail + cez * ceztail) * (dez * ab3 + aez * bd3 + bez * da3))); + if(std::abs(det) >= std::abs(errbound)) return det; + return exact::insphere(pa, pb, pc, pd, pe); + } + } +} + +#endif diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/remove_at.hpp b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/remove_at.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b960b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include/remove_at.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +#ifndef REMOVE_AT_HPP +#define REMOVE_AT_HPP + +// check if c++11 is supported +#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1900) +#define REMOVE_AT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED +#elif !defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(_MSC_VER) +typedef char couldnt_parse_cxx_standard[-1]; +#endif + +#include +#include + +/*! + * Remove elements in the range [first; last) with indices from the sorted + * unique range [ii_first, ii_last) + */ +template +inline ForwardIt remove_at( + ForwardIt first, + ForwardIt last, + SortUniqIndsFwdIt ii_first, + SortUniqIndsFwdIt ii_last) +{ + if(ii_first == ii_last) // no indices-to-remove are given + return last; + typedef typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type diff_t; + typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type ind_t; + ForwardIt destination = first + static_cast(*ii_first); + while(ii_first != ii_last) + { + // advance to an index after a chunk of elements-to-keep + for(ind_t cur = *ii_first++; ii_first != ii_last; ++ii_first) + { + const ind_t nxt = *ii_first; + if(nxt - cur > 1) + break; + cur = nxt; + } + // move the chunk of elements-to-keep to new destination + const ForwardIt source_first = + first + static_cast(*(ii_first - 1)) + 1; + const ForwardIt source_last = + ii_first != ii_last ? first + static_cast(*ii_first) : last; +#ifdef REMOVE_AT_CXX11_IS_SUPPORTED + std::move(source_first, source_last, destination); +#else + std::copy(source_first, source_last, destination); // c++98 version +#endif + destination += source_last - source_first; + } + return destination; +} + +#endif // REMOVE_AT_HPP diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/src/CDT.cpp b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/src/CDT.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68f18fe --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/src/CDT.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ + +/** + * @file + * Explicit template instantiations for `float` and `double` coordinate types. + * + * Explicit instantiations are used when consuming as a compiled library. + * In almost all of the cases 'float' and 'double' are sufficient. + * Feel free to extend this with custom data types if needed. + */ + +#ifdef CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY + +#include "CDT.hpp" +#include "CDTUtils.hpp" +#include "InitializeWithGrid.h" +#include "Triangulation.hpp" +#include "VerifyTopology.h" + +namespace CDT +{ + +template struct CDT_EXPORT V2d; +template struct CDT_EXPORT V2d; + +template struct CDT_EXPORT Box2d; +template struct CDT_EXPORT Box2d; + +template class CDT_EXPORT Triangulation; +template class CDT_EXPORT Triangulation; + +template CDT_EXPORT Box2d +envelopBox(const std::vector >&); +template CDT_EXPORT Box2d +envelopBox(const std::vector >&); + +template CDT_EXPORT DuplicatesInfo +RemoveDuplicates(std::vector >&); +template CDT_EXPORT DuplicatesInfo +RemoveDuplicates(std::vector >&); + +template CDT_EXPORT DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges( + std::vector >&, + std::vector&); +template CDT_EXPORT DuplicatesInfo RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges( + std::vector >&, + std::vector&); + +template CDT_EXPORT bool +verifyTopology(const CDT::Triangulation&); +template CDT_EXPORT bool +verifyTopology(const CDT::Triangulation&); + +template CDT_EXPORT void initializeWithRegularGrid( + float, + float, + float, + float, + std::size_t, + std::size_t, + Triangulation&); +template CDT_EXPORT void initializeWithRegularGrid( + double, + double, + double, + double, + std::size_t, + std::size_t, + Triangulation&); + +} // namespace CDT + +#endif diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/cdt.test.cpp b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/cdt.test.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d073124 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/cdt.test.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,961 @@ +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +using namespace CDT; + +constexpr bool updateFiles = false; + +using CoordTypes = std::tuple; +template +using Vertices = std::vector >; + +#define ENHANCED_THROW(ExceptionType, message) \ + throw ExceptionType( \ + std::string(message) + " in " + __FILE__ + ':' + \ + std::to_string(__LINE__) + ':' + __func__) + +namespace CDT +{ + +bool operator<(const Edge& lhs, const Edge& rhs) +{ + return lhs.v1() != rhs.v1() ? lhs.v1() < rhs.v1() : lhs.v2() < rhs.v2(); +} + +bool operator<(const Triangle& lhs, const Triangle& rhs) +{ + for(Index i(0); i < Index(3); ++i) + { + if(lhs.vertices[i] == rhs.vertices[i]) + continue; + return lhs.vertices[i] < rhs.vertices[i]; + } + return false; +} + +} // namespace CDT + +namespace +{ + +template +EdgeUSet extractAllEdges(const CDT::Triangulation& cdt) +{ + EdgeUSet out; + for(const auto& t : cdt.triangles) + { + for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) + { + out.insert(Edge(t.vertices[i], t.vertices[(i + 1) % 3])); + } + } + return out; +} + +std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Edge& e) +{ + o << e.v1() << " " << e.v2() << '\n'; + return o; +} + +[[maybe_unused]] std::ostream& +operator<<(std::ostream& o, const std::vector& edges) +{ + for(const auto& e : edges) + o << e; + return o; +} + +[[maybe_unused]] std::vector sortedEdges(const EdgeUSet& edges) +{ + std::vector out(edges.begin(), edges.end()); + std::sort(out.begin(), out.end()); + return out; +} + +template +std::pair, std::vector > +readInputFromFile(const std::string& fileName) +{ + std::ifstream f(fileName); + if(!f.is_open()) + { + ENHANCED_THROW( + std::runtime_error, "Could not open file '" + fileName + '\''); + } + f.precision(std::numeric_limits::digits10 + 1); + IndexSizeType nVerts; + IndexSizeType nEdges; + f >> nVerts >> nEdges; + + // Read vertices + Vertices vv; + vv.reserve(nVerts); + for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nVerts; ++i) + { + T x, y; + f >> x >> y; + vv.push_back(V2d::make(x, y)); + } + // Read edges + std::vector ee; + for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nEdges; ++i) + { + VertInd v1, v2; + f >> v1 >> v2; + ee.emplace_back(v1, v2); + } + return std::make_pair(vv, ee); +} + +template +void saveInputToFile( + const std::string& fileName, + const Vertices& vv, + const std::vector& ee) +{ + std::ofstream f(fileName); + if(!f.is_open()) + { + ENHANCED_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not open file"); + } + IndexSizeType nVerts; + IndexSizeType nEdges; + f << vv.size() << ' ' << ee.size() << '\n'; + for(const auto& v : vv) + { + f << v.x << ' ' << v.y << '\n'; + } + for(const auto& e : ee) + { + f << e.v1() << ' ' << e.v2() << '\n'; + } +} + +template +void inputFromFile( + CDT::Triangulation& cdt, + const std::string& filename) +{ + const auto [vv, ee] = readInputFromFile(filename); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); +} + +template +void saveToOff( + const std::string& filename, + const CDT::Triangulation& cdt) +{ + std::ofstream fout(filename); + if(!fout.is_open()) + { + ENHANCED_THROW( + std::runtime_error, "Save can't open file for writing OFF"); + } + fout.precision(std::numeric_limits::digits10 + 1); + fout << "OFF\n"; + fout << cdt.vertices.size() << ' ' << cdt.triangles.size() << " 0\n"; + // Write vertices + for(const auto& v : cdt.vertices) + { + fout << v.x << ' ' << v.y << ' ' << 0 << "\n"; + } + // Write faces + for(const auto& t : cdt.triangles) + { + fout << "3 " << t.vertices[0] << ' ' << t.vertices[1] << ' ' + << t.vertices[2] << "\n"; + } + fout.close(); +} + +} // namespace + +TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("Triangulation Tests", "", CoordTypes) +{ + auto cdt = Triangulation(); + cdt.insertVertices(Vertices{{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {3, 1}, {3, 0}}); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + REQUIRE(cdt.vertices.size() == std::size_t(4 + 3)); + REQUIRE(cdt.fixedEdges.size() == std::size_t(0)); + REQUIRE(cdt.triangles.size() == std::size_t(9)); + SECTION("Edges have indices offsetted by 3 because of super-triangle") + { + const auto edges = extractAllEdges(cdt); + REQUIRE(edges.count(Edge(VertInd(1 + 3), VertInd(3 + 3)))); + } + SECTION( + "Erasing super-triangle affects indices in edges and triangle count") + { + cdt.eraseSuperTriangle(); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + REQUIRE(cdt.triangles.size() == std::size_t(2)); + const auto edges = extractAllEdges(cdt); + REQUIRE(edges.count(Edge(VertInd(1), VertInd(3)))); + } + SECTION("Adding a constraint edge") + { + const auto constraintEdge = Edge(VertInd(0), VertInd(2)); + cdt.insertEdges(std::vector{constraintEdge}); + cdt.eraseSuperTriangle(); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + REQUIRE(cdt.vertices.size() == std::size_t(4)); + REQUIRE(cdt.fixedEdges.size() == std::size_t(1)); + REQUIRE(cdt.triangles.size() == std::size_t(2)); + REQUIRE(cdt.fixedEdges.count(constraintEdge)); + const auto edges = extractAllEdges(cdt); + REQUIRE(edges.count(constraintEdge)); + } +} + +namespace +{ + +Triangle makeSmallestIndexFirst(const Triangle& t) +{ + const auto& vv = t.vertices; + const Index iStart = vv[0] < vv[1] ? Index(vv[0] < vv[2] ? 0 : 2) + : Index(vv[1] < vv[2] ? 1 : 2); + Triangle out; + for(Index i(0); i < Index(3); ++i) + { + const auto j = Index((iStart + i) % 3); + out.vertices[i] = t.vertices[j]; + out.neighbors[i] = t.neighbors[j]; + } + return out; +} + +// return mapping of index in a not sorted array to index in sorted array +template +auto sort_mapping(RandomIt cbegin, RandomIt cend) +{ + auto len = std::distance(cbegin, cend); + std::vector perm(len); + std::iota(perm.begin(), perm.end(), 0U); + std::sort(perm.begin(), perm.end(), [&](const size_t& a, const size_t& b) { + return *(cbegin + a) < *(cbegin + b); + }); + std::vector map(len); + for(size_t i = 0; i < perm.size(); ++i) + map[perm[i]] = i; + return map; +} + +/// Triangulation topology stored in a sorted way that makes it easy to perform +/// baseline comparisons +struct TriangulationTopo +{ + TriangleVec triangles; + EdgeVec fixedEdges; + std::map overlapCount; + std::map pieceToOriginals; + + TriangulationTopo() = default; + + template + TriangulationTopo(const Triangulation& cdt) + : triangles(cdt.triangles) + , fixedEdges(cdt.fixedEdges.begin(), cdt.fixedEdges.end()) + , overlapCount(cdt.overlapCount.begin(), cdt.overlapCount.end()) + , pieceToOriginals( + cdt.pieceToOriginals.begin(), + cdt.pieceToOriginals.end()) + { + for(auto& t : triangles) + { + t = makeSmallestIndexFirst(t); + } + std::sort(fixedEdges.begin(), fixedEdges.end()); + const auto sortMapping = + sort_mapping(triangles.begin(), triangles.end()); + std::sort(triangles.begin(), triangles.end()); + // remap neighbor indices according to new sorted order + for(auto& t : triangles) + { + for(auto& n : t.neighbors) + { + if(n != noNeighbor) + { + n = TriInd(sortMapping[n]); + } + } + } + } + + void read(std::istream& f) + { + if(!f.good()) + { + ENHANCED_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not open file"); + } + std::size_t size; + + triangles = TriangleVec(); + f >> size; + triangles.resize(size); + for(auto& t : triangles) + { + for(auto& v : t.vertices) + f >> v; + for(auto& n : t.neighbors) + f >> n; + } + + fixedEdges = EdgeVec(); + f >> size; + fixedEdges.reserve(size); + VertInd v1, v2; + for(IndexSizeType i = 0; i < size; ++i) + { + f >> v1 >> v2; + fixedEdges.emplace_back(v1, v2); + } + + overlapCount = std::map(); + BoundaryOverlapCount boc; + f >> size; + for(IndexSizeType i = 0; i < size; ++i) + { + f >> v1 >> v2 >> boc; + overlapCount[Edge(v1, v2)] = boc; + } + + pieceToOriginals = std::map(); + f >> size; + std::size_t edgeVecSize; + for(IndexSizeType i = 0; i < size; ++i) + { + f >> v1 >> v2 >> edgeVecSize; + const auto e = Edge(v1, v2); + auto edges = EdgeVec(); + edges.reserve(edgeVecSize); + for(IndexSizeType j = 0; j < edgeVecSize; ++j) + { + f >> v1 >> v2; + edges.emplace_back(v1, v2); + } + pieceToOriginals[e] = edges; + } + } + + void write(std::ostream& f) const + { + if(!f.good()) + { + ENHANCED_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not open file"); + } + f << triangles.size() << '\n'; + for(const auto& t : triangles) + { + const auto& vv = t.vertices; + const auto& nn = t.neighbors; + f << vv[0] << ' ' << vv[1] << ' ' << vv[2] << " " << nn[0] << ' ' + << nn[1] << ' ' << nn[2] << '\n'; + } + f << '\n' << fixedEdges.size() << '\n'; + for(const auto& e : fixedEdges) + { + f << e.v1() << ' ' << e.v2() << '\n'; + } + f << '\n' << overlapCount.size() << '\n'; + for(const auto& oc : overlapCount) + { + f << oc.first.v1() << ' ' << oc.first.v2() << " " << oc.second + << '\n'; + } + f << '\n' << pieceToOriginals.size() << '\n'; + for(const auto& pto : pieceToOriginals) + { + f << pto.first.v1() << ' ' << pto.first.v2() << '\n' + << " " << pto.second.size() << '\n'; + for(const auto& e : pto.second) + { + f << " " << e.v1() << ' ' << e.v2() << '\n'; + } + } + } + void writeToFile(const std::string& filename) const + { + std::ofstream f(filename); + if(!f.is_open()) + { + ENHANCED_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Can't open file for writing"); + } + write(f); + } +}; + +template +std::string topologyString(const CDT::Triangulation& cdt) +{ + std::ostringstream out; + TriangulationTopo(cdt).write(out); + return out.str(); +} + +template +void topologyToFile( + const std::string& filename, + const CDT::Triangulation& cdt) +{ + std::ofstream out(filename); + TriangulationTopo(cdt).write(out); +} + +std::string topologyString(const std::string& filename) +{ + std::ifstream ifs(filename); + return std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs), {}); +} + +} // namespace + +TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE( + "Test triangulation topology read/write", + "", + CoordTypes) +{ + const auto [vv, ee] = + readInputFromFile("inputs/corner cases.txt"); + auto cdt = Triangulation( + CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::Auto, + CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve, + 0.); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + cdt.eraseSuperTriangle(); + const auto topo = TriangulationTopo(cdt); + std::ostringstream out_s; + topo.write(out_s); + std::istringstream in_s(out_s.str()); + TriangulationTopo topo2; + topo2.read(in_s); + std::ostringstream out_s2; + topo2.write(out_s2); + REQUIRE(out_s.str() == out_s2.str()); +} + +namespace +{ + +std::string to_string(const VertexInsertionOrder::Enum& vio) +{ + switch(vio) + { + case VertexInsertionOrder::AsProvided: + return "as-provided"; + case VertexInsertionOrder::Auto: + return "auto"; + } + ENHANCED_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Reached unreachable"); +} + +std::string to_string(const IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum& ice) +{ + switch(ice) + { + case IntersectingConstraintEdges::DontCheck: + return "no-check"; + case IntersectingConstraintEdges::NotAllowed: + return "ignore"; + case IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve: + return "resolve"; + } + ENHANCED_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Reached unreachable"); +} + +} // namespace + +TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE( + "Ground truth tests: constraint triangulation", + "", + CoordTypes) +{ + const auto inputFile = GENERATE( + as{}, + "Capital A.txt", + "cdt.txt", + "ditch.txt", + "double-hanging.txt", + "gh_issue.txt", + "guitar no box.txt", + "Hanging.txt", + "Hanging2.txt", + "island.txt", + "issue-142-double-hanging-edge.txt", + "issue-42-full-boundary-overlap.txt", + "issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary.txt", + "issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge.txt", + "issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt", + "issue-65-wrong-edges.txt", + "kidney.txt", + "Letter u.txt", + "OnEdge.txt", + "overlapping constraints.txt", + "overlapping constraints2.txt", + "points_on_constraint_edge.txt", + "ProblematicCase1.txt", + "regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small.txt", + "square with crack.txt", + "test_data_small.txt", + "triple-hanging-flipped.txt", + "triple-hanging.txt", + "unit square.txt"); + + const auto typeSpecific = std::unordered_set{ + "guitar no box.txt", + "issue-42-full-boundary-overlap.txt", + "issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge.txt", + "issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt", + "overlapping constraints.txt"}; + + const std::string typeString = + typeSpecific.count(inputFile) + ? sizeof(TestType) == sizeof(double) ? "f64_" : "f32_" + : ""; + + const auto order = + GENERATE(VertexInsertionOrder::AsProvided, VertexInsertionOrder::Auto); + const auto intersectingEdgesStrategy = GENERATE( + IntersectingConstraintEdges::NotAllowed, + IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve); + const auto minDistToConstraintEdge = 0.; + + auto cdt = Triangulation( + order, intersectingEdgesStrategy, minDistToConstraintEdge); + const auto [vv, ee] = readInputFromFile("inputs/" + inputFile); + const DuplicatesInfo di = FindDuplicates( + vv.begin(), vv.end(), getX_V2d, getY_V2d); + INFO("Input file is '" + inputFile + "'"); + REQUIRE(di.duplicates.empty()); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + REQUIRE(CDT::eachVertexHasNeighborTriangle(cdt)); + + // make true to update expected files (development purposes only) + const auto outputFileBase = "expected/" + + inputFile.substr(0, inputFile.size() - 4) + + "__" + typeString + to_string(order) + "_" + + to_string(intersectingEdgesStrategy); + SECTION("With super-triangle") + { + const auto outFile = outputFileBase + "_all.txt"; + INFO("Output file is '" + outFile + "'"); + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + { + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } + } + SECTION("Erase super-triangle") + { + const auto outFile = outputFileBase + "_super.txt"; + INFO("Output file is '" + outFile + "'"); + cdt.eraseSuperTriangle(); + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } + SECTION("Erase outer triangles") + { + const auto outFile = outputFileBase + "_outer.txt"; + INFO("Output file is '" + outFile + "'"); + cdt.eraseOuterTriangles(); + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } + SECTION("Auto detect holes and erase outer triangles") + { + const auto outFile = outputFileBase + "_auto.txt"; + INFO("Output file is '" + outFile + "'"); + cdt.eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles(); + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } +} + +TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE( + "Ground truth tests: conforming triangulation", + "", + CoordTypes) +{ + const auto inputFile = GENERATE( + as{}, + "Capital A.txt", + "cdt.txt", + "ditch.txt", + "double-hanging.txt", + "gh_issue.txt", + "guitar no box.txt", + "Hanging2.txt", + "issue-142-double-hanging-edge.txt", + "issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt", + "points_on_constraint_edge.txt", + "ProblematicCase1.txt", + "triple-hanging-flipped.txt", + "triple-hanging.txt", + "unit square.txt"); + + const auto typeSpecific = std::unordered_set{ + "guitar no box.txt", + "issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt", + }; + + const std::string typeString = + typeSpecific.count(inputFile) + ? sizeof(TestType) == sizeof(double) ? "f64_" : "f32_" + : ""; + + const auto order = VertexInsertionOrder::Auto; + const auto intersectingEdgesStrategy = + IntersectingConstraintEdges::NotAllowed; + const auto minDistToConstraintEdge = 0.; + + auto cdt = Triangulation( + order, intersectingEdgesStrategy, minDistToConstraintEdge); + const auto [vv, ee] = readInputFromFile("inputs/" + inputFile); + const DuplicatesInfo di = FindDuplicates( + vv.begin(), vv.end(), getX_V2d, getY_V2d); + INFO("Input file is '" + inputFile + "'"); + REQUIRE(di.duplicates.empty()); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.conformToEdges(ee); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + + // make true to update expected files (development purposes only) + const auto outputFileBase = + "expected/" + inputFile.substr(0, inputFile.size() - 4) + + "__conforming_" + typeString + to_string(order) + "_" + + to_string(intersectingEdgesStrategy); + { + const auto outFile = outputFileBase + "_auto.txt"; + INFO("Output file is '" + outFile + "'"); + cdt.eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles(); + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } +} + +TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("Ground truth tests: crossing edges", "", CoordTypes) +{ + const auto inputFile = GENERATE( + as{}, + "crossing-edges.txt", + "issue-148-crossing-edges.txt"); + + const auto order = VertexInsertionOrder::Auto; + const auto intersectingEdgesStrategy = + IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve; + const auto minDistToConstraintEdge = 0.; + + auto cdt = Triangulation( + order, intersectingEdgesStrategy, minDistToConstraintEdge); + const auto [vv, ee] = readInputFromFile("inputs/" + inputFile); + const DuplicatesInfo di = FindDuplicates( + vv.begin(), vv.end(), getX_V2d, getY_V2d); + INFO("Input file is '" + inputFile + "'"); + REQUIRE(di.duplicates.empty()); + const auto triangulationType = + GENERATE(as{}, "", "conforming_"); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + triangulationType == "" ? cdt.insertEdges(ee) : cdt.conformToEdges(ee); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + REQUIRE(CDT::eachVertexHasNeighborTriangle(cdt)); + // make true to update expected files (development purposes only) + const auto outputFileBase = "expected/" + + inputFile.substr(0, inputFile.size() - 4) + + "__" + triangulationType + to_string(order) + + "_" + to_string(intersectingEdgesStrategy); + { + const auto outFile = outputFileBase + "_all.txt"; + INFO("Output file is '" + outFile + "'"); + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } +} + +TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("Inserting vertices in two batches", "", CoordTypes) +{ + const auto [vv, ee] = + readInputFromFile("inputs/Constrained Sweden.txt"); + auto cdt = Triangulation( + CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::Auto, + CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve, + 0.); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + cdt.eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles(); + + const auto halfSize = vv.size() / 2; + const auto vv_lo = Vertices(vv.begin(), vv.begin() + halfSize); + const auto vv_hi = Vertices(vv.begin() + halfSize, vv.end()); + auto cdtBatches = Triangulation( + CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::Auto, + CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve, + 0.); + cdtBatches.insertVertices(vv_lo); + cdtBatches.insertVertices(vv_hi); + cdtBatches.insertEdges(ee); + cdtBatches.eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles(); + + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(cdtBatches)); +} + +TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("Benchmarks", "[benchmark][.]", CoordTypes) +{ + SECTION("Constrained Sweden") + { + Vertices vv; + std::vector ee; + tie(vv, ee) = + readInputFromFile("inputs/Constrained Sweden.txt"); + BENCHMARK("Constrained Sweden (vertices only): As Provided") + { + auto cdt = + Triangulation(VertexInsertionOrder::AsProvided); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + }; + BENCHMARK("Constrained Sweden (vertices only): Auto") + { + auto cdt = Triangulation(VertexInsertionOrder::Auto); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + }; + BENCHMARK("Constrained Sweden: As Provided") + { + auto cdt = + Triangulation(VertexInsertionOrder::AsProvided); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + }; + BENCHMARK("Constrained Sweden: Auto") + { + auto cdt = Triangulation(VertexInsertionOrder::Auto); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + }; + } +} + +TEST_CASE("Don't flip constraint edge when resolving intersection", "") +{ + const auto inputFile = + std::string("dont_flip_constraint_when_resolving_intersection.txt"); + const auto order = VertexInsertionOrder::AsProvided; + const auto intersectingEdgesStrategy = + IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve; + const auto minDistToConstraintEdge = 1e-6; + const auto outFile = "expected/" + + inputFile.substr(0, inputFile.size() - 4) + "__f64_" + + to_string(order) + "_" + + to_string(intersectingEdgesStrategy) + "_all.txt"; + + const auto [vv, ee] = readInputFromFile("inputs/" + inputFile); + auto cdt = Triangulation( + order, intersectingEdgesStrategy, minDistToConstraintEdge); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + { + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } +} + +TEST_CASE( + "Regression: resolving edges intersection with a hanging edge in a " + "pseudo-polygon", + "") +{ + const auto inputFile = std::string("HangingIntersection.txt"); + const auto order = VertexInsertionOrder::Auto; + const auto intersectingEdgesStrategy = + IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve; + const auto minDistToConstraintEdge = 1e-6; + const auto outFile = "expected/" + + inputFile.substr(0, inputFile.size() - 4) + "__f64_" + + to_string(order) + "_" + + to_string(intersectingEdgesStrategy) + "_all.txt"; + + const auto [vv, ee] = readInputFromFile("inputs/" + inputFile); + auto cdt = Triangulation( + order, intersectingEdgesStrategy, minDistToConstraintEdge); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + { + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } +} + +TEST_CASE("Regression: multiple hanging edges", "") +{ + const auto inputFile = std::string("HangingIntersection.txt"); + const auto order = VertexInsertionOrder::Auto; + const auto intersectingEdgesStrategy = + IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve; + const auto minDistToConstraintEdge = 1e-6; + const auto outFile = "expected/" + + inputFile.substr(0, inputFile.size() - 4) + "__f64_" + + to_string(order) + "_" + + to_string(intersectingEdgesStrategy) + "_all.txt"; + + const auto [vv, ee] = readInputFromFile("inputs/" + inputFile); + auto cdt = Triangulation( + order, intersectingEdgesStrategy, minDistToConstraintEdge); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + { + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } +} + +TEST_CASE("Regression test", "") +{ + const auto inputFile = std::string("debug2.txt"); + const auto [vv, ee] = readInputFromFile("inputs/" + inputFile); + auto cdt = Triangulation(VertexInsertionOrder::Auto); + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); +} + +TEST_CASE("Regression test issue #154 (1)", "") +{ + // Very large coordinate values lead to wrong super-triangle coordinates due + // to the floating-point rounding + auto cdt = Triangulation{}; + cdt.insertVertices({ + {0.0, 1e38}, + {1.0, 1e38}, + }); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + const auto outFile = "expected/154_1.txt"; + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + { + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } +} + +TEST_CASE("Regression test issue #154 (2)", "") +{ + // Explanation: There was an incorrect assumptions that there are no 'loops' + // in the pseudo-polygons, only 'hanging' edges. The loops are possible as + // shown by this test case. + auto cdt = Triangulation{}; + cdt.insertVertices({ + {2.0, -2.18933983E-5}, + {-0.0896810815, -2.18407786E-5}, + {-2.19008489E-5, -7.64692231E-6}, + {8.73939061E-5, 0.00568488613}, + {-0.00142463227, -0.00142461748}, + {-7.67273832E-6, 8.7602064E-5}, + {0.00569847599, -0.00142463227}, + {-2.18156383E-5, -7.6295637E-6}, + }); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + cdt.insertEdges({ + {0, 1}, + }); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + const auto outFile = "expected/154_2.txt"; + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + { + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } +} + +TEST_CASE("Regression test issue #154 (3)", "") +{ + // Explanation: There was an incorrect assumptions that there are no 'loops' + // in the pseudo-polygons, only 'hanging' edges. The loops are possible as + // shown by this test case. + auto cdt = Triangulation{}; + cdt.insertVertices({ + {-2.0, 1.47656155}, + {-6.40527344, -40.4999084}, + {0.0, -7.96960115}, + {-2.00152564, 1.46877956}, + {-2.70361328, -7.99999619}, + {-2.70465064, -7.99901962}, + {-7.97778273, -19.3754253}, + {7.96885204, -5.37488127}, + {-7.97180128, -39.7499695}, + }); + cdt.insertEdges({ + {0, 8}, + }); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + const auto outFile = "expected/154_3.txt"; + if(updateFiles) + topologyToFile(outFile, cdt); + else + { + REQUIRE(topologyString(cdt) == topologyString(outFile)); + } +} + +TEST_CASE("Regression test: hanging edge in pseudo-poly", "") +{ + auto [vv, ee] = readInputFromFile("inputs/hanging3.txt"); + auto cdt = Triangulation{}; + cdt.insertVertices(vv); + cdt.insertEdges(ee); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); +} + +TEST_CASE("Regression test #174: super-triangle of tiny bounding box", "") +{ + auto cdt = Triangulation{}; + const auto vv = Vertices{ + {{45802.2779561576462583616375923, 169208.540894783218391239643097}, + {45802.2779561576317064464092255, 169208.540894783218391239643097}, + {45802.2779561576462583616375923, 169208.540894783247495070099831}}, + }; + REQUIRE_NOTHROW(cdt.insertVertices(vv)); + REQUIRE(CDT::verifyTopology(cdt)); + cdt.eraseSuperTriangle(); + REQUIRE(cdt.triangles.size() == std::size_t(1)); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/154_1.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/154_1.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e0477d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/154_1.txt @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +5 +0 1 3 4294967295 3 1 +0 3 2 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 3 2 4 0 +2 3 4 1 3 2 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/154_2.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/154_2.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee89ad4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/154_2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +17 +0 1 4 4294967295 4 1 +0 4 2 0 6 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 7 3 +1 3 9 2 8 5 +1 7 4 5 14 0 +1 9 7 3 14 4 +2 4 6 1 13 7 +2 6 3 6 10 2 +3 4 9 9 14 3 +3 5 4 12 13 8 +3 6 8 7 15 11 +3 8 10 10 16 12 +3 10 5 11 16 9 +4 5 6 9 15 6 +4 7 9 4 5 8 +5 8 6 16 10 13 +5 10 8 12 11 15 + +1 +3 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/154_3.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/154_3.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a38d03 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/154_3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +19 +0 1 4 4294967295 6 2 +0 3 2 3 7 4294967295 +0 4 11 0 13 4 +0 9 3 4 11 1 +0 11 9 2 17 3 +1 2 10 4294967295 7 6 +1 10 4 5 14 0 +2 3 10 1 8 5 +3 5 10 10 14 7 +3 6 11 11 17 12 +3 8 5 12 16 8 +3 9 6 3 17 9 +3 11 8 9 18 10 +4 5 11 14 15 2 +4 10 5 6 8 13 +5 7 11 16 18 13 +5 8 7 10 18 15 +6 9 11 11 4 9 +7 8 11 16 12 15 + +1 +3 11 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e35c6c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +59 +0 1 31 4294967295 8 3 +0 3 7 3 13 2 +0 7 2 1 9 4294967295 +0 31 3 0 14 1 +1 2 12 4294967295 10 5 +1 12 13 4 38 6 +1 13 14 5 40 7 +1 14 27 6 43 8 +1 27 31 7 57 0 +2 7 8 2 25 10 +2 8 12 9 26 4 +3 4 5 14 15 12 +3 5 6 11 18 13 +3 6 7 12 23 1 +3 31 4 3 17 11 +4 24 5 16 19 11 +4 25 24 17 55 15 +4 31 25 14 57 16 +5 23 6 19 22 12 +5 24 23 15 55 18 +6 21 28 21 50 23 +6 22 21 22 52 20 +6 23 22 18 53 21 +6 28 7 20 24 13 +7 28 30 23 58 25 +7 30 8 24 28 9 +8 9 12 27 30 10 +8 29 9 28 35 26 +8 30 29 25 58 27 +9 10 11 31 36 30 +9 11 12 29 38 26 +9 17 10 32 37 29 +9 18 17 33 48 31 +9 19 18 34 45 32 +9 20 19 35 46 33 +9 29 20 27 51 34 +10 16 11 37 39 29 +10 17 16 31 48 36 +11 13 12 39 5 30 +11 16 13 36 40 38 +13 16 14 39 42 6 +14 15 26 42 47 43 +14 16 15 40 44 41 +14 26 27 41 56 7 +15 16 18 42 48 45 +15 18 19 44 33 46 +15 19 20 45 34 47 +15 20 26 46 49 41 +16 17 18 37 32 44 +20 21 26 50 52 47 +20 28 21 51 20 49 +20 29 28 35 58 50 +21 22 26 21 54 49 +22 23 25 22 55 54 +22 25 26 53 56 52 +23 24 25 19 16 53 +25 27 26 57 43 54 +25 31 27 17 8 56 +28 29 30 51 28 24 + +29 +3 4 +3 31 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 31 +28 29 +28 30 +29 30 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b384f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +29 +0 28 1 4294967295 3 4294967295 +1 21 2 2 5 4294967295 +1 22 21 3 4294967295 1 +1 28 22 0 28 2 +2 20 3 5 8 4294967295 +2 21 20 1 4294967295 4 +3 18 25 7 25 9 +3 19 18 8 4294967295 6 +3 20 19 4 4294967295 7 +3 25 4 6 10 4294967295 +4 25 27 9 4294967295 11 +4 27 5 10 13 4294967295 +5 26 6 13 18 4294967295 +5 27 26 11 4294967295 12 +6 14 7 15 20 4294967295 +6 15 14 16 4294967295 14 +6 16 15 17 4294967295 15 +6 17 16 18 4294967295 16 +6 26 17 12 26 17 +7 13 8 20 22 4294967295 +7 14 13 14 4294967295 19 +8 10 9 22 4294967295 4294967295 +8 13 10 19 23 21 +10 13 11 22 24 4294967295 +11 13 12 23 4294967295 4294967295 +17 25 18 26 6 4294967295 +17 26 25 18 4294967295 25 +22 24 23 28 4294967295 4294967295 +22 28 24 3 4294967295 27 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f02b34e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +30 +0 28 1 4294967295 3 4294967295 +1 21 2 2 5 4294967295 +1 22 21 3 4294967295 1 +1 28 22 0 28 2 +2 20 3 5 8 4294967295 +2 21 20 1 4294967295 4 +3 18 25 7 25 9 +3 19 18 8 4294967295 6 +3 20 19 4 4294967295 7 +3 25 4 6 10 4294967295 +4 25 27 9 29 11 +4 27 5 10 13 4294967295 +5 26 6 13 18 4294967295 +5 27 26 11 29 12 +6 14 7 15 20 4294967295 +6 15 14 16 4294967295 14 +6 16 15 17 4294967295 15 +6 17 16 18 4294967295 16 +6 26 17 12 26 17 +7 13 8 20 22 4294967295 +7 14 13 14 4294967295 19 +8 10 9 22 4294967295 4294967295 +8 13 10 19 23 21 +10 13 11 22 24 4294967295 +11 13 12 23 4294967295 4294967295 +17 25 18 26 6 4294967295 +17 26 25 18 29 25 +22 24 23 28 4294967295 4294967295 +22 28 24 3 4294967295 27 +25 26 27 26 13 10 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..376c054 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +48 +0 1 2 3 4 1 +0 2 3 0 7 2 +0 3 4 1 12 4294967295 +0 28 1 4294967295 6 0 +1 21 2 5 8 0 +1 22 21 6 44 4 +1 28 22 3 46 5 +2 20 3 8 11 1 +2 21 20 4 44 7 +3 18 25 10 39 12 +3 19 18 11 41 9 +3 20 19 7 42 10 +3 25 4 9 13 2 +4 25 27 12 47 14 +4 27 5 13 17 4294967295 +5 6 9 16 19 4294967295 +5 26 6 17 24 15 +5 27 26 14 47 16 +6 7 8 20 25 19 +6 8 9 18 27 15 +6 14 7 21 26 18 +6 15 14 22 37 20 +6 16 15 23 34 21 +6 17 16 24 35 22 +6 26 17 16 40 23 +7 13 8 26 28 18 +7 14 13 20 37 25 +8 10 9 28 4294967295 19 +8 13 10 25 29 27 +10 13 11 28 31 4294967295 +11 12 23 31 36 32 +11 13 12 29 33 30 +11 23 24 30 45 4294967295 +12 13 15 31 37 34 +12 15 16 33 22 35 +12 16 17 34 23 36 +12 17 23 35 38 30 +13 14 15 26 21 33 +17 18 23 39 41 36 +17 25 18 40 9 38 +17 26 25 24 47 39 +18 19 23 10 43 38 +19 20 22 11 44 43 +19 22 23 42 45 41 +20 21 22 8 5 42 +22 24 23 46 32 43 +22 28 24 6 4294967295 45 +25 26 27 40 17 13 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e35c6c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +59 +0 1 31 4294967295 8 3 +0 3 7 3 13 2 +0 7 2 1 9 4294967295 +0 31 3 0 14 1 +1 2 12 4294967295 10 5 +1 12 13 4 38 6 +1 13 14 5 40 7 +1 14 27 6 43 8 +1 27 31 7 57 0 +2 7 8 2 25 10 +2 8 12 9 26 4 +3 4 5 14 15 12 +3 5 6 11 18 13 +3 6 7 12 23 1 +3 31 4 3 17 11 +4 24 5 16 19 11 +4 25 24 17 55 15 +4 31 25 14 57 16 +5 23 6 19 22 12 +5 24 23 15 55 18 +6 21 28 21 50 23 +6 22 21 22 52 20 +6 23 22 18 53 21 +6 28 7 20 24 13 +7 28 30 23 58 25 +7 30 8 24 28 9 +8 9 12 27 30 10 +8 29 9 28 35 26 +8 30 29 25 58 27 +9 10 11 31 36 30 +9 11 12 29 38 26 +9 17 10 32 37 29 +9 18 17 33 48 31 +9 19 18 34 45 32 +9 20 19 35 46 33 +9 29 20 27 51 34 +10 16 11 37 39 29 +10 17 16 31 48 36 +11 13 12 39 5 30 +11 16 13 36 40 38 +13 16 14 39 42 6 +14 15 26 42 47 43 +14 16 15 40 44 41 +14 26 27 41 56 7 +15 16 18 42 48 45 +15 18 19 44 33 46 +15 19 20 45 34 47 +15 20 26 46 49 41 +16 17 18 37 32 44 +20 21 26 50 52 47 +20 28 21 51 20 49 +20 29 28 35 58 50 +21 22 26 21 54 49 +22 23 25 22 55 54 +22 25 26 53 56 52 +23 24 25 19 16 53 +25 27 26 57 43 54 +25 31 27 17 8 56 +28 29 30 51 28 24 + +29 +3 4 +3 31 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 31 +28 29 +28 30 +29 30 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b384f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +29 +0 28 1 4294967295 3 4294967295 +1 21 2 2 5 4294967295 +1 22 21 3 4294967295 1 +1 28 22 0 28 2 +2 20 3 5 8 4294967295 +2 21 20 1 4294967295 4 +3 18 25 7 25 9 +3 19 18 8 4294967295 6 +3 20 19 4 4294967295 7 +3 25 4 6 10 4294967295 +4 25 27 9 4294967295 11 +4 27 5 10 13 4294967295 +5 26 6 13 18 4294967295 +5 27 26 11 4294967295 12 +6 14 7 15 20 4294967295 +6 15 14 16 4294967295 14 +6 16 15 17 4294967295 15 +6 17 16 18 4294967295 16 +6 26 17 12 26 17 +7 13 8 20 22 4294967295 +7 14 13 14 4294967295 19 +8 10 9 22 4294967295 4294967295 +8 13 10 19 23 21 +10 13 11 22 24 4294967295 +11 13 12 23 4294967295 4294967295 +17 25 18 26 6 4294967295 +17 26 25 18 4294967295 25 +22 24 23 28 4294967295 4294967295 +22 28 24 3 4294967295 27 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f02b34e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +30 +0 28 1 4294967295 3 4294967295 +1 21 2 2 5 4294967295 +1 22 21 3 4294967295 1 +1 28 22 0 28 2 +2 20 3 5 8 4294967295 +2 21 20 1 4294967295 4 +3 18 25 7 25 9 +3 19 18 8 4294967295 6 +3 20 19 4 4294967295 7 +3 25 4 6 10 4294967295 +4 25 27 9 29 11 +4 27 5 10 13 4294967295 +5 26 6 13 18 4294967295 +5 27 26 11 29 12 +6 14 7 15 20 4294967295 +6 15 14 16 4294967295 14 +6 16 15 17 4294967295 15 +6 17 16 18 4294967295 16 +6 26 17 12 26 17 +7 13 8 20 22 4294967295 +7 14 13 14 4294967295 19 +8 10 9 22 4294967295 4294967295 +8 13 10 19 23 21 +10 13 11 22 24 4294967295 +11 13 12 23 4294967295 4294967295 +17 25 18 26 6 4294967295 +17 26 25 18 29 25 +22 24 23 28 4294967295 4294967295 +22 28 24 3 4294967295 27 +25 26 27 26 13 10 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..376c054 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +48 +0 1 2 3 4 1 +0 2 3 0 7 2 +0 3 4 1 12 4294967295 +0 28 1 4294967295 6 0 +1 21 2 5 8 0 +1 22 21 6 44 4 +1 28 22 3 46 5 +2 20 3 8 11 1 +2 21 20 4 44 7 +3 18 25 10 39 12 +3 19 18 11 41 9 +3 20 19 7 42 10 +3 25 4 9 13 2 +4 25 27 12 47 14 +4 27 5 13 17 4294967295 +5 6 9 16 19 4294967295 +5 26 6 17 24 15 +5 27 26 14 47 16 +6 7 8 20 25 19 +6 8 9 18 27 15 +6 14 7 21 26 18 +6 15 14 22 37 20 +6 16 15 23 34 21 +6 17 16 24 35 22 +6 26 17 16 40 23 +7 13 8 26 28 18 +7 14 13 20 37 25 +8 10 9 28 4294967295 19 +8 13 10 25 29 27 +10 13 11 28 31 4294967295 +11 12 23 31 36 32 +11 13 12 29 33 30 +11 23 24 30 45 4294967295 +12 13 15 31 37 34 +12 15 16 33 22 35 +12 16 17 34 23 36 +12 17 23 35 38 30 +13 14 15 26 21 33 +17 18 23 39 41 36 +17 25 18 40 9 38 +17 26 25 24 47 39 +18 19 23 10 43 38 +19 20 22 11 44 43 +19 22 23 42 45 41 +20 21 22 8 5 42 +22 24 23 46 32 43 +22 28 24 6 4294967295 45 +25 26 27 40 17 13 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b770ef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +59 +0 1 13 4294967295 7 2 +0 3 2 5 8 4294967295 +0 13 14 0 40 3 +0 14 27 2 43 4 +0 27 31 3 57 5 +0 31 3 4 14 1 +1 2 12 4294967295 10 7 +1 12 13 6 38 0 +2 3 7 1 13 9 +2 7 8 8 25 10 +2 8 12 9 26 6 +3 4 5 14 15 12 +3 5 6 11 18 13 +3 6 7 12 23 8 +3 31 4 5 17 11 +4 24 5 16 19 11 +4 25 24 17 55 15 +4 31 25 14 57 16 +5 23 6 19 22 12 +5 24 23 15 55 18 +6 21 28 21 50 23 +6 22 21 22 52 20 +6 23 22 18 53 21 +6 28 7 20 24 13 +7 28 30 23 58 25 +7 30 8 24 28 9 +8 9 12 27 30 10 +8 29 9 28 35 26 +8 30 29 25 58 27 +9 10 11 31 36 30 +9 11 12 29 38 26 +9 17 10 32 37 29 +9 18 17 33 48 31 +9 19 18 34 45 32 +9 20 19 35 46 33 +9 29 20 27 51 34 +10 16 11 37 39 29 +10 17 16 31 48 36 +11 13 12 39 7 30 +11 16 13 36 40 38 +13 16 14 39 42 2 +14 15 26 42 47 43 +14 16 15 40 44 41 +14 26 27 41 56 3 +15 16 18 42 48 45 +15 18 19 44 33 46 +15 19 20 45 34 47 +15 20 26 46 49 41 +16 17 18 37 32 44 +20 21 26 50 52 47 +20 28 21 51 20 49 +20 29 28 35 58 50 +21 22 26 21 54 49 +22 23 25 22 55 54 +22 25 26 53 56 52 +23 24 25 19 16 53 +25 27 26 57 43 54 +25 31 27 17 4 56 +28 29 30 51 28 24 + +29 +3 4 +3 31 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 31 +28 29 +28 30 +29 30 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b384f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +29 +0 28 1 4294967295 3 4294967295 +1 21 2 2 5 4294967295 +1 22 21 3 4294967295 1 +1 28 22 0 28 2 +2 20 3 5 8 4294967295 +2 21 20 1 4294967295 4 +3 18 25 7 25 9 +3 19 18 8 4294967295 6 +3 20 19 4 4294967295 7 +3 25 4 6 10 4294967295 +4 25 27 9 4294967295 11 +4 27 5 10 13 4294967295 +5 26 6 13 18 4294967295 +5 27 26 11 4294967295 12 +6 14 7 15 20 4294967295 +6 15 14 16 4294967295 14 +6 16 15 17 4294967295 15 +6 17 16 18 4294967295 16 +6 26 17 12 26 17 +7 13 8 20 22 4294967295 +7 14 13 14 4294967295 19 +8 10 9 22 4294967295 4294967295 +8 13 10 19 23 21 +10 13 11 22 24 4294967295 +11 13 12 23 4294967295 4294967295 +17 25 18 26 6 4294967295 +17 26 25 18 4294967295 25 +22 24 23 28 4294967295 4294967295 +22 28 24 3 4294967295 27 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f02b34e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +30 +0 28 1 4294967295 3 4294967295 +1 21 2 2 5 4294967295 +1 22 21 3 4294967295 1 +1 28 22 0 28 2 +2 20 3 5 8 4294967295 +2 21 20 1 4294967295 4 +3 18 25 7 25 9 +3 19 18 8 4294967295 6 +3 20 19 4 4294967295 7 +3 25 4 6 10 4294967295 +4 25 27 9 29 11 +4 27 5 10 13 4294967295 +5 26 6 13 18 4294967295 +5 27 26 11 29 12 +6 14 7 15 20 4294967295 +6 15 14 16 4294967295 14 +6 16 15 17 4294967295 15 +6 17 16 18 4294967295 16 +6 26 17 12 26 17 +7 13 8 20 22 4294967295 +7 14 13 14 4294967295 19 +8 10 9 22 4294967295 4294967295 +8 13 10 19 23 21 +10 13 11 22 24 4294967295 +11 13 12 23 4294967295 4294967295 +17 25 18 26 6 4294967295 +17 26 25 18 29 25 +22 24 23 28 4294967295 4294967295 +22 28 24 3 4294967295 27 +25 26 27 26 13 10 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..376c054 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +48 +0 1 2 3 4 1 +0 2 3 0 7 2 +0 3 4 1 12 4294967295 +0 28 1 4294967295 6 0 +1 21 2 5 8 0 +1 22 21 6 44 4 +1 28 22 3 46 5 +2 20 3 8 11 1 +2 21 20 4 44 7 +3 18 25 10 39 12 +3 19 18 11 41 9 +3 20 19 7 42 10 +3 25 4 9 13 2 +4 25 27 12 47 14 +4 27 5 13 17 4294967295 +5 6 9 16 19 4294967295 +5 26 6 17 24 15 +5 27 26 14 47 16 +6 7 8 20 25 19 +6 8 9 18 27 15 +6 14 7 21 26 18 +6 15 14 22 37 20 +6 16 15 23 34 21 +6 17 16 24 35 22 +6 26 17 16 40 23 +7 13 8 26 28 18 +7 14 13 20 37 25 +8 10 9 28 4294967295 19 +8 13 10 25 29 27 +10 13 11 28 31 4294967295 +11 12 23 31 36 32 +11 13 12 29 33 30 +11 23 24 30 45 4294967295 +12 13 15 31 37 34 +12 15 16 33 22 35 +12 16 17 34 23 36 +12 17 23 35 38 30 +13 14 15 26 21 33 +17 18 23 39 41 36 +17 25 18 40 9 38 +17 26 25 24 47 39 +18 19 23 10 43 38 +19 20 22 11 44 43 +19 22 23 42 45 41 +20 21 22 8 5 42 +22 24 23 46 32 43 +22 28 24 6 4294967295 45 +25 26 27 40 17 13 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b770ef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +59 +0 1 13 4294967295 7 2 +0 3 2 5 8 4294967295 +0 13 14 0 40 3 +0 14 27 2 43 4 +0 27 31 3 57 5 +0 31 3 4 14 1 +1 2 12 4294967295 10 7 +1 12 13 6 38 0 +2 3 7 1 13 9 +2 7 8 8 25 10 +2 8 12 9 26 6 +3 4 5 14 15 12 +3 5 6 11 18 13 +3 6 7 12 23 8 +3 31 4 5 17 11 +4 24 5 16 19 11 +4 25 24 17 55 15 +4 31 25 14 57 16 +5 23 6 19 22 12 +5 24 23 15 55 18 +6 21 28 21 50 23 +6 22 21 22 52 20 +6 23 22 18 53 21 +6 28 7 20 24 13 +7 28 30 23 58 25 +7 30 8 24 28 9 +8 9 12 27 30 10 +8 29 9 28 35 26 +8 30 29 25 58 27 +9 10 11 31 36 30 +9 11 12 29 38 26 +9 17 10 32 37 29 +9 18 17 33 48 31 +9 19 18 34 45 32 +9 20 19 35 46 33 +9 29 20 27 51 34 +10 16 11 37 39 29 +10 17 16 31 48 36 +11 13 12 39 7 30 +11 16 13 36 40 38 +13 16 14 39 42 2 +14 15 26 42 47 43 +14 16 15 40 44 41 +14 26 27 41 56 3 +15 16 18 42 48 45 +15 18 19 44 33 46 +15 19 20 45 34 47 +15 20 26 46 49 41 +16 17 18 37 32 44 +20 21 26 50 52 47 +20 28 21 51 20 49 +20 29 28 35 58 50 +21 22 26 21 54 49 +22 23 25 22 55 54 +22 25 26 53 56 52 +23 24 25 19 16 53 +25 27 26 57 43 54 +25 31 27 17 4 56 +28 29 30 51 28 24 + +29 +3 4 +3 31 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 31 +28 29 +28 30 +29 30 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b384f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +29 +0 28 1 4294967295 3 4294967295 +1 21 2 2 5 4294967295 +1 22 21 3 4294967295 1 +1 28 22 0 28 2 +2 20 3 5 8 4294967295 +2 21 20 1 4294967295 4 +3 18 25 7 25 9 +3 19 18 8 4294967295 6 +3 20 19 4 4294967295 7 +3 25 4 6 10 4294967295 +4 25 27 9 4294967295 11 +4 27 5 10 13 4294967295 +5 26 6 13 18 4294967295 +5 27 26 11 4294967295 12 +6 14 7 15 20 4294967295 +6 15 14 16 4294967295 14 +6 16 15 17 4294967295 15 +6 17 16 18 4294967295 16 +6 26 17 12 26 17 +7 13 8 20 22 4294967295 +7 14 13 14 4294967295 19 +8 10 9 22 4294967295 4294967295 +8 13 10 19 23 21 +10 13 11 22 24 4294967295 +11 13 12 23 4294967295 4294967295 +17 25 18 26 6 4294967295 +17 26 25 18 4294967295 25 +22 24 23 28 4294967295 4294967295 +22 28 24 3 4294967295 27 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f02b34e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +30 +0 28 1 4294967295 3 4294967295 +1 21 2 2 5 4294967295 +1 22 21 3 4294967295 1 +1 28 22 0 28 2 +2 20 3 5 8 4294967295 +2 21 20 1 4294967295 4 +3 18 25 7 25 9 +3 19 18 8 4294967295 6 +3 20 19 4 4294967295 7 +3 25 4 6 10 4294967295 +4 25 27 9 29 11 +4 27 5 10 13 4294967295 +5 26 6 13 18 4294967295 +5 27 26 11 29 12 +6 14 7 15 20 4294967295 +6 15 14 16 4294967295 14 +6 16 15 17 4294967295 15 +6 17 16 18 4294967295 16 +6 26 17 12 26 17 +7 13 8 20 22 4294967295 +7 14 13 14 4294967295 19 +8 10 9 22 4294967295 4294967295 +8 13 10 19 23 21 +10 13 11 22 24 4294967295 +11 13 12 23 4294967295 4294967295 +17 25 18 26 6 4294967295 +17 26 25 18 29 25 +22 24 23 28 4294967295 4294967295 +22 28 24 3 4294967295 27 +25 26 27 26 13 10 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..376c054 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +48 +0 1 2 3 4 1 +0 2 3 0 7 2 +0 3 4 1 12 4294967295 +0 28 1 4294967295 6 0 +1 21 2 5 8 0 +1 22 21 6 44 4 +1 28 22 3 46 5 +2 20 3 8 11 1 +2 21 20 4 44 7 +3 18 25 10 39 12 +3 19 18 11 41 9 +3 20 19 7 42 10 +3 25 4 9 13 2 +4 25 27 12 47 14 +4 27 5 13 17 4294967295 +5 6 9 16 19 4294967295 +5 26 6 17 24 15 +5 27 26 14 47 16 +6 7 8 20 25 19 +6 8 9 18 27 15 +6 14 7 21 26 18 +6 15 14 22 37 20 +6 16 15 23 34 21 +6 17 16 24 35 22 +6 26 17 16 40 23 +7 13 8 26 28 18 +7 14 13 20 37 25 +8 10 9 28 4294967295 19 +8 13 10 25 29 27 +10 13 11 28 31 4294967295 +11 12 23 31 36 32 +11 13 12 29 33 30 +11 23 24 30 45 4294967295 +12 13 15 31 37 34 +12 15 16 33 22 35 +12 16 17 34 23 36 +12 17 23 35 38 30 +13 14 15 26 21 33 +17 18 23 39 41 36 +17 25 18 40 9 38 +17 26 25 24 47 39 +18 19 23 10 43 38 +19 20 22 11 44 43 +19 22 23 42 45 41 +20 21 22 8 5 42 +22 24 23 46 32 43 +22 28 24 6 4294967295 45 +25 26 27 40 17 13 + +29 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 27 +26 27 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8edb7ae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Capital A__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +31 +0 28 1 4294967295 3 4294967295 +1 21 2 2 5 4294967295 +1 22 21 3 4294967295 1 +1 28 22 0 28 2 +2 20 3 5 8 4294967295 +2 21 20 1 4294967295 4 +3 18 25 7 25 9 +3 19 18 8 4294967295 6 +3 20 19 4 4294967295 7 +3 25 29 6 29 4294967295 +4 27 5 11 13 4294967295 +4 29 27 4294967295 30 10 +5 26 6 13 18 4294967295 +5 27 26 10 4294967295 12 +6 14 7 15 20 4294967295 +6 15 14 16 4294967295 14 +6 16 15 17 4294967295 15 +6 17 16 18 4294967295 16 +6 26 17 12 26 17 +7 13 8 20 22 4294967295 +7 14 13 14 4294967295 19 +8 10 9 22 4294967295 4294967295 +8 13 10 19 23 21 +10 13 11 22 24 4294967295 +11 13 12 23 4294967295 4294967295 +17 25 18 26 6 4294967295 +17 26 25 18 4294967295 25 +22 24 23 28 4294967295 4294967295 +22 28 24 3 4294967295 27 +25 30 29 4294967295 30 9 +27 29 30 11 29 4294967295 + +31 +0 1 +0 28 +1 2 +2 3 +3 29 +4 5 +4 29 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +25 30 +26 27 +27 30 + +0 + +4 +3 29 + 1 + 3 4 +4 29 + 1 + 3 4 +25 30 + 1 + 25 27 +27 30 + 1 + 25 27 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e2724c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +27 +0 1 11 4294967295 5 3 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 8 1 +0 11 4 0 15 2 +1 2 12 4294967295 7 5 +1 12 11 4 24 0 +2 3 13 1 12 7 +2 13 12 6 25 4 +3 4 5 2 14 9 +3 5 7 8 16 10 +3 7 12 9 20 11 +3 12 15 10 25 13 +3 14 13 13 26 6 +3 15 14 11 26 12 +4 6 5 15 16 8 +4 11 6 3 19 14 +5 6 7 14 18 9 +6 8 9 19 21 18 +6 9 7 17 20 16 +6 11 8 15 22 17 +7 9 12 18 23 10 +8 10 9 22 23 17 +8 11 10 19 24 21 +9 10 12 21 24 20 +10 11 12 22 5 23 +12 13 15 7 26 11 +13 14 15 12 13 25 + +9 +3 4 +3 12 +4 5 +5 6 +6 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b478b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +9 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 4 0 3 2 +0 4 9 1 6 4294967295 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 1 +3 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +3 6 4 4 6 3 +4 6 9 5 7 2 +6 7 9 4294967295 8 6 +7 8 9 4294967295 4294967295 7 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b478b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +9 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 4 0 3 2 +0 4 9 1 6 4294967295 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 1 +3 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +3 6 4 4 6 3 +4 6 9 5 7 2 +6 7 9 4294967295 8 6 +7 8 9 4294967295 4294967295 7 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1df7ea0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +19 +0 1 2 4294967295 6 1 +0 2 4 0 8 2 +0 4 9 1 12 3 +0 9 12 2 17 5 +0 11 10 5 18 4294967295 +0 12 11 3 18 4 +1 3 2 7 8 0 +1 8 3 4294967295 11 6 +2 3 4 6 10 1 +3 5 6 11 13 10 +3 6 4 9 12 8 +3 8 5 7 14 9 +4 6 9 10 15 2 +5 7 6 14 15 9 +5 8 7 11 16 13 +6 7 9 13 16 12 +7 8 9 14 4294967295 15 +9 10 12 4294967295 18 3 +10 11 12 4 5 17 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e2724c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +27 +0 1 11 4294967295 5 3 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 8 1 +0 11 4 0 15 2 +1 2 12 4294967295 7 5 +1 12 11 4 24 0 +2 3 13 1 12 7 +2 13 12 6 25 4 +3 4 5 2 14 9 +3 5 7 8 16 10 +3 7 12 9 20 11 +3 12 15 10 25 13 +3 14 13 13 26 6 +3 15 14 11 26 12 +4 6 5 15 16 8 +4 11 6 3 19 14 +5 6 7 14 18 9 +6 8 9 19 21 18 +6 9 7 17 20 16 +6 11 8 15 22 17 +7 9 12 18 23 10 +8 10 9 22 23 17 +8 11 10 19 24 21 +9 10 12 21 24 20 +10 11 12 22 5 23 +12 13 15 7 26 11 +13 14 15 12 13 25 + +9 +3 4 +3 12 +4 5 +5 6 +6 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b478b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +9 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 4 0 3 2 +0 4 9 1 6 4294967295 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 1 +3 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +3 6 4 4 6 3 +4 6 9 5 7 2 +6 7 9 4294967295 8 6 +7 8 9 4294967295 4294967295 7 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b478b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +9 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 4 0 3 2 +0 4 9 1 6 4294967295 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 1 +3 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +3 6 4 4 6 3 +4 6 9 5 7 2 +6 7 9 4294967295 8 6 +7 8 9 4294967295 4294967295 7 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1df7ea0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +19 +0 1 2 4294967295 6 1 +0 2 4 0 8 2 +0 4 9 1 12 3 +0 9 12 2 17 5 +0 11 10 5 18 4294967295 +0 12 11 3 18 4 +1 3 2 7 8 0 +1 8 3 4294967295 11 6 +2 3 4 6 10 1 +3 5 6 11 13 10 +3 6 4 9 12 8 +3 8 5 7 14 9 +4 6 9 10 15 2 +5 7 6 14 15 9 +5 8 7 11 16 13 +6 7 9 13 16 12 +7 8 9 14 4294967295 15 +9 10 12 4294967295 18 3 +10 11 12 4 5 17 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e2724c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +27 +0 1 11 4294967295 5 3 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 8 1 +0 11 4 0 15 2 +1 2 12 4294967295 7 5 +1 12 11 4 24 0 +2 3 13 1 12 7 +2 13 12 6 25 4 +3 4 5 2 14 9 +3 5 7 8 16 10 +3 7 12 9 20 11 +3 12 15 10 25 13 +3 14 13 13 26 6 +3 15 14 11 26 12 +4 6 5 15 16 8 +4 11 6 3 19 14 +5 6 7 14 18 9 +6 8 9 19 21 18 +6 9 7 17 20 16 +6 11 8 15 22 17 +7 9 12 18 23 10 +8 10 9 22 23 17 +8 11 10 19 24 21 +9 10 12 21 24 20 +10 11 12 22 5 23 +12 13 15 7 26 11 +13 14 15 12 13 25 + +9 +3 4 +3 12 +4 5 +5 6 +6 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b478b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +9 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 4 0 3 2 +0 4 9 1 6 4294967295 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 1 +3 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +3 6 4 4 6 3 +4 6 9 5 7 2 +6 7 9 4294967295 8 6 +7 8 9 4294967295 4294967295 7 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b478b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +9 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 4 0 3 2 +0 4 9 1 6 4294967295 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 1 +3 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +3 6 4 4 6 3 +4 6 9 5 7 2 +6 7 9 4294967295 8 6 +7 8 9 4294967295 4294967295 7 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1df7ea0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +19 +0 1 2 4294967295 6 1 +0 2 4 0 8 2 +0 4 9 1 12 3 +0 9 12 2 17 5 +0 11 10 5 18 4294967295 +0 12 11 3 18 4 +1 3 2 7 8 0 +1 8 3 4294967295 11 6 +2 3 4 6 10 1 +3 5 6 11 13 10 +3 6 4 9 12 8 +3 8 5 7 14 9 +4 6 9 10 15 2 +5 7 6 14 15 9 +5 8 7 11 16 13 +6 7 9 13 16 12 +7 8 9 14 4294967295 15 +9 10 12 4294967295 18 3 +10 11 12 4 5 17 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e2724c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +27 +0 1 11 4294967295 5 3 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 8 1 +0 11 4 0 15 2 +1 2 12 4294967295 7 5 +1 12 11 4 24 0 +2 3 13 1 12 7 +2 13 12 6 25 4 +3 4 5 2 14 9 +3 5 7 8 16 10 +3 7 12 9 20 11 +3 12 15 10 25 13 +3 14 13 13 26 6 +3 15 14 11 26 12 +4 6 5 15 16 8 +4 11 6 3 19 14 +5 6 7 14 18 9 +6 8 9 19 21 18 +6 9 7 17 20 16 +6 11 8 15 22 17 +7 9 12 18 23 10 +8 10 9 22 23 17 +8 11 10 19 24 21 +9 10 12 21 24 20 +10 11 12 22 5 23 +12 13 15 7 26 11 +13 14 15 12 13 25 + +9 +3 4 +3 12 +4 5 +5 6 +6 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b478b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +9 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 4 0 3 2 +0 4 9 1 6 4294967295 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 1 +3 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +3 6 4 4 6 3 +4 6 9 5 7 2 +6 7 9 4294967295 8 6 +7 8 9 4294967295 4294967295 7 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b478b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +9 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 4 0 3 2 +0 4 9 1 6 4294967295 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 1 +3 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +3 6 4 4 6 3 +4 6 9 5 7 2 +6 7 9 4294967295 8 6 +7 8 9 4294967295 4294967295 7 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1df7ea0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +19 +0 1 2 4294967295 6 1 +0 2 4 0 8 2 +0 4 9 1 12 3 +0 9 12 2 17 5 +0 11 10 5 18 4294967295 +0 12 11 3 18 4 +1 3 2 7 8 0 +1 8 3 4294967295 11 6 +2 3 4 6 10 1 +3 5 6 11 13 10 +3 6 4 9 12 8 +3 8 5 7 14 9 +4 6 9 10 15 2 +5 7 6 14 15 9 +5 8 7 11 16 13 +6 7 9 13 16 12 +7 8 9 14 4294967295 15 +9 10 12 4294967295 18 3 +10 11 12 4 5 17 + +9 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..240ff92 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging2__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +17 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 16 0 2 4294967295 +2 13 16 4294967295 15 1 +3 4 18 7 8 6 +3 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +3 6 20 4 11 7 +3 18 13 3 16 4294967295 +3 20 4 5 9 3 +4 15 18 9 4294967295 3 +4 20 15 7 4294967295 8 +6 7 19 4294967295 12 11 +6 19 20 10 4294967295 5 +7 9 19 13 4294967295 10 +7 14 9 4294967295 14 12 +8 9 14 4294967295 13 4294967295 +13 17 16 16 4294967295 2 +13 18 17 6 4294967295 15 + +17 +0 1 +0 16 +1 2 +2 13 +3 5 +3 13 +5 6 +6 7 +7 14 +8 9 +8 14 +9 19 +15 18 +15 20 +16 17 +17 18 +19 20 + +0 + +11 +0 16 + 1 + 0 9 +2 13 + 1 + 2 3 +3 13 + 1 + 2 3 +7 14 + 1 + 7 8 +8 14 + 1 + 7 8 +9 19 + 1 + 0 9 +15 18 + 1 + 0 9 +15 20 + 1 + 0 9 +16 17 + 1 + 0 9 +17 18 + 1 + 0 9 +19 20 + 1 + 0 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/HangingIntersection__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/HangingIntersection__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a2c4cc --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/HangingIntersection__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +17 +0 1 6 4294967295 5 3 +0 3 2 2 7 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 9 1 +0 6 4 0 12 2 +1 2 8 4294967295 8 6 +1 7 6 6 14 0 +1 8 7 4 15 5 +2 3 9 1 10 8 +2 9 8 7 16 4 +3 4 10 2 12 11 +3 5 9 11 13 7 +3 10 5 9 13 10 +4 6 10 3 14 9 +5 10 9 11 16 10 +6 7 10 5 15 12 +7 8 10 6 16 14 +8 9 10 8 13 15 + +4 +3 10 +6 10 +7 10 +8 10 + +0 + +4 +3 10 + 1 + 3 7 +6 10 + 1 + 6 8 +7 10 + 1 + 3 7 +8 10 + 1 + 6 8 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19e0efb --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +15 +0 1 7 4294967295 6 4 +0 3 2 2 7 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 9 1 +0 6 4 4 12 2 +0 7 6 0 12 3 +1 2 8 4294967295 8 6 +1 8 7 5 14 0 +2 3 9 1 10 8 +2 9 8 7 14 5 +3 4 7 2 12 11 +3 5 9 11 13 7 +3 7 5 9 13 10 +4 6 7 3 4 9 +5 7 9 11 14 10 +7 8 9 6 8 13 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72e18e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +6 +0 1 4 4294967295 3 2 +0 2 6 2 4 4294967295 +0 4 2 0 4 1 +1 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 0 +2 4 6 2 5 1 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 4 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19e0efb --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +15 +0 1 7 4294967295 6 4 +0 3 2 2 7 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 9 1 +0 6 4 4 12 2 +0 7 6 0 12 3 +1 2 8 4294967295 8 6 +1 8 7 5 14 0 +2 3 9 1 10 8 +2 9 8 7 14 5 +3 4 7 2 12 11 +3 5 9 11 13 7 +3 7 5 9 13 10 +4 6 7 3 4 9 +5 7 9 11 14 10 +7 8 9 6 8 13 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72e18e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +6 +0 1 4 4294967295 3 2 +0 2 6 2 4 4294967295 +0 4 2 0 4 1 +1 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 0 +2 4 6 2 5 1 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 4 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c894e6d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +15 +0 1 6 4294967295 5 3 +0 3 2 2 7 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 9 1 +0 6 4 0 12 2 +1 2 8 4294967295 8 6 +1 7 6 6 12 0 +1 8 7 4 14 5 +2 3 9 1 10 8 +2 9 8 7 14 4 +3 4 7 2 12 11 +3 5 9 11 13 7 +3 7 5 9 13 10 +4 6 7 3 5 9 +5 7 9 11 14 10 +7 8 9 6 8 13 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72e18e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +6 +0 1 4 4294967295 3 2 +0 2 6 2 4 4294967295 +0 4 2 0 4 1 +1 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 0 +2 4 6 2 5 1 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 4 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c894e6d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +15 +0 1 6 4294967295 5 3 +0 3 2 2 7 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 9 1 +0 6 4 0 12 2 +1 2 8 4294967295 8 6 +1 7 6 6 12 0 +1 8 7 4 14 5 +2 3 9 1 10 8 +2 9 8 7 14 4 +3 4 7 2 12 11 +3 5 9 11 13 7 +3 7 5 9 13 10 +4 6 7 3 5 9 +5 7 9 11 14 10 +7 8 9 6 8 13 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72e18e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Hanging__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +6 +0 1 4 4294967295 3 2 +0 2 6 2 4 4294967295 +0 4 2 0 4 1 +1 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 0 +2 4 6 2 5 1 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 4 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..187a7da --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +17 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 10 2 11 3 +0 4 3 0 9 1 +0 10 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 8 7 +1 5 4 6 12 0 +1 8 5 7 14 5 +1 9 8 4 15 6 +2 10 9 3 16 4 +3 4 6 2 12 10 +3 6 7 9 13 11 +3 7 10 10 16 1 +4 5 6 5 13 9 +5 7 6 14 10 12 +5 8 7 6 15 13 +7 8 9 14 7 16 +7 9 10 15 8 11 + +8 +3 4 +3 10 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..710ce2d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +6 +0 1 3 4294967295 3 1 +0 3 4 0 4294967295 2 +0 4 7 1 5 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +4 6 7 4 4294967295 2 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..710ce2d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +6 +0 1 3 4294967295 3 1 +0 3 4 0 4294967295 2 +0 4 7 1 5 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +4 6 7 4 4294967295 2 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d59d300 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +8 +0 1 3 4294967295 3 1 +0 3 4 0 4 2 +0 4 7 1 7 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4 0 +2 4 3 5 1 3 +2 5 4 4294967295 6 4 +4 5 6 5 4294967295 7 +4 6 7 6 4294967295 2 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..187a7da --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +17 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 10 2 11 3 +0 4 3 0 9 1 +0 10 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 8 7 +1 5 4 6 12 0 +1 8 5 7 14 5 +1 9 8 4 15 6 +2 10 9 3 16 4 +3 4 6 2 12 10 +3 6 7 9 13 11 +3 7 10 10 16 1 +4 5 6 5 13 9 +5 7 6 14 10 12 +5 8 7 6 15 13 +7 8 9 14 7 16 +7 9 10 15 8 11 + +8 +3 4 +3 10 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..710ce2d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +6 +0 1 3 4294967295 3 1 +0 3 4 0 4294967295 2 +0 4 7 1 5 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +4 6 7 4 4294967295 2 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git 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+ +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fe8e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +17 +0 1 3 4294967295 4 1 +0 3 10 0 10 2 +0 10 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 8 7 +1 4 3 5 9 0 +1 5 4 6 11 4 +1 8 5 7 12 5 +1 9 8 3 15 6 +2 10 9 2 16 3 +3 4 6 4 11 10 +3 6 10 9 13 1 +4 5 6 5 12 9 +5 8 6 6 14 11 +6 7 10 14 16 10 +6 8 7 12 15 13 +7 8 9 14 7 16 +7 9 10 15 8 13 + +8 +3 4 +3 10 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c73e41 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +6 +0 1 3 4294967295 2 1 +0 3 7 0 3 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 +3 4 7 4294967295 5 1 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +4 6 7 4 4294967295 3 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c73e41 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +6 +0 1 3 4294967295 2 1 +0 3 7 0 3 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 +3 4 7 4294967295 5 1 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +4 6 7 4 4294967295 3 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecc6694 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +8 +0 1 3 4294967295 2 1 +0 3 7 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 3 0 +2 5 3 4294967295 5 2 +3 4 7 5 7 1 +3 5 4 3 6 4 +4 5 6 5 4294967295 7 +4 6 7 6 4294967295 4 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fe8e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +17 +0 1 3 4294967295 4 1 +0 3 10 0 10 2 +0 10 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 8 7 +1 4 3 5 9 0 +1 5 4 6 11 4 +1 8 5 7 12 5 +1 9 8 3 15 6 +2 10 9 2 16 3 +3 4 6 4 11 10 +3 6 10 9 13 1 +4 5 6 5 12 9 +5 8 6 6 14 11 +6 7 10 14 16 10 +6 8 7 12 15 13 +7 8 9 14 7 16 +7 9 10 15 8 13 + +8 +3 4 +3 10 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c73e41 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +6 +0 1 3 4294967295 2 1 +0 3 7 0 3 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 +3 4 7 4294967295 5 1 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +4 6 7 4 4294967295 3 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c73e41 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +6 +0 1 3 4294967295 2 1 +0 3 7 0 3 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 +3 4 7 4294967295 5 1 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 5 +4 6 7 4 4294967295 3 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecc6694 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/Letter u__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +8 +0 1 3 4294967295 2 1 +0 3 7 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 3 0 +2 5 3 4294967295 5 2 +3 4 7 5 7 1 +3 5 4 3 6 4 +4 5 6 5 4294967295 7 +4 6 7 6 4294967295 4 + +8 +0 1 +0 7 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..213be1e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +41 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 6 2 8 3 +0 4 3 0 7 1 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 9 0 +2 6 5 3 16 4 +3 4 14 2 10 8 +3 14 6 7 20 1 +4 5 13 5 16 13 +4 7 14 14 20 7 +4 8 15 12 21 14 +4 9 8 15 18 11 +4 13 18 9 36 15 +4 15 7 11 17 10 +4 18 9 13 24 12 +5 6 13 6 22 9 +6 7 15 20 14 21 +6 8 9 21 12 19 +6 9 22 18 23 22 +6 14 7 8 10 17 +6 15 8 17 11 18 +6 22 13 19 37 16 +9 10 22 24 25 19 +9 18 10 15 26 23 +10 11 22 27 31 23 +10 18 19 24 38 27 +10 19 11 26 29 25 +11 16 21 30 35 31 +11 19 20 27 39 30 +11 20 16 29 32 28 +11 21 22 28 40 25 +12 16 20 35 30 34 +12 17 21 34 40 35 +12 20 17 32 39 33 +12 21 16 33 28 32 +13 17 18 37 38 13 +13 22 17 22 40 36 +17 19 18 39 26 36 +17 20 19 34 29 38 +17 22 21 37 31 33 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1e4d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +34 +0 1 11 4294967295 3 1 +0 11 3 0 13 4294967295 +1 2 10 4294967295 9 6 +1 4 11 7 13 0 +1 5 12 5 14 7 +1 6 5 8 11 4 +1 10 15 2 29 8 +1 12 4 4 10 3 +1 15 6 6 17 5 +2 3 10 4294967295 15 2 +3 4 12 13 7 14 +3 5 6 14 5 12 +3 6 19 11 16 15 +3 11 4 1 3 10 +3 12 5 10 4 11 +3 19 10 12 30 9 +6 7 19 17 18 12 +6 15 7 8 19 16 +7 8 19 20 24 16 +7 15 16 17 31 20 +7 16 8 19 22 18 +8 13 18 23 28 24 +8 16 17 20 32 23 +8 17 13 22 25 21 +8 18 19 21 33 18 +9 13 17 28 23 27 +9 14 18 27 33 28 +9 17 14 25 32 26 +9 18 13 26 21 25 +10 14 15 30 31 6 +10 19 14 15 33 29 +14 16 15 32 19 29 +14 17 16 27 22 31 +14 19 18 30 24 26 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..213be1e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +41 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 6 2 8 3 +0 4 3 0 7 1 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 9 0 +2 6 5 3 16 4 +3 4 14 2 10 8 +3 14 6 7 20 1 +4 5 13 5 16 13 +4 7 14 14 20 7 +4 8 15 12 21 14 +4 9 8 15 18 11 +4 13 18 9 36 15 +4 15 7 11 17 10 +4 18 9 13 24 12 +5 6 13 6 22 9 +6 7 15 20 14 21 +6 8 9 21 12 19 +6 9 22 18 23 22 +6 14 7 8 10 17 +6 15 8 17 11 18 +6 22 13 19 37 16 +9 10 22 24 25 19 +9 18 10 15 26 23 +10 11 22 27 31 23 +10 18 19 24 38 27 +10 19 11 26 29 25 +11 16 21 30 35 31 +11 19 20 27 39 30 +11 20 16 29 32 28 +11 21 22 28 40 25 +12 16 20 35 30 34 +12 17 21 34 40 35 +12 20 17 32 39 33 +12 21 16 33 28 32 +13 17 18 37 38 13 +13 22 17 22 40 36 +17 19 18 39 26 36 +17 20 19 34 29 38 +17 22 21 37 31 33 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1e4d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +34 +0 1 11 4294967295 3 1 +0 11 3 0 13 4294967295 +1 2 10 4294967295 9 6 +1 4 11 7 13 0 +1 5 12 5 14 7 +1 6 5 8 11 4 +1 10 15 2 29 8 +1 12 4 4 10 3 +1 15 6 6 17 5 +2 3 10 4294967295 15 2 +3 4 12 13 7 14 +3 5 6 14 5 12 +3 6 19 11 16 15 +3 11 4 1 3 10 +3 12 5 10 4 11 +3 19 10 12 30 9 +6 7 19 17 18 12 +6 15 7 8 19 16 +7 8 19 20 24 16 +7 15 16 17 31 20 +7 16 8 19 22 18 +8 13 18 23 28 24 +8 16 17 20 32 23 +8 17 13 22 25 21 +8 18 19 21 33 18 +9 13 17 28 23 27 +9 14 18 27 33 28 +9 17 14 25 32 26 +9 18 13 26 21 25 +10 14 15 30 31 6 +10 19 14 15 33 29 +14 16 15 32 19 29 +14 17 16 27 22 31 +14 19 18 30 24 26 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..baaa662 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +41 +0 1 3 4294967295 4 1 +0 3 6 0 8 2 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 4 3 5 7 0 +1 5 4 3 9 4 +2 6 5 2 16 3 +3 4 14 4 10 8 +3 14 6 7 20 1 +4 5 13 5 16 13 +4 7 14 14 20 7 +4 8 15 12 21 14 +4 9 8 15 18 11 +4 13 18 9 36 15 +4 15 7 11 17 10 +4 18 9 13 24 12 +5 6 13 6 22 9 +6 7 15 20 14 21 +6 8 9 21 12 19 +6 9 22 18 23 22 +6 14 7 8 10 17 +6 15 8 17 11 18 +6 22 13 19 37 16 +9 10 22 24 25 19 +9 18 10 15 26 23 +10 11 22 27 31 23 +10 18 19 24 38 27 +10 19 11 26 29 25 +11 16 21 30 35 31 +11 19 20 27 39 30 +11 20 16 29 32 28 +11 21 22 28 40 25 +12 16 20 35 30 34 +12 17 21 34 40 35 +12 20 17 32 39 33 +12 21 16 33 28 32 +13 17 18 37 38 13 +13 22 17 22 40 36 +17 19 18 39 26 36 +17 20 19 34 29 38 +17 22 21 37 31 33 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1e4d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +34 +0 1 11 4294967295 3 1 +0 11 3 0 13 4294967295 +1 2 10 4294967295 9 6 +1 4 11 7 13 0 +1 5 12 5 14 7 +1 6 5 8 11 4 +1 10 15 2 29 8 +1 12 4 4 10 3 +1 15 6 6 17 5 +2 3 10 4294967295 15 2 +3 4 12 13 7 14 +3 5 6 14 5 12 +3 6 19 11 16 15 +3 11 4 1 3 10 +3 12 5 10 4 11 +3 19 10 12 30 9 +6 7 19 17 18 12 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22 24 25 19 +9 18 10 15 26 23 +10 11 22 27 31 23 +10 18 19 24 38 27 +10 19 11 26 29 25 +11 16 21 30 35 31 +11 19 20 27 39 30 +11 20 16 29 32 28 +11 21 22 28 40 25 +12 16 20 35 30 34 +12 17 21 34 40 35 +12 20 17 32 39 33 +12 21 16 33 28 32 +13 17 18 37 38 13 +13 22 17 22 40 36 +17 19 18 39 26 36 +17 20 19 34 29 38 +17 22 21 37 31 33 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1e4d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/OnEdge__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +34 +0 1 11 4294967295 3 1 +0 11 3 0 13 4294967295 +1 2 10 4294967295 9 6 +1 4 11 7 13 0 +1 5 12 5 14 7 +1 6 5 8 11 4 +1 10 15 2 29 8 +1 12 4 4 10 3 +1 15 6 6 17 5 +2 3 10 4294967295 15 2 +3 4 12 13 7 14 +3 5 6 14 5 12 +3 6 19 11 16 15 +3 11 4 1 3 10 +3 12 5 10 4 11 +3 19 10 12 30 9 +6 7 19 17 18 12 +6 15 7 8 19 16 +7 8 19 20 24 16 +7 15 16 17 31 20 +7 16 8 19 22 18 +8 13 18 23 28 24 +8 16 17 20 32 23 +8 17 13 22 25 21 +8 18 19 21 33 18 +9 13 17 28 23 27 +9 14 18 27 33 28 +9 17 14 25 32 26 +9 18 13 26 21 25 +10 14 15 30 31 6 +10 19 14 15 33 29 +14 16 15 32 19 29 +14 17 16 27 22 31 +14 19 18 30 24 26 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1921ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +17 +0 1 10 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 10 3 0 12 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 8 4 +1 7 8 3 15 5 +1 8 10 4 16 0 +2 3 4 1 9 7 +2 4 6 6 13 8 +2 6 7 7 14 3 +3 5 4 10 13 6 +3 7 5 11 14 9 +3 9 7 12 15 10 +3 10 9 2 16 11 +4 5 6 9 14 7 +5 7 6 10 8 13 +7 9 8 11 16 4 +8 9 10 15 12 5 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2bf733 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +8 +0 2 1 1 4 4294967295 +0 4 2 2 5 0 +0 6 4 3 6 1 +0 7 6 4294967295 7 2 +1 2 3 0 5 4294967295 +2 4 3 1 4294967295 4 +4 6 5 2 7 4294967295 +5 6 7 6 3 4294967295 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1921ca2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +17 +0 1 10 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 10 3 0 12 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 8 4 +1 7 8 3 15 5 +1 8 10 4 16 0 +2 3 4 1 9 7 +2 4 6 6 13 8 +2 6 7 7 14 3 +3 5 4 10 13 6 +3 7 5 11 14 9 +3 9 7 12 15 10 +3 10 9 2 16 11 +4 5 6 9 14 7 +5 7 6 10 8 13 +7 9 8 11 16 4 +8 9 10 15 12 5 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2bf733 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +8 +0 2 1 1 4 4294967295 +0 4 2 2 5 0 +0 6 4 3 6 1 +0 7 6 4294967295 7 2 +1 2 3 0 5 4294967295 +2 4 3 1 4294967295 4 +4 6 5 2 7 4294967295 +5 6 7 6 3 4294967295 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e31f90 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +17 +0 1 7 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 2 4 6 4294967295 +0 7 8 0 15 3 +0 8 10 2 16 4 +0 10 3 3 12 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 8 0 +2 3 4 1 9 7 +2 4 6 6 13 8 +2 6 7 7 14 5 +3 5 4 10 13 6 +3 7 5 11 14 9 +3 9 7 12 15 10 +3 10 9 4 16 11 +4 5 6 9 14 7 +5 7 6 10 8 13 +7 9 8 11 16 2 +8 9 10 15 12 3 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2bf733 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +8 +0 2 1 1 4 4294967295 +0 4 2 2 5 0 +0 6 4 3 6 1 +0 7 6 4294967295 7 2 +1 2 3 0 5 4294967295 +2 4 3 1 4294967295 4 +4 6 5 2 7 4294967295 +5 6 7 6 3 4294967295 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e31f90 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +17 +0 1 7 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 2 4 6 4294967295 +0 7 8 0 15 3 +0 8 10 2 16 4 +0 10 3 3 12 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 8 0 +2 3 4 1 9 7 +2 4 6 6 13 8 +2 6 7 7 14 5 +3 5 4 10 13 6 +3 7 5 11 14 9 +3 9 7 12 15 10 +3 10 9 4 16 11 +4 5 6 9 14 7 +5 7 6 10 8 13 +7 9 8 11 16 2 +8 9 10 15 12 3 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2bf733 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +8 +0 2 1 1 4 4294967295 +0 4 2 2 5 0 +0 6 4 3 6 1 +0 7 6 4294967295 7 2 +1 2 3 0 5 4294967295 +2 4 3 1 4294967295 4 +4 6 5 2 7 4294967295 +5 6 7 6 3 4294967295 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05e9935 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ProblematicCase1__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +0 + +6 +0 9 +4 11 +8 10 +8 12 +9 10 +11 12 + +0 + +6 +0 9 + 1 + 0 4 +4 11 + 1 + 0 4 +8 10 + 1 + 0 4 +8 12 + 1 + 0 4 +9 10 + 1 + 0 4 +11 12 + 1 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40dc852 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +203 +0 1 59 4294967295 12 10 +0 10 2 2 22 4294967295 +0 11 10 3 38 1 +0 12 11 4 40 2 +0 13 12 5 42 3 +0 14 13 6 44 4 +0 15 14 7 46 5 +0 16 15 8 48 6 +0 17 16 9 50 7 +0 18 17 10 52 8 +0 59 18 0 56 9 +1 2 65 4294967295 23 14 +1 63 59 13 142 0 +1 64 63 14 146 12 +1 65 64 11 147 13 +2 3 51 16 26 23 +2 4 3 17 24 15 +2 5 4 18 27 16 +2 6 5 19 29 17 +2 7 6 20 31 18 +2 8 7 21 32 19 +2 9 8 22 34 20 +2 10 9 1 36 21 +2 51 65 15 108 11 +3 4 41 16 28 25 +3 41 42 24 92 26 +3 42 51 25 93 15 +4 5 40 17 30 28 +4 40 41 27 92 24 +5 6 39 18 31 30 +5 39 40 29 90 27 +6 7 39 19 33 29 +7 8 38 20 35 33 +7 38 39 32 90 31 +8 9 37 21 37 35 +8 37 38 34 89 32 +9 10 36 22 39 37 +9 36 37 36 87 34 +10 11 35 2 41 39 +10 35 36 38 86 36 +11 12 34 3 43 41 +11 34 35 40 82 38 +12 13 33 4 45 43 +12 33 34 42 77 40 +13 14 32 5 47 45 +13 32 33 44 76 42 +14 15 31 6 49 47 +14 31 32 46 81 44 +15 16 30 7 51 49 +15 30 31 48 80 46 +16 17 29 8 53 51 +16 29 30 50 80 48 +17 18 28 9 55 53 +17 28 29 52 79 50 +18 19 27 56 57 55 +18 27 28 54 75 52 +18 59 19 10 58 54 +19 20 27 59 62 54 +19 59 70 56 141 60 +19 69 20 60 63 57 +19 70 69 58 157 59 +20 21 26 63 65 62 +20 26 27 61 74 57 +20 69 21 59 66 61 +21 22 23 66 67 65 +21 23 26 64 68 61 +21 69 22 63 67 64 +22 69 23 66 69 64 +23 24 26 69 70 65 +23 69 24 67 71 68 +24 25 26 71 72 68 +24 69 25 69 73 70 +25 68 26 73 74 70 +25 69 68 71 153 72 +26 68 27 72 78 62 +27 32 28 76 79 55 +27 33 32 77 45 75 +27 34 33 78 43 76 +27 68 34 74 85 77 +28 32 29 75 81 53 +29 31 30 81 49 51 +29 32 31 79 47 80 +34 43 35 83 86 41 +34 44 43 84 94 82 +34 45 44 85 96 83 +34 68 45 78 100 84 +35 43 36 82 88 39 +36 42 37 88 89 37 +36 43 42 86 93 87 +37 42 38 87 91 35 +38 40 39 91 30 33 +38 42 40 89 92 90 +40 42 41 91 25 28 +42 43 51 88 95 26 +43 44 50 83 96 95 +43 50 51 94 107 93 +44 45 50 84 99 94 +45 46 47 100 102 98 +45 47 49 97 103 99 +45 49 50 98 106 96 +45 68 46 85 101 97 +46 68 87 100 156 102 +46 87 47 101 104 97 +47 48 49 104 105 98 +47 87 48 102 105 103 +48 87 49 104 106 103 +49 87 50 105 107 99 +50 87 51 106 111 95 +51 66 65 109 148 23 +51 67 66 110 121 108 +51 86 67 111 152 109 +51 87 86 107 187 110 +52 53 54 115 116 113 +52 54 67 112 121 114 +52 67 82 113 149 115 +52 82 53 114 118 112 +53 80 54 117 123 112 +53 81 80 118 176 116 +53 82 81 115 177 117 +54 55 66 120 126 121 +54 56 55 122 124 119 +54 66 67 119 109 113 +54 79 56 123 131 120 +54 80 79 116 174 122 +55 56 60 120 128 125 +55 60 61 124 143 126 +55 61 66 125 145 119 +56 57 58 129 132 128 +56 58 60 127 140 124 +56 77 57 130 139 127 +56 78 77 131 171 129 +56 79 78 122 173 130 +57 70 58 133 141 127 +57 71 70 134 158 132 +57 72 71 135 160 133 +57 73 72 136 162 134 +57 74 73 137 164 135 +57 75 74 138 165 136 +57 76 75 139 167 137 +57 77 76 129 169 138 +58 59 60 141 142 128 +58 70 59 132 58 140 +59 63 60 12 144 140 +60 62 61 144 145 125 +60 63 62 142 146 143 +61 62 66 143 148 126 +62 63 64 144 13 147 +62 64 65 146 14 148 +62 65 66 147 108 145 +67 83 82 150 179 114 +67 84 83 151 181 149 +67 85 84 152 183 150 +67 86 85 110 185 151 +68 69 100 73 157 154 +68 100 101 153 201 155 +68 101 102 154 202 156 +68 102 87 155 187 101 +69 70 100 60 159 153 +70 71 99 133 161 159 +70 99 100 158 201 157 +71 72 98 134 163 161 +71 98 99 160 200 158 +72 73 97 135 164 163 +72 97 98 162 199 160 +73 74 97 136 166 162 +74 75 96 137 168 166 +74 96 97 165 198 164 +75 76 95 138 170 168 +75 95 96 167 197 165 +76 77 94 139 172 170 +76 94 95 169 196 167 +77 78 93 130 173 172 +77 93 94 171 195 169 +78 79 93 131 175 171 +79 80 92 123 176 175 +79 92 93 174 194 173 +80 81 92 117 178 174 +81 82 91 118 180 178 +81 91 92 177 193 176 +82 83 90 149 182 180 +82 90 91 179 192 177 +83 84 89 150 184 182 +83 89 90 181 191 179 +84 85 88 151 186 184 +84 88 89 183 189 181 +85 86 103 152 188 186 +85 103 88 185 190 183 +86 87 102 111 156 188 +86 102 103 187 202 185 +88 101 89 190 191 184 +88 103 101 186 202 189 +89 101 90 189 192 182 +90 101 91 191 193 180 +91 101 92 192 194 178 +92 101 93 193 195 175 +93 101 94 194 196 172 +94 101 95 195 197 170 +95 101 96 196 198 168 +96 101 97 197 199 166 +97 101 98 198 200 163 +98 101 99 199 201 161 +99 101 100 200 154 159 +101 103 102 190 188 155 + +101 +3 4 +3 51 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +52 53 +52 67 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +68 69 +68 87 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +88 89 +88 103 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec86d78 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +97 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 4294967295 2 +0 39 48 1 39 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 4294967295 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 4294967295 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 4294967295 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 4294967295 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 4294967295 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 4294967295 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 4294967295 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 4294967295 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 4294967295 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 4294967295 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 4294967295 26 +15 16 24 4294967295 32 31 +15 24 25 30 4294967295 28 +16 17 24 4294967295 34 30 +17 18 23 4294967295 36 34 +17 23 24 33 4294967295 32 +18 19 20 4294967295 4294967295 36 +18 20 23 35 37 33 +20 21 23 4294967295 38 36 +21 22 23 4294967295 4294967295 37 +39 40 48 4294967295 41 2 +40 41 47 4294967295 42 41 +40 47 48 40 4294967295 39 +41 42 47 4294967295 45 40 +42 43 44 4294967295 4294967295 44 +42 44 46 43 46 45 +42 46 47 44 4294967295 42 +44 45 46 4294967295 4294967295 44 +49 50 51 4294967295 4294967295 48 +49 51 64 47 50 4294967295 +51 52 63 4294967295 53 50 +51 63 64 49 4294967295 48 +52 53 57 4294967295 55 52 +52 57 58 51 4294967295 53 +52 58 63 52 57 49 +53 54 55 4294967295 4294967295 55 +53 55 57 54 56 51 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 55 +58 59 63 4294967295 60 53 +59 60 61 4294967295 4294967295 59 +59 61 62 58 4294967295 60 +59 62 63 59 4294967295 57 +65 66 97 4294967295 65 62 +65 97 98 61 4294967295 63 +65 98 99 62 4294967295 64 +65 99 84 63 95 4294967295 +66 67 97 4294967295 67 61 +67 68 96 4294967295 69 67 +67 96 97 66 4294967295 65 +68 69 95 4294967295 71 69 +68 95 96 68 4294967295 66 +69 70 94 4294967295 72 71 +69 94 95 70 4294967295 68 +70 71 94 4294967295 74 70 +71 72 93 4294967295 76 74 +71 93 94 73 4294967295 72 +72 73 92 4294967295 78 76 +72 92 93 75 4294967295 73 +73 74 91 4294967295 80 78 +73 91 92 77 4294967295 75 +74 75 90 4294967295 81 80 +74 90 91 79 4294967295 77 +75 76 90 4294967295 83 79 +76 77 89 4294967295 84 83 +76 89 90 82 4294967295 81 +77 78 89 4294967295 86 82 +78 79 88 4294967295 88 86 +78 88 89 85 4294967295 84 +79 80 87 4294967295 90 88 +79 87 88 87 4294967295 85 +80 81 86 4294967295 92 90 +80 86 87 89 4294967295 87 +81 82 85 4294967295 94 92 +81 85 86 91 4294967295 89 +82 83 100 4294967295 96 94 +82 100 85 93 4294967295 91 +83 84 99 4294967295 64 96 +83 99 100 95 4294967295 93 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..317173d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +111 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 4294967295 2 +0 39 48 1 39 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 4294967295 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 4294967295 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 4294967295 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 4294967295 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 4294967295 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 4294967295 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 4294967295 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 4294967295 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 4294967295 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 4294967295 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 4294967295 26 +15 16 24 4294967295 32 31 +15 24 25 30 4294967295 28 +16 17 24 4294967295 34 30 +17 18 23 4294967295 36 34 +17 23 24 33 4294967295 32 +18 19 20 4294967295 4294967295 36 +18 20 23 35 37 33 +20 21 23 4294967295 38 36 +21 22 23 4294967295 4294967295 37 +39 40 48 4294967295 41 2 +40 41 47 4294967295 42 41 +40 47 48 40 4294967295 39 +41 42 47 4294967295 45 40 +42 43 44 4294967295 4294967295 44 +42 44 46 43 46 45 +42 46 47 44 4294967295 42 +44 45 46 4294967295 4294967295 44 +49 50 51 4294967295 4294967295 48 +49 51 64 47 50 4294967295 +51 52 63 4294967295 53 50 +51 63 64 49 4294967295 48 +52 53 57 4294967295 55 52 +52 57 58 51 4294967295 53 +52 58 63 52 57 49 +53 54 55 4294967295 4294967295 55 +53 55 57 54 56 51 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 55 +58 59 63 4294967295 60 53 +59 60 61 4294967295 4294967295 59 +59 61 62 58 4294967295 60 +59 62 63 59 4294967295 57 +65 66 97 4294967295 65 62 +65 97 98 61 109 63 +65 98 99 62 110 64 +65 99 84 63 95 4294967295 +66 67 97 4294967295 67 61 +67 68 96 4294967295 69 67 +67 96 97 66 109 65 +68 69 95 4294967295 71 69 +68 95 96 68 108 66 +69 70 94 4294967295 72 71 +69 94 95 70 107 68 +70 71 94 4294967295 74 70 +71 72 93 4294967295 76 74 +71 93 94 73 106 72 +72 73 92 4294967295 78 76 +72 92 93 75 105 73 +73 74 91 4294967295 80 78 +73 91 92 77 104 75 +74 75 90 4294967295 81 80 +74 90 91 79 103 77 +75 76 90 4294967295 83 79 +76 77 89 4294967295 84 83 +76 89 90 82 102 81 +77 78 89 4294967295 86 82 +78 79 88 4294967295 88 86 +78 88 89 85 101 84 +79 80 87 4294967295 90 88 +79 87 88 87 100 85 +80 81 86 4294967295 92 90 +80 86 87 89 99 87 +81 82 85 4294967295 94 92 +81 85 86 91 97 89 +82 83 100 4294967295 96 94 +82 100 85 93 98 91 +83 84 99 4294967295 64 96 +83 99 100 95 110 93 +85 98 86 98 99 92 +85 100 98 94 110 97 +86 98 87 97 100 90 +87 98 88 99 101 88 +88 98 89 100 102 86 +89 98 90 101 103 83 +90 98 91 102 104 80 +91 98 92 103 105 78 +92 98 93 104 106 76 +93 98 94 105 107 74 +94 98 95 106 108 71 +95 98 96 107 109 69 +96 98 97 108 62 67 +98 100 99 98 96 63 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..437a134 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +179 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 68 2 +0 39 48 1 69 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 68 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 66 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 66 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 65 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 63 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 62 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 58 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 53 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 52 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 57 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 56 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 56 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 55 26 +15 16 24 32 33 31 +15 24 25 30 51 28 +15 56 16 4294967295 34 30 +16 17 24 35 38 30 +16 56 67 32 117 36 +16 66 17 36 39 33 +16 67 66 34 133 35 +17 18 23 39 41 38 +17 23 24 37 50 33 +17 66 18 35 42 37 +18 19 20 42 43 41 +18 20 23 40 44 37 +18 66 19 39 43 40 +19 66 20 42 45 40 +20 21 23 45 46 41 +20 66 21 43 47 44 +21 22 23 47 48 44 +21 66 22 45 49 46 +22 65 23 49 50 46 +22 66 65 47 129 48 +23 65 24 48 54 38 +24 29 25 52 55 31 +24 30 29 53 21 51 +24 31 30 54 19 52 +24 65 31 50 61 53 +25 29 26 51 57 29 +26 28 27 57 25 27 +26 29 28 55 23 56 +31 40 32 59 62 17 +31 41 40 60 70 58 +31 42 41 61 72 59 +31 65 42 54 76 60 +32 40 33 58 64 15 +33 39 34 64 65 13 +33 40 39 62 69 63 +34 39 35 63 67 11 +35 37 36 67 6 9 +35 39 37 65 68 66 +37 39 38 67 1 4 +39 40 48 64 71 2 +40 41 47 59 72 71 +40 47 48 70 83 69 +41 42 47 60 75 70 +42 43 44 76 78 74 +42 44 46 73 79 75 +42 46 47 74 82 72 +42 65 43 61 77 73 +43 65 84 76 132 78 +43 84 44 77 80 73 +44 45 46 80 81 74 +44 84 45 78 81 79 +45 84 46 80 82 79 +46 84 47 81 83 75 +47 84 48 82 87 71 +48 63 62 85 124 4294967295 +48 64 63 86 97 84 +48 83 64 87 128 85 +48 84 83 83 163 86 +49 50 51 91 92 89 +49 51 64 88 97 90 +49 64 79 89 125 91 +49 79 50 90 94 88 +50 77 51 93 99 88 +50 78 77 94 152 92 +50 79 78 91 153 93 +51 52 63 96 102 97 +51 53 52 98 100 95 +51 63 64 95 85 89 +51 76 53 99 107 96 +51 77 76 92 150 98 +52 53 57 96 104 101 +52 57 58 100 119 102 +52 58 63 101 121 95 +53 54 55 105 108 104 +53 55 57 103 116 100 +53 74 54 106 115 103 +53 75 74 107 147 105 +53 76 75 98 149 106 +54 67 55 109 117 103 +54 68 67 110 134 108 +54 69 68 111 136 109 +54 70 69 112 138 110 +54 71 70 113 140 111 +54 72 71 114 141 112 +54 73 72 115 143 113 +54 74 73 105 145 114 +55 56 57 117 118 104 +55 67 56 108 34 116 +56 60 57 4294967295 120 116 +57 59 58 120 121 101 +57 60 59 118 122 119 +58 59 63 119 124 102 +59 60 61 120 4294967295 123 +59 61 62 122 4294967295 124 +59 62 63 123 84 121 +64 80 79 126 155 90 +64 81 80 127 157 125 +64 82 81 128 159 126 +64 83 82 86 161 127 +65 66 97 49 133 130 +65 97 98 129 177 131 +65 98 99 130 178 132 +65 99 84 131 163 77 +66 67 97 36 135 129 +67 68 96 109 137 135 +67 96 97 134 177 133 +68 69 95 110 139 137 +68 95 96 136 176 134 +69 70 94 111 140 139 +69 94 95 138 175 136 +70 71 94 112 142 138 +71 72 93 113 144 142 +71 93 94 141 174 140 +72 73 92 114 146 144 +72 92 93 143 173 141 +73 74 91 115 148 146 +73 91 92 145 172 143 +74 75 90 106 149 148 +74 90 91 147 171 145 +75 76 90 107 151 147 +76 77 89 99 152 151 +76 89 90 150 170 149 +77 78 89 93 154 150 +78 79 88 94 156 154 +78 88 89 153 169 152 +79 80 87 125 158 156 +79 87 88 155 168 153 +80 81 86 126 160 158 +80 86 87 157 167 155 +81 82 85 127 162 160 +81 85 86 159 165 157 +82 83 100 128 164 162 +82 100 85 161 166 159 +83 84 99 87 132 164 +83 99 100 163 178 161 +85 98 86 166 167 160 +85 100 98 162 178 165 +86 98 87 165 168 158 +87 98 88 167 169 156 +88 98 89 168 170 154 +89 98 90 169 171 151 +90 98 91 170 172 148 +91 98 92 171 173 146 +92 98 93 172 174 144 +93 98 94 173 175 142 +94 98 95 174 176 139 +95 98 96 175 177 137 +96 98 97 176 130 135 +98 100 99 166 164 131 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40dc852 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +203 +0 1 59 4294967295 12 10 +0 10 2 2 22 4294967295 +0 11 10 3 38 1 +0 12 11 4 40 2 +0 13 12 5 42 3 +0 14 13 6 44 4 +0 15 14 7 46 5 +0 16 15 8 48 6 +0 17 16 9 50 7 +0 18 17 10 52 8 +0 59 18 0 56 9 +1 2 65 4294967295 23 14 +1 63 59 13 142 0 +1 64 63 14 146 12 +1 65 64 11 147 13 +2 3 51 16 26 23 +2 4 3 17 24 15 +2 5 4 18 27 16 +2 6 5 19 29 17 +2 7 6 20 31 18 +2 8 7 21 32 19 +2 9 8 22 34 20 +2 10 9 1 36 21 +2 51 65 15 108 11 +3 4 41 16 28 25 +3 41 42 24 92 26 +3 42 51 25 93 15 +4 5 40 17 30 28 +4 40 41 27 92 24 +5 6 39 18 31 30 +5 39 40 29 90 27 +6 7 39 19 33 29 +7 8 38 20 35 33 +7 38 39 32 90 31 +8 9 37 21 37 35 +8 37 38 34 89 32 +9 10 36 22 39 37 +9 36 37 36 87 34 +10 11 35 2 41 39 +10 35 36 38 86 36 +11 12 34 3 43 41 +11 34 35 40 82 38 +12 13 33 4 45 43 +12 33 34 42 77 40 +13 14 32 5 47 45 +13 32 33 44 76 42 +14 15 31 6 49 47 +14 31 32 46 81 44 +15 16 30 7 51 49 +15 30 31 48 80 46 +16 17 29 8 53 51 +16 29 30 50 80 48 +17 18 28 9 55 53 +17 28 29 52 79 50 +18 19 27 56 57 55 +18 27 28 54 75 52 +18 59 19 10 58 54 +19 20 27 59 62 54 +19 59 70 56 141 60 +19 69 20 60 63 57 +19 70 69 58 157 59 +20 21 26 63 65 62 +20 26 27 61 74 57 +20 69 21 59 66 61 +21 22 23 66 67 65 +21 23 26 64 68 61 +21 69 22 63 67 64 +22 69 23 66 69 64 +23 24 26 69 70 65 +23 69 24 67 71 68 +24 25 26 71 72 68 +24 69 25 69 73 70 +25 68 26 73 74 70 +25 69 68 71 153 72 +26 68 27 72 78 62 +27 32 28 76 79 55 +27 33 32 77 45 75 +27 34 33 78 43 76 +27 68 34 74 85 77 +28 32 29 75 81 53 +29 31 30 81 49 51 +29 32 31 79 47 80 +34 43 35 83 86 41 +34 44 43 84 94 82 +34 45 44 85 96 83 +34 68 45 78 100 84 +35 43 36 82 88 39 +36 42 37 88 89 37 +36 43 42 86 93 87 +37 42 38 87 91 35 +38 40 39 91 30 33 +38 42 40 89 92 90 +40 42 41 91 25 28 +42 43 51 88 95 26 +43 44 50 83 96 95 +43 50 51 94 107 93 +44 45 50 84 99 94 +45 46 47 100 102 98 +45 47 49 97 103 99 +45 49 50 98 106 96 +45 68 46 85 101 97 +46 68 87 100 156 102 +46 87 47 101 104 97 +47 48 49 104 105 98 +47 87 48 102 105 103 +48 87 49 104 106 103 +49 87 50 105 107 99 +50 87 51 106 111 95 +51 66 65 109 148 23 +51 67 66 110 121 108 +51 86 67 111 152 109 +51 87 86 107 187 110 +52 53 54 115 116 113 +52 54 67 112 121 114 +52 67 82 113 149 115 +52 82 53 114 118 112 +53 80 54 117 123 112 +53 81 80 118 176 116 +53 82 81 115 177 117 +54 55 66 120 126 121 +54 56 55 122 124 119 +54 66 67 119 109 113 +54 79 56 123 131 120 +54 80 79 116 174 122 +55 56 60 120 128 125 +55 60 61 124 143 126 +55 61 66 125 145 119 +56 57 58 129 132 128 +56 58 60 127 140 124 +56 77 57 130 139 127 +56 78 77 131 171 129 +56 79 78 122 173 130 +57 70 58 133 141 127 +57 71 70 134 158 132 +57 72 71 135 160 133 +57 73 72 136 162 134 +57 74 73 137 164 135 +57 75 74 138 165 136 +57 76 75 139 167 137 +57 77 76 129 169 138 +58 59 60 141 142 128 +58 70 59 132 58 140 +59 63 60 12 144 140 +60 62 61 144 145 125 +60 63 62 142 146 143 +61 62 66 143 148 126 +62 63 64 144 13 147 +62 64 65 146 14 148 +62 65 66 147 108 145 +67 83 82 150 179 114 +67 84 83 151 181 149 +67 85 84 152 183 150 +67 86 85 110 185 151 +68 69 100 73 157 154 +68 100 101 153 201 155 +68 101 102 154 202 156 +68 102 87 155 187 101 +69 70 100 60 159 153 +70 71 99 133 161 159 +70 99 100 158 201 157 +71 72 98 134 163 161 +71 98 99 160 200 158 +72 73 97 135 164 163 +72 97 98 162 199 160 +73 74 97 136 166 162 +74 75 96 137 168 166 +74 96 97 165 198 164 +75 76 95 138 170 168 +75 95 96 167 197 165 +76 77 94 139 172 170 +76 94 95 169 196 167 +77 78 93 130 173 172 +77 93 94 171 195 169 +78 79 93 131 175 171 +79 80 92 123 176 175 +79 92 93 174 194 173 +80 81 92 117 178 174 +81 82 91 118 180 178 +81 91 92 177 193 176 +82 83 90 149 182 180 +82 90 91 179 192 177 +83 84 89 150 184 182 +83 89 90 181 191 179 +84 85 88 151 186 184 +84 88 89 183 189 181 +85 86 103 152 188 186 +85 103 88 185 190 183 +86 87 102 111 156 188 +86 102 103 187 202 185 +88 101 89 190 191 184 +88 103 101 186 202 189 +89 101 90 189 192 182 +90 101 91 191 193 180 +91 101 92 192 194 178 +92 101 93 193 195 175 +93 101 94 194 196 172 +94 101 95 195 197 170 +95 101 96 196 198 168 +96 101 97 197 199 166 +97 101 98 198 200 163 +98 101 99 199 201 161 +99 101 100 200 154 159 +101 103 102 190 188 155 + +101 +3 4 +3 51 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +52 53 +52 67 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +68 69 +68 87 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +88 89 +88 103 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec86d78 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +97 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 4294967295 2 +0 39 48 1 39 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 4294967295 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 4294967295 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 4294967295 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 4294967295 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 4294967295 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 4294967295 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 4294967295 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 4294967295 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 4294967295 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 4294967295 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 4294967295 26 +15 16 24 4294967295 32 31 +15 24 25 30 4294967295 28 +16 17 24 4294967295 34 30 +17 18 23 4294967295 36 34 +17 23 24 33 4294967295 32 +18 19 20 4294967295 4294967295 36 +18 20 23 35 37 33 +20 21 23 4294967295 38 36 +21 22 23 4294967295 4294967295 37 +39 40 48 4294967295 41 2 +40 41 47 4294967295 42 41 +40 47 48 40 4294967295 39 +41 42 47 4294967295 45 40 +42 43 44 4294967295 4294967295 44 +42 44 46 43 46 45 +42 46 47 44 4294967295 42 +44 45 46 4294967295 4294967295 44 +49 50 51 4294967295 4294967295 48 +49 51 64 47 50 4294967295 +51 52 63 4294967295 53 50 +51 63 64 49 4294967295 48 +52 53 57 4294967295 55 52 +52 57 58 51 4294967295 53 +52 58 63 52 57 49 +53 54 55 4294967295 4294967295 55 +53 55 57 54 56 51 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 55 +58 59 63 4294967295 60 53 +59 60 61 4294967295 4294967295 59 +59 61 62 58 4294967295 60 +59 62 63 59 4294967295 57 +65 66 97 4294967295 65 62 +65 97 98 61 4294967295 63 +65 98 99 62 4294967295 64 +65 99 84 63 95 4294967295 +66 67 97 4294967295 67 61 +67 68 96 4294967295 69 67 +67 96 97 66 4294967295 65 +68 69 95 4294967295 71 69 +68 95 96 68 4294967295 66 +69 70 94 4294967295 72 71 +69 94 95 70 4294967295 68 +70 71 94 4294967295 74 70 +71 72 93 4294967295 76 74 +71 93 94 73 4294967295 72 +72 73 92 4294967295 78 76 +72 92 93 75 4294967295 73 +73 74 91 4294967295 80 78 +73 91 92 77 4294967295 75 +74 75 90 4294967295 81 80 +74 90 91 79 4294967295 77 +75 76 90 4294967295 83 79 +76 77 89 4294967295 84 83 +76 89 90 82 4294967295 81 +77 78 89 4294967295 86 82 +78 79 88 4294967295 88 86 +78 88 89 85 4294967295 84 +79 80 87 4294967295 90 88 +79 87 88 87 4294967295 85 +80 81 86 4294967295 92 90 +80 86 87 89 4294967295 87 +81 82 85 4294967295 94 92 +81 85 86 91 4294967295 89 +82 83 100 4294967295 96 94 +82 100 85 93 4294967295 91 +83 84 99 4294967295 64 96 +83 99 100 95 4294967295 93 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..317173d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +111 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 4294967295 2 +0 39 48 1 39 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 4294967295 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 4294967295 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 4294967295 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 4294967295 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 4294967295 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 4294967295 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 4294967295 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 4294967295 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 4294967295 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 4294967295 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 4294967295 26 +15 16 24 4294967295 32 31 +15 24 25 30 4294967295 28 +16 17 24 4294967295 34 30 +17 18 23 4294967295 36 34 +17 23 24 33 4294967295 32 +18 19 20 4294967295 4294967295 36 +18 20 23 35 37 33 +20 21 23 4294967295 38 36 +21 22 23 4294967295 4294967295 37 +39 40 48 4294967295 41 2 +40 41 47 4294967295 42 41 +40 47 48 40 4294967295 39 +41 42 47 4294967295 45 40 +42 43 44 4294967295 4294967295 44 +42 44 46 43 46 45 +42 46 47 44 4294967295 42 +44 45 46 4294967295 4294967295 44 +49 50 51 4294967295 4294967295 48 +49 51 64 47 50 4294967295 +51 52 63 4294967295 53 50 +51 63 64 49 4294967295 48 +52 53 57 4294967295 55 52 +52 57 58 51 4294967295 53 +52 58 63 52 57 49 +53 54 55 4294967295 4294967295 55 +53 55 57 54 56 51 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 55 +58 59 63 4294967295 60 53 +59 60 61 4294967295 4294967295 59 +59 61 62 58 4294967295 60 +59 62 63 59 4294967295 57 +65 66 97 4294967295 65 62 +65 97 98 61 109 63 +65 98 99 62 110 64 +65 99 84 63 95 4294967295 +66 67 97 4294967295 67 61 +67 68 96 4294967295 69 67 +67 96 97 66 109 65 +68 69 95 4294967295 71 69 +68 95 96 68 108 66 +69 70 94 4294967295 72 71 +69 94 95 70 107 68 +70 71 94 4294967295 74 70 +71 72 93 4294967295 76 74 +71 93 94 73 106 72 +72 73 92 4294967295 78 76 +72 92 93 75 105 73 +73 74 91 4294967295 80 78 +73 91 92 77 104 75 +74 75 90 4294967295 81 80 +74 90 91 79 103 77 +75 76 90 4294967295 83 79 +76 77 89 4294967295 84 83 +76 89 90 82 102 81 +77 78 89 4294967295 86 82 +78 79 88 4294967295 88 86 +78 88 89 85 101 84 +79 80 87 4294967295 90 88 +79 87 88 87 100 85 +80 81 86 4294967295 92 90 +80 86 87 89 99 87 +81 82 85 4294967295 94 92 +81 85 86 91 97 89 +82 83 100 4294967295 96 94 +82 100 85 93 98 91 +83 84 99 4294967295 64 96 +83 99 100 95 110 93 +85 98 86 98 99 92 +85 100 98 94 110 97 +86 98 87 97 100 90 +87 98 88 99 101 88 +88 98 89 100 102 86 +89 98 90 101 103 83 +90 98 91 102 104 80 +91 98 92 103 105 78 +92 98 93 104 106 76 +93 98 94 105 107 74 +94 98 95 106 108 71 +95 98 96 107 109 69 +96 98 97 108 62 67 +98 100 99 98 96 63 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..437a134 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +179 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 68 2 +0 39 48 1 69 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 68 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 66 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 66 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 65 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 63 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 62 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 58 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 53 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 52 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 57 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 56 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 56 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 55 26 +15 16 24 32 33 31 +15 24 25 30 51 28 +15 56 16 4294967295 34 30 +16 17 24 35 38 30 +16 56 67 32 117 36 +16 66 17 36 39 33 +16 67 66 34 133 35 +17 18 23 39 41 38 +17 23 24 37 50 33 +17 66 18 35 42 37 +18 19 20 42 43 41 +18 20 23 40 44 37 +18 66 19 39 43 40 +19 66 20 42 45 40 +20 21 23 45 46 41 +20 66 21 43 47 44 +21 22 23 47 48 44 +21 66 22 45 49 46 +22 65 23 49 50 46 +22 66 65 47 129 48 +23 65 24 48 54 38 +24 29 25 52 55 31 +24 30 29 53 21 51 +24 31 30 54 19 52 +24 65 31 50 61 53 +25 29 26 51 57 29 +26 28 27 57 25 27 +26 29 28 55 23 56 +31 40 32 59 62 17 +31 41 40 60 70 58 +31 42 41 61 72 59 +31 65 42 54 76 60 +32 40 33 58 64 15 +33 39 34 64 65 13 +33 40 39 62 69 63 +34 39 35 63 67 11 +35 37 36 67 6 9 +35 39 37 65 68 66 +37 39 38 67 1 4 +39 40 48 64 71 2 +40 41 47 59 72 71 +40 47 48 70 83 69 +41 42 47 60 75 70 +42 43 44 76 78 74 +42 44 46 73 79 75 +42 46 47 74 82 72 +42 65 43 61 77 73 +43 65 84 76 132 78 +43 84 44 77 80 73 +44 45 46 80 81 74 +44 84 45 78 81 79 +45 84 46 80 82 79 +46 84 47 81 83 75 +47 84 48 82 87 71 +48 63 62 85 124 4294967295 +48 64 63 86 97 84 +48 83 64 87 128 85 +48 84 83 83 163 86 +49 50 51 91 92 89 +49 51 64 88 97 90 +49 64 79 89 125 91 +49 79 50 90 94 88 +50 77 51 93 99 88 +50 78 77 94 152 92 +50 79 78 91 153 93 +51 52 63 96 102 97 +51 53 52 98 100 95 +51 63 64 95 85 89 +51 76 53 99 107 96 +51 77 76 92 150 98 +52 53 57 96 104 101 +52 57 58 100 119 102 +52 58 63 101 121 95 +53 54 55 105 108 104 +53 55 57 103 116 100 +53 74 54 106 115 103 +53 75 74 107 147 105 +53 76 75 98 149 106 +54 67 55 109 117 103 +54 68 67 110 134 108 +54 69 68 111 136 109 +54 70 69 112 138 110 +54 71 70 113 140 111 +54 72 71 114 141 112 +54 73 72 115 143 113 +54 74 73 105 145 114 +55 56 57 117 118 104 +55 67 56 108 34 116 +56 60 57 4294967295 120 116 +57 59 58 120 121 101 +57 60 59 118 122 119 +58 59 63 119 124 102 +59 60 61 120 4294967295 123 +59 61 62 122 4294967295 124 +59 62 63 123 84 121 +64 80 79 126 155 90 +64 81 80 127 157 125 +64 82 81 128 159 126 +64 83 82 86 161 127 +65 66 97 49 133 130 +65 97 98 129 177 131 +65 98 99 130 178 132 +65 99 84 131 163 77 +66 67 97 36 135 129 +67 68 96 109 137 135 +67 96 97 134 177 133 +68 69 95 110 139 137 +68 95 96 136 176 134 +69 70 94 111 140 139 +69 94 95 138 175 136 +70 71 94 112 142 138 +71 72 93 113 144 142 +71 93 94 141 174 140 +72 73 92 114 146 144 +72 92 93 143 173 141 +73 74 91 115 148 146 +73 91 92 145 172 143 +74 75 90 106 149 148 +74 90 91 147 171 145 +75 76 90 107 151 147 +76 77 89 99 152 151 +76 89 90 150 170 149 +77 78 89 93 154 150 +78 79 88 94 156 154 +78 88 89 153 169 152 +79 80 87 125 158 156 +79 87 88 155 168 153 +80 81 86 126 160 158 +80 86 87 157 167 155 +81 82 85 127 162 160 +81 85 86 159 165 157 +82 83 100 128 164 162 +82 100 85 161 166 159 +83 84 99 87 132 164 +83 99 100 163 178 161 +85 98 86 166 167 160 +85 100 98 162 178 165 +86 98 87 165 168 158 +87 98 88 167 169 156 +88 98 89 168 170 154 +89 98 90 169 171 151 +90 98 91 170 172 148 +91 98 92 171 173 146 +92 98 93 172 174 144 +93 98 94 173 175 142 +94 98 95 174 176 139 +95 98 96 175 177 137 +96 98 97 176 130 135 +98 100 99 166 164 131 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c13e9e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +203 +0 1 59 4294967295 15 13 +0 7 2 2 22 4294967295 +0 8 7 3 32 1 +0 9 8 4 34 2 +0 10 9 5 36 3 +0 11 10 6 38 4 +0 12 11 7 40 5 +0 13 12 8 42 6 +0 14 13 9 44 7 +0 15 14 10 46 8 +0 16 15 11 48 9 +0 17 16 12 50 10 +0 18 17 13 52 11 +0 59 18 0 56 12 +1 2 65 4294967295 23 17 +1 63 59 16 142 0 +1 64 63 17 146 15 +1 65 64 14 147 16 +2 3 51 19 26 23 +2 4 3 20 24 18 +2 5 4 21 27 19 +2 6 5 22 29 20 +2 7 6 1 31 21 +2 51 65 18 108 14 +3 4 41 19 28 25 +3 41 42 24 92 26 +3 42 51 25 93 18 +4 5 40 20 30 28 +4 40 41 27 92 24 +5 6 39 21 31 30 +5 39 40 29 90 27 +6 7 39 22 33 29 +7 8 38 2 35 33 +7 38 39 32 90 31 +8 9 37 3 37 35 +8 37 38 34 89 32 +9 10 36 4 39 37 +9 36 37 36 87 34 +10 11 35 5 41 39 +10 35 36 38 86 36 +11 12 34 6 43 41 +11 34 35 40 82 38 +12 13 33 7 45 43 +12 33 34 42 77 40 +13 14 32 8 47 45 +13 32 33 44 76 42 +14 15 31 9 49 47 +14 31 32 46 81 44 +15 16 30 10 51 49 +15 30 31 48 80 46 +16 17 29 11 53 51 +16 29 30 50 80 48 +17 18 28 12 55 53 +17 28 29 52 79 50 +18 19 27 56 57 55 +18 27 28 54 75 52 +18 59 19 13 58 54 +19 20 27 59 62 54 +19 59 70 56 141 60 +19 69 20 60 63 57 +19 70 69 58 157 59 +20 21 26 63 65 62 +20 26 27 61 74 57 +20 69 21 59 66 61 +21 22 23 66 67 65 +21 23 26 64 68 61 +21 69 22 63 67 64 +22 69 23 66 69 64 +23 24 26 69 70 65 +23 69 24 67 71 68 +24 25 26 71 72 68 +24 69 25 69 73 70 +25 68 26 73 74 70 +25 69 68 71 153 72 +26 68 27 72 78 62 +27 32 28 76 79 55 +27 33 32 77 45 75 +27 34 33 78 43 76 +27 68 34 74 85 77 +28 32 29 75 81 53 +29 31 30 81 49 51 +29 32 31 79 47 80 +34 43 35 83 86 41 +34 44 43 84 94 82 +34 45 44 85 96 83 +34 68 45 78 100 84 +35 43 36 82 88 39 +36 42 37 88 89 37 +36 43 42 86 93 87 +37 42 38 87 91 35 +38 40 39 91 30 33 +38 42 40 89 92 90 +40 42 41 91 25 28 +42 43 51 88 95 26 +43 44 50 83 96 95 +43 50 51 94 107 93 +44 45 50 84 99 94 +45 46 47 100 102 98 +45 47 49 97 103 99 +45 49 50 98 106 96 +45 68 46 85 101 97 +46 68 87 100 156 102 +46 87 47 101 104 97 +47 48 49 104 105 98 +47 87 48 102 105 103 +48 87 49 104 106 103 +49 87 50 105 107 99 +50 87 51 106 111 95 +51 66 65 109 148 23 +51 67 66 110 121 108 +51 86 67 111 152 109 +51 87 86 107 187 110 +52 53 54 115 116 113 +52 54 67 112 121 114 +52 67 82 113 149 115 +52 82 53 114 118 112 +53 80 54 117 123 112 +53 81 80 118 176 116 +53 82 81 115 177 117 +54 55 66 120 126 121 +54 56 55 122 124 119 +54 66 67 119 109 113 +54 79 56 123 131 120 +54 80 79 116 174 122 +55 56 60 120 128 125 +55 60 61 124 143 126 +55 61 66 125 145 119 +56 57 58 129 132 128 +56 58 60 127 140 124 +56 77 57 130 139 127 +56 78 77 131 171 129 +56 79 78 122 173 130 +57 70 58 133 141 127 +57 71 70 134 158 132 +57 72 71 135 160 133 +57 73 72 136 162 134 +57 74 73 137 164 135 +57 75 74 138 165 136 +57 76 75 139 167 137 +57 77 76 129 169 138 +58 59 60 141 142 128 +58 70 59 132 58 140 +59 63 60 15 144 140 +60 62 61 144 145 125 +60 63 62 142 146 143 +61 62 66 143 148 126 +62 63 64 144 16 147 +62 64 65 146 17 148 +62 65 66 147 108 145 +67 83 82 150 179 114 +67 84 83 151 181 149 +67 85 84 152 183 150 +67 86 85 110 185 151 +68 69 100 73 157 154 +68 100 101 153 201 155 +68 101 102 154 202 156 +68 102 87 155 187 101 +69 70 100 60 159 153 +70 71 99 133 161 159 +70 99 100 158 201 157 +71 72 98 134 163 161 +71 98 99 160 200 158 +72 73 97 135 164 163 +72 97 98 162 199 160 +73 74 97 136 166 162 +74 75 96 137 168 166 +74 96 97 165 198 164 +75 76 95 138 170 168 +75 95 96 167 197 165 +76 77 94 139 172 170 +76 94 95 169 196 167 +77 78 93 130 173 172 +77 93 94 171 195 169 +78 79 93 131 175 171 +79 80 92 123 176 175 +79 92 93 174 194 173 +80 81 92 117 178 174 +81 82 91 118 180 178 +81 91 92 177 193 176 +82 83 90 149 182 180 +82 90 91 179 192 177 +83 84 89 150 184 182 +83 89 90 181 191 179 +84 85 88 151 186 184 +84 88 89 183 189 181 +85 86 103 152 188 186 +85 103 88 185 190 183 +86 87 102 111 156 188 +86 102 103 187 202 185 +88 101 89 190 191 184 +88 103 101 186 202 189 +89 101 90 189 192 182 +90 101 91 191 193 180 +91 101 92 192 194 178 +92 101 93 193 195 175 +93 101 94 194 196 172 +94 101 95 195 197 170 +95 101 96 196 198 168 +96 101 97 197 199 166 +97 101 98 198 200 163 +98 101 99 199 201 161 +99 101 100 200 154 159 +101 103 102 190 188 155 + +101 +3 4 +3 51 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +52 53 +52 67 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +68 69 +68 87 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +88 89 +88 103 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec86d78 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +97 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 4294967295 2 +0 39 48 1 39 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 4294967295 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 4294967295 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 4294967295 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 4294967295 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 4294967295 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 4294967295 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 4294967295 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 4294967295 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 4294967295 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 4294967295 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 4294967295 26 +15 16 24 4294967295 32 31 +15 24 25 30 4294967295 28 +16 17 24 4294967295 34 30 +17 18 23 4294967295 36 34 +17 23 24 33 4294967295 32 +18 19 20 4294967295 4294967295 36 +18 20 23 35 37 33 +20 21 23 4294967295 38 36 +21 22 23 4294967295 4294967295 37 +39 40 48 4294967295 41 2 +40 41 47 4294967295 42 41 +40 47 48 40 4294967295 39 +41 42 47 4294967295 45 40 +42 43 44 4294967295 4294967295 44 +42 44 46 43 46 45 +42 46 47 44 4294967295 42 +44 45 46 4294967295 4294967295 44 +49 50 51 4294967295 4294967295 48 +49 51 64 47 50 4294967295 +51 52 63 4294967295 53 50 +51 63 64 49 4294967295 48 +52 53 57 4294967295 55 52 +52 57 58 51 4294967295 53 +52 58 63 52 57 49 +53 54 55 4294967295 4294967295 55 +53 55 57 54 56 51 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 55 +58 59 63 4294967295 60 53 +59 60 61 4294967295 4294967295 59 +59 61 62 58 4294967295 60 +59 62 63 59 4294967295 57 +65 66 97 4294967295 65 62 +65 97 98 61 4294967295 63 +65 98 99 62 4294967295 64 +65 99 84 63 95 4294967295 +66 67 97 4294967295 67 61 +67 68 96 4294967295 69 67 +67 96 97 66 4294967295 65 +68 69 95 4294967295 71 69 +68 95 96 68 4294967295 66 +69 70 94 4294967295 72 71 +69 94 95 70 4294967295 68 +70 71 94 4294967295 74 70 +71 72 93 4294967295 76 74 +71 93 94 73 4294967295 72 +72 73 92 4294967295 78 76 +72 92 93 75 4294967295 73 +73 74 91 4294967295 80 78 +73 91 92 77 4294967295 75 +74 75 90 4294967295 81 80 +74 90 91 79 4294967295 77 +75 76 90 4294967295 83 79 +76 77 89 4294967295 84 83 +76 89 90 82 4294967295 81 +77 78 89 4294967295 86 82 +78 79 88 4294967295 88 86 +78 88 89 85 4294967295 84 +79 80 87 4294967295 90 88 +79 87 88 87 4294967295 85 +80 81 86 4294967295 92 90 +80 86 87 89 4294967295 87 +81 82 85 4294967295 94 92 +81 85 86 91 4294967295 89 +82 83 100 4294967295 96 94 +82 100 85 93 4294967295 91 +83 84 99 4294967295 64 96 +83 99 100 95 4294967295 93 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..317173d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +111 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 4294967295 2 +0 39 48 1 39 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 4294967295 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 4294967295 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 4294967295 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 4294967295 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 4294967295 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 4294967295 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 4294967295 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 4294967295 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 4294967295 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 4294967295 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 4294967295 26 +15 16 24 4294967295 32 31 +15 24 25 30 4294967295 28 +16 17 24 4294967295 34 30 +17 18 23 4294967295 36 34 +17 23 24 33 4294967295 32 +18 19 20 4294967295 4294967295 36 +18 20 23 35 37 33 +20 21 23 4294967295 38 36 +21 22 23 4294967295 4294967295 37 +39 40 48 4294967295 41 2 +40 41 47 4294967295 42 41 +40 47 48 40 4294967295 39 +41 42 47 4294967295 45 40 +42 43 44 4294967295 4294967295 44 +42 44 46 43 46 45 +42 46 47 44 4294967295 42 +44 45 46 4294967295 4294967295 44 +49 50 51 4294967295 4294967295 48 +49 51 64 47 50 4294967295 +51 52 63 4294967295 53 50 +51 63 64 49 4294967295 48 +52 53 57 4294967295 55 52 +52 57 58 51 4294967295 53 +52 58 63 52 57 49 +53 54 55 4294967295 4294967295 55 +53 55 57 54 56 51 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 55 +58 59 63 4294967295 60 53 +59 60 61 4294967295 4294967295 59 +59 61 62 58 4294967295 60 +59 62 63 59 4294967295 57 +65 66 97 4294967295 65 62 +65 97 98 61 109 63 +65 98 99 62 110 64 +65 99 84 63 95 4294967295 +66 67 97 4294967295 67 61 +67 68 96 4294967295 69 67 +67 96 97 66 109 65 +68 69 95 4294967295 71 69 +68 95 96 68 108 66 +69 70 94 4294967295 72 71 +69 94 95 70 107 68 +70 71 94 4294967295 74 70 +71 72 93 4294967295 76 74 +71 93 94 73 106 72 +72 73 92 4294967295 78 76 +72 92 93 75 105 73 +73 74 91 4294967295 80 78 +73 91 92 77 104 75 +74 75 90 4294967295 81 80 +74 90 91 79 103 77 +75 76 90 4294967295 83 79 +76 77 89 4294967295 84 83 +76 89 90 82 102 81 +77 78 89 4294967295 86 82 +78 79 88 4294967295 88 86 +78 88 89 85 101 84 +79 80 87 4294967295 90 88 +79 87 88 87 100 85 +80 81 86 4294967295 92 90 +80 86 87 89 99 87 +81 82 85 4294967295 94 92 +81 85 86 91 97 89 +82 83 100 4294967295 96 94 +82 100 85 93 98 91 +83 84 99 4294967295 64 96 +83 99 100 95 110 93 +85 98 86 98 99 92 +85 100 98 94 110 97 +86 98 87 97 100 90 +87 98 88 99 101 88 +88 98 89 100 102 86 +89 98 90 101 103 83 +90 98 91 102 104 80 +91 98 92 103 105 78 +92 98 93 104 106 76 +93 98 94 105 107 74 +94 98 95 106 108 71 +95 98 96 107 109 69 +96 98 97 108 62 67 +98 100 99 98 96 63 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..437a134 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +179 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 68 2 +0 39 48 1 69 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 68 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 66 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 66 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 65 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 63 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 62 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 58 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 53 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 52 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 57 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 56 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 56 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 55 26 +15 16 24 32 33 31 +15 24 25 30 51 28 +15 56 16 4294967295 34 30 +16 17 24 35 38 30 +16 56 67 32 117 36 +16 66 17 36 39 33 +16 67 66 34 133 35 +17 18 23 39 41 38 +17 23 24 37 50 33 +17 66 18 35 42 37 +18 19 20 42 43 41 +18 20 23 40 44 37 +18 66 19 39 43 40 +19 66 20 42 45 40 +20 21 23 45 46 41 +20 66 21 43 47 44 +21 22 23 47 48 44 +21 66 22 45 49 46 +22 65 23 49 50 46 +22 66 65 47 129 48 +23 65 24 48 54 38 +24 29 25 52 55 31 +24 30 29 53 21 51 +24 31 30 54 19 52 +24 65 31 50 61 53 +25 29 26 51 57 29 +26 28 27 57 25 27 +26 29 28 55 23 56 +31 40 32 59 62 17 +31 41 40 60 70 58 +31 42 41 61 72 59 +31 65 42 54 76 60 +32 40 33 58 64 15 +33 39 34 64 65 13 +33 40 39 62 69 63 +34 39 35 63 67 11 +35 37 36 67 6 9 +35 39 37 65 68 66 +37 39 38 67 1 4 +39 40 48 64 71 2 +40 41 47 59 72 71 +40 47 48 70 83 69 +41 42 47 60 75 70 +42 43 44 76 78 74 +42 44 46 73 79 75 +42 46 47 74 82 72 +42 65 43 61 77 73 +43 65 84 76 132 78 +43 84 44 77 80 73 +44 45 46 80 81 74 +44 84 45 78 81 79 +45 84 46 80 82 79 +46 84 47 81 83 75 +47 84 48 82 87 71 +48 63 62 85 124 4294967295 +48 64 63 86 97 84 +48 83 64 87 128 85 +48 84 83 83 163 86 +49 50 51 91 92 89 +49 51 64 88 97 90 +49 64 79 89 125 91 +49 79 50 90 94 88 +50 77 51 93 99 88 +50 78 77 94 152 92 +50 79 78 91 153 93 +51 52 63 96 102 97 +51 53 52 98 100 95 +51 63 64 95 85 89 +51 76 53 99 107 96 +51 77 76 92 150 98 +52 53 57 96 104 101 +52 57 58 100 119 102 +52 58 63 101 121 95 +53 54 55 105 108 104 +53 55 57 103 116 100 +53 74 54 106 115 103 +53 75 74 107 147 105 +53 76 75 98 149 106 +54 67 55 109 117 103 +54 68 67 110 134 108 +54 69 68 111 136 109 +54 70 69 112 138 110 +54 71 70 113 140 111 +54 72 71 114 141 112 +54 73 72 115 143 113 +54 74 73 105 145 114 +55 56 57 117 118 104 +55 67 56 108 34 116 +56 60 57 4294967295 120 116 +57 59 58 120 121 101 +57 60 59 118 122 119 +58 59 63 119 124 102 +59 60 61 120 4294967295 123 +59 61 62 122 4294967295 124 +59 62 63 123 84 121 +64 80 79 126 155 90 +64 81 80 127 157 125 +64 82 81 128 159 126 +64 83 82 86 161 127 +65 66 97 49 133 130 +65 97 98 129 177 131 +65 98 99 130 178 132 +65 99 84 131 163 77 +66 67 97 36 135 129 +67 68 96 109 137 135 +67 96 97 134 177 133 +68 69 95 110 139 137 +68 95 96 136 176 134 +69 70 94 111 140 139 +69 94 95 138 175 136 +70 71 94 112 142 138 +71 72 93 113 144 142 +71 93 94 141 174 140 +72 73 92 114 146 144 +72 92 93 143 173 141 +73 74 91 115 148 146 +73 91 92 145 172 143 +74 75 90 106 149 148 +74 90 91 147 171 145 +75 76 90 107 151 147 +76 77 89 99 152 151 +76 89 90 150 170 149 +77 78 89 93 154 150 +78 79 88 94 156 154 +78 88 89 153 169 152 +79 80 87 125 158 156 +79 87 88 155 168 153 +80 81 86 126 160 158 +80 86 87 157 167 155 +81 82 85 127 162 160 +81 85 86 159 165 157 +82 83 100 128 164 162 +82 100 85 161 166 159 +83 84 99 87 132 164 +83 99 100 163 178 161 +85 98 86 166 167 160 +85 100 98 162 178 165 +86 98 87 165 168 158 +87 98 88 167 169 156 +88 98 89 168 170 154 +89 98 90 169 171 151 +90 98 91 170 172 148 +91 98 92 171 173 146 +92 98 93 172 174 144 +93 98 94 173 175 142 +94 98 95 174 176 139 +95 98 96 175 177 137 +96 98 97 176 130 135 +98 100 99 166 164 131 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c13e9e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ +203 +0 1 59 4294967295 15 13 +0 7 2 2 22 4294967295 +0 8 7 3 32 1 +0 9 8 4 34 2 +0 10 9 5 36 3 +0 11 10 6 38 4 +0 12 11 7 40 5 +0 13 12 8 42 6 +0 14 13 9 44 7 +0 15 14 10 46 8 +0 16 15 11 48 9 +0 17 16 12 50 10 +0 18 17 13 52 11 +0 59 18 0 56 12 +1 2 65 4294967295 23 17 +1 63 59 16 142 0 +1 64 63 17 146 15 +1 65 64 14 147 16 +2 3 51 19 26 23 +2 4 3 20 24 18 +2 5 4 21 27 19 +2 6 5 22 29 20 +2 7 6 1 31 21 +2 51 65 18 108 14 +3 4 41 19 28 25 +3 41 42 24 92 26 +3 42 51 25 93 18 +4 5 40 20 30 28 +4 40 41 27 92 24 +5 6 39 21 31 30 +5 39 40 29 90 27 +6 7 39 22 33 29 +7 8 38 2 35 33 +7 38 39 32 90 31 +8 9 37 3 37 35 +8 37 38 34 89 32 +9 10 36 4 39 37 +9 36 37 36 87 34 +10 11 35 5 41 39 +10 35 36 38 86 36 +11 12 34 6 43 41 +11 34 35 40 82 38 +12 13 33 7 45 43 +12 33 34 42 77 40 +13 14 32 8 47 45 +13 32 33 44 76 42 +14 15 31 9 49 47 +14 31 32 46 81 44 +15 16 30 10 51 49 +15 30 31 48 80 46 +16 17 29 11 53 51 +16 29 30 50 80 48 +17 18 28 12 55 53 +17 28 29 52 79 50 +18 19 27 56 57 55 +18 27 28 54 75 52 +18 59 19 13 58 54 +19 20 27 59 62 54 +19 59 70 56 141 60 +19 69 20 60 63 57 +19 70 69 58 157 59 +20 21 26 63 65 62 +20 26 27 61 74 57 +20 69 21 59 66 61 +21 22 23 66 67 65 +21 23 26 64 68 61 +21 69 22 63 67 64 +22 69 23 66 69 64 +23 24 26 69 70 65 +23 69 24 67 71 68 +24 25 26 71 72 68 +24 69 25 69 73 70 +25 68 26 73 74 70 +25 69 68 71 153 72 +26 68 27 72 78 62 +27 32 28 76 79 55 +27 33 32 77 45 75 +27 34 33 78 43 76 +27 68 34 74 85 77 +28 32 29 75 81 53 +29 31 30 81 49 51 +29 32 31 79 47 80 +34 43 35 83 86 41 +34 44 43 84 94 82 +34 45 44 85 96 83 +34 68 45 78 100 84 +35 43 36 82 88 39 +36 42 37 88 89 37 +36 43 42 86 93 87 +37 42 38 87 91 35 +38 40 39 91 30 33 +38 42 40 89 92 90 +40 42 41 91 25 28 +42 43 51 88 95 26 +43 44 50 83 96 95 +43 50 51 94 107 93 +44 45 50 84 99 94 +45 46 47 100 102 98 +45 47 49 97 103 99 +45 49 50 98 106 96 +45 68 46 85 101 97 +46 68 87 100 156 102 +46 87 47 101 104 97 +47 48 49 104 105 98 +47 87 48 102 105 103 +48 87 49 104 106 103 +49 87 50 105 107 99 +50 87 51 106 111 95 +51 66 65 109 148 23 +51 67 66 110 121 108 +51 86 67 111 152 109 +51 87 86 107 187 110 +52 53 54 115 116 113 +52 54 67 112 121 114 +52 67 82 113 149 115 +52 82 53 114 118 112 +53 80 54 117 123 112 +53 81 80 118 176 116 +53 82 81 115 177 117 +54 55 66 120 126 121 +54 56 55 122 124 119 +54 66 67 119 109 113 +54 79 56 123 131 120 +54 80 79 116 174 122 +55 56 60 120 128 125 +55 60 61 124 143 126 +55 61 66 125 145 119 +56 57 58 129 132 128 +56 58 60 127 140 124 +56 77 57 130 139 127 +56 78 77 131 171 129 +56 79 78 122 173 130 +57 70 58 133 141 127 +57 71 70 134 158 132 +57 72 71 135 160 133 +57 73 72 136 162 134 +57 74 73 137 164 135 +57 75 74 138 165 136 +57 76 75 139 167 137 +57 77 76 129 169 138 +58 59 60 141 142 128 +58 70 59 132 58 140 +59 63 60 15 144 140 +60 62 61 144 145 125 +60 63 62 142 146 143 +61 62 66 143 148 126 +62 63 64 144 16 147 +62 64 65 146 17 148 +62 65 66 147 108 145 +67 83 82 150 179 114 +67 84 83 151 181 149 +67 85 84 152 183 150 +67 86 85 110 185 151 +68 69 100 73 157 154 +68 100 101 153 201 155 +68 101 102 154 202 156 +68 102 87 155 187 101 +69 70 100 60 159 153 +70 71 99 133 161 159 +70 99 100 158 201 157 +71 72 98 134 163 161 +71 98 99 160 200 158 +72 73 97 135 164 163 +72 97 98 162 199 160 +73 74 97 136 166 162 +74 75 96 137 168 166 +74 96 97 165 198 164 +75 76 95 138 170 168 +75 95 96 167 197 165 +76 77 94 139 172 170 +76 94 95 169 196 167 +77 78 93 130 173 172 +77 93 94 171 195 169 +78 79 93 131 175 171 +79 80 92 123 176 175 +79 92 93 174 194 173 +80 81 92 117 178 174 +81 82 91 118 180 178 +81 91 92 177 193 176 +82 83 90 149 182 180 +82 90 91 179 192 177 +83 84 89 150 184 182 +83 89 90 181 191 179 +84 85 88 151 186 184 +84 88 89 183 189 181 +85 86 103 152 188 186 +85 103 88 185 190 183 +86 87 102 111 156 188 +86 102 103 187 202 185 +88 101 89 190 191 184 +88 103 101 186 202 189 +89 101 90 189 192 182 +90 101 91 191 193 180 +91 101 92 192 194 178 +92 101 93 193 195 175 +93 101 94 194 196 172 +94 101 95 195 197 170 +95 101 96 196 198 168 +96 101 97 197 199 166 +97 101 98 198 200 163 +98 101 99 199 201 161 +99 101 100 200 154 159 +101 103 102 190 188 155 + +101 +3 4 +3 51 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +52 53 +52 67 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +68 69 +68 87 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +88 89 +88 103 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec86d78 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +97 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 4294967295 2 +0 39 48 1 39 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 4294967295 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 4294967295 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 4294967295 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 4294967295 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 4294967295 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 4294967295 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 4294967295 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 4294967295 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 4294967295 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 4294967295 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 4294967295 26 +15 16 24 4294967295 32 31 +15 24 25 30 4294967295 28 +16 17 24 4294967295 34 30 +17 18 23 4294967295 36 34 +17 23 24 33 4294967295 32 +18 19 20 4294967295 4294967295 36 +18 20 23 35 37 33 +20 21 23 4294967295 38 36 +21 22 23 4294967295 4294967295 37 +39 40 48 4294967295 41 2 +40 41 47 4294967295 42 41 +40 47 48 40 4294967295 39 +41 42 47 4294967295 45 40 +42 43 44 4294967295 4294967295 44 +42 44 46 43 46 45 +42 46 47 44 4294967295 42 +44 45 46 4294967295 4294967295 44 +49 50 51 4294967295 4294967295 48 +49 51 64 47 50 4294967295 +51 52 63 4294967295 53 50 +51 63 64 49 4294967295 48 +52 53 57 4294967295 55 52 +52 57 58 51 4294967295 53 +52 58 63 52 57 49 +53 54 55 4294967295 4294967295 55 +53 55 57 54 56 51 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 55 +58 59 63 4294967295 60 53 +59 60 61 4294967295 4294967295 59 +59 61 62 58 4294967295 60 +59 62 63 59 4294967295 57 +65 66 97 4294967295 65 62 +65 97 98 61 4294967295 63 +65 98 99 62 4294967295 64 +65 99 84 63 95 4294967295 +66 67 97 4294967295 67 61 +67 68 96 4294967295 69 67 +67 96 97 66 4294967295 65 +68 69 95 4294967295 71 69 +68 95 96 68 4294967295 66 +69 70 94 4294967295 72 71 +69 94 95 70 4294967295 68 +70 71 94 4294967295 74 70 +71 72 93 4294967295 76 74 +71 93 94 73 4294967295 72 +72 73 92 4294967295 78 76 +72 92 93 75 4294967295 73 +73 74 91 4294967295 80 78 +73 91 92 77 4294967295 75 +74 75 90 4294967295 81 80 +74 90 91 79 4294967295 77 +75 76 90 4294967295 83 79 +76 77 89 4294967295 84 83 +76 89 90 82 4294967295 81 +77 78 89 4294967295 86 82 +78 79 88 4294967295 88 86 +78 88 89 85 4294967295 84 +79 80 87 4294967295 90 88 +79 87 88 87 4294967295 85 +80 81 86 4294967295 92 90 +80 86 87 89 4294967295 87 +81 82 85 4294967295 94 92 +81 85 86 91 4294967295 89 +82 83 100 4294967295 96 94 +82 100 85 93 4294967295 91 +83 84 99 4294967295 64 96 +83 99 100 95 4294967295 93 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..317173d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +111 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 4294967295 2 +0 39 48 1 39 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 4294967295 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 4294967295 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 4294967295 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 4294967295 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 4294967295 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 4294967295 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 4294967295 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 4294967295 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 4294967295 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 4294967295 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 4294967295 26 +15 16 24 4294967295 32 31 +15 24 25 30 4294967295 28 +16 17 24 4294967295 34 30 +17 18 23 4294967295 36 34 +17 23 24 33 4294967295 32 +18 19 20 4294967295 4294967295 36 +18 20 23 35 37 33 +20 21 23 4294967295 38 36 +21 22 23 4294967295 4294967295 37 +39 40 48 4294967295 41 2 +40 41 47 4294967295 42 41 +40 47 48 40 4294967295 39 +41 42 47 4294967295 45 40 +42 43 44 4294967295 4294967295 44 +42 44 46 43 46 45 +42 46 47 44 4294967295 42 +44 45 46 4294967295 4294967295 44 +49 50 51 4294967295 4294967295 48 +49 51 64 47 50 4294967295 +51 52 63 4294967295 53 50 +51 63 64 49 4294967295 48 +52 53 57 4294967295 55 52 +52 57 58 51 4294967295 53 +52 58 63 52 57 49 +53 54 55 4294967295 4294967295 55 +53 55 57 54 56 51 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 55 +58 59 63 4294967295 60 53 +59 60 61 4294967295 4294967295 59 +59 61 62 58 4294967295 60 +59 62 63 59 4294967295 57 +65 66 97 4294967295 65 62 +65 97 98 61 109 63 +65 98 99 62 110 64 +65 99 84 63 95 4294967295 +66 67 97 4294967295 67 61 +67 68 96 4294967295 69 67 +67 96 97 66 109 65 +68 69 95 4294967295 71 69 +68 95 96 68 108 66 +69 70 94 4294967295 72 71 +69 94 95 70 107 68 +70 71 94 4294967295 74 70 +71 72 93 4294967295 76 74 +71 93 94 73 106 72 +72 73 92 4294967295 78 76 +72 92 93 75 105 73 +73 74 91 4294967295 80 78 +73 91 92 77 104 75 +74 75 90 4294967295 81 80 +74 90 91 79 103 77 +75 76 90 4294967295 83 79 +76 77 89 4294967295 84 83 +76 89 90 82 102 81 +77 78 89 4294967295 86 82 +78 79 88 4294967295 88 86 +78 88 89 85 101 84 +79 80 87 4294967295 90 88 +79 87 88 87 100 85 +80 81 86 4294967295 92 90 +80 86 87 89 99 87 +81 82 85 4294967295 94 92 +81 85 86 91 97 89 +82 83 100 4294967295 96 94 +82 100 85 93 98 91 +83 84 99 4294967295 64 96 +83 99 100 95 110 93 +85 98 86 98 99 92 +85 100 98 94 110 97 +86 98 87 97 100 90 +87 98 88 99 101 88 +88 98 89 100 102 86 +89 98 90 101 103 83 +90 98 91 102 104 80 +91 98 92 103 105 78 +92 98 93 104 106 76 +93 98 94 105 107 74 +94 98 95 106 108 71 +95 98 96 107 109 69 +96 98 97 108 62 67 +98 100 99 98 96 63 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..437a134 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +179 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 68 2 +0 39 48 1 69 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 68 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 66 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 66 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 65 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 63 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 62 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 58 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 53 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 52 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 57 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 56 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 56 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 55 26 +15 16 24 32 33 31 +15 24 25 30 51 28 +15 56 16 4294967295 34 30 +16 17 24 35 38 30 +16 56 67 32 117 36 +16 66 17 36 39 33 +16 67 66 34 133 35 +17 18 23 39 41 38 +17 23 24 37 50 33 +17 66 18 35 42 37 +18 19 20 42 43 41 +18 20 23 40 44 37 +18 66 19 39 43 40 +19 66 20 42 45 40 +20 21 23 45 46 41 +20 66 21 43 47 44 +21 22 23 47 48 44 +21 66 22 45 49 46 +22 65 23 49 50 46 +22 66 65 47 129 48 +23 65 24 48 54 38 +24 29 25 52 55 31 +24 30 29 53 21 51 +24 31 30 54 19 52 +24 65 31 50 61 53 +25 29 26 51 57 29 +26 28 27 57 25 27 +26 29 28 55 23 56 +31 40 32 59 62 17 +31 41 40 60 70 58 +31 42 41 61 72 59 +31 65 42 54 76 60 +32 40 33 58 64 15 +33 39 34 64 65 13 +33 40 39 62 69 63 +34 39 35 63 67 11 +35 37 36 67 6 9 +35 39 37 65 68 66 +37 39 38 67 1 4 +39 40 48 64 71 2 +40 41 47 59 72 71 +40 47 48 70 83 69 +41 42 47 60 75 70 +42 43 44 76 78 74 +42 44 46 73 79 75 +42 46 47 74 82 72 +42 65 43 61 77 73 +43 65 84 76 132 78 +43 84 44 77 80 73 +44 45 46 80 81 74 +44 84 45 78 81 79 +45 84 46 80 82 79 +46 84 47 81 83 75 +47 84 48 82 87 71 +48 63 62 85 124 4294967295 +48 64 63 86 97 84 +48 83 64 87 128 85 +48 84 83 83 163 86 +49 50 51 91 92 89 +49 51 64 88 97 90 +49 64 79 89 125 91 +49 79 50 90 94 88 +50 77 51 93 99 88 +50 78 77 94 152 92 +50 79 78 91 153 93 +51 52 63 96 102 97 +51 53 52 98 100 95 +51 63 64 95 85 89 +51 76 53 99 107 96 +51 77 76 92 150 98 +52 53 57 96 104 101 +52 57 58 100 119 102 +52 58 63 101 121 95 +53 54 55 105 108 104 +53 55 57 103 116 100 +53 74 54 106 115 103 +53 75 74 107 147 105 +53 76 75 98 149 106 +54 67 55 109 117 103 +54 68 67 110 134 108 +54 69 68 111 136 109 +54 70 69 112 138 110 +54 71 70 113 140 111 +54 72 71 114 141 112 +54 73 72 115 143 113 +54 74 73 105 145 114 +55 56 57 117 118 104 +55 67 56 108 34 116 +56 60 57 4294967295 120 116 +57 59 58 120 121 101 +57 60 59 118 122 119 +58 59 63 119 124 102 +59 60 61 120 4294967295 123 +59 61 62 122 4294967295 124 +59 62 63 123 84 121 +64 80 79 126 155 90 +64 81 80 127 157 125 +64 82 81 128 159 126 +64 83 82 86 161 127 +65 66 97 49 133 130 +65 97 98 129 177 131 +65 98 99 130 178 132 +65 99 84 131 163 77 +66 67 97 36 135 129 +67 68 96 109 137 135 +67 96 97 134 177 133 +68 69 95 110 139 137 +68 95 96 136 176 134 +69 70 94 111 140 139 +69 94 95 138 175 136 +70 71 94 112 142 138 +71 72 93 113 144 142 +71 93 94 141 174 140 +72 73 92 114 146 144 +72 92 93 143 173 141 +73 74 91 115 148 146 +73 91 92 145 172 143 +74 75 90 106 149 148 +74 90 91 147 171 145 +75 76 90 107 151 147 +76 77 89 99 152 151 +76 89 90 150 170 149 +77 78 89 93 154 150 +78 79 88 94 156 154 +78 88 89 153 169 152 +79 80 87 125 158 156 +79 87 88 155 168 153 +80 81 86 126 160 158 +80 86 87 157 167 155 +81 82 85 127 162 160 +81 85 86 159 165 157 +82 83 100 128 164 162 +82 100 85 161 166 159 +83 84 99 87 132 164 +83 99 100 163 178 161 +85 98 86 166 167 160 +85 100 98 162 178 165 +86 98 87 165 168 158 +87 98 88 167 169 156 +88 98 89 168 170 154 +89 98 90 169 171 151 +90 98 91 170 172 148 +91 98 92 171 173 146 +92 98 93 172 174 144 +93 98 94 173 175 142 +94 98 95 174 176 139 +95 98 96 175 177 137 +96 98 97 176 130 135 +98 100 99 166 164 131 + +101 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 66 +65 84 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bbd286 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/cdt__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +101 +0 1 38 4294967295 4 1 +0 38 39 0 4294967295 2 +0 39 48 1 39 4294967295 +1 2 37 4294967295 6 4 +1 37 38 3 4294967295 0 +2 3 36 4294967295 7 6 +2 36 37 5 4294967295 3 +3 4 36 4294967295 9 5 +4 5 35 4294967295 11 9 +4 35 36 8 4294967295 7 +5 6 34 4294967295 13 11 +5 34 35 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 33 4294967295 15 13 +6 33 34 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 32 4294967295 17 15 +7 32 33 14 4294967295 12 +8 9 31 4294967295 19 17 +8 31 32 16 4294967295 14 +9 10 30 4294967295 21 19 +9 30 31 18 4294967295 16 +10 11 29 4294967295 23 21 +10 29 30 20 4294967295 18 +11 12 28 4294967295 25 23 +11 28 29 22 4294967295 20 +12 13 27 4294967295 27 25 +12 27 28 24 4294967295 22 +13 14 26 4294967295 29 27 +13 26 27 26 4294967295 24 +14 15 25 4294967295 31 29 +14 25 26 28 4294967295 26 +15 16 24 4294967295 32 31 +15 24 25 30 4294967295 28 +16 17 24 4294967295 34 30 +17 18 23 4294967295 36 34 +17 23 24 33 4294967295 32 +18 19 20 4294967295 4294967295 36 +18 20 23 35 37 33 +20 21 23 4294967295 38 36 +21 22 23 4294967295 4294967295 37 +39 40 48 4294967295 41 2 +40 41 47 4294967295 42 41 +40 47 48 40 4294967295 39 +41 42 47 4294967295 45 40 +42 43 44 4294967295 4294967295 44 +42 44 46 43 46 45 +42 46 47 44 4294967295 42 +44 45 46 4294967295 4294967295 44 +49 50 51 4294967295 4294967295 48 +49 51 64 47 50 4294967295 +51 52 63 4294967295 53 50 +51 63 64 49 4294967295 48 +52 53 57 4294967295 55 52 +52 57 58 51 4294967295 53 +52 58 63 52 57 49 +53 54 55 4294967295 4294967295 55 +53 55 57 54 56 51 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 55 +58 59 63 4294967295 60 53 +59 60 61 4294967295 4294967295 59 +59 61 62 58 4294967295 60 +59 62 63 59 4294967295 57 +65 98 104 63 4294967295 64 +65 101 103 4294967295 99 63 +65 103 98 62 4294967295 61 +65 104 102 61 100 4294967295 +66 67 97 4294967295 68 66 +66 97 101 65 99 4294967295 +67 68 96 4294967295 70 68 +67 96 97 67 4294967295 65 +68 69 95 4294967295 72 70 +68 95 96 69 4294967295 67 +69 70 94 4294967295 73 72 +69 94 95 71 4294967295 69 +70 71 94 4294967295 75 71 +71 72 93 4294967295 77 75 +71 93 94 74 4294967295 73 +72 73 92 4294967295 79 77 +72 92 93 76 4294967295 74 +73 74 91 4294967295 81 79 +73 91 92 78 4294967295 76 +74 75 90 4294967295 82 81 +74 90 91 80 4294967295 78 +75 76 90 4294967295 84 80 +76 77 89 4294967295 85 84 +76 89 90 83 4294967295 82 +77 78 89 4294967295 87 83 +78 79 88 4294967295 89 87 +78 88 89 86 4294967295 85 +79 80 87 4294967295 91 89 +79 87 88 88 4294967295 86 +80 81 86 4294967295 93 91 +80 86 87 90 4294967295 88 +81 82 85 4294967295 95 93 +81 85 86 92 4294967295 90 +82 83 100 4294967295 97 95 +82 100 85 94 4294967295 92 +83 84 99 4294967295 98 97 +83 99 100 96 4294967295 94 +84 102 99 4294967295 100 96 +97 103 101 4294967295 62 66 +99 102 104 98 64 4294967295 + +105 +0 1 +0 48 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +49 50 +49 64 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +65 101 +65 102 +66 67 +66 101 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 102 +85 86 +85 100 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 103 +98 103 +98 104 +99 100 +99 104 + +0 + +8 +65 101 + 1 + 65 66 +65 102 + 1 + 65 84 +66 101 + 1 + 65 66 +84 102 + 1 + 65 84 +97 103 + 1 + 97 98 +98 103 + 1 + 97 98 +98 104 + 1 + 98 99 +99 104 + 1 + 98 99 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b14d24 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +33 +0 1 13 4294967295 7 5 +0 3 2 2 8 4294967295 +0 6 3 3 13 1 +0 7 6 4 20 2 +0 12 7 5 23 3 +0 13 12 0 30 4 +1 2 14 4294967295 12 7 +1 14 13 6 31 0 +2 3 4 1 14 9 +2 4 5 8 15 10 +2 5 10 9 17 11 +2 10 11 10 27 12 +2 11 14 11 29 6 +3 6 15 2 20 14 +3 15 4 13 15 8 +4 15 5 14 18 9 +5 8 9 19 22 17 +5 9 10 16 26 10 +5 15 16 15 24 19 +5 16 8 18 21 16 +6 7 15 3 24 13 +7 8 16 22 19 24 +7 9 8 23 16 21 +7 12 9 4 25 22 +7 16 15 21 18 20 +9 12 17 23 30 26 +9 17 10 25 27 17 +10 17 11 26 28 11 +11 17 18 27 32 29 +11 18 14 28 31 12 +12 13 17 5 32 25 +13 14 18 7 29 32 +13 18 17 31 28 30 + +15 +3 15 +4 15 +5 16 +6 15 +7 16 +8 9 +8 16 +9 17 +10 17 +11 18 +12 17 +13 18 +14 18 +15 16 +17 18 + +4 +3 15 1 +8 9 1 +8 16 1 +15 16 1 + +15 +3 15 + 2 + 3 14 + 3 9 +4 15 + 1 + 4 6 +5 16 + 1 + 5 7 +6 15 + 1 + 4 6 +7 16 + 1 + 5 7 +8 9 + 2 + 3 14 + 3 9 +8 16 + 2 + 3 14 + 3 9 +9 17 + 1 + 3 14 +10 17 + 1 + 10 12 +11 18 + 1 + 11 13 +12 17 + 1 + 10 12 +13 18 + 1 + 11 13 +14 18 + 1 + 3 14 +15 16 + 2 + 3 14 + 3 9 +17 18 + 1 + 3 14 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10f14c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +0 + +15 +0 12 +1 12 +2 13 +3 12 +4 13 +5 6 +5 13 +6 14 +7 14 +8 15 +9 14 +10 15 +11 15 +12 13 +14 15 + +4 +0 12 1 +5 6 1 +5 13 1 +12 13 1 + +15 +0 12 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +1 12 + 1 + 1 3 +2 13 + 1 + 2 4 +3 12 + 1 + 1 3 +4 13 + 1 + 2 4 +5 6 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +5 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +6 14 + 1 + 0 11 +7 14 + 1 + 7 9 +8 15 + 1 + 8 10 +9 14 + 1 + 7 9 +10 15 + 1 + 8 10 +11 15 + 1 + 0 11 +12 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +14 15 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10f14c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +0 + +15 +0 12 +1 12 +2 13 +3 12 +4 13 +5 6 +5 13 +6 14 +7 14 +8 15 +9 14 +10 15 +11 15 +12 13 +14 15 + +4 +0 12 1 +5 6 1 +5 13 1 +12 13 1 + +15 +0 12 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +1 12 + 1 + 1 3 +2 13 + 1 + 2 4 +3 12 + 1 + 1 3 +4 13 + 1 + 2 4 +5 6 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +5 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +6 14 + 1 + 0 11 +7 14 + 1 + 7 9 +8 15 + 1 + 8 10 +9 14 + 1 + 7 9 +10 15 + 1 + 8 10 +11 15 + 1 + 0 11 +12 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +14 15 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f09f7c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +20 +0 3 12 4294967295 7 1 +0 12 1 0 2 4294967295 +1 12 2 1 5 4294967295 +2 5 6 6 9 4 +2 6 7 3 13 4294967295 +2 12 13 2 11 6 +2 13 5 5 8 3 +3 4 12 4294967295 11 0 +4 5 13 9 6 11 +4 6 5 10 3 8 +4 9 6 4294967295 12 9 +4 13 12 8 5 7 +6 9 14 10 17 13 +6 14 7 12 14 4 +7 14 8 13 15 4294967295 +8 14 15 14 19 16 +8 15 11 15 18 4294967295 +9 10 14 4294967295 19 12 +10 11 15 4294967295 16 19 +10 15 14 18 15 17 + +15 +0 12 +1 12 +2 13 +3 12 +4 13 +5 6 +5 13 +6 14 +7 14 +8 15 +9 14 +10 15 +11 15 +12 13 +14 15 + +4 +0 12 1 +5 6 1 +5 13 1 +12 13 1 + +15 +0 12 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +1 12 + 1 + 1 3 +2 13 + 1 + 2 4 +3 12 + 1 + 1 3 +4 13 + 1 + 2 4 +5 6 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +5 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +6 14 + 1 + 0 11 +7 14 + 1 + 7 9 +8 15 + 1 + 8 10 +9 14 + 1 + 7 9 +10 15 + 1 + 8 10 +11 15 + 1 + 0 11 +12 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +14 15 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..691b836 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +33 +0 1 13 4294967295 7 5 +0 3 2 2 8 4294967295 +0 6 3 3 13 1 +0 7 6 4 20 2 +0 12 7 5 22 3 +0 13 12 0 30 4 +1 2 14 4294967295 12 7 +1 14 13 6 31 0 +2 3 4 1 14 9 +2 4 5 8 15 10 +2 5 10 9 17 11 +2 10 11 10 27 12 +2 11 14 11 29 6 +3 6 15 2 20 14 +3 15 4 13 15 8 +4 15 5 14 18 9 +5 8 9 19 24 17 +5 9 10 16 26 10 +5 15 16 15 23 19 +5 16 8 18 21 16 +6 7 15 3 23 13 +7 8 16 22 19 23 +7 12 8 4 24 21 +7 16 15 21 18 20 +8 12 9 22 25 16 +9 12 17 24 30 26 +9 17 10 25 27 17 +10 17 11 26 28 11 +11 17 18 27 32 29 +11 18 14 28 31 12 +12 13 17 5 32 25 +13 14 18 7 29 32 +13 18 17 31 28 30 + +15 +3 15 +4 15 +5 16 +6 15 +7 16 +8 9 +8 16 +9 17 +10 17 +11 18 +12 17 +13 18 +14 18 +15 16 +17 18 + +4 +3 15 1 +8 9 1 +8 16 1 +15 16 1 + +15 +3 15 + 2 + 3 14 + 3 9 +4 15 + 1 + 4 6 +5 16 + 1 + 5 7 +6 15 + 1 + 4 6 +7 16 + 1 + 5 7 +8 9 + 2 + 3 14 + 3 9 +8 16 + 2 + 3 14 + 3 9 +9 17 + 1 + 3 14 +10 17 + 1 + 10 12 +11 18 + 1 + 11 13 +12 17 + 1 + 10 12 +13 18 + 1 + 11 13 +14 18 + 1 + 3 14 +15 16 + 2 + 3 14 + 3 9 +17 18 + 1 + 3 14 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10f14c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +0 + +15 +0 12 +1 12 +2 13 +3 12 +4 13 +5 6 +5 13 +6 14 +7 14 +8 15 +9 14 +10 15 +11 15 +12 13 +14 15 + +4 +0 12 1 +5 6 1 +5 13 1 +12 13 1 + +15 +0 12 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +1 12 + 1 + 1 3 +2 13 + 1 + 2 4 +3 12 + 1 + 1 3 +4 13 + 1 + 2 4 +5 6 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +5 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +6 14 + 1 + 0 11 +7 14 + 1 + 7 9 +8 15 + 1 + 8 10 +9 14 + 1 + 7 9 +10 15 + 1 + 8 10 +11 15 + 1 + 0 11 +12 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +14 15 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10f14c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +0 + +15 +0 12 +1 12 +2 13 +3 12 +4 13 +5 6 +5 13 +6 14 +7 14 +8 15 +9 14 +10 15 +11 15 +12 13 +14 15 + +4 +0 12 1 +5 6 1 +5 13 1 +12 13 1 + +15 +0 12 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +1 12 + 1 + 1 3 +2 13 + 1 + 2 4 +3 12 + 1 + 1 3 +4 13 + 1 + 2 4 +5 6 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +5 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +6 14 + 1 + 0 11 +7 14 + 1 + 7 9 +8 15 + 1 + 8 10 +9 14 + 1 + 7 9 +10 15 + 1 + 8 10 +11 15 + 1 + 0 11 +12 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +14 15 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97c6bc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/corner cases__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +20 +0 3 12 4294967295 7 1 +0 12 1 0 2 4294967295 +1 12 2 1 5 4294967295 +2 5 6 6 11 4 +2 6 7 3 13 4294967295 +2 12 13 2 10 6 +2 13 5 5 8 3 +3 4 12 4294967295 10 0 +4 5 13 9 6 10 +4 9 5 4294967295 11 8 +4 13 12 8 5 7 +5 9 6 9 12 3 +6 9 14 11 17 13 +6 14 7 12 14 4 +7 14 8 13 15 4294967295 +8 14 15 14 19 16 +8 15 11 15 18 4294967295 +9 10 14 4294967295 19 12 +10 11 15 4294967295 16 19 +10 15 14 18 15 17 + +15 +0 12 +1 12 +2 13 +3 12 +4 13 +5 6 +5 13 +6 14 +7 14 +8 15 +9 14 +10 15 +11 15 +12 13 +14 15 + +4 +0 12 1 +5 6 1 +5 13 1 +12 13 1 + +15 +0 12 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +1 12 + 1 + 1 3 +2 13 + 1 + 2 4 +3 12 + 1 + 1 3 +4 13 + 1 + 2 4 +5 6 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +5 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +6 14 + 1 + 0 11 +7 14 + 1 + 7 9 +8 15 + 1 + 8 10 +9 14 + 1 + 7 9 +10 15 + 1 + 8 10 +11 15 + 1 + 0 11 +12 13 + 2 + 0 11 + 0 6 +14 15 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/crossing-edges__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/crossing-edges__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb65b04 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/crossing-edges__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +11 +0 1 3 4294967295 4 1 +0 3 6 0 8 2 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 4 3 5 7 0 +1 5 4 3 9 4 +2 6 5 2 10 3 +3 4 7 4 9 8 +3 7 6 7 10 1 +4 5 7 5 10 7 +5 6 7 6 8 9 + +4 +3 7 +4 7 +5 7 +6 7 + +0 + +4 +3 7 + 1 + 3 5 +4 7 + 1 + 4 6 +5 7 + 1 + 3 5 +6 7 + 1 + 4 6 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/crossing-edges__conforming_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/crossing-edges__conforming_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb65b04 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/crossing-edges__conforming_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +11 +0 1 3 4294967295 4 1 +0 3 6 0 8 2 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 4 3 5 7 0 +1 5 4 3 9 4 +2 6 5 2 10 3 +3 4 7 4 9 8 +3 7 6 7 10 1 +4 5 7 5 10 7 +5 6 7 6 8 9 + +4 +3 7 +4 7 +5 7 +6 7 + +0 + +4 +3 7 + 1 + 3 5 +4 7 + 1 + 4 6 +5 7 + 1 + 3 5 +6 7 + 1 + 4 6 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a69b279 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +23 +0 1 12 4294967295 5 3 +0 8 11 3 18 2 +0 11 2 1 9 4294967295 +0 12 8 0 19 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 10 8 +1 3 12 6 11 0 +1 4 3 7 11 5 +1 6 4 8 13 6 +1 7 6 4 16 7 +2 11 13 2 22 10 +2 13 7 9 16 4 +3 4 12 6 12 5 +4 5 12 13 15 11 +4 6 5 7 14 12 +5 6 13 13 16 15 +5 13 12 14 21 12 +6 7 13 8 10 14 +8 9 10 19 20 18 +8 10 11 17 22 1 +8 12 9 3 20 17 +9 12 10 19 21 17 +10 12 13 20 15 22 +10 13 11 21 9 18 + +12 +3 4 +3 12 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 13 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +10 11 +11 13 +12 13 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e423ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +9 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 10 4294967295 4 3 +2 10 9 2 7 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 2 +5 9 6 4294967295 6 4294967295 +6 9 7 5 7 4294967295 +7 9 10 6 3 8 +7 10 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e423ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +9 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 10 4294967295 4 3 +2 10 9 2 7 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 2 +5 9 6 4294967295 6 4294967295 +6 9 7 5 7 4294967295 +7 9 10 6 3 8 +7 10 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7720b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +12 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 2 4 0 +1 3 2 4294967295 3 1 +2 3 10 2 5 4 +2 10 9 3 10 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 3 +5 6 7 8 9 7 +5 7 8 6 11 4294967295 +5 9 6 4294967295 9 6 +6 9 7 8 10 6 +7 9 10 9 4 11 +7 10 8 10 4294967295 7 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_resolve_all.txt 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-0,0 +1,28 @@ +9 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 10 4294967295 4 3 +2 10 9 2 7 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 2 +5 9 6 4294967295 6 4294967295 +6 9 7 5 7 4294967295 +7 9 10 6 3 8 +7 10 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e423ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +9 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 10 4294967295 4 3 +2 10 9 2 7 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 2 +5 9 6 4294967295 6 4294967295 +6 9 7 5 7 4294967295 +7 9 10 6 3 8 +7 10 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7720b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +12 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 2 4 0 +1 3 2 4294967295 3 1 +2 3 10 2 5 4 +2 10 9 3 10 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 3 +5 6 7 8 9 7 +5 7 8 6 11 4294967295 +5 9 6 4294967295 9 6 +6 9 7 8 10 6 +7 9 10 9 4 11 +7 10 8 10 4294967295 7 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a69b279 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +23 +0 1 12 4294967295 5 3 +0 8 11 3 18 2 +0 11 2 1 9 4294967295 +0 12 8 0 19 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 10 8 +1 3 12 6 11 0 +1 4 3 7 11 5 +1 6 4 8 13 6 +1 7 6 4 16 7 +2 11 13 2 22 10 +2 13 7 9 16 4 +3 4 12 6 12 5 +4 5 12 13 15 11 +4 6 5 7 14 12 +5 6 13 13 16 15 +5 13 12 14 21 12 +6 7 13 8 10 14 +8 9 10 19 20 18 +8 10 11 17 22 1 +8 12 9 3 20 17 +9 12 10 19 21 17 +10 12 13 20 15 22 +10 13 11 21 9 18 + +12 +3 4 +3 12 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 13 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +10 11 +11 13 +12 13 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e423ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +9 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 10 4294967295 4 3 +2 10 9 2 7 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 2 +5 9 6 4294967295 6 4294967295 +6 9 7 5 7 4294967295 +7 9 10 6 3 8 +7 10 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e423ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +9 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 10 4294967295 4 3 +2 10 9 2 7 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 2 +5 9 6 4294967295 6 4294967295 +6 9 7 5 7 4294967295 +7 9 10 6 3 8 +7 10 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7720b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +12 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 2 4 0 +1 3 2 4294967295 3 1 +2 3 10 2 5 4 +2 10 9 3 10 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 3 +5 6 7 8 9 7 +5 7 8 6 11 4294967295 +5 9 6 4294967295 9 6 +6 9 7 8 10 6 +7 9 10 9 4 11 +7 10 8 10 4294967295 7 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a69b279 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +23 +0 1 12 4294967295 5 3 +0 8 11 3 18 2 +0 11 2 1 9 4294967295 +0 12 8 0 19 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 10 8 +1 3 12 6 11 0 +1 4 3 7 11 5 +1 6 4 8 13 6 +1 7 6 4 16 7 +2 11 13 2 22 10 +2 13 7 9 16 4 +3 4 12 6 12 5 +4 5 12 13 15 11 +4 6 5 7 14 12 +5 6 13 13 16 15 +5 13 12 14 21 12 +6 7 13 8 10 14 +8 9 10 19 20 18 +8 10 11 17 22 1 +8 12 9 3 20 17 +9 12 10 19 21 17 +10 12 13 20 15 22 +10 13 11 21 9 18 + +12 +3 4 +3 12 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 13 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +10 11 +11 13 +12 13 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e423ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +9 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 10 4294967295 4 3 +2 10 9 2 7 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 2 +5 9 6 4294967295 6 4294967295 +6 9 7 5 7 4294967295 +7 9 10 6 3 8 +7 10 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e423ea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +9 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 10 4294967295 4 3 +2 10 9 2 7 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 2 +5 9 6 4294967295 6 4294967295 +6 9 7 5 7 4294967295 +7 9 10 6 3 8 +7 10 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7720b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +12 +0 1 9 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 9 2 4 0 +1 3 2 4294967295 3 1 +2 3 10 2 5 4 +2 10 9 3 10 1 +3 4 10 4294967295 4294967295 3 +5 6 7 8 9 7 +5 7 8 6 11 4294967295 +5 9 6 4294967295 9 6 +6 9 7 8 10 6 +7 9 10 9 4 11 +7 10 8 10 4294967295 7 + +12 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 10 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b064d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/ditch__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +15 +0 1 9 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 12 4294967295 4 2 +1 12 9 1 8 0 +2 3 11 4294967295 6 4 +2 11 12 3 11 1 +3 4 13 4294967295 7 6 +3 13 11 5 12 3 +4 10 13 4294967295 14 5 +5 9 12 4294967295 2 9 +5 12 6 8 11 4294967295 +6 11 7 11 12 4294967295 +6 12 11 9 4 10 +7 11 13 10 6 13 +7 13 8 12 14 4294967295 +8 13 10 13 7 4294967295 + +15 +0 1 +0 9 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 10 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +7 8 +8 10 +9 12 +10 13 +11 12 +11 13 + +0 + +4 +9 12 + 1 + 9 10 +10 13 + 1 + 9 10 +11 12 + 1 + 9 10 +11 13 + 1 + 9 10 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/dont_flip_constraint_when_resolving_intersection__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/dont_flip_constraint_when_resolving_intersection__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c0a8cc --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/dont_flip_constraint_when_resolving_intersection__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +15 +0 1 7 4294967295 7 3 +0 3 8 2 9 4 +0 6 3 3 10 1 +0 7 6 0 14 2 +0 8 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 8 6 +1 4 5 5 12 7 +1 5 7 6 13 0 +2 8 4 4 9 5 +3 4 8 11 8 1 +3 6 9 2 14 11 +3 9 4 10 12 9 +4 9 5 11 13 6 +5 9 7 12 14 7 +6 7 9 3 13 10 + +5 +3 4 +3 9 +4 9 +5 9 +6 9 + +0 + +4 +3 9 + 1 + 3 5 +4 9 + 1 + 4 6 +5 9 + 1 + 3 5 +6 9 + 1 + 4 6 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4265ff --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +15 +0 1 7 4294967295 5 4 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 8 1 +0 6 4 4 8 2 +0 7 6 0 10 3 +1 2 7 4294967295 7 0 +2 3 9 1 12 7 +2 9 7 6 14 5 +3 4 6 2 3 10 +3 5 8 11 13 12 +3 6 7 8 4 11 +3 7 5 10 13 9 +3 8 9 9 14 6 +5 7 8 11 14 9 +7 9 8 7 12 13 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a31d19b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +7 +0 1 3 4294967295 4294967295 2 +0 2 5 3 5 4 +0 3 4 0 4294967295 3 +0 4 2 2 5 1 +0 5 6 1 6 4294967295 +2 4 5 3 6 1 +4 6 5 4294967295 4 5 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4265ff --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +15 +0 1 7 4294967295 5 4 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 8 1 +0 6 4 4 8 2 +0 7 6 0 10 3 +1 2 7 4294967295 7 0 +2 3 9 1 12 7 +2 9 7 6 14 5 +3 4 6 2 3 10 +3 5 8 11 13 12 +3 6 7 8 4 11 +3 7 5 10 13 9 +3 8 9 9 14 6 +5 7 8 11 14 9 +7 9 8 7 12 13 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a31d19b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +7 +0 1 3 4294967295 4294967295 2 +0 2 5 3 5 4 +0 3 4 0 4294967295 3 +0 4 2 2 5 1 +0 5 6 1 6 4294967295 +2 4 5 3 6 1 +4 6 5 4294967295 4 5 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4265ff --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +15 +0 1 7 4294967295 5 4 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 8 1 +0 6 4 4 8 2 +0 7 6 0 10 3 +1 2 7 4294967295 7 0 +2 3 9 1 12 7 +2 9 7 6 14 5 +3 4 6 2 3 10 +3 5 8 11 13 12 +3 6 7 8 4 11 +3 7 5 10 13 9 +3 8 9 9 14 6 +5 7 8 11 14 9 +7 9 8 7 12 13 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a31d19b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +7 +0 1 3 4294967295 4294967295 2 +0 2 5 3 5 4 +0 3 4 0 4294967295 3 +0 4 2 2 5 1 +0 5 6 1 6 4294967295 +2 4 5 3 6 1 +4 6 5 4294967295 4 5 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4265ff --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +15 +0 1 7 4294967295 5 4 +0 3 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 4 3 3 8 1 +0 6 4 4 8 2 +0 7 6 0 10 3 +1 2 7 4294967295 7 0 +2 3 9 1 12 7 +2 9 7 6 14 5 +3 4 6 2 3 10 +3 5 8 11 13 12 +3 6 7 8 4 11 +3 7 5 10 13 9 +3 8 9 9 14 6 +5 7 8 11 14 9 +7 9 8 7 12 13 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a31d19b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +7 +0 1 3 4294967295 4294967295 2 +0 2 5 3 5 4 +0 3 4 0 4294967295 3 +0 4 2 2 5 1 +0 5 6 1 6 4294967295 +2 4 5 3 6 1 +4 6 5 4294967295 4 5 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b720665 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/double-hanging__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +0 + +6 +0 8 +4 10 +7 9 +7 11 +8 9 +10 11 + +0 + +6 +0 8 + 1 + 0 4 +4 10 + 1 + 0 4 +7 9 + 1 + 0 4 +7 11 + 1 + 0 4 +8 9 + 1 + 0 4 +10 11 + 1 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e10109a --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +157 +0 1 11 4294967295 8 1 +0 11 15 0 38 2 +0 15 16 1 43 3 +0 16 2 2 10 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 9 5 +1 5 7 4 28 6 +1 7 9 5 30 7 +1 9 10 6 31 8 +1 10 11 7 33 0 +2 4 5 12 21 4 +2 16 41 3 47 11 +2 41 42 10 99 12 +2 42 4 11 23 9 +3 4 72 14 27 17 +3 8 4 15 22 13 +3 9 8 16 30 14 +3 25 9 20 32 15 +3 72 75 13 152 18 +3 75 76 17 125 19 +3 76 80 18 154 20 +3 80 25 19 65 16 +4 6 5 22 28 9 +4 8 6 14 29 21 +4 42 67 12 104 24 +4 67 69 23 147 25 +4 69 70 24 148 26 +4 70 71 25 150 27 +4 71 72 26 151 13 +5 6 7 21 29 5 +6 8 7 22 30 28 +7 8 9 29 15 6 +9 24 10 32 37 7 +9 25 24 16 61 31 +10 13 11 34 39 8 +10 18 13 35 42 33 +10 19 18 36 48 34 +10 20 19 37 50 35 +10 24 20 31 53 36 +11 12 15 39 41 1 +11 13 12 33 40 38 +12 13 14 39 42 41 +12 14 15 40 43 38 +13 18 14 34 45 40 +14 16 15 44 2 41 +14 17 16 45 46 43 +14 18 17 42 48 44 +16 17 40 44 49 47 +16 40 41 46 98 10 +17 18 19 45 35 49 +17 19 40 48 52 46 +19 20 21 36 53 51 +19 21 22 50 54 52 +19 22 40 51 56 49 +20 24 21 37 55 50 +21 23 22 55 56 51 +21 24 23 53 57 54 +22 23 40 54 60 52 +23 24 28 55 63 58 +23 28 29 57 70 59 +23 29 39 58 73 60 +23 39 40 59 95 56 +24 25 26 32 64 62 +24 26 27 61 66 63 +24 27 28 62 68 57 +25 79 26 65 67 61 +25 80 79 20 156 64 +26 78 27 67 69 62 +26 79 78 64 155 66 +27 33 28 69 72 63 +27 78 33 66 81 68 +28 30 29 71 73 58 +28 32 30 72 75 70 +28 33 32 68 79 71 +29 30 39 70 76 59 +30 31 38 75 78 76 +30 32 31 71 77 74 +30 38 39 74 93 73 +31 32 37 75 79 78 +31 37 38 77 91 74 +32 33 37 72 80 77 +33 34 37 81 83 79 +33 78 34 69 85 80 +34 35 36 84 86 83 +34 36 37 82 88 80 +34 77 35 85 87 82 +34 78 77 81 155 84 +35 76 36 87 90 82 +35 77 76 84 154 86 +36 49 37 89 92 83 +36 50 49 90 118 88 +36 76 50 86 119 89 +37 47 38 92 94 78 +37 49 47 88 112 91 +38 46 39 94 97 76 +38 47 46 91 109 93 +39 44 40 96 98 60 +39 45 44 97 105 95 +39 46 45 93 108 96 +40 44 41 95 100 47 +41 43 42 100 101 11 +41 44 43 98 105 99 +42 43 61 99 107 102 +42 61 62 101 141 103 +42 62 66 102 143 104 +42 66 67 103 146 23 +43 44 45 100 96 106 +43 45 59 105 108 107 +43 59 61 106 139 101 +45 46 59 97 110 106 +46 47 58 94 111 110 +46 58 59 109 137 108 +47 48 58 112 117 109 +47 49 48 92 113 111 +48 49 51 112 118 114 +48 51 55 113 120 115 +48 55 56 114 128 116 +48 56 57 115 133 117 +48 57 58 116 135 111 +49 50 51 89 119 113 +50 76 51 90 121 118 +51 52 55 121 123 114 +51 76 52 119 125 120 +52 53 54 124 126 123 +52 54 55 122 128 120 +52 75 53 125 127 122 +52 76 75 121 18 124 +53 74 54 127 132 122 +53 75 74 124 153 126 +54 56 55 129 115 123 +54 65 56 130 134 128 +54 68 65 131 145 129 +54 69 68 132 147 130 +54 74 69 126 149 131 +56 64 57 134 136 116 +56 65 64 129 144 133 +57 63 58 136 138 117 +57 64 63 133 144 135 +58 60 59 138 139 110 +58 63 60 135 140 137 +59 60 61 137 140 107 +60 63 61 138 141 139 +61 63 62 140 142 102 +62 63 65 141 144 143 +62 65 66 142 145 103 +63 64 65 136 134 142 +65 68 66 130 146 143 +66 68 67 145 147 104 +67 68 69 146 131 24 +69 73 70 149 150 25 +69 74 73 132 153 148 +70 73 71 148 151 26 +71 73 72 150 152 27 +72 73 75 151 153 17 +73 74 75 149 127 152 +76 77 80 87 156 19 +77 78 79 85 67 156 +77 79 80 155 65 154 + +78 +3 4 +3 80 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3fccae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +76 +0 5 1 1 5 4294967295 +0 6 5 2 4294967295 0 +0 22 6 3 8 1 +0 77 22 4294967295 23 2 +1 3 2 5 4294967295 4294967295 +1 5 3 0 6 4 +3 5 4 5 4294967295 4294967295 +6 21 7 8 13 4294967295 +6 22 21 2 4294967295 7 +7 10 8 10 14 4294967295 +7 15 10 11 15 9 +7 16 15 12 4294967295 10 +7 17 16 13 4294967295 11 +7 21 17 7 19 12 +8 10 9 9 4294967295 4294967295 +10 15 11 10 18 4294967295 +11 13 12 17 4294967295 4294967295 +11 14 13 18 4294967295 16 +11 15 14 15 4294967295 17 +17 21 18 13 21 4294967295 +18 20 19 21 4294967295 4294967295 +18 21 20 19 4294967295 20 +22 76 23 23 25 4294967295 +22 77 76 3 4294967295 22 +23 75 24 25 27 4294967295 +23 76 75 22 4294967295 24 +24 30 25 27 30 4294967295 +24 75 30 24 32 26 +25 27 26 29 4294967295 4294967295 +25 29 27 30 31 28 +25 30 29 26 4294967295 29 +27 29 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 +30 75 31 27 34 4294967295 +31 74 32 34 36 4294967295 +31 75 74 32 4294967295 33 +32 73 33 36 39 4294967295 +32 74 73 33 4294967295 35 +33 46 34 38 41 4294967295 +33 47 46 39 4294967295 37 +33 73 47 35 51 38 +34 44 35 41 43 4294967295 +34 46 44 37 50 40 +35 43 36 43 46 4294967295 +35 44 43 40 4294967295 42 +36 41 37 45 47 4294967295 +36 42 41 46 4294967295 44 +36 43 42 42 4294967295 45 +37 41 38 44 49 4294967295 +38 40 39 49 4294967295 4294967295 +38 41 40 47 4294967295 48 +44 46 45 41 4294967295 4294967295 +47 73 48 39 52 4294967295 +48 73 49 51 54 4294967295 +49 72 50 54 56 4294967295 +49 73 72 52 4294967295 53 +50 71 51 56 61 4294967295 +50 72 71 53 4294967295 55 +51 53 52 58 4294967295 4294967295 +51 62 53 59 63 57 +51 65 62 60 70 58 +51 66 65 61 4294967295 59 +51 71 66 55 73 60 +53 61 54 63 65 4294967295 +53 62 61 58 4294967295 62 +54 60 55 65 67 4294967295 +54 61 60 62 4294967295 64 +55 57 56 67 4294967295 4294967295 +55 60 57 64 68 66 +57 60 58 67 69 4294967295 +58 60 59 68 4294967295 4294967295 +62 65 63 59 71 4294967295 +63 65 64 70 4294967295 4294967295 +66 70 67 73 74 4294967295 +66 71 70 61 4294967295 72 +67 70 68 72 75 4294967295 +68 70 69 74 4294967295 4294967295 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3fccae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +76 +0 5 1 1 5 4294967295 +0 6 5 2 4294967295 0 +0 22 6 3 8 1 +0 77 22 4294967295 23 2 +1 3 2 5 4294967295 4294967295 +1 5 3 0 6 4 +3 5 4 5 4294967295 4294967295 +6 21 7 8 13 4294967295 +6 22 21 2 4294967295 7 +7 10 8 10 14 4294967295 +7 15 10 11 15 9 +7 16 15 12 4294967295 10 +7 17 16 13 4294967295 11 +7 21 17 7 19 12 +8 10 9 9 4294967295 4294967295 +10 15 11 10 18 4294967295 +11 13 12 17 4294967295 4294967295 +11 14 13 18 4294967295 16 +11 15 14 15 4294967295 17 +17 21 18 13 21 4294967295 +18 20 19 21 4294967295 4294967295 +18 21 20 19 4294967295 20 +22 76 23 23 25 4294967295 +22 77 76 3 4294967295 22 +23 75 24 25 27 4294967295 +23 76 75 22 4294967295 24 +24 30 25 27 30 4294967295 +24 75 30 24 32 26 +25 27 26 29 4294967295 4294967295 +25 29 27 30 31 28 +25 30 29 26 4294967295 29 +27 29 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 +30 75 31 27 34 4294967295 +31 74 32 34 36 4294967295 +31 75 74 32 4294967295 33 +32 73 33 36 39 4294967295 +32 74 73 33 4294967295 35 +33 46 34 38 41 4294967295 +33 47 46 39 4294967295 37 +33 73 47 35 51 38 +34 44 35 41 43 4294967295 +34 46 44 37 50 40 +35 43 36 43 46 4294967295 +35 44 43 40 4294967295 42 +36 41 37 45 47 4294967295 +36 42 41 46 4294967295 44 +36 43 42 42 4294967295 45 +37 41 38 44 49 4294967295 +38 40 39 49 4294967295 4294967295 +38 41 40 47 4294967295 48 +44 46 45 41 4294967295 4294967295 +47 73 48 39 52 4294967295 +48 73 49 51 54 4294967295 +49 72 50 54 56 4294967295 +49 73 72 52 4294967295 53 +50 71 51 56 61 4294967295 +50 72 71 53 4294967295 55 +51 53 52 58 4294967295 4294967295 +51 62 53 59 63 57 +51 65 62 60 70 58 +51 66 65 61 4294967295 59 +51 71 66 55 73 60 +53 61 54 63 65 4294967295 +53 62 61 58 4294967295 62 +54 60 55 65 67 4294967295 +54 61 60 62 4294967295 64 +55 57 56 67 4294967295 4294967295 +55 60 57 64 68 66 +57 60 58 67 69 4294967295 +58 60 59 68 4294967295 4294967295 +62 65 63 59 71 4294967295 +63 65 64 70 4294967295 4294967295 +66 70 67 73 74 4294967295 +66 71 70 61 4294967295 72 +67 70 68 72 75 4294967295 +68 70 69 74 4294967295 4294967295 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3244dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +144 +0 1 69 1 14 4 +0 5 1 2 9 0 +0 6 5 3 17 1 +0 22 6 7 19 2 +0 69 72 0 139 5 +0 72 73 4 112 6 +0 73 77 5 141 7 +0 77 22 6 52 3 +1 3 2 9 15 4294967295 +1 5 3 1 16 8 +1 39 64 4294967295 91 11 +1 64 66 10 134 12 +1 66 67 11 135 13 +1 67 68 12 137 14 +1 68 69 13 138 0 +2 3 4 8 16 4294967295 +3 5 4 9 17 15 +4 5 6 16 2 4294967295 +6 21 7 19 24 4294967295 +6 22 21 3 48 18 +7 10 8 21 26 4294967295 +7 15 10 22 29 20 +7 16 15 23 35 21 +7 17 16 24 37 22 +7 21 17 18 40 23 +8 9 12 26 28 4294967295 +8 10 9 20 27 25 +9 10 11 26 29 28 +9 11 12 27 30 25 +10 15 11 21 32 27 +11 13 12 31 4294967295 28 +11 14 13 32 33 30 +11 15 14 29 35 31 +13 14 37 31 36 34 +13 37 38 33 85 4294967295 +14 15 16 32 22 36 +14 16 37 35 39 33 +16 17 18 23 40 38 +16 18 19 37 41 39 +16 19 37 38 43 36 +17 21 18 24 42 37 +18 20 19 42 43 38 +18 21 20 40 44 41 +19 20 37 41 47 39 +20 21 25 42 50 45 +20 25 26 44 57 46 +20 26 36 45 60 47 +20 36 37 46 82 43 +21 22 23 19 51 49 +21 23 24 48 53 50 +21 24 25 49 55 44 +22 76 23 52 54 48 +22 77 76 7 143 51 +23 75 24 54 56 49 +23 76 75 51 142 53 +24 30 25 56 59 50 +24 75 30 53 68 55 +25 27 26 58 60 45 +25 29 27 59 62 57 +25 30 29 55 66 58 +26 27 36 57 63 46 +27 28 35 62 65 63 +27 29 28 58 64 61 +27 35 36 61 80 60 +28 29 34 62 66 65 +28 34 35 64 78 61 +29 30 34 59 67 64 +30 31 34 68 70 66 +30 75 31 56 72 67 +31 32 33 71 73 70 +31 33 34 69 75 67 +31 74 32 72 74 69 +31 75 74 68 142 71 +32 73 33 74 77 69 +32 74 73 71 141 73 +33 46 34 76 79 70 +33 47 46 77 105 75 +33 73 47 73 106 76 +34 44 35 79 81 65 +34 46 44 75 99 78 +35 43 36 81 84 63 +35 44 43 78 96 80 +36 41 37 83 85 47 +36 42 41 84 92 82 +36 43 42 80 95 83 +37 41 38 82 87 34 +38 40 39 87 88 4294967295 +38 41 40 85 92 86 +39 40 58 86 94 89 +39 58 59 88 128 90 +39 59 63 89 130 91 +39 63 64 90 133 10 +40 41 42 87 83 93 +40 42 56 92 95 94 +40 56 58 93 126 88 +42 43 56 84 97 93 +43 44 55 81 98 97 +43 55 56 96 124 95 +44 45 55 99 104 96 +44 46 45 79 100 98 +45 46 48 99 105 101 +45 48 52 100 107 102 +45 52 53 101 115 103 +45 53 54 102 120 104 +45 54 55 103 122 98 +46 47 48 76 106 100 +47 73 48 77 108 105 +48 49 52 108 110 101 +48 73 49 106 112 107 +49 50 51 111 113 110 +49 51 52 109 115 107 +49 72 50 112 114 109 +49 73 72 108 5 111 +50 71 51 114 119 109 +50 72 71 111 140 113 +51 53 52 116 102 110 +51 62 53 117 121 115 +51 65 62 118 132 116 +51 66 65 119 134 117 +51 71 66 113 136 118 +53 61 54 121 123 103 +53 62 61 116 131 120 +54 60 55 123 125 104 +54 61 60 120 131 122 +55 57 56 125 126 97 +55 60 57 122 127 124 +56 57 58 124 127 94 +57 60 58 125 128 126 +58 60 59 127 129 89 +59 60 62 128 131 130 +59 62 63 129 132 90 +60 61 62 123 121 129 +62 65 63 117 133 130 +63 65 64 132 134 91 +64 65 66 133 118 11 +66 70 67 136 137 12 +66 71 70 119 140 135 +67 70 68 135 138 13 +68 70 69 137 139 14 +69 70 72 138 140 4 +70 71 72 136 114 139 +73 74 77 74 143 6 +74 75 76 72 54 143 +74 76 77 142 52 141 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e10109a --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +157 +0 1 11 4294967295 8 1 +0 11 15 0 38 2 +0 15 16 1 43 3 +0 16 2 2 10 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 9 5 +1 5 7 4 28 6 +1 7 9 5 30 7 +1 9 10 6 31 8 +1 10 11 7 33 0 +2 4 5 12 21 4 +2 16 41 3 47 11 +2 41 42 10 99 12 +2 42 4 11 23 9 +3 4 72 14 27 17 +3 8 4 15 22 13 +3 9 8 16 30 14 +3 25 9 20 32 15 +3 72 75 13 152 18 +3 75 76 17 125 19 +3 76 80 18 154 20 +3 80 25 19 65 16 +4 6 5 22 28 9 +4 8 6 14 29 21 +4 42 67 12 104 24 +4 67 69 23 147 25 +4 69 70 24 148 26 +4 70 71 25 150 27 +4 71 72 26 151 13 +5 6 7 21 29 5 +6 8 7 22 30 28 +7 8 9 29 15 6 +9 24 10 32 37 7 +9 25 24 16 61 31 +10 13 11 34 39 8 +10 18 13 35 42 33 +10 19 18 36 48 34 +10 20 19 37 50 35 +10 24 20 31 53 36 +11 12 15 39 41 1 +11 13 12 33 40 38 +12 13 14 39 42 41 +12 14 15 40 43 38 +13 18 14 34 45 40 +14 16 15 44 2 41 +14 17 16 45 46 43 +14 18 17 42 48 44 +16 17 40 44 49 47 +16 40 41 46 98 10 +17 18 19 45 35 49 +17 19 40 48 52 46 +19 20 21 36 53 51 +19 21 22 50 54 52 +19 22 40 51 56 49 +20 24 21 37 55 50 +21 23 22 55 56 51 +21 24 23 53 57 54 +22 23 40 54 60 52 +23 24 28 55 63 58 +23 28 29 57 70 59 +23 29 39 58 73 60 +23 39 40 59 95 56 +24 25 26 32 64 62 +24 26 27 61 66 63 +24 27 28 62 68 57 +25 79 26 65 67 61 +25 80 79 20 156 64 +26 78 27 67 69 62 +26 79 78 64 155 66 +27 33 28 69 72 63 +27 78 33 66 81 68 +28 30 29 71 73 58 +28 32 30 72 75 70 +28 33 32 68 79 71 +29 30 39 70 76 59 +30 31 38 75 78 76 +30 32 31 71 77 74 +30 38 39 74 93 73 +31 32 37 75 79 78 +31 37 38 77 91 74 +32 33 37 72 80 77 +33 34 37 81 83 79 +33 78 34 69 85 80 +34 35 36 84 86 83 +34 36 37 82 88 80 +34 77 35 85 87 82 +34 78 77 81 155 84 +35 76 36 87 90 82 +35 77 76 84 154 86 +36 49 37 89 92 83 +36 50 49 90 118 88 +36 76 50 86 119 89 +37 47 38 92 94 78 +37 49 47 88 112 91 +38 46 39 94 97 76 +38 47 46 91 109 93 +39 44 40 96 98 60 +39 45 44 97 105 95 +39 46 45 93 108 96 +40 44 41 95 100 47 +41 43 42 100 101 11 +41 44 43 98 105 99 +42 43 61 99 107 102 +42 61 62 101 141 103 +42 62 66 102 143 104 +42 66 67 103 146 23 +43 44 45 100 96 106 +43 45 59 105 108 107 +43 59 61 106 139 101 +45 46 59 97 110 106 +46 47 58 94 111 110 +46 58 59 109 137 108 +47 48 58 112 117 109 +47 49 48 92 113 111 +48 49 51 112 118 114 +48 51 55 113 120 115 +48 55 56 114 128 116 +48 56 57 115 133 117 +48 57 58 116 135 111 +49 50 51 89 119 113 +50 76 51 90 121 118 +51 52 55 121 123 114 +51 76 52 119 125 120 +52 53 54 124 126 123 +52 54 55 122 128 120 +52 75 53 125 127 122 +52 76 75 121 18 124 +53 74 54 127 132 122 +53 75 74 124 153 126 +54 56 55 129 115 123 +54 65 56 130 134 128 +54 68 65 131 145 129 +54 69 68 132 147 130 +54 74 69 126 149 131 +56 64 57 134 136 116 +56 65 64 129 144 133 +57 63 58 136 138 117 +57 64 63 133 144 135 +58 60 59 138 139 110 +58 63 60 135 140 137 +59 60 61 137 140 107 +60 63 61 138 141 139 +61 63 62 140 142 102 +62 63 65 141 144 143 +62 65 66 142 145 103 +63 64 65 136 134 142 +65 68 66 130 146 143 +66 68 67 145 147 104 +67 68 69 146 131 24 +69 73 70 149 150 25 +69 74 73 132 153 148 +70 73 71 148 151 26 +71 73 72 150 152 27 +72 73 75 151 153 17 +73 74 75 149 127 152 +76 77 80 87 156 19 +77 78 79 85 67 156 +77 79 80 155 65 154 + +78 +3 4 +3 80 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3fccae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +76 +0 5 1 1 5 4294967295 +0 6 5 2 4294967295 0 +0 22 6 3 8 1 +0 77 22 4294967295 23 2 +1 3 2 5 4294967295 4294967295 +1 5 3 0 6 4 +3 5 4 5 4294967295 4294967295 +6 21 7 8 13 4294967295 +6 22 21 2 4294967295 7 +7 10 8 10 14 4294967295 +7 15 10 11 15 9 +7 16 15 12 4294967295 10 +7 17 16 13 4294967295 11 +7 21 17 7 19 12 +8 10 9 9 4294967295 4294967295 +10 15 11 10 18 4294967295 +11 13 12 17 4294967295 4294967295 +11 14 13 18 4294967295 16 +11 15 14 15 4294967295 17 +17 21 18 13 21 4294967295 +18 20 19 21 4294967295 4294967295 +18 21 20 19 4294967295 20 +22 76 23 23 25 4294967295 +22 77 76 3 4294967295 22 +23 75 24 25 27 4294967295 +23 76 75 22 4294967295 24 +24 30 25 27 30 4294967295 +24 75 30 24 32 26 +25 27 26 29 4294967295 4294967295 +25 29 27 30 31 28 +25 30 29 26 4294967295 29 +27 29 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 +30 75 31 27 34 4294967295 +31 74 32 34 36 4294967295 +31 75 74 32 4294967295 33 +32 73 33 36 39 4294967295 +32 74 73 33 4294967295 35 +33 46 34 38 41 4294967295 +33 47 46 39 4294967295 37 +33 73 47 35 51 38 +34 44 35 41 43 4294967295 +34 46 44 37 50 40 +35 43 36 43 46 4294967295 +35 44 43 40 4294967295 42 +36 41 37 45 47 4294967295 +36 42 41 46 4294967295 44 +36 43 42 42 4294967295 45 +37 41 38 44 49 4294967295 +38 40 39 49 4294967295 4294967295 +38 41 40 47 4294967295 48 +44 46 45 41 4294967295 4294967295 +47 73 48 39 52 4294967295 +48 73 49 51 54 4294967295 +49 72 50 54 56 4294967295 +49 73 72 52 4294967295 53 +50 71 51 56 61 4294967295 +50 72 71 53 4294967295 55 +51 53 52 58 4294967295 4294967295 +51 62 53 59 63 57 +51 65 62 60 70 58 +51 66 65 61 4294967295 59 +51 71 66 55 73 60 +53 61 54 63 65 4294967295 +53 62 61 58 4294967295 62 +54 60 55 65 67 4294967295 +54 61 60 62 4294967295 64 +55 57 56 67 4294967295 4294967295 +55 60 57 64 68 66 +57 60 58 67 69 4294967295 +58 60 59 68 4294967295 4294967295 +62 65 63 59 71 4294967295 +63 65 64 70 4294967295 4294967295 +66 70 67 73 74 4294967295 +66 71 70 61 4294967295 72 +67 70 68 72 75 4294967295 +68 70 69 74 4294967295 4294967295 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3fccae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +76 +0 5 1 1 5 4294967295 +0 6 5 2 4294967295 0 +0 22 6 3 8 1 +0 77 22 4294967295 23 2 +1 3 2 5 4294967295 4294967295 +1 5 3 0 6 4 +3 5 4 5 4294967295 4294967295 +6 21 7 8 13 4294967295 +6 22 21 2 4294967295 7 +7 10 8 10 14 4294967295 +7 15 10 11 15 9 +7 16 15 12 4294967295 10 +7 17 16 13 4294967295 11 +7 21 17 7 19 12 +8 10 9 9 4294967295 4294967295 +10 15 11 10 18 4294967295 +11 13 12 17 4294967295 4294967295 +11 14 13 18 4294967295 16 +11 15 14 15 4294967295 17 +17 21 18 13 21 4294967295 +18 20 19 21 4294967295 4294967295 +18 21 20 19 4294967295 20 +22 76 23 23 25 4294967295 +22 77 76 3 4294967295 22 +23 75 24 25 27 4294967295 +23 76 75 22 4294967295 24 +24 30 25 27 30 4294967295 +24 75 30 24 32 26 +25 27 26 29 4294967295 4294967295 +25 29 27 30 31 28 +25 30 29 26 4294967295 29 +27 29 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 +30 75 31 27 34 4294967295 +31 74 32 34 36 4294967295 +31 75 74 32 4294967295 33 +32 73 33 36 39 4294967295 +32 74 73 33 4294967295 35 +33 46 34 38 41 4294967295 +33 47 46 39 4294967295 37 +33 73 47 35 51 38 +34 44 35 41 43 4294967295 +34 46 44 37 50 40 +35 43 36 43 46 4294967295 +35 44 43 40 4294967295 42 +36 41 37 45 47 4294967295 +36 42 41 46 4294967295 44 +36 43 42 42 4294967295 45 +37 41 38 44 49 4294967295 +38 40 39 49 4294967295 4294967295 +38 41 40 47 4294967295 48 +44 46 45 41 4294967295 4294967295 +47 73 48 39 52 4294967295 +48 73 49 51 54 4294967295 +49 72 50 54 56 4294967295 +49 73 72 52 4294967295 53 +50 71 51 56 61 4294967295 +50 72 71 53 4294967295 55 +51 53 52 58 4294967295 4294967295 +51 62 53 59 63 57 +51 65 62 60 70 58 +51 66 65 61 4294967295 59 +51 71 66 55 73 60 +53 61 54 63 65 4294967295 +53 62 61 58 4294967295 62 +54 60 55 65 67 4294967295 +54 61 60 62 4294967295 64 +55 57 56 67 4294967295 4294967295 +55 60 57 64 68 66 +57 60 58 67 69 4294967295 +58 60 59 68 4294967295 4294967295 +62 65 63 59 71 4294967295 +63 65 64 70 4294967295 4294967295 +66 70 67 73 74 4294967295 +66 71 70 61 4294967295 72 +67 70 68 72 75 4294967295 +68 70 69 74 4294967295 4294967295 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3244dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +144 +0 1 69 1 14 4 +0 5 1 2 9 0 +0 6 5 3 17 1 +0 22 6 7 19 2 +0 69 72 0 139 5 +0 72 73 4 112 6 +0 73 77 5 141 7 +0 77 22 6 52 3 +1 3 2 9 15 4294967295 +1 5 3 1 16 8 +1 39 64 4294967295 91 11 +1 64 66 10 134 12 +1 66 67 11 135 13 +1 67 68 12 137 14 +1 68 69 13 138 0 +2 3 4 8 16 4294967295 +3 5 4 9 17 15 +4 5 6 16 2 4294967295 +6 21 7 19 24 4294967295 +6 22 21 3 48 18 +7 10 8 21 26 4294967295 +7 15 10 22 29 20 +7 16 15 23 35 21 +7 17 16 24 37 22 +7 21 17 18 40 23 +8 9 12 26 28 4294967295 +8 10 9 20 27 25 +9 10 11 26 29 28 +9 11 12 27 30 25 +10 15 11 21 32 27 +11 13 12 31 4294967295 28 +11 14 13 32 33 30 +11 15 14 29 35 31 +13 14 37 31 36 34 +13 37 38 33 85 4294967295 +14 15 16 32 22 36 +14 16 37 35 39 33 +16 17 18 23 40 38 +16 18 19 37 41 39 +16 19 37 38 43 36 +17 21 18 24 42 37 +18 20 19 42 43 38 +18 21 20 40 44 41 +19 20 37 41 47 39 +20 21 25 42 50 45 +20 25 26 44 57 46 +20 26 36 45 60 47 +20 36 37 46 82 43 +21 22 23 19 51 49 +21 23 24 48 53 50 +21 24 25 49 55 44 +22 76 23 52 54 48 +22 77 76 7 143 51 +23 75 24 54 56 49 +23 76 75 51 142 53 +24 30 25 56 59 50 +24 75 30 53 68 55 +25 27 26 58 60 45 +25 29 27 59 62 57 +25 30 29 55 66 58 +26 27 36 57 63 46 +27 28 35 62 65 63 +27 29 28 58 64 61 +27 35 36 61 80 60 +28 29 34 62 66 65 +28 34 35 64 78 61 +29 30 34 59 67 64 +30 31 34 68 70 66 +30 75 31 56 72 67 +31 32 33 71 73 70 +31 33 34 69 75 67 +31 74 32 72 74 69 +31 75 74 68 142 71 +32 73 33 74 77 69 +32 74 73 71 141 73 +33 46 34 76 79 70 +33 47 46 77 105 75 +33 73 47 73 106 76 +34 44 35 79 81 65 +34 46 44 75 99 78 +35 43 36 81 84 63 +35 44 43 78 96 80 +36 41 37 83 85 47 +36 42 41 84 92 82 +36 43 42 80 95 83 +37 41 38 82 87 34 +38 40 39 87 88 4294967295 +38 41 40 85 92 86 +39 40 58 86 94 89 +39 58 59 88 128 90 +39 59 63 89 130 91 +39 63 64 90 133 10 +40 41 42 87 83 93 +40 42 56 92 95 94 +40 56 58 93 126 88 +42 43 56 84 97 93 +43 44 55 81 98 97 +43 55 56 96 124 95 +44 45 55 99 104 96 +44 46 45 79 100 98 +45 46 48 99 105 101 +45 48 52 100 107 102 +45 52 53 101 115 103 +45 53 54 102 120 104 +45 54 55 103 122 98 +46 47 48 76 106 100 +47 73 48 77 108 105 +48 49 52 108 110 101 +48 73 49 106 112 107 +49 50 51 111 113 110 +49 51 52 109 115 107 +49 72 50 112 114 109 +49 73 72 108 5 111 +50 71 51 114 119 109 +50 72 71 111 140 113 +51 53 52 116 102 110 +51 62 53 117 121 115 +51 65 62 118 132 116 +51 66 65 119 134 117 +51 71 66 113 136 118 +53 61 54 121 123 103 +53 62 61 116 131 120 +54 60 55 123 125 104 +54 61 60 120 131 122 +55 57 56 125 126 97 +55 60 57 122 127 124 +56 57 58 124 127 94 +57 60 58 125 128 126 +58 60 59 127 129 89 +59 60 62 128 131 130 +59 62 63 129 132 90 +60 61 62 123 121 129 +62 65 63 117 133 130 +63 65 64 132 134 91 +64 65 66 133 118 11 +66 70 67 136 137 12 +66 71 70 119 140 135 +67 70 68 135 138 13 +68 70 69 137 139 14 +69 70 72 138 140 4 +70 71 72 136 114 139 +73 74 77 74 143 6 +74 75 76 72 54 143 +74 76 77 142 52 141 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e79f2e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +157 +0 1 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 9 0 30 2 +0 9 10 1 31 3 +0 10 11 2 33 4 +0 11 15 3 38 5 +0 15 2 4 9 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 8 7 +1 5 7 6 28 0 +2 4 5 12 21 6 +2 15 16 5 43 10 +2 16 41 9 47 11 +2 41 42 10 99 12 +2 42 4 11 23 8 +3 4 72 14 27 17 +3 8 4 15 22 13 +3 9 8 16 30 14 +3 25 9 20 32 15 +3 72 75 13 152 18 +3 75 76 17 125 19 +3 76 80 18 154 20 +3 80 25 19 65 16 +4 6 5 22 28 8 +4 8 6 14 29 21 +4 42 67 12 104 24 +4 67 69 23 147 25 +4 69 70 24 148 26 +4 70 71 25 150 27 +4 71 72 26 151 13 +5 6 7 21 29 7 +6 8 7 22 30 28 +7 8 9 29 15 1 +9 24 10 32 37 2 +9 25 24 16 61 31 +10 13 11 34 39 3 +10 18 13 35 42 33 +10 19 18 36 48 34 +10 20 19 37 50 35 +10 24 20 31 53 36 +11 12 15 39 41 4 +11 13 12 33 40 38 +12 13 14 39 42 41 +12 14 15 40 43 38 +13 18 14 34 45 40 +14 16 15 44 9 41 +14 17 16 45 46 43 +14 18 17 42 48 44 +16 17 40 44 49 47 +16 40 41 46 98 10 +17 18 19 45 35 49 +17 19 40 48 52 46 +19 20 21 36 53 51 +19 21 22 50 54 52 +19 22 40 51 56 49 +20 24 21 37 55 50 +21 23 22 55 56 51 +21 24 23 53 57 54 +22 23 40 54 60 52 +23 24 28 55 63 58 +23 28 29 57 70 59 +23 29 39 58 73 60 +23 39 40 59 95 56 +24 25 26 32 64 62 +24 26 27 61 66 63 +24 27 28 62 68 57 +25 79 26 65 67 61 +25 80 79 20 156 64 +26 78 27 67 69 62 +26 79 78 64 155 66 +27 33 28 69 72 63 +27 78 33 66 81 68 +28 30 29 71 73 58 +28 32 30 72 75 70 +28 33 32 68 79 71 +29 30 39 70 76 59 +30 31 38 75 78 76 +30 32 31 71 77 74 +30 38 39 74 93 73 +31 32 37 75 79 78 +31 37 38 77 91 74 +32 33 37 72 80 77 +33 34 37 81 83 79 +33 78 34 69 85 80 +34 35 36 84 86 83 +34 36 37 82 88 80 +34 77 35 85 87 82 +34 78 77 81 155 84 +35 76 36 87 90 82 +35 77 76 84 154 86 +36 49 37 89 92 83 +36 50 49 90 118 88 +36 76 50 86 119 89 +37 47 38 92 94 78 +37 49 47 88 112 91 +38 46 39 94 97 76 +38 47 46 91 109 93 +39 44 40 96 98 60 +39 45 44 97 105 95 +39 46 45 93 108 96 +40 44 41 95 100 47 +41 43 42 100 101 11 +41 44 43 98 105 99 +42 43 61 99 107 102 +42 61 62 101 141 103 +42 62 66 102 143 104 +42 66 67 103 146 23 +43 44 45 100 96 106 +43 45 59 105 108 107 +43 59 61 106 139 101 +45 46 59 97 110 106 +46 47 58 94 111 110 +46 58 59 109 137 108 +47 48 58 112 117 109 +47 49 48 92 113 111 +48 49 51 112 118 114 +48 51 55 113 120 115 +48 55 56 114 128 116 +48 56 57 115 133 117 +48 57 58 116 135 111 +49 50 51 89 119 113 +50 76 51 90 121 118 +51 52 55 121 123 114 +51 76 52 119 125 120 +52 53 54 124 126 123 +52 54 55 122 128 120 +52 75 53 125 127 122 +52 76 75 121 18 124 +53 74 54 127 132 122 +53 75 74 124 153 126 +54 56 55 129 115 123 +54 65 56 130 134 128 +54 68 65 131 145 129 +54 69 68 132 147 130 +54 74 69 126 149 131 +56 64 57 134 136 116 +56 65 64 129 144 133 +57 63 58 136 138 117 +57 64 63 133 144 135 +58 60 59 138 139 110 +58 63 60 135 140 137 +59 60 61 137 140 107 +60 63 61 138 141 139 +61 63 62 140 142 102 +62 63 65 141 144 143 +62 65 66 142 145 103 +63 64 65 136 134 142 +65 68 66 130 146 143 +66 68 67 145 147 104 +67 68 69 146 131 24 +69 73 70 149 150 25 +69 74 73 132 153 148 +70 73 71 148 151 26 +71 73 72 150 152 27 +72 73 75 151 153 17 +73 74 75 149 127 152 +76 77 80 87 156 19 +77 78 79 85 67 156 +77 79 80 155 65 154 + +78 +3 4 +3 80 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3fccae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +76 +0 5 1 1 5 4294967295 +0 6 5 2 4294967295 0 +0 22 6 3 8 1 +0 77 22 4294967295 23 2 +1 3 2 5 4294967295 4294967295 +1 5 3 0 6 4 +3 5 4 5 4294967295 4294967295 +6 21 7 8 13 4294967295 +6 22 21 2 4294967295 7 +7 10 8 10 14 4294967295 +7 15 10 11 15 9 +7 16 15 12 4294967295 10 +7 17 16 13 4294967295 11 +7 21 17 7 19 12 +8 10 9 9 4294967295 4294967295 +10 15 11 10 18 4294967295 +11 13 12 17 4294967295 4294967295 +11 14 13 18 4294967295 16 +11 15 14 15 4294967295 17 +17 21 18 13 21 4294967295 +18 20 19 21 4294967295 4294967295 +18 21 20 19 4294967295 20 +22 76 23 23 25 4294967295 +22 77 76 3 4294967295 22 +23 75 24 25 27 4294967295 +23 76 75 22 4294967295 24 +24 30 25 27 30 4294967295 +24 75 30 24 32 26 +25 27 26 29 4294967295 4294967295 +25 29 27 30 31 28 +25 30 29 26 4294967295 29 +27 29 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 +30 75 31 27 34 4294967295 +31 74 32 34 36 4294967295 +31 75 74 32 4294967295 33 +32 73 33 36 39 4294967295 +32 74 73 33 4294967295 35 +33 46 34 38 41 4294967295 +33 47 46 39 4294967295 37 +33 73 47 35 51 38 +34 44 35 41 43 4294967295 +34 46 44 37 50 40 +35 43 36 43 46 4294967295 +35 44 43 40 4294967295 42 +36 41 37 45 47 4294967295 +36 42 41 46 4294967295 44 +36 43 42 42 4294967295 45 +37 41 38 44 49 4294967295 +38 40 39 49 4294967295 4294967295 +38 41 40 47 4294967295 48 +44 46 45 41 4294967295 4294967295 +47 73 48 39 52 4294967295 +48 73 49 51 54 4294967295 +49 72 50 54 56 4294967295 +49 73 72 52 4294967295 53 +50 71 51 56 61 4294967295 +50 72 71 53 4294967295 55 +51 53 52 58 4294967295 4294967295 +51 62 53 59 63 57 +51 65 62 60 70 58 +51 66 65 61 4294967295 59 +51 71 66 55 73 60 +53 61 54 63 65 4294967295 +53 62 61 58 4294967295 62 +54 60 55 65 67 4294967295 +54 61 60 62 4294967295 64 +55 57 56 67 4294967295 4294967295 +55 60 57 64 68 66 +57 60 58 67 69 4294967295 +58 60 59 68 4294967295 4294967295 +62 65 63 59 71 4294967295 +63 65 64 70 4294967295 4294967295 +66 70 67 73 74 4294967295 +66 71 70 61 4294967295 72 +67 70 68 72 75 4294967295 +68 70 69 74 4294967295 4294967295 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3fccae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +76 +0 5 1 1 5 4294967295 +0 6 5 2 4294967295 0 +0 22 6 3 8 1 +0 77 22 4294967295 23 2 +1 3 2 5 4294967295 4294967295 +1 5 3 0 6 4 +3 5 4 5 4294967295 4294967295 +6 21 7 8 13 4294967295 +6 22 21 2 4294967295 7 +7 10 8 10 14 4294967295 +7 15 10 11 15 9 +7 16 15 12 4294967295 10 +7 17 16 13 4294967295 11 +7 21 17 7 19 12 +8 10 9 9 4294967295 4294967295 +10 15 11 10 18 4294967295 +11 13 12 17 4294967295 4294967295 +11 14 13 18 4294967295 16 +11 15 14 15 4294967295 17 +17 21 18 13 21 4294967295 +18 20 19 21 4294967295 4294967295 +18 21 20 19 4294967295 20 +22 76 23 23 25 4294967295 +22 77 76 3 4294967295 22 +23 75 24 25 27 4294967295 +23 76 75 22 4294967295 24 +24 30 25 27 30 4294967295 +24 75 30 24 32 26 +25 27 26 29 4294967295 4294967295 +25 29 27 30 31 28 +25 30 29 26 4294967295 29 +27 29 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 +30 75 31 27 34 4294967295 +31 74 32 34 36 4294967295 +31 75 74 32 4294967295 33 +32 73 33 36 39 4294967295 +32 74 73 33 4294967295 35 +33 46 34 38 41 4294967295 +33 47 46 39 4294967295 37 +33 73 47 35 51 38 +34 44 35 41 43 4294967295 +34 46 44 37 50 40 +35 43 36 43 46 4294967295 +35 44 43 40 4294967295 42 +36 41 37 45 47 4294967295 +36 42 41 46 4294967295 44 +36 43 42 42 4294967295 45 +37 41 38 44 49 4294967295 +38 40 39 49 4294967295 4294967295 +38 41 40 47 4294967295 48 +44 46 45 41 4294967295 4294967295 +47 73 48 39 52 4294967295 +48 73 49 51 54 4294967295 +49 72 50 54 56 4294967295 +49 73 72 52 4294967295 53 +50 71 51 56 61 4294967295 +50 72 71 53 4294967295 55 +51 53 52 58 4294967295 4294967295 +51 62 53 59 63 57 +51 65 62 60 70 58 +51 66 65 61 4294967295 59 +51 71 66 55 73 60 +53 61 54 63 65 4294967295 +53 62 61 58 4294967295 62 +54 60 55 65 67 4294967295 +54 61 60 62 4294967295 64 +55 57 56 67 4294967295 4294967295 +55 60 57 64 68 66 +57 60 58 67 69 4294967295 +58 60 59 68 4294967295 4294967295 +62 65 63 59 71 4294967295 +63 65 64 70 4294967295 4294967295 +66 70 67 73 74 4294967295 +66 71 70 61 4294967295 72 +67 70 68 72 75 4294967295 +68 70 69 74 4294967295 4294967295 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3244dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +144 +0 1 69 1 14 4 +0 5 1 2 9 0 +0 6 5 3 17 1 +0 22 6 7 19 2 +0 69 72 0 139 5 +0 72 73 4 112 6 +0 73 77 5 141 7 +0 77 22 6 52 3 +1 3 2 9 15 4294967295 +1 5 3 1 16 8 +1 39 64 4294967295 91 11 +1 64 66 10 134 12 +1 66 67 11 135 13 +1 67 68 12 137 14 +1 68 69 13 138 0 +2 3 4 8 16 4294967295 +3 5 4 9 17 15 +4 5 6 16 2 4294967295 +6 21 7 19 24 4294967295 +6 22 21 3 48 18 +7 10 8 21 26 4294967295 +7 15 10 22 29 20 +7 16 15 23 35 21 +7 17 16 24 37 22 +7 21 17 18 40 23 +8 9 12 26 28 4294967295 +8 10 9 20 27 25 +9 10 11 26 29 28 +9 11 12 27 30 25 +10 15 11 21 32 27 +11 13 12 31 4294967295 28 +11 14 13 32 33 30 +11 15 14 29 35 31 +13 14 37 31 36 34 +13 37 38 33 85 4294967295 +14 15 16 32 22 36 +14 16 37 35 39 33 +16 17 18 23 40 38 +16 18 19 37 41 39 +16 19 37 38 43 36 +17 21 18 24 42 37 +18 20 19 42 43 38 +18 21 20 40 44 41 +19 20 37 41 47 39 +20 21 25 42 50 45 +20 25 26 44 57 46 +20 26 36 45 60 47 +20 36 37 46 82 43 +21 22 23 19 51 49 +21 23 24 48 53 50 +21 24 25 49 55 44 +22 76 23 52 54 48 +22 77 76 7 143 51 +23 75 24 54 56 49 +23 76 75 51 142 53 +24 30 25 56 59 50 +24 75 30 53 68 55 +25 27 26 58 60 45 +25 29 27 59 62 57 +25 30 29 55 66 58 +26 27 36 57 63 46 +27 28 35 62 65 63 +27 29 28 58 64 61 +27 35 36 61 80 60 +28 29 34 62 66 65 +28 34 35 64 78 61 +29 30 34 59 67 64 +30 31 34 68 70 66 +30 75 31 56 72 67 +31 32 33 71 73 70 +31 33 34 69 75 67 +31 74 32 72 74 69 +31 75 74 68 142 71 +32 73 33 74 77 69 +32 74 73 71 141 73 +33 46 34 76 79 70 +33 47 46 77 105 75 +33 73 47 73 106 76 +34 44 35 79 81 65 +34 46 44 75 99 78 +35 43 36 81 84 63 +35 44 43 78 96 80 +36 41 37 83 85 47 +36 42 41 84 92 82 +36 43 42 80 95 83 +37 41 38 82 87 34 +38 40 39 87 88 4294967295 +38 41 40 85 92 86 +39 40 58 86 94 89 +39 58 59 88 128 90 +39 59 63 89 130 91 +39 63 64 90 133 10 +40 41 42 87 83 93 +40 42 56 92 95 94 +40 56 58 93 126 88 +42 43 56 84 97 93 +43 44 55 81 98 97 +43 55 56 96 124 95 +44 45 55 99 104 96 +44 46 45 79 100 98 +45 46 48 99 105 101 +45 48 52 100 107 102 +45 52 53 101 115 103 +45 53 54 102 120 104 +45 54 55 103 122 98 +46 47 48 76 106 100 +47 73 48 77 108 105 +48 49 52 108 110 101 +48 73 49 106 112 107 +49 50 51 111 113 110 +49 51 52 109 115 107 +49 72 50 112 114 109 +49 73 72 108 5 111 +50 71 51 114 119 109 +50 72 71 111 140 113 +51 53 52 116 102 110 +51 62 53 117 121 115 +51 65 62 118 132 116 +51 66 65 119 134 117 +51 71 66 113 136 118 +53 61 54 121 123 103 +53 62 61 116 131 120 +54 60 55 123 125 104 +54 61 60 120 131 122 +55 57 56 125 126 97 +55 60 57 122 127 124 +56 57 58 124 127 94 +57 60 58 125 128 126 +58 60 59 127 129 89 +59 60 62 128 131 130 +59 62 63 129 132 90 +60 61 62 123 121 129 +62 65 63 117 133 130 +63 65 64 132 134 91 +64 65 66 133 118 11 +66 70 67 136 137 12 +66 71 70 119 140 135 +67 70 68 135 138 13 +68 70 69 137 139 14 +69 70 72 138 140 4 +70 71 72 136 114 139 +73 74 77 74 143 6 +74 75 76 72 54 143 +74 76 77 142 52 141 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e79f2e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +157 +0 1 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 9 0 30 2 +0 9 10 1 31 3 +0 10 11 2 33 4 +0 11 15 3 38 5 +0 15 2 4 9 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 8 7 +1 5 7 6 28 0 +2 4 5 12 21 6 +2 15 16 5 43 10 +2 16 41 9 47 11 +2 41 42 10 99 12 +2 42 4 11 23 8 +3 4 72 14 27 17 +3 8 4 15 22 13 +3 9 8 16 30 14 +3 25 9 20 32 15 +3 72 75 13 152 18 +3 75 76 17 125 19 +3 76 80 18 154 20 +3 80 25 19 65 16 +4 6 5 22 28 8 +4 8 6 14 29 21 +4 42 67 12 104 24 +4 67 69 23 147 25 +4 69 70 24 148 26 +4 70 71 25 150 27 +4 71 72 26 151 13 +5 6 7 21 29 7 +6 8 7 22 30 28 +7 8 9 29 15 1 +9 24 10 32 37 2 +9 25 24 16 61 31 +10 13 11 34 39 3 +10 18 13 35 42 33 +10 19 18 36 48 34 +10 20 19 37 50 35 +10 24 20 31 53 36 +11 12 15 39 41 4 +11 13 12 33 40 38 +12 13 14 39 42 41 +12 14 15 40 43 38 +13 18 14 34 45 40 +14 16 15 44 9 41 +14 17 16 45 46 43 +14 18 17 42 48 44 +16 17 40 44 49 47 +16 40 41 46 98 10 +17 18 19 45 35 49 +17 19 40 48 52 46 +19 20 21 36 53 51 +19 21 22 50 54 52 +19 22 40 51 56 49 +20 24 21 37 55 50 +21 23 22 55 56 51 +21 24 23 53 57 54 +22 23 40 54 60 52 +23 24 28 55 63 58 +23 28 29 57 70 59 +23 29 39 58 73 60 +23 39 40 59 95 56 +24 25 26 32 64 62 +24 26 27 61 66 63 +24 27 28 62 68 57 +25 79 26 65 67 61 +25 80 79 20 156 64 +26 78 27 67 69 62 +26 79 78 64 155 66 +27 33 28 69 72 63 +27 78 33 66 81 68 +28 30 29 71 73 58 +28 32 30 72 75 70 +28 33 32 68 79 71 +29 30 39 70 76 59 +30 31 38 75 78 76 +30 32 31 71 77 74 +30 38 39 74 93 73 +31 32 37 75 79 78 +31 37 38 77 91 74 +32 33 37 72 80 77 +33 34 37 81 83 79 +33 78 34 69 85 80 +34 35 36 84 86 83 +34 36 37 82 88 80 +34 77 35 85 87 82 +34 78 77 81 155 84 +35 76 36 87 90 82 +35 77 76 84 154 86 +36 49 37 89 92 83 +36 50 49 90 118 88 +36 76 50 86 119 89 +37 47 38 92 94 78 +37 49 47 88 112 91 +38 46 39 94 97 76 +38 47 46 91 109 93 +39 44 40 96 98 60 +39 45 44 97 105 95 +39 46 45 93 108 96 +40 44 41 95 100 47 +41 43 42 100 101 11 +41 44 43 98 105 99 +42 43 61 99 107 102 +42 61 62 101 141 103 +42 62 66 102 143 104 +42 66 67 103 146 23 +43 44 45 100 96 106 +43 45 59 105 108 107 +43 59 61 106 139 101 +45 46 59 97 110 106 +46 47 58 94 111 110 +46 58 59 109 137 108 +47 48 58 112 117 109 +47 49 48 92 113 111 +48 49 51 112 118 114 +48 51 55 113 120 115 +48 55 56 114 128 116 +48 56 57 115 133 117 +48 57 58 116 135 111 +49 50 51 89 119 113 +50 76 51 90 121 118 +51 52 55 121 123 114 +51 76 52 119 125 120 +52 53 54 124 126 123 +52 54 55 122 128 120 +52 75 53 125 127 122 +52 76 75 121 18 124 +53 74 54 127 132 122 +53 75 74 124 153 126 +54 56 55 129 115 123 +54 65 56 130 134 128 +54 68 65 131 145 129 +54 69 68 132 147 130 +54 74 69 126 149 131 +56 64 57 134 136 116 +56 65 64 129 144 133 +57 63 58 136 138 117 +57 64 63 133 144 135 +58 60 59 138 139 110 +58 63 60 135 140 137 +59 60 61 137 140 107 +60 63 61 138 141 139 +61 63 62 140 142 102 +62 63 65 141 144 143 +62 65 66 142 145 103 +63 64 65 136 134 142 +65 68 66 130 146 143 +66 68 67 145 147 104 +67 68 69 146 131 24 +69 73 70 149 150 25 +69 74 73 132 153 148 +70 73 71 148 151 26 +71 73 72 150 152 27 +72 73 75 151 153 17 +73 74 75 149 127 152 +76 77 80 87 156 19 +77 78 79 85 67 156 +77 79 80 155 65 154 + +78 +3 4 +3 80 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3fccae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +76 +0 5 1 1 5 4294967295 +0 6 5 2 4294967295 0 +0 22 6 3 8 1 +0 77 22 4294967295 23 2 +1 3 2 5 4294967295 4294967295 +1 5 3 0 6 4 +3 5 4 5 4294967295 4294967295 +6 21 7 8 13 4294967295 +6 22 21 2 4294967295 7 +7 10 8 10 14 4294967295 +7 15 10 11 15 9 +7 16 15 12 4294967295 10 +7 17 16 13 4294967295 11 +7 21 17 7 19 12 +8 10 9 9 4294967295 4294967295 +10 15 11 10 18 4294967295 +11 13 12 17 4294967295 4294967295 +11 14 13 18 4294967295 16 +11 15 14 15 4294967295 17 +17 21 18 13 21 4294967295 +18 20 19 21 4294967295 4294967295 +18 21 20 19 4294967295 20 +22 76 23 23 25 4294967295 +22 77 76 3 4294967295 22 +23 75 24 25 27 4294967295 +23 76 75 22 4294967295 24 +24 30 25 27 30 4294967295 +24 75 30 24 32 26 +25 27 26 29 4294967295 4294967295 +25 29 27 30 31 28 +25 30 29 26 4294967295 29 +27 29 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 +30 75 31 27 34 4294967295 +31 74 32 34 36 4294967295 +31 75 74 32 4294967295 33 +32 73 33 36 39 4294967295 +32 74 73 33 4294967295 35 +33 46 34 38 41 4294967295 +33 47 46 39 4294967295 37 +33 73 47 35 51 38 +34 44 35 41 43 4294967295 +34 46 44 37 50 40 +35 43 36 43 46 4294967295 +35 44 43 40 4294967295 42 +36 41 37 45 47 4294967295 +36 42 41 46 4294967295 44 +36 43 42 42 4294967295 45 +37 41 38 44 49 4294967295 +38 40 39 49 4294967295 4294967295 +38 41 40 47 4294967295 48 +44 46 45 41 4294967295 4294967295 +47 73 48 39 52 4294967295 +48 73 49 51 54 4294967295 +49 72 50 54 56 4294967295 +49 73 72 52 4294967295 53 +50 71 51 56 61 4294967295 +50 72 71 53 4294967295 55 +51 53 52 58 4294967295 4294967295 +51 62 53 59 63 57 +51 65 62 60 70 58 +51 66 65 61 4294967295 59 +51 71 66 55 73 60 +53 61 54 63 65 4294967295 +53 62 61 58 4294967295 62 +54 60 55 65 67 4294967295 +54 61 60 62 4294967295 64 +55 57 56 67 4294967295 4294967295 +55 60 57 64 68 66 +57 60 58 67 69 4294967295 +58 60 59 68 4294967295 4294967295 +62 65 63 59 71 4294967295 +63 65 64 70 4294967295 4294967295 +66 70 67 73 74 4294967295 +66 71 70 61 4294967295 72 +67 70 68 72 75 4294967295 +68 70 69 74 4294967295 4294967295 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3fccae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +76 +0 5 1 1 5 4294967295 +0 6 5 2 4294967295 0 +0 22 6 3 8 1 +0 77 22 4294967295 23 2 +1 3 2 5 4294967295 4294967295 +1 5 3 0 6 4 +3 5 4 5 4294967295 4294967295 +6 21 7 8 13 4294967295 +6 22 21 2 4294967295 7 +7 10 8 10 14 4294967295 +7 15 10 11 15 9 +7 16 15 12 4294967295 10 +7 17 16 13 4294967295 11 +7 21 17 7 19 12 +8 10 9 9 4294967295 4294967295 +10 15 11 10 18 4294967295 +11 13 12 17 4294967295 4294967295 +11 14 13 18 4294967295 16 +11 15 14 15 4294967295 17 +17 21 18 13 21 4294967295 +18 20 19 21 4294967295 4294967295 +18 21 20 19 4294967295 20 +22 76 23 23 25 4294967295 +22 77 76 3 4294967295 22 +23 75 24 25 27 4294967295 +23 76 75 22 4294967295 24 +24 30 25 27 30 4294967295 +24 75 30 24 32 26 +25 27 26 29 4294967295 4294967295 +25 29 27 30 31 28 +25 30 29 26 4294967295 29 +27 29 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 +30 75 31 27 34 4294967295 +31 74 32 34 36 4294967295 +31 75 74 32 4294967295 33 +32 73 33 36 39 4294967295 +32 74 73 33 4294967295 35 +33 46 34 38 41 4294967295 +33 47 46 39 4294967295 37 +33 73 47 35 51 38 +34 44 35 41 43 4294967295 +34 46 44 37 50 40 +35 43 36 43 46 4294967295 +35 44 43 40 4294967295 42 +36 41 37 45 47 4294967295 +36 42 41 46 4294967295 44 +36 43 42 42 4294967295 45 +37 41 38 44 49 4294967295 +38 40 39 49 4294967295 4294967295 +38 41 40 47 4294967295 48 +44 46 45 41 4294967295 4294967295 +47 73 48 39 52 4294967295 +48 73 49 51 54 4294967295 +49 72 50 54 56 4294967295 +49 73 72 52 4294967295 53 +50 71 51 56 61 4294967295 +50 72 71 53 4294967295 55 +51 53 52 58 4294967295 4294967295 +51 62 53 59 63 57 +51 65 62 60 70 58 +51 66 65 61 4294967295 59 +51 71 66 55 73 60 +53 61 54 63 65 4294967295 +53 62 61 58 4294967295 62 +54 60 55 65 67 4294967295 +54 61 60 62 4294967295 64 +55 57 56 67 4294967295 4294967295 +55 60 57 64 68 66 +57 60 58 67 69 4294967295 +58 60 59 68 4294967295 4294967295 +62 65 63 59 71 4294967295 +63 65 64 70 4294967295 4294967295 +66 70 67 73 74 4294967295 +66 71 70 61 4294967295 72 +67 70 68 72 75 4294967295 +68 70 69 74 4294967295 4294967295 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3244dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +144 +0 1 69 1 14 4 +0 5 1 2 9 0 +0 6 5 3 17 1 +0 22 6 7 19 2 +0 69 72 0 139 5 +0 72 73 4 112 6 +0 73 77 5 141 7 +0 77 22 6 52 3 +1 3 2 9 15 4294967295 +1 5 3 1 16 8 +1 39 64 4294967295 91 11 +1 64 66 10 134 12 +1 66 67 11 135 13 +1 67 68 12 137 14 +1 68 69 13 138 0 +2 3 4 8 16 4294967295 +3 5 4 9 17 15 +4 5 6 16 2 4294967295 +6 21 7 19 24 4294967295 +6 22 21 3 48 18 +7 10 8 21 26 4294967295 +7 15 10 22 29 20 +7 16 15 23 35 21 +7 17 16 24 37 22 +7 21 17 18 40 23 +8 9 12 26 28 4294967295 +8 10 9 20 27 25 +9 10 11 26 29 28 +9 11 12 27 30 25 +10 15 11 21 32 27 +11 13 12 31 4294967295 28 +11 14 13 32 33 30 +11 15 14 29 35 31 +13 14 37 31 36 34 +13 37 38 33 85 4294967295 +14 15 16 32 22 36 +14 16 37 35 39 33 +16 17 18 23 40 38 +16 18 19 37 41 39 +16 19 37 38 43 36 +17 21 18 24 42 37 +18 20 19 42 43 38 +18 21 20 40 44 41 +19 20 37 41 47 39 +20 21 25 42 50 45 +20 25 26 44 57 46 +20 26 36 45 60 47 +20 36 37 46 82 43 +21 22 23 19 51 49 +21 23 24 48 53 50 +21 24 25 49 55 44 +22 76 23 52 54 48 +22 77 76 7 143 51 +23 75 24 54 56 49 +23 76 75 51 142 53 +24 30 25 56 59 50 +24 75 30 53 68 55 +25 27 26 58 60 45 +25 29 27 59 62 57 +25 30 29 55 66 58 +26 27 36 57 63 46 +27 28 35 62 65 63 +27 29 28 58 64 61 +27 35 36 61 80 60 +28 29 34 62 66 65 +28 34 35 64 78 61 +29 30 34 59 67 64 +30 31 34 68 70 66 +30 75 31 56 72 67 +31 32 33 71 73 70 +31 33 34 69 75 67 +31 74 32 72 74 69 +31 75 74 68 142 71 +32 73 33 74 77 69 +32 74 73 71 141 73 +33 46 34 76 79 70 +33 47 46 77 105 75 +33 73 47 73 106 76 +34 44 35 79 81 65 +34 46 44 75 99 78 +35 43 36 81 84 63 +35 44 43 78 96 80 +36 41 37 83 85 47 +36 42 41 84 92 82 +36 43 42 80 95 83 +37 41 38 82 87 34 +38 40 39 87 88 4294967295 +38 41 40 85 92 86 +39 40 58 86 94 89 +39 58 59 88 128 90 +39 59 63 89 130 91 +39 63 64 90 133 10 +40 41 42 87 83 93 +40 42 56 92 95 94 +40 56 58 93 126 88 +42 43 56 84 97 93 +43 44 55 81 98 97 +43 55 56 96 124 95 +44 45 55 99 104 96 +44 46 45 79 100 98 +45 46 48 99 105 101 +45 48 52 100 107 102 +45 52 53 101 115 103 +45 53 54 102 120 104 +45 54 55 103 122 98 +46 47 48 76 106 100 +47 73 48 77 108 105 +48 49 52 108 110 101 +48 73 49 106 112 107 +49 50 51 111 113 110 +49 51 52 109 115 107 +49 72 50 112 114 109 +49 73 72 108 5 111 +50 71 51 114 119 109 +50 72 71 111 140 113 +51 53 52 116 102 110 +51 62 53 117 121 115 +51 65 62 118 132 116 +51 66 65 119 134 117 +51 71 66 113 136 118 +53 61 54 121 123 103 +53 62 61 116 131 120 +54 60 55 123 125 104 +54 61 60 120 131 122 +55 57 56 125 126 97 +55 60 57 122 127 124 +56 57 58 124 127 94 +57 60 58 125 128 126 +58 60 59 127 129 89 +59 60 62 128 131 130 +59 62 63 129 132 90 +60 61 62 123 121 129 +62 65 63 117 133 130 +63 65 64 132 134 91 +64 65 66 133 118 11 +66 70 67 136 137 12 +66 71 70 119 140 135 +67 70 68 135 138 13 +68 70 69 137 139 14 +69 70 72 138 140 4 +70 71 72 136 114 139 +73 74 77 74 143 6 +74 75 76 72 54 143 +74 76 77 142 52 141 + +78 +0 1 +0 77 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c62659 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/gh_issue__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +79 +0 6 79 1 10 4294967295 +0 22 6 2 9 0 +0 77 22 4294967295 25 1 +1 3 2 4 4294967295 4294967295 +1 5 3 5 6 3 +1 78 5 4294967295 7 4 +3 5 4 4 4294967295 4294967295 +5 78 6 5 10 4294967295 +6 21 7 9 15 4294967295 +6 22 21 1 4294967295 8 +6 78 79 7 4294967295 0 +7 10 8 12 16 4294967295 +7 15 10 13 17 11 +7 16 15 14 4294967295 12 +7 17 16 15 4294967295 13 +7 21 17 8 21 14 +8 10 9 11 4294967295 4294967295 +10 15 11 12 20 4294967295 +11 13 12 19 4294967295 4294967295 +11 14 13 20 4294967295 18 +11 15 14 17 4294967295 19 +17 21 18 15 23 4294967295 +18 20 19 23 4294967295 4294967295 +18 21 20 21 4294967295 22 +22 76 23 25 27 4294967295 +22 77 76 2 4294967295 24 +23 75 24 27 29 4294967295 +23 76 75 24 4294967295 26 +24 30 25 29 32 4294967295 +24 75 30 26 34 28 +25 27 26 31 4294967295 4294967295 +25 29 27 32 33 30 +25 30 29 28 4294967295 31 +27 29 28 31 4294967295 4294967295 +30 75 31 29 36 4294967295 +31 74 32 36 38 4294967295 +31 75 74 34 4294967295 35 +32 73 33 38 41 4294967295 +32 74 73 35 4294967295 37 +33 46 34 40 42 4294967295 +33 47 46 41 4294967295 39 +33 73 47 37 54 40 +34 46 80 39 53 4294967295 +35 43 36 44 48 4294967295 +35 44 43 45 4294967295 43 +35 80 44 4294967295 52 44 +36 41 37 47 49 4294967295 +36 42 41 48 4294967295 46 +36 43 42 43 4294967295 47 +37 41 38 46 51 4294967295 +38 40 39 51 4294967295 4294967295 +38 41 40 49 4294967295 50 +44 80 45 45 53 4294967295 +45 80 46 52 42 4294967295 +47 73 48 41 55 4294967295 +48 73 49 54 57 4294967295 +49 72 50 57 59 4294967295 +49 73 72 55 4294967295 56 +50 71 51 59 64 4294967295 +50 72 71 56 4294967295 58 +51 53 52 61 4294967295 4294967295 +51 62 53 62 66 60 +51 65 62 63 73 61 +51 66 65 64 4294967295 62 +51 71 66 58 76 63 +53 61 54 66 68 4294967295 +53 62 61 61 4294967295 65 +54 60 55 68 70 4294967295 +54 61 60 65 4294967295 67 +55 57 56 70 4294967295 4294967295 +55 60 57 67 71 69 +57 60 58 70 72 4294967295 +58 60 59 71 4294967295 4294967295 +62 65 63 62 74 4294967295 +63 65 64 73 4294967295 4294967295 +66 70 67 76 77 4294967295 +66 71 70 64 4294967295 75 +67 70 68 75 78 4294967295 +68 70 69 77 4294967295 4294967295 + +81 +0 77 +0 79 +1 2 +1 78 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 80 +35 36 +35 80 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +78 79 + +0 + +5 +0 79 + 1 + 0 1 +1 78 + 1 + 0 1 +34 80 + 1 + 34 35 +35 80 + 1 + 34 35 +78 79 + 1 + 0 1 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__conforming_f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__conforming_f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8250acb --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__conforming_f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +152 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 149 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 150 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 138 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 142 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 144 45 +30 130 128 50 145 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 148 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 72 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 109 110 73 4294967295 72 +45 110 111 71 4294967295 69 +45 144 109 4294967295 137 71 +46 47 108 4294967295 77 75 +46 108 145 74 4294967295 76 +46 145 144 75 137 4294967295 +47 48 108 4294967295 83 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 79 +48 50 89 78 88 80 +48 89 90 79 4294967295 81 +48 90 97 80 122 82 +48 97 98 81 4294967295 83 +48 98 108 82 130 77 +50 51 73 4294967295 92 85 +50 73 74 84 4294967295 86 +50 74 81 85 110 87 +50 81 82 86 4294967295 88 +50 82 89 87 116 79 +51 52 58 4294967295 93 90 +51 58 65 89 98 91 +51 65 66 90 4294967295 92 +51 66 73 91 105 84 +52 53 58 4294967295 94 89 +53 54 58 4294967295 96 93 +54 55 57 4294967295 97 96 +54 57 58 95 4294967295 94 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 95 +58 59 65 4294967295 101 90 +59 60 63 4294967295 103 100 +59 63 64 99 4294967295 101 +59 64 65 100 4294967295 98 +60 61 62 4294967295 4294967295 103 +60 62 63 102 4294967295 99 +66 67 72 4294967295 106 105 +66 72 73 104 4294967295 92 +67 68 72 4294967295 108 104 +68 69 71 4294967295 109 108 +68 71 72 107 4294967295 106 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 107 +74 75 81 4294967295 112 86 +75 76 80 4294967295 114 112 +75 80 81 111 4294967295 110 +76 77 79 4294967295 115 114 +76 79 80 113 4294967295 111 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 113 +82 83 89 4294967295 119 88 +83 84 87 4294967295 120 118 +83 87 88 117 4294967295 119 +83 88 89 118 4294967295 116 +84 85 87 4294967295 121 117 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 120 +90 91 97 4294967295 125 81 +91 92 95 4294967295 127 124 +91 95 96 123 4294967295 125 +91 96 97 124 4294967295 122 +92 93 94 4294967295 4294967295 127 +92 94 95 126 4294967295 123 +98 99 104 4294967295 131 129 +98 104 105 128 4294967295 130 +98 105 108 129 135 83 +99 100 104 4294967295 134 128 +100 101 102 4294967295 4294967295 133 +100 102 103 132 4294967295 134 +100 103 104 133 4294967295 131 +105 106 108 4294967295 136 130 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 135 +109 144 145 73 76 4294967295 +119 120 136 4294967295 141 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 140 +120 122 147 139 143 141 +120 147 136 140 4294967295 138 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 143 +122 125 147 142 4294967295 140 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 146 147 151 4294967295 +131 139 138 148 4294967295 146 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 147 +132 146 137 4294967295 151 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 +137 146 138 149 146 4294967295 + +148 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 144 +46 47 +46 144 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 145 +109 110 +109 145 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 147 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 146 +132 133 +132 146 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 147 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +8 +45 144 + 1 + 45 46 +46 144 + 1 + 45 46 +108 145 + 1 + 108 109 +109 145 + 1 + 108 109 +125 147 + 1 + 125 136 +131 146 + 1 + 131 132 +132 146 + 1 + 131 132 +136 147 + 1 + 125 136 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__conforming_f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__conforming_f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7888a1f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__conforming_f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +152 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 149 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 150 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 138 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 142 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 144 45 +30 130 128 50 145 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 148 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 72 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 109 110 73 4294967295 72 +45 110 111 71 4294967295 69 +45 144 109 4294967295 137 71 +46 47 108 4294967295 77 75 +46 108 145 74 4294967295 76 +46 145 144 75 137 4294967295 +47 48 108 4294967295 83 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 79 +48 50 89 78 88 80 +48 89 90 79 4294967295 81 +48 90 97 80 123 82 +48 97 98 81 4294967295 83 +48 98 108 82 130 77 +50 51 73 4294967295 92 85 +50 73 74 84 4294967295 86 +50 74 81 85 111 87 +50 81 82 86 4294967295 88 +50 82 89 87 117 79 +51 52 58 4294967295 93 90 +51 58 65 89 99 91 +51 65 66 90 4294967295 92 +51 66 73 91 104 84 +52 53 58 4294967295 94 89 +53 54 58 4294967295 96 93 +54 55 57 4294967295 97 96 +54 57 58 95 4294967295 94 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 95 +58 59 64 4294967295 100 99 +58 64 65 98 4294967295 90 +59 60 64 4294967295 102 98 +60 61 63 4294967295 103 102 +60 63 64 101 4294967295 100 +61 62 63 4294967295 4294967295 101 +66 67 73 4294967295 106 92 +67 68 72 4294967295 108 106 +67 72 73 105 4294967295 104 +68 69 71 4294967295 109 108 +68 71 72 107 4294967295 105 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 107 +74 75 80 4294967295 112 111 +74 80 81 110 4294967295 86 +75 76 80 4294967295 114 110 +76 77 79 4294967295 115 114 +76 79 80 113 4294967295 112 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 113 +82 83 88 4294967295 118 117 +82 88 89 116 4294967295 88 +83 84 88 4294967295 120 116 +84 85 87 4294967295 121 120 +84 87 88 119 4294967295 118 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 119 +90 91 96 4294967295 124 123 +90 96 97 122 4294967295 81 +91 92 96 4294967295 126 122 +92 93 95 4294967295 127 126 +92 95 96 125 4294967295 124 +93 94 95 4294967295 4294967295 125 +98 99 104 4294967295 131 129 +98 104 105 128 4294967295 130 +98 105 108 129 135 83 +99 100 104 4294967295 133 128 +100 101 103 4294967295 134 133 +100 103 104 132 4294967295 131 +101 102 103 4294967295 4294967295 132 +105 106 108 4294967295 136 130 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 135 +109 144 145 73 76 4294967295 +119 120 136 4294967295 141 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 140 +120 122 147 139 143 141 +120 147 136 140 4294967295 138 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 143 +122 125 147 142 4294967295 140 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 146 147 151 4294967295 +131 139 138 148 4294967295 146 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 147 +132 146 137 4294967295 151 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 +137 146 138 149 146 4294967295 + +148 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 144 +46 47 +46 144 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 145 +109 110 +109 145 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 147 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 146 +132 133 +132 146 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 147 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +8 +45 144 + 1 + 45 46 +46 144 + 1 + 45 46 +108 145 + 1 + 108 109 +109 145 + 1 + 108 109 +125 147 + 1 + 125 136 +131 146 + 1 + 131 132 +132 146 + 1 + 131 132 +136 147 + 1 + 125 136 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35bf9ae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +289 +0 1 57 4294967295 13 11 +0 24 2 2 26 4294967295 +0 25 24 3 81 1 +0 26 25 4 83 2 +0 27 26 5 85 3 +0 28 27 6 86 4 +0 29 28 7 87 5 +0 30 29 8 88 6 +0 31 30 9 89 7 +0 40 31 10 92 8 +0 56 40 11 120 9 +0 57 56 0 163 10 +1 2 64 4294967295 27 16 +1 58 57 14 164 0 +1 59 58 15 166 13 +1 60 59 16 166 14 +1 64 60 12 168 15 +2 4 105 18 31 29 +2 5 4 19 37 17 +2 17 5 20 40 18 +2 18 17 21 68 19 +2 19 18 22 72 20 +2 20 19 23 73 21 +2 21 20 24 74 22 +2 22 21 25 76 23 +2 23 22 26 77 24 +2 24 23 1 79 25 +2 73 64 28 176 12 +2 96 73 29 192 27 +2 105 96 17 230 28 +3 4 119 31 38 36 +3 105 4 32 17 30 +3 109 105 33 245 31 +3 110 109 34 249 32 +3 111 110 35 249 33 +3 112 111 36 143 34 +3 119 112 30 252 35 +4 5 118 18 39 38 +4 118 119 37 252 30 +5 6 118 40 44 37 +5 17 6 19 43 39 +6 7 117 42 45 44 +6 16 7 43 46 41 +6 17 16 40 68 42 +6 117 118 41 251 39 +7 8 117 46 50 41 +7 16 8 42 49 45 +8 9 116 48 51 50 +8 15 9 49 53 47 +8 16 15 46 66 48 +8 116 117 47 254 45 +9 10 116 52 55 47 +9 11 10 53 54 51 +9 15 11 48 59 52 +10 11 115 52 60 55 +10 115 116 54 255 51 +11 12 146 57 61 60 +11 13 12 58 61 56 +11 14 13 59 62 57 +11 15 14 53 64 58 +11 146 115 56 133 54 +12 13 146 57 63 56 +13 14 140 58 65 63 +13 140 146 62 285 61 +14 15 135 59 67 65 +14 135 140 64 282 62 +15 16 136 49 70 67 +15 136 135 66 277 64 +16 17 18 43 20 69 +16 18 139 68 72 71 +16 138 136 71 283 66 +16 139 138 69 273 70 +18 19 139 21 73 69 +19 20 139 22 75 72 +20 21 122 23 76 75 +20 122 139 74 259 73 +21 22 122 24 78 74 +22 23 121 25 80 78 +22 121 122 77 258 76 +23 24 120 26 82 80 +23 120 121 79 256 77 +24 25 127 2 84 82 +24 127 120 81 257 79 +25 26 126 3 85 84 +25 126 127 83 265 81 +26 27 126 4 86 83 +27 28 126 5 87 85 +28 29 126 6 88 86 +29 30 126 7 90 87 +30 31 128 8 91 90 +30 128 126 89 266 88 +31 32 128 92 96 89 +31 40 32 9 95 91 +32 33 129 94 100 96 +32 39 33 95 99 93 +32 40 39 92 116 94 +32 129 128 93 267 91 +33 34 134 98 106 102 +33 38 34 99 105 97 +33 39 38 94 115 98 +33 131 129 101 269 93 +33 133 131 102 274 100 +33 134 133 97 275 101 +34 35 143 104 109 106 +34 37 35 105 108 103 +34 38 37 98 113 104 +34 143 134 103 281 97 +35 36 144 108 112 109 +35 37 36 104 110 107 +35 144 143 107 288 103 +36 37 44 108 114 111 +36 44 45 110 128 112 +36 45 144 111 131 107 +37 38 43 105 115 114 +37 43 44 113 126 110 +38 39 43 99 117 113 +39 40 42 95 118 117 +39 42 43 116 125 115 +40 41 42 119 121 116 +40 55 41 120 124 118 +40 56 55 10 162 119 +41 48 42 122 125 118 +41 49 48 123 137 121 +41 52 49 124 142 122 +41 55 52 119 151 123 +42 48 43 121 127 117 +43 47 44 127 128 114 +43 48 47 125 135 126 +44 47 45 126 130 111 +45 46 145 130 134 131 +45 47 46 128 132 129 +45 145 144 129 288 112 +46 47 115 130 136 133 +46 115 146 132 60 134 +46 146 145 133 285 129 +47 48 114 127 139 136 +47 114 115 135 255 132 +48 49 112 122 143 138 +48 112 113 137 250 139 +48 113 114 138 253 135 +49 50 111 141 144 143 +49 51 50 142 144 140 +49 52 51 123 145 141 +49 111 112 140 35 137 +50 51 111 141 150 140 +51 52 53 142 151 146 +51 53 92 145 157 147 +51 92 93 146 223 148 +51 93 100 147 224 149 +51 100 101 148 236 150 +51 101 111 149 240 144 +52 55 53 124 153 145 +53 54 76 153 161 154 +53 55 54 151 158 152 +53 76 77 152 197 155 +53 77 84 154 198 156 +53 84 85 155 210 157 +53 85 92 156 211 146 +54 55 61 153 162 159 +54 61 68 158 169 160 +54 68 69 159 183 161 +54 69 76 160 185 152 +55 56 61 120 163 158 +56 57 61 11 165 162 +57 58 60 13 166 165 +57 60 61 164 167 163 +58 59 60 14 15 164 +60 63 61 168 170 165 +60 64 63 16 174 167 +61 62 68 170 173 159 +61 63 62 167 171 169 +62 63 66 170 175 172 +62 66 67 171 179 173 +62 67 68 172 182 169 +63 64 65 168 176 175 +63 65 66 174 177 171 +64 73 65 27 178 174 +65 72 66 178 181 175 +65 73 72 176 189 177 +66 70 67 180 182 172 +66 71 70 181 186 179 +66 72 71 177 187 180 +67 70 68 179 183 173 +68 70 69 182 184 160 +69 70 75 183 186 185 +69 75 76 184 195 161 +70 71 75 180 188 184 +71 72 74 181 189 188 +71 74 75 187 193 186 +72 73 74 178 190 187 +73 80 74 191 194 189 +73 88 80 192 204 190 +73 96 88 28 217 191 +74 79 75 194 196 188 +74 80 79 190 201 193 +75 78 76 196 197 185 +75 79 78 193 199 195 +76 78 77 195 198 154 +77 78 84 197 200 155 +78 79 83 196 202 200 +78 83 84 199 208 198 +79 80 82 194 203 202 +79 82 83 201 207 199 +80 81 82 204 205 201 +80 88 81 191 206 203 +81 87 82 206 207 203 +81 88 87 204 215 205 +82 87 83 205 209 202 +83 86 84 209 210 200 +83 87 86 207 212 208 +84 86 85 208 211 156 +85 86 92 210 214 157 +86 87 90 209 215 213 +86 90 91 212 220 214 +86 91 92 213 221 211 +87 88 90 206 216 212 +88 89 90 217 218 215 +88 96 89 192 219 216 +89 95 90 219 220 216 +89 96 95 217 228 218 +90 95 91 218 222 213 +91 94 92 222 223 214 +91 95 94 220 225 221 +92 94 93 221 224 147 +93 94 100 223 227 148 +94 95 98 222 229 226 +94 98 99 225 233 227 +94 99 100 226 236 224 +95 96 97 219 230 229 +95 97 98 228 231 225 +96 105 97 29 232 228 +97 104 98 232 235 229 +97 105 104 230 242 231 +98 102 99 234 237 226 +98 103 102 235 241 233 +98 104 103 231 242 234 +99 101 100 237 149 227 +99 102 101 233 238 236 +101 102 107 237 241 239 +101 107 108 238 247 240 +101 108 111 239 248 150 +102 103 107 234 244 238 +103 104 105 235 232 243 +103 105 106 242 245 244 +103 106 107 243 246 241 +105 109 106 32 246 243 +106 109 107 245 247 244 +107 109 108 246 248 239 +108 109 111 247 249 240 +109 110 111 33 34 248 +112 117 113 251 254 138 +112 118 117 252 44 250 +112 119 118 36 38 251 +113 116 114 254 255 139 +113 117 116 250 50 253 +114 116 115 253 55 136 +120 124 121 257 258 80 +120 127 124 82 265 256 +121 124 122 256 260 78 +122 123 139 260 263 75 +122 124 123 258 261 259 +123 124 125 260 264 262 +123 125 128 261 266 263 +123 128 139 262 268 259 +124 126 125 265 266 261 +124 127 126 257 84 264 +125 126 128 264 90 262 +128 129 130 96 269 268 +128 130 139 267 273 263 +129 131 130 100 270 267 +130 131 132 269 274 271 +130 132 137 270 278 272 +130 137 138 271 283 273 +130 138 139 272 71 268 +131 133 132 101 275 270 +132 133 134 274 102 276 +132 134 135 275 279 277 +132 135 136 276 67 278 +132 136 137 277 283 271 +134 141 135 280 282 276 +134 142 141 281 286 279 +134 143 142 106 286 280 +135 141 140 279 284 65 +136 138 137 70 272 278 +140 141 145 282 287 285 +140 145 146 284 134 63 +141 142 143 280 281 287 +141 143 145 286 288 284 +143 144 145 109 131 287 + +144 +3 4 +3 119 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 117 +117 118 +118 119 +120 121 +120 127 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 125 +125 126 +126 127 +128 129 +128 139 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 137 +137 138 +138 139 +140 141 +140 146 +141 142 +142 143 +143 144 +144 145 +145 146 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc5ce56 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +148 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 146 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 147 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 136 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 140 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 141 45 +30 130 128 50 142 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 145 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 121 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 109 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 115 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 97 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 104 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 65 4294967295 100 89 +59 60 63 4294967295 102 99 +59 63 64 98 4294967295 100 +59 64 65 99 4294967295 97 +60 61 62 4294967295 4294967295 102 +60 62 63 101 4294967295 98 +66 67 72 4294967295 105 104 +66 72 73 103 4294967295 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 105 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 81 4294967295 111 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 111 +75 80 81 110 4294967295 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 110 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 89 4294967295 118 87 +83 84 87 4294967295 119 117 +83 87 88 116 4294967295 118 +83 88 89 117 4294967295 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 116 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 119 +90 91 97 4294967295 124 80 +91 92 95 4294967295 126 123 +91 95 96 122 4294967295 124 +91 96 97 123 4294967295 121 +92 93 94 4294967295 4294967295 126 +92 94 95 125 4294967295 122 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 133 127 +100 101 102 4294967295 4294967295 132 +100 102 103 131 4294967295 133 +100 103 104 132 4294967295 130 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +119 120 136 4294967295 139 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 138 +120 122 125 137 140 139 +120 125 136 138 4294967295 136 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 138 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 132 144 146 4294967295 +131 139 138 145 4294967295 143 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 144 +132 138 137 143 4294967295 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2bb878 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +169 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 165 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 162 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 157 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 163 19 +13 136 135 22 153 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 139 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 138 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 136 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 137 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 145 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 146 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 147 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 149 45 +30 130 128 50 154 48 +30 131 130 47 155 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 161 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 168 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 168 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 165 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 121 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 109 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 115 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 97 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 104 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 65 4294967295 100 89 +59 60 63 4294967295 102 99 +59 63 64 98 4294967295 100 +59 64 65 99 4294967295 97 +60 61 62 4294967295 4294967295 102 +60 62 63 101 4294967295 98 +66 67 72 4294967295 105 104 +66 72 73 103 4294967295 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 105 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 81 4294967295 111 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 111 +75 80 81 110 4294967295 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 110 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 89 4294967295 118 87 +83 84 87 4294967295 119 117 +83 87 88 116 4294967295 118 +83 88 89 117 4294967295 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 116 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 119 +90 91 97 4294967295 124 80 +91 92 95 4294967295 126 123 +91 95 96 122 4294967295 124 +91 96 97 123 4294967295 121 +92 93 94 4294967295 4294967295 126 +92 94 95 125 4294967295 122 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 133 127 +100 101 102 4294967295 4294967295 132 +100 102 103 131 4294967295 133 +100 103 104 132 4294967295 130 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +117 121 118 137 138 33 +117 124 121 35 145 136 +118 121 119 136 140 31 +119 120 136 140 143 28 +119 121 120 138 141 139 +120 121 122 140 144 142 +120 122 125 141 146 143 +120 125 136 142 148 139 +121 123 122 145 146 141 +121 124 123 137 37 144 +122 123 125 144 43 142 +125 126 127 46 149 148 +125 127 136 147 153 143 +126 128 127 48 150 147 +127 128 129 149 154 151 +127 129 134 150 158 152 +127 134 135 151 163 153 +127 135 136 152 24 148 +128 130 129 49 155 150 +129 130 131 154 50 156 +129 131 132 155 159 157 +129 132 133 156 20 158 +129 133 134 157 163 151 +131 138 132 160 162 156 +131 139 138 161 166 159 +131 140 139 52 166 160 +132 138 137 159 164 18 +133 135 134 23 152 158 +137 138 142 162 167 165 +137 142 143 164 68 16 +138 139 140 160 161 167 +138 140 142 166 168 164 +140 141 142 54 65 167 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b20cee --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +259 +0 1 116 1 8 6 +0 102 1 2 4294967295 0 +0 106 102 3 215 1 +0 107 106 4 219 2 +0 108 107 5 219 3 +0 109 108 6 113 4 +0 116 109 0 222 5 +1 2 115 4294967295 9 8 +1 115 116 7 222 0 +2 3 115 10 14 7 +2 14 3 4294967295 13 9 +3 4 114 12 15 14 +3 13 4 13 16 11 +3 14 13 10 38 12 +3 114 115 11 221 9 +4 5 114 16 20 11 +4 13 5 12 19 15 +5 6 113 18 21 20 +5 12 6 19 23 17 +5 13 12 16 36 18 +5 113 114 17 224 15 +6 7 113 22 25 17 +6 8 7 23 24 21 +6 12 8 18 29 22 +7 8 112 22 30 25 +7 112 113 24 225 21 +8 9 143 27 31 30 +8 10 9 28 31 26 +8 11 10 29 32 27 +8 12 11 23 34 28 +8 143 112 26 103 24 +9 10 143 27 33 26 +10 11 137 28 35 33 +10 137 143 32 255 31 +11 12 132 29 37 35 +11 132 137 34 252 32 +12 13 133 19 40 37 +12 133 132 36 247 34 +13 14 15 13 4294967295 39 +13 15 136 38 42 41 +13 135 133 41 253 36 +13 136 135 39 243 40 +15 16 136 4294967295 43 39 +16 17 136 4294967295 45 42 +17 18 119 4294967295 46 45 +17 119 136 44 229 43 +18 19 119 4294967295 48 44 +19 20 118 4294967295 50 48 +19 118 119 47 228 46 +20 21 117 4294967295 52 50 +20 117 118 49 226 47 +21 22 124 4294967295 54 52 +21 124 117 51 227 49 +22 23 123 4294967295 55 54 +22 123 124 53 235 51 +23 24 123 4294967295 56 53 +24 25 123 4294967295 57 55 +25 26 123 4294967295 58 56 +26 27 123 4294967295 60 57 +27 28 125 4294967295 61 60 +27 125 123 59 236 58 +28 29 125 62 66 59 +28 37 29 4294967295 65 61 +29 30 126 64 70 66 +29 36 30 65 69 63 +29 37 36 62 86 64 +29 126 125 63 237 61 +30 31 131 68 76 72 +30 35 31 69 75 67 +30 36 35 64 85 68 +30 128 126 71 239 63 +30 130 128 72 244 70 +30 131 130 67 245 71 +31 32 140 74 79 76 +31 34 32 75 78 73 +31 35 34 68 83 74 +31 140 131 73 251 67 +32 33 141 78 82 79 +32 34 33 74 80 77 +32 141 140 77 258 73 +33 34 41 78 84 81 +33 41 42 80 98 82 +33 42 141 81 101 77 +34 35 40 75 85 84 +34 40 41 83 96 80 +35 36 40 69 87 83 +36 37 39 65 88 87 +36 39 40 86 95 85 +37 38 39 89 91 86 +37 52 38 90 94 88 +37 53 52 4294967295 132 89 +38 45 39 92 95 88 +38 46 45 93 107 91 +38 49 46 94 112 92 +38 52 49 89 121 93 +39 45 40 91 97 87 +40 44 41 97 98 84 +40 45 44 95 105 96 +41 44 42 96 100 81 +42 43 142 100 104 101 +42 44 43 98 102 99 +42 142 141 99 258 82 +43 44 112 100 106 103 +43 112 143 102 30 104 +43 143 142 103 255 99 +44 45 111 97 109 106 +44 111 112 105 225 102 +45 46 109 92 113 108 +45 109 110 107 220 109 +45 110 111 108 223 105 +46 47 108 111 114 113 +46 48 47 112 114 110 +46 49 48 93 115 111 +46 108 109 110 5 107 +47 48 108 111 120 110 +48 49 50 112 121 116 +48 50 89 115 127 117 +48 89 90 116 193 118 +48 90 97 117 194 119 +48 97 98 118 206 120 +48 98 108 119 210 114 +49 52 50 94 123 115 +50 51 73 123 131 124 +50 52 51 121 128 122 +50 73 74 122 167 125 +50 74 81 124 168 126 +50 81 82 125 180 127 +50 82 89 126 181 116 +51 52 58 123 132 129 +51 58 65 128 139 130 +51 65 66 129 153 131 +51 66 73 130 155 122 +52 53 58 90 133 128 +53 54 58 4294967295 135 132 +54 55 57 4294967295 136 135 +54 57 58 134 137 133 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 134 +57 60 58 138 140 135 +57 61 60 4294967295 144 137 +58 59 65 140 143 129 +58 60 59 137 141 139 +59 60 63 140 145 142 +59 63 64 141 149 143 +59 64 65 142 152 139 +60 61 62 138 146 145 +60 62 63 144 147 141 +61 70 62 4294967295 148 144 +62 69 63 148 151 145 +62 70 69 146 159 147 +63 67 64 150 152 142 +63 68 67 151 156 149 +63 69 68 147 157 150 +64 67 65 149 153 143 +65 67 66 152 154 130 +66 67 72 153 156 155 +66 72 73 154 165 131 +67 68 72 150 158 154 +68 69 71 151 159 158 +68 71 72 157 163 156 +69 70 71 148 160 157 +70 77 71 161 164 159 +70 85 77 162 174 160 +70 93 85 4294967295 187 161 +71 76 72 164 166 158 +71 77 76 160 171 163 +72 75 73 166 167 155 +72 76 75 163 169 165 +73 75 74 165 168 124 +74 75 81 167 170 125 +75 76 80 166 172 170 +75 80 81 169 178 168 +76 77 79 164 173 172 +76 79 80 171 177 169 +77 78 79 174 175 171 +77 85 78 161 176 173 +78 84 79 176 177 173 +78 85 84 174 185 175 +79 84 80 175 179 172 +80 83 81 179 180 170 +80 84 83 177 182 178 +81 83 82 178 181 126 +82 83 89 180 184 127 +83 84 87 179 185 183 +83 87 88 182 190 184 +83 88 89 183 191 181 +84 85 87 176 186 182 +85 86 87 187 188 185 +85 93 86 162 189 186 +86 92 87 189 190 186 +86 93 92 187 198 188 +87 92 88 188 192 183 +88 91 89 192 193 184 +88 92 91 190 195 191 +89 91 90 191 194 117 +90 91 97 193 197 118 +91 92 95 192 199 196 +91 95 96 195 203 197 +91 96 97 196 206 194 +92 93 94 189 200 199 +92 94 95 198 201 195 +93 102 94 4294967295 202 198 +94 101 95 202 205 199 +94 102 101 200 212 201 +95 99 96 204 207 196 +95 100 99 205 211 203 +95 101 100 201 212 204 +96 98 97 207 119 197 +96 99 98 203 208 206 +98 99 104 207 211 209 +98 104 105 208 217 210 +98 105 108 209 218 120 +99 100 104 204 214 208 +100 101 102 205 202 213 +100 102 103 212 215 214 +100 103 104 213 216 211 +102 106 103 2 216 213 +103 106 104 215 217 214 +104 106 105 216 218 209 +105 106 108 217 219 210 +106 107 108 3 4 218 +109 114 110 221 224 108 +109 115 114 222 14 220 +109 116 115 6 8 221 +110 113 111 224 225 109 +110 114 113 220 20 223 +111 113 112 223 25 106 +117 121 118 227 228 50 +117 124 121 52 235 226 +118 121 119 226 230 48 +119 120 136 230 233 45 +119 121 120 228 231 229 +120 121 122 230 234 232 +120 122 125 231 236 233 +120 125 136 232 238 229 +121 123 122 235 236 231 +121 124 123 227 54 234 +122 123 125 234 60 232 +125 126 127 66 239 238 +125 127 136 237 243 233 +126 128 127 70 240 237 +127 128 129 239 244 241 +127 129 134 240 248 242 +127 134 135 241 253 243 +127 135 136 242 41 238 +128 130 129 71 245 240 +129 130 131 244 72 246 +129 131 132 245 249 247 +129 132 133 246 37 248 +129 133 134 247 253 241 +131 138 132 250 252 246 +131 139 138 251 256 249 +131 140 139 76 256 250 +132 138 137 249 254 35 +133 135 134 40 242 248 +137 138 142 252 257 255 +137 142 143 254 104 33 +138 139 140 250 251 257 +138 140 142 256 258 254 +140 141 142 79 101 257 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35bf9ae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +289 +0 1 57 4294967295 13 11 +0 24 2 2 26 4294967295 +0 25 24 3 81 1 +0 26 25 4 83 2 +0 27 26 5 85 3 +0 28 27 6 86 4 +0 29 28 7 87 5 +0 30 29 8 88 6 +0 31 30 9 89 7 +0 40 31 10 92 8 +0 56 40 11 120 9 +0 57 56 0 163 10 +1 2 64 4294967295 27 16 +1 58 57 14 164 0 +1 59 58 15 166 13 +1 60 59 16 166 14 +1 64 60 12 168 15 +2 4 105 18 31 29 +2 5 4 19 37 17 +2 17 5 20 40 18 +2 18 17 21 68 19 +2 19 18 22 72 20 +2 20 19 23 73 21 +2 21 20 24 74 22 +2 22 21 25 76 23 +2 23 22 26 77 24 +2 24 23 1 79 25 +2 73 64 28 176 12 +2 96 73 29 192 27 +2 105 96 17 230 28 +3 4 119 31 38 36 +3 105 4 32 17 30 +3 109 105 33 245 31 +3 110 109 34 249 32 +3 111 110 35 249 33 +3 112 111 36 143 34 +3 119 112 30 252 35 +4 5 118 18 39 38 +4 118 119 37 252 30 +5 6 118 40 44 37 +5 17 6 19 43 39 +6 7 117 42 45 44 +6 16 7 43 46 41 +6 17 16 40 68 42 +6 117 118 41 251 39 +7 8 117 46 50 41 +7 16 8 42 49 45 +8 9 116 48 51 50 +8 15 9 49 53 47 +8 16 15 46 66 48 +8 116 117 47 254 45 +9 10 116 52 55 47 +9 11 10 53 54 51 +9 15 11 48 59 52 +10 11 115 52 60 55 +10 115 116 54 255 51 +11 12 146 57 61 60 +11 13 12 58 61 56 +11 14 13 59 62 57 +11 15 14 53 64 58 +11 146 115 56 133 54 +12 13 146 57 63 56 +13 14 140 58 65 63 +13 140 146 62 285 61 +14 15 135 59 67 65 +14 135 140 64 282 62 +15 16 136 49 70 67 +15 136 135 66 277 64 +16 17 18 43 20 69 +16 18 139 68 72 71 +16 138 136 71 283 66 +16 139 138 69 273 70 +18 19 139 21 73 69 +19 20 139 22 75 72 +20 21 122 23 76 75 +20 122 139 74 259 73 +21 22 122 24 78 74 +22 23 121 25 80 78 +22 121 122 77 258 76 +23 24 120 26 82 80 +23 120 121 79 256 77 +24 25 127 2 84 82 +24 127 120 81 257 79 +25 26 126 3 85 84 +25 126 127 83 265 81 +26 27 126 4 86 83 +27 28 126 5 87 85 +28 29 126 6 88 86 +29 30 126 7 90 87 +30 31 128 8 91 90 +30 128 126 89 266 88 +31 32 128 92 96 89 +31 40 32 9 95 91 +32 33 129 94 100 96 +32 39 33 95 99 93 +32 40 39 92 116 94 +32 129 128 93 267 91 +33 34 134 98 106 102 +33 38 34 99 105 97 +33 39 38 94 115 98 +33 131 129 101 269 93 +33 133 131 102 274 100 +33 134 133 97 275 101 +34 35 143 104 109 106 +34 37 35 105 108 103 +34 38 37 98 113 104 +34 143 134 103 281 97 +35 36 144 108 112 109 +35 37 36 104 110 107 +35 144 143 107 288 103 +36 37 44 108 114 111 +36 44 45 110 128 112 +36 45 144 111 131 107 +37 38 43 105 115 114 +37 43 44 113 126 110 +38 39 43 99 117 113 +39 40 42 95 118 117 +39 42 43 116 125 115 +40 41 42 119 121 116 +40 55 41 120 124 118 +40 56 55 10 162 119 +41 48 42 122 125 118 +41 49 48 123 137 121 +41 52 49 124 142 122 +41 55 52 119 151 123 +42 48 43 121 127 117 +43 47 44 127 128 114 +43 48 47 125 135 126 +44 47 45 126 130 111 +45 46 145 130 134 131 +45 47 46 128 132 129 +45 145 144 129 288 112 +46 47 115 130 136 133 +46 115 146 132 60 134 +46 146 145 133 285 129 +47 48 114 127 139 136 +47 114 115 135 255 132 +48 49 112 122 143 138 +48 112 113 137 250 139 +48 113 114 138 253 135 +49 50 111 141 144 143 +49 51 50 142 144 140 +49 52 51 123 145 141 +49 111 112 140 35 137 +50 51 111 141 150 140 +51 52 53 142 151 146 +51 53 92 145 157 147 +51 92 93 146 223 148 +51 93 100 147 224 149 +51 100 101 148 236 150 +51 101 111 149 240 144 +52 55 53 124 153 145 +53 54 76 153 161 154 +53 55 54 151 158 152 +53 76 77 152 197 155 +53 77 84 154 198 156 +53 84 85 155 210 157 +53 85 92 156 211 146 +54 55 61 153 162 159 +54 61 68 158 169 160 +54 68 69 159 183 161 +54 69 76 160 185 152 +55 56 61 120 163 158 +56 57 61 11 165 162 +57 58 60 13 166 165 +57 60 61 164 167 163 +58 59 60 14 15 164 +60 63 61 168 170 165 +60 64 63 16 174 167 +61 62 68 170 173 159 +61 63 62 167 171 169 +62 63 66 170 175 172 +62 66 67 171 179 173 +62 67 68 172 182 169 +63 64 65 168 176 175 +63 65 66 174 177 171 +64 73 65 27 178 174 +65 72 66 178 181 175 +65 73 72 176 189 177 +66 70 67 180 182 172 +66 71 70 181 186 179 +66 72 71 177 187 180 +67 70 68 179 183 173 +68 70 69 182 184 160 +69 70 75 183 186 185 +69 75 76 184 195 161 +70 71 75 180 188 184 +71 72 74 181 189 188 +71 74 75 187 193 186 +72 73 74 178 190 187 +73 80 74 191 194 189 +73 88 80 192 204 190 +73 96 88 28 217 191 +74 79 75 194 196 188 +74 80 79 190 201 193 +75 78 76 196 197 185 +75 79 78 193 199 195 +76 78 77 195 198 154 +77 78 84 197 200 155 +78 79 83 196 202 200 +78 83 84 199 208 198 +79 80 82 194 203 202 +79 82 83 201 207 199 +80 81 82 204 205 201 +80 88 81 191 206 203 +81 87 82 206 207 203 +81 88 87 204 215 205 +82 87 83 205 209 202 +83 86 84 209 210 200 +83 87 86 207 212 208 +84 86 85 208 211 156 +85 86 92 210 214 157 +86 87 90 209 215 213 +86 90 91 212 220 214 +86 91 92 213 221 211 +87 88 90 206 216 212 +88 89 90 217 218 215 +88 96 89 192 219 216 +89 95 90 219 220 216 +89 96 95 217 228 218 +90 95 91 218 222 213 +91 94 92 222 223 214 +91 95 94 220 225 221 +92 94 93 221 224 147 +93 94 100 223 227 148 +94 95 98 222 229 226 +94 98 99 225 233 227 +94 99 100 226 236 224 +95 96 97 219 230 229 +95 97 98 228 231 225 +96 105 97 29 232 228 +97 104 98 232 235 229 +97 105 104 230 242 231 +98 102 99 234 237 226 +98 103 102 235 241 233 +98 104 103 231 242 234 +99 101 100 237 149 227 +99 102 101 233 238 236 +101 102 107 237 241 239 +101 107 108 238 247 240 +101 108 111 239 248 150 +102 103 107 234 244 238 +103 104 105 235 232 243 +103 105 106 242 245 244 +103 106 107 243 246 241 +105 109 106 32 246 243 +106 109 107 245 247 244 +107 109 108 246 248 239 +108 109 111 247 249 240 +109 110 111 33 34 248 +112 117 113 251 254 138 +112 118 117 252 44 250 +112 119 118 36 38 251 +113 116 114 254 255 139 +113 117 116 250 50 253 +114 116 115 253 55 136 +120 124 121 257 258 80 +120 127 124 82 265 256 +121 124 122 256 260 78 +122 123 139 260 263 75 +122 124 123 258 261 259 +123 124 125 260 264 262 +123 125 128 261 266 263 +123 128 139 262 268 259 +124 126 125 265 266 261 +124 127 126 257 84 264 +125 126 128 264 90 262 +128 129 130 96 269 268 +128 130 139 267 273 263 +129 131 130 100 270 267 +130 131 132 269 274 271 +130 132 137 270 278 272 +130 137 138 271 283 273 +130 138 139 272 71 268 +131 133 132 101 275 270 +132 133 134 274 102 276 +132 134 135 275 279 277 +132 135 136 276 67 278 +132 136 137 277 283 271 +134 141 135 280 282 276 +134 142 141 281 286 279 +134 143 142 106 286 280 +135 141 140 279 284 65 +136 138 137 70 272 278 +140 141 145 282 287 285 +140 145 146 284 134 63 +141 142 143 280 281 287 +141 143 145 286 288 284 +143 144 145 109 131 287 + +144 +3 4 +3 119 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 117 +117 118 +118 119 +120 121 +120 127 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 125 +125 126 +126 127 +128 129 +128 139 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 137 +137 138 +138 139 +140 141 +140 146 +141 142 +142 143 +143 144 +144 145 +145 146 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc5ce56 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +148 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 146 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 147 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 136 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 140 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 141 45 +30 130 128 50 142 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 145 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 121 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 109 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 115 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 97 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 104 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 65 4294967295 100 89 +59 60 63 4294967295 102 99 +59 63 64 98 4294967295 100 +59 64 65 99 4294967295 97 +60 61 62 4294967295 4294967295 102 +60 62 63 101 4294967295 98 +66 67 72 4294967295 105 104 +66 72 73 103 4294967295 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 105 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 81 4294967295 111 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 111 +75 80 81 110 4294967295 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 110 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 89 4294967295 118 87 +83 84 87 4294967295 119 117 +83 87 88 116 4294967295 118 +83 88 89 117 4294967295 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 116 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 119 +90 91 97 4294967295 124 80 +91 92 95 4294967295 126 123 +91 95 96 122 4294967295 124 +91 96 97 123 4294967295 121 +92 93 94 4294967295 4294967295 126 +92 94 95 125 4294967295 122 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 133 127 +100 101 102 4294967295 4294967295 132 +100 102 103 131 4294967295 133 +100 103 104 132 4294967295 130 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +119 120 136 4294967295 139 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 138 +120 122 125 137 140 139 +120 125 136 138 4294967295 136 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 138 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 132 144 146 4294967295 +131 139 138 145 4294967295 143 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 144 +132 138 137 143 4294967295 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2bb878 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +169 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 165 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 162 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 157 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 163 19 +13 136 135 22 153 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 139 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 138 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 136 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 137 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 145 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 146 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 147 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 149 45 +30 130 128 50 154 48 +30 131 130 47 155 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 161 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 168 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 168 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 165 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 121 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 109 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 115 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 97 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 104 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 65 4294967295 100 89 +59 60 63 4294967295 102 99 +59 63 64 98 4294967295 100 +59 64 65 99 4294967295 97 +60 61 62 4294967295 4294967295 102 +60 62 63 101 4294967295 98 +66 67 72 4294967295 105 104 +66 72 73 103 4294967295 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 105 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 81 4294967295 111 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 111 +75 80 81 110 4294967295 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 110 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 89 4294967295 118 87 +83 84 87 4294967295 119 117 +83 87 88 116 4294967295 118 +83 88 89 117 4294967295 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 116 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 119 +90 91 97 4294967295 124 80 +91 92 95 4294967295 126 123 +91 95 96 122 4294967295 124 +91 96 97 123 4294967295 121 +92 93 94 4294967295 4294967295 126 +92 94 95 125 4294967295 122 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 133 127 +100 101 102 4294967295 4294967295 132 +100 102 103 131 4294967295 133 +100 103 104 132 4294967295 130 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +117 121 118 137 138 33 +117 124 121 35 145 136 +118 121 119 136 140 31 +119 120 136 140 143 28 +119 121 120 138 141 139 +120 121 122 140 144 142 +120 122 125 141 146 143 +120 125 136 142 148 139 +121 123 122 145 146 141 +121 124 123 137 37 144 +122 123 125 144 43 142 +125 126 127 46 149 148 +125 127 136 147 153 143 +126 128 127 48 150 147 +127 128 129 149 154 151 +127 129 134 150 158 152 +127 134 135 151 163 153 +127 135 136 152 24 148 +128 130 129 49 155 150 +129 130 131 154 50 156 +129 131 132 155 159 157 +129 132 133 156 20 158 +129 133 134 157 163 151 +131 138 132 160 162 156 +131 139 138 161 166 159 +131 140 139 52 166 160 +132 138 137 159 164 18 +133 135 134 23 152 158 +137 138 142 162 167 165 +137 142 143 164 68 16 +138 139 140 160 161 167 +138 140 142 166 168 164 +140 141 142 54 65 167 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b20cee --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +259 +0 1 116 1 8 6 +0 102 1 2 4294967295 0 +0 106 102 3 215 1 +0 107 106 4 219 2 +0 108 107 5 219 3 +0 109 108 6 113 4 +0 116 109 0 222 5 +1 2 115 4294967295 9 8 +1 115 116 7 222 0 +2 3 115 10 14 7 +2 14 3 4294967295 13 9 +3 4 114 12 15 14 +3 13 4 13 16 11 +3 14 13 10 38 12 +3 114 115 11 221 9 +4 5 114 16 20 11 +4 13 5 12 19 15 +5 6 113 18 21 20 +5 12 6 19 23 17 +5 13 12 16 36 18 +5 113 114 17 224 15 +6 7 113 22 25 17 +6 8 7 23 24 21 +6 12 8 18 29 22 +7 8 112 22 30 25 +7 112 113 24 225 21 +8 9 143 27 31 30 +8 10 9 28 31 26 +8 11 10 29 32 27 +8 12 11 23 34 28 +8 143 112 26 103 24 +9 10 143 27 33 26 +10 11 137 28 35 33 +10 137 143 32 255 31 +11 12 132 29 37 35 +11 132 137 34 252 32 +12 13 133 19 40 37 +12 133 132 36 247 34 +13 14 15 13 4294967295 39 +13 15 136 38 42 41 +13 135 133 41 253 36 +13 136 135 39 243 40 +15 16 136 4294967295 43 39 +16 17 136 4294967295 45 42 +17 18 119 4294967295 46 45 +17 119 136 44 229 43 +18 19 119 4294967295 48 44 +19 20 118 4294967295 50 48 +19 118 119 47 228 46 +20 21 117 4294967295 52 50 +20 117 118 49 226 47 +21 22 124 4294967295 54 52 +21 124 117 51 227 49 +22 23 123 4294967295 55 54 +22 123 124 53 235 51 +23 24 123 4294967295 56 53 +24 25 123 4294967295 57 55 +25 26 123 4294967295 58 56 +26 27 123 4294967295 60 57 +27 28 125 4294967295 61 60 +27 125 123 59 236 58 +28 29 125 62 66 59 +28 37 29 4294967295 65 61 +29 30 126 64 70 66 +29 36 30 65 69 63 +29 37 36 62 86 64 +29 126 125 63 237 61 +30 31 131 68 76 72 +30 35 31 69 75 67 +30 36 35 64 85 68 +30 128 126 71 239 63 +30 130 128 72 244 70 +30 131 130 67 245 71 +31 32 140 74 79 76 +31 34 32 75 78 73 +31 35 34 68 83 74 +31 140 131 73 251 67 +32 33 141 78 82 79 +32 34 33 74 80 77 +32 141 140 77 258 73 +33 34 41 78 84 81 +33 41 42 80 98 82 +33 42 141 81 101 77 +34 35 40 75 85 84 +34 40 41 83 96 80 +35 36 40 69 87 83 +36 37 39 65 88 87 +36 39 40 86 95 85 +37 38 39 89 91 86 +37 52 38 90 94 88 +37 53 52 4294967295 132 89 +38 45 39 92 95 88 +38 46 45 93 107 91 +38 49 46 94 112 92 +38 52 49 89 121 93 +39 45 40 91 97 87 +40 44 41 97 98 84 +40 45 44 95 105 96 +41 44 42 96 100 81 +42 43 142 100 104 101 +42 44 43 98 102 99 +42 142 141 99 258 82 +43 44 112 100 106 103 +43 112 143 102 30 104 +43 143 142 103 255 99 +44 45 111 97 109 106 +44 111 112 105 225 102 +45 46 109 92 113 108 +45 109 110 107 220 109 +45 110 111 108 223 105 +46 47 108 111 114 113 +46 48 47 112 114 110 +46 49 48 93 115 111 +46 108 109 110 5 107 +47 48 108 111 120 110 +48 49 50 112 121 116 +48 50 89 115 127 117 +48 89 90 116 193 118 +48 90 97 117 194 119 +48 97 98 118 206 120 +48 98 108 119 210 114 +49 52 50 94 123 115 +50 51 73 123 131 124 +50 52 51 121 128 122 +50 73 74 122 167 125 +50 74 81 124 168 126 +50 81 82 125 180 127 +50 82 89 126 181 116 +51 52 58 123 132 129 +51 58 65 128 139 130 +51 65 66 129 153 131 +51 66 73 130 155 122 +52 53 58 90 133 128 +53 54 58 4294967295 135 132 +54 55 57 4294967295 136 135 +54 57 58 134 137 133 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 134 +57 60 58 138 140 135 +57 61 60 4294967295 144 137 +58 59 65 140 143 129 +58 60 59 137 141 139 +59 60 63 140 145 142 +59 63 64 141 149 143 +59 64 65 142 152 139 +60 61 62 138 146 145 +60 62 63 144 147 141 +61 70 62 4294967295 148 144 +62 69 63 148 151 145 +62 70 69 146 159 147 +63 67 64 150 152 142 +63 68 67 151 156 149 +63 69 68 147 157 150 +64 67 65 149 153 143 +65 67 66 152 154 130 +66 67 72 153 156 155 +66 72 73 154 165 131 +67 68 72 150 158 154 +68 69 71 151 159 158 +68 71 72 157 163 156 +69 70 71 148 160 157 +70 77 71 161 164 159 +70 85 77 162 174 160 +70 93 85 4294967295 187 161 +71 76 72 164 166 158 +71 77 76 160 171 163 +72 75 73 166 167 155 +72 76 75 163 169 165 +73 75 74 165 168 124 +74 75 81 167 170 125 +75 76 80 166 172 170 +75 80 81 169 178 168 +76 77 79 164 173 172 +76 79 80 171 177 169 +77 78 79 174 175 171 +77 85 78 161 176 173 +78 84 79 176 177 173 +78 85 84 174 185 175 +79 84 80 175 179 172 +80 83 81 179 180 170 +80 84 83 177 182 178 +81 83 82 178 181 126 +82 83 89 180 184 127 +83 84 87 179 185 183 +83 87 88 182 190 184 +83 88 89 183 191 181 +84 85 87 176 186 182 +85 86 87 187 188 185 +85 93 86 162 189 186 +86 92 87 189 190 186 +86 93 92 187 198 188 +87 92 88 188 192 183 +88 91 89 192 193 184 +88 92 91 190 195 191 +89 91 90 191 194 117 +90 91 97 193 197 118 +91 92 95 192 199 196 +91 95 96 195 203 197 +91 96 97 196 206 194 +92 93 94 189 200 199 +92 94 95 198 201 195 +93 102 94 4294967295 202 198 +94 101 95 202 205 199 +94 102 101 200 212 201 +95 99 96 204 207 196 +95 100 99 205 211 203 +95 101 100 201 212 204 +96 98 97 207 119 197 +96 99 98 203 208 206 +98 99 104 207 211 209 +98 104 105 208 217 210 +98 105 108 209 218 120 +99 100 104 204 214 208 +100 101 102 205 202 213 +100 102 103 212 215 214 +100 103 104 213 216 211 +102 106 103 2 216 213 +103 106 104 215 217 214 +104 106 105 216 218 209 +105 106 108 217 219 210 +106 107 108 3 4 218 +109 114 110 221 224 108 +109 115 114 222 14 220 +109 116 115 6 8 221 +110 113 111 224 225 109 +110 114 113 220 20 223 +111 113 112 223 25 106 +117 121 118 227 228 50 +117 124 121 52 235 226 +118 121 119 226 230 48 +119 120 136 230 233 45 +119 121 120 228 231 229 +120 121 122 230 234 232 +120 122 125 231 236 233 +120 125 136 232 238 229 +121 123 122 235 236 231 +121 124 123 227 54 234 +122 123 125 234 60 232 +125 126 127 66 239 238 +125 127 136 237 243 233 +126 128 127 70 240 237 +127 128 129 239 244 241 +127 129 134 240 248 242 +127 134 135 241 253 243 +127 135 136 242 41 238 +128 130 129 71 245 240 +129 130 131 244 72 246 +129 131 132 245 249 247 +129 132 133 246 37 248 +129 133 134 247 253 241 +131 138 132 250 252 246 +131 139 138 251 256 249 +131 140 139 76 256 250 +132 138 137 249 254 35 +133 135 134 40 242 248 +137 138 142 252 257 255 +137 142 143 254 104 33 +138 139 140 250 251 257 +138 140 142 256 258 254 +140 141 142 79 101 257 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bc849f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +289 +0 1 57 4294967295 16 14 +0 21 2 2 26 4294967295 +0 22 21 3 76 1 +0 23 22 4 77 2 +0 24 23 5 79 3 +0 25 24 6 81 4 +0 26 25 7 83 5 +0 27 26 8 85 6 +0 28 27 9 86 7 +0 29 28 10 87 8 +0 30 29 11 88 9 +0 31 30 12 89 10 +0 40 31 13 92 11 +0 56 40 14 120 12 +0 57 56 0 163 13 +1 2 64 4294967295 27 19 +1 58 57 17 164 0 +1 59 58 18 166 16 +1 60 59 19 166 17 +1 64 60 15 168 18 +2 4 105 21 31 29 +2 5 4 22 37 20 +2 17 5 23 40 21 +2 18 17 24 68 22 +2 19 18 25 72 23 +2 20 19 26 73 24 +2 21 20 1 74 25 +2 73 64 28 176 15 +2 96 73 29 192 27 +2 105 96 20 230 28 +3 4 119 31 38 36 +3 105 4 32 20 30 +3 109 105 33 245 31 +3 110 109 34 249 32 +3 111 110 35 249 33 +3 112 111 36 143 34 +3 119 112 30 252 35 +4 5 118 21 39 38 +4 118 119 37 252 30 +5 6 118 40 44 37 +5 17 6 22 43 39 +6 7 117 42 45 44 +6 16 7 43 46 41 +6 17 16 40 68 42 +6 117 118 41 251 39 +7 8 117 46 50 41 +7 16 8 42 49 45 +8 9 116 48 51 50 +8 15 9 49 53 47 +8 16 15 46 66 48 +8 116 117 47 254 45 +9 10 116 52 55 47 +9 11 10 53 54 51 +9 15 11 48 59 52 +10 11 115 52 60 55 +10 115 116 54 255 51 +11 12 146 57 61 60 +11 13 12 58 61 56 +11 14 13 59 62 57 +11 15 14 53 64 58 +11 146 115 56 133 54 +12 13 146 57 63 56 +13 14 140 58 65 63 +13 140 146 62 285 61 +14 15 135 59 67 65 +14 135 140 64 282 62 +15 16 136 49 70 67 +15 136 135 66 277 64 +16 17 18 43 23 69 +16 18 139 68 72 71 +16 138 136 71 283 66 +16 139 138 69 273 70 +18 19 139 24 73 69 +19 20 139 25 75 72 +20 21 122 26 76 75 +20 122 139 74 259 73 +21 22 122 2 78 74 +22 23 121 3 80 78 +22 121 122 77 258 76 +23 24 120 4 82 80 +23 120 121 79 256 77 +24 25 127 5 84 82 +24 127 120 81 257 79 +25 26 126 6 85 84 +25 126 127 83 265 81 +26 27 126 7 86 83 +27 28 126 8 87 85 +28 29 126 9 88 86 +29 30 126 10 90 87 +30 31 128 11 91 90 +30 128 126 89 266 88 +31 32 128 92 96 89 +31 40 32 12 95 91 +32 33 129 94 100 96 +32 39 33 95 99 93 +32 40 39 92 116 94 +32 129 128 93 267 91 +33 34 134 98 106 102 +33 38 34 99 105 97 +33 39 38 94 115 98 +33 131 129 101 269 93 +33 133 131 102 274 100 +33 134 133 97 275 101 +34 35 143 104 109 106 +34 37 35 105 108 103 +34 38 37 98 113 104 +34 143 134 103 281 97 +35 36 144 108 112 109 +35 37 36 104 110 107 +35 144 143 107 288 103 +36 37 44 108 114 111 +36 44 45 110 128 112 +36 45 144 111 131 107 +37 38 43 105 115 114 +37 43 44 113 126 110 +38 39 43 99 117 113 +39 40 42 95 118 117 +39 42 43 116 125 115 +40 41 42 119 121 116 +40 55 41 120 124 118 +40 56 55 13 162 119 +41 48 42 122 125 118 +41 49 48 123 137 121 +41 52 49 124 142 122 +41 55 52 119 151 123 +42 48 43 121 127 117 +43 47 44 127 128 114 +43 48 47 125 135 126 +44 47 45 126 130 111 +45 46 145 130 134 131 +45 47 46 128 132 129 +45 145 144 129 288 112 +46 47 115 130 136 133 +46 115 146 132 60 134 +46 146 145 133 285 129 +47 48 114 127 139 136 +47 114 115 135 255 132 +48 49 112 122 143 138 +48 112 113 137 250 139 +48 113 114 138 253 135 +49 50 111 141 144 143 +49 51 50 142 144 140 +49 52 51 123 145 141 +49 111 112 140 35 137 +50 51 111 141 150 140 +51 52 53 142 151 146 +51 53 92 145 157 147 +51 92 93 146 223 148 +51 93 100 147 224 149 +51 100 101 148 236 150 +51 101 111 149 240 144 +52 55 53 124 153 145 +53 54 76 153 161 154 +53 55 54 151 158 152 +53 76 77 152 197 155 +53 77 84 154 198 156 +53 84 85 155 210 157 +53 85 92 156 211 146 +54 55 61 153 162 159 +54 61 68 158 169 160 +54 68 69 159 183 161 +54 69 76 160 185 152 +55 56 61 120 163 158 +56 57 61 14 165 162 +57 58 60 16 166 165 +57 60 61 164 167 163 +58 59 60 17 18 164 +60 63 61 168 170 165 +60 64 63 19 174 167 +61 62 68 170 173 159 +61 63 62 167 171 169 +62 63 66 170 175 172 +62 66 67 171 179 173 +62 67 68 172 182 169 +63 64 65 168 176 175 +63 65 66 174 177 171 +64 73 65 27 178 174 +65 72 66 178 181 175 +65 73 72 176 189 177 +66 70 67 180 182 172 +66 71 70 181 186 179 +66 72 71 177 187 180 +67 70 68 179 183 173 +68 70 69 182 184 160 +69 70 75 183 186 185 +69 75 76 184 195 161 +70 71 75 180 188 184 +71 72 74 181 189 188 +71 74 75 187 193 186 +72 73 74 178 190 187 +73 80 74 191 194 189 +73 88 80 192 204 190 +73 96 88 28 217 191 +74 79 75 194 196 188 +74 80 79 190 201 193 +75 78 76 196 197 185 +75 79 78 193 199 195 +76 78 77 195 198 154 +77 78 84 197 200 155 +78 79 83 196 202 200 +78 83 84 199 208 198 +79 80 82 194 203 202 +79 82 83 201 207 199 +80 81 82 204 205 201 +80 88 81 191 206 203 +81 87 82 206 207 203 +81 88 87 204 215 205 +82 87 83 205 209 202 +83 86 84 209 210 200 +83 87 86 207 212 208 +84 86 85 208 211 156 +85 86 92 210 214 157 +86 87 90 209 215 213 +86 90 91 212 220 214 +86 91 92 213 221 211 +87 88 90 206 216 212 +88 89 90 217 218 215 +88 96 89 192 219 216 +89 95 90 219 220 216 +89 96 95 217 228 218 +90 95 91 218 222 213 +91 94 92 222 223 214 +91 95 94 220 225 221 +92 94 93 221 224 147 +93 94 100 223 227 148 +94 95 98 222 229 226 +94 98 99 225 233 227 +94 99 100 226 236 224 +95 96 97 219 230 229 +95 97 98 228 231 225 +96 105 97 29 232 228 +97 104 98 232 235 229 +97 105 104 230 242 231 +98 102 99 234 237 226 +98 103 102 235 241 233 +98 104 103 231 242 234 +99 101 100 237 149 227 +99 102 101 233 238 236 +101 102 107 237 241 239 +101 107 108 238 247 240 +101 108 111 239 248 150 +102 103 107 234 244 238 +103 104 105 235 232 243 +103 105 106 242 245 244 +103 106 107 243 246 241 +105 109 106 32 246 243 +106 109 107 245 247 244 +107 109 108 246 248 239 +108 109 111 247 249 240 +109 110 111 33 34 248 +112 117 113 251 254 138 +112 118 117 252 44 250 +112 119 118 36 38 251 +113 116 114 254 255 139 +113 117 116 250 50 253 +114 116 115 253 55 136 +120 124 121 257 258 80 +120 127 124 82 265 256 +121 124 122 256 260 78 +122 123 139 260 263 75 +122 124 123 258 261 259 +123 124 125 260 264 262 +123 125 128 261 266 263 +123 128 139 262 268 259 +124 126 125 265 266 261 +124 127 126 257 84 264 +125 126 128 264 90 262 +128 129 130 96 269 268 +128 130 139 267 273 263 +129 131 130 100 270 267 +130 131 132 269 274 271 +130 132 137 270 278 272 +130 137 138 271 283 273 +130 138 139 272 71 268 +131 133 132 101 275 270 +132 133 134 274 102 276 +132 134 135 275 279 277 +132 135 136 276 67 278 +132 136 137 277 283 271 +134 141 135 280 282 276 +134 142 141 281 286 279 +134 143 142 106 286 280 +135 141 140 279 284 65 +136 138 137 70 272 278 +140 141 145 282 287 285 +140 145 146 284 134 63 +141 142 143 280 281 287 +141 143 145 286 288 284 +143 144 145 109 131 287 + +144 +3 4 +3 119 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 117 +117 118 +118 119 +120 121 +120 127 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 125 +125 126 +126 127 +128 129 +128 139 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 137 +137 138 +138 139 +140 141 +140 146 +141 142 +142 143 +143 144 +144 145 +145 146 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc5ce56 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +148 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 146 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 147 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 136 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 140 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 141 45 +30 130 128 50 142 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 145 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 121 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 109 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 115 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 97 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 104 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 65 4294967295 100 89 +59 60 63 4294967295 102 99 +59 63 64 98 4294967295 100 +59 64 65 99 4294967295 97 +60 61 62 4294967295 4294967295 102 +60 62 63 101 4294967295 98 +66 67 72 4294967295 105 104 +66 72 73 103 4294967295 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 105 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 81 4294967295 111 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 111 +75 80 81 110 4294967295 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 110 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 89 4294967295 118 87 +83 84 87 4294967295 119 117 +83 87 88 116 4294967295 118 +83 88 89 117 4294967295 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 116 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 119 +90 91 97 4294967295 124 80 +91 92 95 4294967295 126 123 +91 95 96 122 4294967295 124 +91 96 97 123 4294967295 121 +92 93 94 4294967295 4294967295 126 +92 94 95 125 4294967295 122 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 133 127 +100 101 102 4294967295 4294967295 132 +100 102 103 131 4294967295 133 +100 103 104 132 4294967295 130 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +119 120 136 4294967295 139 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 138 +120 122 125 137 140 139 +120 125 136 138 4294967295 136 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 138 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 132 144 146 4294967295 +131 139 138 145 4294967295 143 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 144 +132 138 137 143 4294967295 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2bb878 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +169 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 165 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 162 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 157 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 163 19 +13 136 135 22 153 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 139 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 138 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 136 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 137 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 145 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 146 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 147 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 149 45 +30 130 128 50 154 48 +30 131 130 47 155 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 161 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 168 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 168 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 165 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 121 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 109 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 115 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 97 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 104 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 65 4294967295 100 89 +59 60 63 4294967295 102 99 +59 63 64 98 4294967295 100 +59 64 65 99 4294967295 97 +60 61 62 4294967295 4294967295 102 +60 62 63 101 4294967295 98 +66 67 72 4294967295 105 104 +66 72 73 103 4294967295 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 105 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 81 4294967295 111 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 111 +75 80 81 110 4294967295 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 110 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 89 4294967295 118 87 +83 84 87 4294967295 119 117 +83 87 88 116 4294967295 118 +83 88 89 117 4294967295 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 116 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 119 +90 91 97 4294967295 124 80 +91 92 95 4294967295 126 123 +91 95 96 122 4294967295 124 +91 96 97 123 4294967295 121 +92 93 94 4294967295 4294967295 126 +92 94 95 125 4294967295 122 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 133 127 +100 101 102 4294967295 4294967295 132 +100 102 103 131 4294967295 133 +100 103 104 132 4294967295 130 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +117 121 118 137 138 33 +117 124 121 35 145 136 +118 121 119 136 140 31 +119 120 136 140 143 28 +119 121 120 138 141 139 +120 121 122 140 144 142 +120 122 125 141 146 143 +120 125 136 142 148 139 +121 123 122 145 146 141 +121 124 123 137 37 144 +122 123 125 144 43 142 +125 126 127 46 149 148 +125 127 136 147 153 143 +126 128 127 48 150 147 +127 128 129 149 154 151 +127 129 134 150 158 152 +127 134 135 151 163 153 +127 135 136 152 24 148 +128 130 129 49 155 150 +129 130 131 154 50 156 +129 131 132 155 159 157 +129 132 133 156 20 158 +129 133 134 157 163 151 +131 138 132 160 162 156 +131 139 138 161 166 159 +131 140 139 52 166 160 +132 138 137 159 164 18 +133 135 134 23 152 158 +137 138 142 162 167 165 +137 142 143 164 68 16 +138 139 140 160 161 167 +138 140 142 166 168 164 +140 141 142 54 65 167 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b20cee --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +259 +0 1 116 1 8 6 +0 102 1 2 4294967295 0 +0 106 102 3 215 1 +0 107 106 4 219 2 +0 108 107 5 219 3 +0 109 108 6 113 4 +0 116 109 0 222 5 +1 2 115 4294967295 9 8 +1 115 116 7 222 0 +2 3 115 10 14 7 +2 14 3 4294967295 13 9 +3 4 114 12 15 14 +3 13 4 13 16 11 +3 14 13 10 38 12 +3 114 115 11 221 9 +4 5 114 16 20 11 +4 13 5 12 19 15 +5 6 113 18 21 20 +5 12 6 19 23 17 +5 13 12 16 36 18 +5 113 114 17 224 15 +6 7 113 22 25 17 +6 8 7 23 24 21 +6 12 8 18 29 22 +7 8 112 22 30 25 +7 112 113 24 225 21 +8 9 143 27 31 30 +8 10 9 28 31 26 +8 11 10 29 32 27 +8 12 11 23 34 28 +8 143 112 26 103 24 +9 10 143 27 33 26 +10 11 137 28 35 33 +10 137 143 32 255 31 +11 12 132 29 37 35 +11 132 137 34 252 32 +12 13 133 19 40 37 +12 133 132 36 247 34 +13 14 15 13 4294967295 39 +13 15 136 38 42 41 +13 135 133 41 253 36 +13 136 135 39 243 40 +15 16 136 4294967295 43 39 +16 17 136 4294967295 45 42 +17 18 119 4294967295 46 45 +17 119 136 44 229 43 +18 19 119 4294967295 48 44 +19 20 118 4294967295 50 48 +19 118 119 47 228 46 +20 21 117 4294967295 52 50 +20 117 118 49 226 47 +21 22 124 4294967295 54 52 +21 124 117 51 227 49 +22 23 123 4294967295 55 54 +22 123 124 53 235 51 +23 24 123 4294967295 56 53 +24 25 123 4294967295 57 55 +25 26 123 4294967295 58 56 +26 27 123 4294967295 60 57 +27 28 125 4294967295 61 60 +27 125 123 59 236 58 +28 29 125 62 66 59 +28 37 29 4294967295 65 61 +29 30 126 64 70 66 +29 36 30 65 69 63 +29 37 36 62 86 64 +29 126 125 63 237 61 +30 31 131 68 76 72 +30 35 31 69 75 67 +30 36 35 64 85 68 +30 128 126 71 239 63 +30 130 128 72 244 70 +30 131 130 67 245 71 +31 32 140 74 79 76 +31 34 32 75 78 73 +31 35 34 68 83 74 +31 140 131 73 251 67 +32 33 141 78 82 79 +32 34 33 74 80 77 +32 141 140 77 258 73 +33 34 41 78 84 81 +33 41 42 80 98 82 +33 42 141 81 101 77 +34 35 40 75 85 84 +34 40 41 83 96 80 +35 36 40 69 87 83 +36 37 39 65 88 87 +36 39 40 86 95 85 +37 38 39 89 91 86 +37 52 38 90 94 88 +37 53 52 4294967295 132 89 +38 45 39 92 95 88 +38 46 45 93 107 91 +38 49 46 94 112 92 +38 52 49 89 121 93 +39 45 40 91 97 87 +40 44 41 97 98 84 +40 45 44 95 105 96 +41 44 42 96 100 81 +42 43 142 100 104 101 +42 44 43 98 102 99 +42 142 141 99 258 82 +43 44 112 100 106 103 +43 112 143 102 30 104 +43 143 142 103 255 99 +44 45 111 97 109 106 +44 111 112 105 225 102 +45 46 109 92 113 108 +45 109 110 107 220 109 +45 110 111 108 223 105 +46 47 108 111 114 113 +46 48 47 112 114 110 +46 49 48 93 115 111 +46 108 109 110 5 107 +47 48 108 111 120 110 +48 49 50 112 121 116 +48 50 89 115 127 117 +48 89 90 116 193 118 +48 90 97 117 194 119 +48 97 98 118 206 120 +48 98 108 119 210 114 +49 52 50 94 123 115 +50 51 73 123 131 124 +50 52 51 121 128 122 +50 73 74 122 167 125 +50 74 81 124 168 126 +50 81 82 125 180 127 +50 82 89 126 181 116 +51 52 58 123 132 129 +51 58 65 128 139 130 +51 65 66 129 153 131 +51 66 73 130 155 122 +52 53 58 90 133 128 +53 54 58 4294967295 135 132 +54 55 57 4294967295 136 135 +54 57 58 134 137 133 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 134 +57 60 58 138 140 135 +57 61 60 4294967295 144 137 +58 59 65 140 143 129 +58 60 59 137 141 139 +59 60 63 140 145 142 +59 63 64 141 149 143 +59 64 65 142 152 139 +60 61 62 138 146 145 +60 62 63 144 147 141 +61 70 62 4294967295 148 144 +62 69 63 148 151 145 +62 70 69 146 159 147 +63 67 64 150 152 142 +63 68 67 151 156 149 +63 69 68 147 157 150 +64 67 65 149 153 143 +65 67 66 152 154 130 +66 67 72 153 156 155 +66 72 73 154 165 131 +67 68 72 150 158 154 +68 69 71 151 159 158 +68 71 72 157 163 156 +69 70 71 148 160 157 +70 77 71 161 164 159 +70 85 77 162 174 160 +70 93 85 4294967295 187 161 +71 76 72 164 166 158 +71 77 76 160 171 163 +72 75 73 166 167 155 +72 76 75 163 169 165 +73 75 74 165 168 124 +74 75 81 167 170 125 +75 76 80 166 172 170 +75 80 81 169 178 168 +76 77 79 164 173 172 +76 79 80 171 177 169 +77 78 79 174 175 171 +77 85 78 161 176 173 +78 84 79 176 177 173 +78 85 84 174 185 175 +79 84 80 175 179 172 +80 83 81 179 180 170 +80 84 83 177 182 178 +81 83 82 178 181 126 +82 83 89 180 184 127 +83 84 87 179 185 183 +83 87 88 182 190 184 +83 88 89 183 191 181 +84 85 87 176 186 182 +85 86 87 187 188 185 +85 93 86 162 189 186 +86 92 87 189 190 186 +86 93 92 187 198 188 +87 92 88 188 192 183 +88 91 89 192 193 184 +88 92 91 190 195 191 +89 91 90 191 194 117 +90 91 97 193 197 118 +91 92 95 192 199 196 +91 95 96 195 203 197 +91 96 97 196 206 194 +92 93 94 189 200 199 +92 94 95 198 201 195 +93 102 94 4294967295 202 198 +94 101 95 202 205 199 +94 102 101 200 212 201 +95 99 96 204 207 196 +95 100 99 205 211 203 +95 101 100 201 212 204 +96 98 97 207 119 197 +96 99 98 203 208 206 +98 99 104 207 211 209 +98 104 105 208 217 210 +98 105 108 209 218 120 +99 100 104 204 214 208 +100 101 102 205 202 213 +100 102 103 212 215 214 +100 103 104 213 216 211 +102 106 103 2 216 213 +103 106 104 215 217 214 +104 106 105 216 218 209 +105 106 108 217 219 210 +106 107 108 3 4 218 +109 114 110 221 224 108 +109 115 114 222 14 220 +109 116 115 6 8 221 +110 113 111 224 225 109 +110 114 113 220 20 223 +111 113 112 223 25 106 +117 121 118 227 228 50 +117 124 121 52 235 226 +118 121 119 226 230 48 +119 120 136 230 233 45 +119 121 120 228 231 229 +120 121 122 230 234 232 +120 122 125 231 236 233 +120 125 136 232 238 229 +121 123 122 235 236 231 +121 124 123 227 54 234 +122 123 125 234 60 232 +125 126 127 66 239 238 +125 127 136 237 243 233 +126 128 127 70 240 237 +127 128 129 239 244 241 +127 129 134 240 248 242 +127 134 135 241 253 243 +127 135 136 242 41 238 +128 130 129 71 245 240 +129 130 131 244 72 246 +129 131 132 245 249 247 +129 132 133 246 37 248 +129 133 134 247 253 241 +131 138 132 250 252 246 +131 139 138 251 256 249 +131 140 139 76 256 250 +132 138 137 249 254 35 +133 135 134 40 242 248 +137 138 142 252 257 255 +137 142 143 254 104 33 +138 139 140 250 251 257 +138 140 142 256 258 254 +140 141 142 79 101 257 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bc849f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +289 +0 1 57 4294967295 16 14 +0 21 2 2 26 4294967295 +0 22 21 3 76 1 +0 23 22 4 77 2 +0 24 23 5 79 3 +0 25 24 6 81 4 +0 26 25 7 83 5 +0 27 26 8 85 6 +0 28 27 9 86 7 +0 29 28 10 87 8 +0 30 29 11 88 9 +0 31 30 12 89 10 +0 40 31 13 92 11 +0 56 40 14 120 12 +0 57 56 0 163 13 +1 2 64 4294967295 27 19 +1 58 57 17 164 0 +1 59 58 18 166 16 +1 60 59 19 166 17 +1 64 60 15 168 18 +2 4 105 21 31 29 +2 5 4 22 37 20 +2 17 5 23 40 21 +2 18 17 24 68 22 +2 19 18 25 72 23 +2 20 19 26 73 24 +2 21 20 1 74 25 +2 73 64 28 176 15 +2 96 73 29 192 27 +2 105 96 20 230 28 +3 4 119 31 38 36 +3 105 4 32 20 30 +3 109 105 33 245 31 +3 110 109 34 249 32 +3 111 110 35 249 33 +3 112 111 36 143 34 +3 119 112 30 252 35 +4 5 118 21 39 38 +4 118 119 37 252 30 +5 6 118 40 44 37 +5 17 6 22 43 39 +6 7 117 42 45 44 +6 16 7 43 46 41 +6 17 16 40 68 42 +6 117 118 41 251 39 +7 8 117 46 50 41 +7 16 8 42 49 45 +8 9 116 48 51 50 +8 15 9 49 53 47 +8 16 15 46 66 48 +8 116 117 47 254 45 +9 10 116 52 55 47 +9 11 10 53 54 51 +9 15 11 48 59 52 +10 11 115 52 60 55 +10 115 116 54 255 51 +11 12 146 57 61 60 +11 13 12 58 61 56 +11 14 13 59 62 57 +11 15 14 53 64 58 +11 146 115 56 133 54 +12 13 146 57 63 56 +13 14 140 58 65 63 +13 140 146 62 285 61 +14 15 135 59 67 65 +14 135 140 64 282 62 +15 16 136 49 70 67 +15 136 135 66 277 64 +16 17 18 43 23 69 +16 18 139 68 72 71 +16 138 136 71 283 66 +16 139 138 69 273 70 +18 19 139 24 73 69 +19 20 139 25 75 72 +20 21 122 26 76 75 +20 122 139 74 259 73 +21 22 122 2 78 74 +22 23 121 3 80 78 +22 121 122 77 258 76 +23 24 120 4 82 80 +23 120 121 79 256 77 +24 25 127 5 84 82 +24 127 120 81 257 79 +25 26 126 6 85 84 +25 126 127 83 265 81 +26 27 126 7 86 83 +27 28 126 8 87 85 +28 29 126 9 88 86 +29 30 126 10 90 87 +30 31 128 11 91 90 +30 128 126 89 266 88 +31 32 128 92 96 89 +31 40 32 12 95 91 +32 33 129 94 100 96 +32 39 33 95 99 93 +32 40 39 92 116 94 +32 129 128 93 267 91 +33 34 134 98 106 102 +33 38 34 99 105 97 +33 39 38 94 115 98 +33 131 129 101 269 93 +33 133 131 102 274 100 +33 134 133 97 275 101 +34 35 143 104 109 106 +34 37 35 105 108 103 +34 38 37 98 113 104 +34 143 134 103 281 97 +35 36 144 108 112 109 +35 37 36 104 110 107 +35 144 143 107 288 103 +36 37 44 108 114 111 +36 44 45 110 128 112 +36 45 144 111 131 107 +37 38 43 105 115 114 +37 43 44 113 126 110 +38 39 43 99 117 113 +39 40 42 95 118 117 +39 42 43 116 125 115 +40 41 42 119 121 116 +40 55 41 120 124 118 +40 56 55 13 162 119 +41 48 42 122 125 118 +41 49 48 123 137 121 +41 52 49 124 142 122 +41 55 52 119 151 123 +42 48 43 121 127 117 +43 47 44 127 128 114 +43 48 47 125 135 126 +44 47 45 126 130 111 +45 46 145 130 134 131 +45 47 46 128 132 129 +45 145 144 129 288 112 +46 47 115 130 136 133 +46 115 146 132 60 134 +46 146 145 133 285 129 +47 48 114 127 139 136 +47 114 115 135 255 132 +48 49 112 122 143 138 +48 112 113 137 250 139 +48 113 114 138 253 135 +49 50 111 141 144 143 +49 51 50 142 144 140 +49 52 51 123 145 141 +49 111 112 140 35 137 +50 51 111 141 150 140 +51 52 53 142 151 146 +51 53 92 145 157 147 +51 92 93 146 223 148 +51 93 100 147 224 149 +51 100 101 148 236 150 +51 101 111 149 240 144 +52 55 53 124 153 145 +53 54 76 153 161 154 +53 55 54 151 158 152 +53 76 77 152 197 155 +53 77 84 154 198 156 +53 84 85 155 210 157 +53 85 92 156 211 146 +54 55 61 153 162 159 +54 61 68 158 169 160 +54 68 69 159 183 161 +54 69 76 160 185 152 +55 56 61 120 163 158 +56 57 61 14 165 162 +57 58 60 16 166 165 +57 60 61 164 167 163 +58 59 60 17 18 164 +60 63 61 168 170 165 +60 64 63 19 174 167 +61 62 68 170 173 159 +61 63 62 167 171 169 +62 63 66 170 175 172 +62 66 67 171 179 173 +62 67 68 172 182 169 +63 64 65 168 176 175 +63 65 66 174 177 171 +64 73 65 27 178 174 +65 72 66 178 181 175 +65 73 72 176 189 177 +66 70 67 180 182 172 +66 71 70 181 186 179 +66 72 71 177 187 180 +67 70 68 179 183 173 +68 70 69 182 184 160 +69 70 75 183 186 185 +69 75 76 184 195 161 +70 71 75 180 188 184 +71 72 74 181 189 188 +71 74 75 187 193 186 +72 73 74 178 190 187 +73 80 74 191 194 189 +73 88 80 192 204 190 +73 96 88 28 217 191 +74 79 75 194 196 188 +74 80 79 190 201 193 +75 78 76 196 197 185 +75 79 78 193 199 195 +76 78 77 195 198 154 +77 78 84 197 200 155 +78 79 83 196 202 200 +78 83 84 199 208 198 +79 80 82 194 203 202 +79 82 83 201 207 199 +80 81 82 204 205 201 +80 88 81 191 206 203 +81 87 82 206 207 203 +81 88 87 204 215 205 +82 87 83 205 209 202 +83 86 84 209 210 200 +83 87 86 207 212 208 +84 86 85 208 211 156 +85 86 92 210 214 157 +86 87 90 209 215 213 +86 90 91 212 220 214 +86 91 92 213 221 211 +87 88 90 206 216 212 +88 89 90 217 218 215 +88 96 89 192 219 216 +89 95 90 219 220 216 +89 96 95 217 228 218 +90 95 91 218 222 213 +91 94 92 222 223 214 +91 95 94 220 225 221 +92 94 93 221 224 147 +93 94 100 223 227 148 +94 95 98 222 229 226 +94 98 99 225 233 227 +94 99 100 226 236 224 +95 96 97 219 230 229 +95 97 98 228 231 225 +96 105 97 29 232 228 +97 104 98 232 235 229 +97 105 104 230 242 231 +98 102 99 234 237 226 +98 103 102 235 241 233 +98 104 103 231 242 234 +99 101 100 237 149 227 +99 102 101 233 238 236 +101 102 107 237 241 239 +101 107 108 238 247 240 +101 108 111 239 248 150 +102 103 107 234 244 238 +103 104 105 235 232 243 +103 105 106 242 245 244 +103 106 107 243 246 241 +105 109 106 32 246 243 +106 109 107 245 247 244 +107 109 108 246 248 239 +108 109 111 247 249 240 +109 110 111 33 34 248 +112 117 113 251 254 138 +112 118 117 252 44 250 +112 119 118 36 38 251 +113 116 114 254 255 139 +113 117 116 250 50 253 +114 116 115 253 55 136 +120 124 121 257 258 80 +120 127 124 82 265 256 +121 124 122 256 260 78 +122 123 139 260 263 75 +122 124 123 258 261 259 +123 124 125 260 264 262 +123 125 128 261 266 263 +123 128 139 262 268 259 +124 126 125 265 266 261 +124 127 126 257 84 264 +125 126 128 264 90 262 +128 129 130 96 269 268 +128 130 139 267 273 263 +129 131 130 100 270 267 +130 131 132 269 274 271 +130 132 137 270 278 272 +130 137 138 271 283 273 +130 138 139 272 71 268 +131 133 132 101 275 270 +132 133 134 274 102 276 +132 134 135 275 279 277 +132 135 136 276 67 278 +132 136 137 277 283 271 +134 141 135 280 282 276 +134 142 141 281 286 279 +134 143 142 106 286 280 +135 141 140 279 284 65 +136 138 137 70 272 278 +140 141 145 282 287 285 +140 145 146 284 134 63 +141 142 143 280 281 287 +141 143 145 286 288 284 +143 144 145 109 131 287 + +144 +3 4 +3 119 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 117 +117 118 +118 119 +120 121 +120 127 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 125 +125 126 +126 127 +128 129 +128 139 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 137 +137 138 +138 139 +140 141 +140 146 +141 142 +142 143 +143 144 +144 145 +145 146 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc5ce56 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +148 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 146 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 147 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 136 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 140 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 141 45 +30 130 128 50 142 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 145 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 121 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 109 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 115 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 97 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 104 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 65 4294967295 100 89 +59 60 63 4294967295 102 99 +59 63 64 98 4294967295 100 +59 64 65 99 4294967295 97 +60 61 62 4294967295 4294967295 102 +60 62 63 101 4294967295 98 +66 67 72 4294967295 105 104 +66 72 73 103 4294967295 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 105 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 81 4294967295 111 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 111 +75 80 81 110 4294967295 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 110 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 89 4294967295 118 87 +83 84 87 4294967295 119 117 +83 87 88 116 4294967295 118 +83 88 89 117 4294967295 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 116 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 119 +90 91 97 4294967295 124 80 +91 92 95 4294967295 126 123 +91 95 96 122 4294967295 124 +91 96 97 123 4294967295 121 +92 93 94 4294967295 4294967295 126 +92 94 95 125 4294967295 122 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 133 127 +100 101 102 4294967295 4294967295 132 +100 102 103 131 4294967295 133 +100 103 104 132 4294967295 130 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +119 120 136 4294967295 139 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 138 +120 122 125 137 140 139 +120 125 136 138 4294967295 136 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 138 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 132 144 146 4294967295 +131 139 138 145 4294967295 143 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 144 +132 138 137 143 4294967295 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2bb878 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +169 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 165 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 162 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 157 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 163 19 +13 136 135 22 153 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 139 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 138 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 136 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 137 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 145 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 146 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 147 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 149 45 +30 130 128 50 154 48 +30 131 130 47 155 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 161 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 168 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 168 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 165 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 121 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 109 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 115 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 97 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 104 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 65 4294967295 100 89 +59 60 63 4294967295 102 99 +59 63 64 98 4294967295 100 +59 64 65 99 4294967295 97 +60 61 62 4294967295 4294967295 102 +60 62 63 101 4294967295 98 +66 67 72 4294967295 105 104 +66 72 73 103 4294967295 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 105 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 81 4294967295 111 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 111 +75 80 81 110 4294967295 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 110 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 89 4294967295 118 87 +83 84 87 4294967295 119 117 +83 87 88 116 4294967295 118 +83 88 89 117 4294967295 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 116 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 119 +90 91 97 4294967295 124 80 +91 92 95 4294967295 126 123 +91 95 96 122 4294967295 124 +91 96 97 123 4294967295 121 +92 93 94 4294967295 4294967295 126 +92 94 95 125 4294967295 122 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 133 127 +100 101 102 4294967295 4294967295 132 +100 102 103 131 4294967295 133 +100 103 104 132 4294967295 130 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +117 121 118 137 138 33 +117 124 121 35 145 136 +118 121 119 136 140 31 +119 120 136 140 143 28 +119 121 120 138 141 139 +120 121 122 140 144 142 +120 122 125 141 146 143 +120 125 136 142 148 139 +121 123 122 145 146 141 +121 124 123 137 37 144 +122 123 125 144 43 142 +125 126 127 46 149 148 +125 127 136 147 153 143 +126 128 127 48 150 147 +127 128 129 149 154 151 +127 129 134 150 158 152 +127 134 135 151 163 153 +127 135 136 152 24 148 +128 130 129 49 155 150 +129 130 131 154 50 156 +129 131 132 155 159 157 +129 132 133 156 20 158 +129 133 134 157 163 151 +131 138 132 160 162 156 +131 139 138 161 166 159 +131 140 139 52 166 160 +132 138 137 159 164 18 +133 135 134 23 152 158 +137 138 142 162 167 165 +137 142 143 164 68 16 +138 139 140 160 161 167 +138 140 142 166 168 164 +140 141 142 54 65 167 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b20cee --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +259 +0 1 116 1 8 6 +0 102 1 2 4294967295 0 +0 106 102 3 215 1 +0 107 106 4 219 2 +0 108 107 5 219 3 +0 109 108 6 113 4 +0 116 109 0 222 5 +1 2 115 4294967295 9 8 +1 115 116 7 222 0 +2 3 115 10 14 7 +2 14 3 4294967295 13 9 +3 4 114 12 15 14 +3 13 4 13 16 11 +3 14 13 10 38 12 +3 114 115 11 221 9 +4 5 114 16 20 11 +4 13 5 12 19 15 +5 6 113 18 21 20 +5 12 6 19 23 17 +5 13 12 16 36 18 +5 113 114 17 224 15 +6 7 113 22 25 17 +6 8 7 23 24 21 +6 12 8 18 29 22 +7 8 112 22 30 25 +7 112 113 24 225 21 +8 9 143 27 31 30 +8 10 9 28 31 26 +8 11 10 29 32 27 +8 12 11 23 34 28 +8 143 112 26 103 24 +9 10 143 27 33 26 +10 11 137 28 35 33 +10 137 143 32 255 31 +11 12 132 29 37 35 +11 132 137 34 252 32 +12 13 133 19 40 37 +12 133 132 36 247 34 +13 14 15 13 4294967295 39 +13 15 136 38 42 41 +13 135 133 41 253 36 +13 136 135 39 243 40 +15 16 136 4294967295 43 39 +16 17 136 4294967295 45 42 +17 18 119 4294967295 46 45 +17 119 136 44 229 43 +18 19 119 4294967295 48 44 +19 20 118 4294967295 50 48 +19 118 119 47 228 46 +20 21 117 4294967295 52 50 +20 117 118 49 226 47 +21 22 124 4294967295 54 52 +21 124 117 51 227 49 +22 23 123 4294967295 55 54 +22 123 124 53 235 51 +23 24 123 4294967295 56 53 +24 25 123 4294967295 57 55 +25 26 123 4294967295 58 56 +26 27 123 4294967295 60 57 +27 28 125 4294967295 61 60 +27 125 123 59 236 58 +28 29 125 62 66 59 +28 37 29 4294967295 65 61 +29 30 126 64 70 66 +29 36 30 65 69 63 +29 37 36 62 86 64 +29 126 125 63 237 61 +30 31 131 68 76 72 +30 35 31 69 75 67 +30 36 35 64 85 68 +30 128 126 71 239 63 +30 130 128 72 244 70 +30 131 130 67 245 71 +31 32 140 74 79 76 +31 34 32 75 78 73 +31 35 34 68 83 74 +31 140 131 73 251 67 +32 33 141 78 82 79 +32 34 33 74 80 77 +32 141 140 77 258 73 +33 34 41 78 84 81 +33 41 42 80 98 82 +33 42 141 81 101 77 +34 35 40 75 85 84 +34 40 41 83 96 80 +35 36 40 69 87 83 +36 37 39 65 88 87 +36 39 40 86 95 85 +37 38 39 89 91 86 +37 52 38 90 94 88 +37 53 52 4294967295 132 89 +38 45 39 92 95 88 +38 46 45 93 107 91 +38 49 46 94 112 92 +38 52 49 89 121 93 +39 45 40 91 97 87 +40 44 41 97 98 84 +40 45 44 95 105 96 +41 44 42 96 100 81 +42 43 142 100 104 101 +42 44 43 98 102 99 +42 142 141 99 258 82 +43 44 112 100 106 103 +43 112 143 102 30 104 +43 143 142 103 255 99 +44 45 111 97 109 106 +44 111 112 105 225 102 +45 46 109 92 113 108 +45 109 110 107 220 109 +45 110 111 108 223 105 +46 47 108 111 114 113 +46 48 47 112 114 110 +46 49 48 93 115 111 +46 108 109 110 5 107 +47 48 108 111 120 110 +48 49 50 112 121 116 +48 50 89 115 127 117 +48 89 90 116 193 118 +48 90 97 117 194 119 +48 97 98 118 206 120 +48 98 108 119 210 114 +49 52 50 94 123 115 +50 51 73 123 131 124 +50 52 51 121 128 122 +50 73 74 122 167 125 +50 74 81 124 168 126 +50 81 82 125 180 127 +50 82 89 126 181 116 +51 52 58 123 132 129 +51 58 65 128 139 130 +51 65 66 129 153 131 +51 66 73 130 155 122 +52 53 58 90 133 128 +53 54 58 4294967295 135 132 +54 55 57 4294967295 136 135 +54 57 58 134 137 133 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 134 +57 60 58 138 140 135 +57 61 60 4294967295 144 137 +58 59 65 140 143 129 +58 60 59 137 141 139 +59 60 63 140 145 142 +59 63 64 141 149 143 +59 64 65 142 152 139 +60 61 62 138 146 145 +60 62 63 144 147 141 +61 70 62 4294967295 148 144 +62 69 63 148 151 145 +62 70 69 146 159 147 +63 67 64 150 152 142 +63 68 67 151 156 149 +63 69 68 147 157 150 +64 67 65 149 153 143 +65 67 66 152 154 130 +66 67 72 153 156 155 +66 72 73 154 165 131 +67 68 72 150 158 154 +68 69 71 151 159 158 +68 71 72 157 163 156 +69 70 71 148 160 157 +70 77 71 161 164 159 +70 85 77 162 174 160 +70 93 85 4294967295 187 161 +71 76 72 164 166 158 +71 77 76 160 171 163 +72 75 73 166 167 155 +72 76 75 163 169 165 +73 75 74 165 168 124 +74 75 81 167 170 125 +75 76 80 166 172 170 +75 80 81 169 178 168 +76 77 79 164 173 172 +76 79 80 171 177 169 +77 78 79 174 175 171 +77 85 78 161 176 173 +78 84 79 176 177 173 +78 85 84 174 185 175 +79 84 80 175 179 172 +80 83 81 179 180 170 +80 84 83 177 182 178 +81 83 82 178 181 126 +82 83 89 180 184 127 +83 84 87 179 185 183 +83 87 88 182 190 184 +83 88 89 183 191 181 +84 85 87 176 186 182 +85 86 87 187 188 185 +85 93 86 162 189 186 +86 92 87 189 190 186 +86 93 92 187 198 188 +87 92 88 188 192 183 +88 91 89 192 193 184 +88 92 91 190 195 191 +89 91 90 191 194 117 +90 91 97 193 197 118 +91 92 95 192 199 196 +91 95 96 195 203 197 +91 96 97 196 206 194 +92 93 94 189 200 199 +92 94 95 198 201 195 +93 102 94 4294967295 202 198 +94 101 95 202 205 199 +94 102 101 200 212 201 +95 99 96 204 207 196 +95 100 99 205 211 203 +95 101 100 201 212 204 +96 98 97 207 119 197 +96 99 98 203 208 206 +98 99 104 207 211 209 +98 104 105 208 217 210 +98 105 108 209 218 120 +99 100 104 204 214 208 +100 101 102 205 202 213 +100 102 103 212 215 214 +100 103 104 213 216 211 +102 106 103 2 216 213 +103 106 104 215 217 214 +104 106 105 216 218 209 +105 106 108 217 219 210 +106 107 108 3 4 218 +109 114 110 221 224 108 +109 115 114 222 14 220 +109 116 115 6 8 221 +110 113 111 224 225 109 +110 114 113 220 20 223 +111 113 112 223 25 106 +117 121 118 227 228 50 +117 124 121 52 235 226 +118 121 119 226 230 48 +119 120 136 230 233 45 +119 121 120 228 231 229 +120 121 122 230 234 232 +120 122 125 231 236 233 +120 125 136 232 238 229 +121 123 122 235 236 231 +121 124 123 227 54 234 +122 123 125 234 60 232 +125 126 127 66 239 238 +125 127 136 237 243 233 +126 128 127 70 240 237 +127 128 129 239 244 241 +127 129 134 240 248 242 +127 134 135 241 253 243 +127 135 136 242 41 238 +128 130 129 71 245 240 +129 130 131 244 72 246 +129 131 132 245 249 247 +129 132 133 246 37 248 +129 133 134 247 253 241 +131 138 132 250 252 246 +131 139 138 251 256 249 +131 140 139 76 256 250 +132 138 137 249 254 35 +133 135 134 40 242 248 +137 138 142 252 257 255 +137 142 143 254 104 33 +138 139 140 250 251 257 +138 140 142 256 258 254 +140 141 142 79 101 257 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffb846b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +289 +0 1 57 4294967295 13 11 +0 24 2 2 26 4294967295 +0 25 24 3 83 1 +0 26 25 4 85 2 +0 27 26 5 87 3 +0 28 27 6 88 4 +0 29 28 7 89 5 +0 30 29 8 90 6 +0 31 30 9 91 7 +0 40 31 10 94 8 +0 56 40 11 122 9 +0 57 56 0 165 10 +1 2 64 4294967295 27 16 +1 58 57 14 166 0 +1 59 58 15 168 13 +1 60 59 16 168 14 +1 64 60 12 170 15 +2 4 105 18 33 31 +2 5 4 19 39 17 +2 17 5 20 42 18 +2 18 17 21 70 19 +2 19 18 22 74 20 +2 20 19 23 75 21 +2 21 20 24 76 22 +2 22 21 25 78 23 +2 23 22 26 79 24 +2 24 23 1 81 25 +2 65 64 28 177 12 +2 81 65 29 179 27 +2 89 81 30 206 28 +2 97 89 31 220 29 +2 105 97 17 232 30 +3 4 119 33 40 38 +3 105 4 34 17 32 +3 109 105 35 245 33 +3 110 109 36 249 34 +3 111 110 37 249 35 +3 112 111 38 145 36 +3 119 112 32 252 37 +4 5 118 18 41 40 +4 118 119 39 252 32 +5 6 118 42 46 39 +5 17 6 19 45 41 +6 7 117 44 47 46 +6 16 7 45 48 43 +6 17 16 42 70 44 +6 117 118 43 251 41 +7 8 117 48 52 43 +7 16 8 44 51 47 +8 9 116 50 53 52 +8 15 9 51 55 49 +8 16 15 48 68 50 +8 116 117 49 254 47 +9 10 116 54 57 49 +9 11 10 55 56 53 +9 15 11 50 61 54 +10 11 115 54 62 57 +10 115 116 56 255 53 +11 12 146 59 63 62 +11 13 12 60 63 58 +11 14 13 61 64 59 +11 15 14 55 66 60 +11 146 115 58 135 56 +12 13 146 59 65 58 +13 14 140 60 67 65 +13 140 146 64 285 63 +14 15 135 61 69 67 +14 135 140 66 282 64 +15 16 136 51 72 69 +15 136 135 68 277 66 +16 17 18 45 20 71 +16 18 139 70 74 73 +16 138 136 73 283 68 +16 139 138 71 273 72 +18 19 139 21 75 71 +19 20 139 22 77 74 +20 21 122 23 78 77 +20 122 139 76 259 75 +21 22 122 24 80 76 +22 23 121 25 82 80 +22 121 122 79 258 78 +23 24 120 26 84 82 +23 120 121 81 256 79 +24 25 127 2 86 84 +24 127 120 83 257 81 +25 26 126 3 87 86 +25 126 127 85 264 83 +26 27 126 4 88 85 +27 28 126 5 89 87 +28 29 126 6 90 88 +29 30 126 7 92 89 +30 31 128 8 93 92 +30 128 126 91 265 90 +31 32 128 94 98 91 +31 40 32 9 97 93 +32 33 129 96 102 98 +32 39 33 97 101 95 +32 40 39 94 118 96 +32 129 128 95 267 93 +33 34 134 100 108 104 +33 38 34 101 107 99 +33 39 38 96 117 100 +33 131 129 103 269 95 +33 133 131 104 274 102 +33 134 133 99 275 103 +34 35 143 106 111 108 +34 37 35 107 110 105 +34 38 37 100 115 106 +34 143 134 105 281 99 +35 36 144 110 114 111 +35 37 36 106 112 109 +35 144 143 109 288 105 +36 37 44 110 116 113 +36 44 45 112 130 114 +36 45 144 113 133 109 +37 38 43 107 117 116 +37 43 44 115 128 112 +38 39 43 101 119 115 +39 40 42 97 120 119 +39 42 43 118 127 117 +40 41 42 121 123 118 +40 55 41 122 126 120 +40 56 55 10 164 121 +41 48 42 124 127 120 +41 49 48 125 139 123 +41 52 49 126 144 124 +41 55 52 121 153 125 +42 48 43 123 129 119 +43 47 44 129 130 116 +43 48 47 127 137 128 +44 47 45 128 132 113 +45 46 145 132 136 133 +45 47 46 130 134 131 +45 145 144 131 288 114 +46 47 115 132 138 135 +46 115 146 134 62 136 +46 146 145 135 285 131 +47 48 114 129 141 138 +47 114 115 137 255 134 +48 49 112 124 145 140 +48 112 113 139 250 141 +48 113 114 140 253 137 +49 50 111 143 146 145 +49 51 50 144 146 142 +49 52 51 125 147 143 +49 111 112 142 37 139 +50 51 111 143 152 142 +51 52 53 144 153 148 +51 53 92 147 159 149 +51 92 93 148 224 150 +51 93 100 149 226 151 +51 100 101 150 237 152 +51 101 111 151 240 146 +52 55 53 126 155 147 +53 54 76 155 163 156 +53 55 54 153 160 154 +53 76 77 154 198 157 +53 77 84 156 200 158 +53 84 85 157 211 159 +53 85 92 158 213 148 +54 55 61 155 164 161 +54 61 68 160 173 162 +54 68 69 161 184 163 +54 69 76 162 185 154 +55 56 61 122 165 160 +56 57 61 11 167 164 +57 58 60 13 168 167 +57 60 61 166 169 165 +58 59 60 14 15 166 +60 63 61 170 172 167 +60 64 63 16 175 169 +61 62 67 172 174 173 +61 63 62 169 174 171 +61 67 68 171 182 161 +62 63 67 172 176 171 +63 64 66 170 177 176 +63 66 67 175 180 174 +64 65 66 27 178 175 +65 72 66 179 181 177 +65 81 72 28 191 178 +66 71 67 181 183 176 +66 72 71 178 188 180 +67 70 68 183 184 173 +67 71 70 180 186 182 +68 70 69 182 185 162 +69 70 76 184 187 163 +70 71 75 183 189 187 +70 75 76 186 197 185 +71 72 74 181 190 189 +71 74 75 188 195 186 +72 73 74 191 192 188 +72 81 73 179 194 190 +73 79 74 193 196 190 +73 80 79 194 202 192 +73 81 80 191 204 193 +74 78 75 196 197 189 +74 79 78 192 201 195 +75 78 76 195 198 187 +76 78 77 197 199 156 +77 78 83 198 201 200 +77 83 84 199 210 157 +78 79 83 196 203 199 +79 80 82 193 204 203 +79 82 83 202 207 201 +80 81 82 194 205 202 +81 88 82 206 209 204 +81 89 88 29 217 205 +82 86 83 208 210 203 +82 87 86 209 214 207 +82 88 87 205 215 208 +83 86 84 207 211 200 +84 86 85 210 212 158 +85 86 91 211 214 213 +85 91 92 212 222 159 +86 87 91 208 216 212 +87 88 90 209 217 216 +87 90 91 215 221 214 +88 89 90 206 218 215 +89 95 90 219 221 217 +89 96 95 220 228 218 +89 97 96 30 230 219 +90 95 91 218 223 216 +91 94 92 223 224 213 +91 95 94 221 227 222 +92 94 93 222 225 149 +93 94 99 224 227 226 +93 99 100 225 235 150 +94 95 99 223 229 225 +95 96 98 219 230 229 +95 98 99 228 233 227 +96 97 98 220 231 228 +97 104 98 232 234 230 +97 105 104 31 244 231 +98 103 99 234 236 229 +98 104 103 231 242 233 +99 102 100 236 237 226 +99 103 102 233 241 235 +100 102 101 235 238 151 +101 102 107 237 241 239 +101 107 108 238 247 240 +101 108 111 239 248 152 +102 103 107 236 243 238 +103 104 106 234 244 243 +103 106 107 242 246 241 +104 105 106 232 245 242 +105 109 106 34 246 244 +106 109 107 245 247 243 +107 109 108 246 248 239 +108 109 111 247 249 240 +109 110 111 35 36 248 +112 117 113 251 254 140 +112 118 117 252 46 250 +112 119 118 38 40 251 +113 116 114 254 255 141 +113 117 116 250 52 253 +114 116 115 253 57 138 +120 124 121 257 258 82 +120 127 124 84 264 256 +121 124 122 256 260 80 +122 123 139 260 262 77 +122 124 123 258 261 259 +123 124 125 260 263 262 +123 125 139 261 266 259 +124 126 125 264 265 261 +124 127 126 257 86 263 +125 126 128 263 92 266 +125 128 139 265 268 262 +128 129 130 98 269 268 +128 130 139 267 273 266 +129 131 130 102 270 267 +130 131 132 269 274 271 +130 132 137 270 278 272 +130 137 138 271 283 273 +130 138 139 272 73 268 +131 133 132 103 275 270 +132 133 134 274 104 276 +132 134 135 275 279 277 +132 135 136 276 69 278 +132 136 137 277 283 271 +134 141 135 280 282 276 +134 142 141 281 286 279 +134 143 142 108 286 280 +135 141 140 279 284 67 +136 138 137 72 272 278 +140 141 145 282 287 285 +140 145 146 284 136 65 +141 142 143 280 281 287 +141 143 145 286 288 284 +143 144 145 111 133 287 + +144 +3 4 +3 119 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 117 +117 118 +118 119 +120 121 +120 127 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 125 +125 126 +126 127 +128 129 +128 139 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 137 +137 138 +138 139 +140 141 +140 146 +141 142 +142 143 +143 144 +144 145 +145 146 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e94af4b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +148 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 146 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 147 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 136 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 139 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 141 45 +30 130 128 50 142 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 145 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 122 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 110 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 116 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 98 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 103 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 64 4294967295 99 98 +58 64 65 97 4294967295 89 +59 60 64 4294967295 101 97 +60 61 63 4294967295 102 101 +60 63 64 100 4294967295 99 +61 62 63 4294967295 4294967295 100 +66 67 73 4294967295 105 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 105 +67 72 73 104 4294967295 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 104 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 80 4294967295 111 110 +74 80 81 109 4294967295 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 111 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 88 4294967295 117 116 +82 88 89 115 4294967295 87 +83 84 88 4294967295 119 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 119 +84 87 88 118 4294967295 117 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 118 +90 91 96 4294967295 123 122 +90 96 97 121 4294967295 80 +91 92 96 4294967295 125 121 +92 93 95 4294967295 126 125 +92 95 96 124 4294967295 123 +93 94 95 4294967295 4294967295 124 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 132 127 +100 101 103 4294967295 133 132 +100 103 104 131 4294967295 130 +101 102 103 4294967295 4294967295 131 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +119 120 136 4294967295 138 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 138 +120 122 136 137 140 136 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 140 +122 125 136 139 4294967295 138 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 132 144 146 4294967295 +131 139 138 145 4294967295 143 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 144 +132 138 137 143 4294967295 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e453f8b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +169 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 165 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 162 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 157 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 163 19 +13 136 135 22 153 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 139 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 138 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 136 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 137 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 144 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 145 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 147 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 149 45 +30 130 128 50 154 48 +30 131 130 47 155 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 161 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 168 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 168 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 165 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 122 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 110 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 116 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 98 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 103 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 64 4294967295 99 98 +58 64 65 97 4294967295 89 +59 60 64 4294967295 101 97 +60 61 63 4294967295 102 101 +60 63 64 100 4294967295 99 +61 62 63 4294967295 4294967295 100 +66 67 73 4294967295 105 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 105 +67 72 73 104 4294967295 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 104 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 80 4294967295 111 110 +74 80 81 109 4294967295 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 111 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 88 4294967295 117 116 +82 88 89 115 4294967295 87 +83 84 88 4294967295 119 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 119 +84 87 88 118 4294967295 117 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 118 +90 91 96 4294967295 123 122 +90 96 97 121 4294967295 80 +91 92 96 4294967295 125 121 +92 93 95 4294967295 126 125 +92 95 96 124 4294967295 123 +93 94 95 4294967295 4294967295 124 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 132 127 +100 101 103 4294967295 133 132 +100 103 104 131 4294967295 130 +101 102 103 4294967295 4294967295 131 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +117 121 118 137 138 33 +117 124 121 35 144 136 +118 121 119 136 140 31 +119 120 136 140 142 28 +119 121 120 138 141 139 +120 121 122 140 143 142 +120 122 136 141 146 139 +121 123 122 144 145 141 +121 124 123 137 37 143 +122 123 125 143 43 146 +122 125 136 145 148 142 +125 126 127 46 149 148 +125 127 136 147 153 146 +126 128 127 48 150 147 +127 128 129 149 154 151 +127 129 134 150 158 152 +127 134 135 151 163 153 +127 135 136 152 24 148 +128 130 129 49 155 150 +129 130 131 154 50 156 +129 131 132 155 159 157 +129 132 133 156 20 158 +129 133 134 157 163 151 +131 138 132 160 162 156 +131 139 138 161 166 159 +131 140 139 52 166 160 +132 138 137 159 164 18 +133 135 134 23 152 158 +137 138 142 162 167 165 +137 142 143 164 68 16 +138 139 140 160 161 167 +138 140 142 166 168 164 +140 141 142 54 65 167 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e8c77f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ +257 +0 1 116 1 8 6 +0 102 1 2 4294967295 0 +0 106 102 3 213 1 +0 107 106 4 217 2 +0 108 107 5 217 3 +0 109 108 6 113 4 +0 116 109 0 220 5 +1 2 115 4294967295 9 8 +1 115 116 7 220 0 +2 3 115 10 14 7 +2 14 3 4294967295 13 9 +3 4 114 12 15 14 +3 13 4 13 16 11 +3 14 13 10 38 12 +3 114 115 11 219 9 +4 5 114 16 20 11 +4 13 5 12 19 15 +5 6 113 18 21 20 +5 12 6 19 23 17 +5 13 12 16 36 18 +5 113 114 17 222 15 +6 7 113 22 25 17 +6 8 7 23 24 21 +6 12 8 18 29 22 +7 8 112 22 30 25 +7 112 113 24 223 21 +8 9 143 27 31 30 +8 10 9 28 31 26 +8 11 10 29 32 27 +8 12 11 23 34 28 +8 143 112 26 103 24 +9 10 143 27 33 26 +10 11 137 28 35 33 +10 137 143 32 253 31 +11 12 132 29 37 35 +11 132 137 34 250 32 +12 13 133 19 40 37 +12 133 132 36 245 34 +13 14 15 13 4294967295 39 +13 15 136 38 42 41 +13 135 133 41 251 36 +13 136 135 39 241 40 +15 16 136 4294967295 43 39 +16 17 136 4294967295 45 42 +17 18 119 4294967295 46 45 +17 119 136 44 227 43 +18 19 119 4294967295 48 44 +19 20 118 4294967295 50 48 +19 118 119 47 226 46 +20 21 117 4294967295 52 50 +20 117 118 49 224 47 +21 22 124 4294967295 54 52 +21 124 117 51 225 49 +22 23 123 4294967295 55 54 +22 123 124 53 232 51 +23 24 123 4294967295 56 53 +24 25 123 4294967295 57 55 +25 26 123 4294967295 58 56 +26 27 123 4294967295 60 57 +27 28 125 4294967295 61 60 +27 125 123 59 233 58 +28 29 125 62 66 59 +28 37 29 4294967295 65 61 +29 30 126 64 70 66 +29 36 30 65 69 63 +29 37 36 62 86 64 +29 126 125 63 235 61 +30 31 131 68 76 72 +30 35 31 69 75 67 +30 36 35 64 85 68 +30 128 126 71 237 63 +30 130 128 72 242 70 +30 131 130 67 243 71 +31 32 140 74 79 76 +31 34 32 75 78 73 +31 35 34 68 83 74 +31 140 131 73 249 67 +32 33 141 78 82 79 +32 34 33 74 80 77 +32 141 140 77 256 73 +33 34 41 78 84 81 +33 41 42 80 98 82 +33 42 141 81 101 77 +34 35 40 75 85 84 +34 40 41 83 96 80 +35 36 40 69 87 83 +36 37 39 65 88 87 +36 39 40 86 95 85 +37 38 39 89 91 86 +37 52 38 90 94 88 +37 53 52 4294967295 132 89 +38 45 39 92 95 88 +38 46 45 93 107 91 +38 49 46 94 112 92 +38 52 49 89 121 93 +39 45 40 91 97 87 +40 44 41 97 98 84 +40 45 44 95 105 96 +41 44 42 96 100 81 +42 43 142 100 104 101 +42 44 43 98 102 99 +42 142 141 99 256 82 +43 44 112 100 106 103 +43 112 143 102 30 104 +43 143 142 103 253 99 +44 45 111 97 109 106 +44 111 112 105 223 102 +45 46 109 92 113 108 +45 109 110 107 218 109 +45 110 111 108 221 105 +46 47 108 111 114 113 +46 48 47 112 114 110 +46 49 48 93 115 111 +46 108 109 110 5 107 +47 48 108 111 120 110 +48 49 50 112 121 116 +48 50 89 115 127 117 +48 89 90 116 192 118 +48 90 97 117 194 119 +48 97 98 118 205 120 +48 98 108 119 208 114 +49 52 50 94 123 115 +50 51 73 123 131 124 +50 52 51 121 128 122 +50 73 74 122 166 125 +50 74 81 124 168 126 +50 81 82 125 179 127 +50 82 89 126 181 116 +51 52 58 123 132 129 +51 58 65 128 141 130 +51 65 66 129 152 131 +51 66 73 130 153 122 +52 53 58 90 133 128 +53 54 58 4294967295 135 132 +54 55 57 4294967295 136 135 +54 57 58 134 137 133 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 134 +57 60 58 138 140 135 +57 61 60 4294967295 143 137 +58 59 64 140 142 141 +58 60 59 137 142 139 +58 64 65 139 150 129 +59 60 64 140 144 139 +60 61 63 138 145 144 +60 63 64 143 148 142 +61 62 63 4294967295 146 143 +62 69 63 147 149 145 +62 78 69 4294967295 159 146 +63 68 64 149 151 144 +63 69 68 146 156 148 +64 67 65 151 152 141 +64 68 67 148 154 150 +65 67 66 150 153 130 +66 67 73 152 155 131 +67 68 72 151 157 155 +67 72 73 154 165 153 +68 69 71 149 158 157 +68 71 72 156 163 154 +69 70 71 159 160 156 +69 78 70 147 162 158 +70 76 71 161 164 158 +70 77 76 162 170 160 +70 78 77 159 172 161 +71 75 72 164 165 157 +71 76 75 160 169 163 +72 75 73 163 166 155 +73 75 74 165 167 124 +74 75 80 166 169 168 +74 80 81 167 178 125 +75 76 80 164 171 167 +76 77 79 161 172 171 +76 79 80 170 175 169 +77 78 79 162 173 170 +78 85 79 174 177 172 +78 86 85 4294967295 185 173 +79 83 80 176 178 171 +79 84 83 177 182 175 +79 85 84 173 183 176 +80 83 81 175 179 168 +81 83 82 178 180 126 +82 83 88 179 182 181 +82 88 89 180 190 127 +83 84 88 176 184 180 +84 85 87 177 185 184 +84 87 88 183 189 182 +85 86 87 174 186 183 +86 92 87 187 189 185 +86 93 92 188 196 186 +86 94 93 4294967295 198 187 +87 92 88 186 191 184 +88 91 89 191 192 181 +88 92 91 189 195 190 +89 91 90 190 193 117 +90 91 96 192 195 194 +90 96 97 193 203 118 +91 92 96 191 197 193 +92 93 95 187 198 197 +92 95 96 196 201 195 +93 94 95 188 199 196 +94 101 95 200 202 198 +94 102 101 4294967295 212 199 +95 100 96 202 204 197 +95 101 100 199 210 201 +96 99 97 204 205 194 +96 100 99 201 209 203 +97 99 98 203 206 119 +98 99 104 205 209 207 +98 104 105 206 215 208 +98 105 108 207 216 120 +99 100 104 204 211 206 +100 101 103 202 212 211 +100 103 104 210 214 209 +101 102 103 200 213 210 +102 106 103 2 214 212 +103 106 104 213 215 211 +104 106 105 214 216 207 +105 106 108 215 217 208 +106 107 108 3 4 216 +109 114 110 219 222 108 +109 115 114 220 14 218 +109 116 115 6 8 219 +110 113 111 222 223 109 +110 114 113 218 20 221 +111 113 112 221 25 106 +117 121 118 225 226 50 +117 124 121 52 232 224 +118 121 119 224 228 48 +119 120 136 228 230 45 +119 121 120 226 229 227 +120 121 122 228 231 230 +120 122 136 229 234 227 +121 123 122 232 233 229 +121 124 123 225 54 231 +122 123 125 231 60 234 +122 125 136 233 236 230 +125 126 127 66 237 236 +125 127 136 235 241 234 +126 128 127 70 238 235 +127 128 129 237 242 239 +127 129 134 238 246 240 +127 134 135 239 251 241 +127 135 136 240 41 236 +128 130 129 71 243 238 +129 130 131 242 72 244 +129 131 132 243 247 245 +129 132 133 244 37 246 +129 133 134 245 251 239 +131 138 132 248 250 244 +131 139 138 249 254 247 +131 140 139 76 254 248 +132 138 137 247 252 35 +133 135 134 40 240 246 +137 138 142 250 255 253 +137 142 143 252 104 33 +138 139 140 248 249 255 +138 140 142 254 256 252 +140 141 142 79 101 255 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffb846b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +289 +0 1 57 4294967295 13 11 +0 24 2 2 26 4294967295 +0 25 24 3 83 1 +0 26 25 4 85 2 +0 27 26 5 87 3 +0 28 27 6 88 4 +0 29 28 7 89 5 +0 30 29 8 90 6 +0 31 30 9 91 7 +0 40 31 10 94 8 +0 56 40 11 122 9 +0 57 56 0 165 10 +1 2 64 4294967295 27 16 +1 58 57 14 166 0 +1 59 58 15 168 13 +1 60 59 16 168 14 +1 64 60 12 170 15 +2 4 105 18 33 31 +2 5 4 19 39 17 +2 17 5 20 42 18 +2 18 17 21 70 19 +2 19 18 22 74 20 +2 20 19 23 75 21 +2 21 20 24 76 22 +2 22 21 25 78 23 +2 23 22 26 79 24 +2 24 23 1 81 25 +2 65 64 28 177 12 +2 81 65 29 179 27 +2 89 81 30 206 28 +2 97 89 31 220 29 +2 105 97 17 232 30 +3 4 119 33 40 38 +3 105 4 34 17 32 +3 109 105 35 245 33 +3 110 109 36 249 34 +3 111 110 37 249 35 +3 112 111 38 145 36 +3 119 112 32 252 37 +4 5 118 18 41 40 +4 118 119 39 252 32 +5 6 118 42 46 39 +5 17 6 19 45 41 +6 7 117 44 47 46 +6 16 7 45 48 43 +6 17 16 42 70 44 +6 117 118 43 251 41 +7 8 117 48 52 43 +7 16 8 44 51 47 +8 9 116 50 53 52 +8 15 9 51 55 49 +8 16 15 48 68 50 +8 116 117 49 254 47 +9 10 116 54 57 49 +9 11 10 55 56 53 +9 15 11 50 61 54 +10 11 115 54 62 57 +10 115 116 56 255 53 +11 12 146 59 63 62 +11 13 12 60 63 58 +11 14 13 61 64 59 +11 15 14 55 66 60 +11 146 115 58 135 56 +12 13 146 59 65 58 +13 14 140 60 67 65 +13 140 146 64 285 63 +14 15 135 61 69 67 +14 135 140 66 282 64 +15 16 136 51 72 69 +15 136 135 68 277 66 +16 17 18 45 20 71 +16 18 139 70 74 73 +16 138 136 73 283 68 +16 139 138 71 273 72 +18 19 139 21 75 71 +19 20 139 22 77 74 +20 21 122 23 78 77 +20 122 139 76 259 75 +21 22 122 24 80 76 +22 23 121 25 82 80 +22 121 122 79 258 78 +23 24 120 26 84 82 +23 120 121 81 256 79 +24 25 127 2 86 84 +24 127 120 83 257 81 +25 26 126 3 87 86 +25 126 127 85 264 83 +26 27 126 4 88 85 +27 28 126 5 89 87 +28 29 126 6 90 88 +29 30 126 7 92 89 +30 31 128 8 93 92 +30 128 126 91 265 90 +31 32 128 94 98 91 +31 40 32 9 97 93 +32 33 129 96 102 98 +32 39 33 97 101 95 +32 40 39 94 118 96 +32 129 128 95 267 93 +33 34 134 100 108 104 +33 38 34 101 107 99 +33 39 38 96 117 100 +33 131 129 103 269 95 +33 133 131 104 274 102 +33 134 133 99 275 103 +34 35 143 106 111 108 +34 37 35 107 110 105 +34 38 37 100 115 106 +34 143 134 105 281 99 +35 36 144 110 114 111 +35 37 36 106 112 109 +35 144 143 109 288 105 +36 37 44 110 116 113 +36 44 45 112 130 114 +36 45 144 113 133 109 +37 38 43 107 117 116 +37 43 44 115 128 112 +38 39 43 101 119 115 +39 40 42 97 120 119 +39 42 43 118 127 117 +40 41 42 121 123 118 +40 55 41 122 126 120 +40 56 55 10 164 121 +41 48 42 124 127 120 +41 49 48 125 139 123 +41 52 49 126 144 124 +41 55 52 121 153 125 +42 48 43 123 129 119 +43 47 44 129 130 116 +43 48 47 127 137 128 +44 47 45 128 132 113 +45 46 145 132 136 133 +45 47 46 130 134 131 +45 145 144 131 288 114 +46 47 115 132 138 135 +46 115 146 134 62 136 +46 146 145 135 285 131 +47 48 114 129 141 138 +47 114 115 137 255 134 +48 49 112 124 145 140 +48 112 113 139 250 141 +48 113 114 140 253 137 +49 50 111 143 146 145 +49 51 50 144 146 142 +49 52 51 125 147 143 +49 111 112 142 37 139 +50 51 111 143 152 142 +51 52 53 144 153 148 +51 53 92 147 159 149 +51 92 93 148 224 150 +51 93 100 149 226 151 +51 100 101 150 237 152 +51 101 111 151 240 146 +52 55 53 126 155 147 +53 54 76 155 163 156 +53 55 54 153 160 154 +53 76 77 154 198 157 +53 77 84 156 200 158 +53 84 85 157 211 159 +53 85 92 158 213 148 +54 55 61 155 164 161 +54 61 68 160 173 162 +54 68 69 161 184 163 +54 69 76 162 185 154 +55 56 61 122 165 160 +56 57 61 11 167 164 +57 58 60 13 168 167 +57 60 61 166 169 165 +58 59 60 14 15 166 +60 63 61 170 172 167 +60 64 63 16 175 169 +61 62 67 172 174 173 +61 63 62 169 174 171 +61 67 68 171 182 161 +62 63 67 172 176 171 +63 64 66 170 177 176 +63 66 67 175 180 174 +64 65 66 27 178 175 +65 72 66 179 181 177 +65 81 72 28 191 178 +66 71 67 181 183 176 +66 72 71 178 188 180 +67 70 68 183 184 173 +67 71 70 180 186 182 +68 70 69 182 185 162 +69 70 76 184 187 163 +70 71 75 183 189 187 +70 75 76 186 197 185 +71 72 74 181 190 189 +71 74 75 188 195 186 +72 73 74 191 192 188 +72 81 73 179 194 190 +73 79 74 193 196 190 +73 80 79 194 202 192 +73 81 80 191 204 193 +74 78 75 196 197 189 +74 79 78 192 201 195 +75 78 76 195 198 187 +76 78 77 197 199 156 +77 78 83 198 201 200 +77 83 84 199 210 157 +78 79 83 196 203 199 +79 80 82 193 204 203 +79 82 83 202 207 201 +80 81 82 194 205 202 +81 88 82 206 209 204 +81 89 88 29 217 205 +82 86 83 208 210 203 +82 87 86 209 214 207 +82 88 87 205 215 208 +83 86 84 207 211 200 +84 86 85 210 212 158 +85 86 91 211 214 213 +85 91 92 212 222 159 +86 87 91 208 216 212 +87 88 90 209 217 216 +87 90 91 215 221 214 +88 89 90 206 218 215 +89 95 90 219 221 217 +89 96 95 220 228 218 +89 97 96 30 230 219 +90 95 91 218 223 216 +91 94 92 223 224 213 +91 95 94 221 227 222 +92 94 93 222 225 149 +93 94 99 224 227 226 +93 99 100 225 235 150 +94 95 99 223 229 225 +95 96 98 219 230 229 +95 98 99 228 233 227 +96 97 98 220 231 228 +97 104 98 232 234 230 +97 105 104 31 244 231 +98 103 99 234 236 229 +98 104 103 231 242 233 +99 102 100 236 237 226 +99 103 102 233 241 235 +100 102 101 235 238 151 +101 102 107 237 241 239 +101 107 108 238 247 240 +101 108 111 239 248 152 +102 103 107 236 243 238 +103 104 106 234 244 243 +103 106 107 242 246 241 +104 105 106 232 245 242 +105 109 106 34 246 244 +106 109 107 245 247 243 +107 109 108 246 248 239 +108 109 111 247 249 240 +109 110 111 35 36 248 +112 117 113 251 254 140 +112 118 117 252 46 250 +112 119 118 38 40 251 +113 116 114 254 255 141 +113 117 116 250 52 253 +114 116 115 253 57 138 +120 124 121 257 258 82 +120 127 124 84 264 256 +121 124 122 256 260 80 +122 123 139 260 262 77 +122 124 123 258 261 259 +123 124 125 260 263 262 +123 125 139 261 266 259 +124 126 125 264 265 261 +124 127 126 257 86 263 +125 126 128 263 92 266 +125 128 139 265 268 262 +128 129 130 98 269 268 +128 130 139 267 273 266 +129 131 130 102 270 267 +130 131 132 269 274 271 +130 132 137 270 278 272 +130 137 138 271 283 273 +130 138 139 272 73 268 +131 133 132 103 275 270 +132 133 134 274 104 276 +132 134 135 275 279 277 +132 135 136 276 69 278 +132 136 137 277 283 271 +134 141 135 280 282 276 +134 142 141 281 286 279 +134 143 142 108 286 280 +135 141 140 279 284 67 +136 138 137 72 272 278 +140 141 145 282 287 285 +140 145 146 284 136 65 +141 142 143 280 281 287 +141 143 145 286 288 284 +143 144 145 111 133 287 + +144 +3 4 +3 119 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 117 +117 118 +118 119 +120 121 +120 127 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 125 +125 126 +126 127 +128 129 +128 139 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 137 +137 138 +138 139 +140 141 +140 146 +141 142 +142 143 +143 144 +144 145 +145 146 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e94af4b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +148 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 146 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 147 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 136 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 139 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 141 45 +30 130 128 50 142 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 145 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 122 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 110 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 116 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 98 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 103 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 64 4294967295 99 98 +58 64 65 97 4294967295 89 +59 60 64 4294967295 101 97 +60 61 63 4294967295 102 101 +60 63 64 100 4294967295 99 +61 62 63 4294967295 4294967295 100 +66 67 73 4294967295 105 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 105 +67 72 73 104 4294967295 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 104 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 80 4294967295 111 110 +74 80 81 109 4294967295 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 111 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 88 4294967295 117 116 +82 88 89 115 4294967295 87 +83 84 88 4294967295 119 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 119 +84 87 88 118 4294967295 117 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 118 +90 91 96 4294967295 123 122 +90 96 97 121 4294967295 80 +91 92 96 4294967295 125 121 +92 93 95 4294967295 126 125 +92 95 96 124 4294967295 123 +93 94 95 4294967295 4294967295 124 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 132 127 +100 101 103 4294967295 133 132 +100 103 104 131 4294967295 130 +101 102 103 4294967295 4294967295 131 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +119 120 136 4294967295 138 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 138 +120 122 136 137 140 136 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 140 +122 125 136 139 4294967295 138 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 132 144 146 4294967295 +131 139 138 145 4294967295 143 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 144 +132 138 137 143 4294967295 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e453f8b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +169 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 165 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 162 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 157 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 163 19 +13 136 135 22 153 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 139 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 138 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 136 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 137 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 144 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 145 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 147 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 149 45 +30 130 128 50 154 48 +30 131 130 47 155 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 161 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 168 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 168 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 165 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 122 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 110 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 116 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 98 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 103 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 64 4294967295 99 98 +58 64 65 97 4294967295 89 +59 60 64 4294967295 101 97 +60 61 63 4294967295 102 101 +60 63 64 100 4294967295 99 +61 62 63 4294967295 4294967295 100 +66 67 73 4294967295 105 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 105 +67 72 73 104 4294967295 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 104 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 80 4294967295 111 110 +74 80 81 109 4294967295 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 111 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 88 4294967295 117 116 +82 88 89 115 4294967295 87 +83 84 88 4294967295 119 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 119 +84 87 88 118 4294967295 117 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 118 +90 91 96 4294967295 123 122 +90 96 97 121 4294967295 80 +91 92 96 4294967295 125 121 +92 93 95 4294967295 126 125 +92 95 96 124 4294967295 123 +93 94 95 4294967295 4294967295 124 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 132 127 +100 101 103 4294967295 133 132 +100 103 104 131 4294967295 130 +101 102 103 4294967295 4294967295 131 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +117 121 118 137 138 33 +117 124 121 35 144 136 +118 121 119 136 140 31 +119 120 136 140 142 28 +119 121 120 138 141 139 +120 121 122 140 143 142 +120 122 136 141 146 139 +121 123 122 144 145 141 +121 124 123 137 37 143 +122 123 125 143 43 146 +122 125 136 145 148 142 +125 126 127 46 149 148 +125 127 136 147 153 146 +126 128 127 48 150 147 +127 128 129 149 154 151 +127 129 134 150 158 152 +127 134 135 151 163 153 +127 135 136 152 24 148 +128 130 129 49 155 150 +129 130 131 154 50 156 +129 131 132 155 159 157 +129 132 133 156 20 158 +129 133 134 157 163 151 +131 138 132 160 162 156 +131 139 138 161 166 159 +131 140 139 52 166 160 +132 138 137 159 164 18 +133 135 134 23 152 158 +137 138 142 162 167 165 +137 142 143 164 68 16 +138 139 140 160 161 167 +138 140 142 166 168 164 +140 141 142 54 65 167 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e8c77f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ +257 +0 1 116 1 8 6 +0 102 1 2 4294967295 0 +0 106 102 3 213 1 +0 107 106 4 217 2 +0 108 107 5 217 3 +0 109 108 6 113 4 +0 116 109 0 220 5 +1 2 115 4294967295 9 8 +1 115 116 7 220 0 +2 3 115 10 14 7 +2 14 3 4294967295 13 9 +3 4 114 12 15 14 +3 13 4 13 16 11 +3 14 13 10 38 12 +3 114 115 11 219 9 +4 5 114 16 20 11 +4 13 5 12 19 15 +5 6 113 18 21 20 +5 12 6 19 23 17 +5 13 12 16 36 18 +5 113 114 17 222 15 +6 7 113 22 25 17 +6 8 7 23 24 21 +6 12 8 18 29 22 +7 8 112 22 30 25 +7 112 113 24 223 21 +8 9 143 27 31 30 +8 10 9 28 31 26 +8 11 10 29 32 27 +8 12 11 23 34 28 +8 143 112 26 103 24 +9 10 143 27 33 26 +10 11 137 28 35 33 +10 137 143 32 253 31 +11 12 132 29 37 35 +11 132 137 34 250 32 +12 13 133 19 40 37 +12 133 132 36 245 34 +13 14 15 13 4294967295 39 +13 15 136 38 42 41 +13 135 133 41 251 36 +13 136 135 39 241 40 +15 16 136 4294967295 43 39 +16 17 136 4294967295 45 42 +17 18 119 4294967295 46 45 +17 119 136 44 227 43 +18 19 119 4294967295 48 44 +19 20 118 4294967295 50 48 +19 118 119 47 226 46 +20 21 117 4294967295 52 50 +20 117 118 49 224 47 +21 22 124 4294967295 54 52 +21 124 117 51 225 49 +22 23 123 4294967295 55 54 +22 123 124 53 232 51 +23 24 123 4294967295 56 53 +24 25 123 4294967295 57 55 +25 26 123 4294967295 58 56 +26 27 123 4294967295 60 57 +27 28 125 4294967295 61 60 +27 125 123 59 233 58 +28 29 125 62 66 59 +28 37 29 4294967295 65 61 +29 30 126 64 70 66 +29 36 30 65 69 63 +29 37 36 62 86 64 +29 126 125 63 235 61 +30 31 131 68 76 72 +30 35 31 69 75 67 +30 36 35 64 85 68 +30 128 126 71 237 63 +30 130 128 72 242 70 +30 131 130 67 243 71 +31 32 140 74 79 76 +31 34 32 75 78 73 +31 35 34 68 83 74 +31 140 131 73 249 67 +32 33 141 78 82 79 +32 34 33 74 80 77 +32 141 140 77 256 73 +33 34 41 78 84 81 +33 41 42 80 98 82 +33 42 141 81 101 77 +34 35 40 75 85 84 +34 40 41 83 96 80 +35 36 40 69 87 83 +36 37 39 65 88 87 +36 39 40 86 95 85 +37 38 39 89 91 86 +37 52 38 90 94 88 +37 53 52 4294967295 132 89 +38 45 39 92 95 88 +38 46 45 93 107 91 +38 49 46 94 112 92 +38 52 49 89 121 93 +39 45 40 91 97 87 +40 44 41 97 98 84 +40 45 44 95 105 96 +41 44 42 96 100 81 +42 43 142 100 104 101 +42 44 43 98 102 99 +42 142 141 99 256 82 +43 44 112 100 106 103 +43 112 143 102 30 104 +43 143 142 103 253 99 +44 45 111 97 109 106 +44 111 112 105 223 102 +45 46 109 92 113 108 +45 109 110 107 218 109 +45 110 111 108 221 105 +46 47 108 111 114 113 +46 48 47 112 114 110 +46 49 48 93 115 111 +46 108 109 110 5 107 +47 48 108 111 120 110 +48 49 50 112 121 116 +48 50 89 115 127 117 +48 89 90 116 192 118 +48 90 97 117 194 119 +48 97 98 118 205 120 +48 98 108 119 208 114 +49 52 50 94 123 115 +50 51 73 123 131 124 +50 52 51 121 128 122 +50 73 74 122 166 125 +50 74 81 124 168 126 +50 81 82 125 179 127 +50 82 89 126 181 116 +51 52 58 123 132 129 +51 58 65 128 141 130 +51 65 66 129 152 131 +51 66 73 130 153 122 +52 53 58 90 133 128 +53 54 58 4294967295 135 132 +54 55 57 4294967295 136 135 +54 57 58 134 137 133 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 134 +57 60 58 138 140 135 +57 61 60 4294967295 143 137 +58 59 64 140 142 141 +58 60 59 137 142 139 +58 64 65 139 150 129 +59 60 64 140 144 139 +60 61 63 138 145 144 +60 63 64 143 148 142 +61 62 63 4294967295 146 143 +62 69 63 147 149 145 +62 78 69 4294967295 159 146 +63 68 64 149 151 144 +63 69 68 146 156 148 +64 67 65 151 152 141 +64 68 67 148 154 150 +65 67 66 150 153 130 +66 67 73 152 155 131 +67 68 72 151 157 155 +67 72 73 154 165 153 +68 69 71 149 158 157 +68 71 72 156 163 154 +69 70 71 159 160 156 +69 78 70 147 162 158 +70 76 71 161 164 158 +70 77 76 162 170 160 +70 78 77 159 172 161 +71 75 72 164 165 157 +71 76 75 160 169 163 +72 75 73 163 166 155 +73 75 74 165 167 124 +74 75 80 166 169 168 +74 80 81 167 178 125 +75 76 80 164 171 167 +76 77 79 161 172 171 +76 79 80 170 175 169 +77 78 79 162 173 170 +78 85 79 174 177 172 +78 86 85 4294967295 185 173 +79 83 80 176 178 171 +79 84 83 177 182 175 +79 85 84 173 183 176 +80 83 81 175 179 168 +81 83 82 178 180 126 +82 83 88 179 182 181 +82 88 89 180 190 127 +83 84 88 176 184 180 +84 85 87 177 185 184 +84 87 88 183 189 182 +85 86 87 174 186 183 +86 92 87 187 189 185 +86 93 92 188 196 186 +86 94 93 4294967295 198 187 +87 92 88 186 191 184 +88 91 89 191 192 181 +88 92 91 189 195 190 +89 91 90 190 193 117 +90 91 96 192 195 194 +90 96 97 193 203 118 +91 92 96 191 197 193 +92 93 95 187 198 197 +92 95 96 196 201 195 +93 94 95 188 199 196 +94 101 95 200 202 198 +94 102 101 4294967295 212 199 +95 100 96 202 204 197 +95 101 100 199 210 201 +96 99 97 204 205 194 +96 100 99 201 209 203 +97 99 98 203 206 119 +98 99 104 205 209 207 +98 104 105 206 215 208 +98 105 108 207 216 120 +99 100 104 204 211 206 +100 101 103 202 212 211 +100 103 104 210 214 209 +101 102 103 200 213 210 +102 106 103 2 214 212 +103 106 104 213 215 211 +104 106 105 214 216 207 +105 106 108 215 217 208 +106 107 108 3 4 216 +109 114 110 219 222 108 +109 115 114 220 14 218 +109 116 115 6 8 219 +110 113 111 222 223 109 +110 114 113 218 20 221 +111 113 112 221 25 106 +117 121 118 225 226 50 +117 124 121 52 232 224 +118 121 119 224 228 48 +119 120 136 228 230 45 +119 121 120 226 229 227 +120 121 122 228 231 230 +120 122 136 229 234 227 +121 123 122 232 233 229 +121 124 123 225 54 231 +122 123 125 231 60 234 +122 125 136 233 236 230 +125 126 127 66 237 236 +125 127 136 235 241 234 +126 128 127 70 238 235 +127 128 129 237 242 239 +127 129 134 238 246 240 +127 134 135 239 251 241 +127 135 136 240 41 236 +128 130 129 71 243 238 +129 130 131 242 72 244 +129 131 132 243 247 245 +129 132 133 244 37 246 +129 133 134 245 251 239 +131 138 132 248 250 244 +131 139 138 249 254 247 +131 140 139 76 254 248 +132 138 137 247 252 35 +133 135 134 40 240 246 +137 138 142 250 255 253 +137 142 143 252 104 33 +138 139 140 248 249 255 +138 140 142 254 256 252 +140 141 142 79 101 255 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6faebbd --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +289 +0 1 57 4294967295 16 14 +0 21 2 2 26 4294967295 +0 22 21 3 78 1 +0 23 22 4 79 2 +0 24 23 5 81 3 +0 25 24 6 83 4 +0 26 25 7 85 5 +0 27 26 8 87 6 +0 28 27 9 88 7 +0 29 28 10 89 8 +0 30 29 11 90 9 +0 31 30 12 91 10 +0 40 31 13 94 11 +0 56 40 14 122 12 +0 57 56 0 165 13 +1 2 64 4294967295 27 19 +1 58 57 17 166 0 +1 59 58 18 168 16 +1 60 59 19 168 17 +1 64 60 15 170 18 +2 4 105 21 33 31 +2 5 4 22 39 20 +2 17 5 23 42 21 +2 18 17 24 70 22 +2 19 18 25 74 23 +2 20 19 26 75 24 +2 21 20 1 76 25 +2 65 64 28 177 15 +2 81 65 29 179 27 +2 89 81 30 206 28 +2 97 89 31 220 29 +2 105 97 20 232 30 +3 4 119 33 40 38 +3 105 4 34 20 32 +3 109 105 35 245 33 +3 110 109 36 249 34 +3 111 110 37 249 35 +3 112 111 38 145 36 +3 119 112 32 252 37 +4 5 118 21 41 40 +4 118 119 39 252 32 +5 6 118 42 46 39 +5 17 6 22 45 41 +6 7 117 44 47 46 +6 16 7 45 48 43 +6 17 16 42 70 44 +6 117 118 43 251 41 +7 8 117 48 52 43 +7 16 8 44 51 47 +8 9 116 50 53 52 +8 15 9 51 55 49 +8 16 15 48 68 50 +8 116 117 49 254 47 +9 10 116 54 57 49 +9 11 10 55 56 53 +9 15 11 50 61 54 +10 11 115 54 62 57 +10 115 116 56 255 53 +11 12 146 59 63 62 +11 13 12 60 63 58 +11 14 13 61 64 59 +11 15 14 55 66 60 +11 146 115 58 135 56 +12 13 146 59 65 58 +13 14 140 60 67 65 +13 140 146 64 285 63 +14 15 135 61 69 67 +14 135 140 66 282 64 +15 16 136 51 72 69 +15 136 135 68 277 66 +16 17 18 45 23 71 +16 18 139 70 74 73 +16 138 136 73 283 68 +16 139 138 71 273 72 +18 19 139 24 75 71 +19 20 139 25 77 74 +20 21 122 26 78 77 +20 122 139 76 259 75 +21 22 122 2 80 76 +22 23 121 3 82 80 +22 121 122 79 258 78 +23 24 120 4 84 82 +23 120 121 81 256 79 +24 25 127 5 86 84 +24 127 120 83 257 81 +25 26 126 6 87 86 +25 126 127 85 264 83 +26 27 126 7 88 85 +27 28 126 8 89 87 +28 29 126 9 90 88 +29 30 126 10 92 89 +30 31 128 11 93 92 +30 128 126 91 265 90 +31 32 128 94 98 91 +31 40 32 12 97 93 +32 33 129 96 102 98 +32 39 33 97 101 95 +32 40 39 94 118 96 +32 129 128 95 267 93 +33 34 134 100 108 104 +33 38 34 101 107 99 +33 39 38 96 117 100 +33 131 129 103 269 95 +33 133 131 104 274 102 +33 134 133 99 275 103 +34 35 143 106 111 108 +34 37 35 107 110 105 +34 38 37 100 115 106 +34 143 134 105 281 99 +35 36 144 110 114 111 +35 37 36 106 112 109 +35 144 143 109 288 105 +36 37 44 110 116 113 +36 44 45 112 130 114 +36 45 144 113 133 109 +37 38 43 107 117 116 +37 43 44 115 128 112 +38 39 43 101 119 115 +39 40 42 97 120 119 +39 42 43 118 127 117 +40 41 42 121 123 118 +40 55 41 122 126 120 +40 56 55 13 164 121 +41 48 42 124 127 120 +41 49 48 125 139 123 +41 52 49 126 144 124 +41 55 52 121 153 125 +42 48 43 123 129 119 +43 47 44 129 130 116 +43 48 47 127 137 128 +44 47 45 128 132 113 +45 46 145 132 136 133 +45 47 46 130 134 131 +45 145 144 131 288 114 +46 47 115 132 138 135 +46 115 146 134 62 136 +46 146 145 135 285 131 +47 48 114 129 141 138 +47 114 115 137 255 134 +48 49 112 124 145 140 +48 112 113 139 250 141 +48 113 114 140 253 137 +49 50 111 143 146 145 +49 51 50 144 146 142 +49 52 51 125 147 143 +49 111 112 142 37 139 +50 51 111 143 152 142 +51 52 53 144 153 148 +51 53 92 147 159 149 +51 92 93 148 224 150 +51 93 100 149 226 151 +51 100 101 150 237 152 +51 101 111 151 240 146 +52 55 53 126 155 147 +53 54 76 155 163 156 +53 55 54 153 160 154 +53 76 77 154 198 157 +53 77 84 156 200 158 +53 84 85 157 211 159 +53 85 92 158 213 148 +54 55 61 155 164 161 +54 61 68 160 173 162 +54 68 69 161 184 163 +54 69 76 162 185 154 +55 56 61 122 165 160 +56 57 61 14 167 164 +57 58 60 16 168 167 +57 60 61 166 169 165 +58 59 60 17 18 166 +60 63 61 170 172 167 +60 64 63 19 175 169 +61 62 67 172 174 173 +61 63 62 169 174 171 +61 67 68 171 182 161 +62 63 67 172 176 171 +63 64 66 170 177 176 +63 66 67 175 180 174 +64 65 66 27 178 175 +65 72 66 179 181 177 +65 81 72 28 191 178 +66 71 67 181 183 176 +66 72 71 178 188 180 +67 70 68 183 184 173 +67 71 70 180 186 182 +68 70 69 182 185 162 +69 70 76 184 187 163 +70 71 75 183 189 187 +70 75 76 186 197 185 +71 72 74 181 190 189 +71 74 75 188 195 186 +72 73 74 191 192 188 +72 81 73 179 194 190 +73 79 74 193 196 190 +73 80 79 194 202 192 +73 81 80 191 204 193 +74 78 75 196 197 189 +74 79 78 192 201 195 +75 78 76 195 198 187 +76 78 77 197 199 156 +77 78 83 198 201 200 +77 83 84 199 210 157 +78 79 83 196 203 199 +79 80 82 193 204 203 +79 82 83 202 207 201 +80 81 82 194 205 202 +81 88 82 206 209 204 +81 89 88 29 217 205 +82 86 83 208 210 203 +82 87 86 209 214 207 +82 88 87 205 215 208 +83 86 84 207 211 200 +84 86 85 210 212 158 +85 86 91 211 214 213 +85 91 92 212 222 159 +86 87 91 208 216 212 +87 88 90 209 217 216 +87 90 91 215 221 214 +88 89 90 206 218 215 +89 95 90 219 221 217 +89 96 95 220 228 218 +89 97 96 30 230 219 +90 95 91 218 223 216 +91 94 92 223 224 213 +91 95 94 221 227 222 +92 94 93 222 225 149 +93 94 99 224 227 226 +93 99 100 225 235 150 +94 95 99 223 229 225 +95 96 98 219 230 229 +95 98 99 228 233 227 +96 97 98 220 231 228 +97 104 98 232 234 230 +97 105 104 31 244 231 +98 103 99 234 236 229 +98 104 103 231 242 233 +99 102 100 236 237 226 +99 103 102 233 241 235 +100 102 101 235 238 151 +101 102 107 237 241 239 +101 107 108 238 247 240 +101 108 111 239 248 152 +102 103 107 236 243 238 +103 104 106 234 244 243 +103 106 107 242 246 241 +104 105 106 232 245 242 +105 109 106 34 246 244 +106 109 107 245 247 243 +107 109 108 246 248 239 +108 109 111 247 249 240 +109 110 111 35 36 248 +112 117 113 251 254 140 +112 118 117 252 46 250 +112 119 118 38 40 251 +113 116 114 254 255 141 +113 117 116 250 52 253 +114 116 115 253 57 138 +120 124 121 257 258 82 +120 127 124 84 264 256 +121 124 122 256 260 80 +122 123 139 260 262 77 +122 124 123 258 261 259 +123 124 125 260 263 262 +123 125 139 261 266 259 +124 126 125 264 265 261 +124 127 126 257 86 263 +125 126 128 263 92 266 +125 128 139 265 268 262 +128 129 130 98 269 268 +128 130 139 267 273 266 +129 131 130 102 270 267 +130 131 132 269 274 271 +130 132 137 270 278 272 +130 137 138 271 283 273 +130 138 139 272 73 268 +131 133 132 103 275 270 +132 133 134 274 104 276 +132 134 135 275 279 277 +132 135 136 276 69 278 +132 136 137 277 283 271 +134 141 135 280 282 276 +134 142 141 281 286 279 +134 143 142 108 286 280 +135 141 140 279 284 67 +136 138 137 72 272 278 +140 141 145 282 287 285 +140 145 146 284 136 65 +141 142 143 280 281 287 +141 143 145 286 288 284 +143 144 145 111 133 287 + +144 +3 4 +3 119 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 117 +117 118 +118 119 +120 121 +120 127 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 125 +125 126 +126 127 +128 129 +128 139 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 137 +137 138 +138 139 +140 141 +140 146 +141 142 +142 143 +143 144 +144 145 +145 146 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e94af4b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +148 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 146 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 147 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 136 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 139 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 141 45 +30 130 128 50 142 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 145 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 122 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 110 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 116 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 98 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 103 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 64 4294967295 99 98 +58 64 65 97 4294967295 89 +59 60 64 4294967295 101 97 +60 61 63 4294967295 102 101 +60 63 64 100 4294967295 99 +61 62 63 4294967295 4294967295 100 +66 67 73 4294967295 105 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 105 +67 72 73 104 4294967295 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 104 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 80 4294967295 111 110 +74 80 81 109 4294967295 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 111 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 88 4294967295 117 116 +82 88 89 115 4294967295 87 +83 84 88 4294967295 119 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 119 +84 87 88 118 4294967295 117 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 118 +90 91 96 4294967295 123 122 +90 96 97 121 4294967295 80 +91 92 96 4294967295 125 121 +92 93 95 4294967295 126 125 +92 95 96 124 4294967295 123 +93 94 95 4294967295 4294967295 124 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 132 127 +100 101 103 4294967295 133 132 +100 103 104 131 4294967295 130 +101 102 103 4294967295 4294967295 131 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +119 120 136 4294967295 138 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 138 +120 122 136 137 140 136 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 140 +122 125 136 139 4294967295 138 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 132 144 146 4294967295 +131 139 138 145 4294967295 143 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 144 +132 138 137 143 4294967295 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e453f8b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +169 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 165 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 162 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 157 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 163 19 +13 136 135 22 153 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 139 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 138 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 136 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 137 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 144 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 145 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 147 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 149 45 +30 130 128 50 154 48 +30 131 130 47 155 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 161 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 168 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 168 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 165 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 122 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 110 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 116 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 98 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 103 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 64 4294967295 99 98 +58 64 65 97 4294967295 89 +59 60 64 4294967295 101 97 +60 61 63 4294967295 102 101 +60 63 64 100 4294967295 99 +61 62 63 4294967295 4294967295 100 +66 67 73 4294967295 105 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 105 +67 72 73 104 4294967295 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 104 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 80 4294967295 111 110 +74 80 81 109 4294967295 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 111 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 88 4294967295 117 116 +82 88 89 115 4294967295 87 +83 84 88 4294967295 119 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 119 +84 87 88 118 4294967295 117 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 118 +90 91 96 4294967295 123 122 +90 96 97 121 4294967295 80 +91 92 96 4294967295 125 121 +92 93 95 4294967295 126 125 +92 95 96 124 4294967295 123 +93 94 95 4294967295 4294967295 124 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 132 127 +100 101 103 4294967295 133 132 +100 103 104 131 4294967295 130 +101 102 103 4294967295 4294967295 131 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +117 121 118 137 138 33 +117 124 121 35 144 136 +118 121 119 136 140 31 +119 120 136 140 142 28 +119 121 120 138 141 139 +120 121 122 140 143 142 +120 122 136 141 146 139 +121 123 122 144 145 141 +121 124 123 137 37 143 +122 123 125 143 43 146 +122 125 136 145 148 142 +125 126 127 46 149 148 +125 127 136 147 153 146 +126 128 127 48 150 147 +127 128 129 149 154 151 +127 129 134 150 158 152 +127 134 135 151 163 153 +127 135 136 152 24 148 +128 130 129 49 155 150 +129 130 131 154 50 156 +129 131 132 155 159 157 +129 132 133 156 20 158 +129 133 134 157 163 151 +131 138 132 160 162 156 +131 139 138 161 166 159 +131 140 139 52 166 160 +132 138 137 159 164 18 +133 135 134 23 152 158 +137 138 142 162 167 165 +137 142 143 164 68 16 +138 139 140 160 161 167 +138 140 142 166 168 164 +140 141 142 54 65 167 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e8c77f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ +257 +0 1 116 1 8 6 +0 102 1 2 4294967295 0 +0 106 102 3 213 1 +0 107 106 4 217 2 +0 108 107 5 217 3 +0 109 108 6 113 4 +0 116 109 0 220 5 +1 2 115 4294967295 9 8 +1 115 116 7 220 0 +2 3 115 10 14 7 +2 14 3 4294967295 13 9 +3 4 114 12 15 14 +3 13 4 13 16 11 +3 14 13 10 38 12 +3 114 115 11 219 9 +4 5 114 16 20 11 +4 13 5 12 19 15 +5 6 113 18 21 20 +5 12 6 19 23 17 +5 13 12 16 36 18 +5 113 114 17 222 15 +6 7 113 22 25 17 +6 8 7 23 24 21 +6 12 8 18 29 22 +7 8 112 22 30 25 +7 112 113 24 223 21 +8 9 143 27 31 30 +8 10 9 28 31 26 +8 11 10 29 32 27 +8 12 11 23 34 28 +8 143 112 26 103 24 +9 10 143 27 33 26 +10 11 137 28 35 33 +10 137 143 32 253 31 +11 12 132 29 37 35 +11 132 137 34 250 32 +12 13 133 19 40 37 +12 133 132 36 245 34 +13 14 15 13 4294967295 39 +13 15 136 38 42 41 +13 135 133 41 251 36 +13 136 135 39 241 40 +15 16 136 4294967295 43 39 +16 17 136 4294967295 45 42 +17 18 119 4294967295 46 45 +17 119 136 44 227 43 +18 19 119 4294967295 48 44 +19 20 118 4294967295 50 48 +19 118 119 47 226 46 +20 21 117 4294967295 52 50 +20 117 118 49 224 47 +21 22 124 4294967295 54 52 +21 124 117 51 225 49 +22 23 123 4294967295 55 54 +22 123 124 53 232 51 +23 24 123 4294967295 56 53 +24 25 123 4294967295 57 55 +25 26 123 4294967295 58 56 +26 27 123 4294967295 60 57 +27 28 125 4294967295 61 60 +27 125 123 59 233 58 +28 29 125 62 66 59 +28 37 29 4294967295 65 61 +29 30 126 64 70 66 +29 36 30 65 69 63 +29 37 36 62 86 64 +29 126 125 63 235 61 +30 31 131 68 76 72 +30 35 31 69 75 67 +30 36 35 64 85 68 +30 128 126 71 237 63 +30 130 128 72 242 70 +30 131 130 67 243 71 +31 32 140 74 79 76 +31 34 32 75 78 73 +31 35 34 68 83 74 +31 140 131 73 249 67 +32 33 141 78 82 79 +32 34 33 74 80 77 +32 141 140 77 256 73 +33 34 41 78 84 81 +33 41 42 80 98 82 +33 42 141 81 101 77 +34 35 40 75 85 84 +34 40 41 83 96 80 +35 36 40 69 87 83 +36 37 39 65 88 87 +36 39 40 86 95 85 +37 38 39 89 91 86 +37 52 38 90 94 88 +37 53 52 4294967295 132 89 +38 45 39 92 95 88 +38 46 45 93 107 91 +38 49 46 94 112 92 +38 52 49 89 121 93 +39 45 40 91 97 87 +40 44 41 97 98 84 +40 45 44 95 105 96 +41 44 42 96 100 81 +42 43 142 100 104 101 +42 44 43 98 102 99 +42 142 141 99 256 82 +43 44 112 100 106 103 +43 112 143 102 30 104 +43 143 142 103 253 99 +44 45 111 97 109 106 +44 111 112 105 223 102 +45 46 109 92 113 108 +45 109 110 107 218 109 +45 110 111 108 221 105 +46 47 108 111 114 113 +46 48 47 112 114 110 +46 49 48 93 115 111 +46 108 109 110 5 107 +47 48 108 111 120 110 +48 49 50 112 121 116 +48 50 89 115 127 117 +48 89 90 116 192 118 +48 90 97 117 194 119 +48 97 98 118 205 120 +48 98 108 119 208 114 +49 52 50 94 123 115 +50 51 73 123 131 124 +50 52 51 121 128 122 +50 73 74 122 166 125 +50 74 81 124 168 126 +50 81 82 125 179 127 +50 82 89 126 181 116 +51 52 58 123 132 129 +51 58 65 128 141 130 +51 65 66 129 152 131 +51 66 73 130 153 122 +52 53 58 90 133 128 +53 54 58 4294967295 135 132 +54 55 57 4294967295 136 135 +54 57 58 134 137 133 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 134 +57 60 58 138 140 135 +57 61 60 4294967295 143 137 +58 59 64 140 142 141 +58 60 59 137 142 139 +58 64 65 139 150 129 +59 60 64 140 144 139 +60 61 63 138 145 144 +60 63 64 143 148 142 +61 62 63 4294967295 146 143 +62 69 63 147 149 145 +62 78 69 4294967295 159 146 +63 68 64 149 151 144 +63 69 68 146 156 148 +64 67 65 151 152 141 +64 68 67 148 154 150 +65 67 66 150 153 130 +66 67 73 152 155 131 +67 68 72 151 157 155 +67 72 73 154 165 153 +68 69 71 149 158 157 +68 71 72 156 163 154 +69 70 71 159 160 156 +69 78 70 147 162 158 +70 76 71 161 164 158 +70 77 76 162 170 160 +70 78 77 159 172 161 +71 75 72 164 165 157 +71 76 75 160 169 163 +72 75 73 163 166 155 +73 75 74 165 167 124 +74 75 80 166 169 168 +74 80 81 167 178 125 +75 76 80 164 171 167 +76 77 79 161 172 171 +76 79 80 170 175 169 +77 78 79 162 173 170 +78 85 79 174 177 172 +78 86 85 4294967295 185 173 +79 83 80 176 178 171 +79 84 83 177 182 175 +79 85 84 173 183 176 +80 83 81 175 179 168 +81 83 82 178 180 126 +82 83 88 179 182 181 +82 88 89 180 190 127 +83 84 88 176 184 180 +84 85 87 177 185 184 +84 87 88 183 189 182 +85 86 87 174 186 183 +86 92 87 187 189 185 +86 93 92 188 196 186 +86 94 93 4294967295 198 187 +87 92 88 186 191 184 +88 91 89 191 192 181 +88 92 91 189 195 190 +89 91 90 190 193 117 +90 91 96 192 195 194 +90 96 97 193 203 118 +91 92 96 191 197 193 +92 93 95 187 198 197 +92 95 96 196 201 195 +93 94 95 188 199 196 +94 101 95 200 202 198 +94 102 101 4294967295 212 199 +95 100 96 202 204 197 +95 101 100 199 210 201 +96 99 97 204 205 194 +96 100 99 201 209 203 +97 99 98 203 206 119 +98 99 104 205 209 207 +98 104 105 206 215 208 +98 105 108 207 216 120 +99 100 104 204 211 206 +100 101 103 202 212 211 +100 103 104 210 214 209 +101 102 103 200 213 210 +102 106 103 2 214 212 +103 106 104 213 215 211 +104 106 105 214 216 207 +105 106 108 215 217 208 +106 107 108 3 4 216 +109 114 110 219 222 108 +109 115 114 220 14 218 +109 116 115 6 8 219 +110 113 111 222 223 109 +110 114 113 218 20 221 +111 113 112 221 25 106 +117 121 118 225 226 50 +117 124 121 52 232 224 +118 121 119 224 228 48 +119 120 136 228 230 45 +119 121 120 226 229 227 +120 121 122 228 231 230 +120 122 136 229 234 227 +121 123 122 232 233 229 +121 124 123 225 54 231 +122 123 125 231 60 234 +122 125 136 233 236 230 +125 126 127 66 237 236 +125 127 136 235 241 234 +126 128 127 70 238 235 +127 128 129 237 242 239 +127 129 134 238 246 240 +127 134 135 239 251 241 +127 135 136 240 41 236 +128 130 129 71 243 238 +129 130 131 242 72 244 +129 131 132 243 247 245 +129 132 133 244 37 246 +129 133 134 245 251 239 +131 138 132 248 250 244 +131 139 138 249 254 247 +131 140 139 76 254 248 +132 138 137 247 252 35 +133 135 134 40 240 246 +137 138 142 250 255 253 +137 142 143 252 104 33 +138 139 140 248 249 255 +138 140 142 254 256 252 +140 141 142 79 101 255 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6faebbd --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +289 +0 1 57 4294967295 16 14 +0 21 2 2 26 4294967295 +0 22 21 3 78 1 +0 23 22 4 79 2 +0 24 23 5 81 3 +0 25 24 6 83 4 +0 26 25 7 85 5 +0 27 26 8 87 6 +0 28 27 9 88 7 +0 29 28 10 89 8 +0 30 29 11 90 9 +0 31 30 12 91 10 +0 40 31 13 94 11 +0 56 40 14 122 12 +0 57 56 0 165 13 +1 2 64 4294967295 27 19 +1 58 57 17 166 0 +1 59 58 18 168 16 +1 60 59 19 168 17 +1 64 60 15 170 18 +2 4 105 21 33 31 +2 5 4 22 39 20 +2 17 5 23 42 21 +2 18 17 24 70 22 +2 19 18 25 74 23 +2 20 19 26 75 24 +2 21 20 1 76 25 +2 65 64 28 177 15 +2 81 65 29 179 27 +2 89 81 30 206 28 +2 97 89 31 220 29 +2 105 97 20 232 30 +3 4 119 33 40 38 +3 105 4 34 20 32 +3 109 105 35 245 33 +3 110 109 36 249 34 +3 111 110 37 249 35 +3 112 111 38 145 36 +3 119 112 32 252 37 +4 5 118 21 41 40 +4 118 119 39 252 32 +5 6 118 42 46 39 +5 17 6 22 45 41 +6 7 117 44 47 46 +6 16 7 45 48 43 +6 17 16 42 70 44 +6 117 118 43 251 41 +7 8 117 48 52 43 +7 16 8 44 51 47 +8 9 116 50 53 52 +8 15 9 51 55 49 +8 16 15 48 68 50 +8 116 117 49 254 47 +9 10 116 54 57 49 +9 11 10 55 56 53 +9 15 11 50 61 54 +10 11 115 54 62 57 +10 115 116 56 255 53 +11 12 146 59 63 62 +11 13 12 60 63 58 +11 14 13 61 64 59 +11 15 14 55 66 60 +11 146 115 58 135 56 +12 13 146 59 65 58 +13 14 140 60 67 65 +13 140 146 64 285 63 +14 15 135 61 69 67 +14 135 140 66 282 64 +15 16 136 51 72 69 +15 136 135 68 277 66 +16 17 18 45 23 71 +16 18 139 70 74 73 +16 138 136 73 283 68 +16 139 138 71 273 72 +18 19 139 24 75 71 +19 20 139 25 77 74 +20 21 122 26 78 77 +20 122 139 76 259 75 +21 22 122 2 80 76 +22 23 121 3 82 80 +22 121 122 79 258 78 +23 24 120 4 84 82 +23 120 121 81 256 79 +24 25 127 5 86 84 +24 127 120 83 257 81 +25 26 126 6 87 86 +25 126 127 85 264 83 +26 27 126 7 88 85 +27 28 126 8 89 87 +28 29 126 9 90 88 +29 30 126 10 92 89 +30 31 128 11 93 92 +30 128 126 91 265 90 +31 32 128 94 98 91 +31 40 32 12 97 93 +32 33 129 96 102 98 +32 39 33 97 101 95 +32 40 39 94 118 96 +32 129 128 95 267 93 +33 34 134 100 108 104 +33 38 34 101 107 99 +33 39 38 96 117 100 +33 131 129 103 269 95 +33 133 131 104 274 102 +33 134 133 99 275 103 +34 35 143 106 111 108 +34 37 35 107 110 105 +34 38 37 100 115 106 +34 143 134 105 281 99 +35 36 144 110 114 111 +35 37 36 106 112 109 +35 144 143 109 288 105 +36 37 44 110 116 113 +36 44 45 112 130 114 +36 45 144 113 133 109 +37 38 43 107 117 116 +37 43 44 115 128 112 +38 39 43 101 119 115 +39 40 42 97 120 119 +39 42 43 118 127 117 +40 41 42 121 123 118 +40 55 41 122 126 120 +40 56 55 13 164 121 +41 48 42 124 127 120 +41 49 48 125 139 123 +41 52 49 126 144 124 +41 55 52 121 153 125 +42 48 43 123 129 119 +43 47 44 129 130 116 +43 48 47 127 137 128 +44 47 45 128 132 113 +45 46 145 132 136 133 +45 47 46 130 134 131 +45 145 144 131 288 114 +46 47 115 132 138 135 +46 115 146 134 62 136 +46 146 145 135 285 131 +47 48 114 129 141 138 +47 114 115 137 255 134 +48 49 112 124 145 140 +48 112 113 139 250 141 +48 113 114 140 253 137 +49 50 111 143 146 145 +49 51 50 144 146 142 +49 52 51 125 147 143 +49 111 112 142 37 139 +50 51 111 143 152 142 +51 52 53 144 153 148 +51 53 92 147 159 149 +51 92 93 148 224 150 +51 93 100 149 226 151 +51 100 101 150 237 152 +51 101 111 151 240 146 +52 55 53 126 155 147 +53 54 76 155 163 156 +53 55 54 153 160 154 +53 76 77 154 198 157 +53 77 84 156 200 158 +53 84 85 157 211 159 +53 85 92 158 213 148 +54 55 61 155 164 161 +54 61 68 160 173 162 +54 68 69 161 184 163 +54 69 76 162 185 154 +55 56 61 122 165 160 +56 57 61 14 167 164 +57 58 60 16 168 167 +57 60 61 166 169 165 +58 59 60 17 18 166 +60 63 61 170 172 167 +60 64 63 19 175 169 +61 62 67 172 174 173 +61 63 62 169 174 171 +61 67 68 171 182 161 +62 63 67 172 176 171 +63 64 66 170 177 176 +63 66 67 175 180 174 +64 65 66 27 178 175 +65 72 66 179 181 177 +65 81 72 28 191 178 +66 71 67 181 183 176 +66 72 71 178 188 180 +67 70 68 183 184 173 +67 71 70 180 186 182 +68 70 69 182 185 162 +69 70 76 184 187 163 +70 71 75 183 189 187 +70 75 76 186 197 185 +71 72 74 181 190 189 +71 74 75 188 195 186 +72 73 74 191 192 188 +72 81 73 179 194 190 +73 79 74 193 196 190 +73 80 79 194 202 192 +73 81 80 191 204 193 +74 78 75 196 197 189 +74 79 78 192 201 195 +75 78 76 195 198 187 +76 78 77 197 199 156 +77 78 83 198 201 200 +77 83 84 199 210 157 +78 79 83 196 203 199 +79 80 82 193 204 203 +79 82 83 202 207 201 +80 81 82 194 205 202 +81 88 82 206 209 204 +81 89 88 29 217 205 +82 86 83 208 210 203 +82 87 86 209 214 207 +82 88 87 205 215 208 +83 86 84 207 211 200 +84 86 85 210 212 158 +85 86 91 211 214 213 +85 91 92 212 222 159 +86 87 91 208 216 212 +87 88 90 209 217 216 +87 90 91 215 221 214 +88 89 90 206 218 215 +89 95 90 219 221 217 +89 96 95 220 228 218 +89 97 96 30 230 219 +90 95 91 218 223 216 +91 94 92 223 224 213 +91 95 94 221 227 222 +92 94 93 222 225 149 +93 94 99 224 227 226 +93 99 100 225 235 150 +94 95 99 223 229 225 +95 96 98 219 230 229 +95 98 99 228 233 227 +96 97 98 220 231 228 +97 104 98 232 234 230 +97 105 104 31 244 231 +98 103 99 234 236 229 +98 104 103 231 242 233 +99 102 100 236 237 226 +99 103 102 233 241 235 +100 102 101 235 238 151 +101 102 107 237 241 239 +101 107 108 238 247 240 +101 108 111 239 248 152 +102 103 107 236 243 238 +103 104 106 234 244 243 +103 106 107 242 246 241 +104 105 106 232 245 242 +105 109 106 34 246 244 +106 109 107 245 247 243 +107 109 108 246 248 239 +108 109 111 247 249 240 +109 110 111 35 36 248 +112 117 113 251 254 140 +112 118 117 252 46 250 +112 119 118 38 40 251 +113 116 114 254 255 141 +113 117 116 250 52 253 +114 116 115 253 57 138 +120 124 121 257 258 82 +120 127 124 84 264 256 +121 124 122 256 260 80 +122 123 139 260 262 77 +122 124 123 258 261 259 +123 124 125 260 263 262 +123 125 139 261 266 259 +124 126 125 264 265 261 +124 127 126 257 86 263 +125 126 128 263 92 266 +125 128 139 265 268 262 +128 129 130 98 269 268 +128 130 139 267 273 266 +129 131 130 102 270 267 +130 131 132 269 274 271 +130 132 137 270 278 272 +130 137 138 271 283 273 +130 138 139 272 73 268 +131 133 132 103 275 270 +132 133 134 274 104 276 +132 134 135 275 279 277 +132 135 136 276 69 278 +132 136 137 277 283 271 +134 141 135 280 282 276 +134 142 141 281 286 279 +134 143 142 108 286 280 +135 141 140 279 284 67 +136 138 137 72 272 278 +140 141 145 282 287 285 +140 145 146 284 136 65 +141 142 143 280 281 287 +141 143 145 286 288 284 +143 144 145 111 133 287 + +144 +3 4 +3 119 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 117 +117 118 +118 119 +120 121 +120 127 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 125 +125 126 +126 127 +128 129 +128 139 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 137 +137 138 +138 139 +140 141 +140 146 +141 142 +142 143 +143 144 +144 145 +145 146 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e94af4b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +148 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 4294967295 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 146 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 4294967295 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 147 19 +13 136 135 22 4294967295 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 136 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 4294967295 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 4294967295 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 139 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 4294967295 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 141 45 +30 130 128 50 142 48 +30 131 130 47 4294967295 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 145 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 4294967295 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 4294967295 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 4294967295 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 122 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 110 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 116 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 98 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 103 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 64 4294967295 99 98 +58 64 65 97 4294967295 89 +59 60 64 4294967295 101 97 +60 61 63 4294967295 102 101 +60 63 64 100 4294967295 99 +61 62 63 4294967295 4294967295 100 +66 67 73 4294967295 105 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 105 +67 72 73 104 4294967295 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 104 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 80 4294967295 111 110 +74 80 81 109 4294967295 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 111 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 88 4294967295 117 116 +82 88 89 115 4294967295 87 +83 84 88 4294967295 119 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 119 +84 87 88 118 4294967295 117 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 118 +90 91 96 4294967295 123 122 +90 96 97 121 4294967295 80 +91 92 96 4294967295 125 121 +92 93 95 4294967295 126 125 +92 95 96 124 4294967295 123 +93 94 95 4294967295 4294967295 124 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 132 127 +100 101 103 4294967295 133 132 +100 103 104 131 4294967295 130 +101 102 103 4294967295 4294967295 131 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +119 120 136 4294967295 138 28 +120 121 122 4294967295 4294967295 138 +120 122 136 137 140 136 +122 123 125 4294967295 43 140 +122 125 136 139 4294967295 138 +126 128 127 48 4294967295 4294967295 +128 130 129 49 4294967295 4294967295 +131 138 132 144 146 4294967295 +131 139 138 145 4294967295 143 +131 140 139 52 4294967295 144 +132 138 137 143 4294967295 18 +133 135 134 23 4294967295 4294967295 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e453f8b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +169 +0 1 116 4294967295 2 4294967295 +1 2 115 4294967295 3 2 +1 115 116 1 4294967295 0 +2 3 115 4294967295 5 1 +3 4 114 4294967295 6 5 +3 114 115 4 4294967295 3 +4 5 114 4294967295 8 4 +5 6 113 4294967295 9 8 +5 113 114 7 4294967295 6 +6 7 113 4294967295 11 7 +7 8 112 4294967295 13 11 +7 112 113 10 4294967295 9 +8 9 143 4294967295 14 13 +8 143 112 12 67 10 +9 10 143 4294967295 16 12 +10 11 137 4294967295 18 16 +10 137 143 15 165 14 +11 12 132 4294967295 20 18 +11 132 137 17 162 15 +12 13 133 4294967295 23 20 +12 133 132 19 157 17 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 22 +13 15 136 21 25 24 +13 135 133 24 163 19 +13 136 135 22 153 23 +15 16 136 4294967295 26 22 +16 17 136 4294967295 28 25 +17 18 119 4294967295 29 28 +17 119 136 27 139 26 +18 19 119 4294967295 31 27 +19 20 118 4294967295 33 31 +19 118 119 30 138 29 +20 21 117 4294967295 35 33 +20 117 118 32 136 30 +21 22 124 4294967295 37 35 +21 124 117 34 137 32 +22 23 123 4294967295 38 37 +22 123 124 36 144 34 +23 24 123 4294967295 39 36 +24 25 123 4294967295 40 38 +25 26 123 4294967295 41 39 +26 27 123 4294967295 43 40 +27 28 125 4294967295 44 43 +27 125 123 42 145 41 +28 29 125 4294967295 46 42 +29 30 126 4294967295 48 46 +29 126 125 45 147 44 +30 31 131 4294967295 52 50 +30 128 126 49 149 45 +30 130 128 50 154 48 +30 131 130 47 155 49 +31 32 140 4294967295 54 52 +31 140 131 51 161 47 +32 33 141 4294967295 57 54 +32 141 140 53 168 51 +33 34 41 4294967295 59 56 +33 41 42 55 4294967295 57 +33 42 141 56 65 53 +34 35 40 4294967295 60 59 +34 40 41 58 4294967295 55 +35 36 40 4294967295 62 58 +36 37 39 4294967295 63 62 +36 39 40 61 4294967295 60 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 61 +42 43 142 4294967295 68 65 +42 142 141 64 168 57 +43 44 112 4294967295 70 67 +43 112 143 66 13 68 +43 143 142 67 165 64 +44 45 111 4294967295 73 70 +44 111 112 69 4294967295 66 +45 46 109 4294967295 75 72 +45 109 110 71 4294967295 73 +45 110 111 72 4294967295 69 +46 47 108 4294967295 76 75 +46 108 109 74 4294967295 71 +47 48 108 4294967295 82 74 +48 49 50 4294967295 4294967295 78 +48 50 89 77 87 79 +48 89 90 78 4294967295 80 +48 90 97 79 122 81 +48 97 98 80 4294967295 82 +48 98 108 81 129 76 +50 51 73 4294967295 91 84 +50 73 74 83 4294967295 85 +50 74 81 84 110 86 +50 81 82 85 4294967295 87 +50 82 89 86 116 78 +51 52 58 4294967295 92 89 +51 58 65 88 98 90 +51 65 66 89 4294967295 91 +51 66 73 90 103 83 +52 53 58 4294967295 93 88 +53 54 58 4294967295 95 92 +54 55 57 4294967295 96 95 +54 57 58 94 4294967295 93 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 94 +58 59 64 4294967295 99 98 +58 64 65 97 4294967295 89 +59 60 64 4294967295 101 97 +60 61 63 4294967295 102 101 +60 63 64 100 4294967295 99 +61 62 63 4294967295 4294967295 100 +66 67 73 4294967295 105 91 +67 68 72 4294967295 107 105 +67 72 73 104 4294967295 103 +68 69 71 4294967295 108 107 +68 71 72 106 4294967295 104 +69 70 71 4294967295 4294967295 106 +74 75 80 4294967295 111 110 +74 80 81 109 4294967295 85 +75 76 80 4294967295 113 109 +76 77 79 4294967295 114 113 +76 79 80 112 4294967295 111 +77 78 79 4294967295 4294967295 112 +82 83 88 4294967295 117 116 +82 88 89 115 4294967295 87 +83 84 88 4294967295 119 115 +84 85 87 4294967295 120 119 +84 87 88 118 4294967295 117 +85 86 87 4294967295 4294967295 118 +90 91 96 4294967295 123 122 +90 96 97 121 4294967295 80 +91 92 96 4294967295 125 121 +92 93 95 4294967295 126 125 +92 95 96 124 4294967295 123 +93 94 95 4294967295 4294967295 124 +98 99 104 4294967295 130 128 +98 104 105 127 4294967295 129 +98 105 108 128 134 82 +99 100 104 4294967295 132 127 +100 101 103 4294967295 133 132 +100 103 104 131 4294967295 130 +101 102 103 4294967295 4294967295 131 +105 106 108 4294967295 135 129 +106 107 108 4294967295 4294967295 134 +117 121 118 137 138 33 +117 124 121 35 144 136 +118 121 119 136 140 31 +119 120 136 140 142 28 +119 121 120 138 141 139 +120 121 122 140 143 142 +120 122 136 141 146 139 +121 123 122 144 145 141 +121 124 123 137 37 143 +122 123 125 143 43 146 +122 125 136 145 148 142 +125 126 127 46 149 148 +125 127 136 147 153 146 +126 128 127 48 150 147 +127 128 129 149 154 151 +127 129 134 150 158 152 +127 134 135 151 163 153 +127 135 136 152 24 148 +128 130 129 49 155 150 +129 130 131 154 50 156 +129 131 132 155 159 157 +129 132 133 156 20 158 +129 133 134 157 163 151 +131 138 132 160 162 156 +131 139 138 161 166 159 +131 140 139 52 166 160 +132 138 137 159 164 18 +133 135 134 23 152 158 +137 138 142 162 167 165 +137 142 143 164 68 16 +138 139 140 160 161 167 +138 140 142 166 168 164 +140 141 142 54 65 167 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e8c77f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/guitar no box__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ +257 +0 1 116 1 8 6 +0 102 1 2 4294967295 0 +0 106 102 3 213 1 +0 107 106 4 217 2 +0 108 107 5 217 3 +0 109 108 6 113 4 +0 116 109 0 220 5 +1 2 115 4294967295 9 8 +1 115 116 7 220 0 +2 3 115 10 14 7 +2 14 3 4294967295 13 9 +3 4 114 12 15 14 +3 13 4 13 16 11 +3 14 13 10 38 12 +3 114 115 11 219 9 +4 5 114 16 20 11 +4 13 5 12 19 15 +5 6 113 18 21 20 +5 12 6 19 23 17 +5 13 12 16 36 18 +5 113 114 17 222 15 +6 7 113 22 25 17 +6 8 7 23 24 21 +6 12 8 18 29 22 +7 8 112 22 30 25 +7 112 113 24 223 21 +8 9 143 27 31 30 +8 10 9 28 31 26 +8 11 10 29 32 27 +8 12 11 23 34 28 +8 143 112 26 103 24 +9 10 143 27 33 26 +10 11 137 28 35 33 +10 137 143 32 253 31 +11 12 132 29 37 35 +11 132 137 34 250 32 +12 13 133 19 40 37 +12 133 132 36 245 34 +13 14 15 13 4294967295 39 +13 15 136 38 42 41 +13 135 133 41 251 36 +13 136 135 39 241 40 +15 16 136 4294967295 43 39 +16 17 136 4294967295 45 42 +17 18 119 4294967295 46 45 +17 119 136 44 227 43 +18 19 119 4294967295 48 44 +19 20 118 4294967295 50 48 +19 118 119 47 226 46 +20 21 117 4294967295 52 50 +20 117 118 49 224 47 +21 22 124 4294967295 54 52 +21 124 117 51 225 49 +22 23 123 4294967295 55 54 +22 123 124 53 232 51 +23 24 123 4294967295 56 53 +24 25 123 4294967295 57 55 +25 26 123 4294967295 58 56 +26 27 123 4294967295 60 57 +27 28 125 4294967295 61 60 +27 125 123 59 233 58 +28 29 125 62 66 59 +28 37 29 4294967295 65 61 +29 30 126 64 70 66 +29 36 30 65 69 63 +29 37 36 62 86 64 +29 126 125 63 235 61 +30 31 131 68 76 72 +30 35 31 69 75 67 +30 36 35 64 85 68 +30 128 126 71 237 63 +30 130 128 72 242 70 +30 131 130 67 243 71 +31 32 140 74 79 76 +31 34 32 75 78 73 +31 35 34 68 83 74 +31 140 131 73 249 67 +32 33 141 78 82 79 +32 34 33 74 80 77 +32 141 140 77 256 73 +33 34 41 78 84 81 +33 41 42 80 98 82 +33 42 141 81 101 77 +34 35 40 75 85 84 +34 40 41 83 96 80 +35 36 40 69 87 83 +36 37 39 65 88 87 +36 39 40 86 95 85 +37 38 39 89 91 86 +37 52 38 90 94 88 +37 53 52 4294967295 132 89 +38 45 39 92 95 88 +38 46 45 93 107 91 +38 49 46 94 112 92 +38 52 49 89 121 93 +39 45 40 91 97 87 +40 44 41 97 98 84 +40 45 44 95 105 96 +41 44 42 96 100 81 +42 43 142 100 104 101 +42 44 43 98 102 99 +42 142 141 99 256 82 +43 44 112 100 106 103 +43 112 143 102 30 104 +43 143 142 103 253 99 +44 45 111 97 109 106 +44 111 112 105 223 102 +45 46 109 92 113 108 +45 109 110 107 218 109 +45 110 111 108 221 105 +46 47 108 111 114 113 +46 48 47 112 114 110 +46 49 48 93 115 111 +46 108 109 110 5 107 +47 48 108 111 120 110 +48 49 50 112 121 116 +48 50 89 115 127 117 +48 89 90 116 192 118 +48 90 97 117 194 119 +48 97 98 118 205 120 +48 98 108 119 208 114 +49 52 50 94 123 115 +50 51 73 123 131 124 +50 52 51 121 128 122 +50 73 74 122 166 125 +50 74 81 124 168 126 +50 81 82 125 179 127 +50 82 89 126 181 116 +51 52 58 123 132 129 +51 58 65 128 141 130 +51 65 66 129 152 131 +51 66 73 130 153 122 +52 53 58 90 133 128 +53 54 58 4294967295 135 132 +54 55 57 4294967295 136 135 +54 57 58 134 137 133 +55 56 57 4294967295 4294967295 134 +57 60 58 138 140 135 +57 61 60 4294967295 143 137 +58 59 64 140 142 141 +58 60 59 137 142 139 +58 64 65 139 150 129 +59 60 64 140 144 139 +60 61 63 138 145 144 +60 63 64 143 148 142 +61 62 63 4294967295 146 143 +62 69 63 147 149 145 +62 78 69 4294967295 159 146 +63 68 64 149 151 144 +63 69 68 146 156 148 +64 67 65 151 152 141 +64 68 67 148 154 150 +65 67 66 150 153 130 +66 67 73 152 155 131 +67 68 72 151 157 155 +67 72 73 154 165 153 +68 69 71 149 158 157 +68 71 72 156 163 154 +69 70 71 159 160 156 +69 78 70 147 162 158 +70 76 71 161 164 158 +70 77 76 162 170 160 +70 78 77 159 172 161 +71 75 72 164 165 157 +71 76 75 160 169 163 +72 75 73 163 166 155 +73 75 74 165 167 124 +74 75 80 166 169 168 +74 80 81 167 178 125 +75 76 80 164 171 167 +76 77 79 161 172 171 +76 79 80 170 175 169 +77 78 79 162 173 170 +78 85 79 174 177 172 +78 86 85 4294967295 185 173 +79 83 80 176 178 171 +79 84 83 177 182 175 +79 85 84 173 183 176 +80 83 81 175 179 168 +81 83 82 178 180 126 +82 83 88 179 182 181 +82 88 89 180 190 127 +83 84 88 176 184 180 +84 85 87 177 185 184 +84 87 88 183 189 182 +85 86 87 174 186 183 +86 92 87 187 189 185 +86 93 92 188 196 186 +86 94 93 4294967295 198 187 +87 92 88 186 191 184 +88 91 89 191 192 181 +88 92 91 189 195 190 +89 91 90 190 193 117 +90 91 96 192 195 194 +90 96 97 193 203 118 +91 92 96 191 197 193 +92 93 95 187 198 197 +92 95 96 196 201 195 +93 94 95 188 199 196 +94 101 95 200 202 198 +94 102 101 4294967295 212 199 +95 100 96 202 204 197 +95 101 100 199 210 201 +96 99 97 204 205 194 +96 100 99 201 209 203 +97 99 98 203 206 119 +98 99 104 205 209 207 +98 104 105 206 215 208 +98 105 108 207 216 120 +99 100 104 204 211 206 +100 101 103 202 212 211 +100 103 104 210 214 209 +101 102 103 200 213 210 +102 106 103 2 214 212 +103 106 104 213 215 211 +104 106 105 214 216 207 +105 106 108 215 217 208 +106 107 108 3 4 216 +109 114 110 219 222 108 +109 115 114 220 14 218 +109 116 115 6 8 219 +110 113 111 222 223 109 +110 114 113 218 20 221 +111 113 112 221 25 106 +117 121 118 225 226 50 +117 124 121 52 232 224 +118 121 119 224 228 48 +119 120 136 228 230 45 +119 121 120 226 229 227 +120 121 122 228 231 230 +120 122 136 229 234 227 +121 123 122 232 233 229 +121 124 123 225 54 231 +122 123 125 231 60 234 +122 125 136 233 236 230 +125 126 127 66 237 236 +125 127 136 235 241 234 +126 128 127 70 238 235 +127 128 129 237 242 239 +127 129 134 238 246 240 +127 134 135 239 251 241 +127 135 136 240 41 236 +128 130 129 71 243 238 +129 130 131 242 72 244 +129 131 132 243 247 245 +129 132 133 244 37 246 +129 133 134 245 251 239 +131 138 132 248 250 244 +131 139 138 249 254 247 +131 140 139 76 254 248 +132 138 137 247 252 35 +133 135 134 40 240 246 +137 138 142 250 255 253 +137 142 143 252 104 33 +138 139 140 248 249 255 +138 140 142 254 256 252 +140 141 142 79 101 255 + +144 +0 1 +0 116 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +117 118 +117 124 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +125 126 +125 136 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +137 138 +137 143 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8de776c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +191 +0 1 41 4294967295 9 6 +0 12 83 2 54 7 +0 13 12 3 52 1 +0 21 13 4 56 2 +0 22 21 5 68 3 +0 23 22 6 69 4 +0 41 23 0 74 5 +0 83 2 1 18 4294967295 +1 2 74 4294967295 12 11 +1 42 41 10 111 0 +1 51 42 11 114 9 +1 74 51 8 124 10 +2 75 74 13 185 8 +2 76 75 14 184 12 +2 78 76 15 186 13 +2 79 78 16 180 14 +2 81 79 17 187 15 +2 82 81 18 173 16 +2 83 82 7 174 17 +3 4 5 23 26 20 +3 5 18 19 31 21 +3 18 29 20 63 22 +3 29 97 21 85 25 +3 93 4 24 28 19 +3 94 93 25 137 23 +3 97 94 22 190 24 +4 90 5 27 33 19 +4 91 90 28 150 26 +4 93 91 23 188 27 +5 6 17 30 35 31 +5 7 6 32 34 29 +5 17 18 29 59 20 +5 89 7 33 41 30 +5 90 89 26 149 32 +6 7 16 30 39 35 +6 16 17 34 59 29 +7 8 9 40 42 37 +7 9 10 36 46 38 +7 10 15 37 50 39 +7 15 16 38 57 34 +7 88 8 41 45 36 +7 89 88 32 159 40 +8 85 9 43 48 36 +8 86 85 44 170 42 +8 87 86 45 162 43 +8 88 87 40 163 44 +9 83 10 47 51 37 +9 84 83 48 175 46 +9 85 84 42 169 47 +10 11 14 51 53 50 +10 14 15 49 55 38 +10 83 11 46 54 49 +11 12 13 54 2 53 +11 13 14 52 55 49 +11 83 12 51 1 52 +13 15 14 56 50 53 +13 21 15 3 58 55 +15 19 16 58 60 39 +15 21 19 56 64 57 +16 18 17 60 31 35 +16 19 18 57 61 59 +18 19 20 60 64 62 +18 20 28 61 67 63 +18 28 29 62 83 21 +19 21 20 58 65 61 +20 21 24 64 68 66 +20 24 25 65 70 67 +20 25 28 66 76 62 +21 22 24 4 69 65 +22 23 24 5 70 68 +23 25 24 71 66 69 +23 36 25 72 77 70 +23 39 36 73 103 71 +23 40 39 74 109 72 +23 41 40 6 111 73 +25 26 27 77 78 76 +25 27 28 75 81 67 +25 36 26 71 80 75 +26 34 27 79 82 75 +26 35 34 80 98 78 +26 36 35 77 100 79 +27 33 28 82 84 76 +27 34 33 78 92 81 +28 32 29 84 86 63 +28 33 32 81 92 83 +29 30 97 86 89 22 +29 32 30 83 88 85 +30 31 96 88 91 89 +30 32 31 86 90 87 +30 96 97 87 190 85 +31 32 95 88 97 91 +31 95 96 90 189 87 +32 33 34 84 82 93 +32 34 48 92 99 94 +32 48 49 93 119 95 +32 49 53 94 123 96 +32 53 54 95 126 97 +32 54 95 96 127 90 +34 35 47 79 102 99 +34 47 48 98 119 93 +35 36 37 80 103 101 +35 37 46 100 106 102 +35 46 47 101 118 98 +36 39 37 72 105 100 +37 38 45 105 108 106 +37 39 38 103 107 104 +37 45 46 104 117 101 +38 39 44 105 110 108 +38 44 45 107 117 104 +39 40 43 73 112 110 +39 43 44 109 115 107 +40 41 42 74 9 112 +40 42 43 111 113 109 +42 50 43 114 116 112 +42 51 50 10 121 113 +43 47 44 116 118 110 +43 50 47 113 120 115 +44 46 45 118 106 108 +44 47 46 115 102 117 +47 49 48 120 94 99 +47 50 49 116 121 119 +49 50 51 120 114 122 +49 51 52 121 124 123 +49 52 53 122 125 95 +51 74 52 11 125 122 +52 74 53 124 126 123 +53 74 54 125 128 96 +54 55 95 128 129 97 +54 74 55 126 130 127 +55 56 95 130 133 127 +55 74 56 128 132 129 +56 57 94 132 137 133 +56 74 57 130 136 131 +56 94 95 131 189 129 +57 58 93 135 138 137 +57 73 58 136 139 134 +57 74 73 132 185 135 +57 93 94 134 24 131 +58 59 93 139 145 134 +58 73 59 135 144 138 +59 60 92 141 147 145 +59 61 60 142 146 140 +59 62 61 143 148 141 +59 72 62 144 153 142 +59 73 72 139 183 143 +59 92 93 140 188 138 +60 61 91 141 150 147 +60 91 92 146 188 140 +61 62 89 142 151 149 +61 89 90 148 33 150 +61 90 91 149 27 146 +62 63 89 152 159 148 +62 71 63 153 158 151 +62 72 71 143 181 152 +63 64 88 155 163 159 +63 65 64 156 160 154 +63 66 65 157 164 155 +63 70 66 158 166 156 +63 71 70 152 178 157 +63 88 89 154 41 151 +64 65 67 155 164 161 +64 67 86 160 170 162 +64 86 87 161 44 163 +64 87 88 162 45 154 +65 66 67 156 165 160 +66 69 67 166 168 164 +66 70 69 157 176 165 +67 68 84 168 175 169 +67 69 68 165 171 167 +67 84 85 167 48 170 +67 85 86 169 43 161 +68 69 80 168 177 172 +68 80 81 171 187 173 +68 81 82 172 17 174 +68 82 83 173 18 175 +68 83 84 174 47 167 +69 70 79 166 180 177 +69 79 80 176 187 171 +70 71 77 158 182 179 +70 77 78 178 186 180 +70 78 79 179 15 176 +71 72 76 153 184 182 +71 76 77 181 186 178 +72 73 75 144 185 184 +72 75 76 183 13 181 +73 74 75 136 12 183 +76 78 77 14 179 182 +79 81 80 16 172 177 +91 93 92 28 145 147 +94 96 95 190 91 133 +94 97 96 25 89 189 + +95 +3 4 +3 97 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66eeaea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +93 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 15 0 5 2 +0 15 26 1 18 3 +0 26 94 2 26 4294967295 +2 3 14 4294967295 7 5 +2 14 15 4 4294967295 1 +3 4 13 4294967295 11 7 +3 13 14 6 4294967295 4 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 9 +4 6 7 8 4294967295 10 +4 7 12 9 13 11 +4 12 13 10 4294967295 6 +7 8 11 4294967295 15 13 +7 11 12 12 4294967295 10 +8 9 10 4294967295 4294967295 15 +8 10 11 14 4294967295 12 +15 16 17 4294967295 4294967295 17 +15 17 25 16 21 18 +15 25 26 17 4294967295 2 +17 18 21 4294967295 22 20 +17 21 22 19 4294967295 21 +17 22 25 20 25 17 +18 19 21 4294967295 23 19 +19 20 21 4294967295 4294967295 22 +22 23 24 4294967295 4294967295 25 +22 24 25 24 4294967295 21 +26 27 94 4294967295 28 3 +27 28 93 4294967295 30 28 +27 93 94 27 4294967295 26 +28 29 92 4294967295 36 30 +28 92 93 29 4294967295 27 +29 30 31 4294967295 4294967295 32 +29 31 45 31 38 33 +29 45 46 32 4294967295 34 +29 46 50 33 52 35 +29 50 51 34 4294967295 36 +29 51 92 35 53 29 +31 32 44 4294967295 41 38 +31 44 45 37 4294967295 32 +32 33 34 4294967295 4294967295 40 +32 34 43 39 43 41 +32 43 44 40 4294967295 37 +34 35 42 4294967295 45 43 +34 42 43 42 4294967295 40 +35 36 41 4294967295 47 45 +35 41 42 44 4294967295 42 +36 37 40 4294967295 49 47 +36 40 41 46 4294967295 44 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 49 +37 39 40 48 4294967295 46 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 51 +46 48 49 50 4294967295 52 +46 49 50 51 4294967295 34 +51 52 92 4294967295 54 36 +52 53 92 4294967295 56 53 +53 54 91 4294967295 58 56 +53 91 92 55 4294967295 54 +54 55 90 4294967295 59 58 +54 90 91 57 4294967295 55 +55 56 90 4294967295 61 57 +56 57 89 4294967295 63 61 +56 89 90 60 4294967295 59 +57 58 88 4294967295 66 63 +57 88 89 62 4294967295 60 +58 59 86 4294967295 67 65 +58 86 87 64 4294967295 66 +58 87 88 65 4294967295 62 +59 60 86 4294967295 69 64 +60 61 85 4294967295 73 69 +60 85 86 68 4294967295 67 +61 62 64 4294967295 74 71 +61 64 83 70 77 72 +61 83 84 71 4294967295 73 +61 84 85 72 4294967295 68 +62 63 64 4294967295 4294967295 70 +64 65 81 4294967295 82 76 +64 81 82 75 4294967295 77 +64 82 83 76 4294967295 71 +65 66 77 4294967295 84 79 +65 77 78 78 4294967295 80 +65 78 79 79 4294967295 81 +65 79 80 80 4294967295 82 +65 80 81 81 4294967295 75 +66 67 76 4294967295 87 84 +66 76 77 83 4294967295 78 +67 68 74 4294967295 89 86 +67 74 75 85 4294967295 87 +67 75 76 86 4294967295 83 +68 69 73 4294967295 91 89 +68 73 74 88 4294967295 85 +69 70 72 4294967295 92 91 +69 72 73 90 4294967295 88 +70 71 72 4294967295 4294967295 90 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66eeaea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +93 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 15 0 5 2 +0 15 26 1 18 3 +0 26 94 2 26 4294967295 +2 3 14 4294967295 7 5 +2 14 15 4 4294967295 1 +3 4 13 4294967295 11 7 +3 13 14 6 4294967295 4 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 9 +4 6 7 8 4294967295 10 +4 7 12 9 13 11 +4 12 13 10 4294967295 6 +7 8 11 4294967295 15 13 +7 11 12 12 4294967295 10 +8 9 10 4294967295 4294967295 15 +8 10 11 14 4294967295 12 +15 16 17 4294967295 4294967295 17 +15 17 25 16 21 18 +15 25 26 17 4294967295 2 +17 18 21 4294967295 22 20 +17 21 22 19 4294967295 21 +17 22 25 20 25 17 +18 19 21 4294967295 23 19 +19 20 21 4294967295 4294967295 22 +22 23 24 4294967295 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4294967295 59 +57 58 88 4294967295 66 63 +57 88 89 62 4294967295 60 +58 59 86 4294967295 67 65 +58 86 87 64 4294967295 66 +58 87 88 65 4294967295 62 +59 60 86 4294967295 69 64 +60 61 85 4294967295 73 69 +60 85 86 68 4294967295 67 +61 62 64 4294967295 74 71 +61 64 83 70 77 72 +61 83 84 71 4294967295 73 +61 84 85 72 4294967295 68 +62 63 64 4294967295 4294967295 70 +64 65 81 4294967295 82 76 +64 81 82 75 4294967295 77 +64 82 83 76 4294967295 71 +65 66 77 4294967295 84 79 +65 77 78 78 4294967295 80 +65 78 79 79 4294967295 81 +65 79 80 80 4294967295 82 +65 80 81 81 4294967295 75 +66 67 76 4294967295 87 84 +66 76 77 83 4294967295 78 +67 68 74 4294967295 89 86 +67 74 75 85 4294967295 87 +67 75 76 86 4294967295 83 +68 69 73 4294967295 91 89 +68 73 74 88 4294967295 85 +69 70 72 4294967295 92 91 +69 72 73 90 4294967295 88 +70 71 72 4294967295 4294967295 90 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed80bae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +172 +0 1 2 4 7 1 +0 2 15 0 12 2 +0 15 26 1 44 3 +0 26 94 2 66 6 +0 90 1 5 9 0 +0 91 90 6 118 4 +0 94 91 3 171 5 +1 87 2 8 14 0 +1 88 87 9 131 7 +1 90 88 4 169 8 +2 3 14 11 16 12 +2 4 3 13 15 10 +2 14 15 10 40 1 +2 86 4 14 22 11 +2 87 86 7 130 13 +3 4 13 11 20 16 +3 13 14 15 40 10 +4 5 6 21 23 18 +4 6 7 17 27 19 +4 7 12 18 31 20 +4 12 13 19 38 15 +4 85 5 22 26 17 +4 86 85 13 140 21 +5 82 6 24 29 17 +5 83 82 25 151 23 +5 84 83 26 143 24 +5 85 84 21 144 25 +6 80 7 28 32 18 +6 81 80 29 156 27 +6 82 81 23 150 28 +7 8 11 32 34 31 +7 11 12 30 36 19 +7 80 8 27 35 30 +8 9 10 35 4294967295 34 +8 10 11 33 36 30 +8 80 9 32 4294967295 33 +10 12 11 37 31 34 +10 18 12 4294967295 39 36 +12 16 13 39 41 20 +12 18 16 37 45 38 +13 15 14 41 12 16 +13 16 15 38 42 40 +15 16 17 41 45 43 +15 17 25 42 48 44 +15 25 26 43 64 2 +16 18 17 39 46 42 +17 18 21 45 49 47 +17 21 22 46 51 48 +17 22 25 47 57 43 +18 19 21 4294967295 50 46 +19 20 21 4294967295 51 49 +20 22 21 52 47 50 +20 33 22 53 58 51 +20 36 33 54 84 52 +20 37 36 55 90 53 +20 38 37 4294967295 92 54 +22 23 24 58 59 57 +22 24 25 56 62 48 +22 33 23 52 61 56 +23 31 24 60 63 56 +23 32 31 61 79 59 +23 33 32 58 81 60 +24 30 25 63 65 57 +24 31 30 59 73 62 +25 29 26 65 67 44 +25 30 29 62 73 64 +26 27 94 67 70 3 +26 29 27 64 69 66 +27 28 93 69 72 70 +27 29 28 67 71 68 +27 93 94 68 171 66 +28 29 92 69 78 72 +28 92 93 71 170 68 +29 30 31 65 63 74 +29 31 45 73 80 75 +29 45 46 74 100 76 +29 46 50 75 104 77 +29 50 51 76 107 78 +29 51 92 77 108 71 +31 32 44 60 83 80 +31 44 45 79 100 74 +32 33 34 61 84 82 +32 34 43 81 87 83 +32 43 44 82 99 79 +33 36 34 53 86 81 +34 35 42 86 89 87 +34 36 35 84 88 85 +34 42 43 85 98 82 +35 36 41 86 91 89 +35 41 42 88 98 85 +36 37 40 54 93 91 +36 40 41 90 96 88 +37 38 39 55 4294967295 93 +37 39 40 92 94 90 +39 47 40 95 97 93 +39 48 47 4294967295 102 94 +40 44 41 97 99 91 +40 47 44 94 101 96 +41 43 42 99 87 89 +41 44 43 96 83 98 +44 46 45 101 75 80 +44 47 46 97 102 100 +46 47 48 101 95 103 +46 48 49 102 105 104 +46 49 50 103 106 76 +48 71 49 4294967295 106 103 +49 71 50 105 107 104 +50 71 51 106 109 77 +51 52 92 109 110 78 +51 71 52 107 111 108 +52 53 92 111 114 108 +52 71 53 109 113 110 +53 54 91 113 118 114 +53 71 54 111 117 112 +53 91 92 112 170 110 +54 55 90 116 119 118 +54 70 55 117 120 115 +54 71 70 113 166 116 +54 90 91 115 5 112 +55 56 90 120 126 115 +55 70 56 116 125 119 +56 57 89 122 128 126 +56 58 57 123 127 121 +56 59 58 124 129 122 +56 69 59 125 134 123 +56 70 69 120 164 124 +56 89 90 121 169 119 +57 58 88 122 131 128 +57 88 89 127 169 121 +58 59 86 123 132 130 +58 86 87 129 14 131 +58 87 88 130 8 127 +59 60 86 133 140 129 +59 68 60 134 139 132 +59 69 68 124 162 133 +60 61 85 136 144 140 +60 62 61 137 141 135 +60 63 62 138 145 136 +60 67 63 139 147 137 +60 68 67 133 159 138 +60 85 86 135 22 132 +61 62 64 136 145 142 +61 64 83 141 151 143 +61 83 84 142 25 144 +61 84 85 143 26 135 +62 63 64 137 146 141 +63 66 64 147 149 145 +63 67 66 138 157 146 +64 65 81 149 156 150 +64 66 65 146 152 148 +64 81 82 148 29 151 +64 82 83 150 24 142 +65 66 77 149 158 153 +65 77 78 152 168 154 +65 78 79 153 4294967295 155 +65 79 80 154 4294967295 156 +65 80 81 155 28 148 +66 67 76 147 161 158 +66 76 77 157 168 152 +67 68 74 139 163 160 +67 74 75 159 167 161 +67 75 76 160 4294967295 157 +68 69 73 134 165 163 +68 73 74 162 167 159 +69 70 72 125 166 165 +69 72 73 164 4294967295 162 +70 71 72 117 4294967295 164 +73 75 74 4294967295 160 163 +76 78 77 4294967295 153 158 +88 90 89 9 126 128 +91 93 92 171 72 114 +91 94 93 6 70 170 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8de776c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +191 +0 1 41 4294967295 9 6 +0 12 83 2 54 7 +0 13 12 3 52 1 +0 21 13 4 56 2 +0 22 21 5 68 3 +0 23 22 6 69 4 +0 41 23 0 74 5 +0 83 2 1 18 4294967295 +1 2 74 4294967295 12 11 +1 42 41 10 111 0 +1 51 42 11 114 9 +1 74 51 8 124 10 +2 75 74 13 185 8 +2 76 75 14 184 12 +2 78 76 15 186 13 +2 79 78 16 180 14 +2 81 79 17 187 15 +2 82 81 18 173 16 +2 83 82 7 174 17 +3 4 5 23 26 20 +3 5 18 19 31 21 +3 18 29 20 63 22 +3 29 97 21 85 25 +3 93 4 24 28 19 +3 94 93 25 137 23 +3 97 94 22 190 24 +4 90 5 27 33 19 +4 91 90 28 150 26 +4 93 91 23 188 27 +5 6 17 30 35 31 +5 7 6 32 34 29 +5 17 18 29 59 20 +5 89 7 33 41 30 +5 90 89 26 149 32 +6 7 16 30 39 35 +6 16 17 34 59 29 +7 8 9 40 42 37 +7 9 10 36 46 38 +7 10 15 37 50 39 +7 15 16 38 57 34 +7 88 8 41 45 36 +7 89 88 32 159 40 +8 85 9 43 48 36 +8 86 85 44 170 42 +8 87 86 45 162 43 +8 88 87 40 163 44 +9 83 10 47 51 37 +9 84 83 48 175 46 +9 85 84 42 169 47 +10 11 14 51 53 50 +10 14 15 49 55 38 +10 83 11 46 54 49 +11 12 13 54 2 53 +11 13 14 52 55 49 +11 83 12 51 1 52 +13 15 14 56 50 53 +13 21 15 3 58 55 +15 19 16 58 60 39 +15 21 19 56 64 57 +16 18 17 60 31 35 +16 19 18 57 61 59 +18 19 20 60 64 62 +18 20 28 61 67 63 +18 28 29 62 83 21 +19 21 20 58 65 61 +20 21 24 64 68 66 +20 24 25 65 70 67 +20 25 28 66 76 62 +21 22 24 4 69 65 +22 23 24 5 70 68 +23 25 24 71 66 69 +23 36 25 72 77 70 +23 39 36 73 103 71 +23 40 39 74 109 72 +23 41 40 6 111 73 +25 26 27 77 78 76 +25 27 28 75 81 67 +25 36 26 71 80 75 +26 34 27 79 82 75 +26 35 34 80 98 78 +26 36 35 77 100 79 +27 33 28 82 84 76 +27 34 33 78 92 81 +28 32 29 84 86 63 +28 33 32 81 92 83 +29 30 97 86 89 22 +29 32 30 83 88 85 +30 31 96 88 91 89 +30 32 31 86 90 87 +30 96 97 87 190 85 +31 32 95 88 97 91 +31 95 96 90 189 87 +32 33 34 84 82 93 +32 34 48 92 99 94 +32 48 49 93 119 95 +32 49 53 94 123 96 +32 53 54 95 126 97 +32 54 95 96 127 90 +34 35 47 79 102 99 +34 47 48 98 119 93 +35 36 37 80 103 101 +35 37 46 100 106 102 +35 46 47 101 118 98 +36 39 37 72 105 100 +37 38 45 105 108 106 +37 39 38 103 107 104 +37 45 46 104 117 101 +38 39 44 105 110 108 +38 44 45 107 117 104 +39 40 43 73 112 110 +39 43 44 109 115 107 +40 41 42 74 9 112 +40 42 43 111 113 109 +42 50 43 114 116 112 +42 51 50 10 121 113 +43 47 44 116 118 110 +43 50 47 113 120 115 +44 46 45 118 106 108 +44 47 46 115 102 117 +47 49 48 120 94 99 +47 50 49 116 121 119 +49 50 51 120 114 122 +49 51 52 121 124 123 +49 52 53 122 125 95 +51 74 52 11 125 122 +52 74 53 124 126 123 +53 74 54 125 128 96 +54 55 95 128 129 97 +54 74 55 126 130 127 +55 56 95 130 133 127 +55 74 56 128 132 129 +56 57 94 132 137 133 +56 74 57 130 136 131 +56 94 95 131 189 129 +57 58 93 135 138 137 +57 73 58 136 139 134 +57 74 73 132 185 135 +57 93 94 134 24 131 +58 59 93 139 145 134 +58 73 59 135 144 138 +59 60 92 141 147 145 +59 61 60 142 146 140 +59 62 61 143 148 141 +59 72 62 144 153 142 +59 73 72 139 183 143 +59 92 93 140 188 138 +60 61 91 141 150 147 +60 91 92 146 188 140 +61 62 89 142 151 149 +61 89 90 148 33 150 +61 90 91 149 27 146 +62 63 89 152 159 148 +62 71 63 153 158 151 +62 72 71 143 181 152 +63 64 88 155 163 159 +63 65 64 156 160 154 +63 66 65 157 164 155 +63 70 66 158 166 156 +63 71 70 152 178 157 +63 88 89 154 41 151 +64 65 67 155 164 161 +64 67 86 160 170 162 +64 86 87 161 44 163 +64 87 88 162 45 154 +65 66 67 156 165 160 +66 69 67 166 168 164 +66 70 69 157 176 165 +67 68 84 168 175 169 +67 69 68 165 171 167 +67 84 85 167 48 170 +67 85 86 169 43 161 +68 69 80 168 177 172 +68 80 81 171 187 173 +68 81 82 172 17 174 +68 82 83 173 18 175 +68 83 84 174 47 167 +69 70 79 166 180 177 +69 79 80 176 187 171 +70 71 77 158 182 179 +70 77 78 178 186 180 +70 78 79 179 15 176 +71 72 76 153 184 182 +71 76 77 181 186 178 +72 73 75 144 185 184 +72 75 76 183 13 181 +73 74 75 136 12 183 +76 78 77 14 179 182 +79 81 80 16 172 177 +91 93 92 28 145 147 +94 96 95 190 91 133 +94 97 96 25 89 189 + +95 +3 4 +3 97 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66eeaea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +93 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 15 0 5 2 +0 15 26 1 18 3 +0 26 94 2 26 4294967295 +2 3 14 4294967295 7 5 +2 14 15 4 4294967295 1 +3 4 13 4294967295 11 7 +3 13 14 6 4294967295 4 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 9 +4 6 7 8 4294967295 10 +4 7 12 9 13 11 +4 12 13 10 4294967295 6 +7 8 11 4294967295 15 13 +7 11 12 12 4294967295 10 +8 9 10 4294967295 4294967295 15 +8 10 11 14 4294967295 12 +15 16 17 4294967295 4294967295 17 +15 17 25 16 21 18 +15 25 26 17 4294967295 2 +17 18 21 4294967295 22 20 +17 21 22 19 4294967295 21 +17 22 25 20 25 17 +18 19 21 4294967295 23 19 +19 20 21 4294967295 4294967295 22 +22 23 24 4294967295 4294967295 25 +22 24 25 24 4294967295 21 +26 27 94 4294967295 28 3 +27 28 93 4294967295 30 28 +27 93 94 27 4294967295 26 +28 29 92 4294967295 36 30 +28 92 93 29 4294967295 27 +29 30 31 4294967295 4294967295 32 +29 31 45 31 38 33 +29 45 46 32 4294967295 34 +29 46 50 33 52 35 +29 50 51 34 4294967295 36 +29 51 92 35 53 29 +31 32 44 4294967295 41 38 +31 44 45 37 4294967295 32 +32 33 34 4294967295 4294967295 40 +32 34 43 39 43 41 +32 43 44 40 4294967295 37 +34 35 42 4294967295 45 43 +34 42 43 42 4294967295 40 +35 36 41 4294967295 47 45 +35 41 42 44 4294967295 42 +36 37 40 4294967295 49 47 +36 40 41 46 4294967295 44 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 49 +37 39 40 48 4294967295 46 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 51 +46 48 49 50 4294967295 52 +46 49 50 51 4294967295 34 +51 52 92 4294967295 54 36 +52 53 92 4294967295 56 53 +53 54 91 4294967295 58 56 +53 91 92 55 4294967295 54 +54 55 90 4294967295 59 58 +54 90 91 57 4294967295 55 +55 56 90 4294967295 61 57 +56 57 89 4294967295 63 61 +56 89 90 60 4294967295 59 +57 58 88 4294967295 66 63 +57 88 89 62 4294967295 60 +58 59 86 4294967295 67 65 +58 86 87 64 4294967295 66 +58 87 88 65 4294967295 62 +59 60 86 4294967295 69 64 +60 61 85 4294967295 73 69 +60 85 86 68 4294967295 67 +61 62 64 4294967295 74 71 +61 64 83 70 77 72 +61 83 84 71 4294967295 73 +61 84 85 72 4294967295 68 +62 63 64 4294967295 4294967295 70 +64 65 81 4294967295 82 76 +64 81 82 75 4294967295 77 +64 82 83 76 4294967295 71 +65 66 77 4294967295 84 79 +65 77 78 78 4294967295 80 +65 78 79 79 4294967295 81 +65 79 80 80 4294967295 82 +65 80 81 81 4294967295 75 +66 67 76 4294967295 87 84 +66 76 77 83 4294967295 78 +67 68 74 4294967295 89 86 +67 74 75 85 4294967295 87 +67 75 76 86 4294967295 83 +68 69 73 4294967295 91 89 +68 73 74 88 4294967295 85 +69 70 72 4294967295 92 91 +69 72 73 90 4294967295 88 +70 71 72 4294967295 4294967295 90 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66eeaea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +93 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 15 0 5 2 +0 15 26 1 18 3 +0 26 94 2 26 4294967295 +2 3 14 4294967295 7 5 +2 14 15 4 4294967295 1 +3 4 13 4294967295 11 7 +3 13 14 6 4294967295 4 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 9 +4 6 7 8 4294967295 10 +4 7 12 9 13 11 +4 12 13 10 4294967295 6 +7 8 11 4294967295 15 13 +7 11 12 12 4294967295 10 +8 9 10 4294967295 4294967295 15 +8 10 11 14 4294967295 12 +15 16 17 4294967295 4294967295 17 +15 17 25 16 21 18 +15 25 26 17 4294967295 2 +17 18 21 4294967295 22 20 +17 21 22 19 4294967295 21 +17 22 25 20 25 17 +18 19 21 4294967295 23 19 +19 20 21 4294967295 4294967295 22 +22 23 24 4294967295 4294967295 25 +22 24 25 24 4294967295 21 +26 27 94 4294967295 28 3 +27 28 93 4294967295 30 28 +27 93 94 27 4294967295 26 +28 29 92 4294967295 36 30 +28 92 93 29 4294967295 27 +29 30 31 4294967295 4294967295 32 +29 31 45 31 38 33 +29 45 46 32 4294967295 34 +29 46 50 33 52 35 +29 50 51 34 4294967295 36 +29 51 92 35 53 29 +31 32 44 4294967295 41 38 +31 44 45 37 4294967295 32 +32 33 34 4294967295 4294967295 40 +32 34 43 39 43 41 +32 43 44 40 4294967295 37 +34 35 42 4294967295 45 43 +34 42 43 42 4294967295 40 +35 36 41 4294967295 47 45 +35 41 42 44 4294967295 42 +36 37 40 4294967295 49 47 +36 40 41 46 4294967295 44 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 49 +37 39 40 48 4294967295 46 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 51 +46 48 49 50 4294967295 52 +46 49 50 51 4294967295 34 +51 52 92 4294967295 54 36 +52 53 92 4294967295 56 53 +53 54 91 4294967295 58 56 +53 91 92 55 4294967295 54 +54 55 90 4294967295 59 58 +54 90 91 57 4294967295 55 +55 56 90 4294967295 61 57 +56 57 89 4294967295 63 61 +56 89 90 60 4294967295 59 +57 58 88 4294967295 66 63 +57 88 89 62 4294967295 60 +58 59 86 4294967295 67 65 +58 86 87 64 4294967295 66 +58 87 88 65 4294967295 62 +59 60 86 4294967295 69 64 +60 61 85 4294967295 73 69 +60 85 86 68 4294967295 67 +61 62 64 4294967295 74 71 +61 64 83 70 77 72 +61 83 84 71 4294967295 73 +61 84 85 72 4294967295 68 +62 63 64 4294967295 4294967295 70 +64 65 81 4294967295 82 76 +64 81 82 75 4294967295 77 +64 82 83 76 4294967295 71 +65 66 77 4294967295 84 79 +65 77 78 78 4294967295 80 +65 78 79 79 4294967295 81 +65 79 80 80 4294967295 82 +65 80 81 81 4294967295 75 +66 67 76 4294967295 87 84 +66 76 77 83 4294967295 78 +67 68 74 4294967295 89 86 +67 74 75 85 4294967295 87 +67 75 76 86 4294967295 83 +68 69 73 4294967295 91 89 +68 73 74 88 4294967295 85 +69 70 72 4294967295 92 91 +69 72 73 90 4294967295 88 +70 71 72 4294967295 4294967295 90 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed80bae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +172 +0 1 2 4 7 1 +0 2 15 0 12 2 +0 15 26 1 44 3 +0 26 94 2 66 6 +0 90 1 5 9 0 +0 91 90 6 118 4 +0 94 91 3 171 5 +1 87 2 8 14 0 +1 88 87 9 131 7 +1 90 88 4 169 8 +2 3 14 11 16 12 +2 4 3 13 15 10 +2 14 15 10 40 1 +2 86 4 14 22 11 +2 87 86 7 130 13 +3 4 13 11 20 16 +3 13 14 15 40 10 +4 5 6 21 23 18 +4 6 7 17 27 19 +4 7 12 18 31 20 +4 12 13 19 38 15 +4 85 5 22 26 17 +4 86 85 13 140 21 +5 82 6 24 29 17 +5 83 82 25 151 23 +5 84 83 26 143 24 +5 85 84 21 144 25 +6 80 7 28 32 18 +6 81 80 29 156 27 +6 82 81 23 150 28 +7 8 11 32 34 31 +7 11 12 30 36 19 +7 80 8 27 35 30 +8 9 10 35 4294967295 34 +8 10 11 33 36 30 +8 80 9 32 4294967295 33 +10 12 11 37 31 34 +10 18 12 4294967295 39 36 +12 16 13 39 41 20 +12 18 16 37 45 38 +13 15 14 41 12 16 +13 16 15 38 42 40 +15 16 17 41 45 43 +15 17 25 42 48 44 +15 25 26 43 64 2 +16 18 17 39 46 42 +17 18 21 45 49 47 +17 21 22 46 51 48 +17 22 25 47 57 43 +18 19 21 4294967295 50 46 +19 20 21 4294967295 51 49 +20 22 21 52 47 50 +20 33 22 53 58 51 +20 36 33 54 84 52 +20 37 36 55 90 53 +20 38 37 4294967295 92 54 +22 23 24 58 59 57 +22 24 25 56 62 48 +22 33 23 52 61 56 +23 31 24 60 63 56 +23 32 31 61 79 59 +23 33 32 58 81 60 +24 30 25 63 65 57 +24 31 30 59 73 62 +25 29 26 65 67 44 +25 30 29 62 73 64 +26 27 94 67 70 3 +26 29 27 64 69 66 +27 28 93 69 72 70 +27 29 28 67 71 68 +27 93 94 68 171 66 +28 29 92 69 78 72 +28 92 93 71 170 68 +29 30 31 65 63 74 +29 31 45 73 80 75 +29 45 46 74 100 76 +29 46 50 75 104 77 +29 50 51 76 107 78 +29 51 92 77 108 71 +31 32 44 60 83 80 +31 44 45 79 100 74 +32 33 34 61 84 82 +32 34 43 81 87 83 +32 43 44 82 99 79 +33 36 34 53 86 81 +34 35 42 86 89 87 +34 36 35 84 88 85 +34 42 43 85 98 82 +35 36 41 86 91 89 +35 41 42 88 98 85 +36 37 40 54 93 91 +36 40 41 90 96 88 +37 38 39 55 4294967295 93 +37 39 40 92 94 90 +39 47 40 95 97 93 +39 48 47 4294967295 102 94 +40 44 41 97 99 91 +40 47 44 94 101 96 +41 43 42 99 87 89 +41 44 43 96 83 98 +44 46 45 101 75 80 +44 47 46 97 102 100 +46 47 48 101 95 103 +46 48 49 102 105 104 +46 49 50 103 106 76 +48 71 49 4294967295 106 103 +49 71 50 105 107 104 +50 71 51 106 109 77 +51 52 92 109 110 78 +51 71 52 107 111 108 +52 53 92 111 114 108 +52 71 53 109 113 110 +53 54 91 113 118 114 +53 71 54 111 117 112 +53 91 92 112 170 110 +54 55 90 116 119 118 +54 70 55 117 120 115 +54 71 70 113 166 116 +54 90 91 115 5 112 +55 56 90 120 126 115 +55 70 56 116 125 119 +56 57 89 122 128 126 +56 58 57 123 127 121 +56 59 58 124 129 122 +56 69 59 125 134 123 +56 70 69 120 164 124 +56 89 90 121 169 119 +57 58 88 122 131 128 +57 88 89 127 169 121 +58 59 86 123 132 130 +58 86 87 129 14 131 +58 87 88 130 8 127 +59 60 86 133 140 129 +59 68 60 134 139 132 +59 69 68 124 162 133 +60 61 85 136 144 140 +60 62 61 137 141 135 +60 63 62 138 145 136 +60 67 63 139 147 137 +60 68 67 133 159 138 +60 85 86 135 22 132 +61 62 64 136 145 142 +61 64 83 141 151 143 +61 83 84 142 25 144 +61 84 85 143 26 135 +62 63 64 137 146 141 +63 66 64 147 149 145 +63 67 66 138 157 146 +64 65 81 149 156 150 +64 66 65 146 152 148 +64 81 82 148 29 151 +64 82 83 150 24 142 +65 66 77 149 158 153 +65 77 78 152 168 154 +65 78 79 153 4294967295 155 +65 79 80 154 4294967295 156 +65 80 81 155 28 148 +66 67 76 147 161 158 +66 76 77 157 168 152 +67 68 74 139 163 160 +67 74 75 159 167 161 +67 75 76 160 4294967295 157 +68 69 73 134 165 163 +68 73 74 162 167 159 +69 70 72 125 166 165 +69 72 73 164 4294967295 162 +70 71 72 117 4294967295 164 +73 75 74 4294967295 160 163 +76 78 77 4294967295 153 158 +88 90 89 9 126 128 +91 93 92 171 72 114 +91 94 93 6 70 170 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..258dad0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +191 +0 1 23 4294967295 8 5 +0 12 83 2 54 6 +0 13 12 3 52 1 +0 21 13 4 56 2 +0 22 21 5 68 3 +0 23 22 0 69 4 +0 83 2 1 18 4294967295 +1 2 74 4294967295 12 11 +1 41 23 9 74 0 +1 42 41 10 111 8 +1 51 42 11 114 9 +1 74 51 7 124 10 +2 75 74 13 185 7 +2 76 75 14 184 12 +2 78 76 15 186 13 +2 79 78 16 180 14 +2 81 79 17 187 15 +2 82 81 18 173 16 +2 83 82 6 174 17 +3 4 5 23 26 20 +3 5 18 19 31 21 +3 18 29 20 63 22 +3 29 97 21 85 25 +3 93 4 24 28 19 +3 94 93 25 137 23 +3 97 94 22 190 24 +4 90 5 27 33 19 +4 91 90 28 150 26 +4 93 91 23 188 27 +5 6 17 30 35 31 +5 7 6 32 34 29 +5 17 18 29 59 20 +5 89 7 33 41 30 +5 90 89 26 149 32 +6 7 16 30 39 35 +6 16 17 34 59 29 +7 8 9 40 42 37 +7 9 10 36 46 38 +7 10 15 37 50 39 +7 15 16 38 57 34 +7 88 8 41 45 36 +7 89 88 32 159 40 +8 85 9 43 48 36 +8 86 85 44 170 42 +8 87 86 45 162 43 +8 88 87 40 163 44 +9 83 10 47 51 37 +9 84 83 48 175 46 +9 85 84 42 169 47 +10 11 14 51 53 50 +10 14 15 49 55 38 +10 83 11 46 54 49 +11 12 13 54 2 53 +11 13 14 52 55 49 +11 83 12 51 1 52 +13 15 14 56 50 53 +13 21 15 3 58 55 +15 19 16 58 60 39 +15 21 19 56 64 57 +16 18 17 60 31 35 +16 19 18 57 61 59 +18 19 20 60 64 62 +18 20 28 61 67 63 +18 28 29 62 83 21 +19 21 20 58 65 61 +20 21 24 64 68 66 +20 24 25 65 70 67 +20 25 28 66 76 62 +21 22 24 4 69 65 +22 23 24 5 70 68 +23 25 24 71 66 69 +23 36 25 72 77 70 +23 39 36 73 103 71 +23 40 39 74 109 72 +23 41 40 8 111 73 +25 26 27 77 78 76 +25 27 28 75 81 67 +25 36 26 71 80 75 +26 34 27 79 82 75 +26 35 34 80 98 78 +26 36 35 77 100 79 +27 33 28 82 84 76 +27 34 33 78 92 81 +28 32 29 84 86 63 +28 33 32 81 92 83 +29 30 97 86 89 22 +29 32 30 83 88 85 +30 31 96 88 91 89 +30 32 31 86 90 87 +30 96 97 87 190 85 +31 32 95 88 97 91 +31 95 96 90 189 87 +32 33 34 84 82 93 +32 34 48 92 99 94 +32 48 49 93 119 95 +32 49 53 94 123 96 +32 53 54 95 126 97 +32 54 95 96 127 90 +34 35 47 79 102 99 +34 47 48 98 119 93 +35 36 37 80 103 101 +35 37 46 100 106 102 +35 46 47 101 118 98 +36 39 37 72 105 100 +37 38 45 105 108 106 +37 39 38 103 107 104 +37 45 46 104 117 101 +38 39 44 105 110 108 +38 44 45 107 117 104 +39 40 43 73 112 110 +39 43 44 109 115 107 +40 41 42 74 9 112 +40 42 43 111 113 109 +42 50 43 114 116 112 +42 51 50 10 121 113 +43 47 44 116 118 110 +43 50 47 113 120 115 +44 46 45 118 106 108 +44 47 46 115 102 117 +47 49 48 120 94 99 +47 50 49 116 121 119 +49 50 51 120 114 122 +49 51 52 121 124 123 +49 52 53 122 125 95 +51 74 52 11 125 122 +52 74 53 124 126 123 +53 74 54 125 128 96 +54 55 95 128 129 97 +54 74 55 126 130 127 +55 56 95 130 133 127 +55 74 56 128 132 129 +56 57 94 132 137 133 +56 74 57 130 136 131 +56 94 95 131 189 129 +57 58 93 135 138 137 +57 73 58 136 139 134 +57 74 73 132 185 135 +57 93 94 134 24 131 +58 59 93 139 145 134 +58 73 59 135 144 138 +59 60 92 141 147 145 +59 61 60 142 146 140 +59 62 61 143 148 141 +59 72 62 144 153 142 +59 73 72 139 183 143 +59 92 93 140 188 138 +60 61 91 141 150 147 +60 91 92 146 188 140 +61 62 89 142 151 149 +61 89 90 148 33 150 +61 90 91 149 27 146 +62 63 89 152 159 148 +62 71 63 153 158 151 +62 72 71 143 181 152 +63 64 88 155 163 159 +63 65 64 156 160 154 +63 66 65 157 164 155 +63 70 66 158 166 156 +63 71 70 152 178 157 +63 88 89 154 41 151 +64 65 67 155 164 161 +64 67 86 160 170 162 +64 86 87 161 44 163 +64 87 88 162 45 154 +65 66 67 156 165 160 +66 69 67 166 168 164 +66 70 69 157 176 165 +67 68 84 168 175 169 +67 69 68 165 171 167 +67 84 85 167 48 170 +67 85 86 169 43 161 +68 69 80 168 177 172 +68 80 81 171 187 173 +68 81 82 172 17 174 +68 82 83 173 18 175 +68 83 84 174 47 167 +69 70 79 166 180 177 +69 79 80 176 187 171 +70 71 77 158 182 179 +70 77 78 178 186 180 +70 78 79 179 15 176 +71 72 76 153 184 182 +71 76 77 181 186 178 +72 73 75 144 185 184 +72 75 76 183 13 181 +73 74 75 136 12 183 +76 78 77 14 179 182 +79 81 80 16 172 177 +91 93 92 28 145 147 +94 96 95 190 91 133 +94 97 96 25 89 189 + +95 +3 4 +3 97 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66eeaea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +93 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 15 0 5 2 +0 15 26 1 18 3 +0 26 94 2 26 4294967295 +2 3 14 4294967295 7 5 +2 14 15 4 4294967295 1 +3 4 13 4294967295 11 7 +3 13 14 6 4294967295 4 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 9 +4 6 7 8 4294967295 10 +4 7 12 9 13 11 +4 12 13 10 4294967295 6 +7 8 11 4294967295 15 13 +7 11 12 12 4294967295 10 +8 9 10 4294967295 4294967295 15 +8 10 11 14 4294967295 12 +15 16 17 4294967295 4294967295 17 +15 17 25 16 21 18 +15 25 26 17 4294967295 2 +17 18 21 4294967295 22 20 +17 21 22 19 4294967295 21 +17 22 25 20 25 17 +18 19 21 4294967295 23 19 +19 20 21 4294967295 4294967295 22 +22 23 24 4294967295 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+21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66eeaea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +93 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 15 0 5 2 +0 15 26 1 18 3 +0 26 94 2 26 4294967295 +2 3 14 4294967295 7 5 +2 14 15 4 4294967295 1 +3 4 13 4294967295 11 7 +3 13 14 6 4294967295 4 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 9 +4 6 7 8 4294967295 10 +4 7 12 9 13 11 +4 12 13 10 4294967295 6 +7 8 11 4294967295 15 13 +7 11 12 12 4294967295 10 +8 9 10 4294967295 4294967295 15 +8 10 11 14 4294967295 12 +15 16 17 4294967295 4294967295 17 +15 17 25 16 21 18 +15 25 26 17 4294967295 2 +17 18 21 4294967295 22 20 +17 21 22 19 4294967295 21 +17 22 25 20 25 17 +18 19 21 4294967295 23 19 +19 20 21 4294967295 4294967295 22 +22 23 24 4294967295 4294967295 25 +22 24 25 24 4294967295 21 +26 27 94 4294967295 28 3 +27 28 93 4294967295 30 28 +27 93 94 27 4294967295 26 +28 29 92 4294967295 36 30 +28 92 93 29 4294967295 27 +29 30 31 4294967295 4294967295 32 +29 31 45 31 38 33 +29 45 46 32 4294967295 34 +29 46 50 33 52 35 +29 50 51 34 4294967295 36 +29 51 92 35 53 29 +31 32 44 4294967295 41 38 +31 44 45 37 4294967295 32 +32 33 34 4294967295 4294967295 40 +32 34 43 39 43 41 +32 43 44 40 4294967295 37 +34 35 42 4294967295 45 43 +34 42 43 42 4294967295 40 +35 36 41 4294967295 47 45 +35 41 42 44 4294967295 42 +36 37 40 4294967295 49 47 +36 40 41 46 4294967295 44 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 49 +37 39 40 48 4294967295 46 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 51 +46 48 49 50 4294967295 52 +46 49 50 51 4294967295 34 +51 52 92 4294967295 54 36 +52 53 92 4294967295 56 53 +53 54 91 4294967295 58 56 +53 91 92 55 4294967295 54 +54 55 90 4294967295 59 58 +54 90 91 57 4294967295 55 +55 56 90 4294967295 61 57 +56 57 89 4294967295 63 61 +56 89 90 60 4294967295 59 +57 58 88 4294967295 66 63 +57 88 89 62 4294967295 60 +58 59 86 4294967295 67 65 +58 86 87 64 4294967295 66 +58 87 88 65 4294967295 62 +59 60 86 4294967295 69 64 +60 61 85 4294967295 73 69 +60 85 86 68 4294967295 67 +61 62 64 4294967295 74 71 +61 64 83 70 77 72 +61 83 84 71 4294967295 73 +61 84 85 72 4294967295 68 +62 63 64 4294967295 4294967295 70 +64 65 81 4294967295 82 76 +64 81 82 75 4294967295 77 +64 82 83 76 4294967295 71 +65 66 77 4294967295 84 79 +65 77 78 78 4294967295 80 +65 78 79 79 4294967295 81 +65 79 80 80 4294967295 82 +65 80 81 81 4294967295 75 +66 67 76 4294967295 87 84 +66 76 77 83 4294967295 78 +67 68 74 4294967295 89 86 +67 74 75 85 4294967295 87 +67 75 76 86 4294967295 83 +68 69 73 4294967295 91 89 +68 73 74 88 4294967295 85 +69 70 72 4294967295 92 91 +69 72 73 90 4294967295 88 +70 71 72 4294967295 4294967295 90 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed80bae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +172 +0 1 2 4 7 1 +0 2 15 0 12 2 +0 15 26 1 44 3 +0 26 94 2 66 6 +0 90 1 5 9 0 +0 91 90 6 118 4 +0 94 91 3 171 5 +1 87 2 8 14 0 +1 88 87 9 131 7 +1 90 88 4 169 8 +2 3 14 11 16 12 +2 4 3 13 15 10 +2 14 15 10 40 1 +2 86 4 14 22 11 +2 87 86 7 130 13 +3 4 13 11 20 16 +3 13 14 15 40 10 +4 5 6 21 23 18 +4 6 7 17 27 19 +4 7 12 18 31 20 +4 12 13 19 38 15 +4 85 5 22 26 17 +4 86 85 13 140 21 +5 82 6 24 29 17 +5 83 82 25 151 23 +5 84 83 26 143 24 +5 85 84 21 144 25 +6 80 7 28 32 18 +6 81 80 29 156 27 +6 82 81 23 150 28 +7 8 11 32 34 31 +7 11 12 30 36 19 +7 80 8 27 35 30 +8 9 10 35 4294967295 34 +8 10 11 33 36 30 +8 80 9 32 4294967295 33 +10 12 11 37 31 34 +10 18 12 4294967295 39 36 +12 16 13 39 41 20 +12 18 16 37 45 38 +13 15 14 41 12 16 +13 16 15 38 42 40 +15 16 17 41 45 43 +15 17 25 42 48 44 +15 25 26 43 64 2 +16 18 17 39 46 42 +17 18 21 45 49 47 +17 21 22 46 51 48 +17 22 25 47 57 43 +18 19 21 4294967295 50 46 +19 20 21 4294967295 51 49 +20 22 21 52 47 50 +20 33 22 53 58 51 +20 36 33 54 84 52 +20 37 36 55 90 53 +20 38 37 4294967295 92 54 +22 23 24 58 59 57 +22 24 25 56 62 48 +22 33 23 52 61 56 +23 31 24 60 63 56 +23 32 31 61 79 59 +23 33 32 58 81 60 +24 30 25 63 65 57 +24 31 30 59 73 62 +25 29 26 65 67 44 +25 30 29 62 73 64 +26 27 94 67 70 3 +26 29 27 64 69 66 +27 28 93 69 72 70 +27 29 28 67 71 68 +27 93 94 68 171 66 +28 29 92 69 78 72 +28 92 93 71 170 68 +29 30 31 65 63 74 +29 31 45 73 80 75 +29 45 46 74 100 76 +29 46 50 75 104 77 +29 50 51 76 107 78 +29 51 92 77 108 71 +31 32 44 60 83 80 +31 44 45 79 100 74 +32 33 34 61 84 82 +32 34 43 81 87 83 +32 43 44 82 99 79 +33 36 34 53 86 81 +34 35 42 86 89 87 +34 36 35 84 88 85 +34 42 43 85 98 82 +35 36 41 86 91 89 +35 41 42 88 98 85 +36 37 40 54 93 91 +36 40 41 90 96 88 +37 38 39 55 4294967295 93 +37 39 40 92 94 90 +39 47 40 95 97 93 +39 48 47 4294967295 102 94 +40 44 41 97 99 91 +40 47 44 94 101 96 +41 43 42 99 87 89 +41 44 43 96 83 98 +44 46 45 101 75 80 +44 47 46 97 102 100 +46 47 48 101 95 103 +46 48 49 102 105 104 +46 49 50 103 106 76 +48 71 49 4294967295 106 103 +49 71 50 105 107 104 +50 71 51 106 109 77 +51 52 92 109 110 78 +51 71 52 107 111 108 +52 53 92 111 114 108 +52 71 53 109 113 110 +53 54 91 113 118 114 +53 71 54 111 117 112 +53 91 92 112 170 110 +54 55 90 116 119 118 +54 70 55 117 120 115 +54 71 70 113 166 116 +54 90 91 115 5 112 +55 56 90 120 126 115 +55 70 56 116 125 119 +56 57 89 122 128 126 +56 58 57 123 127 121 +56 59 58 124 129 122 +56 69 59 125 134 123 +56 70 69 120 164 124 +56 89 90 121 169 119 +57 58 88 122 131 128 +57 88 89 127 169 121 +58 59 86 123 132 130 +58 86 87 129 14 131 +58 87 88 130 8 127 +59 60 86 133 140 129 +59 68 60 134 139 132 +59 69 68 124 162 133 +60 61 85 136 144 140 +60 62 61 137 141 135 +60 63 62 138 145 136 +60 67 63 139 147 137 +60 68 67 133 159 138 +60 85 86 135 22 132 +61 62 64 136 145 142 +61 64 83 141 151 143 +61 83 84 142 25 144 +61 84 85 143 26 135 +62 63 64 137 146 141 +63 66 64 147 149 145 +63 67 66 138 157 146 +64 65 81 149 156 150 +64 66 65 146 152 148 +64 81 82 148 29 151 +64 82 83 150 24 142 +65 66 77 149 158 153 +65 77 78 152 168 154 +65 78 79 153 4294967295 155 +65 79 80 154 4294967295 156 +65 80 81 155 28 148 +66 67 76 147 161 158 +66 76 77 157 168 152 +67 68 74 139 163 160 +67 74 75 159 167 161 +67 75 76 160 4294967295 157 +68 69 73 134 165 163 +68 73 74 162 167 159 +69 70 72 125 166 165 +69 72 73 164 4294967295 162 +70 71 72 117 4294967295 164 +73 75 74 4294967295 160 163 +76 78 77 4294967295 153 158 +88 90 89 9 126 128 +91 93 92 171 72 114 +91 94 93 6 70 170 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..258dad0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +191 +0 1 23 4294967295 8 5 +0 12 83 2 54 6 +0 13 12 3 52 1 +0 21 13 4 56 2 +0 22 21 5 68 3 +0 23 22 0 69 4 +0 83 2 1 18 4294967295 +1 2 74 4294967295 12 11 +1 41 23 9 74 0 +1 42 41 10 111 8 +1 51 42 11 114 9 +1 74 51 7 124 10 +2 75 74 13 185 7 +2 76 75 14 184 12 +2 78 76 15 186 13 +2 79 78 16 180 14 +2 81 79 17 187 15 +2 82 81 18 173 16 +2 83 82 6 174 17 +3 4 5 23 26 20 +3 5 18 19 31 21 +3 18 29 20 63 22 +3 29 97 21 85 25 +3 93 4 24 28 19 +3 94 93 25 137 23 +3 97 94 22 190 24 +4 90 5 27 33 19 +4 91 90 28 150 26 +4 93 91 23 188 27 +5 6 17 30 35 31 +5 7 6 32 34 29 +5 17 18 29 59 20 +5 89 7 33 41 30 +5 90 89 26 149 32 +6 7 16 30 39 35 +6 16 17 34 59 29 +7 8 9 40 42 37 +7 9 10 36 46 38 +7 10 15 37 50 39 +7 15 16 38 57 34 +7 88 8 41 45 36 +7 89 88 32 159 40 +8 85 9 43 48 36 +8 86 85 44 170 42 +8 87 86 45 162 43 +8 88 87 40 163 44 +9 83 10 47 51 37 +9 84 83 48 175 46 +9 85 84 42 169 47 +10 11 14 51 53 50 +10 14 15 49 55 38 +10 83 11 46 54 49 +11 12 13 54 2 53 +11 13 14 52 55 49 +11 83 12 51 1 52 +13 15 14 56 50 53 +13 21 15 3 58 55 +15 19 16 58 60 39 +15 21 19 56 64 57 +16 18 17 60 31 35 +16 19 18 57 61 59 +18 19 20 60 64 62 +18 20 28 61 67 63 +18 28 29 62 83 21 +19 21 20 58 65 61 +20 21 24 64 68 66 +20 24 25 65 70 67 +20 25 28 66 76 62 +21 22 24 4 69 65 +22 23 24 5 70 68 +23 25 24 71 66 69 +23 36 25 72 77 70 +23 39 36 73 103 71 +23 40 39 74 109 72 +23 41 40 8 111 73 +25 26 27 77 78 76 +25 27 28 75 81 67 +25 36 26 71 80 75 +26 34 27 79 82 75 +26 35 34 80 98 78 +26 36 35 77 100 79 +27 33 28 82 84 76 +27 34 33 78 92 81 +28 32 29 84 86 63 +28 33 32 81 92 83 +29 30 97 86 89 22 +29 32 30 83 88 85 +30 31 96 88 91 89 +30 32 31 86 90 87 +30 96 97 87 190 85 +31 32 95 88 97 91 +31 95 96 90 189 87 +32 33 34 84 82 93 +32 34 48 92 99 94 +32 48 49 93 119 95 +32 49 53 94 123 96 +32 53 54 95 126 97 +32 54 95 96 127 90 +34 35 47 79 102 99 +34 47 48 98 119 93 +35 36 37 80 103 101 +35 37 46 100 106 102 +35 46 47 101 118 98 +36 39 37 72 105 100 +37 38 45 105 108 106 +37 39 38 103 107 104 +37 45 46 104 117 101 +38 39 44 105 110 108 +38 44 45 107 117 104 +39 40 43 73 112 110 +39 43 44 109 115 107 +40 41 42 74 9 112 +40 42 43 111 113 109 +42 50 43 114 116 112 +42 51 50 10 121 113 +43 47 44 116 118 110 +43 50 47 113 120 115 +44 46 45 118 106 108 +44 47 46 115 102 117 +47 49 48 120 94 99 +47 50 49 116 121 119 +49 50 51 120 114 122 +49 51 52 121 124 123 +49 52 53 122 125 95 +51 74 52 11 125 122 +52 74 53 124 126 123 +53 74 54 125 128 96 +54 55 95 128 129 97 +54 74 55 126 130 127 +55 56 95 130 133 127 +55 74 56 128 132 129 +56 57 94 132 137 133 +56 74 57 130 136 131 +56 94 95 131 189 129 +57 58 93 135 138 137 +57 73 58 136 139 134 +57 74 73 132 185 135 +57 93 94 134 24 131 +58 59 93 139 145 134 +58 73 59 135 144 138 +59 60 92 141 147 145 +59 61 60 142 146 140 +59 62 61 143 148 141 +59 72 62 144 153 142 +59 73 72 139 183 143 +59 92 93 140 188 138 +60 61 91 141 150 147 +60 91 92 146 188 140 +61 62 89 142 151 149 +61 89 90 148 33 150 +61 90 91 149 27 146 +62 63 89 152 159 148 +62 71 63 153 158 151 +62 72 71 143 181 152 +63 64 88 155 163 159 +63 65 64 156 160 154 +63 66 65 157 164 155 +63 70 66 158 166 156 +63 71 70 152 178 157 +63 88 89 154 41 151 +64 65 67 155 164 161 +64 67 86 160 170 162 +64 86 87 161 44 163 +64 87 88 162 45 154 +65 66 67 156 165 160 +66 69 67 166 168 164 +66 70 69 157 176 165 +67 68 84 168 175 169 +67 69 68 165 171 167 +67 84 85 167 48 170 +67 85 86 169 43 161 +68 69 80 168 177 172 +68 80 81 171 187 173 +68 81 82 172 17 174 +68 82 83 173 18 175 +68 83 84 174 47 167 +69 70 79 166 180 177 +69 79 80 176 187 171 +70 71 77 158 182 179 +70 77 78 178 186 180 +70 78 79 179 15 176 +71 72 76 153 184 182 +71 76 77 181 186 178 +72 73 75 144 185 184 +72 75 76 183 13 181 +73 74 75 136 12 183 +76 78 77 14 179 182 +79 81 80 16 172 177 +91 93 92 28 145 147 +94 96 95 190 91 133 +94 97 96 25 89 189 + +95 +3 4 +3 97 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66eeaea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +93 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 15 0 5 2 +0 15 26 1 18 3 +0 26 94 2 26 4294967295 +2 3 14 4294967295 7 5 +2 14 15 4 4294967295 1 +3 4 13 4294967295 11 7 +3 13 14 6 4294967295 4 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 9 +4 6 7 8 4294967295 10 +4 7 12 9 13 11 +4 12 13 10 4294967295 6 +7 8 11 4294967295 15 13 +7 11 12 12 4294967295 10 +8 9 10 4294967295 4294967295 15 +8 10 11 14 4294967295 12 +15 16 17 4294967295 4294967295 17 +15 17 25 16 21 18 +15 25 26 17 4294967295 2 +17 18 21 4294967295 22 20 +17 21 22 19 4294967295 21 +17 22 25 20 25 17 +18 19 21 4294967295 23 19 +19 20 21 4294967295 4294967295 22 +22 23 24 4294967295 4294967295 25 +22 24 25 24 4294967295 21 +26 27 94 4294967295 28 3 +27 28 93 4294967295 30 28 +27 93 94 27 4294967295 26 +28 29 92 4294967295 36 30 +28 92 93 29 4294967295 27 +29 30 31 4294967295 4294967295 32 +29 31 45 31 38 33 +29 45 46 32 4294967295 34 +29 46 50 33 52 35 +29 50 51 34 4294967295 36 +29 51 92 35 53 29 +31 32 44 4294967295 41 38 +31 44 45 37 4294967295 32 +32 33 34 4294967295 4294967295 40 +32 34 43 39 43 41 +32 43 44 40 4294967295 37 +34 35 42 4294967295 45 43 +34 42 43 42 4294967295 40 +35 36 41 4294967295 47 45 +35 41 42 44 4294967295 42 +36 37 40 4294967295 49 47 +36 40 41 46 4294967295 44 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 49 +37 39 40 48 4294967295 46 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 51 +46 48 49 50 4294967295 52 +46 49 50 51 4294967295 34 +51 52 92 4294967295 54 36 +52 53 92 4294967295 56 53 +53 54 91 4294967295 58 56 +53 91 92 55 4294967295 54 +54 55 90 4294967295 59 58 +54 90 91 57 4294967295 55 +55 56 90 4294967295 61 57 +56 57 89 4294967295 63 61 +56 89 90 60 4294967295 59 +57 58 88 4294967295 66 63 +57 88 89 62 4294967295 60 +58 59 86 4294967295 67 65 +58 86 87 64 4294967295 66 +58 87 88 65 4294967295 62 +59 60 86 4294967295 69 64 +60 61 85 4294967295 73 69 +60 85 86 68 4294967295 67 +61 62 64 4294967295 74 71 +61 64 83 70 77 72 +61 83 84 71 4294967295 73 +61 84 85 72 4294967295 68 +62 63 64 4294967295 4294967295 70 +64 65 81 4294967295 82 76 +64 81 82 75 4294967295 77 +64 82 83 76 4294967295 71 +65 66 77 4294967295 84 79 +65 77 78 78 4294967295 80 +65 78 79 79 4294967295 81 +65 79 80 80 4294967295 82 +65 80 81 81 4294967295 75 +66 67 76 4294967295 87 84 +66 76 77 83 4294967295 78 +67 68 74 4294967295 89 86 +67 74 75 85 4294967295 87 +67 75 76 86 4294967295 83 +68 69 73 4294967295 91 89 +68 73 74 88 4294967295 85 +69 70 72 4294967295 92 91 +69 72 73 90 4294967295 88 +70 71 72 4294967295 4294967295 90 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66eeaea --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +93 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 15 0 5 2 +0 15 26 1 18 3 +0 26 94 2 26 4294967295 +2 3 14 4294967295 7 5 +2 14 15 4 4294967295 1 +3 4 13 4294967295 11 7 +3 13 14 6 4294967295 4 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 9 +4 6 7 8 4294967295 10 +4 7 12 9 13 11 +4 12 13 10 4294967295 6 +7 8 11 4294967295 15 13 +7 11 12 12 4294967295 10 +8 9 10 4294967295 4294967295 15 +8 10 11 14 4294967295 12 +15 16 17 4294967295 4294967295 17 +15 17 25 16 21 18 +15 25 26 17 4294967295 2 +17 18 21 4294967295 22 20 +17 21 22 19 4294967295 21 +17 22 25 20 25 17 +18 19 21 4294967295 23 19 +19 20 21 4294967295 4294967295 22 +22 23 24 4294967295 4294967295 25 +22 24 25 24 4294967295 21 +26 27 94 4294967295 28 3 +27 28 93 4294967295 30 28 +27 93 94 27 4294967295 26 +28 29 92 4294967295 36 30 +28 92 93 29 4294967295 27 +29 30 31 4294967295 4294967295 32 +29 31 45 31 38 33 +29 45 46 32 4294967295 34 +29 46 50 33 52 35 +29 50 51 34 4294967295 36 +29 51 92 35 53 29 +31 32 44 4294967295 41 38 +31 44 45 37 4294967295 32 +32 33 34 4294967295 4294967295 40 +32 34 43 39 43 41 +32 43 44 40 4294967295 37 +34 35 42 4294967295 45 43 +34 42 43 42 4294967295 40 +35 36 41 4294967295 47 45 +35 41 42 44 4294967295 42 +36 37 40 4294967295 49 47 +36 40 41 46 4294967295 44 +37 38 39 4294967295 4294967295 49 +37 39 40 48 4294967295 46 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 51 +46 48 49 50 4294967295 52 +46 49 50 51 4294967295 34 +51 52 92 4294967295 54 36 +52 53 92 4294967295 56 53 +53 54 91 4294967295 58 56 +53 91 92 55 4294967295 54 +54 55 90 4294967295 59 58 +54 90 91 57 4294967295 55 +55 56 90 4294967295 61 57 +56 57 89 4294967295 63 61 +56 89 90 60 4294967295 59 +57 58 88 4294967295 66 63 +57 88 89 62 4294967295 60 +58 59 86 4294967295 67 65 +58 86 87 64 4294967295 66 +58 87 88 65 4294967295 62 +59 60 86 4294967295 69 64 +60 61 85 4294967295 73 69 +60 85 86 68 4294967295 67 +61 62 64 4294967295 74 71 +61 64 83 70 77 72 +61 83 84 71 4294967295 73 +61 84 85 72 4294967295 68 +62 63 64 4294967295 4294967295 70 +64 65 81 4294967295 82 76 +64 81 82 75 4294967295 77 +64 82 83 76 4294967295 71 +65 66 77 4294967295 84 79 +65 77 78 78 4294967295 80 +65 78 79 79 4294967295 81 +65 79 80 80 4294967295 82 +65 80 81 81 4294967295 75 +66 67 76 4294967295 87 84 +66 76 77 83 4294967295 78 +67 68 74 4294967295 89 86 +67 74 75 85 4294967295 87 +67 75 76 86 4294967295 83 +68 69 73 4294967295 91 89 +68 73 74 88 4294967295 85 +69 70 72 4294967295 92 91 +69 72 73 90 4294967295 88 +70 71 72 4294967295 4294967295 90 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed80bae --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/island__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +172 +0 1 2 4 7 1 +0 2 15 0 12 2 +0 15 26 1 44 3 +0 26 94 2 66 6 +0 90 1 5 9 0 +0 91 90 6 118 4 +0 94 91 3 171 5 +1 87 2 8 14 0 +1 88 87 9 131 7 +1 90 88 4 169 8 +2 3 14 11 16 12 +2 4 3 13 15 10 +2 14 15 10 40 1 +2 86 4 14 22 11 +2 87 86 7 130 13 +3 4 13 11 20 16 +3 13 14 15 40 10 +4 5 6 21 23 18 +4 6 7 17 27 19 +4 7 12 18 31 20 +4 12 13 19 38 15 +4 85 5 22 26 17 +4 86 85 13 140 21 +5 82 6 24 29 17 +5 83 82 25 151 23 +5 84 83 26 143 24 +5 85 84 21 144 25 +6 80 7 28 32 18 +6 81 80 29 156 27 +6 82 81 23 150 28 +7 8 11 32 34 31 +7 11 12 30 36 19 +7 80 8 27 35 30 +8 9 10 35 4294967295 34 +8 10 11 33 36 30 +8 80 9 32 4294967295 33 +10 12 11 37 31 34 +10 18 12 4294967295 39 36 +12 16 13 39 41 20 +12 18 16 37 45 38 +13 15 14 41 12 16 +13 16 15 38 42 40 +15 16 17 41 45 43 +15 17 25 42 48 44 +15 25 26 43 64 2 +16 18 17 39 46 42 +17 18 21 45 49 47 +17 21 22 46 51 48 +17 22 25 47 57 43 +18 19 21 4294967295 50 46 +19 20 21 4294967295 51 49 +20 22 21 52 47 50 +20 33 22 53 58 51 +20 36 33 54 84 52 +20 37 36 55 90 53 +20 38 37 4294967295 92 54 +22 23 24 58 59 57 +22 24 25 56 62 48 +22 33 23 52 61 56 +23 31 24 60 63 56 +23 32 31 61 79 59 +23 33 32 58 81 60 +24 30 25 63 65 57 +24 31 30 59 73 62 +25 29 26 65 67 44 +25 30 29 62 73 64 +26 27 94 67 70 3 +26 29 27 64 69 66 +27 28 93 69 72 70 +27 29 28 67 71 68 +27 93 94 68 171 66 +28 29 92 69 78 72 +28 92 93 71 170 68 +29 30 31 65 63 74 +29 31 45 73 80 75 +29 45 46 74 100 76 +29 46 50 75 104 77 +29 50 51 76 107 78 +29 51 92 77 108 71 +31 32 44 60 83 80 +31 44 45 79 100 74 +32 33 34 61 84 82 +32 34 43 81 87 83 +32 43 44 82 99 79 +33 36 34 53 86 81 +34 35 42 86 89 87 +34 36 35 84 88 85 +34 42 43 85 98 82 +35 36 41 86 91 89 +35 41 42 88 98 85 +36 37 40 54 93 91 +36 40 41 90 96 88 +37 38 39 55 4294967295 93 +37 39 40 92 94 90 +39 47 40 95 97 93 +39 48 47 4294967295 102 94 +40 44 41 97 99 91 +40 47 44 94 101 96 +41 43 42 99 87 89 +41 44 43 96 83 98 +44 46 45 101 75 80 +44 47 46 97 102 100 +46 47 48 101 95 103 +46 48 49 102 105 104 +46 49 50 103 106 76 +48 71 49 4294967295 106 103 +49 71 50 105 107 104 +50 71 51 106 109 77 +51 52 92 109 110 78 +51 71 52 107 111 108 +52 53 92 111 114 108 +52 71 53 109 113 110 +53 54 91 113 118 114 +53 71 54 111 117 112 +53 91 92 112 170 110 +54 55 90 116 119 118 +54 70 55 117 120 115 +54 71 70 113 166 116 +54 90 91 115 5 112 +55 56 90 120 126 115 +55 70 56 116 125 119 +56 57 89 122 128 126 +56 58 57 123 127 121 +56 59 58 124 129 122 +56 69 59 125 134 123 +56 70 69 120 164 124 +56 89 90 121 169 119 +57 58 88 122 131 128 +57 88 89 127 169 121 +58 59 86 123 132 130 +58 86 87 129 14 131 +58 87 88 130 8 127 +59 60 86 133 140 129 +59 68 60 134 139 132 +59 69 68 124 162 133 +60 61 85 136 144 140 +60 62 61 137 141 135 +60 63 62 138 145 136 +60 67 63 139 147 137 +60 68 67 133 159 138 +60 85 86 135 22 132 +61 62 64 136 145 142 +61 64 83 141 151 143 +61 83 84 142 25 144 +61 84 85 143 26 135 +62 63 64 137 146 141 +63 66 64 147 149 145 +63 67 66 138 157 146 +64 65 81 149 156 150 +64 66 65 146 152 148 +64 81 82 148 29 151 +64 82 83 150 24 142 +65 66 77 149 158 153 +65 77 78 152 168 154 +65 78 79 153 4294967295 155 +65 79 80 154 4294967295 156 +65 80 81 155 28 148 +66 67 76 147 161 158 +66 76 77 157 168 152 +67 68 74 139 163 160 +67 74 75 159 167 161 +67 75 76 160 4294967295 157 +68 69 73 134 165 163 +68 73 74 162 167 159 +69 70 72 125 166 165 +69 72 73 164 4294967295 162 +70 71 72 117 4294967295 164 +73 75 74 4294967295 160 163 +76 78 77 4294967295 153 158 +88 90 89 9 126 128 +91 93 92 171 72 114 +91 94 93 6 70 170 + +95 +0 1 +0 94 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71ecb90 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +19 +0 1 10 4294967295 4 1 +0 10 11 0 10 2 +0 11 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 5 4 +1 9 10 3 17 0 +2 8 9 6 16 3 +2 11 8 2 13 5 +3 4 11 8 13 10 +3 5 4 9 11 7 +3 10 5 10 17 8 +3 11 10 7 1 9 +4 5 6 8 14 12 +4 6 8 11 18 13 +4 8 11 12 6 7 +5 7 6 15 18 11 +5 8 7 16 18 14 +5 9 8 17 5 15 +5 10 9 9 4 16 +6 7 8 14 15 12 + +9 +3 4 +3 11 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d591639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +7 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 7 2 2 6 0 +0 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +2 4 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 5 4294967295 3 +2 6 5 6 4294967295 4 +2 7 6 1 4294967295 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d591639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +7 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 7 2 2 6 0 +0 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +2 4 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 5 4294967295 3 +2 6 5 6 4294967295 4 +2 7 6 1 4294967295 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f46dca --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +12 +0 1 8 1 6 3 +0 2 1 2 4 0 +0 7 2 3 10 1 +0 8 7 0 4294967295 2 +1 2 3 1 7 5 +1 3 5 4 11 6 +1 5 8 5 4294967295 0 +2 4 3 8 11 4 +2 5 4 9 11 7 +2 6 5 10 4294967295 8 +2 7 6 2 4294967295 9 +3 4 5 7 8 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71ecb90 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +19 +0 1 10 4294967295 4 1 +0 10 11 0 10 2 +0 11 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 5 4 +1 9 10 3 17 0 +2 8 9 6 16 3 +2 11 8 2 13 5 +3 4 11 8 13 10 +3 5 4 9 11 7 +3 10 5 10 17 8 +3 11 10 7 1 9 +4 5 6 8 14 12 +4 6 8 11 18 13 +4 8 11 12 6 7 +5 7 6 15 18 11 +5 8 7 16 18 14 +5 9 8 17 5 15 +5 10 9 9 4 16 +6 7 8 14 15 12 + +9 +3 4 +3 11 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d591639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +7 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 7 2 2 6 0 +0 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +2 4 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 5 4294967295 3 +2 6 5 6 4294967295 4 +2 7 6 1 4294967295 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d591639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +7 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 7 2 2 6 0 +0 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +2 4 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 5 4294967295 3 +2 6 5 6 4294967295 4 +2 7 6 1 4294967295 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f46dca --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +12 +0 1 8 1 6 3 +0 2 1 2 4 0 +0 7 2 3 10 1 +0 8 7 0 4294967295 2 +1 2 3 1 7 5 +1 3 5 4 11 6 +1 5 8 5 4294967295 0 +2 4 3 8 11 4 +2 5 4 9 11 7 +2 6 5 10 4294967295 8 +2 7 6 2 4294967295 9 +3 4 5 7 8 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71ecb90 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +19 +0 1 10 4294967295 4 1 +0 10 11 0 10 2 +0 11 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 5 4 +1 9 10 3 17 0 +2 8 9 6 16 3 +2 11 8 2 13 5 +3 4 11 8 13 10 +3 5 4 9 11 7 +3 10 5 10 17 8 +3 11 10 7 1 9 +4 5 6 8 14 12 +4 6 8 11 18 13 +4 8 11 12 6 7 +5 7 6 15 18 11 +5 8 7 16 18 14 +5 9 8 17 5 15 +5 10 9 9 4 16 +6 7 8 14 15 12 + +9 +3 4 +3 11 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d591639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +7 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 7 2 2 6 0 +0 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +2 4 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 5 4294967295 3 +2 6 5 6 4294967295 4 +2 7 6 1 4294967295 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d591639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +7 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 7 2 2 6 0 +0 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +2 4 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 5 4294967295 3 +2 6 5 6 4294967295 4 +2 7 6 1 4294967295 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f46dca --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +12 +0 1 8 1 6 3 +0 2 1 2 4 0 +0 7 2 3 10 1 +0 8 7 0 4294967295 2 +1 2 3 1 7 5 +1 3 5 4 11 6 +1 5 8 5 4294967295 0 +2 4 3 8 11 4 +2 5 4 9 11 7 +2 6 5 10 4294967295 8 +2 7 6 2 4294967295 9 +3 4 5 7 8 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71ecb90 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +19 +0 1 10 4294967295 4 1 +0 10 11 0 10 2 +0 11 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 9 4294967295 5 4 +1 9 10 3 17 0 +2 8 9 6 16 3 +2 11 8 2 13 5 +3 4 11 8 13 10 +3 5 4 9 11 7 +3 10 5 10 17 8 +3 11 10 7 1 9 +4 5 6 8 14 12 +4 6 8 11 18 13 +4 8 11 12 6 7 +5 7 6 15 18 11 +5 8 7 16 18 14 +5 9 8 17 5 15 +5 10 9 9 4 16 +6 7 8 14 15 12 + +9 +3 4 +3 11 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d591639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +7 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 7 2 2 6 0 +0 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +2 4 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 5 4294967295 3 +2 6 5 6 4294967295 4 +2 7 6 1 4294967295 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d591639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +7 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 7 2 2 6 0 +0 8 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +2 4 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 5 4294967295 3 +2 6 5 6 4294967295 4 +2 7 6 1 4294967295 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f46dca --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +12 +0 1 8 1 6 3 +0 2 1 2 4 0 +0 7 2 3 10 1 +0 8 7 0 4294967295 2 +1 2 3 1 7 5 +1 3 5 4 11 6 +1 5 8 5 4294967295 0 +2 4 3 8 11 4 +2 5 4 9 11 7 +2 6 5 10 4294967295 8 +2 7 6 2 4294967295 9 +3 4 5 7 8 5 + +9 +0 1 +0 8 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a79af39 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-142-double-hanging-edge__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +18 +0 7 9 5 16 1 +0 9 12 0 4294967295 4 +0 10 1 3 4294967295 4294967295 +0 11 10 4 4294967295 2 +0 12 11 1 4294967295 3 +0 19 7 4294967295 17 0 +2 5 15 7 13 4294967295 +2 6 5 8 4294967295 6 +2 7 6 9 4294967295 7 +2 13 7 4294967295 15 8 +3 18 4 4294967295 12 4294967295 +4 17 5 12 14 4294967295 +4 18 17 10 4294967295 11 +5 16 15 14 4294967295 6 +5 17 16 11 4294967295 13 +7 13 14 9 4294967295 16 +7 14 9 15 4294967295 0 +7 19 8 5 4294967295 4294967295 + +20 +0 1 +0 19 +1 10 +2 13 +2 15 +3 4 +3 18 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 19 +9 12 +9 14 +10 11 +11 12 +13 14 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 + +0 + +14 +0 19 + 1 + 0 8 +1 10 + 1 + 1 2 +2 13 + 1 + 1 2 +2 15 + 1 + 2 3 +3 18 + 1 + 2 3 +8 19 + 1 + 0 8 +9 12 + 1 + 1 2 +9 14 + 1 + 1 2 +10 11 + 1 + 1 2 +11 12 + 1 + 1 2 +13 14 + 1 + 1 2 +15 16 + 1 + 2 3 +16 17 + 1 + 2 3 +17 18 + 1 + 2 3 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-148-crossing-edges__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-148-crossing-edges__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2defa1f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-148-crossing-edges__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +15 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 6 2 9 3 +0 4 3 0 7 1 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 10 0 +2 6 5 3 13 4 +3 4 7 2 12 8 +3 7 9 7 12 9 +3 9 6 8 13 1 +4 5 8 5 14 11 +4 8 9 10 14 12 +4 9 7 11 8 7 +5 6 9 6 9 14 +5 9 8 13 11 10 + +4 +3 9 +4 9 +5 9 +6 9 + +0 + +4 +3 9 + 1 + 3 5 +4 9 + 1 + 4 6 +5 9 + 1 + 3 5 +6 9 + 1 + 4 6 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-148-crossing-edges__conforming_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-148-crossing-edges__conforming_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d50040a --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-148-crossing-edges__conforming_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +19 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 6 2 9 3 +0 4 3 0 7 1 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 10 0 +2 6 5 3 13 4 +3 4 7 2 12 8 +3 7 10 7 16 9 +3 10 6 8 15 1 +4 5 8 5 14 11 +4 8 11 10 17 12 +4 11 7 11 16 7 +5 6 9 6 15 14 +5 9 8 13 17 10 +6 10 9 9 18 13 +7 11 10 12 18 8 +8 9 11 14 18 11 +9 10 11 15 16 17 + +6 +3 10 +4 11 +5 9 +6 10 +9 10 +10 11 + +0 + +6 +3 10 + 1 + 3 5 +4 11 + 1 + 4 6 +5 9 + 1 + 3 5 +6 10 + 1 + 4 6 +9 10 + 1 + 3 5 +10 11 + 1 + 4 6 diff --git 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+1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 9 0 +2 6 5 3 11 4 +3 4 7 2 10 8 +3 7 6 7 13 1 +4 5 8 5 12 10 +4 8 7 9 15 7 +5 6 9 6 14 12 +5 9 8 11 17 9 +6 7 10 8 16 14 +6 10 9 13 19 11 +7 8 11 10 18 16 +7 11 10 15 22 13 +8 9 12 12 20 18 +8 12 11 17 23 15 +9 10 14 14 22 21 +9 13 12 21 23 17 +9 14 13 19 24 20 +10 11 14 16 24 19 +11 12 13 18 20 24 +11 13 14 23 21 22 + +12 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 +11 12 +11 14 +12 13 +13 14 + +4 +7 8 1 +7 10 1 +8 9 1 +9 10 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74cd357 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +16 +0 1 4 4294967295 3 1 +0 4 3 0 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 5 3 +1 5 4 2 8 0 +2 3 6 4294967295 7 5 +2 6 5 4 10 2 +3 4 7 1 9 7 +3 7 6 6 12 4 +4 5 8 3 11 9 +4 8 7 8 15 6 +5 6 9 5 13 11 +5 9 8 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 11 7 15 14 +6 10 9 14 4294967295 10 +6 11 10 12 4294967295 13 +7 8 11 9 4294967295 12 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e75691 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +18 +0 1 4 4294967295 3 1 +0 4 3 0 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 5 3 +1 5 4 2 8 0 +2 3 6 4294967295 7 5 +2 6 5 4 10 2 +3 4 7 1 9 7 +3 7 6 6 12 4 +4 5 8 3 11 9 +4 8 7 8 15 6 +5 6 9 5 13 11 +5 9 8 10 16 8 +6 7 11 7 15 14 +6 10 9 14 16 10 +6 11 10 12 17 13 +7 8 11 9 17 12 +8 9 10 11 13 17 +8 10 11 16 14 15 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e75691 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +18 +0 1 4 4294967295 3 1 +0 4 3 0 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 5 3 +1 5 4 2 8 0 +2 3 6 4294967295 7 5 +2 6 5 4 10 2 +3 4 7 1 9 7 +3 7 6 6 12 4 +4 5 8 3 11 9 +4 8 7 8 15 6 +5 6 9 5 13 11 +5 9 8 10 16 8 +6 7 11 7 15 14 +6 10 9 14 16 10 +6 11 10 12 17 13 +7 8 11 9 17 12 +8 9 10 11 13 17 +8 10 11 16 14 15 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_ignore_all.txt 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3 7 4294967295 3 7 +2 6 5 7 10 4 +2 7 6 5 12 6 +4 5 8 2 11 9 +4 8 7 8 15 1 +5 6 9 6 13 11 +5 9 8 10 16 8 +6 7 11 7 15 14 +6 10 9 14 17 10 +6 11 10 12 17 13 +7 8 11 9 16 12 +8 9 11 11 17 15 +9 10 11 13 14 16 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2eadab5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +25 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 6 2 10 3 +0 4 3 0 7 1 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 11 0 +2 6 5 3 12 4 +3 4 8 2 11 9 +3 7 10 9 16 10 +3 8 7 7 15 8 +3 10 6 8 12 1 +4 5 8 5 13 7 +5 6 10 6 10 14 +5 9 8 14 17 11 +5 10 9 12 19 13 +7 8 11 9 18 16 +7 11 10 15 22 8 +8 9 12 13 20 18 +8 12 11 17 23 15 +9 10 14 14 22 21 +9 13 12 21 24 17 +9 14 13 19 24 20 +10 11 14 16 23 19 +11 12 14 18 24 22 +12 13 14 20 21 23 + +12 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 +11 12 +11 14 +12 13 +13 14 + +4 +7 8 1 +7 10 1 +8 9 1 +9 10 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f60ede7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +16 +0 1 5 4294967295 4 2 +0 4 7 2 9 3 +0 5 4 0 8 1 +0 7 3 1 5 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 0 +2 3 7 4294967295 3 7 +2 6 5 7 10 4 +2 7 6 5 12 6 +4 5 8 2 11 9 +4 8 7 8 15 1 +5 6 9 6 13 11 +5 9 8 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 11 7 15 14 +6 10 9 14 4294967295 10 +6 11 10 12 4294967295 13 +7 8 11 9 4294967295 12 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7a8b2e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +18 +0 1 5 4294967295 4 2 +0 4 7 2 9 3 +0 5 4 0 8 1 +0 7 3 1 5 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 0 +2 3 7 4294967295 3 7 +2 6 5 7 10 4 +2 7 6 5 12 6 +4 5 8 2 11 9 +4 8 7 8 15 1 +5 6 9 6 13 11 +5 9 8 10 16 8 +6 7 11 7 15 14 +6 10 9 14 17 10 +6 11 10 12 17 13 +7 8 11 9 16 12 +8 9 11 11 17 15 +9 10 11 13 14 16 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt 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b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +25 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 6 2 8 3 +0 4 3 0 7 1 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 9 0 +2 6 5 3 11 4 +3 4 7 2 10 8 +3 7 6 7 13 1 +4 5 8 5 12 10 +4 8 7 9 15 7 +5 6 9 6 14 12 +5 9 8 11 17 9 +6 7 10 8 16 14 +6 10 9 13 19 11 +7 8 11 10 18 16 +7 11 10 15 21 13 +8 9 12 12 20 18 +8 12 11 17 23 15 +9 10 13 14 22 20 +9 13 12 19 23 17 +10 11 14 16 24 22 +10 14 13 21 24 19 +11 12 13 18 20 24 +11 13 14 23 22 21 + +12 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 +11 12 +11 14 +12 13 +13 14 + +4 +7 8 1 +7 10 1 +8 9 1 +9 10 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a139042 --- /dev/null +++ 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4 2 8 0 +2 3 6 4294967295 7 5 +2 6 5 4 10 2 +3 4 7 1 9 7 +3 7 6 6 12 4 +4 5 8 3 11 9 +4 8 7 8 14 6 +5 6 9 5 13 11 +5 9 8 10 16 8 +6 7 10 7 15 13 +6 10 9 12 16 10 +7 8 11 9 17 15 +7 11 10 14 17 12 +8 9 10 11 13 17 +8 10 11 16 15 14 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9daeb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +18 +0 1 4 4294967295 3 1 +0 4 3 0 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 5 3 +1 5 4 2 8 0 +2 3 6 4294967295 7 5 +2 6 5 4 10 2 +3 4 7 1 9 7 +3 7 6 6 12 4 +4 5 8 3 11 9 +4 8 7 8 14 6 +5 6 9 5 13 11 +5 9 8 10 16 8 +6 7 10 7 15 13 +6 10 9 12 16 10 +7 8 11 9 17 15 +7 11 10 14 17 12 +8 9 10 11 13 17 +8 10 11 16 15 14 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2ddb21 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +25 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 6 2 8 3 +0 4 3 0 7 1 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 9 0 +2 6 5 3 11 4 +3 4 7 2 10 8 +3 7 6 7 13 1 +4 5 8 5 12 10 +4 8 7 9 15 7 +5 6 9 6 14 12 +5 9 8 11 17 9 +6 7 10 8 16 14 +6 10 9 13 19 11 +7 8 11 10 18 16 +7 11 10 15 21 13 +8 9 12 12 20 18 +8 12 11 17 23 15 +9 10 13 14 22 20 +9 13 12 19 23 17 +10 11 14 16 24 22 +10 14 13 21 24 19 +11 12 13 18 20 24 +11 13 14 23 22 21 + +12 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 +11 12 +11 14 +12 13 +13 14 + +4 +7 8 1 +7 10 1 +8 9 1 +9 10 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a139042 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +16 +0 1 4 4294967295 3 1 +0 4 3 0 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 5 3 +1 5 4 2 8 0 +2 3 6 4294967295 7 5 +2 6 5 4 10 2 +3 4 7 1 9 7 +3 7 6 6 12 4 +4 5 8 3 11 9 +4 8 7 8 14 6 +5 6 9 5 13 11 +5 9 8 10 4294967295 8 +6 7 10 7 15 13 +6 10 9 12 4294967295 10 +7 8 11 9 4294967295 15 +7 11 10 14 4294967295 12 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git 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3 7 4294967295 3 7 +2 6 5 7 12 4 +2 7 6 5 14 6 +4 5 9 2 13 10 +4 8 11 10 16 11 +4 9 8 8 16 9 +4 11 7 9 15 1 +5 6 10 6 14 13 +5 10 9 12 17 8 +6 7 10 7 15 12 +7 11 10 11 17 14 +8 9 11 10 17 9 +9 10 11 13 15 16 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3186cd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +18 +0 1 5 4294967295 4 2 +0 4 7 2 11 3 +0 5 4 0 8 1 +0 7 3 1 5 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 0 +2 3 7 4294967295 3 7 +2 6 5 7 12 4 +2 7 6 5 14 6 +4 5 9 2 13 10 +4 8 11 10 16 11 +4 9 8 8 16 9 +4 11 7 9 15 1 +5 6 10 6 14 13 +5 10 9 12 17 8 +6 7 10 7 15 12 +7 11 10 11 17 14 +8 9 11 10 17 9 +9 10 11 13 15 16 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3dd8353 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +25 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 6 2 10 3 +0 4 3 0 7 1 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 11 0 +2 6 5 3 12 4 +3 4 8 2 11 9 +3 7 10 9 18 10 +3 8 7 7 15 8 +3 10 6 8 12 1 +4 5 8 5 13 7 +5 6 10 6 10 14 +5 9 8 14 19 11 +5 10 9 12 21 13 +7 8 12 9 20 17 +7 11 14 17 23 18 +7 12 11 15 23 16 +7 14 10 16 22 8 +8 9 13 13 21 20 +8 13 12 19 24 15 +9 10 13 14 22 19 +10 14 13 18 24 21 +11 12 14 17 24 16 +12 13 14 20 22 23 + +12 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 +11 12 +11 14 +12 13 +13 14 + +4 +7 8 1 +7 10 1 +8 9 1 +9 10 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c6ffc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +16 +0 1 5 4294967295 4 2 +0 4 7 2 11 3 +0 5 4 0 8 1 +0 7 3 1 5 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 0 +2 3 7 4294967295 3 7 +2 6 5 7 12 4 +2 7 6 5 14 6 +4 5 9 2 13 10 +4 8 11 10 4294967295 11 +4 9 8 8 4294967295 9 +4 11 7 9 15 1 +5 6 10 6 14 13 +5 10 9 12 4294967295 8 +6 7 10 7 15 12 +7 11 10 11 4294967295 14 + +12 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 +8 9 +8 11 +9 10 +10 11 + +4 +4 5 1 +4 7 1 +5 6 1 +6 7 1 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt 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5 4294967295 8 7 +1 4 8 7 12 0 +1 5 4 5 11 6 +2 6 5 2 13 5 +3 7 10 3 16 10 +3 10 6 9 14 1 +4 5 9 7 13 12 +4 9 8 11 15 6 +5 6 9 8 14 11 +6 10 9 10 16 13 +7 8 9 4 12 16 +7 9 10 15 14 9 + +9 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 + +1 +7 8 1 + +3 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 8 + 1 + 3 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1248ed --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +6 +0 4 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 4 + +9 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 5 + 1 + 0 1 diff --git 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10 9 10 16 13 +7 8 9 4 12 16 +7 9 10 15 14 9 + +9 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 + +1 +7 8 1 + +3 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 8 + 1 + 3 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1248ed --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +6 +0 4 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 4 + +9 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 5 + 1 + 0 1 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt 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4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 6 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 7 4 +4 5 6 4294967295 3 7 +4 6 7 6 5 0 + +9 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 5 + 1 + 0 1 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..425f8f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +17 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 10 2 +0 6 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 8 5 +1 4 8 5 12 7 +1 5 4 3 11 4 +1 7 3 7 9 0 +1 8 7 4 15 6 +2 6 5 2 13 3 +3 7 10 6 15 10 +3 10 6 9 14 1 +4 5 9 5 13 12 +4 9 8 11 16 4 +5 6 9 8 14 11 +6 10 9 10 16 13 +7 8 10 7 16 9 +8 9 10 12 14 15 + +9 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 + +1 +7 8 1 + +3 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 8 + 1 + 3 4 diff --git 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3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdf403f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +14 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 4294967295 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 4294967295 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 4294967295 10 +12 13 14 4294967295 4294967295 13 +12 14 15 12 4294967295 4294967295 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9152bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9152bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6eb713d --- /dev/null +++ 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+ 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdf403f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +14 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 4294967295 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 4294967295 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 4294967295 10 +12 13 14 4294967295 4294967295 13 +12 14 15 12 4294967295 4294967295 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9152bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9152bb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b37c737 --- /dev/null +++ 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7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5122dc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +14 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 5 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 7 4294967295 1 5 +2 7 6 4 10 2 +4 8 11 4294967295 4294967295 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 4294967295 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 4294967295 10 +12 13 15 4294967295 13 4294967295 +13 14 15 4294967295 4294967295 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9408ac --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 5 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 7 4294967295 1 5 +2 7 6 4 10 2 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9408ac --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 5 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 7 4294967295 1 5 +2 7 6 4 10 2 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b37c737 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +33 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 5 +1 4 8 5 16 7 +1 5 4 3 15 4 +1 7 3 8 13 0 +1 8 12 4 22 9 +1 11 7 10 19 6 +1 12 16 7 28 11 +1 15 11 11 25 8 +1 16 15 9 31 10 +2 6 5 2 17 3 +3 7 10 6 20 14 +3 10 6 13 17 1 +4 5 9 5 18 16 +4 9 8 15 21 4 +5 6 10 12 14 18 +5 10 9 17 23 15 +7 11 14 8 26 20 +7 14 10 19 24 13 +8 9 13 16 23 22 +8 13 12 21 27 7 +9 10 13 18 24 21 +10 14 13 20 29 23 +11 15 18 10 31 26 +11 18 14 25 30 19 +12 13 17 22 29 28 +12 17 16 27 32 9 +13 14 17 24 30 27 +14 18 17 26 32 29 +15 16 18 11 32 25 +16 17 18 28 30 31 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +8 +7 10 1 +7 11 2 +8 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 10 1 +11 15 3 +12 16 3 +15 16 4 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git 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+ 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9408ac --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 5 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 7 4294967295 1 5 +2 7 6 4 10 2 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9408ac --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 5 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 7 4294967295 1 5 +2 7 6 4 10 2 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c71d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +33 +0 1 16 4294967295 11 6 +0 3 6 3 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +0 7 3 4 13 1 +0 11 7 5 19 3 +0 15 11 6 25 4 +0 16 15 0 31 5 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 9 +1 4 8 9 16 10 +1 5 4 7 15 8 +1 8 12 8 22 11 +1 12 16 10 28 0 +2 6 5 2 17 7 +3 7 10 3 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 9 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 8 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 4 26 20 +7 14 10 19 23 13 +8 9 13 16 24 22 +8 13 12 21 27 10 +9 10 14 18 20 24 +9 14 13 23 29 21 +11 15 18 5 32 26 +11 18 14 25 29 19 +12 13 17 22 30 28 +12 17 16 27 31 11 +13 14 18 24 26 30 +13 18 17 29 32 27 +15 16 17 6 28 32 +15 17 18 31 30 25 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +8 +7 10 1 +7 11 2 +8 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 10 1 +11 15 3 +12 16 3 +15 16 4 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a872082 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +14 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 4294967295 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 4294967295 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 4294967295 8 +12 13 14 4294967295 4294967295 13 +12 14 15 12 4294967295 4294967295 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12fe303 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12fe303 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c71d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +33 +0 1 16 4294967295 11 6 +0 3 6 3 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +0 7 3 4 13 1 +0 11 7 5 19 3 +0 15 11 6 25 4 +0 16 15 0 31 5 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 9 +1 4 8 9 16 10 +1 5 4 7 15 8 +1 8 12 8 22 11 +1 12 16 10 28 0 +2 6 5 2 17 7 +3 7 10 3 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 9 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 8 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 4 26 20 +7 14 10 19 23 13 +8 9 13 16 24 22 +8 13 12 21 27 10 +9 10 14 18 20 24 +9 14 13 23 29 21 +11 15 18 5 32 26 +11 18 14 25 29 19 +12 13 17 22 30 28 +12 17 16 27 31 11 +13 14 18 24 26 30 +13 18 17 29 32 27 +15 16 17 6 28 32 +15 17 18 31 30 25 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +8 +7 10 1 +7 11 2 +8 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 10 1 +11 15 3 +12 16 3 +15 16 4 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git 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+ 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12fe303 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12fe303 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9561f49 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +33 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 5 +1 4 8 5 16 7 +1 5 4 3 15 4 +1 7 3 8 13 0 +1 8 12 4 22 9 +1 11 7 10 19 6 +1 12 16 7 28 11 +1 15 11 11 25 8 +1 16 15 9 31 10 +2 6 5 2 17 3 +3 7 10 6 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 5 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 4 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 8 26 20 +7 14 10 19 23 13 +8 9 13 16 24 22 +8 13 12 21 27 7 +9 10 14 18 20 24 +9 14 13 23 29 21 +11 15 18 10 31 26 +11 18 14 25 29 19 +12 13 17 22 30 28 +12 17 16 27 32 9 +13 14 18 24 26 30 +13 18 17 29 32 27 +15 16 18 11 32 25 +16 17 18 28 30 31 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +8 +7 10 1 +7 11 2 +8 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 10 1 +11 15 3 +12 16 3 +15 16 4 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git 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+ 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51566f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51566f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9561f49 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +33 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 5 +1 4 8 5 16 7 +1 5 4 3 15 4 +1 7 3 8 13 0 +1 8 12 4 22 9 +1 11 7 10 19 6 +1 12 16 7 28 11 +1 15 11 11 25 8 +1 16 15 9 31 10 +2 6 5 2 17 3 +3 7 10 6 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 5 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 4 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 8 26 20 +7 14 10 19 23 13 +8 9 13 16 24 22 +8 13 12 21 27 7 +9 10 14 18 20 24 +9 14 13 23 29 21 +11 15 18 10 31 26 +11 18 14 25 29 19 +12 13 17 22 30 28 +12 17 16 27 32 9 +13 14 18 24 26 30 +13 18 17 29 32 27 +15 16 18 11 32 25 +16 17 18 28 30 31 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +8 +7 10 1 +7 11 2 +8 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 10 1 +11 15 3 +12 16 3 +15 16 4 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt 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+9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51566f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +8 +4 7 1 +4 8 2 +5 6 1 +5 9 2 +6 7 1 +8 12 3 +9 13 3 +12 13 4 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__conforming_f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__conforming_f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1992756 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__conforming_f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +16 +0 4 17 4294967295 4294967295 2 +0 7 3 2 7 4294967295 +0 17 7 0 4294967295 1 +1 2 6 4294967295 6 4 +1 6 16 3 4294967295 5 +1 16 5 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 7 3 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 6 +8 12 19 4294967295 14 4294967295 +9 18 13 4294967295 15 4294967295 +10 11 14 4294967295 12 11 +10 14 18 10 15 4294967295 +11 15 14 13 4294967295 10 +11 19 15 4294967295 14 12 +12 15 19 4294967295 13 8 +13 18 14 9 11 4294967295 + +23 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 8 +4 17 +5 9 +5 16 +6 7 +6 16 +7 17 +8 12 +8 19 +9 13 +9 18 +10 11 +10 18 +11 19 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +15 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +4 17 + 1 + 4 7 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 16 + 1 + 5 6 +6 16 + 1 + 5 6 +7 17 + 1 + 4 7 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +8 19 + 1 + 8 11 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 18 + 1 + 9 10 +10 18 + 1 + 9 10 +11 19 + 1 + 8 11 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__conforming_f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__conforming_f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..519f311 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__conforming_f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +16 +0 4 17 4294967295 4294967295 2 +0 7 3 2 7 4294967295 +0 17 7 0 4294967295 1 +1 2 6 4294967295 6 4 +1 6 16 3 4294967295 5 +1 16 5 4 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 7 3 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 6 +8 12 19 4294967295 14 4294967295 +9 18 13 4294967295 15 4294967295 +10 11 15 4294967295 13 12 +10 14 18 12 15 4294967295 +10 15 14 10 4294967295 11 +11 19 15 4294967295 14 10 +12 15 19 4294967295 13 8 +13 18 14 9 11 4294967295 + +23 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 8 +4 17 +5 9 +5 16 +6 7 +6 16 +7 17 +8 12 +8 19 +9 13 +9 18 +10 11 +10 18 +11 19 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +15 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +4 17 + 1 + 4 7 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 16 + 1 + 5 6 +6 16 + 1 + 5 6 +7 17 + 1 + 4 7 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +8 19 + 1 + 8 11 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 18 + 1 + 9 10 +10 18 + 1 + 9 10 +11 19 + 1 + 8 11 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71cf9a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +33 +0 1 16 4294967295 11 6 +0 3 6 3 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +0 7 3 4 13 1 +0 11 7 5 19 3 +0 15 11 6 25 4 +0 16 15 0 31 5 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 9 +1 4 8 9 16 10 +1 5 4 7 15 8 +1 8 12 8 22 11 +1 12 16 10 28 0 +2 6 5 2 17 7 +3 7 10 3 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 9 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 8 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 4 26 20 +7 14 10 19 24 13 +8 9 13 16 23 22 +8 13 12 21 27 10 +9 10 13 18 24 21 +10 14 13 20 29 23 +11 15 18 5 32 26 +11 18 14 25 30 19 +12 13 17 22 29 28 +12 17 16 27 31 11 +13 14 17 24 30 27 +14 18 17 26 32 29 +15 16 17 6 28 32 +15 17 18 31 30 25 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +5 +7 11 1 +8 12 1 +11 15 2 +12 16 2 +15 16 3 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99dd8f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +12 +0 4 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 4 +8 12 15 4294967295 4294967295 7 +8 15 11 6 11 4294967295 +9 10 14 4294967295 10 9 +9 14 13 8 4294967295 4294967295 +10 11 14 4294967295 11 8 +11 15 14 7 4294967295 10 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a65970d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a65970d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71cf9a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +33 +0 1 16 4294967295 11 6 +0 3 6 3 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +0 7 3 4 13 1 +0 11 7 5 19 3 +0 15 11 6 25 4 +0 16 15 0 31 5 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 9 +1 4 8 9 16 10 +1 5 4 7 15 8 +1 8 12 8 22 11 +1 12 16 10 28 0 +2 6 5 2 17 7 +3 7 10 3 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 9 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 8 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 4 26 20 +7 14 10 19 24 13 +8 9 13 16 23 22 +8 13 12 21 27 10 +9 10 13 18 24 21 +10 14 13 20 29 23 +11 15 18 5 32 26 +11 18 14 25 30 19 +12 13 17 22 29 28 +12 17 16 27 31 11 +13 14 17 24 30 27 +14 18 17 26 32 29 +15 16 17 6 28 32 +15 17 18 31 30 25 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +5 +7 11 1 +8 12 1 +11 15 2 +12 16 2 +15 16 3 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99dd8f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +12 +0 4 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 4 +8 12 15 4294967295 4294967295 7 +8 15 11 6 11 4294967295 +9 10 14 4294967295 10 9 +9 14 13 8 4294967295 4294967295 +10 11 14 4294967295 11 8 +11 15 14 7 4294967295 10 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a65970d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a65970d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5761639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +33 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 5 +1 4 8 5 16 7 +1 5 4 3 15 4 +1 7 3 8 13 0 +1 8 12 4 22 9 +1 11 7 10 19 6 +1 12 16 7 28 11 +1 15 11 11 25 8 +1 16 15 9 31 10 +2 6 5 2 17 3 +3 7 10 6 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 5 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 4 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 8 26 20 +7 14 10 19 23 13 +8 9 13 16 24 22 +8 13 12 21 27 7 +9 10 14 18 20 24 +9 14 13 23 29 21 +11 15 18 10 31 26 +11 18 14 25 30 19 +12 13 17 22 29 28 +12 17 16 27 32 9 +13 14 17 24 30 27 +14 18 17 26 32 29 +15 16 18 11 32 25 +16 17 18 28 30 31 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +5 +7 11 1 +8 12 1 +11 15 2 +12 16 2 +15 16 3 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99dd8f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +12 +0 4 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 4 +8 12 15 4294967295 4294967295 7 +8 15 11 6 11 4294967295 +9 10 14 4294967295 10 9 +9 14 13 8 4294967295 4294967295 +10 11 14 4294967295 11 8 +11 15 14 7 4294967295 10 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b85161 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b85161 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5761639 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +33 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 5 +1 4 8 5 16 7 +1 5 4 3 15 4 +1 7 3 8 13 0 +1 8 12 4 22 9 +1 11 7 10 19 6 +1 12 16 7 28 11 +1 15 11 11 25 8 +1 16 15 9 31 10 +2 6 5 2 17 3 +3 7 10 6 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 5 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 4 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 8 26 20 +7 14 10 19 23 13 +8 9 13 16 24 22 +8 13 12 21 27 7 +9 10 14 18 20 24 +9 14 13 23 29 21 +11 15 18 10 31 26 +11 18 14 25 30 19 +12 13 17 22 29 28 +12 17 16 27 32 9 +13 14 17 24 30 27 +14 18 17 26 32 29 +15 16 18 11 32 25 +16 17 18 28 30 31 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +5 +7 11 1 +8 12 1 +11 15 2 +12 16 2 +15 16 3 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99dd8f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +12 +0 4 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 4 +8 12 15 4294967295 4294967295 7 +8 15 11 6 11 4294967295 +9 10 14 4294967295 10 9 +9 14 13 8 4294967295 4294967295 +10 11 14 4294967295 11 8 +11 15 14 7 4294967295 10 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b85161 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b85161 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f32_auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 17 6 +9 10 14 9 16 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 14 11 17 14 +11 15 14 13 19 16 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf83552 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +33 +0 1 16 4294967295 11 6 +0 3 6 3 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +0 7 3 4 13 1 +0 11 7 5 19 3 +0 15 11 6 25 4 +0 16 15 0 31 5 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 9 +1 4 8 9 16 10 +1 5 4 7 15 8 +1 8 12 8 22 11 +1 12 16 10 28 0 +2 6 5 2 17 7 +3 7 10 3 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 9 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 8 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 4 26 20 +7 14 10 19 24 13 +8 9 13 16 23 22 +8 13 12 21 27 10 +9 10 13 18 24 21 +10 14 13 20 29 23 +11 15 18 5 32 26 +11 18 14 25 29 19 +12 13 17 22 30 28 +12 17 16 27 31 11 +13 14 18 24 26 30 +13 18 17 29 32 27 +15 16 17 6 28 32 +15 17 18 31 30 25 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +5 +7 11 1 +8 12 1 +11 15 2 +12 16 2 +15 16 3 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git 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4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d9860e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d9860e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf83552 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +33 +0 1 16 4294967295 11 6 +0 3 6 3 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +0 7 3 4 13 1 +0 11 7 5 19 3 +0 15 11 6 25 4 +0 16 15 0 31 5 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 9 +1 4 8 9 16 10 +1 5 4 7 15 8 +1 8 12 8 22 11 +1 12 16 10 28 0 +2 6 5 2 17 7 +3 7 10 3 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 9 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 8 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 4 26 20 +7 14 10 19 24 13 +8 9 13 16 23 22 +8 13 12 21 27 10 +9 10 13 18 24 21 +10 14 13 20 29 23 +11 15 18 5 32 26 +11 18 14 25 29 19 +12 13 17 22 30 28 +12 17 16 27 31 11 +13 14 18 24 26 30 +13 18 17 29 32 27 +15 16 17 6 28 32 +15 17 18 31 30 25 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +5 +7 11 1 +8 12 1 +11 15 2 +12 16 2 +15 16 3 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..438f5e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +12 +0 4 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 4 +8 12 15 4294967295 4294967295 7 +8 15 11 6 10 4294967295 +9 10 14 4294967295 11 9 +9 14 13 8 4294967295 4294967295 +10 11 15 4294967295 7 11 +10 15 14 10 4294967295 8 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d9860e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d9860e --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 11 0 +5 6 10 3 10 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 10 5 11 8 +7 11 10 7 16 10 +8 12 15 4294967295 19 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 18 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 14 4294967295 15 19 +12 14 15 18 17 12 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36ad429 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +33 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 5 +1 4 8 5 16 7 +1 5 4 3 15 4 +1 7 3 8 13 0 +1 8 12 4 22 9 +1 11 7 10 19 6 +1 12 16 7 28 11 +1 15 11 11 25 8 +1 16 15 9 31 10 +2 6 5 2 17 3 +3 7 10 6 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 5 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 4 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 8 26 20 +7 14 10 19 23 13 +8 9 13 16 24 22 +8 13 12 21 27 7 +9 10 14 18 20 24 +9 14 13 23 29 21 +11 15 18 10 31 26 +11 18 14 25 29 19 +12 13 17 22 30 28 +12 17 16 27 32 9 +13 14 18 24 26 30 +13 18 17 29 32 27 +15 16 18 11 32 25 +16 17 18 28 30 31 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +5 +7 11 1 +8 12 1 +11 15 2 +12 16 2 +15 16 3 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..438f5e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +12 +0 4 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 4 +8 12 15 4294967295 4294967295 7 +8 15 11 6 10 4294967295 +9 10 14 4294967295 11 9 +9 14 13 8 4294967295 4294967295 +10 11 15 4294967295 7 11 +10 15 14 10 4294967295 8 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d9dca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d9dca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36ad429 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +33 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 14 2 +0 6 2 1 12 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 12 5 +1 4 8 5 16 7 +1 5 4 3 15 4 +1 7 3 8 13 0 +1 8 12 4 22 9 +1 11 7 10 19 6 +1 12 16 7 28 11 +1 15 11 11 25 8 +1 16 15 9 31 10 +2 6 5 2 17 3 +3 7 10 6 20 14 +3 10 6 13 18 1 +4 5 9 5 17 16 +4 9 8 15 21 4 +5 6 9 12 18 15 +6 10 9 14 23 17 +7 11 14 8 26 20 +7 14 10 19 23 13 +8 9 13 16 24 22 +8 13 12 21 27 7 +9 10 14 18 20 24 +9 14 13 23 29 21 +11 15 18 10 31 26 +11 18 14 25 29 19 +12 13 17 22 30 28 +12 17 16 27 32 9 +13 14 18 24 26 30 +13 18 17 29 32 27 +15 16 18 11 32 25 +16 17 18 28 30 31 + +19 +3 6 +3 7 +4 5 +4 8 +5 6 +7 10 +7 11 +8 9 +8 12 +9 10 +11 14 +11 15 +12 13 +12 16 +13 14 +15 16 +15 18 +16 17 +17 18 + +5 +7 11 1 +8 12 1 +11 15 2 +12 16 2 +15 16 3 + +7 +3 7 + 1 + 3 4 +4 8 + 1 + 3 4 +7 11 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +8 12 + 2 + 3 4 + 7 8 +11 15 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +12 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 +15 16 + 3 + 3 4 + 7 8 + 11 12 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..438f5e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +12 +0 4 7 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 4294967295 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 4294967295 4 +8 12 15 4294967295 4294967295 7 +8 15 11 6 10 4294967295 +9 10 14 4294967295 11 9 +9 14 13 8 4294967295 4294967295 +10 11 15 4294967295 7 11 +10 15 14 10 4294967295 8 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d9dca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d9dca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +20 +0 4 7 4294967295 7 1 +0 7 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 6 4294967295 4 3 +1 6 5 2 8 4294967295 +2 3 6 4294967295 5 2 +3 7 6 1 10 4 +4 8 11 4294967295 13 7 +4 11 7 6 10 0 +5 6 10 3 11 9 +5 10 9 8 14 4294967295 +6 7 11 5 7 11 +6 11 10 10 16 8 +8 12 15 4294967295 18 13 +8 15 11 12 16 6 +9 10 14 9 17 15 +9 14 13 14 19 4294967295 +10 11 15 11 13 17 +10 15 14 16 19 14 +12 13 15 4294967295 19 12 +13 14 15 15 17 18 + +19 +0 3 +0 4 +1 2 +1 5 +2 3 +4 7 +4 8 +5 6 +5 9 +6 7 +8 11 +8 12 +9 10 +9 13 +10 11 +12 13 +12 15 +13 14 +14 15 + +5 +4 8 1 +5 9 1 +8 12 2 +9 13 2 +12 13 3 + +7 +0 4 + 1 + 0 1 +1 5 + 1 + 0 1 +4 8 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +5 9 + 2 + 0 1 + 4 5 +8 12 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +9 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 +12 13 + 3 + 0 1 + 4 5 + 8 9 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b572f17 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +7 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 2 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4 3 +1 3 5 2 6 0 +2 4 3 5 6 2 +2 5 4 1 6 4 +3 4 5 4 5 3 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..863ff6c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git 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-0,0 +1,14 @@ +7 +0 1 3 4294967295 3 1 +0 3 5 0 6 2 +0 5 2 1 5 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4 0 +2 4 3 5 6 3 +2 5 4 2 6 4 +3 4 5 4 5 1 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..863ff6c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a051e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +7 +0 1 3 4294967295 3 1 +0 3 5 0 6 2 +0 5 2 1 5 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4 0 +2 4 3 5 6 3 +2 5 4 2 6 4 +3 4 5 4 5 1 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..863ff6c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/issue-65-wrong-edges__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +1 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 4294967295 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_all.txt 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9 45 7 46 42 +9 10 44 8 47 46 +9 44 45 45 97 44 +10 11 44 9 49 45 +11 12 43 10 51 49 +11 43 44 48 96 47 +12 13 42 11 52 51 +12 42 43 50 95 48 +13 14 42 12 54 50 +14 15 41 13 55 54 +14 41 42 53 95 52 +15 16 41 14 57 53 +16 17 40 15 58 57 +16 40 41 56 92 55 +17 18 40 16 60 56 +18 19 39 17 61 60 +18 39 40 59 91 58 +19 20 39 18 63 59 +20 21 38 19 65 63 +20 38 39 62 91 61 +21 22 37 22 66 65 +21 37 38 64 87 62 +22 23 37 23 68 64 +23 24 36 24 70 68 +23 36 37 67 86 66 +24 25 35 25 72 70 +24 35 36 69 86 67 +25 26 34 26 73 72 +25 34 35 71 83 69 +26 27 34 27 75 71 +27 28 33 28 77 75 +27 33 34 74 83 73 +28 29 32 29 78 77 +28 32 33 76 82 74 +29 30 32 30 79 76 +30 31 32 31 80 78 +31 49 32 81 82 79 +31 50 49 32 99 80 +32 49 33 80 85 77 +33 35 34 84 72 75 +33 48 35 85 90 83 +33 49 48 82 98 84 +35 37 36 87 68 70 +35 38 37 88 65 86 +35 46 38 89 94 87 +35 47 46 90 41 88 +35 48 47 84 38 89 +38 40 39 92 60 63 +38 41 40 93 57 91 +38 44 41 94 96 92 +38 46 44 88 97 93 +41 43 42 96 51 54 +41 44 43 93 49 95 +44 46 45 94 43 46 +48 49 52 85 100 36 +49 50 51 81 33 100 +49 51 52 99 34 98 + +50 +3 4 +3 52 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3b608 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +48 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 45 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 4294967295 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 4294967295 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 4294967295 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 4294967295 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 4294967295 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 4294967295 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 4294967295 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 4294967295 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 4294967295 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 4294967295 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 4294967295 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 4294967295 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 4294967295 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 4294967295 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 43 +45 46 49 4294967295 47 1 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 47 +46 48 49 46 4294967295 45 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3b608 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +48 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 45 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 4294967295 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 4294967295 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 4294967295 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 4294967295 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 4294967295 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 4294967295 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 4294967295 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 4294967295 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 4294967295 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 4294967295 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 4294967295 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 4294967295 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 4294967295 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 4294967295 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 43 +45 46 49 4294967295 47 1 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 47 +46 48 49 46 4294967295 45 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4183f71 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +66 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 63 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 55 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 54 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 62 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 62 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 61 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 60 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 60 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 57 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 56 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 56 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 52 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 51 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 51 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 48 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 48 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 47 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 45 43 +28 46 29 46 47 44 +28 47 46 4294967295 64 45 +29 46 30 45 50 42 +30 32 31 49 37 40 +30 45 32 50 55 48 +30 46 45 47 63 49 +32 34 33 52 33 35 +32 35 34 53 30 51 +32 43 35 54 59 52 +32 44 43 55 6 53 +32 45 44 49 3 54 +35 37 36 57 25 28 +35 38 37 58 22 56 +35 41 38 59 61 57 +35 43 41 53 62 58 +38 40 39 61 16 19 +38 41 40 58 14 60 +41 43 42 59 8 11 +45 46 49 50 65 1 +46 47 48 46 4294967295 65 +46 48 49 64 4294967295 63 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c02b93f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +101 +0 1 21 4294967295 22 19 +0 3 52 2 36 20 +0 4 3 3 35 1 +0 5 4 4 37 2 +0 6 5 5 39 3 +0 7 6 6 40 4 +0 8 7 7 42 5 +0 9 8 8 44 6 +0 10 9 9 45 7 +0 11 10 10 47 8 +0 12 11 11 48 9 +0 13 12 12 50 10 +0 14 13 13 52 11 +0 15 14 14 53 12 +0 16 15 15 55 13 +0 17 16 16 56 14 +0 18 17 17 58 15 +0 19 18 18 59 16 +0 20 19 19 61 17 +0 21 20 0 62 18 +0 52 2 1 34 4294967295 +1 2 31 4294967295 32 31 +1 22 21 23 64 0 +1 23 22 24 66 22 +1 24 23 25 67 23 +1 25 24 26 69 24 +1 26 25 27 71 25 +1 27 26 28 73 26 +1 28 27 29 74 27 +1 29 28 30 76 28 +1 30 29 31 78 29 +1 31 30 21 79 30 +2 50 31 33 81 21 +2 51 50 34 99 32 +2 52 51 20 100 33 +3 4 48 2 38 36 +3 48 52 35 98 1 +4 5 47 3 39 38 +4 47 48 37 90 35 +5 6 47 4 41 37 +6 7 46 5 43 41 +6 46 47 40 89 39 +7 8 45 6 44 43 +7 45 46 42 97 40 +8 9 45 7 46 42 +9 10 44 8 47 46 +9 44 45 45 97 44 +10 11 44 9 49 45 +11 12 43 10 51 49 +11 43 44 48 96 47 +12 13 42 11 52 51 +12 42 43 50 95 48 +13 14 42 12 54 50 +14 15 41 13 55 54 +14 41 42 53 95 52 +15 16 41 14 57 53 +16 17 40 15 58 57 +16 40 41 56 92 55 +17 18 40 16 60 56 +18 19 39 17 61 60 +18 39 40 59 91 58 +19 20 39 18 63 59 +20 21 38 19 65 63 +20 38 39 62 91 61 +21 22 37 22 66 65 +21 37 38 64 87 62 +22 23 37 23 68 64 +23 24 36 24 70 68 +23 36 37 67 86 66 +24 25 35 25 72 70 +24 35 36 69 86 67 +25 26 34 26 73 72 +25 34 35 71 83 69 +26 27 34 27 75 71 +27 28 33 28 77 75 +27 33 34 74 83 73 +28 29 32 29 78 77 +28 32 33 76 82 74 +29 30 32 30 79 76 +30 31 32 31 80 78 +31 49 32 81 82 79 +31 50 49 32 99 80 +32 49 33 80 85 77 +33 35 34 84 72 75 +33 48 35 85 90 83 +33 49 48 82 98 84 +35 37 36 87 68 70 +35 38 37 88 65 86 +35 46 38 89 94 87 +35 47 46 90 41 88 +35 48 47 84 38 89 +38 40 39 92 60 63 +38 41 40 93 57 91 +38 44 41 94 96 92 +38 46 44 88 97 93 +41 43 42 96 51 54 +41 44 43 93 49 95 +44 46 45 94 43 46 +48 49 52 85 100 36 +49 50 51 81 33 100 +49 51 52 99 34 98 + +50 +3 4 +3 52 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3b608 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +48 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 45 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 4294967295 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 4294967295 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 4294967295 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 4294967295 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 4294967295 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 4294967295 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 4294967295 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 4294967295 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 4294967295 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 4294967295 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 4294967295 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 4294967295 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 4294967295 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 4294967295 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 43 +45 46 49 4294967295 47 1 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 47 +46 48 49 46 4294967295 45 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3b608 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +48 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 45 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 4294967295 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 4294967295 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 4294967295 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 4294967295 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 4294967295 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 4294967295 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 4294967295 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 4294967295 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 4294967295 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 4294967295 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 4294967295 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 4294967295 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 4294967295 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 4294967295 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 43 +45 46 49 4294967295 47 1 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 47 +46 48 49 46 4294967295 45 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4183f71 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +66 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 63 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 55 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 54 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 62 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 62 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 61 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 60 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 60 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 57 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 56 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 56 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 52 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 51 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 51 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 48 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 48 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 47 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 45 43 +28 46 29 46 47 44 +28 47 46 4294967295 64 45 +29 46 30 45 50 42 +30 32 31 49 37 40 +30 45 32 50 55 48 +30 46 45 47 63 49 +32 34 33 52 33 35 +32 35 34 53 30 51 +32 43 35 54 59 52 +32 44 43 55 6 53 +32 45 44 49 3 54 +35 37 36 57 25 28 +35 38 37 58 22 56 +35 41 38 59 61 57 +35 43 41 53 62 58 +38 40 39 61 16 19 +38 41 40 58 14 60 +41 43 42 59 8 11 +45 46 49 50 65 1 +46 47 48 46 4294967295 65 +46 48 49 64 4294967295 63 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f096c67 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +101 +0 1 13 4294967295 15 11 +0 3 52 2 36 13 +0 4 3 3 35 1 +0 5 4 4 37 2 +0 6 5 5 39 3 +0 7 6 6 40 4 +0 8 7 7 42 5 +0 9 8 8 44 6 +0 10 9 9 45 7 +0 11 10 10 47 8 +0 12 11 11 48 9 +0 13 12 0 50 10 +0 51 2 13 34 4294967295 +0 52 51 1 100 12 +1 2 29 4294967295 31 30 +1 14 13 16 52 0 +1 15 14 17 53 15 +1 16 15 18 55 16 +1 17 16 19 56 17 +1 18 17 20 58 18 +1 19 18 21 59 19 +1 20 19 22 61 20 +1 21 20 23 62 21 +1 22 21 24 64 22 +1 23 22 25 66 23 +1 24 23 26 67 24 +1 25 24 27 69 25 +1 26 25 28 71 26 +1 27 26 29 73 27 +1 28 27 30 74 28 +1 29 28 14 76 29 +2 30 29 32 78 14 +2 31 30 33 79 31 +2 50 31 34 81 32 +2 51 50 12 99 33 +3 4 48 2 38 36 +3 48 52 35 98 1 +4 5 47 3 39 38 +4 47 48 37 90 35 +5 6 47 4 41 37 +6 7 46 5 43 41 +6 46 47 40 89 39 +7 8 45 6 44 43 +7 45 46 42 97 40 +8 9 45 7 46 42 +9 10 44 8 47 46 +9 44 45 45 97 44 +10 11 44 9 49 45 +11 12 43 10 51 49 +11 43 44 48 96 47 +12 13 42 11 52 51 +12 42 43 50 95 48 +13 14 42 15 54 50 +14 15 41 16 55 54 +14 41 42 53 95 52 +15 16 41 17 57 53 +16 17 40 18 58 57 +16 40 41 56 92 55 +17 18 40 19 60 56 +18 19 39 20 61 60 +18 39 40 59 91 58 +19 20 39 21 63 59 +20 21 38 22 65 63 +20 38 39 62 91 61 +21 22 37 23 66 65 +21 37 38 64 87 62 +22 23 37 24 68 64 +23 24 36 25 70 68 +23 36 37 67 86 66 +24 25 35 26 72 70 +24 35 36 69 86 67 +25 26 34 27 73 72 +25 34 35 71 83 69 +26 27 34 28 75 71 +27 28 33 29 77 75 +27 33 34 74 83 73 +28 29 32 30 78 77 +28 32 33 76 82 74 +29 30 32 31 79 76 +30 31 32 32 80 78 +31 49 32 81 82 79 +31 50 49 33 99 80 +32 49 33 80 85 77 +33 35 34 84 72 75 +33 48 35 85 90 83 +33 49 48 82 98 84 +35 37 36 87 68 70 +35 38 37 88 65 86 +35 46 38 89 94 87 +35 47 46 90 41 88 +35 48 47 84 38 89 +38 40 39 92 60 63 +38 41 40 93 57 91 +38 44 41 94 96 92 +38 46 44 88 97 93 +41 43 42 96 51 54 +41 44 43 93 49 95 +44 46 45 94 43 46 +48 49 52 85 100 36 +49 50 51 81 34 100 +49 51 52 99 13 98 + +50 +3 4 +3 52 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3b608 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +48 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 45 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 4294967295 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 4294967295 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 4294967295 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 4294967295 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 4294967295 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 4294967295 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 4294967295 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 4294967295 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 4294967295 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 4294967295 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 4294967295 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 4294967295 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 4294967295 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 4294967295 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 43 +45 46 49 4294967295 47 1 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 47 +46 48 49 46 4294967295 45 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3b608 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +48 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 45 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 4294967295 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 4294967295 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 4294967295 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 4294967295 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 4294967295 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 4294967295 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 4294967295 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 4294967295 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 4294967295 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 4294967295 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 4294967295 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 4294967295 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 4294967295 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 4294967295 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 43 +45 46 49 4294967295 47 1 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 47 +46 48 49 46 4294967295 45 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4183f71 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +66 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 63 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 55 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 54 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 62 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 62 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 61 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 60 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 60 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 57 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 56 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 56 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 52 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 51 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 51 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 48 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 48 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 47 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 45 43 +28 46 29 46 47 44 +28 47 46 4294967295 64 45 +29 46 30 45 50 42 +30 32 31 49 37 40 +30 45 32 50 55 48 +30 46 45 47 63 49 +32 34 33 52 33 35 +32 35 34 53 30 51 +32 43 35 54 59 52 +32 44 43 55 6 53 +32 45 44 49 3 54 +35 37 36 57 25 28 +35 38 37 58 22 56 +35 41 38 59 61 57 +35 43 41 53 62 58 +38 40 39 61 16 19 +38 41 40 58 14 60 +41 43 42 59 8 11 +45 46 49 50 65 1 +46 47 48 46 4294967295 65 +46 48 49 64 4294967295 63 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f096c67 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +101 +0 1 13 4294967295 15 11 +0 3 52 2 36 13 +0 4 3 3 35 1 +0 5 4 4 37 2 +0 6 5 5 39 3 +0 7 6 6 40 4 +0 8 7 7 42 5 +0 9 8 8 44 6 +0 10 9 9 45 7 +0 11 10 10 47 8 +0 12 11 11 48 9 +0 13 12 0 50 10 +0 51 2 13 34 4294967295 +0 52 51 1 100 12 +1 2 29 4294967295 31 30 +1 14 13 16 52 0 +1 15 14 17 53 15 +1 16 15 18 55 16 +1 17 16 19 56 17 +1 18 17 20 58 18 +1 19 18 21 59 19 +1 20 19 22 61 20 +1 21 20 23 62 21 +1 22 21 24 64 22 +1 23 22 25 66 23 +1 24 23 26 67 24 +1 25 24 27 69 25 +1 26 25 28 71 26 +1 27 26 29 73 27 +1 28 27 30 74 28 +1 29 28 14 76 29 +2 30 29 32 78 14 +2 31 30 33 79 31 +2 50 31 34 81 32 +2 51 50 12 99 33 +3 4 48 2 38 36 +3 48 52 35 98 1 +4 5 47 3 39 38 +4 47 48 37 90 35 +5 6 47 4 41 37 +6 7 46 5 43 41 +6 46 47 40 89 39 +7 8 45 6 44 43 +7 45 46 42 97 40 +8 9 45 7 46 42 +9 10 44 8 47 46 +9 44 45 45 97 44 +10 11 44 9 49 45 +11 12 43 10 51 49 +11 43 44 48 96 47 +12 13 42 11 52 51 +12 42 43 50 95 48 +13 14 42 15 54 50 +14 15 41 16 55 54 +14 41 42 53 95 52 +15 16 41 17 57 53 +16 17 40 18 58 57 +16 40 41 56 92 55 +17 18 40 19 60 56 +18 19 39 20 61 60 +18 39 40 59 91 58 +19 20 39 21 63 59 +20 21 38 22 65 63 +20 38 39 62 91 61 +21 22 37 23 66 65 +21 37 38 64 87 62 +22 23 37 24 68 64 +23 24 36 25 70 68 +23 36 37 67 86 66 +24 25 35 26 72 70 +24 35 36 69 86 67 +25 26 34 27 73 72 +25 34 35 71 83 69 +26 27 34 28 75 71 +27 28 33 29 77 75 +27 33 34 74 83 73 +28 29 32 30 78 77 +28 32 33 76 82 74 +29 30 32 31 79 76 +30 31 32 32 80 78 +31 49 32 81 82 79 +31 50 49 33 99 80 +32 49 33 80 85 77 +33 35 34 84 72 75 +33 48 35 85 90 83 +33 49 48 82 98 84 +35 37 36 87 68 70 +35 38 37 88 65 86 +35 46 38 89 94 87 +35 47 46 90 41 88 +35 48 47 84 38 89 +38 40 39 92 60 63 +38 41 40 93 57 91 +38 44 41 94 96 92 +38 46 44 88 97 93 +41 43 42 96 51 54 +41 44 43 93 49 95 +44 46 45 94 43 46 +48 49 52 85 100 36 +49 50 51 81 34 100 +49 51 52 99 13 98 + +50 +3 4 +3 52 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3b608 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +48 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 45 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 4294967295 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 4294967295 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 4294967295 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 4294967295 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 4294967295 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 4294967295 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 4294967295 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 4294967295 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 4294967295 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 4294967295 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 4294967295 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 4294967295 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 4294967295 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 4294967295 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 43 +45 46 49 4294967295 47 1 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 47 +46 48 49 46 4294967295 45 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee3b608 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +48 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 45 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 4294967295 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 4294967295 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 4294967295 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 4294967295 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 4294967295 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 4294967295 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 4294967295 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 4294967295 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 4294967295 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 4294967295 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 4294967295 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 4294967295 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 4294967295 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 4294967295 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 4294967295 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 4294967295 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 4294967295 43 +45 46 49 4294967295 47 1 +46 47 48 4294967295 4294967295 47 +46 48 49 46 4294967295 45 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4183f71 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/kidney__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +66 +0 1 45 4294967295 3 1 +0 45 49 0 63 4294967295 +1 2 44 4294967295 4 3 +1 44 45 2 55 0 +2 3 44 4294967295 6 2 +3 4 43 4294967295 8 6 +3 43 44 5 54 4 +4 5 42 4294967295 9 8 +4 42 43 7 62 5 +5 6 42 4294967295 11 7 +6 7 41 4294967295 12 11 +6 41 42 10 62 9 +7 8 41 4294967295 14 10 +8 9 40 4294967295 16 14 +8 40 41 13 61 12 +9 10 39 4294967295 17 16 +9 39 40 15 60 13 +10 11 39 4294967295 19 15 +11 12 38 4294967295 20 19 +11 38 39 18 60 17 +12 13 38 4294967295 22 18 +13 14 37 4294967295 23 22 +13 37 38 21 57 20 +14 15 37 4294967295 25 21 +15 16 36 4294967295 26 25 +15 36 37 24 56 23 +16 17 36 4294967295 28 24 +17 18 35 4294967295 30 28 +17 35 36 27 56 26 +18 19 34 4294967295 31 30 +18 34 35 29 52 27 +19 20 34 4294967295 33 29 +20 21 33 4294967295 35 33 +20 33 34 32 51 31 +21 22 32 4294967295 37 35 +21 32 33 34 51 32 +22 23 31 4294967295 38 37 +22 31 32 36 48 34 +23 24 31 4294967295 40 36 +24 25 30 4294967295 42 40 +24 30 31 39 48 38 +25 26 29 4294967295 43 42 +25 29 30 41 47 39 +26 27 29 4294967295 44 41 +27 28 29 4294967295 45 43 +28 46 29 46 47 44 +28 47 46 4294967295 64 45 +29 46 30 45 50 42 +30 32 31 49 37 40 +30 45 32 50 55 48 +30 46 45 47 63 49 +32 34 33 52 33 35 +32 35 34 53 30 51 +32 43 35 54 59 52 +32 44 43 55 6 53 +32 45 44 49 3 54 +35 37 36 57 25 28 +35 38 37 58 22 56 +35 41 38 59 61 57 +35 43 41 53 62 58 +38 40 39 61 16 19 +38 41 40 58 14 60 +41 43 42 59 8 11 +45 46 49 50 65 1 +46 47 48 46 4294967295 65 +46 48 49 64 4294967295 63 + +50 +0 1 +0 49 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dc0a85 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +13 +0 1 6 4294967295 4 2 +0 5 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 6 5 0 11 1 +1 2 4 4294967295 6 5 +1 3 6 5 8 0 +1 4 3 3 7 4 +2 5 4 1 9 3 +3 4 8 5 10 8 +3 8 6 7 12 4 +4 5 7 6 11 10 +4 7 8 9 12 7 +5 6 7 2 12 9 +6 8 7 8 10 11 + +7 +3 4 +3 6 +3 8 +4 5 +5 6 +5 7 +7 8 + +1 +7 8 1 + +3 +3 8 + 1 + 3 7 +5 7 + 1 + 5 8 +7 8 + 2 + 5 8 + 3 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dc0a85 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +13 +0 1 6 4294967295 4 2 +0 5 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 6 5 0 11 1 +1 2 4 4294967295 6 5 +1 3 6 5 8 0 +1 4 3 3 7 4 +2 5 4 1 9 3 +3 4 8 5 10 8 +3 8 6 7 12 4 +4 5 7 6 11 10 +4 7 8 9 12 7 +5 6 7 2 12 9 +6 8 7 8 10 11 + +7 +3 4 +3 6 +3 8 +4 5 +5 6 +5 7 +7 8 + +1 +7 8 1 + +3 +3 8 + 1 + 3 7 +5 7 + 1 + 5 8 +7 8 + 2 + 5 8 + 3 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0e30a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +13 +0 1 6 4294967295 4 2 +0 5 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 6 5 0 11 1 +1 2 3 4294967295 5 4 +1 3 6 3 8 0 +2 4 3 6 7 3 +2 5 4 1 9 5 +3 4 8 5 10 8 +3 8 6 7 12 4 +4 5 7 6 11 10 +4 7 8 9 12 7 +5 6 7 2 12 9 +6 8 7 8 10 11 + +7 +3 4 +3 6 +3 8 +4 5 +5 6 +5 7 +7 8 + +1 +7 8 1 + +3 +3 8 + 1 + 3 7 +5 7 + 1 + 5 8 +7 8 + 2 + 5 8 + 3 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0e30a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +13 +0 1 6 4294967295 4 2 +0 5 2 2 6 4294967295 +0 6 5 0 11 1 +1 2 3 4294967295 5 4 +1 3 6 3 8 0 +2 4 3 6 7 3 +2 5 4 1 9 5 +3 4 8 5 10 8 +3 8 6 7 12 4 +4 5 7 6 11 10 +4 7 8 9 12 7 +5 6 7 2 12 9 +6 8 7 8 10 11 + +7 +3 4 +3 6 +3 8 +4 5 +5 6 +5 7 +7 8 + +1 +7 8 1 + +3 +3 8 + 1 + 3 7 +5 7 + 1 + 5 8 +7 8 + 2 + 5 8 + 3 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints2__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +6 +0 1 5 4294967295 3 1 +0 5 3 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 4 3 +1 4 5 2 5 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 5 2 +3 5 4 1 3 4 + +7 +0 1 +0 3 +0 5 +1 2 +2 3 +2 4 +4 5 + +1 +4 5 1 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 4 +2 4 + 1 + 2 5 +4 5 + 2 + 2 5 + 0 4 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70d8ed9 --- /dev/null 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4294967295 2 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdd9222 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +4 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 3 2 4294967295 4294967295 0 +4 6 5 3 4294967295 4294967295 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 2 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ce475b --- /dev/null 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+7 9 8 16 4 14 +7 10 9 10 5 15 + +9 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 + +1 +6 7 1 + +3 +3 6 + 1 + 3 10 +6 7 + 1 + 3 10 +7 10 + 1 + 3 10 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdd9222 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +4 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 3 2 4294967295 4294967295 0 +4 6 5 3 4294967295 4294967295 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 2 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 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+0 4 5 1 11 3 +0 5 8 2 14 4 +0 8 9 3 15 5 +0 9 10 4 16 6 +0 10 2 5 7 4294967295 +1 2 10 4294967295 6 10 +1 6 3 9 12 0 +1 7 6 10 13 8 +1 10 7 7 16 9 +3 5 4 12 2 1 +3 6 5 8 13 11 +5 6 7 12 9 14 +5 7 8 13 15 3 +7 9 8 16 4 14 +7 10 9 10 5 15 + +9 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 + +1 +6 7 1 + +3 +3 6 + 1 + 3 10 +6 7 + 1 + 3 10 +7 10 + 1 + 3 10 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdd9222 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f32_auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +4 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 3 2 4294967295 4294967295 0 +4 6 5 3 4294967295 4294967295 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 2 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git 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3 4 1 4294967295 3 +2 4 5 2 4 4294967295 +4 6 5 5 4294967295 3 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 4 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70d8ed9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +17 +0 1 3 4294967295 8 1 +0 3 4 0 11 2 +0 4 5 1 11 3 +0 5 8 2 14 4 +0 8 9 3 15 5 +0 9 10 4 16 6 +0 10 2 5 7 4294967295 +1 2 10 4294967295 6 10 +1 6 3 9 12 0 +1 7 6 10 13 8 +1 10 7 7 16 9 +3 5 4 12 2 1 +3 6 5 8 13 11 +5 6 7 12 9 14 +5 7 8 13 15 3 +7 9 8 16 4 14 +7 10 9 10 5 15 + +9 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 + +1 +6 7 1 + +3 +3 6 + 1 + 3 10 +6 7 + 1 + 3 10 +7 10 + 1 + 3 10 diff --git 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4294967295 +0 3 2 4294967295 4294967295 0 +4 6 5 3 4294967295 4294967295 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 2 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ce475b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +6 +0 2 1 1 4294967295 4294967295 +0 3 2 4294967295 2 0 +2 3 4 1 4294967295 3 +2 4 5 2 4 4294967295 +4 6 5 5 4294967295 3 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 4 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_as-provided_resolve_all.txt 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+0 8 9 3 15 5 +0 9 10 4 16 6 +0 10 2 5 7 4294967295 +1 2 10 4294967295 6 10 +1 6 3 9 11 0 +1 7 6 10 13 8 +1 10 7 7 16 9 +3 6 4 8 12 1 +4 6 5 11 13 2 +5 6 7 12 9 14 +5 7 8 13 15 3 +7 9 8 16 4 14 +7 10 9 10 5 15 + +9 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 + +1 +6 7 1 + +3 +3 6 + 1 + 3 10 +6 7 + 1 + 3 10 +7 10 + 1 + 3 10 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dada29 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +4 +0 3 1 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 3 2 0 4294967295 4294967295 +4 6 5 3 4294967295 4294967295 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 2 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dada29 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +4 +0 3 1 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 3 2 0 4294967295 4294967295 +4 6 5 3 4294967295 4294967295 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 2 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7713817 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +6 +0 3 1 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 3 2 0 2 4294967295 +2 3 4 1 4294967295 3 +2 4 5 2 4 4294967295 +4 6 5 5 4294967295 3 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 4 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55104fa --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +17 +0 1 3 4294967295 8 1 +0 3 4 0 11 2 +0 4 5 1 12 3 +0 5 8 2 14 4 +0 8 9 3 15 5 +0 9 10 4 16 6 +0 10 2 5 7 4294967295 +1 2 10 4294967295 6 10 +1 6 3 9 11 0 +1 7 6 10 13 8 +1 10 7 7 16 9 +3 6 4 8 12 1 +4 6 5 11 13 2 +5 6 7 12 9 14 +5 7 8 13 15 3 +7 9 8 16 4 14 +7 10 9 10 5 15 + +9 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +7 10 +8 9 +9 10 + +1 +6 7 1 + +3 +3 6 + 1 + 3 10 +6 7 + 1 + 3 10 +7 10 + 1 + 3 10 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dada29 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +4 +0 3 1 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 3 2 0 4294967295 4294967295 +4 6 5 3 4294967295 4294967295 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 2 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dada29 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +4 +0 3 1 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 3 2 0 4294967295 4294967295 +4 6 5 3 4294967295 4294967295 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 2 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7713817 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/overlapping constraints__f64_auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +6 +0 3 1 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 3 2 0 2 4294967295 +2 3 4 1 4294967295 3 +2 4 5 2 4 4294967295 +4 6 5 5 4294967295 3 +4 7 6 4294967295 4294967295 4 + +9 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +4 7 +5 6 +6 7 + +1 +3 4 1 + +3 +0 3 + 1 + 0 7 +3 4 + 1 + 0 7 +4 7 + 1 + 0 7 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fa86a3 --- 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+0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ade0db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +0 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0254126 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +12 +0 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 4 5 0 6 2 +0 5 1 1 3 4294967295 +1 5 2 2 4 4294967295 +2 5 6 3 6 5 +2 6 7 4 10 4294967295 +4 6 5 7 4 1 +4 9 6 4294967295 8 6 +6 9 10 7 4294967295 9 +6 10 11 8 4294967295 10 +6 11 7 9 11 5 +7 11 8 10 4294967295 4294967295 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fa86a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +25 +0 1 14 4294967295 7 6 +0 3 2 2 8 4294967295 +0 6 3 3 13 1 +0 7 6 4 13 2 +0 12 7 5 20 3 +0 13 12 6 21 4 +0 14 13 0 22 5 +1 2 14 4294967295 12 0 +2 3 4 1 15 9 +2 4 5 8 16 10 +2 5 10 9 18 11 +2 10 11 10 24 12 +2 11 14 11 24 7 +3 6 7 2 3 14 +3 7 8 13 19 15 +3 8 4 14 16 8 +4 8 5 15 17 9 +5 8 9 16 19 18 +5 9 10 17 23 10 +7 9 8 20 17 14 +7 12 9 4 21 19 +9 12 13 20 5 22 +9 13 14 21 6 23 +9 14 10 22 24 18 +10 14 11 23 12 11 + +3 +3 8 +8 9 +9 14 + +0 + +3 +3 8 + 1 + 3 14 +8 9 + 1 + 3 14 +9 14 + 1 + 3 14 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ade0db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +0 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ade0db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +0 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0254126 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +12 +0 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 4 5 0 6 2 +0 5 1 1 3 4294967295 +1 5 2 2 4 4294967295 +2 5 6 3 6 5 +2 6 7 4 10 4294967295 +4 6 5 7 4 1 +4 9 6 4294967295 8 6 +6 9 10 7 4294967295 9 +6 10 11 8 4294967295 10 +6 11 7 9 11 5 +7 11 8 10 4294967295 4294967295 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a33c700 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +25 +0 1 13 4294967295 7 5 +0 3 2 2 8 4294967295 +0 6 3 3 13 1 +0 7 6 4 13 2 +0 12 7 5 19 3 +0 13 12 0 21 4 +1 2 14 4294967295 12 7 +1 14 13 6 22 0 +2 3 4 1 15 9 +2 4 5 8 16 10 +2 5 10 9 18 11 +2 10 11 10 24 12 +2 11 14 11 24 6 +3 6 7 2 3 14 +3 7 8 13 19 15 +3 8 4 14 16 8 +4 8 5 15 17 9 +5 8 9 16 20 18 +5 9 10 17 23 10 +7 12 8 4 20 14 +8 12 9 19 21 17 +9 12 13 20 5 22 +9 13 14 21 7 23 +9 14 10 22 24 18 +10 14 11 23 12 11 + +3 +3 8 +8 9 +9 14 + +0 + +3 +3 8 + 1 + 3 14 +8 9 + 1 + 3 14 +9 14 + 1 + 3 14 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ade0db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +0 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ade0db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +0 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af3bbdc --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +12 +0 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 4 5 0 6 2 +0 5 1 1 3 4294967295 +1 5 2 2 4 4294967295 +2 5 6 3 7 5 +2 6 7 4 10 4294967295 +4 9 5 4294967295 7 1 +5 9 6 6 8 4 +6 9 10 7 4294967295 9 +6 10 11 8 4294967295 10 +6 11 7 9 11 5 +7 11 8 10 4294967295 4294967295 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a33c700 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +25 +0 1 13 4294967295 7 5 +0 3 2 2 8 4294967295 +0 6 3 3 13 1 +0 7 6 4 13 2 +0 12 7 5 19 3 +0 13 12 0 21 4 +1 2 14 4294967295 12 7 +1 14 13 6 22 0 +2 3 4 1 15 9 +2 4 5 8 16 10 +2 5 10 9 18 11 +2 10 11 10 24 12 +2 11 14 11 24 6 +3 6 7 2 3 14 +3 7 8 13 19 15 +3 8 4 14 16 8 +4 8 5 15 17 9 +5 8 9 16 20 18 +5 9 10 17 23 10 +7 12 8 4 20 14 +8 12 9 19 21 17 +9 12 13 20 5 22 +9 13 14 21 7 23 +9 14 10 22 24 18 +10 14 11 23 12 11 + +3 +3 8 +8 9 +9 14 + +0 + +3 +3 8 + 1 + 3 14 +8 9 + 1 + 3 14 +9 14 + 1 + 3 14 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ade0db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +0 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ade0db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +0 + +3 +0 5 +5 6 +6 11 + +0 + +3 +0 5 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +6 11 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/points_on_constraint_edge__auto_resolve_super.txt 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+11 17 +12 13 +12 14 +15 16 +15 17 + +0 + +9 +0 13 + 1 + 0 11 +5 6 + 1 + 0 11 +5 14 + 1 + 0 11 +6 16 + 1 + 0 11 +11 17 + 1 + 0 11 +12 13 + 1 + 0 11 +12 14 + 1 + 0 11 +15 16 + 1 + 0 11 +15 17 + 1 + 0 11 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..936798f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +13 +0 1 6 4294967295 6 3 +0 4 2 4 5 4294967295 +0 5 7 3 12 4 +0 6 5 0 11 2 +0 7 4 2 10 1 +1 2 4 4294967295 1 7 +1 3 6 7 9 0 +1 4 3 5 8 6 +3 4 8 7 10 9 +3 8 6 8 11 6 +4 7 8 4 12 8 +5 6 8 3 9 12 +5 8 7 11 10 2 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt 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+++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +5 +0 1 5 4294967295 2 1 +0 5 3 0 3 4294967295 +1 4 5 4294967295 4 0 +2 3 5 4294967295 1 4 +2 5 4 3 2 4294967295 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..936798f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +13 +0 1 6 4294967295 6 3 +0 4 2 4 5 4294967295 +0 5 7 3 12 4 +0 6 5 0 11 2 +0 7 4 2 10 1 +1 2 4 4294967295 1 7 +1 3 6 7 9 0 +1 4 3 5 8 6 +3 4 8 7 10 9 +3 8 6 8 11 6 +4 7 8 4 12 8 +5 6 8 3 9 12 +5 8 7 11 10 2 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..231e2ed --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +5 +0 1 5 4294967295 2 1 +0 5 3 0 3 4294967295 +1 4 5 4294967295 4 0 +2 3 5 4294967295 1 4 +2 5 4 3 2 4294967295 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..687330a --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +13 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 9 4 +0 4 2 5 7 4294967295 +0 5 7 4 12 5 +0 6 5 1 11 3 +0 7 4 3 10 2 +1 2 3 4294967295 7 0 +2 4 3 2 8 6 +3 4 8 7 10 9 +3 8 6 8 11 1 +4 7 8 5 12 8 +5 6 8 4 9 12 +5 8 7 11 10 3 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..231e2ed --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +5 +0 1 5 4294967295 2 1 +0 5 3 0 3 4294967295 +1 4 5 4294967295 4 0 +2 3 5 4294967295 1 4 +2 5 4 3 2 4294967295 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..687330a --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +13 +0 1 3 4294967295 6 1 +0 3 6 0 9 4 +0 4 2 5 7 4294967295 +0 5 7 4 12 5 +0 6 5 1 11 3 +0 7 4 3 10 2 +1 2 3 4294967295 7 0 +2 4 3 2 8 6 +3 4 8 7 10 9 +3 8 6 8 11 1 +4 7 8 5 12 8 +5 6 8 4 9 12 +5 8 7 11 10 3 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d737c60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +0 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..231e2ed --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +5 +0 1 5 4294967295 2 1 +0 5 3 0 3 4294967295 +1 4 5 4294967295 4 0 +2 3 5 4294967295 1 4 +2 5 4 3 2 4294967295 + +0 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e64af2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +15 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 9 2 10 3 +0 4 3 0 9 1 +0 9 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 11 0 +2 6 5 7 12 4 +2 8 6 8 13 6 +2 9 8 3 14 7 +3 4 7 2 11 10 +3 7 9 9 14 1 +4 5 7 5 12 9 +5 6 7 6 13 11 +6 8 7 7 14 12 +7 8 9 13 8 10 + +7 +3 4 +3 9 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f8bb2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +5 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 2 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f8bb2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +5 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 2 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4abfb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +6 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4 2 +3 5 4 4294967295 5 3 +4 5 6 4 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e64af2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +15 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 9 2 10 3 +0 4 3 0 9 1 +0 9 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 11 0 +2 6 5 7 12 4 +2 8 6 8 13 6 +2 9 8 3 14 7 +3 4 7 2 11 10 +3 7 9 9 14 1 +4 5 7 5 12 9 +5 6 7 6 13 11 +6 8 7 7 14 12 +7 8 9 13 8 10 + +7 +3 4 +3 9 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f8bb2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +5 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 2 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f8bb2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +5 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 2 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4abfb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +6 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4 2 +3 5 4 4294967295 5 3 +4 5 6 4 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e64af2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +15 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 9 2 10 3 +0 4 3 0 9 1 +0 9 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 11 0 +2 6 5 7 12 4 +2 8 6 8 13 6 +2 9 8 3 14 7 +3 4 7 2 11 10 +3 7 9 9 14 1 +4 5 7 5 12 9 +5 6 7 6 13 11 +6 8 7 7 14 12 +7 8 9 13 8 10 + +7 +3 4 +3 9 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f8bb2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +5 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 2 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f8bb2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +5 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 2 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4abfb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +6 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4 2 +3 5 4 4294967295 5 3 +4 5 6 4 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e64af2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +15 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 9 2 10 3 +0 4 3 0 9 1 +0 9 2 1 8 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 11 0 +2 6 5 7 12 4 +2 8 6 8 13 6 +2 9 8 3 14 7 +3 4 7 2 11 10 +3 7 9 9 14 1 +4 5 7 5 12 9 +5 6 7 6 13 11 +6 8 7 7 14 12 +7 8 9 13 8 10 + +7 +3 4 +3 9 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f8bb2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +5 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 2 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f8bb2c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +5 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 4 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4294967295 2 +4 5 6 4294967295 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4abfb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/square with crack__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +6 +0 1 4 4294967295 2 1 +0 4 6 0 5 4294967295 +1 2 4 4294967295 3 0 +2 3 4 4294967295 4 2 +3 5 4 4294967295 5 3 +4 5 6 4 4294967295 1 + +7 +0 1 +0 6 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c6864d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +201 +0 1 26 4294967295 8 2 +0 4 72 2 24 4 +0 26 4 0 20 1 +0 70 2 5 12 4294967295 +0 72 86 1 199 5 +0 86 70 4 191 3 +1 2 74 4294967295 11 9 +1 22 60 9 99 8 +1 60 26 7 49 0 +1 74 22 6 100 7 +2 25 92 12 108 13 +2 61 74 14 102 6 +2 70 25 3 109 10 +2 92 98 10 188 14 +2 98 61 13 189 11 +3 13 90 18 65 17 +3 43 95 17 170 18 +3 90 43 15 29 16 +3 95 13 16 67 15 +4 24 83 23 106 24 +4 26 57 2 27 21 +4 57 62 20 190 22 +4 62 68 21 195 23 +4 68 24 22 104 19 +4 83 72 19 200 1 +5 10 57 26 48 27 +5 26 10 27 49 25 +5 57 26 25 20 26 +6 33 100 32 133 33 +6 43 90 33 17 31 +6 78 91 31 158 32 +6 90 78 29 65 30 +6 91 33 30 136 28 +6 100 43 28 171 29 +7 8 102 35 41 39 +7 14 8 38 40 34 +7 18 82 37 81 38 +7 66 18 39 82 36 +7 82 14 36 70 35 +7 102 66 34 93 37 +8 14 86 35 68 42 +8 75 102 42 96 34 +8 86 75 40 199 41 +9 17 95 46 80 47 +9 46 85 45 179 46 +9 53 46 47 177 44 +9 85 17 44 80 43 +9 95 53 43 186 45 +10 20 57 50 92 25 +10 26 60 26 8 52 +10 52 20 51 91 48 +10 56 52 52 184 50 +10 60 56 49 161 51 +11 39 99 56 150 58 +11 47 88 57 157 56 +11 73 89 58 148 57 +11 88 39 54 152 53 +11 89 47 55 117 54 +11 99 73 53 147 55 +12 20 93 61 91 62 +12 42 71 63 75 61 +12 71 20 60 92 59 +12 93 97 59 90 63 +12 97 42 62 167 60 +13 46 80 67 166 66 +13 78 90 66 31 15 +13 80 78 64 155 65 +13 95 46 18 179 64 +14 27 86 69 114 40 +14 49 27 70 112 68 +14 82 49 38 121 69 +15 42 46 75 166 72 +15 46 101 71 178 76 +15 62 71 74 190 75 +15 69 62 76 195 73 +15 71 42 73 60 71 +15 101 69 72 193 74 +16 59 101 78 193 79 +16 81 59 79 172 77 +16 101 81 77 178 78 +17 85 95 46 179 43 +18 46 82 83 177 36 +18 66 81 37 174 83 +18 81 46 82 178 81 +19 45 84 85 176 88 +19 51 45 86 159 84 +19 52 51 89 184 85 +19 80 97 88 167 90 +19 84 80 84 197 87 +19 93 52 90 91 86 +19 97 93 87 62 89 +20 52 93 50 89 59 +20 71 57 61 190 48 +21 66 102 95 39 96 +21 75 83 96 200 95 +21 83 66 94 138 93 +21 102 75 93 41 94 +22 23 32 100 103 98 +22 32 38 97 134 99 +22 38 60 98 149 7 +22 74 23 9 102 97 +23 61 87 102 183 103 +23 74 61 100 11 101 +23 87 32 101 123 97 +24 68 69 23 195 105 +24 69 94 104 194 107 +24 79 83 107 140 19 +24 94 79 105 173 106 +25 36 92 110 144 10 +25 70 77 12 192 110 +25 77 36 109 145 108 +27 29 53 112 122 113 +27 49 29 69 121 111 +27 53 58 111 185 114 +27 58 86 113 191 68 +28 32 96 118 127 120 +28 37 91 120 136 119 +28 47 89 119 57 118 +28 89 32 117 134 115 +28 91 47 116 153 117 +28 96 37 115 141 116 +29 49 82 112 70 122 +29 82 53 121 177 111 +30 32 87 127 103 126 +30 50 55 126 182 125 +30 55 98 124 189 128 +30 87 50 123 183 124 +30 96 32 128 115 123 +30 98 96 125 142 127 +31 33 35 133 135 130 +31 35 54 129 143 131 +31 54 64 130 187 132 +31 64 100 131 171 133 +31 100 33 132 28 129 +32 89 38 118 148 98 +33 37 35 136 141 129 +33 91 37 32 116 135 +34 44 66 139 174 138 +34 66 83 137 95 140 +34 79 44 140 173 137 +34 83 79 138 106 139 +35 37 96 135 120 142 +35 96 98 141 128 143 +35 98 54 142 188 130 +36 76 92 146 181 108 +36 77 95 110 186 146 +36 95 76 145 170 144 +38 73 99 148 58 149 +38 89 73 134 55 147 +38 99 60 147 162 99 +39 65 99 151 165 53 +39 67 65 152 163 150 +39 88 67 56 196 151 +40 47 91 157 119 158 +40 63 88 156 196 157 +40 78 80 158 66 156 +40 80 63 155 197 154 +40 88 47 154 54 153 +40 91 78 153 30 155 +41 45 51 164 85 160 +41 51 56 159 184 161 +41 56 60 160 52 162 +41 60 99 161 149 165 +41 65 67 165 151 164 +41 67 45 163 176 159 +41 99 65 162 150 163 +42 80 46 167 64 71 +42 97 80 63 87 166 +43 48 76 169 181 170 +43 64 48 171 180 168 +43 76 95 168 146 16 +43 100 64 33 132 169 +44 59 81 175 78 174 +44 79 94 139 107 175 +44 81 66 172 82 137 +44 94 59 173 194 172 +45 67 84 164 198 84 +46 53 82 45 122 81 +46 81 101 83 79 72 +46 95 85 67 80 44 +48 64 92 169 187 181 +48 92 76 180 144 168 +50 61 55 183 189 124 +50 87 61 126 101 182 +51 52 56 86 51 160 +53 77 58 186 192 113 +53 95 77 47 145 185 +54 92 64 188 180 131 +54 98 92 143 13 187 +55 61 98 182 14 125 +57 71 62 92 73 21 +58 70 86 192 5 114 +58 77 70 185 109 191 +59 69 101 194 76 77 +59 94 69 175 105 193 +62 69 68 74 104 22 +63 67 88 198 152 154 +63 80 84 156 88 198 +63 84 67 197 176 196 +72 75 86 200 42 4 +72 83 75 24 94 199 + +2 +46 53 +46 95 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d6406 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d6406 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33b9921 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +186 +0 10 87 3 50 2 +0 40 92 2 155 3 +0 87 40 0 14 1 +0 92 10 1 52 0 +1 21 80 8 91 9 +1 23 54 4294967295 12 6 +1 54 59 5 175 7 +1 59 65 6 180 8 +1 65 21 7 89 4 +1 80 69 4 185 4294967295 +2 7 54 11 33 12 +2 23 7 12 34 10 +2 54 23 10 5 11 +3 30 97 17 118 18 +3 40 87 18 2 16 +3 75 88 16 143 17 +3 87 75 14 50 15 +3 88 30 15 121 13 +3 97 40 13 156 14 +4 5 99 20 26 24 +4 11 5 23 25 19 +4 15 79 22 66 23 +4 63 15 24 67 21 +4 79 11 21 55 20 +4 99 63 19 78 22 +5 11 83 20 53 27 +5 72 99 27 81 19 +5 83 72 25 184 26 +6 14 92 31 65 32 +6 43 82 30 164 31 +6 50 43 32 162 29 +6 82 14 29 65 28 +6 92 50 28 171 30 +7 17 54 35 77 10 +7 23 57 11 4294967295 37 +7 49 17 36 76 33 +7 53 49 37 169 35 +7 57 53 34 146 36 +8 36 96 41 135 43 +8 44 85 42 142 41 +8 70 86 43 133 42 +8 85 36 39 137 38 +8 86 44 40 102 39 +8 96 70 38 132 40 +9 17 90 46 76 47 +9 39 68 48 60 46 +9 68 17 45 77 44 +9 90 94 44 75 48 +9 94 39 47 152 45 +10 43 77 52 151 51 +10 75 87 51 16 0 +10 77 75 49 140 50 +10 92 43 3 164 49 +11 24 83 54 99 25 +11 46 24 55 97 53 +11 79 46 23 106 54 +12 39 43 60 151 57 +12 43 98 56 163 61 +12 59 68 59 175 60 +12 66 59 61 180 58 +12 68 39 58 45 56 +12 98 66 57 178 59 +13 56 98 63 178 64 +13 78 56 64 157 62 +13 98 78 62 163 63 +14 82 92 31 164 28 +15 43 79 68 162 21 +15 63 78 22 159 68 +15 78 43 67 163 66 +16 42 81 70 161 73 +16 48 42 71 144 69 +16 49 48 74 169 70 +16 77 94 73 152 75 +16 81 77 69 182 72 +16 90 49 75 76 71 +16 94 90 72 47 74 +17 49 90 35 74 44 +17 68 54 46 175 33 +18 63 99 80 24 81 +18 72 80 81 185 80 +18 80 63 79 123 78 +18 99 72 78 26 79 +19 20 29 85 88 83 +19 29 35 82 119 84 +19 35 57 83 134 4294967295 +19 71 20 4294967295 87 82 +20 58 84 87 168 88 +20 71 58 85 4294967295 86 +20 84 29 86 108 82 +21 65 66 8 180 90 +21 66 91 89 179 92 +21 76 80 92 125 4 +21 91 76 90 158 91 +22 33 89 95 129 4294967295 +22 67 74 4294967295 177 95 +22 74 33 94 130 93 +24 26 50 97 107 98 +24 46 26 54 106 96 +24 50 55 96 170 99 +24 55 83 98 176 53 +25 29 93 103 112 105 +25 34 88 105 121 104 +25 44 86 104 42 103 +25 86 29 102 119 100 +25 88 44 101 138 102 +25 93 34 100 126 101 +26 46 79 97 55 107 +26 79 50 106 162 96 +27 29 84 112 88 111 +27 47 52 111 167 110 +27 52 95 109 174 113 +27 84 47 108 168 109 +27 93 29 113 100 108 +27 95 93 110 127 112 +28 30 32 118 120 115 +28 32 51 114 128 116 +28 51 61 115 172 117 +28 61 97 116 156 118 +28 97 30 117 13 114 +29 86 35 103 133 83 +30 34 32 121 126 114 +30 88 34 17 101 120 +31 41 63 124 159 123 +31 63 80 122 80 125 +31 76 41 125 158 122 +31 80 76 123 91 124 +32 34 93 120 105 127 +32 93 95 126 113 128 +32 95 51 127 173 115 +33 73 89 131 166 93 +33 74 92 95 171 131 +33 92 73 130 155 129 +35 70 96 133 43 134 +35 86 70 119 40 132 +35 96 57 132 147 84 +36 62 96 136 150 38 +36 64 62 137 148 135 +36 85 64 41 181 136 +37 44 88 142 104 143 +37 60 85 141 181 142 +37 75 77 143 51 141 +37 77 60 140 182 139 +37 85 44 139 39 138 +37 88 75 138 15 140 +38 42 48 149 70 145 +38 48 53 144 169 146 +38 53 57 145 37 147 +38 57 96 146 134 150 +38 62 64 150 136 149 +38 64 42 148 161 144 +38 96 62 147 135 148 +39 77 43 152 49 56 +39 94 77 48 72 151 +40 45 73 154 166 155 +40 61 45 156 165 153 +40 73 92 153 131 1 +40 97 61 18 117 154 +41 56 78 160 63 159 +41 76 91 124 92 160 +41 78 63 157 67 122 +41 91 56 158 179 157 +42 64 81 149 183 69 +43 50 79 30 107 66 +43 78 98 68 64 57 +43 92 82 52 65 29 +45 61 89 154 172 166 +45 89 73 165 129 153 +47 58 52 168 174 109 +47 84 58 111 86 167 +48 49 53 71 36 145 +50 74 55 171 177 98 +50 92 74 32 130 170 +51 89 61 173 165 116 +51 95 89 128 4294967295 172 +52 58 95 167 4294967295 110 +54 68 59 77 58 6 +55 67 83 177 4294967295 99 +55 74 67 170 94 176 +56 66 98 179 61 62 +56 91 66 160 90 178 +59 66 65 59 89 7 +60 64 85 183 137 139 +60 77 81 141 73 183 +60 81 64 182 161 181 +69 72 83 185 27 4294967295 +69 80 72 9 79 184 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c6864d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +201 +0 1 26 4294967295 8 2 +0 4 72 2 24 4 +0 26 4 0 20 1 +0 70 2 5 12 4294967295 +0 72 86 1 199 5 +0 86 70 4 191 3 +1 2 74 4294967295 11 9 +1 22 60 9 99 8 +1 60 26 7 49 0 +1 74 22 6 100 7 +2 25 92 12 108 13 +2 61 74 14 102 6 +2 70 25 3 109 10 +2 92 98 10 188 14 +2 98 61 13 189 11 +3 13 90 18 65 17 +3 43 95 17 170 18 +3 90 43 15 29 16 +3 95 13 16 67 15 +4 24 83 23 106 24 +4 26 57 2 27 21 +4 57 62 20 190 22 +4 62 68 21 195 23 +4 68 24 22 104 19 +4 83 72 19 200 1 +5 10 57 26 48 27 +5 26 10 27 49 25 +5 57 26 25 20 26 +6 33 100 32 133 33 +6 43 90 33 17 31 +6 78 91 31 158 32 +6 90 78 29 65 30 +6 91 33 30 136 28 +6 100 43 28 171 29 +7 8 102 35 41 39 +7 14 8 38 40 34 +7 18 82 37 81 38 +7 66 18 39 82 36 +7 82 14 36 70 35 +7 102 66 34 93 37 +8 14 86 35 68 42 +8 75 102 42 96 34 +8 86 75 40 199 41 +9 17 95 46 80 47 +9 46 85 45 179 46 +9 53 46 47 177 44 +9 85 17 44 80 43 +9 95 53 43 186 45 +10 20 57 50 92 25 +10 26 60 26 8 52 +10 52 20 51 91 48 +10 56 52 52 184 50 +10 60 56 49 161 51 +11 39 99 56 150 58 +11 47 88 57 157 56 +11 73 89 58 148 57 +11 88 39 54 152 53 +11 89 47 55 117 54 +11 99 73 53 147 55 +12 20 93 61 91 62 +12 42 71 63 75 61 +12 71 20 60 92 59 +12 93 97 59 90 63 +12 97 42 62 167 60 +13 46 80 67 166 66 +13 78 90 66 31 15 +13 80 78 64 155 65 +13 95 46 18 179 64 +14 27 86 69 114 40 +14 49 27 70 112 68 +14 82 49 38 121 69 +15 42 46 75 166 72 +15 46 101 71 178 76 +15 62 71 74 190 75 +15 69 62 76 195 73 +15 71 42 73 60 71 +15 101 69 72 193 74 +16 59 101 78 193 79 +16 81 59 79 172 77 +16 101 81 77 178 78 +17 85 95 46 179 43 +18 46 82 83 177 36 +18 66 81 37 174 83 +18 81 46 82 178 81 +19 45 84 85 176 88 +19 51 45 86 159 84 +19 52 51 89 184 85 +19 80 97 88 167 90 +19 84 80 84 197 87 +19 93 52 90 91 86 +19 97 93 87 62 89 +20 52 93 50 89 59 +20 71 57 61 190 48 +21 66 102 95 39 96 +21 75 83 96 200 95 +21 83 66 94 138 93 +21 102 75 93 41 94 +22 23 32 100 103 98 +22 32 38 97 134 99 +22 38 60 98 149 7 +22 74 23 9 102 97 +23 61 87 102 183 103 +23 74 61 100 11 101 +23 87 32 101 123 97 +24 68 69 23 195 105 +24 69 94 104 194 107 +24 79 83 107 140 19 +24 94 79 105 173 106 +25 36 92 110 144 10 +25 70 77 12 192 110 +25 77 36 109 145 108 +27 29 53 112 122 113 +27 49 29 69 121 111 +27 53 58 111 185 114 +27 58 86 113 191 68 +28 32 96 118 127 120 +28 37 91 120 136 119 +28 47 89 119 57 118 +28 89 32 117 134 115 +28 91 47 116 153 117 +28 96 37 115 141 116 +29 49 82 112 70 122 +29 82 53 121 177 111 +30 32 87 127 103 126 +30 50 55 126 182 125 +30 55 98 124 189 128 +30 87 50 123 183 124 +30 96 32 128 115 123 +30 98 96 125 142 127 +31 33 35 133 135 130 +31 35 54 129 143 131 +31 54 64 130 187 132 +31 64 100 131 171 133 +31 100 33 132 28 129 +32 89 38 118 148 98 +33 37 35 136 141 129 +33 91 37 32 116 135 +34 44 66 139 174 138 +34 66 83 137 95 140 +34 79 44 140 173 137 +34 83 79 138 106 139 +35 37 96 135 120 142 +35 96 98 141 128 143 +35 98 54 142 188 130 +36 76 92 146 181 108 +36 77 95 110 186 146 +36 95 76 145 170 144 +38 73 99 148 58 149 +38 89 73 134 55 147 +38 99 60 147 162 99 +39 65 99 151 165 53 +39 67 65 152 163 150 +39 88 67 56 196 151 +40 47 91 157 119 158 +40 63 88 156 196 157 +40 78 80 158 66 156 +40 80 63 155 197 154 +40 88 47 154 54 153 +40 91 78 153 30 155 +41 45 51 164 85 160 +41 51 56 159 184 161 +41 56 60 160 52 162 +41 60 99 161 149 165 +41 65 67 165 151 164 +41 67 45 163 176 159 +41 99 65 162 150 163 +42 80 46 167 64 71 +42 97 80 63 87 166 +43 48 76 169 181 170 +43 64 48 171 180 168 +43 76 95 168 146 16 +43 100 64 33 132 169 +44 59 81 175 78 174 +44 79 94 139 107 175 +44 81 66 172 82 137 +44 94 59 173 194 172 +45 67 84 164 198 84 +46 53 82 45 122 81 +46 81 101 83 79 72 +46 95 85 67 80 44 +48 64 92 169 187 181 +48 92 76 180 144 168 +50 61 55 183 189 124 +50 87 61 126 101 182 +51 52 56 86 51 160 +53 77 58 186 192 113 +53 95 77 47 145 185 +54 92 64 188 180 131 +54 98 92 143 13 187 +55 61 98 182 14 125 +57 71 62 92 73 21 +58 70 86 192 5 114 +58 77 70 185 109 191 +59 69 101 194 76 77 +59 94 69 175 105 193 +62 69 68 74 104 22 +63 67 88 198 152 154 +63 80 84 156 88 198 +63 84 67 197 176 196 +72 75 86 200 42 4 +72 83 75 24 94 199 + +2 +46 53 +46 95 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d6406 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d6406 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33b9921 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +186 +0 10 87 3 50 2 +0 40 92 2 155 3 +0 87 40 0 14 1 +0 92 10 1 52 0 +1 21 80 8 91 9 +1 23 54 4294967295 12 6 +1 54 59 5 175 7 +1 59 65 6 180 8 +1 65 21 7 89 4 +1 80 69 4 185 4294967295 +2 7 54 11 33 12 +2 23 7 12 34 10 +2 54 23 10 5 11 +3 30 97 17 118 18 +3 40 87 18 2 16 +3 75 88 16 143 17 +3 87 75 14 50 15 +3 88 30 15 121 13 +3 97 40 13 156 14 +4 5 99 20 26 24 +4 11 5 23 25 19 +4 15 79 22 66 23 +4 63 15 24 67 21 +4 79 11 21 55 20 +4 99 63 19 78 22 +5 11 83 20 53 27 +5 72 99 27 81 19 +5 83 72 25 184 26 +6 14 92 31 65 32 +6 43 82 30 164 31 +6 50 43 32 162 29 +6 82 14 29 65 28 +6 92 50 28 171 30 +7 17 54 35 77 10 +7 23 57 11 4294967295 37 +7 49 17 36 76 33 +7 53 49 37 169 35 +7 57 53 34 146 36 +8 36 96 41 135 43 +8 44 85 42 142 41 +8 70 86 43 133 42 +8 85 36 39 137 38 +8 86 44 40 102 39 +8 96 70 38 132 40 +9 17 90 46 76 47 +9 39 68 48 60 46 +9 68 17 45 77 44 +9 90 94 44 75 48 +9 94 39 47 152 45 +10 43 77 52 151 51 +10 75 87 51 16 0 +10 77 75 49 140 50 +10 92 43 3 164 49 +11 24 83 54 99 25 +11 46 24 55 97 53 +11 79 46 23 106 54 +12 39 43 60 151 57 +12 43 98 56 163 61 +12 59 68 59 175 60 +12 66 59 61 180 58 +12 68 39 58 45 56 +12 98 66 57 178 59 +13 56 98 63 178 64 +13 78 56 64 157 62 +13 98 78 62 163 63 +14 82 92 31 164 28 +15 43 79 68 162 21 +15 63 78 22 159 68 +15 78 43 67 163 66 +16 42 81 70 161 73 +16 48 42 71 144 69 +16 49 48 74 169 70 +16 77 94 73 152 75 +16 81 77 69 182 72 +16 90 49 75 76 71 +16 94 90 72 47 74 +17 49 90 35 74 44 +17 68 54 46 175 33 +18 63 99 80 24 81 +18 72 80 81 185 80 +18 80 63 79 123 78 +18 99 72 78 26 79 +19 20 29 85 88 83 +19 29 35 82 119 84 +19 35 57 83 134 4294967295 +19 71 20 4294967295 87 82 +20 58 84 87 168 88 +20 71 58 85 4294967295 86 +20 84 29 86 108 82 +21 65 66 8 180 90 +21 66 91 89 179 92 +21 76 80 92 125 4 +21 91 76 90 158 91 +22 33 89 95 129 4294967295 +22 67 74 4294967295 177 95 +22 74 33 94 130 93 +24 26 50 97 107 98 +24 46 26 54 106 96 +24 50 55 96 170 99 +24 55 83 98 176 53 +25 29 93 103 112 105 +25 34 88 105 121 104 +25 44 86 104 42 103 +25 86 29 102 119 100 +25 88 44 101 138 102 +25 93 34 100 126 101 +26 46 79 97 55 107 +26 79 50 106 162 96 +27 29 84 112 88 111 +27 47 52 111 167 110 +27 52 95 109 174 113 +27 84 47 108 168 109 +27 93 29 113 100 108 +27 95 93 110 127 112 +28 30 32 118 120 115 +28 32 51 114 128 116 +28 51 61 115 172 117 +28 61 97 116 156 118 +28 97 30 117 13 114 +29 86 35 103 133 83 +30 34 32 121 126 114 +30 88 34 17 101 120 +31 41 63 124 159 123 +31 63 80 122 80 125 +31 76 41 125 158 122 +31 80 76 123 91 124 +32 34 93 120 105 127 +32 93 95 126 113 128 +32 95 51 127 173 115 +33 73 89 131 166 93 +33 74 92 95 171 131 +33 92 73 130 155 129 +35 70 96 133 43 134 +35 86 70 119 40 132 +35 96 57 132 147 84 +36 62 96 136 150 38 +36 64 62 137 148 135 +36 85 64 41 181 136 +37 44 88 142 104 143 +37 60 85 141 181 142 +37 75 77 143 51 141 +37 77 60 140 182 139 +37 85 44 139 39 138 +37 88 75 138 15 140 +38 42 48 149 70 145 +38 48 53 144 169 146 +38 53 57 145 37 147 +38 57 96 146 134 150 +38 62 64 150 136 149 +38 64 42 148 161 144 +38 96 62 147 135 148 +39 77 43 152 49 56 +39 94 77 48 72 151 +40 45 73 154 166 155 +40 61 45 156 165 153 +40 73 92 153 131 1 +40 97 61 18 117 154 +41 56 78 160 63 159 +41 76 91 124 92 160 +41 78 63 157 67 122 +41 91 56 158 179 157 +42 64 81 149 183 69 +43 50 79 30 107 66 +43 78 98 68 64 57 +43 92 82 52 65 29 +45 61 89 154 172 166 +45 89 73 165 129 153 +47 58 52 168 174 109 +47 84 58 111 86 167 +48 49 53 71 36 145 +50 74 55 171 177 98 +50 92 74 32 130 170 +51 89 61 173 165 116 +51 95 89 128 4294967295 172 +52 58 95 167 4294967295 110 +54 68 59 77 58 6 +55 67 83 177 4294967295 99 +55 74 67 170 94 176 +56 66 98 179 61 62 +56 91 66 160 90 178 +59 66 65 59 89 7 +60 64 85 183 137 139 +60 77 81 141 73 183 +60 81 64 182 161 181 +69 72 83 185 27 4294967295 +69 80 72 9 79 184 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f94734 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +201 +0 1 26 4294967295 9 3 +0 4 72 3 24 5 +0 25 2 4 11 4294967295 +0 26 4 0 20 1 +0 70 25 6 109 2 +0 72 86 1 199 6 +0 86 70 5 191 4 +1 2 74 4294967295 12 10 +1 22 60 10 99 9 +1 60 26 8 49 0 +1 74 22 7 100 8 +2 25 92 2 108 13 +2 61 74 14 102 7 +2 92 98 11 188 14 +2 98 61 13 189 12 +3 13 90 18 65 17 +3 43 95 17 170 18 +3 90 43 15 29 16 +3 95 13 16 67 15 +4 24 83 23 106 24 +4 26 57 3 27 21 +4 57 62 20 190 22 +4 62 68 21 195 23 +4 68 24 22 104 19 +4 83 72 19 200 1 +5 10 57 26 48 27 +5 26 10 27 49 25 +5 57 26 25 20 26 +6 33 100 32 133 33 +6 43 90 33 17 31 +6 78 91 31 158 32 +6 90 78 29 65 30 +6 91 33 30 136 28 +6 100 43 28 171 29 +7 8 102 35 41 39 +7 14 8 38 40 34 +7 18 82 37 81 38 +7 66 18 39 82 36 +7 82 14 36 70 35 +7 102 66 34 93 37 +8 14 86 35 68 42 +8 75 102 42 96 34 +8 86 75 40 199 41 +9 17 95 46 80 47 +9 46 85 45 179 46 +9 53 46 47 177 44 +9 85 17 44 80 43 +9 95 53 43 186 45 +10 20 57 50 92 25 +10 26 60 26 9 52 +10 52 20 51 91 48 +10 56 52 52 184 50 +10 60 56 49 161 51 +11 39 99 56 150 58 +11 47 88 57 157 56 +11 73 89 58 148 57 +11 88 39 54 152 53 +11 89 47 55 117 54 +11 99 73 53 147 55 +12 20 93 61 91 62 +12 42 71 63 75 61 +12 71 20 60 92 59 +12 93 97 59 90 63 +12 97 42 62 167 60 +13 46 80 67 166 66 +13 78 90 66 31 15 +13 80 78 64 155 65 +13 95 46 18 179 64 +14 27 86 69 114 40 +14 49 27 70 112 68 +14 82 49 38 121 69 +15 42 46 75 166 72 +15 46 101 71 178 76 +15 62 71 74 190 75 +15 69 62 76 195 73 +15 71 42 73 60 71 +15 101 69 72 193 74 +16 59 101 78 193 79 +16 81 59 79 172 77 +16 101 81 77 178 78 +17 85 95 46 179 43 +18 46 82 83 177 36 +18 66 81 37 174 83 +18 81 46 82 178 81 +19 45 84 85 176 88 +19 51 45 86 159 84 +19 52 51 89 184 85 +19 80 97 88 167 90 +19 84 80 84 197 87 +19 93 52 90 91 86 +19 97 93 87 62 89 +20 52 93 50 89 59 +20 71 57 61 190 48 +21 66 102 95 39 96 +21 75 83 96 200 95 +21 83 66 94 138 93 +21 102 75 93 41 94 +22 23 32 100 103 98 +22 32 38 97 134 99 +22 38 60 98 149 8 +22 74 23 10 102 97 +23 61 87 102 183 103 +23 74 61 100 12 101 +23 87 32 101 123 97 +24 68 69 23 195 105 +24 69 94 104 194 107 +24 79 83 107 140 19 +24 94 79 105 173 106 +25 36 92 110 144 11 +25 70 77 4 192 110 +25 77 36 109 145 108 +27 29 53 112 122 113 +27 49 29 69 121 111 +27 53 58 111 185 114 +27 58 86 113 191 68 +28 32 96 118 127 120 +28 37 91 120 136 119 +28 47 89 119 57 118 +28 89 32 117 134 115 +28 91 47 116 153 117 +28 96 37 115 141 116 +29 49 82 112 70 122 +29 82 53 121 177 111 +30 32 87 127 103 126 +30 50 55 126 182 125 +30 55 98 124 189 128 +30 87 50 123 183 124 +30 96 32 128 115 123 +30 98 96 125 142 127 +31 33 35 133 135 130 +31 35 54 129 143 131 +31 54 64 130 187 132 +31 64 100 131 171 133 +31 100 33 132 28 129 +32 89 38 118 148 98 +33 37 35 136 141 129 +33 91 37 32 116 135 +34 44 66 139 174 138 +34 66 83 137 95 140 +34 79 44 140 173 137 +34 83 79 138 106 139 +35 37 96 135 120 142 +35 96 98 141 128 143 +35 98 54 142 188 130 +36 76 92 146 181 108 +36 77 95 110 186 146 +36 95 76 145 170 144 +38 73 99 148 58 149 +38 89 73 134 55 147 +38 99 60 147 162 99 +39 65 99 151 165 53 +39 67 65 152 163 150 +39 88 67 56 196 151 +40 47 91 157 119 158 +40 63 88 156 196 157 +40 78 80 158 66 156 +40 80 63 155 197 154 +40 88 47 154 54 153 +40 91 78 153 30 155 +41 45 51 164 85 160 +41 51 56 159 184 161 +41 56 60 160 52 162 +41 60 99 161 149 165 +41 65 67 165 151 164 +41 67 45 163 176 159 +41 99 65 162 150 163 +42 80 46 167 64 71 +42 97 80 63 87 166 +43 48 76 169 181 170 +43 64 48 171 180 168 +43 76 95 168 146 16 +43 100 64 33 132 169 +44 59 81 175 78 174 +44 79 94 139 107 175 +44 81 66 172 82 137 +44 94 59 173 194 172 +45 67 84 164 198 84 +46 53 82 45 122 81 +46 81 101 83 79 72 +46 95 85 67 80 44 +48 64 92 169 187 181 +48 92 76 180 144 168 +50 61 55 183 189 124 +50 87 61 126 101 182 +51 52 56 86 51 160 +53 77 58 186 192 113 +53 95 77 47 145 185 +54 92 64 188 180 131 +54 98 92 143 13 187 +55 61 98 182 14 125 +57 71 62 92 73 21 +58 70 86 192 6 114 +58 77 70 185 109 191 +59 69 101 194 76 77 +59 94 69 175 105 193 +62 69 68 74 104 22 +63 67 88 198 152 154 +63 80 84 156 88 198 +63 84 67 197 176 196 +72 75 86 200 42 5 +72 83 75 24 94 199 + +2 +46 53 +46 95 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d6406 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d6406 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33b9921 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +186 +0 10 87 3 50 2 +0 40 92 2 155 3 +0 87 40 0 14 1 +0 92 10 1 52 0 +1 21 80 8 91 9 +1 23 54 4294967295 12 6 +1 54 59 5 175 7 +1 59 65 6 180 8 +1 65 21 7 89 4 +1 80 69 4 185 4294967295 +2 7 54 11 33 12 +2 23 7 12 34 10 +2 54 23 10 5 11 +3 30 97 17 118 18 +3 40 87 18 2 16 +3 75 88 16 143 17 +3 87 75 14 50 15 +3 88 30 15 121 13 +3 97 40 13 156 14 +4 5 99 20 26 24 +4 11 5 23 25 19 +4 15 79 22 66 23 +4 63 15 24 67 21 +4 79 11 21 55 20 +4 99 63 19 78 22 +5 11 83 20 53 27 +5 72 99 27 81 19 +5 83 72 25 184 26 +6 14 92 31 65 32 +6 43 82 30 164 31 +6 50 43 32 162 29 +6 82 14 29 65 28 +6 92 50 28 171 30 +7 17 54 35 77 10 +7 23 57 11 4294967295 37 +7 49 17 36 76 33 +7 53 49 37 169 35 +7 57 53 34 146 36 +8 36 96 41 135 43 +8 44 85 42 142 41 +8 70 86 43 133 42 +8 85 36 39 137 38 +8 86 44 40 102 39 +8 96 70 38 132 40 +9 17 90 46 76 47 +9 39 68 48 60 46 +9 68 17 45 77 44 +9 90 94 44 75 48 +9 94 39 47 152 45 +10 43 77 52 151 51 +10 75 87 51 16 0 +10 77 75 49 140 50 +10 92 43 3 164 49 +11 24 83 54 99 25 +11 46 24 55 97 53 +11 79 46 23 106 54 +12 39 43 60 151 57 +12 43 98 56 163 61 +12 59 68 59 175 60 +12 66 59 61 180 58 +12 68 39 58 45 56 +12 98 66 57 178 59 +13 56 98 63 178 64 +13 78 56 64 157 62 +13 98 78 62 163 63 +14 82 92 31 164 28 +15 43 79 68 162 21 +15 63 78 22 159 68 +15 78 43 67 163 66 +16 42 81 70 161 73 +16 48 42 71 144 69 +16 49 48 74 169 70 +16 77 94 73 152 75 +16 81 77 69 182 72 +16 90 49 75 76 71 +16 94 90 72 47 74 +17 49 90 35 74 44 +17 68 54 46 175 33 +18 63 99 80 24 81 +18 72 80 81 185 80 +18 80 63 79 123 78 +18 99 72 78 26 79 +19 20 29 85 88 83 +19 29 35 82 119 84 +19 35 57 83 134 4294967295 +19 71 20 4294967295 87 82 +20 58 84 87 168 88 +20 71 58 85 4294967295 86 +20 84 29 86 108 82 +21 65 66 8 180 90 +21 66 91 89 179 92 +21 76 80 92 125 4 +21 91 76 90 158 91 +22 33 89 95 129 4294967295 +22 67 74 4294967295 177 95 +22 74 33 94 130 93 +24 26 50 97 107 98 +24 46 26 54 106 96 +24 50 55 96 170 99 +24 55 83 98 176 53 +25 29 93 103 112 105 +25 34 88 105 121 104 +25 44 86 104 42 103 +25 86 29 102 119 100 +25 88 44 101 138 102 +25 93 34 100 126 101 +26 46 79 97 55 107 +26 79 50 106 162 96 +27 29 84 112 88 111 +27 47 52 111 167 110 +27 52 95 109 174 113 +27 84 47 108 168 109 +27 93 29 113 100 108 +27 95 93 110 127 112 +28 30 32 118 120 115 +28 32 51 114 128 116 +28 51 61 115 172 117 +28 61 97 116 156 118 +28 97 30 117 13 114 +29 86 35 103 133 83 +30 34 32 121 126 114 +30 88 34 17 101 120 +31 41 63 124 159 123 +31 63 80 122 80 125 +31 76 41 125 158 122 +31 80 76 123 91 124 +32 34 93 120 105 127 +32 93 95 126 113 128 +32 95 51 127 173 115 +33 73 89 131 166 93 +33 74 92 95 171 131 +33 92 73 130 155 129 +35 70 96 133 43 134 +35 86 70 119 40 132 +35 96 57 132 147 84 +36 62 96 136 150 38 +36 64 62 137 148 135 +36 85 64 41 181 136 +37 44 88 142 104 143 +37 60 85 141 181 142 +37 75 77 143 51 141 +37 77 60 140 182 139 +37 85 44 139 39 138 +37 88 75 138 15 140 +38 42 48 149 70 145 +38 48 53 144 169 146 +38 53 57 145 37 147 +38 57 96 146 134 150 +38 62 64 150 136 149 +38 64 42 148 161 144 +38 96 62 147 135 148 +39 77 43 152 49 56 +39 94 77 48 72 151 +40 45 73 154 166 155 +40 61 45 156 165 153 +40 73 92 153 131 1 +40 97 61 18 117 154 +41 56 78 160 63 159 +41 76 91 124 92 160 +41 78 63 157 67 122 +41 91 56 158 179 157 +42 64 81 149 183 69 +43 50 79 30 107 66 +43 78 98 68 64 57 +43 92 82 52 65 29 +45 61 89 154 172 166 +45 89 73 165 129 153 +47 58 52 168 174 109 +47 84 58 111 86 167 +48 49 53 71 36 145 +50 74 55 171 177 98 +50 92 74 32 130 170 +51 89 61 173 165 116 +51 95 89 128 4294967295 172 +52 58 95 167 4294967295 110 +54 68 59 77 58 6 +55 67 83 177 4294967295 99 +55 74 67 170 94 176 +56 66 98 179 61 62 +56 91 66 160 90 178 +59 66 65 59 89 7 +60 64 85 183 137 139 +60 77 81 141 73 183 +60 81 64 182 161 181 +69 72 83 185 27 4294967295 +69 80 72 9 79 184 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f94734 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +201 +0 1 26 4294967295 9 3 +0 4 72 3 24 5 +0 25 2 4 11 4294967295 +0 26 4 0 20 1 +0 70 25 6 109 2 +0 72 86 1 199 6 +0 86 70 5 191 4 +1 2 74 4294967295 12 10 +1 22 60 10 99 9 +1 60 26 8 49 0 +1 74 22 7 100 8 +2 25 92 2 108 13 +2 61 74 14 102 7 +2 92 98 11 188 14 +2 98 61 13 189 12 +3 13 90 18 65 17 +3 43 95 17 170 18 +3 90 43 15 29 16 +3 95 13 16 67 15 +4 24 83 23 106 24 +4 26 57 3 27 21 +4 57 62 20 190 22 +4 62 68 21 195 23 +4 68 24 22 104 19 +4 83 72 19 200 1 +5 10 57 26 48 27 +5 26 10 27 49 25 +5 57 26 25 20 26 +6 33 100 32 133 33 +6 43 90 33 17 31 +6 78 91 31 158 32 +6 90 78 29 65 30 +6 91 33 30 136 28 +6 100 43 28 171 29 +7 8 102 35 41 39 +7 14 8 38 40 34 +7 18 82 37 81 38 +7 66 18 39 82 36 +7 82 14 36 70 35 +7 102 66 34 93 37 +8 14 86 35 68 42 +8 75 102 42 96 34 +8 86 75 40 199 41 +9 17 95 46 80 47 +9 46 85 45 179 46 +9 53 46 47 177 44 +9 85 17 44 80 43 +9 95 53 43 186 45 +10 20 57 50 92 25 +10 26 60 26 9 52 +10 52 20 51 91 48 +10 56 52 52 184 50 +10 60 56 49 161 51 +11 39 99 56 150 58 +11 47 88 57 157 56 +11 73 89 58 148 57 +11 88 39 54 152 53 +11 89 47 55 117 54 +11 99 73 53 147 55 +12 20 93 61 91 62 +12 42 71 63 75 61 +12 71 20 60 92 59 +12 93 97 59 90 63 +12 97 42 62 167 60 +13 46 80 67 166 66 +13 78 90 66 31 15 +13 80 78 64 155 65 +13 95 46 18 179 64 +14 27 86 69 114 40 +14 49 27 70 112 68 +14 82 49 38 121 69 +15 42 46 75 166 72 +15 46 101 71 178 76 +15 62 71 74 190 75 +15 69 62 76 195 73 +15 71 42 73 60 71 +15 101 69 72 193 74 +16 59 101 78 193 79 +16 81 59 79 172 77 +16 101 81 77 178 78 +17 85 95 46 179 43 +18 46 82 83 177 36 +18 66 81 37 174 83 +18 81 46 82 178 81 +19 45 84 85 176 88 +19 51 45 86 159 84 +19 52 51 89 184 85 +19 80 97 88 167 90 +19 84 80 84 197 87 +19 93 52 90 91 86 +19 97 93 87 62 89 +20 52 93 50 89 59 +20 71 57 61 190 48 +21 66 102 95 39 96 +21 75 83 96 200 95 +21 83 66 94 138 93 +21 102 75 93 41 94 +22 23 32 100 103 98 +22 32 38 97 134 99 +22 38 60 98 149 8 +22 74 23 10 102 97 +23 61 87 102 183 103 +23 74 61 100 12 101 +23 87 32 101 123 97 +24 68 69 23 195 105 +24 69 94 104 194 107 +24 79 83 107 140 19 +24 94 79 105 173 106 +25 36 92 110 144 11 +25 70 77 4 192 110 +25 77 36 109 145 108 +27 29 53 112 122 113 +27 49 29 69 121 111 +27 53 58 111 185 114 +27 58 86 113 191 68 +28 32 96 118 127 120 +28 37 91 120 136 119 +28 47 89 119 57 118 +28 89 32 117 134 115 +28 91 47 116 153 117 +28 96 37 115 141 116 +29 49 82 112 70 122 +29 82 53 121 177 111 +30 32 87 127 103 126 +30 50 55 126 182 125 +30 55 98 124 189 128 +30 87 50 123 183 124 +30 96 32 128 115 123 +30 98 96 125 142 127 +31 33 35 133 135 130 +31 35 54 129 143 131 +31 54 64 130 187 132 +31 64 100 131 171 133 +31 100 33 132 28 129 +32 89 38 118 148 98 +33 37 35 136 141 129 +33 91 37 32 116 135 +34 44 66 139 174 138 +34 66 83 137 95 140 +34 79 44 140 173 137 +34 83 79 138 106 139 +35 37 96 135 120 142 +35 96 98 141 128 143 +35 98 54 142 188 130 +36 76 92 146 181 108 +36 77 95 110 186 146 +36 95 76 145 170 144 +38 73 99 148 58 149 +38 89 73 134 55 147 +38 99 60 147 162 99 +39 65 99 151 165 53 +39 67 65 152 163 150 +39 88 67 56 196 151 +40 47 91 157 119 158 +40 63 88 156 196 157 +40 78 80 158 66 156 +40 80 63 155 197 154 +40 88 47 154 54 153 +40 91 78 153 30 155 +41 45 51 164 85 160 +41 51 56 159 184 161 +41 56 60 160 52 162 +41 60 99 161 149 165 +41 65 67 165 151 164 +41 67 45 163 176 159 +41 99 65 162 150 163 +42 80 46 167 64 71 +42 97 80 63 87 166 +43 48 76 169 181 170 +43 64 48 171 180 168 +43 76 95 168 146 16 +43 100 64 33 132 169 +44 59 81 175 78 174 +44 79 94 139 107 175 +44 81 66 172 82 137 +44 94 59 173 194 172 +45 67 84 164 198 84 +46 53 82 45 122 81 +46 81 101 83 79 72 +46 95 85 67 80 44 +48 64 92 169 187 181 +48 92 76 180 144 168 +50 61 55 183 189 124 +50 87 61 126 101 182 +51 52 56 86 51 160 +53 77 58 186 192 113 +53 95 77 47 145 185 +54 92 64 188 180 131 +54 98 92 143 13 187 +55 61 98 182 14 125 +57 71 62 92 73 21 +58 70 86 192 6 114 +58 77 70 185 109 191 +59 69 101 194 76 77 +59 94 69 175 105 193 +62 69 68 74 104 22 +63 67 88 198 152 154 +63 80 84 156 88 198 +63 84 67 197 176 196 +72 75 86 200 42 5 +72 83 75 24 94 199 + +2 +46 53 +46 95 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d6406 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d6406 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +0 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33b9921 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/test_data_small__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +186 +0 10 87 3 50 2 +0 40 92 2 155 3 +0 87 40 0 14 1 +0 92 10 1 52 0 +1 21 80 8 91 9 +1 23 54 4294967295 12 6 +1 54 59 5 175 7 +1 59 65 6 180 8 +1 65 21 7 89 4 +1 80 69 4 185 4294967295 +2 7 54 11 33 12 +2 23 7 12 34 10 +2 54 23 10 5 11 +3 30 97 17 118 18 +3 40 87 18 2 16 +3 75 88 16 143 17 +3 87 75 14 50 15 +3 88 30 15 121 13 +3 97 40 13 156 14 +4 5 99 20 26 24 +4 11 5 23 25 19 +4 15 79 22 66 23 +4 63 15 24 67 21 +4 79 11 21 55 20 +4 99 63 19 78 22 +5 11 83 20 53 27 +5 72 99 27 81 19 +5 83 72 25 184 26 +6 14 92 31 65 32 +6 43 82 30 164 31 +6 50 43 32 162 29 +6 82 14 29 65 28 +6 92 50 28 171 30 +7 17 54 35 77 10 +7 23 57 11 4294967295 37 +7 49 17 36 76 33 +7 53 49 37 169 35 +7 57 53 34 146 36 +8 36 96 41 135 43 +8 44 85 42 142 41 +8 70 86 43 133 42 +8 85 36 39 137 38 +8 86 44 40 102 39 +8 96 70 38 132 40 +9 17 90 46 76 47 +9 39 68 48 60 46 +9 68 17 45 77 44 +9 90 94 44 75 48 +9 94 39 47 152 45 +10 43 77 52 151 51 +10 75 87 51 16 0 +10 77 75 49 140 50 +10 92 43 3 164 49 +11 24 83 54 99 25 +11 46 24 55 97 53 +11 79 46 23 106 54 +12 39 43 60 151 57 +12 43 98 56 163 61 +12 59 68 59 175 60 +12 66 59 61 180 58 +12 68 39 58 45 56 +12 98 66 57 178 59 +13 56 98 63 178 64 +13 78 56 64 157 62 +13 98 78 62 163 63 +14 82 92 31 164 28 +15 43 79 68 162 21 +15 63 78 22 159 68 +15 78 43 67 163 66 +16 42 81 70 161 73 +16 48 42 71 144 69 +16 49 48 74 169 70 +16 77 94 73 152 75 +16 81 77 69 182 72 +16 90 49 75 76 71 +16 94 90 72 47 74 +17 49 90 35 74 44 +17 68 54 46 175 33 +18 63 99 80 24 81 +18 72 80 81 185 80 +18 80 63 79 123 78 +18 99 72 78 26 79 +19 20 29 85 88 83 +19 29 35 82 119 84 +19 35 57 83 134 4294967295 +19 71 20 4294967295 87 82 +20 58 84 87 168 88 +20 71 58 85 4294967295 86 +20 84 29 86 108 82 +21 65 66 8 180 90 +21 66 91 89 179 92 +21 76 80 92 125 4 +21 91 76 90 158 91 +22 33 89 95 129 4294967295 +22 67 74 4294967295 177 95 +22 74 33 94 130 93 +24 26 50 97 107 98 +24 46 26 54 106 96 +24 50 55 96 170 99 +24 55 83 98 176 53 +25 29 93 103 112 105 +25 34 88 105 121 104 +25 44 86 104 42 103 +25 86 29 102 119 100 +25 88 44 101 138 102 +25 93 34 100 126 101 +26 46 79 97 55 107 +26 79 50 106 162 96 +27 29 84 112 88 111 +27 47 52 111 167 110 +27 52 95 109 174 113 +27 84 47 108 168 109 +27 93 29 113 100 108 +27 95 93 110 127 112 +28 30 32 118 120 115 +28 32 51 114 128 116 +28 51 61 115 172 117 +28 61 97 116 156 118 +28 97 30 117 13 114 +29 86 35 103 133 83 +30 34 32 121 126 114 +30 88 34 17 101 120 +31 41 63 124 159 123 +31 63 80 122 80 125 +31 76 41 125 158 122 +31 80 76 123 91 124 +32 34 93 120 105 127 +32 93 95 126 113 128 +32 95 51 127 173 115 +33 73 89 131 166 93 +33 74 92 95 171 131 +33 92 73 130 155 129 +35 70 96 133 43 134 +35 86 70 119 40 132 +35 96 57 132 147 84 +36 62 96 136 150 38 +36 64 62 137 148 135 +36 85 64 41 181 136 +37 44 88 142 104 143 +37 60 85 141 181 142 +37 75 77 143 51 141 +37 77 60 140 182 139 +37 85 44 139 39 138 +37 88 75 138 15 140 +38 42 48 149 70 145 +38 48 53 144 169 146 +38 53 57 145 37 147 +38 57 96 146 134 150 +38 62 64 150 136 149 +38 64 42 148 161 144 +38 96 62 147 135 148 +39 77 43 152 49 56 +39 94 77 48 72 151 +40 45 73 154 166 155 +40 61 45 156 165 153 +40 73 92 153 131 1 +40 97 61 18 117 154 +41 56 78 160 63 159 +41 76 91 124 92 160 +41 78 63 157 67 122 +41 91 56 158 179 157 +42 64 81 149 183 69 +43 50 79 30 107 66 +43 78 98 68 64 57 +43 92 82 52 65 29 +45 61 89 154 172 166 +45 89 73 165 129 153 +47 58 52 168 174 109 +47 84 58 111 86 167 +48 49 53 71 36 145 +50 74 55 171 177 98 +50 92 74 32 130 170 +51 89 61 173 165 116 +51 95 89 128 4294967295 172 +52 58 95 167 4294967295 110 +54 68 59 77 58 6 +55 67 83 177 4294967295 99 +55 74 67 170 94 176 +56 66 98 179 61 62 +56 91 66 160 90 178 +59 66 65 59 89 7 +60 64 85 183 137 139 +60 77 81 141 73 183 +60 81 64 182 161 181 +69 72 83 185 27 4294967295 +69 80 72 9 79 184 + +2 +43 50 +43 92 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c663cf --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +17 +0 1 10 4294967295 4 2 +0 3 2 2 5 4294967295 +0 10 3 0 12 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 7 4 +1 7 10 3 16 0 +2 3 4 1 9 6 +2 4 6 5 13 7 +2 6 7 6 13 3 +3 5 7 10 14 9 +3 7 4 8 13 5 +3 8 5 11 14 8 +3 9 8 12 15 10 +3 10 9 2 16 11 +4 7 6 9 7 6 +5 8 7 10 15 8 +7 8 9 14 11 16 +7 9 10 15 12 4 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b64032b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +9 +0 2 4 2 6 1 +0 4 1 0 5 4294967295 +0 5 2 3 6 0 +0 6 5 4 7 2 +0 7 6 4294967295 8 3 +1 4 3 1 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 2 7 0 +4 5 6 6 3 8 +4 6 7 7 4 4294967295 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c663cf --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +17 +0 1 10 4294967295 4 2 +0 3 2 2 5 4294967295 +0 10 3 0 12 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 7 4 +1 7 10 3 16 0 +2 3 4 1 9 6 +2 4 6 5 13 7 +2 6 7 6 13 3 +3 5 7 10 14 9 +3 7 4 8 13 5 +3 8 5 11 14 8 +3 9 8 12 15 10 +3 10 9 2 16 11 +4 7 6 9 7 6 +5 8 7 10 15 8 +7 8 9 14 11 16 +7 9 10 15 12 4 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b64032b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__as-provided_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +9 +0 2 4 2 6 1 +0 4 1 0 5 4294967295 +0 5 2 3 6 0 +0 6 5 4 7 2 +0 7 6 4294967295 8 3 +1 4 3 1 4294967295 4294967295 +2 5 4 2 7 0 +4 5 6 6 3 8 +4 6 7 7 4 4294967295 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5378ead --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +17 +0 1 7 4294967295 4 2 +0 3 2 3 5 4294967295 +0 7 10 0 16 3 +0 10 3 2 12 1 +1 2 7 4294967295 7 0 +2 3 4 1 9 6 +2 4 6 5 13 7 +2 6 7 6 13 4 +3 5 7 10 14 9 +3 7 4 8 13 5 +3 8 5 11 14 8 +3 9 8 12 15 10 +3 10 9 3 16 11 +4 7 6 9 7 6 +5 8 7 10 15 8 +7 8 9 14 11 16 +7 9 10 15 12 2 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_ignore_super.txt 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7 10 15 8 +7 8 9 14 11 16 +7 9 10 15 12 2 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging-flipped__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 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+3 8 9 9 15 13 +3 9 10 12 16 6 +5 7 8 11 15 9 +7 9 8 16 12 14 +7 10 9 7 13 15 + +1 +3 7 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +0 + +1 +0 4 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/triple-hanging__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef3bcfc --- /dev/null +++ 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square__as-provided_ignore_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +2 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 3 0 4294967295 4294967295 + +4 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_ignore_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_ignore_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bd5e88 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_ignore_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +2 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 3 0 4294967295 4294967295 + +4 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7c22d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +9 +0 1 4 4294967295 5 2 +0 3 6 2 8 3 +0 4 3 0 7 1 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 5 4 4 7 0 +2 6 5 3 8 4 +3 4 5 2 5 8 +3 5 6 7 6 1 + +4 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bd5e88 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +2 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 3 0 4294967295 4294967295 + +4 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bd5e88 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__as-provided_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +2 +0 1 2 4294967295 4294967295 1 +0 2 3 0 4294967295 4294967295 + +4 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit 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4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 + +4 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_all.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_all.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e370d45 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_all.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +9 +0 1 3 4294967295 4 1 +0 3 6 0 7 2 +0 6 2 1 6 4294967295 +1 2 5 4294967295 6 5 +1 4 3 5 7 0 +1 5 4 3 8 4 +2 6 5 2 8 3 +3 4 6 4 8 1 +4 5 6 5 6 7 + +4 +3 4 +3 6 +4 5 +5 6 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_auto.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70279cc --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_auto.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +2 +0 1 3 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 + +4 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_outer.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_outer.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70279cc --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_outer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +2 +0 1 3 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 + +4 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_super.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_super.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70279cc --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__auto_resolve_super.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +2 +0 1 3 4294967295 1 4294967295 +1 2 3 4294967295 4294967295 0 + +4 +0 1 +0 3 +1 2 +2 3 + +0 + +0 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/expected/unit square__conforming_auto_ignore_auto.txt new file mode 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+2558 2559 +2559 2560 +2560 2561 +2561 2562 +2562 2563 +2563 2564 +2564 2565 +2565 2566 +2566 2567 +2567 2568 +2568 2569 +2569 2570 +2570 2571 +2571 2572 +2572 2573 +2573 2574 +2574 2575 +2575 2576 +2576 2577 +2577 2578 +2578 2579 +2579 2580 +2580 2581 +2581 2582 +2582 2583 +2583 2584 +2584 2585 +2585 2586 +2586 2587 +2587 2588 +2588 2589 +2589 2590 +2590 2591 +2591 2592 +2592 2593 +2593 2594 +2594 2595 +2595 2596 +2596 2597 +2597 2598 +2598 2599 +2599 2600 +2600 2601 +2601 2602 +2602 2603 +2603 2604 +2604 2605 +2605 2606 +2606 2607 +2607 2608 +2608 2609 +2609 2610 +2610 2611 +2611 2612 +2612 2613 +2613 2614 +2614 2615 +2615 2616 +2616 2617 +2617 2618 +2618 458 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/Hanging.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/Hanging.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83a6cb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/Hanging.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +7 1 +725.0 415.0 +855.0 390.0 +945.0 455.0 +1100.0 373.0 +1215.0 410.0 +1250.0 510.0 +943.0 540.0 +0 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/Hanging2.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/Hanging2.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e248e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/Hanging2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +13 9 +111 344 +157 282 +151 306 +272 304 +266 340 +362 301 +341 328 +380 330 +370 236 +426 344 +269 422 +248 356 +288 356 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +0 9 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/HangingIntersection.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/HangingIntersection.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a006e50 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/HangingIntersection.txt @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +7 2 +725.0 415.0 +855.0 390.0 +945.0 455.0 +1100.0 373.0 +1215.0 410.0 +1250.0 510.0 +943.0 540.0 +3 5 +0 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/Letter u.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/Letter u.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dccc01 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/Letter u.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +8 8 +0 0 +4 0 +4 1 +2 1 +2 2 +4 2 +4 3 +0 3 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/OnEdge.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/OnEdge.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50f382c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/OnEdge.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +20 0 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0.01 0.01 +0.03 0.03 +0.06 0.06 +0.12 0.12 +0.24 0.24 +0.5 0.5 +0.96 0.96 +0.001 0.001 +0.02 0.02 +0.4 0.4 +0.8 0.8 +0.9 0.1 +0.8 0.2 +0.6 0.4 +0.3 0.7 +0.1 0.9 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/ProblematicCase1.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/ProblematicCase1.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..254faba --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/ProblematicCase1.txt @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +8 1 +0 0 +6 2 +8 1 +10 2 +16 0 +10 -2 +8 -1 +6 -2 +0 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/cdt.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/cdt.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9aa25ca --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/cdt.txt @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +101 103 +765 1970 +640.016 1942.47 +530.875 1900.5 +433.547 1842.03 +344 1765 +269.5 1681.12 +216 1589 +147.75 1407.25 +123 1197 +129.445 982.248 +166.875 795.422 +234.305 637.541 +330.75 509.625 +455.227 412.693 +606.75 347.766 +784.336 315.861 +987 318 +1148.38 339.875 +1258 370 +1276.5 390 +1280 455 +1279.23 504.359 +1268.62 525.875 +1168 509 +937.375 482.375 +730 494 +619.781 533.922 +526.25 593.625 +449.594 673.016 +390 772 +332.375 951.125 +322 1179 +330.75 1317.5 +350 1405 +397.844 1521 +461.25 1619 +539.281 1697.5 +631 1755 +759 1800 +863.391 1810.11 +977.625 1805.12 +1091.3 1786.08 +1194 1754 +1257 1730 +1300 1809 +1339 1888 +1267 1914 +1125 1955 +940.875 1974.12 +3080 1875 +3080 1790 +3335 1790 +3590 1790 +3590 1065 +3590 340 +3685 340 +3780 340 +3780 1065 +3780 1790 +4035 1790 +4290 1790 +4290 1875 +4290 1960 +3685 1960 +3080 1960 +1630 1141 +1630 330 +1883 330 +2196.38 338.875 +2389 371 +2527.62 424.547 +2651.25 503.875 +2753.5 604.016 +2828 720 +2896.5 915.625 +2914 1160 +2909.38 1317.38 +2892 1414 +2819.53 1595.61 +2711.25 1740.38 +2566.59 1848.95 +2385 1922 +2265 1941 +1968 1948 +1630 1952 +2320 1767 +2458.41 1708.47 +2567.75 1622.75 +2648.22 1509.66 +2700 1369 +2721 1150 +2700 931 +2644.95 783.922 +2558.12 665.625 +2439.98 576.766 +2291 518 +2018 493 +1820 487 +1820 1140 +1820 1792 +2043 1787 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +0 48 +0 0 +0 0 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +49 64 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +65 84 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +85 100 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/corner cases.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/corner cases.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..600fb72 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/corner cases.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +12 6 +0 1 +2 2 +4 2 +2 0 +4 0 +6 1 +8 1 +10 2 +12 2 +10 0 +12 0 +14 1 +0 11 +0 6 +1 3 +2 4 +7 9 +8 10 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/crossing-edges.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/crossing-edges.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5dcfef --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/crossing-edges.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +4 2 +0 0.2 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0 2 +1 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/debug2.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/debug2.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1594dd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/debug2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20001 @@ +10000 10000 +1.7978594 0.0 +2.169727 0.0013632799 +2.0489786 0.0025748236 +1.6864972 0.0031789762 +1.0627707 0.00267104 +1.6071618 0.005049064 +1.6630353 0.006269525 +1.6853083 0.007412421 +2.3962605 0.01204502 +2.69772 0.01525541 +1.8586487 0.011678387 +1.2379591 0.008556296 +0.99997157 0.007539751 +0.9999666 0.00816805 +0.9999613 0.008796346 +1.094976 0.010320211 +0.99994946 0.010052927 +1.6568905 0.017698608 +0.99993604 0.011309492 +1.1163418 0.01332758 +1.8877816 0.02372381 +2.2771854 0.030048497 +1.6972358 0.023462398 +2.6236942 0.0379185 +2.1719406 0.032754574 +2.360686 0.03708462 +1.4552166 0.023774944 +1.4864751 0.025219876 +1.76546 0.031062799 +2.5270119 0.04605038 +3.2688243 0.061623186 +3.4130046 0.066486485 +2.6731117 0.053753342 +2.2180197 0.04599615 +3.164733 0.06761794 +3.9363818 0.08657952 +3.3517597 0.07582795 +4.044233 0.0940364 +3.7059002 0.08849928 +4.0557427 0.09940354 +4.361124 0.10963009 +4.0949254 0.10551296 +4.6946487 0.12391763 +4.998175 0.13507205 +4.655135 0.12872873 +3.7623806 0.106407166 +3.1308353 0.09051465 +3.2166011 0.09501698 +3.5193026 0.10617186 +4.3538027 0.13408554 +3.9907873 0.12541555 +4.7500095 0.15226258 +4.866436 0.15905555 +4.9972277 0.16647364 +4.9971223 0.16961345 +4.9970145 0.1727532 +4.9969053 0.17589289 +4.1949663 0.15030344 +3.4655058 0.12634754 +3.3054788 0.12259288 +3.9340208 0.14837939 +3.8695972 0.14838438 +3.068128 0.11958172 +3.946806 0.15631229 +3.8481493 0.15482672 +4.718885 0.19282982 +4.9957013 0.20728569 +4.3171177 0.18184662 +4.2851877 0.18319896 +4.636052 0.20111732 +3.843115 0.1691381 +4.362732 0.19475336 +4.594191 0.20797822 +4.9947414 0.22925586 +4.9945965 0.2323941 +4.8435216 0.22841468 +4.9943004 0.23867032 +4.7408743 0.22954512 +3.9247332 0.19250078 +4.220373 0.20965958 +3.699524 0.18611513 +4.1924624 0.21355477 +3.2451725 0.16734627 +3.4447136 0.17980635 +3.5150497 0.18569241 +3.6776235 0.19659807 +3.592833 0.19432932 +3.3920538 0.18560717 +3.2720444 0.18110257 +3.7714345 0.21112004 +4.365902 0.24714944 +4.3015323 0.24621701 +3.7550535 0.21730411 +3.7551496 0.21967708 +2.968291 0.17551716 +2.7835357 0.1663476 +2.0111475 0.12145689 +1.3024743 0.0794802 +2.0550237 0.1266987 +1.2980847 0.08084976 +0.9980267 0.06279052 +1.6367681 0.10400925 +2.5889218 0.16614762 +2.7922206 0.1809563 +2.8847034 0.18877007 +2.8067324 0.18543893 +2.543304 0.16963944 +1.6103534 0.1084276 +2.3174198 0.15749823 +2.7633264 0.18954761 +3.5593708 0.24639851 +3.5086868 0.24510513 +3.6978762 0.26065615 +2.8584502 0.20329167 +3.46055 0.24829815 +3.6293004 0.26269835 +3.513185 0.2565127 +4.1487064 0.30553558 +4.3572793 0.32364884 +4.105765 0.30756098 +4.4923887 0.33936146 +3.7916536 0.28882298 +4.734978 0.3636717 +3.9604273 0.30668524 +2.9980001 0.23405246 +2.008754 0.15809236 +2.0184345 0.16013038 +1.0236973 0.081861235 +1.493009 0.12033446 +1.6629218 0.13508089 +2.1296542 0.17434105 +1.6722152 0.13795125 +1.16575 0.096907325 +0.9965104 0.08346914 +1.1110308 0.09376455 +1.6951773 0.14413588 +1.8663319 0.15986983 +2.419661 0.20879953 +3.3382773 0.2901828 +2.9300597 0.25655314 +3.5598826 0.31395382 +2.7737353 0.24637821 +2.417626 0.21627775 +2.6684914 0.24041003 +3.2134857 0.29154533 +2.953762 0.26985303 +3.2648394 0.30034137 +3.1519868 0.2919571 +3.81286 0.35558775 +3.301635 0.31000352 +2.3776062 0.22474995 +1.4221512 0.13533446 +1.6646197 0.15946366 +1.1452565 0.11043706 +1.9464625 0.18893176 +2.335352 0.22816026 +1.7261636 0.16973852 +1.908468 0.18887581 +1.5438403 0.1537692 +2.1087697 0.21137536 +2.815288 0.28398097 +2.909063 0.2952867 +2.1796808 0.2226339 +2.2038903 0.22650595 +2.9517286 0.30523977 +2.4489138 0.25479868 +3.0541894 0.31971484 +3.604426 0.37960368 +3.5199506 0.3729434 +3.4725618 0.37012905 +4.338221 0.46515378 +3.7667542 0.40627387 +4.255329 0.46167552 +4.4500594 0.48563167 +4.9701486 0.54554886 +4.4272385 0.48877168 +4.0468373 0.44934887 +3.1114953 0.3474705 +2.8025632 0.31475407 +2.3611517 0.2666818 +2.0342784 0.23105745 +2.209237 0.25233573 +1.4970498 0.17194374 +2.0685868 0.23890463 +2.812904 0.3266582 +1.8440902 0.21532574 +1.5586461 0.18298852 +1.8387069 0.21703959 +2.2585914 0.26804143 +3.0188284 0.36018726 +3.3462064 0.40138048 +2.8746135 0.34664476 +3.8334138 0.4647087 +2.973372 0.36234525 +2.1962414 0.269042 +2.7351553 0.33680403 +2.4315257 0.30096644 +2.7863553 0.34666383 +3.1124835 0.38922504 +3.4862185 0.4381866 +3.401166 0.42966717 +3.164649 0.40180844 +4.0720315 0.5196167 +3.3039744 0.42371777 +3.6049 0.4646124 +3.9105535 0.50650424 +3.6513877 0.47526935 +3.0658374 0.4010125 +2.3510714 0.3090235 +2.2356977 0.29528797 +2.051136 0.27222267 +1.4195482 0.18930729 +1.5313287 0.20519342 +1.1483685 0.15461247 +1.1887667 0.16081208 +1.9749589 0.26842904 +2.1299717 0.29086095 +3.0370753 0.4166756 +3.2544174 0.4485776 +3.0264945 0.41909942 +2.6480925 0.36839542 +2.995139 0.41859403 +2.4384887 0.34236002 +2.5218391 0.35567823 +2.3373678 0.3311585 +2.9618657 0.4215359 +3.7591395 0.5374148 +3.5042036 0.50321555 +3.2728717 0.4720945 +2.6581032 0.38512242 +2.5648456 0.3732562 +3.4547172 0.504974 +2.8496995 0.4183679 +3.2387965 0.47757074 +3.4215693 0.506718 +3.3476143 0.49791527 +2.6557877 0.3967206 +1.9565938 0.29353216 +1.7260344 0.2600522 +1.3675108 0.20691422 +0.98865175 0.1502256 +1.4348994 0.21895538 +2.3353188 0.35785457 +2.310307 0.3555077 +2.7435153 0.42393416 +1.8700575 0.29016864 +1.3502214 0.21037684 +1.9542744 0.30575165 +2.8409932 0.44631016 +2.3778741 0.37508687 +1.7225031 0.2728177 +0.98758984 0.15705502 +0.98749095 0.1576755 +1.7092874 0.27402827 +1.4915646 0.24008493 +0.98719203 0.1595366 +1.471602 0.23876926 +1.9423537 0.316402 +2.2024422 0.3601901 +1.52263 0.24999517 +1.6398091 0.2702926 +2.169337 0.3589758 +3.1275113 0.5195509 +3.3453982 0.5579071 +2.5238473 0.42252833 +1.7089231 0.28720227 +2.5076237 0.42305243 +2.368479 0.4011085 +3.2069638 0.5451812 +2.5432236 0.43399027 +1.9066827 0.32660028 +2.7750745 0.4771442 +2.3823018 0.41115242 +1.8909991 0.32758403 +1.3251514 0.23041807 +1.8546113 0.3236815 +1.0022409 0.17556801 +1.8663952 0.32815546 +2.5136034 0.44357798 +2.3740668 0.4204921 +2.6883235 0.47789523 +3.2369087 0.57751393 +2.7310317 0.4890285 +3.6290631 0.6521869 +4.3791394 0.78982544 +3.6309483 0.6572369 +3.1841025 0.57841986 +2.3923588 0.43614566 +1.9028279 0.34813583 +1.7964793 0.3298453 +2.1843839 0.40248603 +1.91568 0.35422036 +2.0612435 0.38247547 +2.288435 0.4261197 +2.2109392 0.413127 +2.0968287 0.39316842 +2.26562 0.4262916 +2.2647018 0.42759237 +2.8728158 0.5442784 +2.2691731 0.43139043 +3.1297777 0.597037 +3.2370496 0.6196084 +3.4137802 0.65566045 +3.5809062 0.6900924 +3.3848536 0.6545162 +4.174081 0.8098471 +4.7632465 0.9272618 +4.907268 0.9584991 +3.9453518 0.7731892 +3.879609 0.7628368 +3.019923 0.5957702 +2.2460012 0.44455728 +3.142536 0.624063 +3.5244336 0.7022045 +4.4598913 0.891498 +4.7694073 0.95648474 +4.315288 0.86823386 +3.9150803 0.790272 +3.609739 0.73099864 +3.557117 0.7226692 +4.2731667 0.8709391 +3.9823153 0.8142654 +4.8624544 0.997411 +4.3784466 0.9009961 +3.9309776 0.81149083 +2.9527123 0.6114773 +2.14933 0.44651335 +2.6959157 0.5618313 +2.1077273 0.4406343 +2.5878174 0.5426976 +1.9436481 0.40888235 +0.9784514 0.20647743 +0.97832143 0.20709217 +0.97819114 0.20770682 +1.1636518 0.24785133 +0.97792935 0.20893589 +0.97779787 0.2095503 +0.977666 0.21016462 +1.5163323 0.32695627 +2.4749475 0.53528345 +1.5372257 0.3334835 +1.1757843 0.25584656 +1.0587689 0.23108123 +0.9768668 0.21384884 +1.0292624 0.22599672 +0.97659725 0.21507624 +0.97646195 0.21568981 +0.9763262 0.21630329 +0.9761901 0.2169167 +1.1959568 0.26653916 +1.9829297 0.4432373 +1.8061746 0.40491956 +0.97564185 0.21936944 +1.0991518 0.24786584 +1.2951998 0.29293123 +1.2490584 0.28332064 +1.0841316 0.24662705 +1.807471 0.4123728 +1.7709599 0.4052136 +1.0186008 0.23373984 +0.9745269 0.22427076 +1.605955 0.37064585 +1.9085783 0.44175294 +0.9741024 0.2261073 +0.97396016 0.2267193 +0.97381747 0.22733122 +1.1999203 0.28090855 +0.97353107 0.22855477 +1.1219231 0.26413646 +1.1970744 0.28262344 +1.0431523 0.24697527 +1.5585235 0.37002814 +1.1337168 0.26992217 +1.7079694 0.40777785 +1.6279383 0.38975173 +0.9723699 0.23344536 +0.97222304 0.23405628 +1.4879118 0.35919416 +1.0101056 0.24451956 +1.7490194 0.42455435 +2.6311376 0.6404293 +2.7688339 0.67578816 +2.316097 0.56683105 +2.4760728 0.607632 +1.885832 0.46404243 +1.9268844 0.47542834 +2.6793559 0.662875 +2.1001904 0.52098954 +1.5351951 0.38185656 +0.97243726 0.24252795 +1.4979419 0.3745898 +1.3776293 0.34542316 +0.969821 0.24381813 +0.9696676 0.24442744 +0.96951383 0.24503666 +1.515931 0.3841526 +1.6917683 0.429843 +1.4225403 0.36238948 +1.6172713 0.4130791 +0.9687392 0.24808125 +1.32757 0.34086204 +1.8165203 0.46761993 +2.3618917 0.6095955 +2.2278407 0.57649064 +1.4268856 0.370187 +0.9677971 0.25173154 +1.189134 0.31010085 +1.2229975 0.31975254 +1.9383314 0.5080778 +2.7298617 0.7173881 +2.285532 0.60215694 +2.0891106 0.5518108 +2.4027889 0.63628006 +2.646619 0.7026283 +3.0643604 0.81559235 +3.930643 1.0488021 +3.3861978 0.90580887 +3.1714125 0.8504894 +3.1441312 0.8452912 +4.0889444 1.102057 +4.2228537 1.1409949 +3.5391355 0.958644 +3.5459704 0.96288717 +3.2266219 0.8783472 +2.3974903 0.6542603 +2.6669226 0.72958744 +1.7332101 0.47532335 +2.0662954 0.5680663 +1.2359722 0.34062913 +0.9638912 0.26629642 +1.6107224 0.44608745 +1.3820707 0.38369778 +1.4907835 0.41488826 +1.1619334 0.32415533 +2.0359986 0.56938046 +2.986793 0.8373002 +3.915106 1.1001918 +3.4092553 0.96035326 +2.7529624 0.7773494 +2.0575368 0.5823794 +2.0706255 0.5874896 +1.2820276 0.36461464 +1.4607663 0.41644102 +1.1652926 0.33299804 +0.96133864 0.2753689 +1.1682689 0.33543712 +0.96099186 0.27657676 +0.9608179 0.2771805 +0.96064353 0.27778414 +0.96046877 0.2783877 +1.2909551 0.37505713 +1.1271492 0.32823527 +0.95994234 0.28019762 +1.5557005 0.45515448 +1.108276 0.32500666 +1.7281823 0.5079763 +1.8342141 0.5403952 +2.3484 0.6934883 +2.1278443 0.62981147 +2.7856095 0.8264045 +2.9875348 0.88835216 +2.9213316 0.8706647 +2.9576478 0.8835121 +2.9189067 0.8739373 +3.519893 1.0562863 +4.3827176 1.318214 +3.658694 1.1029528 +3.548141 1.0720578 +3.8746955 1.1733824 +4.571144 1.3874255 +4.7807264 1.4543188 +4.2728057 1.3027407 +3.5578845 1.0872113 +2.7211077 0.8333804 +3.0184896 0.926533 +3.9577606 1.2175661 +4.289314 1.3225158 +4.777114 1.476206 +4.7761855 1.4792072 +4.775255 1.4822078 +4.7743225 1.4852079 +4.7733884 1.4882075 +4.269101 1.3339286 +4.1581864 1.3021402 +3.4188561 1.0729775 +4.2682214 1.3424897 +3.4481142 1.0869216 +4.3052626 1.360088 +4.1099696 1.3012332 +3.9496782 1.2532152 +4.5472355 1.4459629 +3.7598891 1.1981986 +3.2544775 1.0393873 +3.0284321 0.9692922 +2.2257023 0.7139093 +2.9584422 0.9509911 +3.141587 1.0120413 +2.4778132 0.79992986 +2.1899364 0.70851225 +3.1379118 1.01739 +3.4305053 1.1146387 +3.7503629 1.2211725 +2.8050103 0.9153017 +1.8742265 0.6128813 +2.5472276 0.834728 +3.3059897 1.0856755 +4.117569 1.3550621 +4.677414 1.5425608 +4.03874 1.3347473 +3.6831825 1.219808 +3.9631345 1.3152871 +4.396915 1.462318 +3.9418855 1.3137364 +3.2063816 1.0708494 +2.5352135 0.84846735 +2.629554 0.88187826 +2.9117227 0.9785453 +2.4636118 0.82967144 +2.4242506 0.818112 +1.7266248 0.58389294 +1.0385877 0.35194665 +1.3951782 0.47376212 +2.308482 0.7855117 +2.1035564 0.7172563 +2.5601642 0.87474334 +2.1819015 0.74703187 +1.6913478 0.58026534 +2.558827 0.8796763 +3.4778833 1.1980745 +4.10909 1.4184036 +3.3727376 1.1665968 +2.6437325 0.91630137 +2.8932164 1.0048076 +3.183496 1.1078631 +3.9439282 1.3752738 +4.6397095 1.6211677 +4.0762677 1.4271692 +4.718081 1.6552073 +4.505009 1.5836366 +4.715997 1.661135 +4.1207705 1.4543868 +4.7139063 1.6670599 +4.7128577 1.6700214 +4.7118077 1.6729822 +4.7107553 1.6759424 +4.42769 1.5783713 +4.708646 1.6818608 +4.707588 1.684819 +4.2440753 1.5219393 +4.348868 1.5626029 +4.340696 1.5627466 +3.870543 1.396229 +3.468687 1.2537303 +3.6389868 1.3178695 +3.1226826 1.1331084 +2.6496017 0.96332884 +3.3357477 1.2151679 +3.929802 1.4343714 +4.5872283 1.6775978 +4.4900208 1.6452472 +3.9029922 1.4329287 +3.9661381 1.4589404 +4.130899 1.5224948 +3.6131608 1.3342552 +3.8965902 1.4417018 +3.1698172 1.1750674 +2.5272985 0.93868905 +2.2999072 0.85587615 +1.7086034 0.6370538 +1.7243489 0.64415884 +2.1950116 0.82155466 +1.3649942 0.5118716 +1.7505327 0.65770304 +0.93588746 0.35229906 +1.7160228 0.6471991 +2.2986014 0.8685691 +1.7687538 0.6696267 +1.3869529 0.5260785 +2.304934 0.8759306 +2.2646096 0.86223507 +2.7306697 1.0416493 +2.8227773 1.0788171 +2.2458112 0.8599282 +2.2310796 0.85589516 +1.9119325 0.7348411 +2.1168745 0.81513643 +2.366108 0.91281533 +2.7656474 1.0689496 +2.3264747 0.9008856 +3.1644244 1.2276535 +3.0518215 1.1861752 +3.5498362 1.3823106 +3.468015 1.3529594 +3.343269 1.3067138 +3.7198324 1.4565881 +3.2378404 1.2701998 +2.3080647 0.907124 +2.0463448 0.8057466 +1.8714985 0.73825955 +2.7892187 1.102303 +2.2052078 0.8731035 +1.89721 0.75253785 +1.7970448 0.7141139 +1.0208031 0.406392 +0.9288483 0.37046018 +0.9286154 0.3710437 +1.2137998 0.48587853 +1.5194892 0.6093526 +1.5682077 0.63003397 +1.8151246 0.73055875 +1.2874146 0.51910406 +1.173059 0.47385132 +0.9269745 0.37512437 +0.9574809 0.38816988 +0.92650235 0.37628895 +1.7473938 0.71096456 +1.662899 0.6778041 +0.92579144 0.37803468 +1.6704122 0.68331563 +1.1589345 0.47493562 +0.9250772 0.3797791 +0.9248384 0.38036028 +1.0153565 0.41833395 +0.9243597 0.38152215 +1.4366477 0.5940217 +0.9238795 0.38268343 +1.6714215 0.6935562 +2.239308 0.9308503 +2.9039066 1.2092553 +2.3752859 0.99087685 +2.071595 0.8657174 +2.1031287 0.880448 +2.2424738 0.94043934 +2.7706454 1.1639893 +2.4689934 1.0390865 +1.5904393 0.67051977 +1.0954818 0.46265948 +0.92096794 0.38963836 +0.92072296 0.39021695 +1.4533303 0.61702186 +1.0232942 0.43520597 +1.0152315 0.43253037 +1.828848 0.7805225 +1.3762673 0.58839095 +1.7584302 0.753083 +2.0018003 0.85879993 +1.6088858 0.69143146 +2.3997042 1.0330787 +1.5769618 0.6800608 +0.918004 0.39657116 +1.7136126 0.74154633 +1.071171 0.4643364 +0.9172548 0.39830086 +0.9170044 0.3988771 +1.4550998 0.63402456 +2.006214 0.87565947 +1.6271213 0.711413 +0.9562896 0.4188266 +1.3462148 0.59061074 +0.96599144 0.4245233 +1.3272212 0.5842678 +0.91498786 0.40348142 +1.2580457 0.55570376 +0.935957 0.41413382 +0.9142257 0.4052054 +1.4789567 0.6566191 +0.9304905 0.41381413 +1.5800515 0.70388085 +2.096393 0.9354796 +1.4349637 0.64140946 +1.5701797 0.7030332 +2.4310076 1.090295 +3.328631 1.4953874 +3.9792604 1.7906885 +3.4711866 1.564676 +2.7058342 1.2217311 +2.055824 0.9297957 +1.2999138 0.5889012 +1.0418243 0.47276792 +0.9103662 0.41380367 +1.7347316 0.7898316 +1.8038285 0.82266045 +1.2330812 0.5632996 +0.9093233 0.41609034 +1.1145065 0.5108257 +1.7096679 0.7849138 +2.0457432 0.9407637 +2.3898022 1.1008037 +2.3623104 1.08994 +1.7584624 0.81267273 +0.9074844 0.42008573 +0.9841163 0.45631063 +0.90695584 0.4212258 +1.2739191 0.5926313 +0.9064258 0.42236516 +0.90616024 0.4229346 +1.5739856 0.73583525 +1.8023695 0.84398466 +2.620792 1.2292309 +2.8305428 1.3297807 +2.5558875 1.2027093 +2.0153499 0.9498988 +2.781071 1.3129438 +3.5513093 1.6793029 +2.8122807 1.3320022 +3.120871 1.4805638 +2.2361488 1.0625669 +1.4778477 0.703378 +1.8559327 0.8847574 +2.635857 1.2585949 +3.4783714 1.6635716 +3.1908507 1.5285257 +3.0440784 1.460569 +3.3543944 1.6120543 +3.8541152 1.8551918 +3.0609953 1.4757904 +3.306596 1.5967627 +3.2540731 1.5739212 +2.7140832 1.3148453 +2.8334954 1.3748937 +2.1109688 1.0259421 +1.4724158 0.716746 +0.89885527 0.43824565 +0.8985797 0.43881032 +0.8983038 0.43937483 +0.8980276 0.43993917 +0.897751 0.44050333 +1.2299082 0.60444343 +1.1978995 0.5896474 +0.8969191 0.44219476 +1.1177208 0.5519267 +0.89636266 0.44332153 +1.3721923 0.67972994 +0.8958049 0.44444758 +0.89552546 0.44501033 +0.8952457 0.4455729 +1.0535387 0.5251832 +1.519475 0.75864214 +0.8944042 0.44725963 +1.426163 0.7142937 +1.3225026 0.6634152 +1.6976193 0.8529228 +1.2603624 0.63422704 +0.89299464 0.45006728 +1.5825158 0.79883164 +1.1279798 0.57027787 +0.89214474 0.4517497 +0.89186066 0.45231017 +0.89157635 0.45287046 +0.8912916 0.45343056 +0.8910065 0.4539905 +1.114321 0.5686571 +1.6921301 0.8648635 +2.500839 1.2801846 +2.0879452 1.0704796 +2.7103324 1.3917259 +2.5724864 1.3229867 +3.220882 1.6590054 +3.4974222 1.8042266 +3.1304405 1.6174017 +2.9286013 1.5154498 +2.7701728 1.4356759 +2.0285754 1.0529515 +2.4801552 1.2893271 +2.6549516 1.382316 +3.2794027 1.7100599 +3.8415852 2.0062838 +3.5335345 1.8482296 +3.881661 2.0334258 +3.8043938 1.9959964 +4.1566577 2.1841452 +3.7682106 1.9830555 +3.9232051 2.0677714 +4.421765 2.3340943 +4.420297 2.336872 +4.3379364 2.296819 +4.256645 2.257203 +4.4158845 2.3452 +4.41441 2.3479743 +4.412934 2.3507473 +4.0087924 2.1386979 +3.7601042 2.0090582 +4.408495 2.3590615 +3.800802 2.0369475 +4.1985803 2.2535238 +4.4040403 2.367367 +4.402552 2.3701336 +3.918058 2.1124804 +3.9575863 2.1370032 +3.2237618 1.7433723 +3.1257467 1.6929061 +3.9693415 2.1530242 +3.7410421 2.0322347 +2.9518816 1.6059444 +2.9781113 1.6226403 +3.3260956 1.8149526 +3.284658 1.7950206 +3.0883856 1.6902813 +3.168912 1.7369419 +4.0198665 2.2066524 +3.3618097 1.8481706 +4.2213783 2.3241775 +3.361082 1.8532745 +4.166711 2.3009071 +4.375466 2.4197729 +4.3669696 2.4186585 +4.13807 2.2952807 +4.370897 2.428016 +3.7231703 2.0712688 +3.1246142 1.7408527 +3.5136647 1.9605029 +2.7712493 1.548545 +2.178269 1.2189904 +2.4612024 1.3793554 +1.9134221 1.073938 +1.1737542 0.65975803 +1.0335116 0.58178365 +0.871111 0.4910862 +0.8708022 0.49163345 +1.3040606 0.7373214 +1.6048046 0.9086944 +0.869874 0.493274 +1.6040796 0.9109478 +1.5713996 0.89369524 +1.8402959 1.0481544 +1.8153397 1.0354515 +2.070515 1.1827257 +1.7682629 1.0115465 +1.2059673 0.69088763 +2.0020537 1.1486295 +1.6048021 0.9220569 +2.3045058 1.326006 +1.6598548 0.9564644 +1.8877786 1.0893824 +1.4103254 0.81503963 +1.0093496 0.5841584 +1.0867001 0.6298366 +1.8567394 1.0777001 +2.387558 1.3878074 +2.914767 1.6967074 +3.4585385 2.0161512 +3.6284137 2.1182353 +3.6363704 2.125945 +3.9323137 2.30228 +3.5932891 2.1068218 +2.7855825 1.6355989 +2.2502267 1.3231583 +1.7506571 1.0308865 +0.88992035 0.5247891 +1.5221841 0.89892673 +2.225589 1.3162097 +1.5977887 0.9462851 +1.4520203 0.86118704 +1.5340043 0.9111148 +1.1920197 0.7090082 +0.8591386 0.511743 +1.3038596 0.77774984 +0.8584948 0.5128222 +1.2362045 0.73950154 +0.8578497 0.51390064 +0.85752666 0.5144395 +1.3910952 0.8357221 +2.0826216 1.252949 +2.5299358 1.5242283 +2.2090771 1.3328109 +2.3378963 1.4125363 +2.382626 1.4416058 +1.5520866 0.9404214 +0.87345135 0.5299816 +1.171591 0.71189046 +0.85427743 0.51981735 +0.869193 0.5296419 +0.8536235 0.5208905 +0.9993737 0.61069083 +0.8529683 0.5219627 +0.85264015 0.52249855 +0.96086633 0.58965045 +0.8519829 0.5235696 +0.85165375 0.52410483 +0.8513243 0.52463984 +1.2336671 0.7613336 +0.8506643 0.5257092 +1.0791866 0.667873 +1.6254963 1.0073792 +1.3940661 0.86516625 +2.16277 1.3441117 +2.8365436 1.7653182 +2.7924933 1.7403387 +2.1424913 1.3371139 +2.351822 1.4698097 +1.873582 1.1725636 +1.2860074 0.8059605 +1.5322478 0.96162444 +1.0408278 0.65412575 +1.0120251 0.6369116 +0.8460071 0.5331716 +0.84567195 0.5337031 +0.99252564 0.6272547 +1.3838509 0.87578106 +1.4028668 0.8890504 +2.0208602 1.2824769 +2.8454282 1.8082726 +3.582145 2.2796178 +3.9256334 2.501675 +3.9344838 2.5107925 +3.328603 2.1270936 +3.5935364 2.2995765 +4.2098155 2.6976757 +4.2081194 2.7003202 +3.7577164 2.4146345 +4.003587 2.5761814 +4.203022 2.7082477 +4.0929065 2.6409347 +3.8120565 2.463111 +3.9963377 2.5857425 +4.1962023 2.7188025 +4.1944933 2.7214384 +3.5218787 2.2881837 +2.9080763 1.8919923 +2.391494 1.5580438 +2.3000958 1.5005579 +2.8543937 1.8647338 +2.5914962 1.695311 +2.3892677 1.5651611 +3.1815293 2.0870137 +2.5245826 1.6583407 +1.889886 1.2431235 +1.4209831 0.93596965 +1.3901759 0.9169307 +1.201744 0.79372895 +1.5409954 1.0191892 +1.4501168 0.96039385 +0.98181313 0.65113014 +0.83303714 0.5532171 +0.83268934 0.5537404 +0.83234125 0.5542635 +0.83199286 0.5547863 +1.0285753 0.6868047 +1.424756 0.95263916 +1.460165 0.9776429 +2.1555653 1.4452055 +1.8631268 1.2508367 +2.686381 1.80599 +2.932774 1.9743108 +3.3343117 2.247667 +3.2857752 2.2179525 +3.9908228 2.6975229 +3.4661698 2.3460677 +3.993195 2.7064433 +3.909818 2.6535199 +3.5846207 2.4361057 +3.354467 2.2827759 +3.943907 2.6875277 +3.9362729 2.6859488 +3.5062773 2.395768 +4.126553 2.8233948 +4.1247783 2.825987 +4.123002 2.828578 +4.121224 2.8311682 +3.458125 2.3788369 +2.91048 2.0048082 +3.3954132 2.3419888 +3.420969 2.3627894 +3.4276493 2.3705857 +3.6627555 2.5365906 +4.108732 2.8492668 +3.3387108 2.3183908 +2.8500233 1.9817032 +3.0148258 2.0991063 +2.6420565 1.8420274 +2.364812 1.650943 +2.6781573 1.8722025 +2.1223786 1.4856639 +2.6856246 1.8824513 +2.4286509 1.7046056 +3.0023167 2.1100636 +3.7412488 2.6329072 +3.8369756 2.7038813 +3.6211998 2.5552328 +2.9313366 2.0712037 +2.491012 1.7624298 +2.9616017 2.098173 +2.2590654 1.6025876 +1.4877988 1.0568547 +1.8596044 1.3227247 +2.2111075 1.5748397 +2.9804876 2.1256473 +3.2258937 2.303727 +3.6300287 2.5957801 +4.0653005 2.9108987 +3.723731 2.6698637 +2.9658284 2.1292808 +2.6380186 1.8964466 +2.8246162 2.033283 +2.6087956 1.8804154 +3.0123816 2.174197 +2.992567 2.162757 +3.1223862 2.2595663 +2.702701 1.9584428 +2.237624 1.6235818 +1.6666157 1.2108672 +1.8218614 1.3254095 +2.2220566 1.6186888 +2.538928 1.8519611 +2.510145 1.8333836 +2.5252042 1.8468168 +2.0736353 1.5185611 +1.7741346 1.3009446 +2.1673265 1.5913608 +2.6119158 1.9203279 +2.1475303 1.5809828 +2.0752592 1.5297894 +1.5992464 1.1804454 +1.9290835 1.42578 +2.290591 1.6951957 +2.6107626 1.9346848 +2.3130462 1.7163168 +1.7363796 1.2901137 +1.3328755 0.9916143 +1.108827 0.8260126 +1.4086615 1.0507491 +1.7679226 1.3204589 +1.6147411 1.2076291 +1.3044006 0.9768109 +1.370609 1.0277363 +1.0176797 0.7640955 +0.7993072 0.6009226 +1.1796039 0.88799185 +1.1670997 0.8797282 +0.7981731 0.60242814 +0.79779446 0.60292953 +0.79741544 0.6034307 +1.5320954 1.160902 +1.3497285 1.0240542 +0.8903745 0.6764191 +1.6462171 1.252266 +1.1334765 0.86335266 +0.90216017 0.6880585 +1.0100831 0.7713733 +0.7943722 0.6074313 +0.9542167 0.7306099 +1.5941595 1.222181 +1.9977447 1.5335883 +1.7450275 1.3413309 +2.0089703 1.5462217 +2.5310278 1.9505616 +2.0556276 1.5862494 +2.1673498 1.6746349 +1.5657048 1.2113369 +2.2392933 1.7347214 +2.8645444 2.2219684 +3.06327 2.3792002 +3.3278196 2.5880258 +3.1370432 2.442825 +3.7318227 2.90975 +3.0674312 2.3948162 +3.047767 2.3825474 +2.6280653 2.0571134 +2.3490043 1.8410604 +2.1922643 1.7204381 +1.4947642 1.1745746 +1.6868064 1.3271952 +2.077668 1.6368432 +2.3455048 1.8502419 +3.0910645 2.441526 +3.2117088 2.5400975 +2.7576265 2.1837878 +2.684448 2.1285827 +3.2457604 2.5769882 +2.8933287 2.3001387 +2.9759297 2.3688579 +3.004834 2.3949516 +3.7634218 3.00344 +3.8995273 3.116073 +3.9041154 3.123761 +3.902152 3.1262133 +3.5099556 2.8156276 +3.8982205 3.1311145 +3.8962524 3.133563 +3.870094 3.1165318 +3.1017447 2.5010052 +2.9951372 2.4181523 +2.3534782 1.9025468 +2.7951953 2.2625353 +3.1254117 2.533077 +3.2722514 2.6554954 +3.4205616 2.7794185 +3.8784702 3.1555457 +3.8764868 3.1579819 +3.227223 2.6324341 +2.6975665 2.2032192 +2.9503536 2.4127734 +2.5915496 2.1220653 +2.080479 1.7057649 +1.4172858 1.163509 +1.7783313 1.4617777 +2.4764588 2.0382428 +2.9715905 2.4488933 +3.1228583 2.57685 +3.2930615 2.7207742 +3.1591153 2.6134474 +2.89422 2.3973718 +2.3425288 1.9428718 +2.2802672 1.8936522 +1.9328476 1.60719 +1.7174869 1.4299407 +2.0711687 1.7266128 +1.4011773 1.169573 +0.921033 0.76977545 +0.76689637 0.6417709 +1.2345463 1.0344394 +1.4649453 1.2290608 +0.80646044 0.67746854 +1.0802625 0.90863484 +0.8040733 0.6771885 +1.4272584 1.2035671 +1.4351081 1.2117302 +1.4942706 1.2632931 +2.1567898 1.825728 +1.999086 1.6943887 +2.0740693 1.7601837 +2.0288093 1.7239672 +2.1371088 1.8183078 +2.6279428 2.23877 +2.889041 2.4643364 +3.0737903 2.6252651 +3.5300138 3.0187545 +3.2856183 2.8133316 +2.8595393 2.4516144 +3.324984 2.854288 +3.236296 2.781689 +2.9102783 2.5046484 +3.2390778 2.7911649 +3.654085 3.1527863 +3.5254965 3.0457048 +3.3320768 2.8822663 +3.2247112 2.7929385 +3.0655444 2.658456 +2.650014 2.301025 +2.6854355 2.3347425 +3.3849676 2.9466588 +3.0047708 2.619013 +3.06376 2.6738183 +2.4857316 2.1721117 +2.102052 1.8391708 +2.171673 1.9024956 +1.6168164 1.4182094 +1.6036425 1.4084377 +2.3182194 2.0386136 +2.7124684 2.3883352 +3.3832362 2.982724 +2.7765768 2.450984 +3.0726116 2.7157412 +3.4197354 3.0263777 +3.1536717 2.7944536 +3.4026341 3.0188766 +3.7380633 3.3206751 +3.5137482 3.125359 +3.199602 2.8495393 +2.90264 2.5883398 +2.4042823 2.1466582 +2.1715105 1.9412817 +2.3579023 2.1105788 +1.9701841 1.7657598 +1.3621117 1.2223245 +1.9207443 1.7258073 +2.1310353 1.9171771 +2.239307 2.0171304 +2.139016 1.9292258 +1.4412057 1.3014984 +1.9886774 1.7981693 +2.7080116 2.4516883 +3.022158 2.7395566 +2.9733405 2.6987095 +3.0739217 2.793525 +3.6981554 3.3650625 +3.6960404 3.3673856 +3.693924 3.369707 +3.6918058 3.3720274 +3.6896865 3.3743465 +3.6875656 3.376664 +3.6854432 3.3789804 +3.4186242 3.1383045 +2.9260545 2.6895142 +2.890012 2.6597373 +2.5571408 2.3563583 +2.597348 2.396428 +2.3825955 2.201061 +2.2380722 2.0701568 +2.2006419 2.0381021 +2.1517644 1.9953479 +1.7856477 1.657933 +1.7553356 1.6318437 +1.2957007 1.2060637 +0.85376924 0.79570705 +0.81245655 0.7581584 +0.83340305 0.7786852 +0.7450814 0.6970397 +0.7298283 0.6836305 +1.2643405 1.1858007 +1.2079283 1.1343201 +0.7285384 0.685005 +0.7281078 0.6854626 +1.1494004 1.0834432 +0.94426733 0.8912026 +0.72681445 0.68683386 +0.7263828 0.6872904 +0.7259508 0.68774664 +1.2408897 1.1770664 +1.1466435 1.0890373 +1.144574 1.0884404 +1.1664368 1.1106275 +1.4226317 1.3562697 +2.0864997 1.9916742 +1.4420837 1.3782778 +1.1225103 1.0741944 +1.6976573 1.6266303 +2.0107632 1.929061 +2.4647257 2.367554 +1.7916914 1.7232198 +1.8728042 1.8034992 +2.18542 2.1071947 +2.1309416 2.0572515 +2.100414 2.030331 +1.5798849 1.5290912 +1.7367224 1.683001 +1.7028834 1.6522847 +1.3778745 1.3386148 +1.4912698 1.4506017 +0.9427044 0.91814953 +1.1047618 1.0773393 +1.5746007 1.5374472 +2.028844 1.9834641 +2.152725 2.1072211 +2.2557466 2.2108421 +1.8788813 1.843795 +1.9106051 1.8772842 +1.9680116 1.9361215 +2.394869 2.359025 +1.8973619 1.8713142 +1.8002565 1.7777747 +2.283471 2.2577906 +2.1406868 2.1192737 +2.4876971 2.46591 +2.8751519 2.8535552 +3.220457 3.2002857 +3.5444086 3.526637 +3.542192 3.5288632 +3.504816 3.4960184 +3.5377545 3.5333118 +3.1716843 3.1716843 +2.774709 2.778198 +2.566618 2.5730767 +1.8804818 1.8875846 +2.5803833 2.5933864 +2.6286771 2.6452458 +2.1407564 2.1569586 +2.477466 2.4993553 +3.0334225 3.0640721 +2.3960295 2.4232824 +1.9842918 2.009385 +1.9117408 1.9383512 +2.536894 2.575441 +3.008452 3.0580046 +3.1596699 3.2157524 +2.6235206 2.6734447 +3.2010243 3.2660406 +3.4975684 3.573096 +3.0240269 3.0932143 +3.171197 3.2478313 +3.1339877 3.21376 +2.9663024 3.0456328 +3.486326 3.5840664 +3.1913822 3.2849808 +2.8773842 2.9654994 +3.0686147 3.1665647 +3.3469572 3.4581368 +3.385456 3.5023158 +3.4727895 3.597184 +2.858571 2.9646897 +3.22535 3.3492937 +3.466003 3.6037235 +3.463738 3.6059005 +3.4614716 3.6080763 +3.406177 3.5549083 +3.456935 3.6124232 +3.4546645 3.6145945 +3.4523926 3.6167645 +2.8486197 2.9880018 +3.026127 3.1781907 +3.1729443 3.336581 +3.443292 3.6254299 +2.9001505 3.0574033 +3.1158855 3.2889721 +3.436452 3.631914 +3.4341693 3.6340723 +2.9839256 3.161597 +3.320941 3.523111 +3.0319407 3.2205691 +2.7698421 2.9458709 +3.4187682 3.6406183 +3.4204447 3.646993 +3.4181526 3.6491413 +3.415859 3.6512883 +3.4135642 3.6534338 +3.0709443 3.2908807 +2.4333827 2.6109447 +2.2393677 2.4058018 +2.4485037 2.6337974 +2.922772 3.1479206 +3.399767 3.6662767 +3.0934112 3.3401124 +3.3402843 3.6112227 +3.3928502 3.6726787 +3.3905418 3.6748097 +3.3861866 3.6747193 +3.2365968 3.5168147 +3.2113242 3.493757 +2.581181 2.8117375 +2.4392781 2.660513 +1.9880546 2.171102 +1.4282458 1.5617186 +1.8769286 2.0549228 +2.246378 2.4625134 +2.8914084 3.1736083 +2.4842727 2.73018 +2.6742196 2.942641 +3.2640564 3.5962193 +2.941901 3.2453752 +3.0516977 3.370752 +2.6292932 2.9078553 +2.3995507 2.6571267 +2.4533439 2.7201283 +2.4879618 2.761998 +1.8783275 2.0878522 +1.9683876 2.190725 +1.789277 1.9939017 +1.1377871 1.2695101 +1.4477501 1.6174015 +1.2616621 1.4112906 +1.0419742 1.1670233 +1.5764364 1.767862 +1.996154 2.241379 +2.2556355 2.5359437 +2.3174858 2.6087794 +1.9569268 2.20569 +2.0061677 2.2640543 +1.7605743 1.9894074 +1.7835349 2.0179057 +1.8702629 2.1187117 +2.3353717 2.6489592 +2.2057483 2.5051017 +2.2315836 2.5376563 +1.8950047 2.1576462 +2.5038233 2.85446 +2.994268 3.4179165 +2.9747715 3.3999693 +2.3830779 2.7271578 +2.1571686 2.4717636 +2.243586 2.5740466 +2.8512592 3.2753775 +3.1596591 3.6342597 +3.278187 3.7753794 +2.6583405 3.065411 +2.2955868 2.6504717 +2.2742412 2.6291625 +2.053397 2.3768697 +1.9322903 2.239528 +1.8396915 2.1349163 +1.3728074 1.5951346 +1.4467871 1.6832333 +1.2252754 1.4273335 +1.6012143 1.867641 +1.8767155 2.1917684 +2.2148004 2.5899012 +2.0563781 2.4077094 +2.5602567 3.0014923 +2.2455974 2.635957 +2.4047534 2.8263752 +1.871606 2.2025542 +2.3303914 2.7459595 +2.9712543 3.505567 +3.2304866 3.8162751 +2.6807876 3.1709363 +2.9099991 3.4464462 +3.2232873 3.8223577 +3.0996048 3.6803777 +2.5922554 3.0818942 +3.1736872 3.777966 +3.2136707 3.8304465 +3.0362618 3.6236105 +3.1823974 3.8028662 +3.037627 3.634508 +2.496561 2.990942 +2.5317917 3.0370257 +2.201598 2.6443164 +2.6057887 3.1337876 +2.8584888 3.4420884 +2.7230637 3.2832096 +2.9162984 3.5206928 +3.18712 3.8525662 +3.1846986 3.854568 +3.1822762 3.8565683 +3.1798525 3.858567 +3.1774273 3.8605642 +2.615319 3.1816766 +2.252396 2.7436736 +2.857967 3.485791 +2.225784 2.718215 +2.5158145 3.076353 +1.9064295 2.3341846 +1.3045124 1.5992622 +1.3991094 1.717435 +0.9578494 1.1772894 +1.145601 1.4098629 +0.9887125 1.2183473 +0.6296459 0.7768823 +0.7491021 0.9254603 +0.6286691 0.7776729 +1.0564902 1.3085748 +1.4727576 1.8265127 +1.1868753 1.4738561 +1.8055731 2.245038 +1.3945854 1.7362512 +0.8843284 1.1024021 +1.2126175 1.5135942 +0.7357983 0.91960996 +0.75424874 0.9438847 +1.3031043 1.6328381 +1.2783469 1.6038821 +1.0763401 1.3521758 +1.2905864 1.6234196 +1.8666109 2.351028 +1.3869716 1.74917 +0.8313622 1.0498211 +1.36189 1.7219788 +0.94752264 1.1995996 +0.61934066 0.7851224 +1.0791442 1.3697728 +0.951633 1.2094835 +0.64274514 0.81795776 +0.8569778 1.092002 +0.8902411 1.1358564 +1.1195142 1.4302354 +0.85156184 1.0893223 +0.61538637 0.7882256 +0.64568573 0.8281071 +1.0451281 1.3421395 +1.4275135 1.8355718 +1.3147254 1.6927365 +1.1015428 1.4201005 +0.68828046 0.888478 +1.1913874 1.5399193 +1.0633335 1.3761898 +0.61091924 0.7916929 +0.6104217 0.7920766 +0.6099239 0.79246 +0.60942584 0.79284304 +0.60892755 0.7932258 +1.020379 1.3309377 +0.6405245 0.8365602 +0.6074313 0.7943722 +0.60693204 0.79475373 +0.73011714 0.95730615 +1.0058233 1.3205229 +0.6054329 0.79589635 +0.6049327 0.79627657 +0.6044323 0.79665655 +1.0953702 1.44561 +0.6034307 0.79741544 +0.60292953 0.79779446 +0.60242814 0.7981731 +0.6019265 0.7985515 +0.6014247 0.7989295 +0.92419714 1.2293056 +1.0713164 1.4268595 +0.59991765 0.80006176 +0.5994148 0.8004385 +1.191861 1.5936574 +1.0112176 1.3538889 +1.0740272 1.4398688 +1.1683106 1.5683229 +1.6202326 2.177831 +2.159926 2.9070706 +1.891113 2.5486155 +1.5123839 2.0408883 +1.4030088 1.8957807 +0.9314976 1.2603182 +1.0770642 1.4591873 +1.0552334 1.431493 +0.8606975 1.1691296 +0.5923507 0.8056802 +0.5918444 0.80605227 +0.5913378 0.80642396 +0.7814907 1.0671462 +0.5903239 0.8071664 +0.76243335 1.0438722 +0.9337501 1.2801155 +1.3276631 1.8225508 +0.8054395 1.1071287 +1.36132 1.8736963 +1.5958747 2.1994379 +1.4556069 2.0087745 +1.7210038 2.3781726 +1.1481605 1.5886886 +1.3123071 1.8182206 +0.8423571 1.1686447 +1.1240345 1.5614974 +0.68453115 0.952205 +1.0674658 1.4868497 +0.74448776 1.0383573 +1.1769415 1.6436921 +1.0186635 1.4245343 +1.3747869 1.9251049 +1.775383 2.4893627 +1.9948071 2.8007503 +1.4321995 2.0135138 +1.9343654 2.7231243 +1.9531552 2.7532382 +1.5888646 2.2427056 +1.1912792 1.6837499 +1.007489 1.4258807 +0.82161474 1.1643679 +0.9682999 1.3740778 +0.90429753 1.2849683 +0.72530776 1.0320085 +1.1871866 1.6914537 +1.3018028 1.8572346 +1.7090282 2.4414709 +2.1843913 3.1247385 +1.893463 2.7121975 +1.5764381 2.2611165 +2.0300899 2.9157012 +1.7154261 2.467072 +1.7426271 2.5095544 +1.2679819 1.8284698 +1.636525 2.3630898 +1.8499234 2.6748192 +1.5855504 2.2956421 +1.5059466 2.18332 +1.5954052 2.3161292 +1.3584889 1.9748411 +0.9598363 1.3971972 +1.132764 1.6511434 +1.3086532 1.9100955 +1.121379 1.6389596 +1.3965672 2.0439177 +0.8475161 1.2420396 +1.0595295 1.5548439 +0.56260294 0.8267273 +0.56208336 0.82708055 +0.5615636 0.8274336 +0.5610436 0.82778627 +0.5605234 0.8281386 +0.5600029 0.8284906 +0.6608057 0.97894746 +0.5589614 0.8291937 +0.55844027 0.8295447 +0.5579189 0.82989544 +1.0784895 1.6064149 +1.1884799 1.7726518 +1.2602503 1.8822552 +1.444232 2.1599767 +1.1449158 1.7146535 +0.93885255 1.4079629 +0.57985914 0.87077844 +0.6784455 1.0202153 +0.91533315 1.3783133 +0.6116436 0.922273 +0.5521698 0.83373165 +0.9249087 1.398445 +0.8542078 1.2933118 +0.8117148 1.2306563 +1.3425186 2.038203 +1.1929635 1.813629 +1.0698413 1.6286777 +1.1045699 1.6838516 +1.408971 2.1508384 +1.9191043 2.9335928 +1.4116055 2.160779 +1.4397174 2.2068377 +1.2568011 1.9291064 +1.6670411 2.5623162 +1.7844911 2.7466156 +1.3533655 2.0859125 +1.2117977 1.8702898 +1.5030302 2.3229752 +1.3340229 2.0646129 +1.5404327 2.3873544 +1.5532178 2.4104917 +1.5877863 2.4675436 +1.0706129 1.6661154 +0.8978995 1.3992668 +1.1681696 1.8229687 +1.1384106 1.7789882 +1.2371991 1.9360429 +0.7475013 1.171356 +0.53741735 0.84331644 +0.63190275 0.99295914 +0.9984188 1.5710735 +1.2381856 1.9510684 +1.2533435 1.9776988 +1.0806892 1.7076331 +1.0618438 1.6801901 +1.4587235 2.3114004 +1.814246 2.8787448 +2.0820308 3.308257 +1.5977023 2.542222 +1.8972543 3.0230758 +2.108432 3.3642585 +2.5077436 4.007001 +2.4090025 3.854611 +2.2996457 3.6847801 +2.5861228 4.149612 +2.6015897 4.1802793 +2.6392276 4.246702 +2.3598466 3.8024857 +2.5453413 4.107136 +2.631218 4.2516694 +2.628546 4.2533216 +2.5397353 4.115394 +2.6231992 4.2566214 +2.1290119 3.459577 +2.113366 3.4389918 +2.249323 3.6653898 +2.2720459 3.7076418 +2.6098137 4.2648416 +2.6071334 4.2664804 +2.6044521 4.268118 +2.1345196 3.5029507 +1.7511722 2.8779087 +1.8777752 3.0903413 +1.8436484 3.0384777 +2.0886722 3.4471781 +1.7663091 2.9192822 +1.92031 3.1783154 +2.1570683 3.5752485 +2.4582233 4.080194 +2.5775836 4.2843976 +2.537957 4.224538 +2.5721977 4.2876334 +2.569503 4.2892485 +2.5668077 4.290862 +2.1769211 3.6442952 +2.1948745 3.6795998 +1.7846085 2.996086 +1.836931 3.0883393 +1.9343029 3.2567015 +2.015202 3.3977683 +2.4174137 4.081768 +2.545207 4.30371 +2.5425024 4.3053083 +2.095033 3.5526888 +1.8489013 3.139814 +1.6734437 2.845939 +1.5696487 2.673263 +1.798896 3.0681067 +1.3211436 2.2565246 +0.9709517 1.660786 +1.1959795 2.048643 +1.1241429 1.928373 +1.3611047 2.3382366 +1.4874257 2.5589395 +1.0345968 1.7824779 +1.335812 2.3047674 +1.0699723 1.8487726 +0.9260284 1.6023778 +0.9211401 1.5962334 +0.71583515 1.2422651 +0.4987298 0.8667575 +0.4981851 0.8670707 +0.6847103 1.1934456 +0.4970951 0.86769605 +0.68099815 1.1904384 +1.1281816 1.9750284 +0.70984584 1.2444923 +1.114684 1.9571053 +1.4455817 2.541791 +1.5956029 2.8096824 +1.2257986 2.1616592 +1.426978 2.520122 +1.8473455 3.2673006 +1.5729707 2.7861133 +1.3881208 2.4623115 +1.0628916 1.8881776 +1.1981425 2.1315765 +1.2217771 2.176825 +1.0613539 1.8937881 +1.505257 2.6898115 +1.4642884 2.620465 +1.0690261 1.9159366 +1.1900407 2.1359751 +1.6037576 2.8828044 +2.0534906 3.6966789 +1.7686024 3.1885428 +1.8690721 3.374673 +1.9271841 3.48476 +2.0203884 3.6587198 +2.275921 4.12759 +2.411521 4.380019 +2.3470778 4.2693186 +2.406015 4.383046 +2.2531686 4.1107264 +1.8364779 3.3555076 +2.11156 3.863885 +1.9274555 3.5322692 +1.5607336 2.864491 +1.4630494 2.6892266 +1.5621337 2.875656 +1.8221778 3.3593888 +1.9168087 3.5391557 +1.4863888 2.74856 +1.2328721 2.2831962 +1.0760967 1.9958572 +1.4385507 2.6721256 +1.3606659 2.5312629 +1.3040065 2.4295175 +1.2671722 2.364455 +1.5016658 2.8062375 +1.3915492 2.6043894 +1.6974072 3.1816337 +1.9382166 3.6385117 +1.7121546 3.21901 +1.9592468 3.6891553 +2.2799213 4.299487 +2.339649 4.418828 +2.2877488 4.3273783 +2.3340943 4.421765 +1.9982151 3.7912352 +2.328536 4.4246945 +2.2995079 4.376205 +2.322974 4.427617 +2.3201914 4.4290757 +2.317408 4.4305325 +1.9425725 3.7195923 +1.5730274 3.0166137 +1.8950708 3.6397767 +2.2991977 4.422747 +2.238978 4.313528 +2.223051 4.2894335 +2.2978992 4.4406824 +2.1046455 4.073488 +2.2923172 4.4435663 +2.190735 4.2532105 +2.2867315 4.4464436 +2.1529243 4.192737 +2.2253015 4.340398 +2.278346 4.450746 +2.2755492 4.4521766 +2.0743437 4.0648127 +2.2249312 4.3666735 +2.2671528 4.456458 +2.2643523 4.4578815 +1.8713195 3.6898491 +1.8157396 3.5858407 +1.9315505 3.8205059 +1.898079 3.7601666 +1.6175588 3.2094564 +1.8738364 3.7237659 +2.0226388 4.0257697 +1.8315876 3.6512268 +1.7482415 3.4905488 +1.800997 3.6015306 +1.7574941 3.520063 +2.0859632 4.1845264 +1.8142216 3.6451364 +1.6859248 3.3927042 +1.2622188 2.5440612 +1.4551362 2.9375293 +1.7082968 3.4540472 +2.0612462 4.1742826 +2.2109737 4.4845953 +2.2081556 4.4859834 +2.106255 4.2857614 +2.2025166 4.4887547 +2.1688757 4.427226 +2.1968741 4.491519 +2.1940517 4.4928985 +2.1912282 4.494276 +1.810199 3.7187033 +1.5312724 3.1507316 +1.1418866 2.353295 +1.3507661 2.7882302 +1.5495882 3.2037647 +1.4844304 3.0739772 +1.8635929 3.865352 +1.8455952 3.8341784 +1.7238319 3.5869837 +1.7374661 3.6211798 +1.4187008 2.9615877 +1.6250994 3.3979297 +2.048328 4.2897835 +2.1516101 4.513377 +2.148774 4.514728 +2.145937 4.5160775 +2.1359038 4.5022583 +2.1402602 4.5187707 +2.111058 4.4643645 +2.13458 4.5214562 +1.8367294 3.8968914 +1.5066378 3.2017684 +1.2698334 2.7029405 +1.5487319 3.3019872 +1.6157986 3.450615 +1.6466227 3.5222018 +1.624773 3.4811637 +1.4395885 3.08946 +1.5604255 3.3542879 +1.2147514 2.615523 +1.5433445 3.3285012 +1.5606664 3.3714085 +1.3486943 2.9183068 +1.4748279 3.1965075 +1.37836 2.9923663 +1.1496289 2.4999323 +1.5108222 3.2908127 +1.6418619 3.5821722 +1.4501797 3.1692207 +1.669875 3.6554112 +1.4113809 3.0947022 +1.4212743 3.121589 +1.0887289 2.3951986 +1.3648746 3.007733 +1.4813018 3.269758 +1.1637309 2.5730662 +0.8514114 1.8856672 +0.5797278 1.2861087 +0.41036874 0.91191965 +0.68561757 1.5261382 +0.59377056 1.3239176 +0.6809952 1.5209593 +1.0709338 2.3958974 +0.9753917 2.1858354 +1.0636187 2.3875806 +0.8386036 1.8856599 +1.122433 2.5281475 +1.1112132 2.5071225 +1.4667547 3.3149173 +1.3974665 3.163694 +1.7238386 3.9092042 +2.0119832 4.5704155 +2.0116565 4.577471 +2.00878 4.578734 +1.7383454 3.9690924 +1.9990659 4.5722003 +1.9959599 4.5729218 +1.997266 4.583768 +1.7933292 4.1228004 +1.410726 3.2487884 +1.0358337 2.38955 +0.9841058 2.2741344 +1.0832714 2.507614 +1.3440595 3.1166775 +1.011436 2.3494308 +0.8561455 1.9921573 +0.9608926 2.239771 +1.1954645 2.7913804 +0.98968506 2.3149083 +1.2050307 2.823516 +0.83966434 1.9708527 +1.14952 2.7028515 +0.7850089 1.8490062 +0.47947034 1.1313176 +0.38963836 0.92096794 +0.38905963 0.92121255 +0.67765784 1.6073704 +0.9579811 2.2762775 +1.1724988 2.7909005 +0.79319423 1.8913685 +0.7326963 1.750194 +0.50489277 1.2081693 +0.3850042 0.9229148 +0.57634866 1.384044 +0.75051266 1.8054774 +0.9557466 2.303282 +0.66042405 1.5944048 +0.7698978 1.862006 +1.1331275 2.7453644 +1.3481774 3.2722204 +1.0036514 2.4403584 +1.3473605 3.2819407 +1.4874957 3.629776 +1.3858917 3.387908 +1.3016757 3.18775 +1.3368253 3.2797167 +1.4348873 3.5266364 +1.459223 3.5929134 +1.1986357 2.9566197 +1.5046065 3.7180517 +1.5529859 3.8445477 +1.1866267 2.9429176 +1.5219402 3.7813675 +1.4165325 3.5258691 +1.3168726 3.28377 +1.0608432 2.6501508 +0.95651966 2.393893 +1.1359453 2.848136 +1.377366 3.4597616 +1.1170069 2.8109121 +0.99857277 2.5174844 +1.1082232 2.7990522 +1.3792164 3.489908 +1.249748 3.168129 +1.5964067 4.054374 +1.5730245 4.002366 +1.5682325 3.9975498 +1.8150954 4.6353874 +1.5108445 3.865544 +1.7435392 4.469181 +1.5560658 3.9960475 +1.8113768 4.6603556 +1.8084483 4.661493 +1.805519 4.662628 +1.7488381 4.524694 +1.7996584 4.664893 +1.5149716 3.9343166 +1.1787539 3.0669184 +1.3876173 3.617131 +1.2127266 3.1671891 +1.1936214 3.1231682 +1.032508 2.7067058 +1.2199408 3.2041025 +0.9386081 2.4698644 +1.0097362 2.6620677 +0.6621241 1.7489364 +0.7229326 1.9131856 +0.55258894 1.4651678 +0.35229906 0.93588746 +0.35171095 0.93610865 +0.3511227 0.9363295 +0.5084334 1.3584212 +0.79984856 2.1411147 +0.7510721 2.014405 +0.63520646 1.7069244 +0.49760187 1.3397285 +0.83171386 2.2435997 +0.5148309 1.3914702 +0.7110542 1.9255337 +0.5572266 1.5118912 +0.73105276 1.9873713 +0.574274 1.5641999 +0.78201336 2.1341815 +1.0872693 2.9730322 +0.8581847 2.3512015 +1.0669087 2.9287624 +0.7876515 2.1664073 +0.653624 1.8012931 +0.81329286 2.245717 +0.6601287 1.8263736 +0.83785355 2.3226478 +0.83536804 2.320324 +0.8977491 2.4985187 +1.0002327 2.7892458 +1.2831054 3.5851514 +1.3124678 3.6744692 +1.0960968 3.0748003 +1.040357 2.9242458 +0.8629761 2.4304962 +0.969333 2.735491 +0.87786096 2.4823067 +0.8532788 2.417628 +1.034688 2.9375012 +1.2346413 3.512214 +1.2952347 3.6919982 +1.0133305 2.8942652 +1.0222969 2.925768 +0.91025496 2.610375 +1.0901128 3.13249 +1.4004283 4.0323563 +1.6374089 4.7242875 +1.5734134 4.5488815 +1.3950727 4.0415 +1.2234081 3.5514243 +1.0318234 3.001397 +0.97871864 2.852753 +0.7689037 2.245784 +1.0818149 3.166213 +1.343743 3.9409049 +1.031877 3.0325067 +1.1964864 3.523523 +1.4961708 4.4151707 +1.3752903 4.0668592 +1.2212249 3.6187649 +1.3148694 3.90435 +1.4899828 4.433537 +1.5898331 4.7405095 +1.4303969 4.274014 +1.5838748 4.7425036 +1.5808947 4.743498 +1.3077997 3.9323075 +1.5749326 4.7454805 +1.3436986 4.0572677 +1.3546095 4.09884 +1.2326814 3.737785 +1.0963548 3.3314464 +0.9289621 2.8287818 +1.2156078 3.7095075 +0.93747824 2.8668628 +1.1501883 3.524838 +1.1577075 3.5554545 +0.95881224 2.9509206 +0.76087296 2.3467424 +0.73863417 2.28304 +0.78064215 2.418069 +0.5927187 1.8399223 +0.7821331 2.433141 +0.8249242 2.5718052 +0.97555465 3.0479982 +0.8105759 2.5380344 +1.0545249 3.309048 +1.1230502 3.5317461 +0.8905643 2.8067346 +0.79982156 2.5262516 +1.0836942 3.4303572 +1.3761979 4.3658047 +1.1192217 3.558378 +0.92021954 2.9321194 +0.72678274 2.3208697 +0.7184326 2.2992697 +0.4830799 1.5494668 +0.5697992 1.8316664 +0.6622063 2.1334414 +0.70368207 2.2721064 +0.9435739 3.0534763 +1.0262264 3.3283584 +1.0422518 3.3878925 +1.0984248 3.5784845 +0.9698094 3.166568 +1.1627301 3.8050191 +1.2122831 3.9761178 +1.4042253 4.6160564 +1.4521749 4.7844734 +1.4491684 4.785385 +1.2548078 4.1529803 +1.1977569 3.9731762 +0.9120226 3.032237 +0.90715 3.0229216 +0.753527 2.5167422 +0.72782165 2.436458 +0.58419687 1.9601493 +0.4762083 1.6014918 +0.28441694 0.95870066 +0.30200756 1.0203451 +0.53164333 1.800335 +0.69296104 2.3520544 +0.93433267 3.1786861 +1.0678263 3.6412985 +1.0679452 3.6501958 +1.1731635 4.019197 +1.2221146 4.196702 +1.2302324 4.2344875 +1.3919384 4.802344 +1.3889208 4.8032174 +1.3859025 4.8040895 +1.3828838 4.8049593 +1.3798645 4.805827 +1.2676355 4.425434 +1.3738241 4.807557 +1.2650062 4.4373116 +1.1714375 4.118911 +1.03592 3.6511328 +1.0521207 3.7171252 +1.2756019 4.5175104 +1.3556904 4.812702 +1.3526661 4.8135533 +1.3496414 4.814402 +1.3011693 4.6527395 +1.3435905 4.8160944 +1.3405641 4.8169374 +1.3375373 4.817779 +1.33451 4.8186183 +1.331482 4.819456 +1.3284537 4.8202915 +1.3254247 4.8211255 +1.3223952 4.821957 +1.3193653 4.8227873 +1.1058335 4.052248 +1.2181642 4.474945 +1.0290502 3.7896254 +0.98488224 3.6360025 +1.1608154 4.29621 +1.2188311 4.522209 +0.972968 3.6190357 +1.0313317 3.84576 +0.80434865 3.0069075 +0.71235 2.669706 +0.6429403 2.4156685 +0.6956962 2.6205075 +0.70437765 2.6599462 +0.64886576 2.4565527 +0.6236026 2.3669307 +0.58848196 2.239338 +0.75743383 2.8896315 +0.82760525 3.1654453 +0.6512567 2.4973538 +0.5604388 2.1546407 +0.4861638 1.8739182 +0.69702685 2.6936512 +0.5544416 2.1481967 +0.70053476 2.7213032 +0.4824273 1.8789303 +0.51680094 2.01807 +0.6107063 2.3910139 +0.7334488 2.879114 +0.97287726 3.8290327 +0.77186704 3.0459177 +1.0072263 3.9851992 +0.86774886 3.4424446 +0.94512594 3.7593715 +1.0069366 4.015901 +0.8070418 3.227268 +0.8385283 3.3621533 +0.9901143 3.9806013 +1.0191853 4.108495 +0.91773176 3.7094927 +0.8928095 3.618507 +0.7191213 2.9224522 +0.7599499 3.0967617 +0.9932894 4.058625 +1.1054741 4.52934 +1.182495 4.8581586 +1.088631 4.4847894 +1.1641384 4.809034 +0.9976479 4.1326175 +0.84102064 3.4934318 +0.7422419 3.09166 +0.8014513 3.3475497 +0.6462743 2.706907 +0.7086089 2.9762723 +0.608423 2.5626204 +0.42460027 1.7933892 +0.32602152 1.3808904 +0.4465167 1.8965853 +0.65471935 2.7887828 +0.5207663 2.2244895 +0.4597184 1.9692932 +0.3044873 1.3080425 +0.23996621 1.0338086 +0.34719437 1.5000412 +0.27207407 1.1788577 +0.22427076 0.9745269 +0.4008407 1.7467997 +0.2593498 1.1334715 +0.22243342 0.97494787 +0.2218208 0.97508746 +0.2212081 0.97522664 +0.2205953 0.9753654 +0.21998242 0.97550386 +0.34876886 1.5511436 +0.32030332 1.4287374 +0.43632105 1.9519881 +0.53749776 2.4117436 +0.40679902 1.8307174 +0.34201622 1.5437554 +0.21568981 0.97646195 +0.21507624 0.97659725 +0.24277273 1.1056658 +0.25884023 1.1823885 +0.3695258 1.6930946 +0.37624973 1.7291166 +0.2120071 0.9772681 +0.21139303 0.97740114 +0.3051501 1.4152013 +0.47706652 2.2192683 +0.35407567 1.6521782 +0.28272536 1.3233027 +0.3079063 1.4456074 +0.24003597 1.1304445 +0.36215255 1.7108402 +0.39515972 1.8725754 +0.5797689 2.755968 +0.65139765 3.1061463 +0.65783197 3.1466691 +0.69251186 3.322979 +0.86140114 4.146427 +0.8705927 4.2039332 +0.70426166 3.4115443 +0.78060395 3.7933936 +0.6872982 3.3506308 +0.6751955 3.3021686 +0.78060967 3.8299754 +0.93112504 4.5831766 +0.9923925 4.900526 +0.98931324 4.901149 +0.8502913 4.2261105 +0.98315346 4.902388 +0.98007303 4.9030046 +0.9769922 4.90362 +0.97033817 4.8862414 +0.9708293 4.9048433 +0.91519207 4.639053 +0.87108564 4.430137 +0.81913865 4.179818 +0.7961998 4.076338 +0.8396877 4.3133874 +0.95233166 4.9084687 +0.8011742 4.1433005 +0.6823798 3.5408854 +0.5488951 2.857893 +0.5344948 2.7923868 +0.40227947 2.1088228 +0.29200497 1.5359863 +0.29323593 1.547761 +0.33671838 1.7833966 +0.35665706 1.8955319 +0.28748316 1.5331925 +0.3391257 1.8149049 +0.25597215 1.374674 +0.18244146 0.9832167 +0.18182364 0.98333114 +0.18120576 0.9834452 +0.18058781 0.9835589 +0.27994227 1.5300981 +0.17935169 0.98378503 +0.33952245 1.8690131 +0.23487145 1.2975627 +0.1916157 1.0624018 +0.20783576 1.1564924 +0.32917696 1.8383237 +0.4235365 2.3738806 +0.5237041 2.946014 +0.66891414 3.7766387 +0.66092 3.7452059 +0.5828266 3.3148458 +0.5984842 3.4164844 +0.6216494 3.5618904 +0.6271431 3.6067464 +0.6525241 3.766736 +0.7143864 4.139302 +0.8472636 4.9276915 +0.84416723 4.928223 +0.8410706 4.9287524 +0.8379736 4.92928 +0.83487624 4.9298053 +0.75040716 4.4480033 +0.7618563 4.53323 +0.8255823 4.9313703 +0.82248366 4.931888 +0.73374027 4.416855 +0.6295044 3.8041759 +0.5661563 3.434753 +0.57028776 3.4734163 +0.62557894 3.8252063 +0.6045092 3.711009 +0.6112744 3.7674558 +0.63183326 3.9097028 +0.6514308 4.0471144 +0.79147965 4.936959 +0.7883775 4.9374547 +0.6793255 4.2717195 +0.7678791 4.848198 +0.6639372 4.209049 +0.7062833 4.4958553 +0.6864128 4.387348 +0.7697582 4.940392 +0.7384734 4.7592587 +0.6474971 4.1903167 +0.733145 4.7644258 +0.6937771 4.5275116 +0.7542337 4.9427857 +0.75112796 4.943259 +0.74802184 4.94373 +0.7449155 4.9441986 +0.618129 4.120255 +0.5060476 3.3876617 +0.59456927 3.9974444 +0.732487 4.9460554 +0.7293792 4.9465146 +0.72627103 4.946972 +0.62679476 4.2881384 +0.6458497 4.4379835 +0.683568 4.7179656 +0.5394047 3.7395105 +0.6503142 4.5285435 +0.70761627 4.9496746 +0.5807565 4.080608 +0.5767167 4.0705557 +0.46318716 3.284102 +0.5364607 3.8209872 +0.5457341 3.9048557 +0.41879255 3.0103562 +0.484247 3.4969528 +0.5403065 3.9199076 +0.53161395 3.8748405 +0.46958718 3.4387822 +0.51561856 3.793649 +0.57560444 4.255025 +0.6447322 4.7886834 +0.6529048 4.872534 +0.66093594 4.956124 +0.5663193 4.2670875 +0.6547074 4.9569507 +0.6462981 4.917079 +0.6484778 4.9577694 +0.5817924 4.4697804 +0.64224714 4.9585805 +0.6391314 4.958983 +0.5456247 4.254554 +0.46311396 3.6292415 +0.4156848 3.2739391 +0.51768243 4.097878 +0.55356556 4.4041753 +0.60063493 4.803047 +0.58415884 4.695252 +0.6141969 4.962133 +0.611079 4.9625177 +0.60068804 4.9035316 +0.5182163 4.2524357 +0.5008638 4.1316595 +0.5651671 4.686749 +0.58985007 4.9174294 +0.5146395 4.313335 +0.5264615 4.4361105 +0.579533 4.9096637 +0.583007 4.9658937 +0.57988673 4.9662595 +0.55954885 4.8183613 +0.5736455 4.9669843 +0.5705245 4.9673433 +0.5674033 4.967701 +0.56428194 4.9680567 +0.5525303 4.8920016 +0.51533175 4.5885024 +0.40640828 3.6392655 +0.41169962 3.707768 +0.42280492 3.829719 +0.4665034 4.250016 +0.4926091 4.513997 +0.5393027 4.97083 +0.53617936 4.971168 +0.51858276 4.8365226 +0.45216507 4.2422266 +0.52680796 4.97217 +0.52134544 4.950297 +0.5205594 4.972828 +0.5174347 4.973154 +0.48729506 4.7122393 +0.5111849 4.9738 +0.4213666 4.125359 +0.37304282 3.67509 +0.40776134 4.0424037 +0.4603602 4.5927477 +0.4955567 4.975382 +0.4924305 4.9756923 +0.4346115 4.4198017 +0.48617747 4.976307 +0.48305067 4.9766116 +0.47992367 4.976914 +0.4767965 4.977215 +0.45789123 4.8117123 +0.47054157 4.97781 +0.45913574 4.8899403 +0.4642859 4.9783974 +0.39390483 4.2526207 +0.3560773 3.870713 +0.41652915 4.5592523 +0.41325542 4.555005 +0.35177606 3.9046266 +0.4204179 4.6995735 +0.35591215 4.0068727 +0.31881803 3.6150374 +0.23752233 2.7127113 +0.27240938 3.1338112 +0.31128398 3.6072962 +0.30856758 3.60224 +0.256409 3.0156178 +0.30724016 3.6405365 +0.26364255 3.1475408 +0.2302679 2.7700155 +0.23021719 2.7906427 +0.2406707 2.9399004 +0.2908637 3.5806959 +0.23043267 2.8590152 +0.19279353 2.410936 +0.14597534 1.840011 +0.19326623 2.4556801 +0.21356194 2.7355351 +0.19834553 2.5613658 +0.162287 2.1129646 +0.13163133 1.7280493 +0.16159667 2.1391795 +0.09043528 1.2072597 +0.12855126 1.7306836 +0.11185575 1.5188304 +0.11469841 1.5709037 +0.13058989 1.8041601 +0.09408646 1.3112901 +0.10655664 1.4982753 +0.12301127 1.745136 +0.13965662 1.9991883 +0.16040248 2.3171077 +0.20354104 2.9673302 +0.2012328 2.9609277 +0.14879744 2.2099211 +0.12626629 1.8930359 +0.11722986 1.7743461 +0.12324644 1.8833994 +0.13993555 2.1592557 +0.0791708 1.233644 +0.108307436 1.7044077 +0.08043041 1.2784048 +0.062163427 0.998066 +0.069552526 1.128126 +0.081186384 1.3304342 +0.06028201 0.9981814 +0.05965482 0.9982191 +0.05902761 0.9982563 +0.07724332 1.3203936 +0.09401728 1.6246353 +0.057145838 0.9983658 +0.071223296 1.2581617 +0.06888751 1.2306019 +0.06451778 1.1656656 +0.11029713 2.0157292 +0.12721363 2.3519728 +0.08314495 1.5553348 +0.09537794 1.805449 +0.14028658 2.6875973 +0.09340937 1.8113909 +0.05718451 1.1226343 +0.050244316 0.998737 +0.054818835 1.1034838 +0.04898923 0.9987993 +0.06901514 1.4253935 +0.06562835 1.3733075 +0.047106452 0.99888986 +0.066092744 1.4204602 +0.08396617 1.8293505 +0.09084883 2.00683 +0.11997825 2.6876707 +0.08810363 2.0018694 +0.09489986 2.1875823 +0.08564193 2.0032413 +0.063971505 1.5187113 +0.04145714 0.99914026 +0.06975337 1.7069879 +0.07655389 1.9027128 +0.1100607 2.778977 +0.13736467 3.5243883 +0.1203153 3.1376061 +0.14062811 3.7285094 +0.16156213 4.356209 +0.1800908 4.939595 +0.16213256 4.5251164 +0.13550204 3.8494499 +0.10038565 2.9037294 +0.13163029 3.8780687 +0.10430447 3.1310253 +0.097730435 2.9901435 +0.12097541 3.7739697 +0.13828824 4.400403 +0.110373005 3.5838487 +0.10921794 3.6202717 +0.1002888 3.3950677 +0.09399312 3.251153 +0.09985701 3.530778 +0.075989455 2.7479582 +0.09328635 3.4519467 +0.10461179 3.9632425 +0.08903525 3.4554305 +0.0663768 2.6404927 +0.07736586 3.1565883 +0.06484384 2.7153308 +0.07115218 3.060049 +0.07247153 3.2033985 +0.07294136 3.3163161 +0.053828225 2.5193307 +0.03771548 1.8187104 +0.020104839 0.9997979 +0.02827934 1.4516864 +0.024162782 1.2817236 +0.01822023 0.999834 +0.019618796 1.115038 +0.016963787 0.9998561 +0.030819234 1.8863834 +0.0316215 2.0129218 +0.02115695 1.4029075 +0.024611935 1.7029732 +0.013822568 0.99990445 +0.018978415 1.4382539 +0.018469512 1.4696798 +0.011937768 0.9999287 +0.011309492 0.99993604 +0.010681212 0.99994296 +0.01761934 1.7525691 +0.013938056 1.47883 +0.008796346 0.9999613 +0.00816805 0.9999666 +0.007539751 0.99997157 +0.0069114487 0.9999761 +0.006283144 0.9999803 +0.0056548365 0.999984 +0.0062720166 1.2477676 +0.0067817112 1.5419085 +0.0065855714 1.7468688 +0.0051465444 1.6381905 +0.0042002285 1.6712143 +0.00428081 2.2710376 +0.0029636493 2.358396 +8.658769E-4 1.3780857 +1.2682258E-16 2.0711699 +-9.595922E-4 1.5272381 +-0.0020427802 1.625592 +-0.0018899165 1.0026307 +-0.0025132715 0.99999684 +-0.00525245 1.6719011 +-0.006739233 1.7876287 +-0.011316271 2.5728981 +-0.017828446 3.5468266 +-0.023311198 4.122281 +-0.026326848 4.189993 +-0.02359119 3.4132679 +-0.029267523 3.8816524 +-0.03777699 4.6248164 +-0.04398173 4.9998064 +-0.047123194 4.999778 +-0.050264634 4.9997473 +-0.047786567 4.473635 +-0.056085847 4.958866 +-0.05410502 4.531933 +-0.059153188 4.707013 +-0.056681238 4.295512 +-0.05776255 4.1784587 +-0.06036576 4.176887 +-0.06730425 4.4629135 +-0.062165204 3.9572344 +-0.07653357 4.6844664 +-0.068018116 4.00903 +-0.07491733 4.257941 +-0.07297372 4.004429 +-0.06960046 3.691982 +-0.06351027 3.260224 +-0.062974416 3.1316686 +-0.076826476 3.7047153 +-0.08316763 3.8925076 +-0.0661278 3.006534 +-0.060234357 2.6624892 +-0.08514169 3.6616971 +-0.07549321 3.1612723 +-0.074726485 3.0488997 +-0.08585094 3.4151812 +-0.07031451 2.7288845 +-0.08704553 3.2977405 +-0.09167031 3.3921473 +-0.11522974 4.1669793 +-0.10831159 3.829718 +-0.13013668 4.5013323 +-0.14763339 4.99782 +-0.13409325 4.4448195 +-0.15383305 4.9950113 +-0.1296202 4.124582 +-0.1601938 4.997433 +-0.14841746 4.540955 +-0.14876178 4.465551 +-0.14893676 4.387949 +-0.16397925 4.7432213 +-0.13850842 3.9348576 +-0.15541244 4.3375583 +-0.16056876 4.4041376 +-0.18224369 4.913847 +-0.18350413 4.865292 +-0.19159023 4.996328 +-0.15856345 4.0682883 +-0.14310266 3.6132698 +-0.16021624 3.9821033 +-0.17504878 4.283752 +-0.20728569 4.9957013 +-0.21042454 4.99557 +-0.21356331 4.995437 +-0.182516 4.207264 +-0.17414309 3.9568372 +-0.17754006 3.9771314 +-0.1903266 4.204271 +-0.22925586 4.9947414 +-0.2323941 4.9945965 +-0.19426349 4.119347 +-0.16434057 3.438912 +-0.17205015 3.553411 +-0.12545076 2.5577078 +-0.10891655 2.1924517 +-0.13936333 2.7702098 +-0.19068655 3.7435186 +-0.19780938 3.8359122 +-0.16699748 3.1993225 +-0.14521661 2.7488663 +-0.16258033 3.0412772 +-0.12283313 2.270985 +-0.09036955 1.651544 +-0.11886448 2.1475666 +-0.089799404 1.6041707 +-0.12012855 2.1220744 +-0.12096765 2.1133642 +-0.0820887 1.4185075 +-0.058400374 0.9982932 +-0.05902761 0.9982563 +-0.071522616 1.1968058 +-0.06028201 0.9981814 +-0.060909174 0.9981433 +-0.065704465 1.0657113 +-0.062163427 0.998066 +-0.06279052 0.9980267 +-0.06341758 0.9979871 +-0.064044625 0.99794704 +-0.10696937 1.6505756 +-0.10844456 1.6572033 +-0.12318781 1.8645234 +-0.12022781 1.8025047 +-0.06717945 0.9977409 +-0.06780633 0.9976985 +-0.068433195 0.9976557 +-0.117138304 1.6921314 +-0.1234918 1.7677886 +-0.083582856 1.185773 +-0.07094036 0.9974806 +-0.07156708 0.9974358 +-0.07219377 0.9973906 +-0.07414599 1.0154997 +-0.12571394 1.7070034 +-0.11909864 1.6034231 +-0.07470026 0.99720603 +-0.07532681 0.9971589 +-0.0819535 1.0758815 +-0.07657981 0.99706346 +-0.07720627 0.9970151 +-0.0778327 0.9969664 +-0.14966442 1.9016666 +-0.15616927 1.9685048 +-0.21147479 2.6445503 +-0.1978884 2.455233 +-0.15594678 1.9197927 +-0.12554578 1.5335981 +-0.18914269 2.2927468 +-0.10861949 1.3066418 +-0.10155907 1.2124801 +-0.17097011 2.0258515 +-0.19473949 2.2903247 +-0.18450516 2.1539266 +-0.21184385 2.45494 +-0.17927736 2.0624156 +-0.15709417 1.7941519 +-0.16175465 1.8341155 +-0.2226217 2.5062835 +-0.30560747 3.4161835 +-0.2326091 2.581903 +-0.15303795 1.6868227 +-0.12386073 1.3557569 +-0.0916059 0.99579537 +-0.16822198 1.8161348 +-0.20558691 2.2044463 +-0.19293338 2.0548012 +-0.22415292 2.3712902 +-0.20367344 2.1402857 +-0.12623909 1.317793 +-0.095984735 0.9953828 +-0.14978783 1.5431834 +-0.12766668 1.3067422 +-0.20415497 2.0761635 +-0.23131612 2.3373 +-0.32185662 3.2314355 +-0.40128893 4.0034275 +-0.33936033 3.3642998 +-0.38354456 3.7785497 +-0.43825993 4.2907515 +-0.40515745 3.9421597 +-0.35236385 3.407428 +-0.3996916 3.8415048 +-0.43146613 4.121733 +-0.43004042 4.0833344 +-0.4416172 4.1681137 +-0.38268107 3.5903254 +-0.404835 3.7756627 +-0.45220348 4.192589 +-0.39861244 3.6740677 +-0.37541464 3.4400916 +-0.45964745 4.187556 +-0.39475384 3.5756357 +-0.3340389 3.0083554 +-0.29178974 2.6128905 +-0.37193877 3.3117344 +-0.41025707 3.6323407 +-0.5196796 4.5753684 +-0.4787125 4.1911993 +-0.55399877 4.82346 +-0.45682472 3.9554763 +-0.5576221 4.8017697 +-0.57988673 4.9662595 +-0.52399015 4.463205 +-0.44709578 3.7876873 +-0.53189194 4.4818687 +-0.5461135 4.5771275 +-0.44245917 3.6886692 +-0.3465259 2.873628 +-0.35118645 2.896961 +-0.46896708 3.848301 +-0.46833727 3.8231268 +-0.43962467 3.5701525 +-0.51831746 4.187517 +-0.49097517 3.9462764 +-0.59443337 4.7534556 +-0.6235492 4.960966 +-0.6266662 4.9605737 +-0.62978286 4.960179 +-0.5217305 4.088596 +-0.41112593 3.2057884 +-0.39918995 3.097291 +-0.5179924 3.9992497 +-0.56156474 4.314376 +-0.6373038 4.8723416 +-0.5945804 4.5236073 +-0.5515301 4.1757703 +-0.6314741 4.7580137 +-0.55704665 4.177095 +-0.5010291 3.7391074 +-0.6192805 4.5996437 +-0.5813802 4.297721 +-0.5014848 3.68966 +-0.42058042 3.079906 +-0.44637784 3.2535698 +-0.52420825 3.8031151 +-0.6403899 4.624527 +-0.58946043 4.237148 +-0.6920629 4.9518733 +-0.69517416 4.9514375 +-0.5889504 4.1757917 +-0.6509018 4.594166 +-0.6414811 4.507281 +-0.70761627 4.9496746 +-0.58649963 4.0841627 +-0.5904227 4.093201 +-0.53204864 3.6721838 +-0.39839107 2.737561 +-0.31644472 2.1649172 +-0.38286743 2.6078892 +-0.4488899 3.0442884 +-0.5269982 3.55851 +-0.48592424 3.2669954 +-0.6083745 4.0726733 +-0.7418088 4.944666 +-0.6412046 4.255842 +-0.5461904 3.609811 +-0.6615499 4.3537354 +-0.6276918 4.1135073 +-0.70601165 4.607353 +-0.7604444 4.941834 +-0.7467822 4.8328457 +-0.7666539 4.9408746 +-0.69130474 4.436869 +-0.7728622 4.939907 +-0.63080525 4.015399 +-0.730657 4.632021 +-0.67631835 4.270106 +-0.73847777 4.643679 +-0.787703 4.9332304 +-0.79147965 4.936959 +-0.7945815 4.9364605 +-0.797683 4.9359603 +-0.7810431 4.813788 +-0.73870814 4.5348406 +-0.6845806 4.1859818 +-0.70323426 4.283145 +-0.8131858 4.9334297 +-0.81628543 4.9329176 +-0.79358983 4.777128 +-0.822028 4.9291553 +-0.7576309 4.5254827 +-0.82868063 4.9308505 +-0.8317786 4.930329 +-0.83487624 4.9298053 +-0.7031722 4.136327 +-0.8410706 4.9287524 +-0.68616164 4.005791 +-0.7246348 4.214482 +-0.60428214 3.5013351 +-0.7191965 4.151606 +-0.61253446 3.5227313 +-0.7542011 4.3213778 +-0.6119963 3.4936187 +-0.6961373 3.9593046 +-0.5455695 3.091554 +-0.6324265 3.5706322 +-0.52019984 2.9263012 +-0.36435568 2.042178 +-0.50979954 2.8470297 +-0.528542 2.9410472 +-0.47550872 2.6364295 +-0.3953221 2.1839828 +-0.27572456 1.5178165 +-0.22467306 1.2323831 +-0.21777676 1.1903161 +-0.18058781 0.9835589 +-0.18120576 0.9834452 +-0.25203246 1.3630316 +-0.20236288 1.0905776 +-0.28399765 1.5251822 +-0.26649383 1.4261997 +-0.38851014 2.0719852 +-0.47239566 2.51065 +-0.6155251 3.2600696 +-0.7674559 4.0507936 +-0.86722356 4.561715 +-0.9369066 4.911436 +-0.91939145 4.8032203 +-0.94307774 4.910255 +-0.9383641 4.869194 +-0.94924736 4.909066 +-0.95233166 4.9084687 +-0.95541555 4.9078693 +-0.9584991 4.907268 +-0.83827937 4.2774873 +-0.8196871 4.1687365 +-0.8678309 4.398982 +-0.9326608 4.712008 +-0.93852395 4.7260375 +-0.9769922 4.90362 +-0.98007303 4.9030046 +-0.9753944 4.8636985 +-0.9772777 4.8572574 +-0.98931324 4.901149 +-0.9923925 4.900526 +-0.9954714 4.899902 +-0.905276 4.441637 +-1.001628 4.898647 +-0.913101 4.4514365 +-0.8777249 4.265359 +-0.72147167 3.494912 +-0.57759464 2.789099 +-0.38499033 1.8531835 +-0.3923087 1.8824712 +-0.3419872 1.6358593 +-0.2052477 0.97871006 +-0.40948814 1.9465278 +-0.51949185 2.4617584 +-0.68323946 3.2276828 +-0.5858898 2.7592363 +-0.50323737 2.362679 +-0.444044 2.0783584 +-0.38210768 1.7829803 +-0.21016462 0.977666 +-0.21077888 0.97753376 +-0.39075494 1.8067025 +-0.38863042 1.7914311 +-0.22807479 1.0481547 +-0.22798528 1.0445838 +-0.21384884 0.9768668 +-0.21446258 0.9767322 +-0.21507624 0.97659725 +-0.34822303 1.5764608 +-0.21630329 0.9763262 +-0.2169167 0.9761901 +-0.4204684 1.8866348 +-0.41130206 1.8400595 +-0.5547889 2.474678 +-0.4055017 1.8034619 +-0.6080576 2.696409 +-0.7509461 3.3203194 +-0.85950994 3.789269 +-1.0228944 4.496474 +-1.025455 4.4946713 +-1.1152298 4.8740396 +-0.94884336 4.1349077 +-1.0365523 4.504145 +-1.1244152 4.8719287 +-1.1274761 4.8712215 +-1.1305366 4.870512 +-1.1335965 4.8698006 +-1.136656 4.8690877 +-0.9280559 3.964255 +-1.0237898 4.3608418 +-0.91761565 3.8975842 +-0.93855226 3.9753137 +-1.131452 4.778927 +-1.155004 4.864768 +-1.1580604 4.8640413 +-1.0756075 4.505161 +-0.96623814 4.035841 +-0.7621622 3.174634 +-0.9600278 3.987764 +-1.0704848 4.4343343 +-0.9164859 3.7859855 +-1.0767872 4.435997 +-0.96433586 3.9618745 +-1.0306426 4.2227407 +-0.9478515 3.8729637 +-1.0994425 4.4801784 +-1.0760516 4.372989 +-1.1977515 4.8544197 +-1.2008014 4.8536663 +-1.2038507 4.852911 +-1.2068998 4.8521533 +-1.2099482 4.851394 +-0.9799777 3.918819 +-0.80094564 3.1943607 +-0.63037884 2.5074205 +-0.64031416 2.540189 +-0.7357421 2.9110427 +-0.88094324 3.4763505 +-0.74114436 2.9169827 +-0.9545926 3.747202 +-0.80518574 3.1524322 +-0.7615133 2.9736538 +-0.94221073 3.6696687 +-1.0869509 4.2223787 +-1.1936002 4.624632 +-1.0600493 4.0965466 +-1.255617 4.8397756 +-1.2586577 4.8389854 +-1.2170036 4.6668057 +-1.1954079 4.572226 +-1.134609 4.3285656 +-1.1602403 4.4150376 +-1.2738537 4.8350077 +-1.2768914 4.834206 +-1.2799284 4.8334026 +-1.2829652 4.8325977 +-1.2860013 4.8317904 +-1.289037 4.8309817 +-1.1091379 4.146305 +-0.9241649 3.4461432 +-1.126688 4.19081 +-0.87999874 3.2650454 +-0.9135245 3.3809795 +-0.8709738 3.2154737 +-1.0820961 3.9849744 +-1.2522446 4.6001396 +-1.3163347 4.823615 +-1.3193653 4.8227873 +-1.3223952 4.821957 +-1.2933934 4.7046137 +-1.1649987 4.2271957 +-1.3266853 4.8020935 +-1.2894623 4.655961 +-1.0281836 3.7034938 +-1.2838705 4.613225 +-1.1958482 4.286513 +-1.3466163 4.815249 +-1.1049033 3.941379 +-0.9452122 3.363601 +-0.9941986 3.5294063 +-0.80418587 2.848003 +-0.6652374 2.350273 +-0.50468475 1.7787772 +-0.43710834 1.5369239 +-0.27590787 0.9678127 +-0.45920545 1.6069425 +-0.48263696 1.6849308 +-0.49472833 1.7230525 +-0.68794113 2.390316 +-0.49016666 1.6991127 +-0.49639174 1.7166405 +-0.5500707 1.8978058 +-0.46211964 1.5906262 +-0.27959442 0.9601182 +-0.28019762 0.95994234 +-0.35790598 1.2233089 +-0.46100223 1.5720223 +-0.66136134 2.2500126 +-0.7006224 2.3780587 +-0.816388 2.7645824 +-0.65144515 2.2009346 +-0.46156138 1.5558116 +-0.28501925 0.9585218 +-0.28562146 0.9583425 +-0.28622356 0.95816284 +-0.39885524 1.3321565 +-0.30676264 1.0222338 +-0.28802913 0.95762163 +-0.28863078 0.9574405 +-0.46061298 1.5244699 +-0.607242 2.00521 +-0.4477503 1.4752008 +-0.62890476 2.0673747 +-0.71772623 2.3540409 +-0.51518387 1.6859324 +-0.61026275 1.9925961 +-0.46071166 1.5009216 +-0.31099072 1.0108912 +-0.38977098 1.2641437 +-0.53820026 1.7416568 +-0.40912986 1.321032 +-0.44629312 1.4378304 +-0.3257501 1.0471505 +-0.2976415 0.9546777 +-0.29824126 0.95449054 +-0.36297908 1.1591183 +-0.29944047 0.954115 +-0.30003992 0.9539266 +-0.3006392 0.9537379 +-0.34074616 1.0786078 +-0.51964784 1.6413175 +-0.52789897 1.6637453 +-0.30303526 0.9529793 +-0.33678472 1.0568142 +-0.30423257 0.9525978 +-0.30483106 0.95240647 +-0.3054294 0.9522147 +-0.30602765 0.9520226 +-0.45808336 1.4219861 +-0.3711941 1.1497879 +-0.30782163 0.9514441 +-0.30841938 0.9512505 +-0.5472467 1.6842523 +-0.33794168 1.0378582 +-0.3102119 0.95066744 +-0.31080914 0.95047235 +-0.31140628 0.95027685 +-0.55660236 1.6949095 +-0.3126002 0.9498848 +-0.31319696 0.9496882 +-0.3137936 0.9494912 +-0.5099316 1.539727 +-0.80267435 2.418564 +-0.92185533 2.7718453 +-1.1122425 3.3372998 +-1.204485 3.6065192 +-0.91102576 2.7221375 +-1.1534014 3.439172 +-1.2801231 3.8090863 +-1.1434501 3.3953407 +-1.1156117 3.305809 +-0.81823874 2.419607 +-1.0519323 3.1042318 +-1.0228195 3.0120928 +-0.76945335 2.2612891 +-0.8795785 2.5796118 +-0.6460486 1.8908296 +-0.6560984 1.9163067 +-0.8030177 2.3406227 +-0.9113347 2.6509159 +-1.1986026 3.4794164 +-1.1404101 3.3037472 +-1.3781925 3.9844801 +-1.4431673 4.163858 +-1.4884255 4.285733 +-1.4045533 4.0360494 +-1.1993959 3.4395561 +-1.2727757 3.642627 +-1.1766381 3.3607032 +-1.3605341 3.8781307 +-1.3629965 3.877349 +-1.5755236 4.472945 +-1.6640977 4.7149525 +-1.4103571 3.988034 +-1.2279235 3.4652426 +-1.2041552 3.3913975 +-1.2841195 3.6094158 +-1.4098979 3.955084 +-1.3077602 3.6612897 +-1.5122786 4.225489 +-1.5232548 4.2477436 +-1.3205849 3.6753097 +-1.5185764 4.218008 +-1.6966451 4.7033386 +-1.403122 3.882008 +-1.1136202 3.0750003 +-1.2751211 3.514049 +-0.97522396 2.6823187 +-0.7277741 1.9978068 +-0.8320809 2.2796838 +-1.0434976 2.8533428 +-0.7809355 2.13124 +-0.6102713 1.6622488 +-0.34523267 0.93851715 +-0.3458223 0.9383 +-0.48720056 1.3193383 +-0.34700114 0.9378647 +-0.34759033 0.9376465 +-0.3481794 0.93742794 +-0.38958097 1.0468805 +-0.34935713 0.93698967 +-0.3499458 0.93676996 +-0.35053432 0.9365499 +-0.54611784 1.4563177 +-0.37741393 1.0045193 +-0.47530073 1.2626432 +-0.5541121 1.4692062 +-0.38975444 1.0314552 +-0.35406253 0.93522173 +-0.61578715 1.6234607 +-0.5646037 1.4857048 +-0.35582474 0.93455267 +-0.36044064 0.9448903 +-0.6182265 1.6176198 +-0.38597447 1.0080211 +-0.6499598 1.6942637 +-0.4669995 1.2150538 +-0.3593454 0.93320465 +-0.35993168 0.9329787 +-0.3983472 1.0306268 +-0.6392991 1.6509457 +-0.7821406 2.0160613 +-0.7018653 1.8057766 +-0.5211781 1.3384091 +-0.36344635 0.9316151 +-0.36403164 0.9313866 +-0.61124074 1.5609856 +-0.6442316 1.6421977 +-0.5439386 1.3839844 +-0.8241848 2.093172 +-0.993049 2.5173934 +-0.665766 1.6846247 +-0.83977836 2.1210382 +-0.9718182 2.450034 +-0.89974856 2.2641885 +-1.2645322 3.1763382 +-1.432571 3.5918605 +-1.2932014 3.2365103 +-1.1563611 2.8887694 +-1.3748596 3.4283671 +-1.005499 2.502772 +-0.97244877 2.4161174 +-0.88911825 2.205076 +-0.5873503 1.4540353 +-0.8053589 1.9901325 +-0.7509142 1.8522458 +-0.53325033 1.3129742 +-0.37687102 0.9262658 +-0.7522145 1.8454547 +-0.6557484 1.605901 +-0.77338433 1.8905914 +-0.99319655 2.423591 +-0.789135 1.9221984 +-0.60000014 1.4588884 +-0.45087242 1.0943321 +-0.6684289 1.6194834 +-0.8299445 2.0072296 +-1.206941 2.9138134 +-1.3333966 3.2133918 +-1.3781257 3.3153 +-1.152667 2.7680151 +-0.87332296 2.0934908 +-0.830587 1.9875307 +-0.9385946 2.2420237 +-0.8153492 1.9441968 +-0.6094499 1.4506745 +-0.3879017 0.9217008 +-0.38848075 0.9214568 +-0.38905963 0.92121255 +-0.38963836 0.92096794 +-0.39021695 0.92072296 +-0.51492906 1.2128614 +-0.7072355 1.6629137 +-0.5573287 1.3081571 +-0.9087339 2.129261 +-0.7333205 1.7152625 +-0.9244534 2.1585758 +-1.0810987 2.5199625 +-0.92335016 2.1485353 +-0.84269476 1.9574677 +-0.94893265 2.2004364 +-0.8381915 1.9402901 +-0.5218073 1.2058256 +-0.51364046 1.1849098 +-0.65508604 1.5086105 +-0.83907855 1.9290121 +-0.57974267 1.3305217 +-0.8530605 1.9544376 +-1.133425 2.5923338 +-0.7741569 1.7676007 +-0.9222403 2.1021183 +-0.9096707 2.0699315 +-0.52862805 1.2008301 +-0.70001 1.5874352 +-0.74262714 1.6812174 +-0.7744578 1.750302 +-1.1395648 2.5710895 +-0.81775326 1.8418924 +-0.6874069 1.5456833 +-0.85083574 1.9099317 +-1.0201668 2.2861757 +-0.74989784 1.6776743 +-0.61212516 1.3671424 +-0.8582712 1.9136691 +-1.2266394 2.730416 +-1.2394719 2.7543492 +-1.5091817 3.3480744 +-1.226204 2.715741 +-1.4297174 3.1611757 +-1.3949178 3.0790782 +-1.3941038 3.0721443 +-1.4451002 3.1792138 +-1.7670075 3.8809335 +-2.0747366 4.549227 +-1.954038 4.2774534 +-1.9524645 4.266913 +-1.9983488 4.3599463 +-1.6978688 3.6982303 +-1.4474106 3.147475 +-1.1896427 2.582668 +-1.3034652 2.8251002 +-1.5181552 3.2849865 +-1.5685133 3.3883593 +-1.8589561 4.009175 +-1.8922414 4.07425 +-1.5165056 3.259878 +-1.7738096 3.806722 +-1.6374032 3.508225 +-1.2796746 2.737283 +-1.6110615 3.4404984 +-1.8479872 3.9400165 +-1.6985482 3.6154933 +-1.3473426 2.8632488 +-1.7633711 3.741251 +-1.7010369 3.6031277 +-1.7676518 3.7381454 +-1.8324134 3.8688083 +-2.0330625 4.2854795 +-2.145937 4.5160775 +-2.148774 4.514728 +-2.1516101 4.513377 +-2.1544456 4.5120244 +-1.8238691 3.8135386 +-1.7913337 3.7394717 +-1.6853397 3.5125396 +-1.2794863 2.6623805 +-1.5240444 3.1661646 +-1.5652858 3.2466214 +-1.7303337 3.5831966 +-1.79467 3.7104697 +-1.9590434 4.0438266 +-1.7448889 3.596012 +-1.6199033 3.3330977 +-2.041972 4.1948357 +-2.0849988 4.2763963 +-1.7755245 3.635854 +-1.4227748 2.9088695 +-1.2896471 2.6324973 +-1.6460559 3.3546815 +-1.5718937 3.1984544 +-1.3495058 2.7415915 +-1.0785587 2.1876783 +-1.0935752 2.2146273 +-0.6599713 1.3344121 +-0.44388464 0.89608395 +-0.44444758 0.8958049 +-0.44501033 0.89552546 +-0.58139324 1.168136 +-0.44613534 0.8949655 +-0.44669756 0.89468503 +-0.8496784 1.6991382 +-1.0915262 2.1793475 +-0.79010546 1.5750568 +-0.9421186 1.8751507 +-0.54949 1.0919694 +-0.45006728 0.89299464 +-0.73084176 1.4478253 +-0.9678079 1.9142734 +-0.69903994 1.3805095 +-0.9770309 1.9264997 +-1.0232761 2.0145466 +-1.0212822 2.0074964 +-0.88927966 1.7453096 +-1.2053373 2.3619375 +-1.2344239 2.4151855 +-0.7807713 1.5252358 +-0.56898713 1.1097959 +-0.8943608 1.7417331 +-1.1948711 2.3233716 +-0.9586843 1.861241 +-1.1855334 2.2981098 +-0.8535919 1.6521057 +-0.4837415 0.93482876 +-0.4601378 0.8878475 +-0.46069556 0.8875582 +-0.70575976 1.3576026 +-0.46181053 0.88697857 +-0.68184906 1.3075902 +-0.4840037 0.926759 +-0.60264486 1.1521654 +-0.5153963 0.9838538 +-0.46459478 0.8855234 +-0.51833355 0.98644316 +-0.46570718 0.8849389 +-0.5033914 0.95509 +-0.46681887 0.8843529 +-0.89639306 1.6955673 +-1.0568185 1.9959826 +-1.4894876 2.8088837 +-1.2368625 2.3289452 +-1.1836776 2.225424 +-0.85901546 1.6125844 +-0.54718554 1.025649 +-0.7858962 1.470864 +-0.6495067 1.2137654 +-0.83005 1.5488155 +-1.1258605 2.0976107 +-0.8581789 1.5964804 +-0.57767564 1.0730395 +-0.4745799 0.8802124 +-0.47513285 0.87991405 +-0.47568563 0.87961537 +-0.4762382 0.87931633 +-0.7558013 1.3934045 +-0.4773428 0.8787172 +-0.9296406 1.7087697 +-0.6054631 1.1112361 +-0.4789983 0.87781584 +-0.75058186 1.3734688 +-0.5523003 1.0091316 +-0.6097811 1.1124969 +-0.5139707 0.93630224 +-0.8275395 1.5052888 +-0.5410248 0.9826575 +-0.4828545 0.8757006 +-0.8089865 1.464993 +-0.9338553 1.6886097 +-1.0045048 1.8136674 +-1.4683155 2.6471674 +-1.4464967 2.603973 +-1.3054503 2.346588 +-1.1160483 2.003168 +-1.2732303 2.2819169 +-0.9813359 1.7561817 +-1.2867901 2.2994235 +-1.1149235 1.9893728 +-0.6981599 1.2439028 +-0.8427696 1.4993441 +-0.9674839 1.7186902 +-1.1028142 1.9562218 +-1.5563992 2.756761 +-1.291267 2.2837946 +-0.8684105 1.5336611 +-0.50066674 0.88291085 +-0.76273185 1.3430876 +-0.54094094 0.9511457 +-0.70094156 1.2306775 +-0.49545866 0.86863154 +-0.49600434 0.86832005 +-0.90697366 1.5854615 +-1.0148678 1.7714854 +-0.9404728 1.6392378 +-0.94688904 1.6480215 +-0.7449298 1.2946359 +-0.6314003 1.0957363 +-0.49981862 0.8661301 +-0.63393205 1.0969411 +-0.50090665 0.86550134 +-0.50145036 0.86518645 +-0.50199383 0.8648712 +-0.5025372 0.8645556 +-0.5030803 0.8642397 +-0.7485358 1.2840505 +-0.73123455 1.2525622 +-0.6456961 1.1044453 +-0.50525075 0.86297256 +-0.50579286 0.8626549 +-0.85749936 1.460404 +-1.0193326 1.7335263 +-1.248696 2.120542 +-1.3272067 2.250634 +-0.9400402 1.591803 +-0.70886254 1.1986212 +-1.0479363 1.7694253 +-0.7384809 1.2451293 +-0.72729355 1.2245123 +-0.5112031 0.85945994 +-0.53372663 0.89604574 +-0.5122827 0.85881686 +-0.83913887 1.4047683 +-1.0920142 1.8254902 +-0.7878877 1.3152139 +-1.1406354 1.9013416 +-1.3634261 2.269481 +-1.1393238 1.8937566 +-1.6009172 2.6572251 +-1.3162163 2.1815724 +-1.8301352 3.0290666 +-1.8423717 3.044995 +-1.661816 2.7426877 +-1.4037617 2.31351 +-1.163337 1.9145573 +-0.8456453 1.3897492 +-0.520354 0.8539507 +-0.5208905 0.8536235 +-0.5214267 0.8532961 +-0.5219627 0.8529683 +-1.0108945 1.6496298 +-1.3126069 2.138962 +-1.7182567 2.7960472 +-1.5277219 2.4824998 +-1.8740431 3.0409784 +-1.9660074 3.185724 +-1.8023401 2.9164155 +-2.0763109 3.355019 +-2.5117605 4.05295 +-2.2051792 3.5532658 +-2.5702622 4.1357317 +-2.6074204 4.189648 +-2.644562 4.243382 +-2.5719101 4.121036 +-2.6498923 4.2400556 +-2.652556 4.2383895 +-2.5650883 4.092909 +-2.6351721 4.1988707 +-2.6605403 4.233382 +-2.2890313 3.637172 +-2.665858 4.2300353 +-2.6685154 4.2283597 +-2.6711717 4.226682 +-2.4026046 3.7964356 +-2.3917933 3.7741027 +-2.679134 4.2216396 +-2.681786 4.2199554 +-2.684437 4.21827 +-2.6870868 4.2165823 +-2.6897357 4.214893 +-2.4372714 3.8139875 +-2.3706934 3.7046704 +-2.2450814 3.5035267 +-2.220231 3.459959 +-2.6964643 4.196307 +-2.5303183 3.9323118 +-2.2675183 3.5190392 +-2.59479 4.021392 +-2.6561275 4.1107802 +-2.585104 3.9953506 +-2.5837302 3.9877317 +-2.08825 3.2185736 +-2.50617 3.8573947 +-2.25406 3.4645903 +-1.8720447 2.8734646 +-1.685355 2.5833576 +-2.1462405 3.285303 +-1.8290267 2.7958977 +-1.9701402 3.007481 +-1.9690853 3.0017543 +-1.475725 2.2465768 +-1.35414 2.0586612 +-0.82585937 1.2538143 +-0.88590723 1.3431407 +-0.71801215 1.0871052 +-0.5516459 0.83407843 +-0.5521698 0.83373165 +-0.55269355 0.8333846 +-1.014423 1.5275234 +-1.3046658 1.9618965 +-1.160574 1.742842 +-1.106697 1.6596731 +-1.2510897 1.8736621 +-1.7496051 2.616689 +-1.405783 2.0996165 +-1.415027 2.1105533 +-1.0846401 1.6155761 +-1.5540142 2.3115711 +-2.052254 3.048556 +-1.7518528 2.5987937 +-1.2405845 1.837858 +-1.7509892 2.5904832 +-1.340547 1.9805753 +-1.7385174 2.5650785 +-1.9724426 2.9062874 +-1.5557501 2.2892168 +-1.0529279 1.5472442 +-0.6948328 1.0196568 +-0.56364137 0.8260196 +-0.5641603 0.8256653 +-0.56467897 0.82531065 +-0.64509463 0.94157284 +-0.77879524 1.1351904 +-1.3011845 1.894085 +-1.3836793 2.0114603 +-1.5776073 2.290291 +-1.8018447 2.6123128 +-1.5365746 2.2247324 +-1.5043316 2.1751254 +-1.0486672 1.5142418 +-1.4965725 2.1581044 +-1.4222733 2.0482132 +-1.1243854 1.6170558 +-1.6312367 2.3428514 +-1.5936996 2.2858748 +-2.021382 2.8954291 +-1.9108561 2.7334507 +-2.2469208 3.2098892 +-1.7807955 2.5405962 +-1.9445894 2.7705696 +-1.9227836 2.7358444 +-1.5231061 2.164269 +-1.3760263 1.9526668 +-1.5429946 2.186686 +-1.0802333 1.5288345 +-0.92984 1.3142327 +-1.2676344 1.7892846 +-1.4110966 1.9891328 +-1.8648268 2.6252303 +-2.1446867 3.0151918 +-2.4435437 3.4307857 +-2.06074 2.8894775 +-2.2611887 3.1663275 +-1.933117 2.703338 +-1.8496176 2.5831375 +-2.3431897 3.26811 +-1.9206327 2.6752071 +-1.4578317 2.0278912 +-1.18327 1.6437867 +-1.619864 2.2473195 +-1.7248478 2.3898017 +-1.5042497 2.0814028 +-1.1708078 1.6178832 +-0.6417747 0.8856654 +-1.0519993 1.4498677 +-0.65031993 0.89508855 +-0.7294945 1.0027375 +-0.58880144 0.8082777 +-0.8241412 1.1298482 +-0.5898167 0.8075372 +-0.5927384 0.8104677 +-0.9630513 1.3150721 +-1.3565483 1.8499631 +-1.0654845 1.4511184 +-0.91292876 1.2417114 +-0.59391767 0.80674887 +-0.5933627 0.8049352 +-0.5938683 0.8045623 +-0.80545837 1.0897869 +-0.5948789 0.8038153 +-0.73775864 0.9955692 +-0.7848135 1.0576775 +-1.0179096 1.3700169 +-0.66847736 0.8985319 +-0.8885347 1.1927557 +-0.8007975 1.07357 +-0.80993104 1.0843923 +-0.9131592 1.2210004 +-0.5994148 0.8004385 +-0.86655045 1.1556485 +-0.60042024 0.79968464 +-0.6047829 0.804442 +-0.6014247 0.7989295 +-1.0485022 1.3910053 +-1.0746661 1.4238538 +-1.0499591 1.3893025 +-1.0646114 1.4068519 +-1.4899241 1.9663209 +-1.9412857 2.5586622 +-2.4702342 3.251584 +-2.7294154 3.5880637 +-3.0296643 3.9775789 +-3.032163 3.9756746 +-3.0163198 3.9497523 +-3.0371566 3.9718611 +-3.0396514 3.969952 +-3.0421453 3.9680414 +-2.8803644 3.7521367 +-2.7058775 3.520258 +-3.0328975 3.9405735 +-2.9489295 3.8264995 +-2.9150615 3.777641 +-3.0477297 3.9444396 +-3.0595682 3.954623 +-3.0620522 3.9527 +-2.6313524 3.3923192 +-2.7796137 3.5788112 +-2.8489516 3.6633313 +-2.2950087 2.9472194 +-2.2164564 2.8426573 +-2.3128386 2.9624293 +-1.7802567 2.2773137 +-1.8660364 2.3839548 +-2.0280209 2.5875466 +-1.8708578 2.3839364 +-1.3049233 1.660646 +-1.7425523 2.2147071 +-2.3111444 2.9335678 +-1.7846209 2.2623186 +-1.4438776 1.8280038 +-1.465189 1.8525904 +-1.8348631 2.317014 +-1.2808963 1.6153938 +-1.2948042 1.6308279 +-1.5425367 1.9403464 +-1.2199538 1.5325937 +-1.3196125 1.6556561 +-1.876468 2.351284 +-1.4362166 1.7973154 +-1.9066912 2.3830066 +-1.6965183 2.1176012 +-2.0633633 2.5721848 +-2.4838128 3.0923333 +-2.4093428 2.9957612 +-2.1843686 2.7125385 +-2.414196 2.9940836 +-2.5988302 3.218926 +-2.6352265 3.2598138 +-2.3383412 2.8888478 +-2.8106496 3.467892 +-2.2263217 2.7433994 +-2.589083 3.1863203 +-2.5354648 3.1163309 +-2.9881659 3.6680343 +-3.160417 3.8745017 +-3.1628509 3.8725152 +-3.1652834 3.8705273 +-3.1677146 3.8685377 +-3.1701448 3.8665466 +-3.1725736 3.864554 +-3.151468 3.8339305 +-2.999704 3.6446307 +-3.1563299 3.8300238 +-3.1822762 3.8565683 +-2.6674652 3.2285397 +-2.7744224 3.3537006 +-2.8479831 3.4382195 +-3.147375 3.7948036 +-2.6569865 3.1994467 +-3.0429337 3.6595097 +-2.7063909 3.2506177 +-3.0577993 3.6680014 +-3.2040336 3.8385112 +-3.2064447 3.8364973 +-3.0260086 3.6159868 +-2.9981728 3.5781534 +-3.2136707 3.8304465 +-2.9391448 3.4987662 +-3.2184815 3.826405 +-3.220885 3.824382 +-3.2232873 3.8223577 +-3.2256885 3.8203316 +-3.2280881 3.818304 +-2.8483226 3.3648126 +-2.6552165 3.1326969 +-2.3684142 2.790763 +-2.19515 2.5833092 +-1.8095572 2.1268241 +-1.8396467 2.1594386 +-2.4209585 2.8381872 +-3.0637796 3.587225 +-2.6104243 3.0525284 +-2.0824535 2.4320445 +-2.1261644 2.4799378 +-2.5777466 3.0028386 +-2.3099294 2.6874378 +-2.3105905 2.6847925 +-1.9501579 2.26311 +-2.4168262 2.801106 +-3.042256 3.5215044 +-3.0396817 3.5140588 +-3.2734401 3.779496 +-3.2758143 3.7774384 +-2.6330194 3.032361 +-3.1527557 3.6263192 +-2.6688583 3.0658448 +-3.1192899 3.5787342 +-2.8533244 3.2694447 +-3.063316 3.5056124 +-2.4942946 2.8508158 +-2.882597 3.2904458 +-3.2971227 3.7588537 +-3.2994838 3.7567813 +-3.0689034 3.4898186 +-2.908 3.3026593 +-3.1244278 3.5439677 +-3.3089151 3.748477 +-3.3112698 3.7463973 +-2.80233 3.1665668 +-3.315975 3.7422333 +-3.3000872 3.719592 +-3.1349144 3.5289538 +-2.938336 3.303484 +-2.6496723 2.9751813 +-2.9659412 3.3260932 +-3.3300593 3.7297058 +-3.3324022 3.7276127 +-3.1218162 3.4876392 +-3.1297872 3.4921267 +-3.333933 3.7152073 +-2.8196313 3.1381202 +-2.6664484 2.9638867 +-2.1825466 2.4229429 +-2.1580563 2.3927302 +-1.6015699 1.7734878 +-2.2461395 2.4841082 +-1.841389 2.0339057 +-2.0995986 2.3161845 +-2.7178972 2.9944808 +-3.3627384 3.700269 +-3.2245235 3.5437052 +-2.567102 2.8176496 +-2.6962013 2.9556167 +-2.1034997 2.3029802 +-1.5456839 1.6901314 +-0.95787007 1.0460646 +-1.5700856 1.7124875 +-1.5116091 1.646629 +-1.0496454 1.1419607 +-1.6150678 1.7548971 +-1.6285036 1.7672664 +-1.9240093 2.085321 +-2.4577243 2.6604273 +-2.4926345 2.694818 +-2.812454 3.036749 +-2.4798565 2.6742542 +-2.515484 2.709258 +-2.900832 3.1203563 +-2.8789108 3.092877 +-2.3183334 2.4875004 +-2.9294672 3.1392713 +-3.4135642 3.6534338 +-3.415859 3.6512883 +-3.4181526 3.6491413 +-2.8505666 3.0393698 +-3.228196 3.4376793 +-2.5802448 2.7442243 +-2.9802542 3.1656668 +-2.4446166 2.5934384 +-2.4544132 2.600556 +-2.3410482 2.4773207 +-2.6161532 2.7649574 +-2.8991716 3.0602198 +-2.4130316 2.5438716 +-1.9819634 2.0868022 +-1.8842574 1.9814334 +-1.390207 1.4600654 +-1.4888929 1.561744 +-2.1072302 2.2075574 +-2.6173174 2.7384837 +-3.1958454 3.3395903 +-3.459204 3.6102505 +-2.984333 3.1107292 +-2.88316 3.0014942 +-2.5061092 2.6056888 +-1.8504263 1.9215345 +-1.6634117 1.7251626 +-1.119604 1.1597079 +-1.0047263 1.0394076 +-0.69546145 0.71856344 +-0.6959128 0.7181263 +-0.69636387 0.7176889 +-0.69681466 0.71725124 +-0.8511017 0.8749626 +-0.69771546 0.716375 +-1.1141834 1.1425438 +-0.69861513 0.7154977 +-0.69906455 0.71505857 +-1.1937685 1.219547 +-0.8500107 0.86727536 +-1.0085655 1.027758 +-0.7008595 0.7132994 +-1.268217 1.289106 +-0.8494173 0.8623238 +-0.70220274 0.711977 +-1.2366036 1.2522417 +-0.9384002 0.94907373 +-0.95395404 0.96359277 +-1.3727771 1.3849062 +-1.0275193 1.035296 +-0.70488185 0.7093247 +-0.8177372 0.821858 +-0.70577264 0.7084384 +-0.70621765 0.7079948 +-0.70666236 0.70755094 +-0.70710677 0.70710677 +-0.70755094 0.70666236 +-0.7079948 0.70621765 +-0.81966436 0.8165801 +-0.7088817 0.7053274 +-0.7468286 0.74215084 +-0.70976746 0.704436 +-0.71020997 0.7039899 +-0.7106521 0.70354354 +-1.3281058 1.3131695 +-1.2929311 1.2767849 +-1.8474187 1.8220567 +-1.7886187 1.7618483 +-2.5013938 2.4608605 +-3.11125 3.05699 +-3.568698 3.5020556 +-3.5708978 3.4998128 +-3.0593956 2.9947267 +-3.2973464 3.223593 +-3.5774884 3.4930756 +-2.8970814 2.8251696 +-2.2637355 2.2047718 +-1.6727302 1.6271135 +-2.0563455 1.9977542 +-2.2548337 2.1878347 +-2.633899 2.5524256 +-2.654943 2.569586 +-3.1835625 3.0773387 +-3.597184 3.4727895 +-3.5993652 3.4705288 +-3.1649337 3.0478122 +-3.274836 3.1496842 +-2.8688269 2.7557232 +-3.11953 2.992776 +-3.2222655 3.0874515 +-3.0908968 2.9578562 +-3.5075448 3.3523512 +-3.056124 2.9172318 +-3.4611187 3.299667 +-3.4758818 3.3095748 +-3.6148305 3.4375474 +-3.6254299 3.443292 +-3.6275926 3.441013 +-3.629754 3.4387333 +-3.631914 3.436452 +-3.6340723 3.4341693 +-3.6362293 3.4318852 +-3.3638918 3.1708581 +-2.9835715 2.808824 +-2.6673617 2.507975 +-3.1363804 2.9452572 +-3.315541 3.1095822 +-3.2805161 3.072861 +-3.6512883 3.415859 +-3.6534338 3.4135642 +-3.655578 3.411268 +-3.5867195 3.342798 +-3.6598618 3.4066715 +-3.6620016 3.4043715 +-3.63916 3.3788764 +-3.4199054 3.1713047 +-2.7005177 2.501057 +-2.3872392 2.2081325 +-2.8792691 2.659892 +-3.4333663 3.1677754 +-2.8199565 2.5985382 +-2.9202414 2.687558 +-3.5182605 3.2338467 +-3.6833193 3.3812952 +-3.6854432 3.3789804 +-3.3823788 3.0972078 +-2.653367 2.4265962 +-3.3851974 3.091977 +-3.5303085 3.2204523 +-3.280338 2.9886477 +-3.6981554 3.3650625 +-3.5278096 3.20601 +-2.8328485 2.571194 +-2.4131927 2.1875355 +-2.639892 2.3900163 +-2.6420252 2.3889287 +-2.2808332 2.0597343 +-2.0355208 1.8358812 +-1.6294878 1.4678154 +-1.4222461 1.2795179 +-1.8860567 1.69464 +-1.8745363 1.6821615 +-2.3879156 2.1401482 +-1.7966439 1.6081915 +-1.5141803 1.3536433 +-2.0702279 1.8483983 +-1.9678767 1.7547933 +-2.6886199 2.394463 +-3.1929214 2.8399944 +-3.2437558 2.8815615 +-2.920873 2.5914497 +-2.3472295 2.079869 +-3.0221624 2.6745358 +-2.3619382 2.0876095 +-1.9459177 1.7177315 +-2.647372 2.3339725 +-2.1970806 1.934535 +-2.408873 2.1183333 +-2.5004034 2.1960394 +-3.1423151 2.7563186 +-3.0992064 2.7150617 +-3.4349442 3.0053723 +-3.476172 3.0375903 +-3.4261563 2.9900906 +-3.2172287 2.8041952 +-3.1343372 2.7284818 +-2.405556 2.0914128 +-1.9012183 1.6508405 +-1.3404596 1.1624537 +-1.2422081 1.0758826 +-1.6440114 1.4220796 +-1.5776718 1.3629633 +-1.7176594 1.4820161 +-0.99566364 0.85797924 +-0.7579522 0.6523101 +-0.75836194 0.6518337 +-0.9481392 0.8139174 +-1.2486161 1.070496 +-1.1176276 0.95697576 +-0.7599977 0.6499257 +-1.0159446 0.86769867 +-1.177037 1.0040063 +-1.4853863 1.2654151 +-1.0377197 0.88291895 +-1.6401787 1.393731 +-0.98317647 0.8343845 +-0.8844917 0.74967897 +-0.98441696 0.8333115 +-0.7734608 0.65390277 +-0.7792146 0.65792817 +-1.1845279 0.99887925 +-0.7648764 0.644177 +-0.9781127 0.82271415 +-1.3664584 1.1478959 +-2.0866327 1.7506446 +-1.964479 1.6460578 +-1.2848166 1.0751882 +-1.5634964 1.3067296 +-0.9073191 0.7573459 +-1.602202 1.3356626 +-2.0331626 1.6927652 +-2.711688 2.2548068 +-2.5381072 2.107776 +-2.900868 2.4059532 +-2.951396 2.4447322 +-2.356721 1.9496491 +-2.4493876 2.0237188 +-2.3906322 1.972648 +-2.8207223 2.3245628 +-3.4524126 2.8414993 +-3.5767055 2.9400306 +-3.864554 3.1725736 +-3.8665466 3.1701448 +-3.8685377 3.1677146 +-3.2229724 2.6357186 +-2.7507608 2.2466652 +-2.7359974 2.231743 +-3.0100791 2.4521625 +-2.4298406 1.9769323 +-2.485128 2.0193205 +-1.8149401 1.4728591 +-1.5358497 1.2447721 +-1.3926617 1.1272724 +-0.9094576 0.73520356 +-0.77806777 0.6281804 +-1.1430734 0.9216854 +-1.411254 1.1364629 +-0.9572691 0.76988417 +-1.0845948 0.8711643 +-1.3068119 1.0483025 +-1.7512788 1.4030389 +-1.1013359 0.88120085 +-1.2945627 1.034472 +-0.78160757 0.6237705 +-1.0698588 0.85271275 +-0.8257834 0.65732855 +-0.78278196 0.6222961 +-0.7831728 0.6218041 +-0.7835634 0.6213119 +-0.78395355 0.62081945 +-1.5307977 1.2106874 +-2.164076 1.7093296 +-2.0254319 1.5977539 +-1.4772038 1.1637814 +-1.5376021 1.2097996 +-2.2856398 1.7960389 +-1.8628548 1.4619253 +-1.5352294 1.2032546 +-2.09277 1.6381121 +-2.4916298 1.9477953 +-2.8110647 2.1946647 +-3.2397923 2.5261075 +-3.8942926 3.0324974 +-3.9469209 3.0694976 +-3.9488487 3.067017 +-3.9507751 3.0645354 +-3.635038 2.815968 +-3.3060155 2.557761 +-2.5762823 1.9906026 +-2.236101 1.7255138 +-1.4872823 1.1461889 +-1.119981 0.8620034 +-1.7479932 1.3436105 +-1.8119456 1.3909577 +-1.1324542 0.86820924 +-0.8671829 0.6639712 +-1.5082787 1.153333 +-1.2332941 0.9418336 +-0.7951349 0.60643256 +-0.9163382 0.69796157 +-0.79589635 0.6054329 +-1.0750589 0.8167241 +-0.9814305 0.74462235 +-0.7970362 0.6039316 +-0.79741544 0.6034307 +-1.2646383 0.95574474 +-0.7981731 0.60242814 +-1.2038604 0.90743744 +-0.7989295 0.6014247 +-0.7993072 0.6009226 +-1.5943906 1.1971023 +-1.5252184 1.1436685 +-1.4985124 1.1221731 +-2.0372646 1.5236251 +-2.5728781 1.9216789 +-2.3083746 1.7218632 +-1.7876891 1.331726 +-2.0241516 1.5059003 +-2.6646702 1.9798248 +-3.1377587 2.3282666 +-3.8187158 2.829829 +-3.2244165 2.386291 +-2.5973008 1.9196576 +-1.9925506 1.4707534 +-1.4485481 1.0678056 +-0.80530787 0.5928568 +-1.215722 0.8938208 +-0.96587145 0.7091917 +-1.5963075 1.1705468 +-0.95406455 0.6986789 +-1.2130282 0.8871524 +-1.8549174 1.3548123 +-1.1762136 0.85796136 +-1.3132354 0.9566451 +-0.8086475 0.58829343 +-0.809017 0.58778524 +-0.80938613 0.5872768 +-0.9993482 0.724152 +-0.8101235 0.58625925 +-0.8104917 0.5857501 +-0.81085956 0.5852408 +-0.81122714 0.58473116 +-1.4813093 1.0663116 +-1.4363247 1.0325602 +-1.4689837 1.0546391 +-1.1609097 0.83235615 +-1.014934 0.7267285 +-0.8134258 0.58166873 +-0.81379104 0.58115757 +-0.81415606 0.5806461 +-0.8145207 0.58013445 +-0.873994 0.6216663 +-1.5205103 1.0800912 +-1.5873078 1.1260408 +-2.2754712 1.6120776 +-2.3509185 1.6633114 +-2.07872 1.4687678 +-2.7942019 1.9716768 +-2.7771156 1.9570078 +-2.772745 1.9513216 +-3.2599173 2.2911081 +-3.566122 2.5029666 +-3.1993132 2.242514 +-2.5359733 1.77518 +-2.4554393 1.7165085 +-2.042465 1.4259034 +-2.5677052 1.7901901 +-1.8714273 1.3030024 +-1.7430168 1.2119697 +-1.3079739 0.90825325 +-1.5571004 1.0797964 +-1.1652364 0.8069683 +-1.0552391 0.7298106 +-1.5135549 1.0453796 +-1.3814104 0.9528289 +-0.8235326 0.56726897 +-0.82388884 0.5667514 +-1.4705135 1.0102025 +-2.189247 1.5019288 +-2.9658535 2.031979 +-3.1715941 2.17001 +-2.6121266 1.7848129 +-2.64592 1.8054657 +-2.9171774 1.9878752 +-2.516473 1.7125058 +-2.7997143 1.9026839 +-2.6839626 1.8215549 +-2.7510931 1.8645915 +-3.3972197 2.299399 +-3.3080156 2.235992 +-4.127933 2.7864227 +-4.1459684 2.794807 +-4.1477237 2.7922013 +-4.1494775 2.7895947 +-3.995303 2.6823037 +-4.1529794 2.784378 +-3.917068 2.6226444 +-4.156475 2.7791572 +-4.158221 2.776545 +-4.1231937 2.7494128 +-4.1617064 2.7713175 +-3.3910937 2.2550855 +-3.0916333 2.053143 +-2.948153 1.9551901 +-2.7973354 1.8526396 +-1.9758056 1.3067657 +-2.4009955 1.5858116 +-2.4146426 1.5926472 +-2.335568 1.5383861 +-1.9182619 1.2617886 +-1.4593675 0.9586253 +-0.8946579 0.58687603 +-0.83649665 0.5479721 +-1.4023899 0.9174186 +-2.103218 1.3740017 +-2.6916282 1.7559896 +-3.191071 2.0789635 +-3.7192233 2.4197242 +-4.0948462 2.6604438 +-3.9760346 2.5796998 +-4.0181503 2.603439 +-3.4764555 2.2493641 +-3.2426522 2.0951977 +-2.8678794 1.85049 +-3.6324053 2.3405666 +-4.204723 2.7056062 +-4.173048 2.6815186 +-3.6544824 2.3450553 +-3.310571 2.1214342 +-3.2149403 2.0573053 +-3.4685695 2.2165372 +-4.1485195 2.6473794 +-4.0368323 2.5725384 +-4.21827 2.684437 +-3.6111674 2.2949007 +-3.344874 2.1227214 +-2.9549491 1.8726645 +-3.264254 2.0658092 +-3.9686599 2.5081072 +-3.4651687 2.186866 +-2.7337952 1.7228957 +-2.9386737 1.8494358 +-2.3926408 1.5036955 +-1.5501403 0.97285366 +-1.7605082 1.1033373 +-1.6006532 1.0017536 +-1.0611545 0.6631859 +-1.4565855 0.90904486 +-1.1497267 0.71653306 +-1.9095778 1.1884226 +-1.0852973 0.6744873 +-0.8496719 0.52731174 +-0.85000306 0.5267778 +-0.85033387 0.5262436 +-0.8506643 0.5257092 +-1.5118687 0.93302023 +-2.1027539 1.2958498 +-1.5965579 0.9825163 +-1.5028139 0.9235252 +-1.2867439 0.7896302 +-0.85264015 0.52249855 +-0.8529683 0.5219627 +-0.8532961 0.5214267 +-1.1448684 0.69861126 +-0.8539507 0.520354 +-0.85427743 0.51981735 +-0.8546039 0.5192805 +-1.0855261 0.65866154 +-1.0985124 0.66559726 +-0.85558116 0.51766866 +-1.2950758 0.7824733 +-0.9304228 0.5613555 +-0.85655546 0.51605505 +-0.85687953 0.5155167 +-0.85720325 0.51497823 +-0.85752666 0.5144395 +-1.1665459 0.69882715 +-1.5440688 0.92366695 +-1.9764849 1.180654 +-1.259231 0.75112903 +-1.9396064 1.15532 +-1.1047643 0.657109 +-0.909474 0.54017794 +-1.5836004 0.9392266 +-0.860422 0.50958216 +-1.491252 0.881924 +-2.2678564 1.339284 +-1.564742 0.9227337 +-1.7316635 1.0197021 +-1.017152 0.59809667 +-1.8001059 1.0569607 +-1.6557026 0.9707735 +-0.88555163 0.5184703 +-0.8914711 0.52118415 +-1.4982888 0.8746876 +-1.0451766 0.6092846 +-1.2227314 0.71176094 +-0.91796255 0.53358084 +-0.8648712 0.50199383 +-1.2516928 0.7254642 +-1.5961225 0.9237517 +-0.8658159 0.5003627 +-1.4301225 0.8252823 +-2.210678 1.2738675 +-2.1660407 1.2463336 +-1.3907951 0.79909676 +-1.7318832 0.9936259 +-1.579591 0.9049332 +-1.7864698 1.0219619 +-1.0777907 0.6156589 +-0.86863154 0.49545866 +-1.2811493 0.72968817 +-1.9595199 1.1144292 +-2.7699795 1.5730559 +-2.4092255 1.3661844 +-1.5746173 0.89160126 +-0.98478544 0.5568018 +-0.8708022 0.49163345 +-1.6059806 0.9053668 +-2.4462852 1.3770612 +-2.7216895 1.5298404 +-2.2907064 1.2856947 +-1.9518301 1.093883 +-1.4534171 0.813353 +-1.7788782 0.99401844 +-2.431371 1.3566206 +-2.0965402 1.1680698 +-2.9629993 1.6483716 +-3.5190284 1.9548064 +-3.2096162 1.7802911 +-2.4909303 1.3796089 +-2.755575 1.5239213 +-2.058228 1.136578 +-2.8018756 1.5449324 +-3.6119254 1.9886291 +-2.9153888 1.6027486 +-2.8711104 1.5760579 +-2.5953338 1.4225526 +-1.7735201 0.97065204 +-1.1877488 0.64908844 +-0.87781584 0.4789983 +-1.0606774 0.57791597 +-1.7436454 0.9486144 +-1.3621279 0.7399445 +-1.7426826 0.9452545 +-1.8288819 0.99052346 +-2.3654103 1.279186 +-2.7065203 1.4614571 +-2.1830828 1.1770422 +-2.0281737 1.0918764 +-1.9111357 1.0273201 +-2.188146 1.1744541 +-2.630526 1.4097664 +-1.8470141 0.9883689 +-1.1896625 0.6356476 +-0.8822912 0.47070393 +-0.8825868 0.4701495 +-1.5388505 0.81849694 +-1.533062 0.81418276 +-2.1121447 1.1200228 +-1.4435031 0.7642956 +-1.6461339 0.8702592 +-2.2667356 1.1965301 +-2.4389095 1.285456 +-1.585499 0.83438337 +-1.3570095 0.71305025 +-1.5990291 0.8389395 +-2.2506835 1.1790309 +-2.488896 1.3018271 +-2.5832567 1.3491164 +-3.3561642 1.7500875 +-2.6598632 1.3848733 +-1.9471896 1.0122609 +-1.3832476 0.71798784 +-1.3658485 0.7078677 +-1.3240807 0.68516594 +-1.0689195 0.5522777 +-1.67798 0.865625 +-1.8826901 0.9697322 +-2.3774962 1.2227066 +-2.1835299 1.1212187 +-2.2063897 1.1312056 +-2.5587687 1.309839 +-2.7032633 1.3816631 +-3.2669098 1.66716 +-2.4190712 1.2325784 +-2.9779177 1.5149688 +-2.0998204 1.0665903 +-2.6087518 1.3230374 +-2.0152948 1.0204722 +-1.5964314 0.80711514 +-1.4388648 0.72631866 +-1.0271538 0.5176832 +-0.92722017 0.4665865 +-1.1455835 0.57556736 +-0.89384145 0.4483832 +-1.613831 0.8082873 +-1.0177487 0.5089398 +-0.89468503 0.44669756 +-1.484129 0.73983 +-1.7656989 0.8788064 +-0.9219904 0.45816147 +-0.8958049 0.44444758 +-1.4587264 0.7225955 +-1.7784226 0.87956923 +-1.621036 0.800462 +-2.1188817 1.044641 +-1.9920074 0.9805347 +-2.2138138 1.087988 +-2.2998078 1.1284566 +-2.805206 1.3742563 +-2.0702965 1.0126153 +-2.6908946 1.3140652 +-2.209808 1.0774134 +-2.849628 1.3871485 +-3.2118874 1.5609945 +-3.6000032 1.7468255 +-2.866271 1.3885732 +-3.2466455 1.5703287 +-3.9682577 1.9162804 +-3.6416783 1.7557538 +-3.4728725 1.6716793 +-3.9781911 1.9118384 +-3.5707517 1.7132703 +-3.8182094 1.8290517 +-3.3268778 1.591118 +-2.82738 1.3500451 +-2.524076 1.2032737 +-2.0235782 0.9631171 +-1.1211872 0.5327626 +-1.9416864 0.92115 +-1.0680937 0.5058895 +-0.9040229 0.4274841 +-0.9042913 0.426916 +-1.098836 0.5179165 +-1.350583 0.6355361 +-0.9050944 0.42521068 +-0.9053614 0.4246419 +-0.905628 0.42407298 +-0.96527314 0.45126337 +-0.90616024 0.4229346 +-0.9064258 0.42236516 +-0.90669096 0.42179555 +-0.90695584 0.4212258 +-0.9072203 0.42065585 +-0.9074844 0.42008573 +-1.257988 0.58137864 +-0.9215594 0.42519578 +-1.2548057 0.5779954 +-1.3882085 0.63838714 +-0.9087997 0.41723272 +-0.9090617 0.41666162 +-0.9093233 0.41609034 +-1.1925844 0.54479975 +-1.5212809 0.69380075 +-1.6875948 0.7683699 +-0.9758696 0.443578 +-0.91125053 0.413515 +-1.3567969 0.614671 +-1.1079589 0.50110096 +-0.9114033 0.41151437 +-1.465124 0.66042095 +-1.075006 0.48375845 +-1.3446596 0.6040883 +-0.91243464 0.40922245 +-1.1320033 0.50684386 +-1.6260102 0.7268046 +-1.4736162 0.657576 +-2.0083625 0.89468473 +-2.275551 1.0119987 +-1.7527424 0.7781729 +-1.0949365 0.4853005 +-0.9144801 0.4046309 +-0.9147341 0.40405625 +-1.821412 0.8031865 +-1.9296838 0.84948325 +-1.9158177 0.8419425 +-2.7954266 1.2264082 +-2.0806143 0.91124773 +-2.4189441 1.0576152 +-2.4765506 1.080949 +-3.1869292 1.3886273 +-3.4894314 1.5178273 +-4.1592917 1.8060951 +-4.5875244 1.9886223 +-4.5887733 1.9857395 +-4.5900197 1.9828558 +-4.5912647 1.9799714 +-4.592508 1.9770863 +-4.417339 1.8983865 +-4.594989 1.9713136 +-4.0358067 1.728415 +-4.009914 1.7143451 +-4.5986967 1.9626487 +-4.5446773 1.9362196 +-4.601159 1.9568683 +-4.602388 1.953977 +-4.0377827 1.7112763 +-4.3455443 1.8384906 +-4.606063 1.9452982 +-4.602927 1.9405669 +-3.6884062 1.5522815 +-3.3451383 1.4053423 +-4.252555 1.7834188 +-3.98692 1.6690732 +-3.9925733 1.6684922 +-3.5100048 1.4642375 +-4.308133 1.7940085 +-4.47106 1.8585595 +-4.6181946 1.9163193 +-4.3151298 1.7873852 +-4.140385 1.7119567 +-4.320664 1.7833198 +-3.4585488 1.4249461 +-3.1983078 1.3153749 +-2.3530896 0.966032 +-2.5729117 1.0543888 +-2.5424814 1.040053 +-3.000704 1.2252978 +-3.257198 1.3276466 +-2.4193478 0.9843634 +-2.336185 0.94881636 +-2.8433855 1.1527296 +-3.354629 1.3575381 +-3.614937 1.4602358 +-4.18475 1.6873513 +-4.242824 1.707669 +-4.6395717 1.8639673 +-3.859488 1.5477496 +-4.5949645 1.8393433 +-4.643077 1.8552185 +-3.8811398 1.5479466 +-3.7812636 1.505359 +-3.9827306 1.5826669 +-3.6315446 1.4404703 +-3.4388504 1.3615372 +-2.8129404 1.1116779 +-2.560316 1.0099809 +-3.4425318 1.3554941 +-3.465625 1.3620726 +-4.344084 1.7041773 +-4.6557884 1.8230839 +-4.656933 1.8201581 +-4.658076 1.8172318 +-4.564826 1.7775489 +-4.6603556 1.8113768 +-4.0361676 1.5658505 +-4.607017 1.7839845 +-4.6605 1.8013285 +-4.664893 1.7996584 +-4.585791 1.7658323 +-4.667151 1.7937949 +-4.3713684 1.6769607 +-4.0911126 1.5664998 +-4.4489913 1.7003284 +-3.651844 1.3930433 +-3.8760026 1.4757624 +-2.9886742 1.1357684 +-3.7966366 1.4400842 +-4.337324 1.6420534 +-4.671039 1.7650385 +-4.6783295 1.764435 +-4.2605615 1.6038165 +-4.6805434 1.7585547 +-4.6816473 1.7556136 +-4.6827493 1.7526716 +-4.1975923 1.5680796 +-3.5573118 1.3263458 +-4.315265 1.6058615 +-3.4526036 1.2823658 +-3.6088183 1.3378074 +-3.298629 1.2204617 +-2.5069585 0.9257607 +-2.8123982 1.0365448 +-2.5304818 0.9308354 +-2.3123252 0.84893763 +-2.0102515 0.73660254 +-2.6296887 0.9617049 +-2.1458764 0.78324145 +-2.444194 0.89038694 +-1.6713018 0.6076435 +-2.156213 0.78241163 +-1.5948387 0.57757545 +-2.1714478 0.78485304 +-2.0287864 0.7318483 +-1.1962166 0.43066448 +-0.94109344 0.3381467 +-1.6003356 0.5738856 +-0.9415176 0.3369638 +-0.9417291 0.33637217 +-0.9419403 0.33578038 +-0.94215107 0.33518848 +-1.0638566 0.3777347 +-0.9425716 0.33400428 +-1.851549 0.6547952 +-1.6449926 0.58058447 +-2.302498 0.8110182 +-2.5263832 0.8880943 +-2.4636054 0.8642874 +-2.005237 0.7020669 +-2.8357534 0.9908448 +-1.9039093 0.66390574 +-1.0680158 0.37167165 +-0.94465154 0.32807538 +-1.6137087 0.5593015 +-1.3297156 0.45993555 +-1.7344924 0.59872395 +-1.3307453 0.45842022 +-1.1423382 0.39271423 +-0.94588166 0.3245118 +-1.0858084 0.3717553 +-0.9462887 0.32332292 +-1.7154537 0.5849237 +-1.5966939 0.54331017 +-1.7212466 0.58448553 +-2.00833 0.6805636 +-1.6791298 0.5678315 +-1.5810301 0.5335504 +-0.9477016 0.3191578 +-0.9479019 0.31856227 +-1.0410527 0.3491397 +-1.3254243 0.44358367 +-0.94850075 0.31677496 +-0.9486996 0.31617895 +-0.948898 0.31558278 +-0.94909614 0.31498653 +-1.4774668 0.4893121 +-1.5484067 0.5117268 +-1.4224528 0.46910962 +-2.2615042 0.74424464 +-2.1871305 0.718246 +-1.7626095 0.57760817 +-1.4132973 0.4621552 +-1.1844925 0.38651124 +-2.1340425 0.6948751 +-1.5091329 0.490347 +-2.4502099 0.7944197 +-2.920962 0.9450216 +-3.3517733 1.0820765 +-3.945674 1.2710726 +-4.1457233 1.3326426 +-4.7610736 1.527147 +-4.573075 1.4636768 +-4.402077 1.405898 +-4.243088 1.3521839 +-4.7576885 1.5128843 +-4.360342 1.383517 +-3.8257043 1.2112336 +-4.1605783 1.3143805 +-4.5507197 1.4344871 +-4.3665433 1.3734151 +-4.770575 1.4972024 +-4.771515 1.4942046 +-4.7724524 1.4912063 +-3.998601 1.2466506 +-3.185787 0.9910423 +-3.126533 0.97045535 +-3.7482448 1.1608491 +-4.6966634 1.4513454 +-3.8128836 1.1756191 +-4.5106807 1.3876665 +-4.005178 1.2293994 +-3.6885695 1.1296802 +-3.845997 1.1752522 +-2.9436653 0.89749753 +-2.3701866 0.72102153 +-2.1228518 0.6443242 +-2.171486 0.65759575 +-2.9827583 0.9012295 +-2.8149707 0.84860337 +-3.3674662 1.0128514 +-4.243185 1.2733394 +-4.1708155 1.248766 +-3.8416305 1.1475763 +-3.668656 1.093395 +-4.2969027 1.2776966 +-3.9188766 1.1626099 +-3.3734617 0.9984964 +-3.7172403 1.0977101 +-4.207872 1.239721 +-4.7970624 1.4100329 +-4.767502 1.3980902 +-4.7988305 1.4040036 +-4.7997117 1.4009881 +-4.800591 1.3979721 +-4.668672 1.3563746 +-4.802344 1.3919384 +-4.8032174 1.3889208 +-4.8040895 1.3859025 +-4.8049593 1.3828838 +-4.805827 1.3798645 +-4.806693 1.3768445 +-3.904512 1.1157668 +-4.2084074 1.1997495 +-3.4723282 0.9875464 +-2.992261 0.8489812 +-2.0954607 0.5931136 +-2.0427818 0.5768169 +-2.9896545 0.84215593 +-3.653346 1.0266341 +-3.7094378 1.0398822 +-2.8240407 0.7897616 +-3.191735 0.8904279 +-4.15253 1.1556581 +-4.0995417 1.1381364 +-4.8186183 1.33451 +-4.819456 1.331482 +-4.422101 1.2187139 +-4.7501245 1.3059052 +-4.1924224 1.1497488 +-4.6675987 1.2769105 +-4.823615 1.3163347 +-4.8244414 1.3133037 +-4.8252654 1.3102722 +-4.106605 1.1123542 +-3.2086656 0.86696607 +-4.0275745 1.0855165 +-4.57061 1.2287962 +-4.829358 1.2951068 +-4.3603144 1.1663854 +-3.8312657 1.0222856 +-4.6140604 1.2280514 +-4.238678 1.1252904 +-4.4835343 1.1872802 +-4.4482775 1.1749533 +-4.3947253 1.1578548 +-4.835807 1.2708155 +-4.8366046 1.2677767 +-3.9085479 1.0218893 +-4.7870426 1.2483588 +-4.8389854 1.2586577 +-4.8397756 1.255617 +-4.8405633 1.2525759 +-4.8413496 1.2495342 +-4.0266767 1.0365721 +-3.2682145 0.8391349 +-2.9371052 0.75215364 +-2.0687582 0.52839667 +-1.7047145 0.43427283 +-1.8635291 0.47348383 +-2.7626007 0.70007163 +-2.4956822 0.63076323 +-1.7783893 0.44828472 +-2.1237338 0.53391796 +-2.7728941 0.6952682 +-3.4716992 0.8681666 +-3.208738 0.8002662 +-4.161729 1.0351671 +-4.852911 1.2038507 +-4.8536663 1.2008014 +-4.8544197 1.1977515 +-3.9303498 0.9671324 +-4.8099356 1.1803654 +-4.7521806 1.163027 +-4.8091197 1.1737598 +-4.8581586 1.182495 +-4.326441 1.0501937 +-3.578731 0.86631507 +-2.7242548 0.65765756 +-2.4503179 0.5898978 +-3.2601297 0.7826879 +-3.6308715 0.86928266 +-4.218608 1.007193 +-3.6516852 0.86941534 +-3.2369716 0.768529 +-4.1148553 0.9742273 +-4.4507656 1.0508041 +-4.866936 1.1458321 +-4.8676553 1.1427739 +-4.8660893 1.1391807 +-4.8690877 1.136656 +-4.8698006 1.1335965 +-4.870512 1.1305366 +-4.6610703 1.0788352 +-4.8719287 1.1244152 +-4.8726344 1.1213537 +-4.8733377 1.118292 +-4.135994 0.9463575 +-4.874739 1.1121671 +-4.7230473 1.074437 +-4.36981 0.9911925 +-4.4990034 1.0175253 +-4.877519 1.099912 +-4.1408696 0.9310591 +-3.6308665 0.81399053 +-4.522784 1.0109621 +-4.153847 0.92575485 +-3.865301 0.8588986 +-3.4295764 0.7598164 +-2.4871807 0.54939115 +-3.267999 0.71971214 +-3.0074837 0.6603578 +-2.342698 0.51284707 +-1.9673263 0.42937815 +-2.7798164 0.6048783 +-2.7768466 0.6024051 +-3.0362656 0.6566857 +-2.800971 0.6039541 +-2.2742963 0.48889562 +-2.556194 0.54781383 +-3.1069663 0.66380745 +-3.377091 0.71930146 +-2.4280543 0.51556736 +-1.6403234 0.34722546 +-1.826532 0.38544342 +-2.47584 0.5208388 +-1.8609157 0.3902572 +-1.3410022 0.28034538 +-1.4369584 0.29946345 +-2.0531414 0.42653066 +-1.3355074 0.2765703 +-0.97935003 0.202172 +-1.6800843 0.3457275 +-2.0379343 0.4180313 +-1.7533246 0.3585029 +-1.2977725 0.2645066 +-2.037756 0.41399357 +-2.1482277 0.4350319 +-1.3066496 0.26375157 +-1.5879862 0.31950203 +-2.4605274 0.49344853 +-1.8165942 0.36312324 +-2.4389873 0.48594135 +-3.37703 0.6706302 +-3.7876847 0.749707 +-2.8993607 0.57198566 +-2.6577766 0.52259123 +-2.244355 0.4398368 +-2.7514322 0.53741616 +-2.410116 0.46917757 +-1.9635025 0.38095498 +-2.8211298 0.5455111 +-1.9324484 0.37241074 +-1.8041881 0.34651756 +-1.5406779 0.2949034 +-1.0580574 0.20183524 +-0.98240477 0.18676409 +-0.98252195 0.1861468 +-1.7387897 0.32829627 +-1.3180997 0.24800932 +-1.0076681 0.18894404 +-1.3517069 0.2525744 +-1.2882273 0.23987529 +-1.217896 0.22598752 +-1.1116109 0.20554331 +-1.4874449 0.27407077 +-1.5524594 0.28504166 +-2.061573 0.37717938 +-1.7578722 0.32047382 +-2.624531 0.47676885 +-2.5872626 0.46831962 +-3.0293348 0.5463735 +-3.7939649 0.6818217 +-3.7017589 0.66285044 +-4.476917 0.7987502 +-3.5053766 0.6231403 +-4.1182246 0.7294154 +-4.224919 0.7455754 +-3.3067334 0.5814002 +-2.7117863 0.4750384 +-1.9627248 0.3425503 +-1.0398606 0.18081154 +-1.1255866 0.19498909 +-1.1513741 0.19871128 +-0.9855383 0.16945271 +-0.9856446 0.16883345 +-0.9857505 0.16821411 +-1.0116256 0.17197554 +-1.6610795 0.28130844 +-1.7121518 0.28885114 +-0.9861701 0.16573612 +-0.98627406 0.16511646 +-1.8701025 0.3118742 +-2.1519902 0.35749462 +-2.8642387 0.4739662 +-2.6836574 0.44235194 +-3.3405166 0.54846746 +-3.7100317 0.60674316 +-3.693766 0.60170037 +-4.6210146 0.7497654 +-4.9359603 0.797683 +-4.9364605 0.7945815 +-4.004462 0.64198434 +-4.1245356 0.65857637 +-4.9261904 0.78340507 +-4.9384418 0.7821723 +-4.9389324 0.77906924 +-4.5390086 0.7130625 +-4.5646586 0.7141535 +-4.400175 0.68558747 +-4.079511 0.63299996 +-3.0996299 0.4789618 +-3.666878 0.5642555 +-3.9971583 0.612508 +-3.4704764 0.52956986 +-3.5006635 0.5319257 +-2.5928116 0.39231107 +-3.3864932 0.51022446 +-4.1325927 0.6199799 +-3.7169716 0.55523986 +-3.4096758 0.5071461 +-3.6831384 0.5454551 +-2.9918132 0.4411523 +-2.8850777 0.4235618 +-3.4888434 0.50996226 +-3.045979 0.44327447 +-3.0207558 0.43766576 +-2.6020327 0.3753295 +-2.9076746 0.41755193 +-2.1270816 0.30409223 +-2.4162006 0.34387627 +-2.5930681 0.3673861 +-2.181977 0.30774432 +-2.1961231 0.3083323 +-1.845282 0.25789255 +-1.428402 0.19871537 +-1.3952671 0.1932122 +-1.3426746 0.18506962 +-0.9907194 0.13592307 +-1.8011224 0.24595453 +-2.6495554 0.36011767 +-2.5575552 0.34597686 +-1.7476981 0.23530418 +-2.3392045 0.31344634 +-2.1942837 0.29262403 +-1.380068 0.18315984 +-2.2609394 0.29862183 +-2.1172786 0.2782939 +-2.7189426 0.35563853 +-3.1487043 0.40983945 +-2.2083306 0.28602824 +-1.5805287 0.2037042 +-1.9670901 0.25226924 +-1.9942203 0.25447503 +-2.3157473 0.29402527 +-2.6185539 0.3308003 +-2.034996 0.25578085 +-2.856019 0.35715342 +-2.6635683 0.33138728 +-1.8242136 0.22579533 +-1.4115945 0.1738222 +-1.11955 0.13714612 +-1.0477371 0.12768082 +-1.2745523 0.15450864 +-1.4231861 0.1716196 +-1.6070307 0.19276479 +-0.99295723 0.11847329 +-0.9930315 0.11784937 +-0.99310535 0.11722541 +-1.4828907 0.17409466 +-0.99325186 0.11597735 +-0.9933245 0.11535324 +-0.9933968 0.1147291 +-1.494104 0.17160541 +-2.3855665 0.2724758 +-3.1390662 0.35654148 +-2.2199845 0.25073758 +-1.9201397 0.21564965 +-1.7366518 0.19393739 +-2.6184525 0.29074526 +-1.912561 0.21114871 +-2.2739756 0.24960315 +-2.4616163 0.26863435 +-3.0818794 0.33436385 +-3.0803475 0.33223957 +-2.8715048 0.30788916 +-3.6315823 0.38707852 +-3.9473624 0.41822827 +-3.3265648 0.3503405 +-3.5021133 0.36660385 +-4.3403373 0.45159292 +-3.9631374 0.40983006 +-3.9257698 0.40347302 +-3.3048654 0.33756092 +-2.4255395 0.24620624 +-1.6079419 0.16219471 +-1.0073408 0.100972146 +-0.99507636 0.09911134 +-0.9951384 0.098486096 +-0.9952001 0.09786081 +-0.99526143 0.09723549 +-0.9953223 0.09661014 +-0.9953828 0.095984735 +-1.4098324 0.1350561 +-1.4544431 0.13840742 +-1.3668549 0.12920584 +-1.6909274 0.15876783 +-1.4923706 0.13917866 +-1.3541374 0.12542884 +-2.244447 0.20647272 +-3.1471364 0.28751954 +-3.3104346 0.30034107 +-3.4670856 0.3123571 +-3.626316 0.32440564 +-4.582743 0.40706408 +-4.3756833 0.38590106 +-3.5484676 0.3107003 +-3.0498354 0.26510972 +-2.0644155 0.17814437 +-1.9521556 0.16722149 +-1.298514 0.110408776 +-1.6758723 0.1414339 +-2.1456106 0.17971942 +-2.3636773 0.19648951 +-2.6994293 0.22269242 +-3.40602 0.2788289 +-3.4642236 0.28140253 +-3.6593118 0.2949355 +-3.06795 0.24533246 +-3.012941 0.2390285 +-2.4836626 0.19546849 +-1.8854223 0.14719403 +-1.3127952 0.10165946 +-2.0510736 0.15753342 +-2.5024872 0.19062285 +-1.8649482 0.14088084 +-1.1494513 0.08610488 +-0.99725276 0.07407368 +-0.99729913 0.07344707 +-1.5331511 0.11194193 +-1.464325 0.10599171 +-2.1439264 0.153829 +-2.5944498 0.18451606 +-1.7013679 0.11992613 +-1.4619156 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0.16263364 +-4.3763466 0.18434148 +-3.623165 0.1503353 +-4.1238403 0.16851425 +-4.995958 0.20100775 +-4.141692 0.1640307 +-4.9962068 0.19472948 +-4.996328 0.19159023 +-4.2883916 0.16174519 +-3.6635826 0.13587415 +-3.145462 0.11467919 +-3.0205922 0.10822624 +-3.3488722 0.11788153 +-2.6697268 0.09229588 +-3.3507624 0.11373233 +-2.7630258 0.092045225 +-2.9104958 0.09512721 +-3.481394 0.111596845 +-4.3236065 0.13587481 +-3.6560311 0.11259603 +-4.120141 0.124298215 +-4.99782 0.14763339 +-4.997912 0.14449315 +-4.9980016 0.14135283 +-4.846082 0.134009 +-4.998175 0.13507205 +-4.5835114 0.12098409 +-4.976949 0.12823986 +-4.9984207 0.12565048 +-4.998499 0.12250985 +-4.9985747 0.11936918 +-4.403888 0.1023991 +-4.140619 0.09367457 +-4.933651 0.108514145 +-4.580448 0.09786623 +-4.0327644 0.08362939 +-4.1809144 0.0840736 +-3.2801988 0.06389938 +-2.679321 0.050509993 +-3.38276 0.061644897 +-2.8131855 0.04949725 +-3.0337427 0.05147117 +-2.5590115 0.041808452 +-1.8386697 0.028884131 +-2.4544153 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+-2.6098144 -0.30639803 +-3.3087113 -0.3905578 +-3.74802 -0.4448014 +-3.0285466 -0.36134675 +-2.492781 -0.29901132 +-3.2567122 -0.39272138 +-3.997159 -0.48455885 +-3.24632 -0.39560762 +-3.22098 -0.3945736 +-3.027883 -0.37285018 +-2.276649 -0.2817963 +-1.6156043 -0.20100509 +-0.9922714 -0.12408641 +-1.5718842 -0.19757183 +-0.9921147 -0.12533323 +-1.9271305 -0.24468347 +-1.9401506 -0.24757539 +-1.3691725 -0.17558935 +-2.085136 -0.26873976 +-1.2958292 -0.16783889 +-2.0459032 -0.26629743 +-2.2741694 -0.29746208 +-1.9670446 -0.25854725 +-1.2106488 -0.15990087 +-0.9913076 -0.13156436 +-0.99122477 -0.13218719 +-1.1392009 -0.15264948 +-0.9910579 -0.1334327 +-0.99097383 -0.13405538 +-0.99088943 -0.13467799 +-0.9908046 -0.13530056 +-1.6964651 -0.2327488 +-0.9906338 -0.13654554 +-1.8245412 -0.2526567 +-1.6701887 -0.2323521 +-1.5699987 -0.21941958 +-0.9902875 -0.13903484 +-1.0429227 -0.147093 +-1.0955956 -0.15522408 +-1.6261916 -0.23144133 +-2.5715165 -0.3676296 +-1.6363461 -0.23498484 +-2.4149544 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+-4.9276915 -0.8472636 +-4.9271584 -0.85035956 +-4.5080256 -0.7809402 +-3.7477434 -0.65165967 +-3.4655328 -0.6048323 +-2.7568944 -0.48294026 +-2.5125253 -0.4417601 +-3.1578007 -0.5572601 +-4.0252714 -0.71295166 +-4.7376947 -0.8422058 +-4.922271 -0.8782082 +-4.0172195 -0.719338 +-4.637399 -0.83339715 +-4.9206066 -0.8874849 +-4.920048 -0.8905764 +-4.5227385 -0.8215947 +-3.8469427 -0.7013277 +-3.6188147 -0.6620878 +-3.8604052 -0.70879555 +-4.704497 -0.8668322 +-4.916656 -0.90911824 +-4.00622 -0.74337685 +-3.7881315 -0.70537174 +-3.3620684 -0.6282223 +-3.4196289 -0.6412017 +-2.7533023 -0.51805234 +-3.3066337 -0.62431675 +-3.8117893 -0.7221745 +-3.9674323 -0.754245 +-4.115859 -0.78514206 +-4.9108467 -0.9399923 +-4.0311356 -0.7742315 +-3.2474425 -0.6258291 +-2.436748 -0.47118467 +-2.6977398 -0.5234103 +-2.526377 -0.49181014 +-2.876119 -0.56177026 +-2.549103 -0.49955973 +-2.8753574 -0.56537354 +-3.0695894 -0.60556835 +-2.1005826 -0.41577414 +-2.3742557 -0.47149345 +-2.339243 -0.46606836 +-1.5393298 -0.3077002 +-2.2455764 -0.45034096 +-2.1499953 -0.43257797 +-2.6753376 -0.5400258 +-2.6200807 -0.5305856 +-2.5240188 -0.51278347 +-3.205939 -0.65342116 +-3.4081469 -0.69686496 +-2.594199 -0.53213507 +-3.257206 -0.6702674 +-3.8311434 -0.7908816 +-3.9096515 -0.8096499 +-2.943035 -0.6114019 +-3.8879204 -0.81024617 +-3.210737 -0.6712258 +-3.7327178 -0.7827975 +-4.542602 -0.95562047 +-4.3443227 -0.9167595 +-3.596255 -0.76125926 +-3.098857 -0.65800405 +-3.6932304 -0.7866374 +-3.1637254 -0.6759341 +-3.0354557 -0.65052366 +-2.9055328 -0.6245898 +-3.0022013 -0.647344 +-3.7182772 -0.8041917 +-4.619139 -1.0020694 +-4.8856735 -1.0631055 +-3.989875 -0.87080884 +-3.1052063 -0.67977005 +-2.5495725 -0.5598135 +-2.5242748 -0.5559216 +-1.8470823 -0.40800038 +-2.0465841 -0.45341697 +-1.3219386 -0.2937446 +-1.1921041 -0.2656805 +-2.0891747 -0.4669859 +-2.5888975 -0.5803953 +-3.2918487 -0.7401599 +-2.5555675 -0.576297 +-2.7036219 -0.6114695 +-1.8973813 -0.430378 +-1.8127545 -0.4123801 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+-2.9985468 -0.9472797 +-2.2289503 -0.70569474 +-1.7154701 -0.544311 +-1.1864424 -0.37727356 +-2.0195446 -0.64358693 +-1.3332497 -0.42580193 +-1.6689446 -0.53416914 +-1.356881 -0.4352289 +-0.9520226 -0.30602765 +-1.8332187 -0.5905592 +-2.6779752 -0.8645495 +-2.0892262 -0.67592937 +-2.9148488 -0.94506735 +-2.0438986 -0.6641029 +-1.0960441 -0.35688782 +-1.0696903 -0.3490502 +-1.9632211 -0.641983 +-2.5509214 -0.83593845 +-3.3061705 -1.0857348 +-3.114056 -1.0248133 +-2.5456681 -0.839534 +-2.6187572 -0.8654627 +-2.8487458 -0.9434566 +-3.5137436 -1.1661431 +-3.4496758 -1.1472869 +-3.0630662 -1.0208468 +-3.180671 -1.0622627 +-2.383846 -0.7978088 +-1.4623652 -0.49043602 +-1.0988269 -0.36928377 +-1.6159272 -0.54419637 +-1.5918539 -0.5372031 +-2.0891197 -0.7064778 +-3.0003412 -1.0167269 +-3.0305579 -1.0290897 +-3.6078007 -1.2276335 +-4.4972644 -1.5334466 +-4.7314434 -1.6166146 +-4.730427 -1.6195871 +-4.728236 -1.6221569 +-4.1666684 -1.4324218 +-4.1700573 -1.4365172 +-4.7263412 -1.6314708 +-4.7253156 -1.6344402 +-4.374587 -1.5162048 +-4.1884465 -1.4546381 +-3.27963 -1.1413178 +-2.924619 -1.0198339 +-2.7934234 -0.9760542 +-3.0097735 -1.0537719 +-3.3708649 -1.182574 +-2.7317007 -0.9602691 +-3.1234694 -1.1001923 +-2.6273773 -0.92730784 +-3.255613 -1.1513386 +-2.849134 -1.0096029 +-3.4862204 -1.2378232 +-4.1481466 -1.4757835 +-3.397906 -1.2112765 +-3.3156667 -1.1843086 +-4.220365 -1.5104448 +-3.412622 -1.2237774 +-2.9635358 -1.0648357 +-3.4062357 -1.2263203 +-4.269019 -1.5399721 +-3.958867 -1.430902 +-4.272796 -1.5474054 +-4.7001324 -1.7055078 +-4.128857 -1.501149 +-4.697985 -1.7114127 +-4.620537 -1.6864884 +-4.1185565 -1.5061996 +-4.6947513 -1.7202652 +-3.8013964 -1.3956292 +-4.646936 -1.7093712 +-4.6915 -1.7291114 +-3.8859243 -1.4349803 +-4.193365 -1.5515057 +-4.4277706 -1.6413971 +-4.6871395 -1.740897 +-4.1315737 -1.5375035 +-3.9700356 -1.4802301 +-3.1341085 -1.1707977 +-3.7488894 -1.403144 +-3.8664258 -1.4499062 +-3.3959413 -1.2759093 +-4.1689353 -1.5693254 +-4.6783295 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+-2.2347987 -1.0619253 +-3.113604 -1.4819124 +-2.2969768 -1.0950112 +-2.3810976 -1.1369499 +-2.0898015 -0.99947184 +-1.2133932 -0.58125645 +-1.8401513 -0.8829168 +-2.4288476 -1.167255 +-3.2801049 -1.5788898 +-3.0447628 -1.4679643 +-2.2479165 -1.085524 +-1.6516917 -0.79888576 +-1.2345394 -0.59807616 +-0.8996797 -0.43655056 +-1.3437812 -0.6530849 +-1.5439011 -0.75154376 +-1.5838252 -0.77220947 +-0.8985797 -0.43881032 +-0.8983038 -0.43937483 +-1.2868978 -0.6304447 +-1.2389598 -0.6079257 +-2.0041678 -0.98495656 +-2.6079354 -1.2837156 +-2.4994793 -1.2322813 +-2.6253276 -1.2963777 +-3.206297 -1.5857649 +-2.9178445 -1.4453851 +-3.3973768 -1.6855857 +-3.625779 -1.8017457 +-3.8280742 -1.9052718 +-3.2673478 -1.6287547 +-4.002674 -1.9984518 +-3.3449225 -1.6726764 +-3.4776306 -1.7417713 +-4.1178207 -2.0656478 +-3.9293098 -1.9741752 +-3.2263622 -1.6235379 +-2.5743716 -1.2974775 +-2.6800249 -1.3528388 +-3.4093935 -1.7237027 +-3.9212146 -1.9855608 +-3.897856 -1.9768109 +-4.4578815 -2.2643523 +-4.047738 -2.0592232 +-3.976906 -2.0263348 +-4.4536057 -2.2727513 +-3.8944283 -1.9904786 +-3.5655315 -1.825203 +-3.7299166 -1.9123106 +-3.8131993 -1.958036 +-3.7308884 -1.9187334 +-4.445006 -2.2895248 +-4.4435663 -2.2923172 +-4.4421253 -2.2951088 +-4.4406824 -2.2978992 +-3.6686184 -1.9013063 +-3.1634068 -1.6419965 +-3.700304 -1.9236305 +-4.3668904 -2.2736466 +-3.719404 -1.9395007 +-3.001286 -1.567434 +-2.839167 -1.4850379 +-3.3157115 -1.7369506 +-2.6952999 -1.414104 +-2.6561403 -1.3956878 +-3.071051 -1.6161687 +-3.503774 -1.8467052 +-3.0070007 -1.5872902 +-2.9927554 -1.5821757 +-2.2089036 -1.1695542 +-2.3913548 -1.2680817 +-3.1848717 -1.6914303 +-2.8160355 -1.497817 +-2.0476217 -1.0907576 +-1.5044644 -0.8026344 +-1.8344419 -0.98015916 +-2.3523555 -1.2587857 +-2.789135 -1.494769 +-2.8926868 -1.5526055 +-2.0379808 -1.095505 +-2.378869 -1.2806747 +-1.6212813 -0.87413836 +-2.0113018 -1.0860555 +-1.2011423 -0.64956355 +-1.0069107 -0.5453434 +-1.6621742 -0.9015857 +-2.389377 -1.2979739 +-1.8056198 -0.9823311 +-1.7200484 -0.93717784 +-1.1948808 -0.65201133 +-0.8775147 -0.47954977 +-0.8772132 -0.48010102 +-1.6786824 -0.9201183 +-1.6218386 -0.89028674 +-2.435821 -1.3391039 +-2.501165 -1.3770741 +-2.4013586 -1.3240904 +-2.5333383 -1.3989394 +-2.028692 -1.1219317 +-2.4412067 -1.3520691 +-2.2011013 -1.2208941 +-1.8020111 -1.0010101 +-1.2460872 -0.69322145 +-1.9667403 -1.0957528 +-2.4732544 -1.3799901 +-2.7251365 -1.5227777 +-3.0709646 -1.7185556 +-2.9527037 -1.6548122 +-3.3022015 -1.8534122 +-3.772927 -2.1207328 +-4.0734205 -2.2930071 +-4.1116524 -2.317932 +-4.0156384 -2.2671304 +-3.3094783 -1.8711929 +-3.3039262 -1.8707943 +-3.741793 -2.121835 +-2.9588253 -1.6803002 +-2.365478 -1.345308 +-3.1874714 -1.8154482 +-2.5334291 -1.4450425 +-2.9001231 -1.6566169 +-3.417677 -1.9551047 +-2.9351814 -1.6815386 +-2.7344334 -1.5688146 +-2.39407 -1.3755394 +-3.112566 -1.7909616 +-3.8964043 -2.2452397 +-3.0450838 -1.7572296 +-3.7302732 -2.1557581 +-3.4895995 -2.0195966 +-3.687859 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-0.52463984 +-1.0453025 -0.6450881 +-1.553464 -0.96003836 +-0.95375603 -0.59024817 +-0.85000306 -0.5267778 +-0.8496719 -0.52731174 +-0.8493404 -0.5278455 +-0.84900856 -0.5283791 +-0.84867644 -0.5289124 +-1.4779588 -0.9223838 +-2.009116 -1.25563 +-1.6168824 -1.0119106 +-2.3999507 -1.5040858 +-2.2129402 -1.3888208 +-2.2778149 -1.4315311 +-2.804936 -1.7652688 +-3.4553137 -2.1776118 +-3.206588 -2.023676 +-3.743921 -2.366077 +-3.4835167 -2.2045712 +-3.0132406 -1.909606 +-3.7145982 -2.3573556 +-3.5397882 -2.249539 +-3.7401476 -2.380168 +-3.725534 -2.3741581 +-4.214893 -2.6897357 +-4.213202 -2.6923833 +-3.5213208 -2.2533643 +-3.270143 -2.095528 +-2.6878414 -1.7247686 +-2.5537076 -1.6409621 +-2.83724 -1.8256743 +-3.5022104 -2.2566745 +-4.192377 -2.705118 +-3.5782878 -2.3120644 +-2.7879443 -1.8038782 +-2.1776767 -1.4109598 +-2.0852847 -1.3529582 +-2.5098286 -1.6306492 +-1.8583144 -1.209018 +-2.3850615 -1.5538532 +-2.6151958 -1.7061259 +-2.9093714 -1.9006499 +-2.74227 -1.7939444 +-2.6758716 -1.7529097 +-3.459593 -2.2694175 +-3.817732 -2.5077813 +-3.4676783 -2.2809591 +-4.04723 -2.6658194 +-4.173855 -2.7529864 +-4.1721244 -2.7556086 +-3.7400413 -2.4736023 +-4.0012474 -2.6499753 +-4.1669226 -2.7634678 +-3.4404562 -2.284795 +-3.574968 -2.3773623 +-3.354272 -2.2336395 +-3.311055 -2.2078652 +-3.830388 -2.5576432 +-4.1339493 -2.7640955 +-4.154728 -2.781768 +-3.8202887 -2.5613246 +-3.582793 -2.4053593 +-4.075138 -2.739618 +-3.8052406 -2.5616455 +-3.5934203 -2.4223328 +-2.8787804 -1.9432243 +-2.262805 -1.5295012 +-1.8741894 -1.26854 +-1.9167993 -1.2991372 +-1.7247598 -1.170562 +-2.166738 -1.4725137 +-2.966573 -2.018807 +-2.8588395 -1.9481215 +-2.3309388 -1.5905356 +-2.82873 -1.9328136 +-2.863362 -1.9591172 +-3.1920433 -2.186947 +-3.099322 -2.1262844 +-2.9466724 -2.0242834 +-2.1446817 -1.475322 +-2.7064571 -1.8642724 +-3.3295405 -2.2965531 +-3.9390757 -2.7206345 +-3.331036 -2.3037674 +-2.8966813 -2.0060563 +-3.6353014 -2.5209587 +-3.4522004 -2.397198 +-3.9607332 -2.7540116 +-3.7110722 -2.583876 +-3.8676593 -2.6965113 +-3.2387836 -2.261088 +-3.8136554 -2.665988 +-3.3795152 -2.3656588 +-3.5440528 -2.4841545 +-3.1060681 -2.180067 +-3.570935 -2.509695 +-2.9284618 -2.0609076 +-2.632319 -1.8549709 +-3.2185683 -2.2711232 +-3.6077693 -2.5491529 +-4.0124598 -2.8388777 +-3.413901 -2.4186082 +-3.3023438 -2.3426924 +-3.8263805 -2.7180612 +-4.074425 -2.8981128 +-4.0726037 -2.9006722 +-4.0707803 -2.9032307 +-4.0689554 -2.9057877 +-4.0671287 -2.9083438 +-3.8790603 -2.777544 +-4.063471 -2.9134524 +-4.0616393 -2.916005 +-3.7001 -2.659967 +-4.057972 -2.9211066 +-4.0561357 -2.9236557 +-4.054298 -2.9262037 +-3.4523304 -2.4950323 +-2.914209 -2.1089153 +-2.191072 -1.5877041 +-2.266303 -1.6443908 +-1.498367 -1.0886273 +-1.7237335 -1.2540213 +-1.6301411 -1.1874996 +-1.0605712 -0.7736086 +-0.8075372 -0.5898167 +-0.8071664 -0.5903239 +-1.18573 -0.8683318 +-1.3773217 -1.009968 +-1.7535315 -1.2875316 +-1.2531515 -0.92133975 +-2.0139103 -1.4826136 +-1.779329 -1.3116426 +-1.9971303 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+-3.6964185 -3.0579433 +-3.8505628 -3.18954 +-3.8485582 -3.1919587 +-3.3319206 -2.7669997 +-3.6380258 -3.0250697 +-3.8352313 -3.1931267 +-3.669402 -3.0589669 +-3.0305624 -2.5296326 +-2.5999303 -2.172954 +-3.3500116 -2.8034296 +-3.647569 -3.0563369 +-3.8304465 -3.2136707 +-3.8284266 -3.2160769 +-3.826405 -3.2184815 +-3.824382 -3.220885 +-3.8223577 -3.2232873 +-3.8203316 -3.2256885 +-3.818304 -3.2280881 +-3.8162751 -3.2304866 +-3.5367215 -2.9976604 +-3.8122125 -3.2352798 +-3.3061688 -2.809395 +-3.636141 -3.0937233 +-2.9145062 -2.482896 +-3.5400763 -3.019666 +-3.7210233 -3.1780543 +-3.4580302 -2.9571965 +-2.762806 -2.36567 +-3.4122705 -2.925496 +-3.2590604 -2.7976968 +-2.9002647 -2.4928603 +-2.46826 -2.124238 +-3.0367975 -2.6168568 +-3.3345199 -2.8770618 +-3.7836065 -3.2686882 +-3.7815518 -3.2710648 +-3.779496 -3.2734401 +-3.7774384 -3.2758143 +-3.7753794 -3.278187 +-3.7733188 -3.2805586 +-3.771257 -3.2829287 +-3.7691934 -3.2852976 +-3.3411534 -2.9159064 +-3.0104725 -2.6306472 +-2.3437493 -2.0506415 +-2.085584 -1.827077 +-1.5768223 -1.3831282 +-0.84793484 -0.7447192 +-1.289499 -1.1339697 +-1.0910951 -0.960712 +-0.75011104 -0.66131186 +-0.7496954 -0.66178304 +-0.8719512 -0.770678 +-0.7488632 -0.6627246 +-0.74844664 -0.663195 +-0.7878208 -0.6989684 +-0.74761266 -0.66413504 +-0.74719524 -0.6646046 +-0.7467775 -0.665074 +-0.74635947 -0.665543 +-0.74594116 -0.66601187 +-0.74552256 -0.6664804 +-1.3978199 -1.2512007 +-1.04646 -0.93788046 +-1.7567858 -1.5764952 +-1.7180638 -1.5436969 +-1.5010397 -1.3504041 +-0.87982774 -0.7925342 +-1.003937 -0.90547305 +-1.1674489 -1.054279 +-1.9004848 -1.7184252 +-2.3139658 -2.0949402 +-2.8460062 -2.579877 +-2.2234566 -2.018088 +-2.0795395 -1.8898484 +-1.4399093 -1.3102167 +-2.0219672 -1.8421721 +-1.5033723 -1.3714209 +-1.8519397 -1.6915276 +-2.0499997 -1.874796 +-1.4117547 -1.2927285 +-1.2469853 -1.1432922 +-1.7234424 -1.5821239 +-1.0759965 -0.98901373 +-1.7816255 -1.6396666 +-2.3632872 -2.1777258 +-2.2003083 -2.0301015 +-2.1933887 -2.0262702 +-2.8652136 -2.650246 +-3.4687798 -3.2125752 +-3.0554569 -2.8333488 +-3.0725179 -2.8527625 +-3.2323213 -3.0049202 +-3.1660423 -2.9470148 +-3.6577206 -3.4089706 +-3.23133 -3.0153732 +-3.5084581 -3.278107 +-3.6512883 -3.415859 +-3.6491413 -3.4181526 +-3.646993 -3.4204447 +-3.644843 -3.4227355 +-3.6426919 -3.425025 +-3.4992945 -3.294341 +-3.638385 -3.4295998 +-3.6002898 -3.3979654 +-3.6340723 -3.4341693 +-3.1509395 -2.9813626 +-3.629754 -3.4387333 +-3.6275926 -3.441013 +-3.1435146 -2.9855874 +-3.3265269 -3.1633835 +-2.7506588 -2.6190507 +-2.5790846 -2.4587772 +-3.299974 -3.1499991 +-3.6013672 -3.4420226 +-3.6124232 -3.456935 +-3.6102505 -3.459204 +-3.0673368 -2.9427037 +-2.5764124 -2.4748373 +-3.1037872 -2.985172 +-2.9213064 -2.8132007 +-2.3384974 -2.2547927 +-2.7860937 -2.6897478 +-2.3501363 -2.271721 +-2.0806925 -2.0137978 +-1.614327 -1.5643916 +-2.0781312 -2.0163827 +-1.6048259 -1.5590997 +-2.2534032 -2.1919513 +-2.5184665 -2.4528675 +-2.6932688 -2.6264162 +-2.680322 -2.6170783 +-2.580868 -2.5231407 +-1.8878511 -1.8479459 +-1.6039057 -1.5719771 +-1.8700292 -1.8351082 +-1.9850518 -1.9504325 +-1.4367378 -1.4134564 +-0.73720104 -0.7261673 +-0.711977 -0.70220274 +-0.7115357 -0.70264995 +-1.31332 -1.2985501 +-1.1061622 -1.0950973 +-0.8273522 -0.82010627 +-1.2262502 -1.2170391 +-1.6625462 -1.6521327 +-1.0030682 -0.9980388 +-0.7084384 -0.70577264 +-0.7079948 -0.70621765 +-0.9847221 -0.9834854 +-1.459036 -1.459036 +-1.8472964 -1.8496192 +-1.9257607 -1.9306068 +-1.3359464 -1.3409925 +-1.7115874 -1.7202126 +-1.384787 -1.3935152 +-0.9537269 -0.96094507 +-1.2091776 -1.2198611 +-1.1959933 -1.2080775 +-1.6505386 -1.6693121 +-1.7123748 -1.7340295 +-2.3095787 -2.3417265 +-1.9460826 -1.9756523 +-1.3707303 -1.3933079 +-1.793365 -1.8251964 +-1.1251779 -1.1465894 +-0.7742102 -0.7899353 +-1.1446398 -1.1693575 +-0.69906455 -0.71505857 +-0.94728607 -0.9701779 +-0.6981654 -0.7159365 +-0.69771546 -0.716375 +-0.6972652 -0.71681327 +-1.3744003 -1.4147094 +-1.3327723 -1.3735862 +-1.2702786 -1.3108258 +-1.800239 -1.8600396 +-1.6663166 -1.7238348 +-2.2121654 -2.2914045 +-2.601988 -2.6985817 +-2.9466598 -3.059894 +-3.466003 -3.6037235 +-3.2727466 -3.4070702 +-2.7512238 -2.867747 +-2.841679 -2.9657614 +-2.7526734 -2.876485 +-2.2178855 -2.3205605 +-2.3541052 -2.4661865 +-2.8537872 -2.9934223 +-3.1528158 -3.3112457 +-3.2017915 -3.3669157 +-3.0621502 -3.2241273 +-3.0433524 -3.2083697 +-2.8104274 -2.966546 +-2.4059234 -2.54277 +-1.9193505 -2.031076 +-1.8295977 -1.9385371 +-1.7364985 -1.842212 +-1.6264595 -1.7276477 +-1.7402014 -1.8507944 +-2.350472 -2.5029986 +-2.0012465 -2.133796 +-2.3114762 -2.467679 +-2.9035175 -3.103635 +-3.046997 -3.2611082 +-2.8310146 -3.0337677 +-3.4089706 -3.6577206 +-3.4066715 -3.6598618 +-2.923327 -3.1445534 +-2.877939 -3.099634 +-2.2562492 -2.433118 +-1.8726314 -2.0219748 +-2.321029 -2.509293 +-2.5571778 -2.7680836 +-3.1621075 -3.427223 +-3.3882322 -3.6769392 +-3.3859212 -3.6790674 +-3.3836088 -3.681194 +-3.3812952 -3.6833193 +-3.2417777 -3.5357966 +-3.376664 -3.6875656 +-3.3743465 -3.6896865 +-3.3720274 -3.6918058 +-3.2842798 -3.6002772 +-2.868301 -3.1482456 +-3.15746 -3.4700031 +-2.9730258 -3.2714396 +-2.4963393 -2.7503765 +-3.068952 -3.3855324 +-3.121428 -3.4477725 +-3.353428 -3.7087088 +-3.288206 -3.6411734 +-3.3487647 -3.71292 +-2.9744644 -3.3020864 +-2.311449 -2.5692875 +-1.9324163 -2.1506908 +-1.453809 -1.620069 +-1.5056446 -1.6799549 +-1.4652102 -1.6369076 +-1.0274805 -1.1493359 +-1.5713679 -1.7599506 +-1.7389349 -1.9500926 +-1.799541 -2.0206125 +-1.9367613 -2.177443 +-2.4846811 -2.79699 +-2.2050705 -2.4853773 +-1.7518011 -1.9769896 +-1.3728796 -1.5513216 +-1.4197634 -1.6063317 +-1.0937265 -1.2390189 +-0.66131186 -0.75011104 +-0.66084045 -0.7505264 +-1.1616943 -1.3210262 +-0.7967285 -0.9071524 +-0.86577684 -0.98702073 +-0.65895206 -0.7521849 +-0.65847933 -0.7525988 +-0.6580063 -0.7530124 +-0.65753305 -0.7534257 +-0.65705955 -0.75383866 +-0.86794776 -0.997053 +-1.463912 -1.6838008 +-1.2157044 -1.4000865 +-1.227788 -1.4157987 +-1.019062 -1.1766034 +-1.6715567 -1.9324222 +-1.4076426 -1.6293894 +-1.8552542 -2.150243 +-1.7771559 -2.0623453 +-1.8644695 -2.166422 +-1.3294563 -1.5467274 +-1.3033066 -1.5182327 +-0.83518785 -0.97415507 +-0.6504031 -0.75958925 +-0.6499257 -0.7599977 +-0.64944804 -0.76040596 +-0.6489701 -0.7608139 +-0.73323613 -0.860697 +-1.0927894 -1.2843865 +-0.6475349 -0.7620358 +-0.647056 -0.7624425 +-0.64657676 -0.7628489 +-0.64609736 -0.763255 +-0.64561766 -0.76366085 +-1.1120646 -1.3170694 +-1.5479906 -1.8356953 +-2.122515 -2.5202103 +-1.869313 -2.2223985 +-2.0083892 -2.390792 +-2.4169784 -2.880851 +-2.422354 -2.8909457 +-2.169971 -2.593048 +-2.0677705 -2.4740784 +-2.4454603 -2.9297218 +-2.1112928 -2.532614 +-1.9878606 -2.3875985 +-1.7893409 -2.1519067 +-2.2753243 -2.739863 +-2.8194847 -3.3994646 +-2.223893 -2.6847882 +-2.5641503 -3.0995252 +-2.5722554 -3.1133034 +-2.1227672 -2.5725603 +-2.4066088 -2.9202807 +-3.0152285 -3.6634932 +-3.1750011 -3.8625598 +-3.0205233 -3.6793396 +-2.849875 -3.4759214 +-2.5823174 -3.1536274 +-2.579624 -3.1543794 +-2.4431267 -2.9913032 +-2.1792054 -2.671589 +-1.9516059 -2.3956358 +-1.8901676 -2.3231986 +-2.141122 -2.635026 +-2.56196 -3.1569915 +-1.9402857 -2.3940022 +-2.0060718 -2.4783535 +-2.4997785 -3.0922627 +-3.0940769 -3.8323412 +-3.1384568 -3.8923116 +-3.1360106 -3.8942826 +-3.133563 -3.8962524 +-3.1311145 -3.8982205 +-3.1286645 -3.900187 +-3.1262133 -3.902152 +-2.513069 -3.1408648 +-2.8087497 -3.5149357 +-3.0488253 -3.8202913 +-3.1163962 -3.9099967 +-2.7516346 -3.4568014 +-3.1114802 -3.91391 +-2.9061022 -3.660285 +-3.1065595 -3.9178166 +-3.1040974 -3.9197679 +-3.1016338 -3.9217174 +-3.099169 -3.9236655 +-2.7278645 -3.4580445 +-2.7417455 -3.480136 +-2.756565 -3.5034726 +-2.4143672 -3.072525 +-2.0307107 -2.5876284 +-2.3504827 -2.998975 +-1.7946957 -2.2928135 +-1.825728 -2.3354807 +-1.6862911 -2.1599078 +-1.8079239 -2.3187048 +-2.2161736 -2.8459806 +-2.4169266 -3.107811 +-2.5451813 -3.2769742 +-2.1537902 -2.7766495 +-2.1886554 -2.8252614 +-2.4379864 -3.1512017 +-2.2609298 -2.9261458 +-2.5486472 -3.302803 +-2.8920271 -3.7526631 +-2.4401813 -3.170471 +-2.1615367 -2.8120885 +-1.8697847 -2.4356945 +-1.5616142 -2.0369012 +-1.6765648 -2.1896858 +-1.6871427 -2.2063718 +-1.2654395 -1.6570433 +-0.9859123 -1.2926966 +-0.8163345 -1.0717474 +-1.3788333 -1.8126011 +-1.9682064 -2.5907621 +-2.4752867 -3.2624886 +-2.1459157 -2.832063 +-1.5765555 -2.0833704 +-1.1094028 -1.4679582 +-0.6045292 -0.80095685 +-0.8110308 -1.0759616 +-0.70474863 -0.9361845 +-1.1787697 -1.5679212 +-1.4450244 -1.9245918 +-0.8941027 -1.1923926 +-0.7562134 -1.0098221 +-0.59891176 -0.800815 +-0.5984085 -0.80119115 +-0.597905 -0.80156696 +-0.6894897 -0.9255608 +-0.59689724 -0.8023177 +-0.6162027 -0.82935464 +-0.9782039 -1.318306 +-0.5953838 -0.8034414 +-0.64188635 -0.867333 +-0.59437376 -0.80418897 +-0.8486691 -1.1497618 +-0.5933627 -0.8049352 +-1.0079365 -1.3691319 +-1.2961447 -1.762939 +-0.9349888 -1.273392 +-0.5913378 -0.80642396 +-1.0725898 -1.4646497 +-1.6493666 -2.2552252 +-2.0702207 -2.8344064 +-1.8730189 -2.567797 +-2.2152226 -3.040949 +-2.540337 -3.491858 +-2.9389262 -4.045085 +-2.936384 -4.046931 +-2.893207 -3.9926994 +-2.9312963 -4.0506177 +-2.9287505 -4.0524583 +-2.9262037 -4.054298 +-2.9236557 -4.0561357 +-2.6913517 -3.7387984 +-2.2120626 -3.0770507 +-2.4522204 -3.4156442 +-2.8069015 -3.9148614 +-2.9108987 -4.0653005 +-2.6159832 -3.6582816 +-2.2112741 -3.0964324 +-2.1753433 -3.0501692 +-1.6279002 -2.2856054 +-1.1029404 -1.550612 +-0.74979633 -1.055534 +-1.0976447 -1.5472796 +-1.1911571 -1.6813357 +-0.6987167 -0.9875637 +-0.5770597 -0.816702 +-0.6671444 -0.9454572 +-1.0081006 -1.4305574 +-0.6180126 -0.8781696 +-0.57500523 -0.81814975 +-1.0893174 -1.552014 +-1.2997448 -1.8542987 +-0.9597399 -1.3710581 +-1.3576014 -1.9420283 +-1.5322095 -2.194738 +-1.9627142 -2.8151598 +-1.5311415 -2.1990905 +-1.0021732 -1.4412941 +-1.2195684 -1.7562982 +-1.5401102 -2.2208872 +-1.4800133 -2.1370919 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+-2.495506 -3.8304362 +-2.3079362 -3.5474002 +-2.253157 -3.467967 +-1.8772695 -2.8933942 +-2.0835185 -3.2157044 +-2.621272 -4.0512495 +-2.0962365 -3.2442598 +-1.7963607 -2.7839904 +-2.1411567 -3.3229342 +-2.535263 -3.9399965 +-2.0273592 -3.1550288 +-1.8228216 -2.8406448 +-1.7397735 -2.714976 +-1.4237022 -2.224812 +-1.9463032 -3.0456913 +-1.6093092 -2.5218337 +-1.5600446 -2.4480252 +-1.5605431 -2.4522057 +-1.5545944 -2.44625 +-1.3699089 -2.158631 +-1.8904239 -2.9829726 +-1.6501139 -2.6074002 +-2.1367424 -3.3810372 +-2.1272094 -3.370641 +-2.594113 -4.1161947 +-2.3043277 -3.6614773 +-1.96113 -3.1204987 +-1.5756391 -2.5106158 +-1.1048884 -1.7629832 +-1.5374229 -2.456573 +-1.1581274 -1.8531035 +-1.6789265 -2.6901863 +-1.3978988 -2.2430248 +-1.4935249 -2.3998215 +-1.8940154 -3.0476036 +-2.299601 -3.7054102 +-2.633889 -4.2500153 +-2.1555223 -3.4830134 +-2.4745796 -4.0041842 +-1.9757962 -3.201586 +-1.8725531 -3.0385606 +-1.976107 -3.2111115 +-2.080184 -3.3849964 +-1.6590171 -2.7034554 +-1.2627819 -2.0606725 +-1.1862427 -1.938505 +-0.69540316 -1.1380024 +-0.5208905 -0.8536235 +-0.520354 -0.8539507 +-0.51981735 -0.85427743 +-0.7880645 -1.2969542 +-0.5187434 -0.85493 +-1.0008538 -1.6518251 +-0.73437756 -1.2137486 +-0.7136054 -1.1810921 +-1.1949891 -1.9806434 +-0.78256816 -1.2989178 +-0.7619515 -1.2664975 +-0.54948974 -0.9146491 +-1.0156746 -1.6930425 +-1.3625712 -2.2745278 +-1.7889739 -2.990579 +-1.6939374 -2.8357518 +-1.5285139 -2.5624788 +-1.8067648 -3.033283 +-1.3596973 -2.2859905 +-1.7290107 -2.9110599 +-2.1260788 -3.5847144 +-2.5011265 -4.223116 +-2.545207 -4.30371 +-2.0405178 -3.4552803 +-1.5558258 -2.638319 +-1.3973415 -2.3729727 +-1.8763698 -3.191045 +-1.40565 -2.3939574 +-1.0444485 -1.781359 +-1.3098538 -2.2372413 +-1.1409495 -1.9515626 +-1.5270977 -2.6158292 +-1.7469549 -2.996755 +-2.1271915 -3.6542943 +-2.2223415 -3.823275 +-1.9300951 -3.325307 +-1.4867253 -2.5651484 +-1.0846503 -1.8741343 +-1.3165045 -2.2780485 +-1.0719122 -1.8575047 +-0.9133865 -1.5850972 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+-0.9464085 -1.8719465 +-0.55078363 -1.0911233 +-0.75302726 -1.4941084 +-0.7315053 -1.4536779 +-0.73145026 -1.455846 +-0.4483832 -0.89384145 +-0.7083998 -1.4143951 +-0.4974485 -0.99476904 +-0.44669756 -0.89468503 +-0.5999061 -1.2034359 +-1.0194771 -2.0483346 +-0.9895306 -1.9913018 +-0.7733955 -1.5588146 +-1.0881462 -2.1966753 +-0.6729917 -1.3607385 +-0.44275823 -0.896641 +-0.7873111 -1.5969305 +-0.7525932 -1.5289325 +-0.45669645 -0.9292758 +-0.86585295 -1.7646185 +-0.95008534 -1.9393655 +-1.1406405 -2.3320446 +-1.313785 -2.6903207 +-1.1785005 -2.4171407 +-0.806204 -1.65619 +-0.71313393 -1.4673376 +-1.133648 -2.336316 +-1.4725121 -3.0395365 +-1.5059972 -3.1136403 +-1.3899918 -2.8784125 +-1.6629542 -3.4491992 +-1.5977669 -3.3193214 +-1.7051095 -3.5480256 +-1.7460073 -3.6389813 +-1.4749329 -3.078974 +-1.45144 -3.0348244 +-1.209017 -2.5320268 +-1.2544687 -2.6314664 +-1.1824868 -2.4844894 +-0.97867787 -2.0596063 +-1.0967853 -2.3119068 +-0.82551825 -1.7429318 +-0.46944043 -0.9927501 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+0.4324222 -1.5613803 +0.28695536 -1.0336066 +0.49343884 -1.7730327 +0.34309915 -1.2298374 +0.515532 -1.8434466 +0.5256678 -1.875147 +0.76099163 -2.7080398 +0.95685685 -3.396843 +0.9062954 -3.2096212 +1.1415355 -4.033026 +1.2209027 -4.3031096 +1.0774373 -3.788395 +1.1776338 -4.1308317 +1.3738241 -4.807557 +1.1174045 -3.9009635 +1.3327574 -4.641762 +1.2997615 -4.5161433 +1.2805994 -4.439067 +1.154944 -3.9940703 +1.288159 -4.444293 +1.3949555 -4.8014684 +1.3393822 -4.5993953 +1.2275071 -4.2053747 +1.2926192 -4.418123 +1.3585495 -4.6326675 +1.4100329 -4.7970624 +1.3779753 -4.677136 +1.1531776 -3.905073 +1.3432025 -4.5380654 +1.4220847 -4.7935033 +1.4250963 -4.7926087 +1.4281073 -4.7917128 +1.4056097 -4.705424 +1.1994808 -4.0062056 +1.0206136 -3.4010193 +1.3075705 -4.34733 +1.2760729 -4.2329645 +1.2191308 -4.0349016 +1.0568988 -3.4900484 +0.7875822 -2.5948434 +0.88690954 -2.9155037 +0.85733575 -2.8119404 +0.613779 -2.0085835 +0.57051855 -1.8628256 +0.54536873 -1.7767202 +0.7060237 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-4.5153213 +1.6240094 -4.364032 +1.3328959 -3.5748792 +1.0632136 -2.8461165 +1.3615017 -3.6376302 +1.6190513 -4.3174806 +1.5406214 -4.100495 +1.4070503 -3.7378492 +1.4728035 -3.90508 +1.2763618 -3.3777938 +1.6210783 -4.2819204 +1.2696759 -3.347372 +1.3705157 -3.6063912 +1.4246838 -3.7418478 +1.1597537 -3.0402787 +1.3912162 -3.6401846 +1.4872366 -3.8841066 +1.7605883 -4.589362 +1.4804983 -3.8520064 +1.425432 -3.701786 +1.5145904 -3.925969 +1.5005914 -3.882416 +1.5230526 -3.9331782 +1.4309179 -3.6883628 +1.1138115 -2.865642 +1.0673611 -2.7410316 +1.147331 -2.9409318 +1.2144804 -3.107287 +1.2294594 -3.1397915 +0.89556605 -2.2828693 +1.140042 -2.9006958 +1.460589 -3.7094402 +1.310891 -3.3231275 +1.414336 -3.578773 +1.2132068 -3.0642107 +1.3513955 -3.4069796 +1.4696523 -3.698333 +1.1771176 -2.956764 +1.2987598 -3.256358 +1.5083302 -3.7749155 +1.8423725 -4.602532 +1.5064316 -3.7564566 +1.2207828 -3.0386312 +1.3601735 -3.3794465 +1.5873196 -3.9366643 +1.8727093 -4.63605 +1.6914405 -4.1797395 +1.8785337 -4.633693 +1.8814447 -4.6325116 +1.6148908 -3.9690452 +1.8370597 -4.5069733 +1.6490145 -4.0383687 +1.8930815 -4.6277685 +1.7658607 -4.3090405 +1.8988955 -4.625386 +1.6161528 -3.9296434 +1.868713 -4.535635 +1.9076108 -4.6217985 +1.7395663 -4.2071595 +1.8318483 -4.422473 +1.8658484 -4.4965634 +1.5349679 -3.6926088 +1.4926146 -3.5843656 +1.1603925 -2.7816412 +1.3373543 -3.2001858 +1.2816969 -3.0615933 +1.1899018 -2.837316 +1.0274984 -2.4457557 +0.71621037 -1.7018013 +0.6483524 -1.5378593 +0.38905963 -0.92121255 +0.49377882 -1.1671193 +0.51363957 -1.2119405 +0.60895187 -1.4343224 +0.8116401 -1.9083989 +1.1623122 -2.7281687 +0.945434 -2.215253 +0.6487557 -1.5174626 +0.6027968 -1.4075156 +0.5241046 -1.2216498 +0.817188 -1.9015076 +0.8972002 -2.0840766 +0.63435566 -1.4709781 +0.9647349 -2.2332196 +1.344844 -3.107751 +1.5047588 -3.4713068 +1.2916216 -2.9745004 +1.3535888 -3.1118526 +1.5490861 -3.5551856 +1.5234443 -3.4903467 +1.1500326 -2.6303182 +0.84574825 -1.9310621 +0.8573397 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+0.716157 -1.4099145 +0.80226326 -1.576979 +1.1686766 -2.293657 +1.132257 -2.218732 +0.9002476 -1.76136 +1.0407293 -2.0330632 +1.4344674 -2.7978947 +1.0766308 -2.096697 +0.93074226 -1.8097852 +0.82400215 -1.5997618 +1.2112701 -2.3479993 +1.2857816 -2.488598 +1.0772104 -2.0817053 +1.0670668 -2.0589325 +1.2644234 -2.4359891 +0.83483547 -1.6058931 +1.0307138 -1.9796454 +0.6927835 -1.3285594 +0.6533977 -1.2511107 +0.6283258 -1.2012635 +1.057433 -2.018562 +1.0326734 -1.9682882 +0.6921869 -1.3173043 +0.46570718 -0.8849389 +0.46626312 -0.88464606 +0.7160866 -1.3565718 +1.0852177 -2.0527375 +1.0707277 -2.0222528 +0.8064151 -1.5207417 +0.46904 -0.8831769 +0.46959484 -0.88288206 +0.4826691 -0.9060892 +0.47070393 -0.8822912 +0.76013935 -1.4226582 +1.0942305 -2.044843 +1.3686569 -2.5538185 +1.591919 -2.9659324 +1.5300028 -2.8462822 +1.4696037 -2.7298067 +1.8578907 -3.4458656 +2.2078233 -4.0887403 +2.378428 -4.398077 +2.381191 -4.3965816 +2.383953 -4.3950844 +2.2332418 -4.1110663 +2.2874904 -4.2046294 +2.3922334 -4.390583 +2.32593 -4.262517 +2.3977487 -4.3875732 +2.400505 -4.386066 +2.4032605 -4.384557 +2.3365276 -4.2564607 +2.4087684 -4.3815336 +2.2218308 -4.0354867 +2.3112137 -4.1915965 +2.1621966 -3.9155202 +2.1859913 -3.952739 +2.4225214 -4.3739443 +2.4252691 -4.3724213 +2.428016 -4.370897 +2.349408 -4.223134 +2.4335067 -4.367842 +2.0889456 -3.7438633 +2.3302588 -4.170191 +2.4417355 -4.3632474 +2.4444766 -4.3617125 +2.4471931 -4.3601336 +2.4499557 -4.358637 +2.452694 -4.3570967 +2.455431 -4.355555 +2.4581673 -4.354011 +2.4447114 -4.3238297 +2.4636366 -4.350919 +2.3780415 -4.193605 +2.437817 -4.29273 +2.2913048 -4.0288405 +2.474564 -4.344713 +2.023008 -3.5467107 +2.4692574 -4.322756 +2.4827492 -4.340041 +2.4854755 -4.3384805 +2.4882011 -4.336918 +2.4580715 -4.2781725 +2.2667465 -3.9394467 +2.4963715 -4.33222 +2.499093 -4.3306503 +2.5018137 -4.3290796 +2.410456 -4.1649537 +2.2229376 -3.8353858 +1.8781792 -3.2358625 +2.3014061 -3.9592965 +2.5154014 -4.3211985 +2.518116 -4.3196173 +2.5208297 -4.318034 +2.3476884 -4.0156565 +2.0958848 -3.5797892 +1.8390137 -3.1365294 +1.770859 -3.0159435 +1.9365429 -3.293378 +1.6754005 -2.845174 +1.9596165 -3.323054 +2.413784 -4.087345 +2.076196 -3.5106556 +2.0457957 -3.4542964 +1.6561162 -2.7923253 +1.8832397 -3.1707287 +2.0959187 -3.5237622 +1.9039048 -3.1963663 +2.3348641 -3.9142852 +2.564111 -4.2924743 +2.2310805 -3.7296362 +2.4005098 -4.0071497 +2.3141925 -3.8575609 +2.2891524 -3.8103917 +1.8453364 -3.0672739 +1.4148501 -2.3483884 +1.3205103 -2.1886892 +1.2952282 -2.1437392 +1.336053 -2.2081728 +1.6780205 -2.7694318 +1.3664829 -2.2520714 +1.6000725 -2.6333132 +2.119405 -3.4830692 +1.7120194 -2.8095877 +1.8683091 -3.0617428 +1.4298162 -2.339843 +0.91819006 -1.5004654 +1.2900108 -2.1051064 +1.5351835 -2.5016623 +1.547681 -2.5184765 +1.481635 -2.40761 +1.0408418 -1.6889566 +0.69069076 -1.1191972 +0.77406275 -1.2525319 +1.1738049 -1.8966995 +1.3715771 -2.2131622 +1.0544049 -1.6989914 +0.896594 -1.4426825 +0.5283791 -0.84900856 +0.5289124 -0.84867644 +0.5294455 -0.8483439 +0.8276124 -1.3242509 +1.1449713 -1.8294938 +1.5118393 -2.4123223 +1.2570437 -2.0029674 +1.129589 -1.7973723 +1.2615818 -2.004599 +1.5910931 -2.524658 +1.3139726 -2.0820374 +1.5990387 -2.5302112 +1.577495 -2.4926527 +1.8275167 -2.8837087 +1.3253094 -2.0883536 +1.3822256 -2.175017 +1.0425725 -1.6382772 +0.9497955 -1.490421 +0.8563964 -1.3419977 +1.0374961 -1.6235358 +0.6601596 -1.0316279 +1.1104631 -1.7329158 +1.3232818 -2.0621731 +1.8578103 -2.8911722 +1.5068389 -2.3417451 +1.4566439 -2.2606156 +1.2992212 -2.013526 +1.6611818 -2.5709434 +1.4953691 -2.3111348 +1.2941611 -1.9974095 +1.6580098 -2.555454 +1.547103 -2.3812377 +1.6217577 -2.4927137 +1.4357643 -2.203803 +1.9625201 -3.008204 +1.5336102 -2.3475347 +1.3951883 -2.132721 +1.9024001 -2.9040737 +1.5666655 -2.3882892 +1.1055336 -1.683014 +1.272845 -1.9350708 +1.1952014 -1.814547 +0.9983792 -1.5136616 +1.2724249 -1.9265128 +1.3004661 -1.9662808 +1.6552403 -2.4992785 +1.6404175 -2.47352 +1.1571215 -1.7423996 +1.6835855 -2.5316985 +1.5692728 -2.3565876 +1.3299708 -1.9945089 +1.0135542 -1.5179232 +1.4818845 -2.2162893 +1.7881721 -2.6707363 +1.7249092 -2.5727513 +1.5150858 -2.256727 +1.1926515 -1.77405 +1.5850543 -2.3545463 +1.8787086 -2.7869785 +2.2297637 -3.303273 +2.2575688 -3.3399372 +2.5704648 -3.797703 +2.2027347 -3.2500033 +2.7514732 -4.054147 +2.6620753 -3.9171247 +2.5272517 -3.7137167 +2.8156114 -4.131868 +2.818207 -4.130098 +2.8208015 -4.1283264 +2.8233948 -4.126553 +2.825987 -4.1247783 +2.6605763 -3.8781185 +2.8311682 -4.121224 +2.6473565 -3.848473 +2.6743174 -3.8824399 +2.7835798 -4.0356317 +2.6414843 -3.824478 +2.2560043 -3.261975 +2.2673173 -3.2739336 +2.470939 -3.5631714 +2.742593 -3.9496036 +2.8544276 -4.1051483 +2.4315379 -3.4922779 +2.8187423 -4.042978 +2.8621607 -4.0997605 +2.864736 -4.0979614 +2.851405 -4.0734386 +2.6197321 -3.7374766 +2.4280982 -3.4594529 +2.600879 -3.7006764 +2.3300426 -3.3108914 +1.922724 -2.7284648 +2.272788 -3.2209275 +2.1759772 -3.0796208 +2.4577951 -3.4738393 +2.642903 -3.7304964 +2.174005 -3.0645561 +2.4958584 -3.5135722 +2.5076072 -3.5254178 +2.462806 -3.4578304 +2.6909108 -3.7730749 +2.9057877 -4.0689554 +2.9083438 -4.0671287 +2.3426876 -3.2717488 +2.6864069 -3.746804 +2.9041815 -4.045171 +2.9185565 -4.0598063 +2.9211066 -4.057972 +2.3788066 -3.3002388 +2.6242185 -3.6358929 +2.6085865 -3.6094534 +2.1252153 -2.9367328 +2.6887226 -3.7105057 +2.1891277 -3.0170605 +2.4611418 -3.3874712 +2.846675 -3.9129395 +2.9440072 -4.0413885 +2.6336613 -3.6105921 +2.8346672 -3.8810349 +2.9516199 -4.035832 +2.372936 -3.2403069 +2.1340053 -2.910203 +1.8634025 -2.537829 +1.7429 -2.370589 +1.9870645 -2.6991317 +2.435288 -3.303627 +2.4620404 -3.3355286 +2.4685075 -3.339896 +2.1204967 -2.8652685 +2.204827 -2.9753063 +2.515063 -3.3895006 +2.5195804 -3.3911338 +2.0081677 -2.6992729 +1.6424392 -2.204786 +1.4258697 -1.911558 +1.4113058 -1.8895549 +1.2212902 -1.6330076 +1.1677885 -1.5594258 +1.6054779 -2.1410964 +1.5178074 -2.0215297 +1.4010506 -1.8635843 +1.5211823 -2.020731 +1.1278577 -1.496283 +0.83655304 -1.1083714 +0.7155391 -0.946799 +1.2634455 -1.6696051 +1.4892286 -1.9654031 +1.3420724 -1.7688842 +1.1983777 -1.5774318 +0.799602 -1.0511491 +0.6059329 -0.7955158 +0.71067077 -0.93180865 +0.60693204 -0.79475373 +0.6074313 -0.7943722 +0.69178665 -0.9035114 +0.6084291 -0.79360825 +0.60892755 -0.7932258 +0.60942584 -0.79284304 +0.8766979 -1.1390733 +0.6104217 -0.7920766 +0.61091924 -0.7916929 +1.1578673 -1.4985375 +1.1101927 -1.4349716 +1.0362767 -1.3376945 +1.234547 -1.5915685 +1.5976049 -2.0569499 +1.103291 -1.4186696 +0.66443163 -0.8532542 +0.614891 -0.7886121 +0.61538637 -0.7882256 +0.6158815 -0.7878388 +0.6163764 -0.7874517 +0.70518476 -0.8997435 +0.6173655 -0.78667647 +0.6178596 -0.78628844 +0.61835355 -0.78590006 +0.8287841 -1.0519873 +0.99230653 -1.2579218 +0.6198338 -0.7847331 +0.62032676 -0.7843435 +0.8817014 -1.1133881 +1.1935905 -1.5052887 +1.028182 -1.2950126 +1.2055222 -1.5164181 +1.7285485 -2.171527 +1.9556748 -2.4536939 +2.4623616 -3.0854306 +2.3507571 -2.9417927 +2.3895164 -2.9864476 +1.9314791 -2.4108799 +1.7385938 -2.1673276 +2.2965534 -2.8591964 +2.2095587 -2.7473512 +2.0429206 -2.5368888 +2.1270168 -2.6379247 +2.0046158 -2.4829285 +2.1161127 -2.6176624 +1.8118335 -2.2383864 +1.8130434 -2.2370055 +1.6387465 -2.019356 +1.1087186 -1.3644725 +1.6254821 -1.9978744 +1.3864784 -1.7019303 +1.3302019 -1.6307561 +1.851045 -2.2663732 +2.148076 -2.6266801 +2.0075397 -2.4516864 +2.0112174 -2.4530318 +2.6156433 -3.1861498 +2.9865477 -3.6332963 +3.1774273 -3.8605642 +2.7004004 -3.2767794 +2.3990424 -2.9073753 +2.4323492 -2.9439692 +2.7164373 -3.2836087 +2.1106555 -2.5480826 +1.5128534 -1.8240536 +1.9831992 -2.3880963 +1.7497185 -2.1042562 +1.4889519 -1.7883646 +1.9914696 -2.3888793 +2.5663354 -3.0745332 +2.5766501 -3.0829508 +2.2593272 -2.699826 +2.5581062 -3.0529583 +2.4625387 -2.9351554 +2.453255 -2.9203615 +2.3452473 -2.78823 +1.867378 -2.2172685 +2.0857885 -2.4734466 +1.8345164 -2.1727023 +1.666213 -1.9708595 +1.4243748 -1.6826587 +1.7132694 -2.0213618 +1.6900278 -1.9914029 +1.3440259 -1.5816844 +1.8350469 -2.1567829 +1.355936 -1.5916429 +0.89612484 -1.0505632 +0.95349914 -1.116404 +0.6956445 -0.8134596 +0.6504031 -0.75958925 +0.90752083 -1.0585235 +0.691137 -0.8051112 +1.2079303 -1.4053406 +1.3211275 -1.5350851 +1.160662 -1.3469195 +0.6538562 -0.75782055 +0.65373766 -0.75672126 +0.65421295 -0.7563104 +0.65468806 -0.7558992 +0.6551629 -0.7554877 +0.65563744 -0.7550759 +0.90559715 -1.0416235 +0.86045146 -0.9884416 +1.1036614 -1.2662212 +1.0140682 -1.1619569 +0.99562526 -1.1393784 +0.65847933 -0.7525988 +0.65895206 -0.7521849 +0.65942454 -0.75177073 +0.6598968 -0.7513563 +0.70938283 -0.8066781 +1.1241637 -1.2767297 +1.4599953 -1.6560396 +1.578991 -1.7887468 +1.4774141 -1.6715583 +1.1632004 -1.314389 +1.2860502 -1.451368 +1.928501 -2.1736507 +1.5032223 -1.6921681 +1.5924627 -1.7903584 +1.5566533 -1.7478863 +2.1682239 -2.4315097 +2.461576 -2.7569942 +2.9357874 -3.283961 +2.9218848 -3.2642794 +2.6445217 -2.9506812 +3.019052 -3.364316 +2.5553153 -2.8439486 +2.9564962 -3.286289 +2.5857096 -2.870512 +2.2493033 -2.4938996 +2.5118709 -2.7815037 +3.0154026 -3.334871 +3.3557575 -3.7066011 +3.2746553 -3.6124551 +3.2114894 -3.5383031 +3.3627384 -3.700269 +2.7624557 -3.0358992 +2.9932241 -3.2853613 +2.4168844 -2.6494253 +2.424179 -2.6540706 +2.0489192 -2.2403953 +1.6730652 -1.8271103 +1.1205984 -1.2222332 +1.4343098 -1.5624253 +1.8117511 -1.9710929 +1.9574157 -2.1268847 +2.3159552 -2.5132947 +1.8442049 -1.9988257 +2.1803222 -2.3601463 +1.8875649 -2.0406697 +1.7640761 -1.9047621 +2.363764 -2.5490608 +2.0309212 -2.1873684 +1.6136554 -1.735771 +1.8288081 -1.9647285 +1.3975629 -1.499542 +1.7056247 -1.8277789 +1.2255728 -1.3116933 +1.1683836 -1.2489115 +0.8439305 -0.90096086 +0.68408895 -0.7293986 +1.1332198 -1.2067566 +0.685005 -0.7285384 +0.6854626 -0.7281078 +0.9058697 -0.9610167 +0.68637705 -0.72724587 +1.2364842 -1.3084599 +0.7877009 -0.8325045 +1.3258266 -1.3994759 +0.6882026 -0.7255185 +0.98292345 -1.0349166 +0.6891138 -0.7246531 +0.8128365 -0.8536818 +1.3118143 -1.376001 +1.2020661 -1.2592976 +1.3804117 -1.4443165 +1.3844588 -1.4467299 +0.6984103 -0.7289064 +0.6922943 -0.72161525 +0.97333443 -1.0132831 +0.9413534 -0.9787578 +1.5608928 -1.6208748 +0.90331316 -0.93684685 +0.6945579 -0.71943676 +1.1840248 -1.2248951 +1.1040577 -1.1407324 +1.4769028 -1.5240455 +1.3426466 -1.3837631 +1.934657 -1.9913976 +2.4058053 -2.473253 +2.2167704 -2.2760553 +1.6603341 -1.7025962 +1.1869882 -1.2156726 +1.220922 -1.2488557 +1.3320326 -1.3607969 +1.0095801 -1.0300858 +0.70041114 -0.7137396 +0.7008595 -0.7132994 +1.2780902 -1.2991419 +0.7017553 -0.7124181 +1.2702192 -1.2879 +0.8454519 -0.8561435 +1.3723084 -1.3879173 +2.0379312 -2.0585222 +2.4596093 -2.481341 +2.7301764 -2.7508395 +2.9781976 -2.9969692 +2.6014912 -2.6146007 +2.2197235 -2.2281075 +1.9250065 -1.9298507 +1.5902576 -1.5922574 +1.25516 -1.25516 +1.0638562 -1.0625203 +1.1026335 -1.0998658 +1.4680369 -1.4625129 +1.7325135 -1.7238268 +1.1633807 -1.156094 +1.7138542 -1.7009805 +1.3598689 -1.3479592 +1.509734 -1.4946322 +1.9926301 -1.9702204 +1.9295132 -1.9054173 +2.536018 -2.5012026 +2.3327925 -2.2978776 +1.9802402 -1.948152 +1.4350772 -1.4100496 +1.2892399 -1.2651645 +1.445374 -1.4166013 +0.8562497 -0.83815044 +1.3484309 -1.31827 +0.7154977 -0.69861513 +0.7159365 -0.6981654 +1.0859165 -1.0576315 +0.7399742 -0.7197945 +1.3536937 -1.3151231 +1.4672406 -1.4236437 +1.1694674 -1.1332928 +1.3993745 -1.3543843 +2.0574179 -1.9887693 +2.537732 -2.4499745 +2.8836308 -2.7804134 +3.3341966 -3.2108114 +3.038719 -2.9225907 +2.728893 -2.6213064 +2.0336394 -1.951008 +1.5818638 -1.5156813 +1.3512623 -1.2931004 +1.4891845 -1.4232945 +1.590418 -1.5181379 +2.230804 -2.126743 +2.8722115 -2.7347875 +3.2886717 -3.1273847 +2.6437788 -2.510958 +2.9757755 -2.8227212 +2.792858 -2.64588 +2.8436923 -2.6906507 +2.9964688 -2.831639 +2.9145625 -2.7507737 +2.5856383 -2.437264 +3.1851225 -2.9985702 +3.6426919 -3.425025 +3.3693693 -3.1640484 +3.205197 -3.006093 +3.6491413 -3.4181526 +3.288277 -3.0762541 +2.7433887 -2.563269 +2.8079722 -2.6203094 +3.11053 -2.8989925 +2.6182652 -2.4371328 +2.143275 -1.9924908 +2.768391 -2.5703876 +2.1546493 -1.998023 +2.8085127 -2.6010754 +2.4999948 -2.3124285 +2.0694196 -1.9117466 +2.7728374 -2.5583425 +2.7563567 -2.5399323 +2.85296 -2.6256378 +3.1057081 -2.8546448 +3.6801133 -3.3783522 +3.4179606 -3.1337402 +3.6546648 -3.346537 +3.6896865 -3.3743465 +3.6918058 -3.3720274 +3.3329227 -3.0403912 +2.7695708 -2.5232983 +2.4948397 -2.2701294 +2.2370796 -2.0330179 +2.4857976 -2.2561984 +3.1887915 -2.8906083 +2.938354 -2.6602278 +2.4656935 -2.2294888 +3.0872388 -2.7879686 +3.6231103 -3.2677634 +3.2898834 -2.9634721 +2.7287107 -2.4548733 +2.6479044 -2.3791678 +2.037209 -1.8281398 +1.3593452 -1.2183009 +1.27256 -1.1390795 +1.2648071 -1.1307093 +1.4057736 -1.2551419 +1.9636242 -1.7510014 +2.0816178 -1.8538718 +1.9991109 -1.7781409 +1.6724362 -1.4856938 +2.1827898 -1.9366094 +2.0052245 -1.7768198 +1.3390495 -1.1850243 +0.9055545 -0.8003783 +0.7496954 -0.66178304 +0.75011104 -0.66131186 +1.3282714 -1.1695462 +0.7754353 -0.6819083 +1.2434466 -1.0920869 +0.75177073 -0.65942454 +0.7521849 -0.65895206 +0.7525988 -0.65847933 +1.0264776 -0.89696896 +0.7534257 -0.65753305 +0.77940094 -0.67934006 +0.75425136 -0.65658575 +1.1520354 -1.0015903 +1.4404008 -1.2507097 +1.0400107 -0.9019027 +0.775865 -0.67198056 +0.932379 -0.80651337 +1.6848216 -1.455531 +1.732048 -1.4944308 +1.0948824 -0.9434776 +1.1190411 -0.9630709 +0.75836194 -0.6518337 +0.7587713 -0.6513571 +0.7591804 -0.6508802 +0.84023273 -0.7194546 +0.7599977 -0.6499257 +1.2718387 -1.0862528 +1.1104817 -0.947235 +1.2649337 -1.0776093 +0.77047956 -0.65554404 +1.154986 -0.98144174 +1.5504104 -1.3157743 +2.0334513 -1.7235161 +1.8333303 -1.5519189 +1.1031315 -0.9326145 +1.3115453 -1.1074003 +1.5003753 -1.2652246 +2.1736724 -1.8306615 +2.8315215 -2.381661 +3.1692302 -2.6623175 +3.084941 -2.5882058 +2.4029977 -2.0134974 +1.7014347 -1.4238317 +1.6982412 -1.4193459 +1.3298296 -1.1100185 +1.6007866 -1.3344826 +2.3252664 -1.9359641 +1.7495751 -1.4547964 +0.98848706 -0.82089096 +0.7697116 -0.63839173 +0.7701126 -0.637908 +1.0687343 -0.8841339 +1.3199574 -1.0905675 +1.7689835 -1.45969 +1.2219975 -1.0070505 +1.2536037 -1.0317754 +1.651125 -1.3572148 +1.4629873 -1.2010273 +1.9011683 -1.5587498 +1.4997362 -1.2280444 +1.8867579 -1.5429741 +1.5135112 -1.2361501 +1.7488927 -1.4265654 +2.3110132 -1.882668 +2.4946892 -2.0296934 +2.0682333 -1.680568 +1.6267298 -1.3201228 +1.6793743 -1.3610957 +1.8822268 -1.5235445 +1.9953299 -1.6130204 +2.7608073 -2.2289639 +2.8825817 -2.3242893 +2.1815252 -1.7567513 +1.937061 -1.5578823 +2.5285077 -2.0309386 +2.3639019 -1.8962823 +1.8458319 -1.4787902 +2.2791018 -1.8235549 +3.050432 -2.4375694 +2.3701506 -1.8915246 +2.731994 -2.1774893 +2.4956691 -1.9865676 +2.2062492 -1.7539243 +2.9406674 -2.334758 +2.81512 -2.2321968 +3.487652 -2.7619011 +2.9815762 -2.3580887 +2.8425953 -2.2452688 +3.0658426 -2.4184775 +3.1851683 -2.509362 +3.6870575 -2.9010115 +3.1386468 -2.4663253 +3.0644019 -2.4048715 +2.3777695 -1.8636053 +2.9935124 -2.3431666 +3.5702875 -2.7910202 +3.941128 -3.076932 +3.9430606 -3.074455 +3.9449916 -3.071977 +3.9469209 -3.0694976 +3.9488487 -3.067017 +3.9507751 -3.0645354 +3.8053324 -2.9478908 +3.5321739 -2.7327325 +3.740892 -2.8904557 +3.9584646 -3.0545962 +3.3271513 -2.5641022 +3.6812217 -2.833285 +3.5546117 -2.7322838 +3.1343281 -2.4060977 +3.7788787 -2.8971217 +3.969952 -3.0396514 +3.6402705 -2.7835996 +3.8580217 -2.9462676 +3.7513316 -2.8610613 +3.9775789 -3.0296643 +3.6697602 -2.7915616 +3.249116 -2.468359 +2.500695 -1.8973055 +2.0315566 -1.5393547 +2.5195327 -1.9066138 +2.1459396 -1.6217842 +2.8052394 -2.117279 +3.015812 -2.2732375 +3.1357741 -2.3605735 +3.3351884 -2.5074086 +3.2619305 -2.4491267 +2.8432565 -2.1319852 +2.2868955 -1.71256 +2.9314213 -2.192345 +3.0739996 -2.295966 +3.8736696 -2.8894482 +4.0097127 -2.9870062 +4.0115886 -2.984486 +4.013463 -2.981965 +4.0153356 -2.9794426 +4.017207 -2.9769192 +4.019077 -2.9743946 +4.0209446 -2.9718688 +3.4971974 -2.5813725 +3.0175414 -2.2243981 +3.5547538 -2.6169617 +3.8867123 -2.8575814 +4.018011 -2.950227 +4.0321198 -2.956689 +3.7751021 -2.7645764 +3.4202845 -2.501437 +3.766744 -2.7511902 +3.8301382 -2.7938042 +4.0413885 -2.9440072 +3.4589128 -2.5163693 +3.665873 -2.6634126 +3.048717 -2.2120972 +2.390913 -1.7325138 +2.847522 -2.0606563 +2.9730566 -2.1486564 +2.5342379 -1.8290951 +2.3730552 -1.7104943 +2.7023184 -1.9452477 +3.108859 -2.2349293 +2.6835637 -1.9266322 +2.0310209 -1.4562138 +1.8004855 -1.2892112 +1.4404761 -1.0300633 +2.0874794 -1.4907442 +1.3215091 -0.9424841 +1.8101397 -1.2892544 +1.3289394 -0.9452661 +0.8152491 -0.57911044 +1.0378479 -0.73625225 +1.0942895 -0.7752591 +0.82481724 -0.583571 +0.816702 -0.5770597 +0.9758089 -0.68856156 +0.8174265 -0.57603294 +0.81778824 -0.5755192 +0.81814975 -0.57500523 +0.81851083 -0.5744911 +0.8188716 -0.5739767 +1.4698505 -1.0288945 +2.1050684 -1.471577 +1.5131707 -1.056388 +1.9034748 -1.3270924 +1.1604931 -0.80800647 +0.8219819 -0.5715476 +0.8213882 -0.57036954 +1.5593011 -1.0813227 +1.1125921 -0.77051026 +0.82246184 -0.56882024 +1.3859893 -0.9572729 +1.6442757 -1.1341404 +1.4854695 -1.023227 +1.6815994 -1.1567687 +0.9953321 -0.68376595 +1.1822062 -0.81105036 +1.0545647 -0.72250813 +0.82531065 -0.56467897 +0.8256653 -0.5641603 +0.8260196 -0.56364137 +0.8263736 -0.5631223 +0.8267273 -0.56260294 +1.1505058 -0.78188294 +1.5612416 -1.0595853 +1.607433 -1.0894599 +1.8538351 -1.2547632 +1.4154164 -0.9567245 +0.82884234 -0.5594823 +1.3717813 -0.92472094 +1.2155828 -0.8183168 +1.4100119 -0.9479174 +0.8694318 -0.5837054 +1.6358839 -1.0967835 +1.2783858 -0.85593396 +1.598455 -1.06878 +1.515674 -1.0120524 +1.0554965 -0.70382214 +0.83234125 -0.5542635 +0.83268934 -0.5537404 +0.93122095 -0.6184206 +1.5692505 -1.0407135 +1.2975653 -0.85936093 +1.6539506 -1.0938959 +0.8591562 -0.56745625 +0.834771 -0.5505973 +0.8351168 -0.55007267 +0.8354622 -0.54954785 +0.8358074 -0.5490228 +1.5346034 -1.0066663 +2.304074 -1.5093524 +2.1412458 -1.4007651 +2.560408 -1.6726773 +2.6293192 -1.7153398 +2.9630125 -1.9303848 +2.4867578 -1.6178828 +3.2786322 -2.130145 +3.097465 -2.009673 +3.091712 -2.0031812 +2.8095522 -1.817859 +2.083696 -1.3463532 +2.6031144 -1.679651 +3.4090135 -2.1966226 +4.197134 -2.7007232 +3.6432207 -2.3410618 +4.2081194 -2.7003202 +3.675924 -2.3555548 +4.2115097 -2.6950302 +4.213202 -2.6923833 +4.214893 -2.6897357 +3.445091 -2.1954412 +3.1987624 -2.0356395 +3.936591 -2.5017076 +3.693728 -2.344111 +3.960765 -2.5100884 +3.3826013 -2.1407063 +4.1917715 -2.649109 +3.5426111 -2.2357397 +4.2300353 -2.665858 +3.944433 -2.482404 +3.8578506 -2.4245312 +3.8074565 -2.3895242 +3.8106284 -2.388179 +3.1994174 -2.002325 +2.8212862 -1.7632092 +2.5771794 -1.6083999 +3.084179 -1.9221231 +3.8903944 -2.4211805 +3.0476365 -1.8940359 +2.5700047 -1.5949612 +3.1315415 -1.9407302 +2.7808895 -1.7210009 +2.2629697 -1.3985118 +2.0532334 -1.2671129 +2.4153752 -1.4885069 +2.187151 -1.3459651 +2.6817393 -1.648011 +3.198431 -1.9627664 +3.4798553 -2.132458 +3.2265108 -1.9744208 +3.183438 -1.945315 +3.211797 -1.9598737 +4.02223 -2.450942 +4.2575984 -2.5906963 +4.2730193 -2.5964024 +3.740131 -2.2693884 +3.8873224 -2.355359 +3.9183075 -2.3707688 +4.250938 -2.5683792 +3.7180443 -2.2432218 +4.2827773 -2.580275 +3.6659572 -2.205517 +4.2860165 -2.574891 +3.6835902 -2.2098258 +4.2892485 -2.569503 +3.8362644 -2.2948658 +3.666494 -2.1901815 +3.0842457 -1.839747 +3.744362 -2.2303166 +3.6499248 -2.1709597 +4.298905 -2.553315 +3.507425 -2.0802388 +3.3731015 -1.9977083 +2.5893524 -1.5313387 +2.6469896 -1.5631812 +2.7218874 -1.6051064 +2.038968 -1.2006605 +2.2960343 -1.3500936 +2.312722 -1.3579513 +1.7871894 -1.0478671 +1.4386698 -0.84230834 +2.096295 -1.225565 +2.6581771 -1.55182 +2.2454042 -1.3089559 +2.9182074 -1.69871 +2.387345 -1.3876835 +2.9353597 -1.7037596 +3.1218789 -1.8093987 +3.8170002 -2.2090788 +4.3290796 -2.5018137 +4.3306503 -2.499093 +4.33222 -2.4963715 +4.3337874 -2.493649 +3.7425861 -2.1503444 +4.2104936 -2.4156682 +3.840765 -2.200339 +3.8534403 -2.204386 +4.226322 -2.4141724 +3.8779514 -2.2119443 +4.181796 -2.3817732 +4.259583 -2.422534 +4.3478193 -2.4691024 +3.7220497 -2.1106393 +3.648259 -2.065767 +2.9025655 -1.6411227 +2.8477705 -1.6077808 +2.3252072 -1.3108287 +1.6938456 -0.9534984 +1.494308 -0.8399388 +1.5467324 -0.86812776 +2.2920952 -1.2845812 +2.280731 -1.2763296 +2.7145555 -1.5168651 +2.5013921 -1.39569 +3.0311139 -1.6887598 +3.469247 -1.9300066 +3.7207642 -2.06687 +3.3418508 -1.8536383 +3.2158556 -1.7811106 +2.7610707 -1.5269606 +3.0348227 -1.675865 +3.0919437 -1.7048737 +3.1374679 -1.7274055 +3.1378431 -1.7250439 +3.5609877 -1.9547569 +2.7745042 -1.5207595 +2.4669635 -1.3501755 +1.8138992 -0.991271 +1.1825947 -0.6453072 +2.0205536 -1.1009097 +1.7805148 -0.96867293 +1.3347204 -0.725056 +1.6352178 -0.88696414 +1.593241 -0.8629002 +2.2251766 -1.2033492 +1.7565085 -0.94847316 +1.8103703 -0.9760886 +1.9940426 -1.0735017 +1.6305231 -0.87647843 +1.3805226 -0.7409744 +0.88140243 -0.47236618 +0.881699 -0.47181228 +1.5690488 -0.83835715 +1.0134684 -0.5406872 +0.8825868 -0.4701495 +0.88288206 -0.46959484 +0.8831769 -0.46904 +0.8834714 -0.468485 +0.88376564 -0.4679298 +1.4743396 -0.77943695 +1.290084 -0.68099004 +1.4072944 -0.7417311 +2.2372148 -1.1773548 +2.681612 -1.409072 +2.2445254 -1.1776026 +3.062943 -1.6045367 +3.603177 -1.8846564 +3.170186 -1.6556427 +3.594939 -1.8745978 +3.1040914 -1.6161631 +3.0475686 -1.5843011 +3.6036637 -1.8705161 +3.4588408 -1.7925864 +2.9645748 -1.5340649 +2.8049774 -1.4492451 +3.6544495 -1.8852328 +4.079029 -2.1010182 +4.2982483 -2.210517 +3.715784 -1.9080143 +3.877716 -1.9880867 +3.965111 -2.0297484 +3.2121947 -1.6417828 +3.7976725 -1.9380174 +2.9639947 -1.5102308 +2.7246852 -1.3861407 +2.1388085 -1.086394 +1.4948639 -0.7581253 +0.89214474 -0.4517497 +0.8924284 -0.45118907 +1.4581507 -0.73605394 +0.95448893 -0.48106027 +1.4663272 -0.7378706 +1.6881537 -0.84816706 +1.0360038 -0.519697 +1.1638392 -0.5829089 +1.8844813 -0.9423619 +1.4803339 -0.73909986 +1.557645 -0.77647734 +1.3475004 -0.6706647 +0.93837255 -0.46630222 +1.6858395 -0.836418 +1.8256006 -0.90433055 +2.5694096 -1.2707742 +1.948749 -0.96228546 +2.2862332 -1.1271478 +1.4912755 -0.7340572 +2.1434364 -1.0534008 +2.6321292 -1.2915181 +3.4645145 -1.6972481 +3.3879507 -1.6571012 +3.228496 -1.5765963 +2.9759634 -1.45096 +3.4080853 -1.6589956 +4.1150317 -1.9999274 +4.3786535 -2.124649 +3.7726824 -1.8276867 +2.9962938 -1.4492393 +3.5140011 -1.696919 +4.169495 -2.0102289 +3.9611785 -1.9067272 +3.140932 -1.5094686 +2.7356951 -1.3126047 +2.0249813 -0.9700346 +1.4750135 -0.70544237 +1.1421788 -0.54537874 +1.1805239 -0.5627775 +0.90294564 -0.4297548 +1.5792304 -0.75041425 +2.4070578 -1.1419256 +2.4502223 -1.1605177 +2.5561843 -1.2087395 +2.9199407 -1.3785043 +3.7824874 -1.7828072 +3.8759227 -1.8238708 +3.719676 -1.7474928 +3.8684497 -1.8144201 +3.898579 -1.825564 +3.3344724 -1.5588596 +3.411432 -1.5922269 +3.2867687 -1.5315281 +2.7557282 -1.2819736 +3.6292176 -1.6855507 +4.310825 -1.998824 +3.549512 -1.6431129 +4.1650496 -1.9248759 +4.540058 -2.0947251 +4.5413733 -2.091872 +4.542687 -2.0890183 +4.5439982 -2.0861635 +4.545308 -2.083308 +4.4383388 -2.0309057 +3.9327598 -1.7965742 +4.272859 -1.9486952 +4.55053 -2.071878 +4.551831 -2.0690184 +3.7870371 -1.7185138 +4.3068724 -1.9511467 +3.46233 -1.5659217 +2.8518424 -1.2876562 +2.7025864 -1.2182208 +2.8930802 -1.3019016 +2.9338298 -1.3180231 +3.5025334 -1.570869 +2.651153 -1.1870289 +2.6474242 -1.183363 +2.6500914 -1.182558 +3.35377 -1.4940363 +3.5130048 -1.5623276 +4.1196566 -1.8290225 +4.3870163 -1.9444245 +4.5124907 -1.9966464 +4.188827 -1.850288 +3.8529894 -1.6990495 +3.7410715 -1.6468903 +3.4259589 -1.5056027 +3.1616025 -1.3870568 +3.9260352 -1.7194875 +3.7815096 -1.6533587 +3.773761 -1.6471472 +3.8413653 -1.6737821 +4.2728024 -1.8585769 +4.586274 -1.9915043 +4.3858147 -1.9011842 +4.5887733 -1.9857395 +4.5900197 -1.9828558 +4.1577764 -1.7930306 +4.0537276 -1.74514 +3.1830008 -1.3679199 +2.3018806 -0.9875385 +1.7276611 -0.7399055 +0.9880829 -0.4224318 +0.9197393 -0.39252976 +0.9199858 -0.3919518 +1.7015787 -0.72367966 +1.7601365 -0.74727863 +1.1805687 -0.50034374 +1.2245386 -0.5180715 +0.92121255 -0.38905963 +0.9214568 -0.38848075 +1.0548728 -0.44394773 +0.9219443 -0.38732252 +0.92218745 -0.38674316 +1.1545408 -0.48333374 +0.92267275 -0.385584 +1.3802401 -0.57578254 +1.2031271 -0.5010106 +0.9233979 -0.3838441 +0.9236389 -0.38326386 +1.4850458 -0.6151261 +2.3174994 -0.95823413 +2.0842822 -0.8602709 +2.8878431 -1.1898113 +3.7604187 -1.5465554 +4.2574778 -1.7478553 +4.6265783 -1.895989 +4.6277685 -1.8930815 +4.2172437 -1.7220557 +4.322411 -1.7618316 +4.2070603 -1.7117324 +4.273696 -1.7357156 +4.633693 -1.8785337 +4.6348724 -1.8756219 +4.63605 -1.8727093 +4.6372256 -1.869796 +3.823218 -1.5387845 +3.0154734 -1.211479 +2.6172724 -1.0495906 +3.1529603 -1.2621156 +2.798552 -1.1182079 +3.542022 -1.4126935 +3.6073446 -1.4361203 +3.8179808 -1.5171982 +4.052463 -1.6074297 +4.2026854 -1.6639608 +4.511309 -1.7828755 +4.6511917 -1.8347794 +4.6523438 -1.8318566 +4.653494 -1.828933 +4.654642 -1.8260088 +4.6557884 -1.8230839 +4.638426 -1.8129246 +4.658076 -1.8172318 +4.6592164 -1.8143047 +4.6603556 -1.8113768 +4.6230764 -1.7935445 +4.662628 -1.805519 +4.6637616 -1.802589 +3.9616525 -1.5283568 +4.6660233 -1.796727 +4.2857995 -1.6472243 +4.6682773 -1.7908621 +3.9741905 -1.52173 +4.397952 -1.680822 +4.257628 -1.6241274 +4.6727633 -1.7791238 +4.6738806 -1.7761874 +4.6749954 -1.7732503 +4.0193725 -1.5216811 +4.633294 -1.750776 +4.1235476 -1.5551986 +4.6794376 -1.7614952 +4.479463 -1.6830057 +4.211269 -1.579222 +4.6827493 -1.7526716 +4.68385 -1.749729 +4.0039396 -1.4928713 +3.7305384 -1.3882642 +3.2924328 -1.2228751 +2.971588 -1.1015828 +2.1961765 -0.8125647 +2.3575196 -0.87057644 +1.5989748 -0.5893223 +1.1937307 -0.43911275 +1.3233049 -0.48583275 +1.1830446 -0.43349484 +0.9391662 -0.343463 +0.93938184 -0.34287283 +1.5904353 -0.57937413 +0.93981194 -0.34169212 +0.94002646 -0.34110153 +0.9402406 -0.34051085 +1.3394281 -0.48412597 +2.0307496 -0.7325565 +1.446233 -0.5206759 +0.94109344 -0.3381467 +0.9413057 -0.33755532 +1.0886664 -0.38962752 +1.211394 -0.43269256 +0.9419403 -0.33578038 +1.7717171 -0.63032264 +2.4693382 -0.87676734 +2.3326817 -0.8265957 +3.221438 -1.1392527 +3.2128305 -1.133938 +3.5049875 -1.234576 +3.1319504 -1.1009681 +2.6548202 -0.93136966 +2.9576204 -1.0355121 +2.5374234 -0.8866048 +1.7860893 -0.6228211 +2.488227 -0.86590797 +1.7946457 -0.6232764 +1.8460718 -0.6398371 +1.0122371 -0.35012287 +1.420228 -0.490244 +0.94547313 -0.32570016 +0.9456776 -0.32510605 +1.3687063 -0.46957392 +1.8651823 -0.6385946 +1.8335328 -0.62647176 +2.6906738 -0.9174476 +3.5747502 -1.2163873 +4.4956994 -1.5266094 +4.134408 -1.4010286 +4.736499 -1.6017424 +4.7375045 -1.598766 +4.5317035 -1.5261434 +4.7395096 -1.5928113 +4.442809 -1.4899929 +4.313182 -1.4435053 +3.6459138 -1.2176418 +3.0444615 -1.0146464 +3.219942 -1.0708824 +3.0185175 -1.0017871 +3.3095982 -1.0960832 +3.3626099 -1.1112957 +3.935878 -1.2980102 +4.4398737 -1.4611303 +4.7504053 -1.5600165 +4.7513843 -1.5570314 +4.752362 -1.5540457 +4.7533374 -1.5510594 +4.7543106 -1.5480725 +4.311177 -1.4007863 +3.382197 -1.0965934 +3.1425166 -1.0167015 +2.559975 -0.82645464 +1.9355382 -0.62352073 +1.1405042 -0.36661506 +0.9522147 -0.3054294 +0.95240647 -0.30483106 +1.2714053 -0.40605062 +1.6956086 -0.54035527 +2.335228 -0.7425727 +2.6452641 -0.8393305 +1.8908063 -0.598637 +2.2932594 -0.72447026 +3.1619632 -0.9967205 +3.4426546 -1.082823 +3.4136739 -1.071351 +3.0954893 -0.9693556 +3.9753544 -1.2421441 +4.435546 -1.3828777 +4.7743225 -1.4852079 +4.775255 -1.4822078 +4.7723265 -1.4780121 +4.679807 -1.4461366 +4.575968 -1.4108993 +4.778965 -1.4702016 +4.7798877 -1.4671986 +4.176619 -1.2791528 +4.437285 -1.3559366 +3.9317172 -1.1987457 +4.7382317 -1.4413917 +4.7844734 -1.4521749 +3.8317156 -1.1603667 +4.683238 -1.4150233 +4.3351655 -1.3068824 +4.161257 -1.2516041 +3.8140984 -1.1445746 +2.9118934 -0.8718375 +3.6407468 -1.0875683 +4.3724217 -1.3031433 +3.460363 -1.028949 +3.8400772 -1.1392326 +4.190728 -1.2403957 +4.7952867 -1.41606 +4.7961755 -1.4130467 +4.7970624 -1.4100329 +4.7979474 -1.4070185 +4.7988305 -1.4040036 +3.999853 -1.1675173 +3.258171 -0.9488066 +4.0497737 -1.176568 +3.995458 -1.158066 +4.442736 -1.2846822 +4.4088154 -1.2718724 +4.44404 -1.2790099 +3.791616 -1.0886608 +4.2447133 -1.2158692 +3.4064023 -0.97342527 +2.5707219 -0.7328715 +3.2887452 -0.9353345 +2.4670887 -0.6999763 +2.1966662 -0.6217595 +2.2966778 -0.64850914 +1.5455593 -0.4353687 +2.4020658 -0.6750093 +3.004893 -0.8423742 +3.8927026 -1.08862 +3.8753645 -1.0811464 +4.433168 -1.2337602 +4.817779 -1.3375373 +4.8186183 -1.33451 +4.819456 -1.331482 +4.8202915 -1.3284537 +4.141837 -1.1386746 +4.390175 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+2.6076329 -0.25641584 +1.9785892 -0.19330509 +2.5513513 -0.2476448 +2.944578 -0.28394556 +2.6809478 -0.2568237 +1.9588332 -0.1864061 +1.5384909 -0.1454302 +0.9956209 -0.09348276 +0.99567944 -0.09285718 +0.9957376 -0.09223156 +0.99579537 -0.0916059 +1.2117702 -0.11070623 +2.1512861 -0.19517668 +1.1800426 -0.106312536 +0.9960224 -0.08910291 +0.9960782 -0.08847707 +1.4788423 -0.13042232 +0.99618864 -0.08722529 +1.3459976 -0.11700207 +1.2251253 -0.105719596 +0.99635124 -0.08534736 +1.0524067 -0.089483 +1.4956064 -0.12622051 +1.5884013 -0.13304678 +1.9125942 -0.15899155 +1.7487055 -0.1442614 +2.3659053 -0.1936814 +1.5491676 -0.12584051 +2.4772155 -0.19966015 +2.7676141 -0.22131573 +3.5559525 -0.28210774 +3.4293423 -0.2698951 +3.111645 -0.24292465 +2.5133214 -0.1946251 +2.8505194 -0.21893516 +2.5182848 -0.19182621 +2.4171698 -0.18259646 +2.8607955 -0.21430092 +3.2661955 -0.24260563 +3.7657518 -0.27733248 +4.1289263 -0.30147058 +4.766192 -0.3449896 +4.2462296 -0.3046715 +4.0726147 -0.28964245 +3.566324 -0.2513833 +4.225721 -0.29519475 +3.6924028 -0.2556077 +3.1481743 -0.21594585 +3.687465 -0.25061026 +4.4192443 -0.2975546 +4.9889145 -0.3327627 +4.0228086 -0.26578426 +3.8943167 -0.25483742 +2.9247184 -0.18954313 +2.1421916 -0.1374781 +2.4957166 -0.15859155 +1.5996343 -0.10064046 +1.9035318 -0.11855936 +2.3386056 -0.14418243 +1.433165 -0.087455265 +0.9981814 -0.06028201 +1.7150482 -0.10249343 +1.8933939 -0.11195774 +1.6303728 -0.09537716 +2.0609913 -0.1192691 +2.7942517 -0.15994123 +3.0094252 -0.17036062 +2.7875907 -0.15604573 +2.4038742 -0.1330507 +2.3902493 -0.13079019 +1.6565565 -0.0895999 +1.9534024 -0.10442481 +1.8219304 -0.09624861 +1.6073431 -0.08389972 +2.4179337 -0.124687426 +2.5997167 -0.13242382 +2.141133 -0.107715815 +2.921363 -0.14512739 +3.6682231 -0.17991945 +3.892988 -0.1884919 +3.577268 -0.17095241 +2.5849755 -0.12190435 +3.0695207 -0.14282206 +2.3760257 -0.10905826 +3.0168774 -0.1365735 +2.2183082 -0.0990258 +1.7293121 -0.076108195 +1.4689641 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-0.016335554 +1.9139609 -0.030066902 +1.7238461 -0.025996957 +1.2964936 -0.018737357 +0.99990445 -0.013822568 +1.6188821 -0.021361886 +0.999921 -0.01256604 +0.9999287 -0.011937768 +1.707403 -0.019311097 +2.2559235 -0.024097372 +1.9249173 -0.019352032 +2.2956107 -0.021636263 +1.4926057 -0.013129984 +2.0770485 -0.016966002 +1.950848 -0.014709326 +1.6730411 -0.011563414 +1.28282 -0.008060302 +2.0999076 -0.011874825 +1.3222525 -0.006646422 +0.99999034 -0.0043982156 +1.3930691 -0.005251772 +1.8355911 -0.0057666986 +2.037258 -0.0051201987 +1.6741288 -0.003155662 +1.7118267 -0.002151146 +2.4374065 -0.001531468 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 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+0 9 +5 9 +4 10 +8 10 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/dont_flip_constraint_when_resolving_intersection.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/dont_flip_constraint_when_resolving_intersection.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d616e52 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/dont_flip_constraint_when_resolving_intersection.txt @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +6 3 + 2 8 +12 11 +12 10 + 2 7 +12 8 +5 10 +0 1 +0 2 +1 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/double-hanging.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/double-hanging.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f084a98 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/double-hanging.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +7 1 +0 40 +20 37 +30 43 +40 37 +60 40 +30 48 +30 55 +0 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/gh_issue.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/gh_issue.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af732a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/gh_issue.txt @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +78 78 +2646.483004 4635.168252 +2940.454821 4768.453360 +2956.371323 4741.992504 +2919.866354 4733.151108 +2907.399464 4714.272492 +2860.306798 4697.221008 +2780.158799 4650.778860 +2265.225986 4403.916563 +2182.209600 4365.631781 +2173.947532 4397.984430 +2232.832254 4409.193994 +2145.628913 4499.153591 +2066.116789 4531.471540 +2107.904595 4569.142974 +2173.586631 4545.401212 +2245.979345 4504.443379 +2329.936334 4536.309812 +2382.950861 4505.163464 +2414.148222 4533.413655 +2420.020403 4567.534854 +2469.472407 4591.682871 +2538.962717 4586.428933 +2606.040217 4616.841854 +2595.426630 4630.277520 +2568.937784 4646.133540 +2554.361486 4663.323147 +2552.593887 4672.138585 +2564.495713 4691.093858 +2583.462998 4703.889658 +2583.911492 4693.312373 +2590.975244 4690.229175 +2608.631592 4687.598233 +2615.241370 4693.777127 +2615.239494 4696.864568 +2594.057935 4700.373892 +2580.785697 4755.025906 +2570.185110 4768.249869 +2570.174324 4786.317531 +2587.819934 4800.873632 +2593.997380 4800.877349 +2590.474213 4788.090764 +2586.503055 4785.012080 +2591.805134 4780.601452 +2593.577019 4764.730612 +2601.971607 4754.158121 +2614.770649 4751.078432 +2614.796616 4708.322388 +2618.328357 4706.998159 +2627.147740 4714.939484 +2646.567444 4710.548705 +2657.148030 4720.252242 +2653.172499 4734.349482 +2635.514965 4739.187149 +2631.101149 4747.120403 +2620.062813 4752.842717 +2605.929343 4769.151887 +2605.926408 4774.000396 +2612.545497 4774.884941 +2616.957172 4780.616664 +2621.371786 4781.499884 +2624.025906 4769.162877 +2629.322080 4764.317597 +2641.231696 4769.608090 +2648.729638 4779.309717 +2663.295551 4778.884008 +2666.828119 4766.101730 +2690.222871 4758.180330 +2706.114874 4748.493266 +2710.977196 4740.560372 +2710.115392 4704.848041 +2688.487237 4715.423185 +2670.390725 4714.966084 +2665.102357 4707.026855 +2639.960968 4688.943700 +2619.221169 4682.756151 +2604.677698 4655.852030 +2615.271092 4644.846203 +2635.574060 4642.651673 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/guitar no box.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/guitar no box.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c219bb --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/guitar no box.txt @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +144 144 +20.75 12 +20 12.5 +19 12.75 +18 12.6 +17 12.35 +16 12 +15 11.6 +14 11 +13 10.7 +12 10.5 +11 10.7 +10 11.2 + 9 12 + 7 13.1 + 6 13.5 + 5 13.5 + 4 13.2 + 3 12.4 + 2 11.2 + 1.3 10 + 0.8 8 + 0.5 6 + 0.6 4 + 0.8 3 + 1.3 2 + 2.1 1 + 3 0.4 + 4 0 + 5 -0.1 + 6 0.1 + 8 0.8 +10 1.9 +11 2.3 +12 2.4 +13 2.2 +14 1.75 +15 1.5 +16 1.5 +16.75 1.8 +16 2.15 +15 3 +14.15 4 +14 5 +14.4 5.6 +15 5.75 +16 5.85 +27 5.85 +28 5.7 +29 5.25 +29.8 4.6 +32 5.05 +33 5 +33.75 4.6 +34.5 4.7 +35.3 5 +36 5.5 +36.25 6 +36.1 6.3 +34.1 7.1 +34.2 7.35 +34.4 7.56 +34.4 7.85 +34.2 7.93 +34 7.72 +34 7.43 +33.9 7.18 +33.3 7.42 +33.4 7.67 +33.6 7.88 +33.6 8.17 +33.4 8.25 +33.2 8.04 +33.2 7.75 +33.1 7.5 +32.5 7.74 +32.6 7.99 +32.8 8.2 +32.8 8.49 +32.6 8.57 +32.4 8.36 +32.4 8.07 +32.3 7.82 +31.7 8.06 +31.8 8.31 +32 8.52 +32 8.81 +31.8 8.89 +31.6 8.68 +31.6 8.39 +31.5 8.14 +30.9 8.38 +31 8.63 +31.2 8.84 +31.2 9.13 +31 9.21 +30.8 9 +30.8 8.71 +30.7 8.46 +30.1 8.7 +30.2 8.95 +30.4 9.16 +30.4 9.45 +30.2 9.53 +30 9.32 +30 9.03 +29.9 8.78 +28.6 9.3 +28.2 9.2 +28.1 7.8 +18 7.8 +17 7.9 +16.3 8.3 +15.85 9 +16.2 10 +17 10.7 +19 11.6 +20 11.8 + 3 6.8 + 3.3 7.5 + 4 7.8 + 4.7 7.5 + 4 6.8 + 4.7 6.1 + 4 5.8 + 3.3 6.1 + 5.5 5.8 + 6.25 5.8 + 6.25 6.3 + 6.75 5.8 + 7.25 6.3 + 7.25 5.8 + 8 5.8 + 8 7.8 + 7.25 7.8 + 6.75 7.3 + 6.25 7.8 + 5.5 7.8 + 8.8 7.8 + 8.8 6.6 + 9.1 6.05 + 9.8 5.8 +10.5 6.05 +10.8 6.6 +10.8 7.8 + 0 1 + 1 2 + 2 3 + 3 4 + 4 5 + 5 6 + 6 7 + 7 8 + 8 9 + 9 10 + 10 11 + 11 12 + 12 13 + 13 14 + 14 15 + 15 16 + 16 17 + 17 18 + 18 19 + 19 20 + 20 21 + 21 22 + 22 23 + 23 24 + 24 25 + 25 26 + 26 27 + 27 28 + 28 29 + 29 30 + 30 31 + 31 32 + 32 33 + 33 34 + 34 35 + 35 36 + 36 37 + 37 38 + 38 39 + 39 40 + 40 41 + 41 42 + 42 43 + 43 44 + 44 45 + 45 46 + 46 47 + 47 48 + 48 49 + 49 50 + 50 51 + 51 52 + 52 53 + 53 54 + 54 55 + 55 56 + 56 57 + 57 58 + 58 59 + 59 60 + 60 61 + 61 62 + 62 63 + 63 64 + 64 65 + 65 66 + 66 67 + 67 68 + 68 69 + 69 70 + 70 71 + 71 72 + 72 73 + 73 74 + 74 75 + 75 76 + 76 77 + 77 78 + 78 79 + 79 80 + 80 81 + 81 82 + 82 83 + 83 84 + 84 85 + 85 86 + 86 87 + 87 88 + 88 89 + 89 90 + 90 91 + 91 92 + 92 93 + 93 94 + 94 95 + 95 96 + 96 97 + 97 98 + 98 99 + 99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 0 +117 118 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 117 +125 126 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 125 +137 138 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 +143 137 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/hanging3.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/hanging3.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb6bce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/hanging3.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +7 1 +1534.79 789.063 +-785.078 788.629 +789.094 533.067 +1034.16 789.067 +785.067 513.067 +784 664.004 +513.064 789.067 +0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/island.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/island.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd1edab --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/island.txt @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +95 95 +0.35790337 0.38864577 +0.31071450 0.40218492 +0.26291196 0.39019645 +0.21429804 0.38283820 +0.16613300 0.39383360 +0.11818326 0.40414870 +0.08260139 0.37538306 +0.05361811 0.34207291 +0.02510484 0.30843907 +0.00000000 0.27304858 +0.01116075 0.23446584 +0.05253742 0.21147779 +0.08739790 0.18215957 +0.13184782 0.16365548 +0.17678370 0.14569794 +0.20997123 0.11555512 +0.23487661 0.08013357 +0.27428417 0.05577003 +0.30609623 0.02448313 +0.34462248 0.00000000 +0.38499725 0.00703740 +0.41201013 0.04110566 +0.44407198 0.07251598 +0.47554188 0.10433305 +0.48615282 0.14127188 +0.48526458 0.18209454 +0.48934181 0.22286040 +0.51277842 0.25712118 +0.55446391 0.27665125 +0.59998065 0.26611232 +0.63374109 0.23635467 +0.68219858 0.22657993 +0.72344682 0.20595516 +0.76098068 0.18314759 +0.81015186 0.18044212 +0.85789280 0.17704054 +0.90231042 0.15823834 +0.94725198 0.14091650 +0.99263450 0.14300645 +1.00000000 0.18113114 +0.97482369 0.21584709 +0.93601160 0.24166059 +0.89769796 0.26773059 +0.88612883 0.30756282 +0.88036141 0.34822807 +0.86637401 0.38744400 +0.87126547 0.42698375 +0.87836588 0.46738117 +0.86679577 0.50495740 +0.83885184 0.53889814 +0.80885902 0.57161229 +0.77548249 0.60209880 +0.73774132 0.62777801 +0.69229886 0.64485535 +0.64664787 0.66155981 +0.59924870 0.67318904 +0.54986089 0.67381738 +0.50097893 0.66757989 +0.46691922 0.69313520 +0.44449627 0.72973059 +0.40854079 0.75668093 +0.36290331 0.77039793 +0.36624793 0.79505758 +0.37098973 0.82539964 +0.32954240 0.84365456 +0.32368068 0.87731391 +0.36206162 0.90145428 +0.41147458 0.90716326 +0.45332716 0.92956622 +0.50176592 0.93780257 +0.54970945 0.94883030 +0.57634292 0.97479673 +0.53570147 0.98649919 +0.48652917 0.99385804 +0.43997944 0.98533700 +0.40368105 1.00000000 +0.36167108 0.98189826 +0.32369722 0.95572597 +0.28265677 0.93271435 +0.24867592 0.90286457 +0.22284050 0.86781008 +0.22698494 0.82708497 +0.23260900 0.78640307 +0.25654498 0.75174722 +0.29129654 0.72243251 +0.31907943 0.68878353 +0.34391654 0.65324854 +0.37314261 0.62077328 +0.41247022 0.59552654 +0.45405330 0.57278959 +0.46246974 0.53265774 +0.47030304 0.49222005 +0.47073181 0.45153024 +0.44700288 0.41863218 +0.40728793 0.39400451 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-142-double-hanging-edge.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-142-double-hanging-edge.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe9eb39 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-142-double-hanging-edge.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +9 9 +2.7145555 -1.5168651 +2.5013921 -1.39569 +3.0311139 -1.6827598 +2.7610707 -1.5269606 +2.7745042 -1.5207595 +2.8049774 -1.4492451 +4.2982483 -2.210517 +2.8477705 -1.6077808 +2.3252072 -1.3108287 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-148-crossing-edges.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-148-crossing-edges.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b5be15 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-148-crossing-edges.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +6 2 +0 0.2 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0.5 0.2 +0.8 0.5 +0 2 +1 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0471e62 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +12 16 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0.25 0.25 +0.75 0.25 +0.75 0.75 +0.25 0.75 +0.4 0.4 +0.6 0.4 +0.6 0.6 +0.4 0.6 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 8 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5888c39 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +8 8 +0 0 +2 0 +2 3 +0 3 +0.5 0 +1.5 0 +1.5 1 +0.5 1 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..037282f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +16 20 +0 0 +2 0 +2 3 +0 3 +0.6 0 +1.4 0 +1.4 0.75 +0.6 0.75 +0.75 0 +1.25 0 +1.25 0.7 +0.75 0.7 +0.9 0 +1.1 0 +1.1 0.4 +0.9 0.4 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 8 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 12 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d394983 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +16 16 +0 0 +2 0 +2 3 +0 3 +0.5 0 +1.5 0 +1.5 1 +0.5 1 +0.75 0 +1.25 0 +1.25 0.7 +0.75 0.7 +0.9 0 +1.1 0 +1.1 0.4 +0.9 0.4 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 8 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 12 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-65-wrong-edges.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-65-wrong-edges.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb3cd0b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/issue-65-wrong-edges.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +3 0 +1 0 +0 0.251 +-1 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/kidney.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/kidney.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2589d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/kidney.txt @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +50 50 +0.6814 1.2932 +0.7148 1.2004 +0.7574 1.1074 +0.8143 1.0178 +0.8963 0.9360 +0.9825 0.8672 +1.0713 0.8072 +1.1610 0.7660 +1.2482 0.7350 +1.3416 0.7122 +1.4344 0.6954 +1.5202 0.6852 +1.6132 0.6802 +1.7064 0.6802 +1.7994 0.6946 +1.8926 0.7160 +1.9848 0.7412 +2.0780 0.7758 +2.1706 0.8178 +2.2616 0.8718 +2.3498 0.9444 +2.4318 1.0256 +2.5044 1.1130 +2.5600 1.1984 +2.5896 1.2914 +2.6132 1.3848 +2.6294 1.4774 +2.5998 1.5688 +2.5333 1.6370 +2.4400 1.6230 +2.3494 1.5844 +2.2576 1.5308 +2.1664 1.4872 +2.0820 1.4402 +1.9928 1.4052 +1.8996 1.3756 +1.8068 1.3492 +1.7136 1.3342 +1.6208 1.3278 +1.5274 1.3264 +1.4346 1.3384 +1.3414 1.3596 +1.2484 1.3860 +1.1556 1.4258 +1.0634 1.4642 +0.9744 1.5058 +0.8816 1.5464 +0.7882 1.5496 +0.7046 1.4790 +0.6890 1.3860 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/overlapping constraints.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/overlapping constraints.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79ba16a --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/overlapping constraints.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +8 8 +40.8 -2.8 +38 0 +38 2 +40.8 4.8 +40.8 5.2 +38 8 +38 10 +40.8 12.8 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/overlapping constraints2.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/overlapping constraints2.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f676b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/overlapping constraints2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +6 6 + 10 0 + 0 10 +-10 0 + 0 -10 + -5 0 + 5 0 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +2 5 +4 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/points_on_constraint_edge.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/points_on_constraint_edge.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8f328d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/points_on_constraint_edge.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +12 1 +0 1 +2 2 +4 2 +2 0 +4 0 +6 1 +8 1 +10 2 +12 2 +10 0 +12 0 +14 1 +0 11 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..669f636 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +6 0 +0.15147567518991 -5.144230291488 +0.10442 -5.06098 +0.1228735248885 -5.12897066233 +0.1322969035965 -5.141286788425 +0.115882234089 -5.115648852375 +0.13262891777369 -5.119598039304 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/square with crack.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/square with crack.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f27079 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/square with crack.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +7 7 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0.5001 1 +0.5 0.5 +0.49990 1 +0 1 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/test_data_small.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/test_data_small.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..494dc90 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/test_data_small.txt @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +100 2 +-0.41414952969857699 0.34601294687436046 +-0.184265425880342 -0.9735160681136048 +0.64332111944165637 -0.87469596191903165 +-0.1432874479564209 0.42728204148483218 +-0.61595272293842918 -0.23528214201115394 +-0.8983888399947908 0.087362471233457528 +-0.55489021495723601 0.2577637204263501 +0.59293899248962778 -0.76323795791137017 +0.69054099721927842 0.25734471839011674 +0.32863926918611486 -0.54335056703189233 +-0.29602205079629951 -0.11261544492933095 +-0.77864889311269836 0.16895522512175232 +-0.085578584697364013 -0.59196541414553505 +-0.30355856625916167 -0.4631655559610085 +-0.49249029591937066 0.24616369894559065 +-0.49705720454960323 -0.25666564855470242 +0.51627853106516963 -0.34340485249502084 +0.3791823409353301 -0.62769297712688754 +-0.84657210671303695 -0.68139814094612894 +0.9970658516197286 0.76920191870577725 +0.86873761374291458 0.85407575352113585 +-0.3933100956582114 -0.69609356439408665 +-0.86568332622217448 0.85516401814179877 +0.67604782118641782 -0.90484400221132555 +-0.69733825506538172 0.29303001356625136 +0.59507020879166039 0.54269624530985516 +-0.67242767831213857 0.32323632074786701 +0.68676461415893897 0.92223693760703984 +0.024204534728356597 0.72710857274664198 +0.67018626314518959 0.7123317632201609 +0.17099618946651729 0.58411261222272381 +-0.54815403663436868 -0.52906121179054078 +0.14975335006984247 0.75474748715521867 +-0.68469189982754719 0.83995530708667099 +0.27072977723967351 0.63524118283318032 +0.92946801002465085 0.44423479502921559 +0.73499582356535953 0.11070577402197679 +0.31515678479410747 0.1026294789194877 +0.76360676386349602 -0.21834470624800473 +0.10669818885872595 -0.44227586712505673 +-0.35446282621916847 0.58778035974069298 +-0.52738383690710611 -0.5360440001768062 +0.59549369112011585 -0.27768786631727915 +-0.19429328897022047 -0.42026979316505253 +0.40085020700336549 0.29129815721287433 +-0.35227865861330543 0.70558763771941457 +-0.64734387621324141 0.25986563253861727 +0.73164093533795849 0.95985042104104812 +0.66832073504614153 -0.40516599365189654 +0.52520332082485677 -0.52943845498689601 +-0.73707554930838548 0.49695206303281836 +0.10770489468135414 0.93163180358721398 +0.73686836001924916 0.97695877739735271 +0.70759404620555011 -0.47582366470256532 +0.40578491861977373 -0.86781462696767031 +-0.91706920435081396 0.47939995535020552 +-0.30743139150410348 -0.48246979048679195 +0.9081370577745389 -0.52899973720381488 +0.82234976594361764 0.98220077091295277 +0.061621868844011329 -0.88293190912996522 +0.35651480219957965 0.029205086428567339 +-0.25515044639450335 0.77648614452669196 +0.78231863496457055 0.075165001645172591 +-0.59960090511623987 -0.45726838129474401 +0.62409805869634405 -0.076075710823128251 +-0.1999165947341911 -0.82003897598179498 +-0.17853941479386914 -0.65291463501476965 +-0.95721075461739269 0.71208135706372877 +0.3234731641041293 -0.68419501299736019 +-0.91851942140518261 -0.98408417905533285 +0.78936876293285407 0.37784010049059624 +0.99111000777823377 0.90488413187833538 +-0.91923557597804995 -0.75676291593621037 +-0.48933567222177132 0.68716589416272522 +-0.86315411479449611 0.74709200166340306 +-0.16540298990964308 0.35327130014363561 +-0.46072066293673719 -0.64673396057841137 +0.16874004527953823 -0.065165643040005161 +-0.32430222765028294 -0.38674177350980055 +-0.6247559879529454 0.22306054597926228 +-0.67397013556712637 -0.69546623727089996 +0.54082247675300699 -0.2800355340973657 +-0.44896904077516941 0.16190798284516306 +-0.98422501107473859 0.38339495671284451 +0.75609920741821646 0.89247304067833766 +0.55932780533237603 0.067998567460857418 +0.64356764619443596 0.46632962376662435 +-0.31849045003709431 0.32835188523257952 +0.30189173155868354 0.39958284080490802 +-0.6527933709055489 0.94690172420529173 +0.34708425512843721 -0.49264324563579331 +-0.38529783300898102 -0.64935216409294272 +-0.5841174651163018 0.60896561266037197 +0.40473601855400609 0.77087733645901535 +0.31283677299033075 -0.47051293371999925 +0.31644978804295332 0.98932031668008324 +0.79266693290800583 0.093045907750335388 +-0.037822879392966691 0.61657807876708004 +-0.20950471959349992 -0.43455471328321194 +-0.74215801005158055 -0.26243177101508841 +43 50 +43 92 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/triple-hanging-flipped.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/triple-hanging-flipped.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..564ced8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/triple-hanging-flipped.txt @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +8 1 +0 -40 +20 -37 +30 -43 +40 -37 +60 -40 +30 -45 +30 -48 +30 -55 +0 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/triple-hanging.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/triple-hanging.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98d9fbd --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/triple-hanging.txt @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +8 1 +0 40 +20 37 +30 43 +40 37 +60 40 +30 45 +30 48 +30 55 +0 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/unit square.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/unit square.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61d3ecd --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/tests/inputs/unit square.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +4 4 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/LICENSE b/Duin/vendor/cdt/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14e2f77 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 +================================== + +1. Definitions +-------------- + +1.1. "Contributor" + means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to + the creation of, or owns Covered Software. + +1.2. "Contributor Version" + means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used + by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution. + +1.3. "Contribution" + means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. + +1.4. "Covered Software" + means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached + the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code + Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case + including portions thereof. + +1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" + means + + (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described + in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or + + (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of + version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the + terms of a Secondary License. + +1.6. "Executable Form" + means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. + +1.7. "Larger Work" + means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in + a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software. + +1.8. "License" + means this document. + +1.9. "Licensable" + means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, + whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and + all of the rights conveyed by this License. + +1.10. "Modifications" + means any of the following: + + (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, + deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered + Software; or + + (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered + Software. + +1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor + means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, + process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such + Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the + License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having + made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its + Contributor Version. + +1.12. "Secondary License" + means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU + Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General + Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those + licenses. + +1.13. "Source Code Form" + means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. + +1.14. "You" (or "Your") + means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this + License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that + controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For + purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct + or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, + whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than + fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial + ownership of such entity. + +2. License Grants and Conditions +-------------------------------- + +2.1. Grants + +Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, +non-exclusive license: + +(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) + Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, + modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its + Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or + as part of a Larger Work; and + +(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer + for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its + Contributions or its Contributor Version. + +2.2. Effective Date + +The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution +become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first +distributes such Contribution. + +2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope + +The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under +this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the +distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License. +Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a +Contributor: + +(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; + or + +(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's + modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its + Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor + Version); or + +(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of + its Contributions. + +This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, +or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with +the notice requirements in Section 3.4). + +2.4. Subsequent Licenses + +No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to +distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this +License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if +permitted under the terms of Section 3.3). + +2.5. Representation + +Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its +Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights +to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. + +2.6. Fair Use + +This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under +applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other +equivalents. + +2.7. Conditions + +Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted +in Section 2.1. + +3. Responsibilities +------------------- + +3.1. Distribution of Source Form + +All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any +Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under +the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source +Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this +License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not +attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code +Form. + +3.2. Distribution of Executable Form + +If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: + +(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code + Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of + the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code + Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more + than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and + +(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this + License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the + license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter + the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License. + +3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work + +You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, +provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for +the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered +Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the +Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this +License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software +under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of +the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered +Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary +License(s). + +3.4. Notices + +You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices +(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, +or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of +the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to +the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. + +3.5. Application of Additional Terms + +You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, +indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered +Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on +behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any +such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by +You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any +liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, +indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional +disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any +jurisdiction. + +4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation +--------------------------------------------------- + +If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this +License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to +statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with +the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) +describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must +be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered +Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute +or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a +recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. + +5. Termination +-------------- + +5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically +if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become +compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular +Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such +Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an +ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the +non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have +come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular +Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor +notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the +first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License +from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after +Your receipt of the notice. + +5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent +infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, +counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version +directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to +You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section +2.1 of this License shall terminate. + +5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all +end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which +have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License +prior to termination shall survive termination. + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty * +* ------------------------- * +* * +* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" * +* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or * +* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the * +* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a * +* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the * +* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. * +* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You * +* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, * +* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an * +* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is * +* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 7. Limitation of Liability * +* -------------------------- * +* * +* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort * +* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any * +* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as * +* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, * +* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character * +* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of * +* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any * +* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party * +* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This * +* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or * +* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the * +* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some * +* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * +* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and * +* limitation may not apply to You. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +8. Litigation +------------- + +Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the +courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal +place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that +jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. +Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring +cross-claims or counter-claims. + +9. Miscellaneous +---------------- + +This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject +matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be +unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent +necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides +that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter +shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor. + +10. Versions of the License +--------------------------- + +10.1. New Versions + +Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section +10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or +publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a +distinguishing version number. + +10.2. Effect of New Versions + +You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version +of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, +or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license +steward. + +10.3. Modified Versions + +If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to +create a new license for such software, you may create and use a +modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove +any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that +such modified license differs from this License). + +10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary +Licenses + +If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With +Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the +notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. + +Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice +------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular +file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE +file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look +for such a notice. + +You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. + +Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice +--------------------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as + defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/README.md b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8df4f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +# Overview + +CDT Logo + +[![CI Builds](https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT/workflows/CI%20Builds/badge.svg)](https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT/actions/) + +CDT is a C++ library for generating constraint or conforming Delaunay triangulations. +- **open-source:** permissively-licensed under Mozilla Public License (MPL) 2.0 +- **cross-platform:** tested on Windows, Linux (Ubuntu), and macOS +- **portable:** backwards-compatible with C++98 +- **bloat-free:** no external dependencies by default +- **flexible:** can be consumed as a header-only or as a compiled library +- **performant:** continuously profiled, measured, and optimized +- **numerically robust:** triangulation algorithms rely on robust geometric predicates + +***If CDT helped you please consider adding a star on [GitHub](https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT). This means a lot to the authors*** 🤩 + + + +## Table of Contents + +- [Overview](#overview) + - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) + - [What can CDT do?](#what-can-cdt-do) + - [Properly Handling the Corner-Cases](#properly-handling-the-corner-cases) + - [Online Documentation](#online-documentation) + - [Algorithm](#algorithm) + - [Implementation Details](#implementation-details) + - [Adding CDT to your C++ project Using a Package Manager](#adding-withpackage-manager) + - [Installation/Building](#installationbuilding) + - [Using](#using) + - [Code Examples](#code-examples) + - [Python bindings?](#python-bindings) + - [Contributors](#contributors) + - [Contributing](#contributing) + - [License](#license) + - [Example Gallery](#example-gallery) + - [Bibliography](#bibliography) + + + +## What can CDT do? +CDT show-case: constrained and conforming triangulations, convex hulls, automatically removing holes + +- Constrained Delaunay Triangulations: force edges into Delaunay triangulation +- Conforming Delaunay Triangulations: add new points into Delaunay triangulation until the edge is present in triangulation +- Convex-hulls +- Automatically finding and removing holes + + + +## Properly Handling the Corner-Cases +CDT supported corner cases: points on edges, overlapping edges, resolving edge intersections + +- Points exactly on the edges +- Exactly overlapping edges +- Resolving intersecting edges by adding points at the intersections (with `CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve`) + + + + +## Online Documentation +[**Latest online documentation**](https://artem-ogre.github.io/CDT/) (automatically generated with Doxygen). + + + +## Algorithm + +- Implementation closely follows incremental construction algorithm by Anglada [1]. +- During the legalization, the cases +when at least one vertex belongs to super-triangle are resolved using an approach as described in Žalik et al. [2]. +- For finding a triangle that contains inserted point remembering randomized triangle walk is used [3]. To find the starting triangle for the walk the nearest point is found using a kd-tree with mid-split nodes. +- Order in which vertices are inserted is controlled by `CDT::VertexInsertionOrder`: + - `CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::Auto` uses breadth-first traversal of a Kd-tree for initial bulk-load [4] and randomized insertion order for the subsequent calls of `CDT::Triangulation::insertVertices`. Randomization improves performance and avoid worst-case scenarios. Generally vertex insertion with `CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::Auto` is faster. + - The original vertices order can be optied-in using `CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::AsProvided` when constructing a triangulation. + +**Pre-conditions:** +- No duplicated points (use provided functions for removing duplicate points and re-mapping edges) +- No two constraint edges intersect each other (overlapping boundaries are allowed) + +**Post-conditions:** +- Triangles have counter-clockwise (CCW) winding in a 2D coordinate system where X-axis points right and Y-axis points up. + + + +## Implementation Details + +- Supports three ways of removing outer triangles: + - `CDT::Triangulation::eraseSuperTriangle`: produce a convex-hull + - `CDT::Triangulation::eraseOuterTriangles`: remove all outer triangles until a boundary defined by constraint edges + - `CDT::Triangulation::eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles`: remove outer triangles and automatically detected holes. Starts from super-triangle and traverses triangles until outer boundary. Triangles outside outer boundary will be removed. Then traversal continues until next boundary. Triangles between two boundaries will be kept. Traversal to next boundary continues (this time removing triangles). Stops when all triangles are traversed. +- Supports [overlapping boundaries](#overlapping-boundaries-example) + +- Removing duplicate points and re-mapping constraint edges can be done using functions: `CDT::RemoveDuplicatesAndRemapEdges`, `CDT::RemoveDuplicates`, `CDT::RemapEdges` + +- Uses William C. Lenthe's implementation of robust orientation and in-circle geometric predicates: [github.com/wlenthe/GeometricPredicates](https://github.com/wlenthe/GeometricPredicates) + +- On old compilers without C++11 support Boost is used as a fall back for missing C++11 standard library features. + +- A demonstrator tool is included: requires Qt for GUI. When running demo-tool **make sure** that working directory contains files from 'data' folder. + + + + +## Adding CDT to your C++ project Using a Package Manager + +### vcpkg +CDT port is [available](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/ports/cdt) in Microsoft's [vcpkg](https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg). + +### Conan +CDT is not in the conan-center but there's a `conanfile.py` recipe provided (in this repo). +Note that it might need small adjustments like changing boost version to fit your needs. + +### spack +A [recipe](https://github.com/spack/spack/blob/develop/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/cdt/package.py) for CDT is [available](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/package_list.html#cdt) in [spack](https://spack.io). + + + +## Installation/Building + +CDT uses modern CMake and should *just work* out of the box without any surprises. The are many ways to consume CDT: +- copy headers and use as a header-only library +- add to CMake project directly with `add_subdirectory` +- pre-build and add to CMake project as a dependency with `find_package` +- consume as a Conan package + +**CMake options** + +| Option | Default value | Description | +| --------------------------- | :-----------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| CDT_USE_64_BIT_INDEX_TYPE | OFF | Use 64bits to store vertex/triangle index types. Otherwise 32bits are used (up to 4.2bn items) | +| CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY | OFF | Instantiate templates for float and double and compiled into a library | + +**Adding to CMake project directly** + +Can be done with [`add_subdirectory`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/add_subdirectory.html) command (e.g., see CDT visualizer's CMakeLists.txt). +```Cmake +# add CDT as subdirectory to CMake project +add_subdirectory(../CDT CDT) +``` +**Adding to non-CMake project directly** + +To use as **header-only** copy headers from `CDT/include` + +To use as a **compiled library** define `CDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY` and compile `CDT.cpp` + +**Consume pre-build CDT in CMake project with [find_package](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/find_package.html)** + +CDT provides package config files that can be included by other projects to find and use it. + +```bash +# from CDT folder +mkdir build && cd build +# configure with desired CMake flags +cmake -DCDT_USE_AS_COMPILED_LIBRARY=ON .. +# build and install +cmake --build . && cmake --install . +``` + +```CMake +# In consuming CMakeLists.txt +find_package(CDT REQUIRED CONFIG) +``` + + + +## Using + +Public API is provided in two places: +- `CDT::Triangulation` class is used for performing constrained Delaunay triangulations. +- Free functions in `CDT.h` provide some additional functionality for removing duplicates, re-mapping edges and triangle depth-peeling + + + + +### Code Examples + +**Delaunay triangulation without constraints (triangulated convex-hull)** + +Example of a triangulated convex hull + +```cpp +#include "CDT.h" +CDT::Triangulation cdt; +cdt.insertVertices(/* points */); +cdt.eraseSuperTriangle(); +/* access triangles */ = cdt.triangles; +/* access vertices */ = cdt.vertices; +/* access boundary (fixed) edges */ = cdt.fixedEdges; +/* calculate all edges (on demand) */ = CDT::extractEdgesFromTriangles(cdt.triangles); +``` + +**Constrained Delaunay triangulation (auto-detected boundaries and holes)** + +Example of a triangulation with constrained boundaries and auto-detected holes + +```cpp +// ... same as above +cdt.insertVertices(/* points */); +cdt.insertEdges(/* boundary edges */); +cdt.eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles(); +/* access triangles */ = cdt.triangles; +/* access vertices */ = cdt.vertices; +/* access boundary (fixed) edges */ = cdt.fixedEdges; +/* calculate all edges (on demand) */ = CDT::extractEdgesFromTriangles(cdt.triangles); +``` + +**Conforming Delaunay triangulation** + +Use `CDT::Triangulation::conformToEdges` instead of `CDT::Triangulation::insertEdges` + +**Resolve edge intersections by adding new points and splitting edges** + +Pass `CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::TryResolve` to `CDT::Triangulation` constructor. + +**Custom point/edge type** + +```cpp +struct CustomPoint2D +{ + double data[2]; +}; + +struct CustomEdge +{ + std::pair vertices; +}; + +// containers other than std::vector will work too +std::vector points = /*...*/; +std::vector edges = /*...*/; +CDT::Triangulation cdt; +cdt.insertVertices( + points.begin(), + points.end(), + [](const CustomPoint2D& p){ return p.data[0]; }, + [](const CustomPoint2D& p){ return p.data[1]; } +); +cdt.insertEdges( + edges.begin(), + edges.end(), + [](const CustomEdge& e){ return e.vertices.first; }, + [](const CustomEdge& e){ return e.vertices.second; } +); +``` + + + +## Python bindings? +For work-in-progress on Python bindings check-out [PythonCDT](https://github.com/artem-ogre/PythonCDT) + + + +## Contributors +- [Artem Amirkhanov](https://github.com/artem-ogre) +- [Karl Åkerblom](https://github.com/kalleakerblom) +- [baiwenlei](https://github.com/baiwenlei): dragging and zooming in the viewer +- [Bärbel Holm](https://github.com/eisbaerli): removing duplicates and re-mapping edges +- [Andre Fecteau](https://github.com/AndreFecteau): benchmarking, profiling, and providing a kd-tree implementation a derivative of which is included in CDT +- [msokalski](https://github.com/msokalski): algorithm discussions and suggestions, bug finding +- [alkonior](https://github.com/alkonior): finding, reproducing, and reporting a bug ([#142](https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT/issues/142)) +- [ldcMasa](https://github.com/ldcMasa): finding compilation issue ([#144](https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT/issues/144)) +- [egladil86](https://github.com/egladil86): finding, reproducing, and reporting a bug ([#148](https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT/issues/148)) +- [Som1Lse](https://github.com/Som1Lse): fuzzing CDT: finding, reproducing, and reporting bugs ([#154](https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT/issues/148)) + + + +## Contributing +Any feedback and contributions are welcome. + + + +## License + +[Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/FAQ/) + +For attribution you can use the following template: +``` +This software is based part on CDT (C++ library for constrained Delaunay triangulation): +Copyright © 2019 Leica Geosystems Technology AB +Copyright © The CDT Contributors +Licensed under the MPL-2.0 license. +https://github.com/artem-ogre/CDT +${INSERT_FULL_MPL_2.0_TEXT} +``` + + + +## Example Gallery +A Bean Guitar Guitar with holes Lake Superior Sweden Overlapping boundaries + + + +## Bibliography +[1] Marc Vigo Anglada, +An improved incremental algorithm for constructing restricted Delaunay triangulations, +_Computers & Graphics_, +Volume 21, Issue 2, +1997, +Pages 215-223, +ISSN 0097-8493. + +[2] Borut Žalik and Ivana Kolingerová, +An incremental construction algorithm for Delaunay triangulation using the nearest-point paradigm, +_International Journal of Geographical Information Science_, +Volume 17, +Issue 2, +Pages 119-138, +2003, +DOI 10.1080/713811749. + +[3] Olivier Devillers, Sylvvain Pion, Monique Tellaud, +Walking in a triangulation, +_International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science_, +Volume 13, +Issue 2, +Pages 181-199, +2002 + +[4] Liu, Jianfei & Yan, Jinhui & Lo, S.. +A new insertion sequence for incremental Delaunay triangulation. +_Acta Mechanica Sinica_, +Volume 29, +2013 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/DoxygenLayout.xml b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/DoxygenLayout.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4554bbe --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/DoxygenLayout.xml @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/custom.css b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/custom.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f216e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/custom.css @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +.github-corner svg { + fill: var(--primary-color); 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +*/ + +@media screen and (min-width: 768px) { + + #MSearchBox { + width: calc(var(--side-nav-fixed-width) - calc(2 * var(--spacing-medium)) - var(--searchbar-height) - 1px); + } + + #MSearchField { + width: calc(var(--side-nav-fixed-width) - calc(2 * var(--spacing-medium)) - 66px - var(--searchbar-height)); + } +} diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/doxygen-awesome/doxygen-awesome-sidebar-only.css b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/doxygen-awesome/doxygen-awesome-sidebar-only.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5c4e7c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/doxygen-awesome/doxygen-awesome-sidebar-only.css @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +/** + +Doxygen Awesome +https://github.com/jothepro/doxygen-awesome-css + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2021 jothepro + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + + */ + +html { + /* side nav width. MUST be = `TREEVIEW_WIDTH`. + * Make sure it is wide enough to contain the page title (logo + title + version) + */ + --side-nav-fixed-width: 335px; + --menu-display: none; + + --top-height: 120px; +} + +#projectname { + white-space: nowrap; +} + + +@media screen and (min-width: 768px) { + html { + --searchbar-background: var(--page-background-color); + } + + #side-nav { + min-width: var(--side-nav-fixed-width); + max-width: var(--side-nav-fixed-width); + top: var(--top-height); + overflow: visible; + } + + #nav-tree, #side-nav { + height: calc(100vh - var(--top-height)) !important; + } + + #nav-tree { + padding: 0; + } + + #top { + display: block; + border-bottom: none; + height: var(--top-height); + margin-bottom: calc(0px - var(--top-height)); + max-width: var(--side-nav-fixed-width); + overflow: hidden; + background: var(--side-nav-background); + } + #main-nav { + float: left; + padding-right: 0; + } + + .ui-resizable-handle { + cursor: default; + width: 1px !important; + box-shadow: 0 calc(-2 * var(--top-height)) 0 0 var(--separator-color); + } + + #nav-path { + position: fixed; + right: 0; + left: var(--side-nav-fixed-width); + bottom: 0; + width: auto; + } + + #doc-content { + height: calc(100vh - 31px) !important; + padding-bottom: calc(3 * var(--spacing-large)); + padding-top: calc(var(--top-height) - 80px); + box-sizing: border-box; + margin-left: var(--side-nav-fixed-width) !important; + } + + #MSearchBox { + width: calc(var(--side-nav-fixed-width) - calc(2 * var(--spacing-medium))); + } + + #MSearchField { + width: calc(var(--side-nav-fixed-width) - calc(2 * var(--spacing-medium)) - 65px); + } + + #MSearchResultsWindow { + left: var(--spacing-medium) !important; + right: auto; + } +} diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/doxygen-awesome/doxygen-awesome.css b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/doxygen-awesome/doxygen-awesome.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e4dee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/docs/doxygen-custom/doxygen-awesome/doxygen-awesome.css @@ -0,0 +1,2137 @@ +/** + +Doxygen Awesome +https://github.com/jothepro/doxygen-awesome-css + +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2021 - 2022 jothepro + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + +*/ + +html { + /* primary theme color. This will affect the entire websites color scheme: links, arrows, labels, ... */ + --primary-color: #1779c4; + --primary-dark-color: #335c80; + --primary-light-color: #70b1e9; + + /* page base colors */ + --page-background-color: white; + --page-foreground-color: #2f4153; + --page-secondary-foreground-color: #637485; + + /* color for all separators on the website: hr, borders, ... */ + --separator-color: #dedede; + + /* border radius for all rounded components. Will affect many components, like dropdowns, memitems, codeblocks, ... */ + --border-radius-large: 8px; + --border-radius-small: 4px; + --border-radius-medium: 6px; + + /* default spacings. Most compontest reference these values for spacing, to provide uniform spacing on the page. */ + --spacing-small: 5px; + --spacing-medium: 10px; + --spacing-large: 16px; + + /* default box shadow used for raising an element above the normal content. Used in dropdowns, Searchresult, ... */ + --box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.075); + + --odd-color: rgba(0,0,0,.028); + + /* font-families. will affect all text on the website + * font-family: the normal font for text, headlines, menus + * font-family-monospace: used for preformatted text in memtitle, code, fragments + */ + --font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Oxygen,Ubuntu,Cantarell,Fira Sans,Droid Sans,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif; + --font-family-monospace: ui-monospace,SFMono-Regular,SF Mono,Menlo,Consolas,Liberation Mono,monospace; + + /* font sizes */ + --page-font-size: 15.6px; + --navigation-font-size: 14.4px; + --code-font-size: 14px; /* affects code, fragment */ + --title-font-size: 22px; + + /* content text properties. These only affect the page content, not the navigation or any other ui elements */ + --content-line-height: 27px; + /* The content is centered and constraint in it's width. To make the content fill the whole page, set the variable to auto.*/ + --content-maxwidth: 1000px; + + /* colors for various content boxes: @warning, @note, @deprecated @bug */ + --warning-color: #f8d1cc; + --warning-color-dark: #b61825; + --warning-color-darker: #75070f; + --note-color: #faf3d8; + --note-color-dark: #f3a600; + --note-color-darker: #5f4204; + --todo-color: #e4f3ff; + --todo-color-dark: #1879C4; + --todo-color-darker: #274a5c; + --deprecated-color: #ecf0f3; + --deprecated-color-dark: #5b6269; + --deprecated-color-darker: #43454a; + --bug-color: #e4dafd; + --bug-color-dark: #5b2bdd; + --bug-color-darker: #2a0d72; + --invariant-color: #d8f1e3; + --invariant-color-dark: #44b86f; + --invariant-color-darker: #265532; + + /* blockquote colors */ + --blockquote-background: #f8f9fa; + --blockquote-foreground: #636568; + + /* table colors */ + --tablehead-background: #f1f1f1; + --tablehead-foreground: var(--page-foreground-color); + + /* menu-display: block | none + * Visibility of the top navigation on screens >= 768px. On smaller screen the menu is always visible. + * `GENERATE_TREEVIEW` MUST be enabled! + */ + --menu-display: block; + + --menu-focus-foreground: var(--page-background-color); + --menu-focus-background: var(--primary-color); + --menu-selected-background: rgba(0,0,0,.05); + + + --header-background: var(--page-background-color); + --header-foreground: var(--page-foreground-color); + + /* searchbar colors */ + --searchbar-background: var(--side-nav-background); + --searchbar-foreground: var(--page-foreground-color); + + /* searchbar size + * (`searchbar-width` is only applied on screens >= 768px. + * on smaller screens the searchbar will always fill the entire screen width) */ + --searchbar-height: 33px; + --searchbar-width: 210px; + --searchbar-border-radius: var(--searchbar-height); + + /* code block colors */ + --code-background: #f5f5f5; + --code-foreground: var(--page-foreground-color); + + /* fragment colors */ + --fragment-background: #F8F9FA; + --fragment-foreground: #37474F; + --fragment-keyword: #bb6bb2; + --fragment-keywordtype: #8258b3; + --fragment-keywordflow: #d67c3b; + --fragment-token: #438a59; + --fragment-comment: #969696; + --fragment-link: #5383d6; + --fragment-preprocessor: #46aaa5; + --fragment-linenumber-color: #797979; + --fragment-linenumber-background: #f4f4f5; + --fragment-linenumber-border: #e3e5e7; + --fragment-lineheight: 20px; + + /* sidebar navigation (treeview) colors */ + --side-nav-background: #fbfbfb; + --side-nav-foreground: var(--page-foreground-color); + --side-nav-arrow-opacity: 0; + --side-nav-arrow-hover-opacity: 0.9; + + --toc-background: var(--side-nav-background); + --toc-foreground: var(--side-nav-foreground); + + /* height of an item in any tree / collapsable table */ + --tree-item-height: 30px; + + --memname-font-size: var(--code-font-size); + --memtitle-font-size: 18px; + + --webkit-scrollbar-size: 7px; + --webkit-scrollbar-padding: 4px; + --webkit-scrollbar-color: var(--separator-color); +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { + html { + --page-font-size: 16px; + --navigation-font-size: 16px; + --code-font-size: 15px; /* affects code, fragment */ + --title-font-size: 22px; + } +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + html:not(.light-mode) { + color-scheme: dark; + + --primary-color: #1982d2; + --primary-dark-color: #86a9c4; + --primary-light-color: #4779ac; + + --box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.35); + + --odd-color: rgba(100,100,100,.06); + + --menu-selected-background: rgba(0,0,0,.4); + + --page-background-color: #1C1D1F; + --page-foreground-color: #d2dbde; + --page-secondary-foreground-color: #859399; + --separator-color: #38393b; + --side-nav-background: #252628; + + --code-background: #2a2c2f; + + --tablehead-background: #2a2c2f; + + --blockquote-background: #222325; + --blockquote-foreground: #7e8c92; + + --warning-color: #2e1917; + --warning-color-dark: #ad2617; + --warning-color-darker: #f5b1aa; + --note-color: #3b2e04; + --note-color-dark: #f1b602; + --note-color-darker: #ceb670; + --todo-color: #163750; + --todo-color-dark: #1982D2; + --todo-color-darker: #dcf0fa; + --deprecated-color: #2e323b; + --deprecated-color-dark: #738396; + --deprecated-color-darker: #abb0bd; + --bug-color: #2a2536; + --bug-color-dark: #7661b3; + --bug-color-darker: #ae9ed6; + --invariant-color: #303a35; + --invariant-color-dark: #76ce96; + --invariant-color-darker: #cceed5; + + --fragment-background: #282c34; + --fragment-foreground: #dbe4eb; + --fragment-keyword: #cc99cd; + --fragment-keywordtype: #ab99cd; + --fragment-keywordflow: #e08000; + --fragment-token: #7ec699; + --fragment-comment: #999999; + --fragment-link: #98c0e3; + --fragment-preprocessor: #65cabe; + --fragment-linenumber-color: #cccccc; + --fragment-linenumber-background: #35393c; + --fragment-linenumber-border: #1f1f1f; + } +} + +/* dark mode variables are defined twice, to support both the dark-mode without and with doxygen-awesome-darkmode-toggle.js */ +html.dark-mode { + color-scheme: dark; + + --primary-color: #1982d2; + --primary-dark-color: #86a9c4; + --primary-light-color: #4779ac; + + --box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.30); + + --odd-color: rgba(100,100,100,.06); + + --menu-selected-background: rgba(0,0,0,.4); + + --page-background-color: #1C1D1F; + --page-foreground-color: #d2dbde; + --page-secondary-foreground-color: #859399; + --separator-color: #38393b; + --side-nav-background: #252628; + + --code-background: #2a2c2f; + + --tablehead-background: #2a2c2f; + + --blockquote-background: #222325; + --blockquote-foreground: #7e8c92; + + --warning-color: #2e1917; + --warning-color-dark: #ad2617; + --warning-color-darker: #f5b1aa; + --note-color: #3b2e04; + --note-color-dark: #f1b602; + --note-color-darker: #ceb670; + --todo-color: #163750; + --todo-color-dark: #1982D2; + --todo-color-darker: #dcf0fa; + --deprecated-color: #2e323b; + --deprecated-color-dark: #738396; + --deprecated-color-darker: #abb0bd; + --bug-color: #2a2536; + --bug-color-dark: #7661b3; + --bug-color-darker: #ae9ed6; + --invariant-color: #303a35; + --invariant-color-dark: #76ce96; + --invariant-color-darker: #cceed5; + + --fragment-background: #282c34; + --fragment-foreground: #dbe4eb; + --fragment-keyword: #cc99cd; + --fragment-keywordtype: #ab99cd; + --fragment-keywordflow: #e08000; + --fragment-token: #7ec699; + --fragment-comment: #999999; + --fragment-link: #98c0e3; + --fragment-preprocessor: #65cabe; + --fragment-linenumber-color: #cccccc; + --fragment-linenumber-background: #35393c; + --fragment-linenumber-border: #1f1f1f; +} + +body { + color: var(--page-foreground-color); + background-color: var(--page-background-color); + font-size: var(--page-font-size); +} + +body, table, div, p, dl, #nav-tree .label, .title, .sm-dox a, .sm-dox a:hover, .sm-dox a:focus, #projectname, .SelectItem, #MSearchField, .navpath li.navelem a, .navpath li.navelem a:hover { + font-family: var(--font-family); +} + +h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 { + margin-top: .9em; + font-weight: 600; + line-height: initial; +} + +p, div, table, dl { + font-size: var(--page-font-size); +} + +a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:focus, a:active { + color: var(--primary-color) !important; + font-weight: 500; +} + +a.anchor { + scroll-margin-top: var(--spacing-large); +} + +/* + Title and top navigation + */ + +#top { + background: var(--header-background); + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--separator-color); +} + +@media screen and (min-width: 768px) { + #top { + display: flex; + flex-wrap: wrap; + justify-content: space-between; + align-items: center; + } +} + +#main-nav { + flex-grow: 5; + padding: var(--spacing-small) var(--spacing-medium); +} + +#titlearea { + width: auto; + padding: var(--spacing-medium) var(--spacing-large); + background: none; + color: var(--header-foreground); + border-bottom: none; +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { + #titlearea { + padding-bottom: var(--spacing-small); + } +} + +#titlearea table tbody tr { + height: auto !important; +} + +#projectname { + font-size: var(--title-font-size); + font-weight: 600; +} + +#projectnumber { + font-family: inherit; + font-size: 60%; +} + +#projectbrief { + font-family: inherit; + font-size: 80%; +} + +#projectlogo { + vertical-align: middle; +} + +#projectlogo img { + max-height: calc(var(--title-font-size) * 2); + margin-right: var(--spacing-small); +} + +.sm-dox, .tabs, .tabs2, .tabs3 { + background: none; + padding: 0; +} + +.tabs, .tabs2, .tabs3 { + border-bottom: 1px solid var(--separator-color); + margin-bottom: -1px; +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { + .sm-dox a span.sub-arrow { + background: var(--code-background); + } + + #main-menu a.has-submenu span.sub-arrow { + color: var(--page-secondary-foreground-color); + border-radius: var(--border-radius-medium); + } + + #main-menu a.has-submenu:hover span.sub-arrow { + color: var(--page-foreground-color); + } +} + +@media screen and (min-width: 768px) { + .sm-dox li, .tablist li { + display: var(--menu-display); + } + + .sm-dox a span.sub-arrow { + border-color: var(--header-foreground) transparent transparent transparent; + } + + .sm-dox a:hover span.sub-arrow { + border-color: var(--menu-focus-foreground) transparent transparent transparent; + } + + .sm-dox ul a span.sub-arrow { + border-color: transparent transparent transparent var(--page-foreground-color); + } + + .sm-dox ul a:hover span.sub-arrow { + border-color: transparent transparent transparent var(--menu-focus-foreground); + } +} + +.sm-dox ul { + background: var(--page-background-color); + box-shadow: var(--box-shadow); + border: 1px solid var(--separator-color); + border-radius: var(--border-radius-medium) !important; + padding: var(--spacing-small); + animation: ease-out 150ms slideInMenu; +} + +@keyframes slideInMenu { + from { + opacity: 0; + transform: translate(0px, -2px); + } + + to { + opacity: 1; + transform: translate(0px, 0px); + } +} + +.sm-dox ul a { + color: var(--page-foreground-color) !important; + background: var(--page-background-color); + font-size: var(--navigation-font-size); +} + +.sm-dox>li>ul:after { + border-bottom-color: var(--page-background-color) !important; +} + +.sm-dox>li>ul:before { + border-bottom-color: var(--separator-color) !important; +} + +.sm-dox ul a:hover, .sm-dox ul a:active, .sm-dox ul a:focus { + font-size: var(--navigation-font-size) !important; + color: var(--menu-focus-foreground) !important; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: var(--menu-focus-background); + border-radius: var(--border-radius-small) !important; +} + +.sm-dox a, .sm-dox a:focus, .tablist li, .tablist li a, .tablist li.current a { + text-shadow: none; + background: transparent; + background-image: none !important; + color: var(--header-foreground) !important; + font-weight: normal; + font-size: var(--navigation-font-size); + border-radius: var(--border-radius-small) !important; +} + +.sm-dox a:focus { + outline: auto; +} + +.sm-dox a:hover, .sm-dox a:active, .tablist li a:hover { + text-shadow: none; + font-weight: normal; + background: var(--menu-focus-background); + color: var(--menu-focus-foreground) !important; + border-radius: var(--border-radius-small) !important; + font-size: var(--navigation-font-size); +} + +.tablist li.current { + border-radius: var(--border-radius-small); + background: var(--menu-selected-background); +} + +.tablist li { + margin: var(--spacing-small) 0 var(--spacing-small) var(--spacing-small); +} + +.tablist a { + padding: 0 var(--spacing-large); +} + + +/* + Search box + */ + +#MSearchBox { + height: var(--searchbar-height); + background: var(--searchbar-background); + border-radius: var(--searchbar-border-radius); + border: 1px solid var(--separator-color); + overflow: hidden; + width: var(--searchbar-width); + position: relative; + box-shadow: none; + display: block; + margin-top: 0; +} + +.left #MSearchSelect { + left: 0; + user-select: none; + padding-left: 8px; +} + +.left #MSearchSelect[src$=".png"] { + padding-left: 0 +} + +.SelectionMark { + user-select: none; +} + +.tabs .left #MSearchSelect { + padding-left: 0; +} + +.tabs #MSearchBox { + position: absolute; + right: var(--spacing-medium); +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { + .tabs #MSearchBox { + position: relative; + right: 0; + margin-left: var(--spacing-medium); + margin-top: 0; + } +} + +#MSearchSelectWindow, #MSearchResultsWindow { + z-index: 9999; +} + +#MSearchBox.MSearchBoxActive { + border-color: var(--primary-color); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px var(--primary-color); +} + +#main-menu > li:last-child { + margin-right: 0; +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { + #main-menu > li:last-child { + height: 50px; + } +} + +#MSearchField { + font-size: var(--navigation-font-size); + height: calc(var(--searchbar-height) - 2px); + background: transparent; + width: calc(var(--searchbar-width) - 64px); +} + +.MSearchBoxActive #MSearchField { + color: var(--searchbar-foreground); +} + +#MSearchSelect { + top: calc(calc(var(--searchbar-height) / 2) - 11px); +} + +#MSearchBox span.left, #MSearchBox span.right { + background: none; + background-image: none; +} + +#MSearchBox span.right { + padding-top: calc(calc(var(--searchbar-height) / 2) - 12px); + position: absolute; + right: var(--spacing-small); +} + +.tabs #MSearchBox span.right { + top: calc(calc(var(--searchbar-height) / 2) - 12px); +} + +@keyframes slideInSearchResults { + from { + opacity: 0; + transform: translate(0, 15px); + } + + to { + opacity: 1; + transform: translate(0, 20px); + } +} + +#MSearchResultsWindow { + left: auto !important; + right: var(--spacing-medium); + border-radius: var(--border-radius-large); + border: 1px solid var(--separator-color); + transform: translate(0, 20px); + box-shadow: var(--box-shadow); + animation: ease-out 280ms slideInSearchResults; + background: var(--page-background-color); +} + +iframe#MSearchResults { + margin: 4px; +} + +iframe { + color-scheme: normal; +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + html:not(.light-mode) iframe#MSearchResults { + filter: invert() hue-rotate(180deg); + } +} + +html.dark-mode iframe#MSearchResults { + filter: invert() hue-rotate(180deg); +} + +#MSearchSelectWindow { + border: 1px solid var(--separator-color); + border-radius: var(--border-radius-medium); + box-shadow: var(--box-shadow); + background: var(--page-background-color); + padding-top: var(--spacing-small); + padding-bottom: var(--spacing-small); +} + +#MSearchSelectWindow a.SelectItem { + font-size: var(--navigation-font-size); + line-height: var(--content-line-height); + margin: 0 var(--spacing-small); + border-radius: var(--border-radius-small); + color: var(--page-foreground-color) !important; + font-weight: normal; +} + +#MSearchSelectWindow a.SelectItem:hover { + background: var(--menu-focus-background); + color: var(--menu-focus-foreground) !important; +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { + #MSearchBox { + margin-top: var(--spacing-medium); + margin-bottom: var(--spacing-medium); + width: calc(100vw - 30px); + } + + #main-menu > li:last-child { + float: none !important; + } + + #MSearchField { + width: calc(100vw - 110px); + } + + @keyframes slideInSearchResultsMobile { + from { + opacity: 0; + transform: translate(0, 15px); + } + + to { + opacity: 1; + transform: translate(0, 20px); + } + } + + #MSearchResultsWindow { + left: var(--spacing-medium) !important; + right: var(--spacing-medium); + overflow: auto; + transform: translate(0, 20px); + animation: ease-out 280ms slideInSearchResultsMobile; + } + + /* + * Overwrites for fixing the searchbox on mobile in doxygen 1.9.2 + */ + label.main-menu-btn ~ #searchBoxPos1 { + top: 3px !important; + right: 6px !important; + left: 45px; + display: flex; + } + + label.main-menu-btn ~ #searchBoxPos1 > #MSearchBox { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + flex-grow: 2; + float: left; + } +} + +/* + Tree view + */ + +#side-nav { + padding: 0 !important; + background: var(--side-nav-background); +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 767px) { + #side-nav { + display: none; + } + + #doc-content { + margin-left: 0 !important; + } +} + +#nav-tree { + background: transparent; +} + +#nav-tree .label { + font-size: var(--navigation-font-size); +} + +#nav-tree .item { + height: var(--tree-item-height); + line-height: var(--tree-item-height); +} + +#nav-sync { + bottom: 12px; + right: 12px; + top: auto !important; + user-select: none; +} + +#nav-tree .selected { + text-shadow: none; 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+ color: var(--todo-color-darker); +} + +dl.todo dt { + color: var(--todo-color-dark); +} + +dl.bug dt a { + color: var(--todo-color-dark) !important; +} + +dl.bug { + background: var(--bug-color); + border-left: 8px solid var(--bug-color-dark); + color: var(--bug-color-darker); +} + +dl.bug dt a { + color: var(--bug-color-dark) !important; +} + +dl.deprecated { + background: var(--deprecated-color); + border-left: 8px solid var(--deprecated-color-dark); + color: var(--deprecated-color-darker); +} + +dl.deprecated dt a { + color: var(--deprecated-color-dark) !important; +} + +dl.section dd, dl.bug dd, dl.deprecated dd, dl.todo dd { + margin-inline-start: 0px; +} + +dl.invariant, dl.pre { + background: var(--invariant-color); + border-left: 8px solid var(--invariant-color-dark); + color: var(--invariant-color-darker); +} + +dl.invariant dt, dl.pre dt { + color: var(--invariant-color-dark); +} + +/* + memitem + */ + +div.memdoc, div.memproto, h2.memtitle { + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; 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Definitions +-------------- + +1.1. "Contributor" + means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to + the creation of, or owns Covered Software. + +1.2. "Contributor Version" + means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used + by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution. + +1.3. "Contribution" + means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. + +1.4. "Covered Software" + means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached + the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code + Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case + including portions thereof. + +1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" + means + + (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described + in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or + + (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of + version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the + terms of a Secondary License. + +1.6. "Executable Form" + means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. + +1.7. "Larger Work" + means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in + a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software. + +1.8. "License" + means this document. + +1.9. "Licensable" + means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, + whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and + all of the rights conveyed by this License. + +1.10. "Modifications" + means any of the following: + + (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, + deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered + Software; or + + (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered + Software. + +1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor + means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, + process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such + Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the + License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having + made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its + Contributor Version. + +1.12. "Secondary License" + means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU + Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General + Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those + licenses. + +1.13. "Source Code Form" + means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. + +1.14. "You" (or "Your") + means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this + License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that + controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For + purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct + or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, + whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than + fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial + ownership of such entity. + +2. License Grants and Conditions +-------------------------------- + +2.1. Grants + +Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, +non-exclusive license: + +(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) + Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, + modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its + Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or + as part of a Larger Work; and + +(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer + for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its + Contributions or its Contributor Version. + +2.2. Effective Date + +The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution +become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first +distributes such Contribution. + +2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope + +The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under +this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the +distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License. +Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a +Contributor: + +(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; + or + +(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's + modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its + Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor + Version); or + +(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of + its Contributions. + +This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, +or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with +the notice requirements in Section 3.4). + +2.4. Subsequent Licenses + +No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to +distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this +License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if +permitted under the terms of Section 3.3). + +2.5. Representation + +Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its +Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights +to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. + +2.6. Fair Use + +This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under +applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other +equivalents. + +2.7. Conditions + +Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted +in Section 2.1. + +3. Responsibilities +------------------- + +3.1. Distribution of Source Form + +All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any +Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under +the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source +Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this +License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not +attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code +Form. + +3.2. Distribution of Executable Form + +If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: + +(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code + Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of + the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code + Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more + than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and + +(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this + License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the + license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter + the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License. + +3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work + +You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, +provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for +the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered +Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the +Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this +License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software +under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of +the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered +Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary +License(s). + +3.4. Notices + +You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices +(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, +or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of +the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to +the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. + +3.5. Application of Additional Terms + +You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, +indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered +Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on +behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any +such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by +You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any +liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, +indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional +disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any +jurisdiction. + +4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation +--------------------------------------------------- + +If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this +License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to +statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with +the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) +describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must +be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered +Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute +or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a +recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. + +5. Termination +-------------- + +5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically +if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become +compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular +Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such +Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an +ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the +non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have +come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular +Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor +notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the +first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License +from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after +Your receipt of the notice. + +5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent +infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, +counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version +directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to +You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section +2.1 of this License shall terminate. + +5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all +end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which +have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License +prior to termination shall survive termination. + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty * +* ------------------------- * +* * +* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" * +* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or * +* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the * +* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a * +* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the * +* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. * +* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You * +* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, * +* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an * +* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is * +* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 7. Limitation of Liability * +* -------------------------- * +* * +* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort * +* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any * +* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as * +* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, * +* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character * +* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of * +* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any * +* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party * +* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This * +* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or * +* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the * +* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some * +* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * +* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and * +* limitation may not apply to You. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +8. Litigation +------------- + +Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the +courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal +place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that +jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. +Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring +cross-claims or counter-claims. + +9. Miscellaneous +---------------- + +This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject +matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be +unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent +necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides +that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter +shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor. + +10. Versions of the License +--------------------------- + +10.1. New Versions + +Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section +10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or +publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a +distinguishing version number. + +10.2. Effect of New Versions + +You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version +of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, +or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license +steward. + +10.3. Modified Versions + +If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to +create a new license for such software, you may create and use a +modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove +any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that +such modified license differs from this License). + +10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary +Licenses + +If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With +Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the +notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. + +Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice +------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular +file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE +file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look +for such a notice. + +You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. + +Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice +--------------------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as + defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Capital A.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Capital A.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..385d793 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Capital A.txt @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +29 29 +0.200000 -0.776400 +0.220000 -0.773200 +0.245600 -0.756400 +0.277600 -0.702000 +0.488800 -0.207600 +0.504800 -0.207600 +0.740800 -0.7396 +0.756000 -0.761200 +0.774400 -0.7724 +0.800000 -0.776400 +0.800000 -0.792400 +0.579200 -0.792400 +0.579200 -0.776400 +0.621600 -0.771600 +0.633600 -0.762800 +0.639200 -0.744400 +0.620800 -0.684400 +0.587200 -0.604400 +0.360800 -0.604400 +0.319200 -0.706800 +0.312000 -0.739600 +0.318400 -0.761200 +0.334400 -0.771600 +0.371200 -0.776400 +0.371200 -0.792400 +0.374400 -0.570000 +0.574400 -0.5700 +0.473600 -0.330800 +0.200000 -0.792400 +28 0 + 0 1 + 1 2 + 2 3 + 3 4 + 4 5 + 5 6 + 6 7 + 7 8 + 8 9 + 9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 28 +25 26 +26 27 +27 25 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Constrained Sweden.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Constrained Sweden.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec794ca --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Constrained Sweden.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5239 @@ +2619 2619 +16.836666 56.826942 +16.828053 56.825272 +16.816944 56.825829 +16.808331 56.824165 +16.785 56.809998 +16.779442 56.805832 +16.770275 56.79583 +16.726665 56.702217 +16.635555 56.518883 +16.576664 56.406944 +16.570553 56.39444 +16.569443 56.388054 +16.570274 56.376938 +16.571941 56.371666 +16.575275 56.367218 +16.575554 56.361382 +16.571663 56.354996 +16.553055 56.326385 +16.496109 56.240829 +16.486385 56.231384 +16.47361 56.224442 +16.437222 56.211388 +16.429722 56.208885 +16.42083 56.211105 +16.416111 56.215271 +16.410831 56.224998 +16.403332 56.274162 +16.391666 56.464996 +16.39333 56.52916 +16.395832 56.535828 +16.420277 56.586388 +16.5425 56.776382 +16.611942 56.868332 +16.616665 56.873604 +16.629166 56.879166 +16.644997 56.883606 +16.749443 56.93972 +16.848053 57.064163 +16.899998 57.134995 +16.959442 57.22361 +16.963055 57.229439 +16.965553 57.241661 +16.960278 57.256943 +16.959164 57.274162 +16.960552 57.280273 +16.96611 57.29361 +16.973331 57.305275 +16.982777 57.315552 +16.993053 57.324715 +17.009998 57.337494 +17.022221 57.344994 +17.035553 57.351944 +17.056664 57.359161 +17.09861 57.350555 +17.105553 57.348328 +17.124165 57.320831 +17.050552 57.186661 +17.008888 57.131943 +16.961109 57.075272 +16.926666 57.038055 +16.880276 56.929718 +16.848331 56.843887 +16.84111 56.832222 +18.206108 56.911942 +18.168888 56.909996 +18.147778 56.911942 +18.140274 56.914993 +18.142498 56.920273 +18.158333 56.941666 +18.209164 56.989166 +18.256664 57.032219 +18.254444 57.079163 +18.173332 57.141937 +18.148331 57.235275 +18.158054 57.315826 +18.142498 57.409439 +18.115276 57.480827 +18.110275 57.496109 +18.109997 57.513054 +18.111385 57.51944 +18.119164 57.531105 +18.138611 57.551109 +18.179165 57.588333 +18.191441 57.596138 +18.211941 57.605827 +18.227776 57.611382 +18.242222 57.617493 +18.249165 57.620827 +18.276108 57.634163 +18.29472 57.645828 +18.338886 57.681664 +18.355831 57.695831 +18.381943 57.718605 +18.401665 57.738609 +18.41972 57.760277 +18.456387 57.802773 +18.461388 57.807777 +18.46722 57.811943 +18.48111 57.818604 +18.681942 57.913605 +18.689999 57.916107 +18.71611 57.921104 +18.724998 57.922775 +18.881943 57.919716 +18.902496 57.918327 +18.914165 57.917496 +19.004719 57.908607 +19.006107 57.90361 +19.003887 57.898888 +19.033333 57.826942 +18.929443 57.739716 +18.848888 57.721107 +18.809166 57.703606 +18.793331 57.659164 +18.75972 57.508049 +18.768055 57.472221 +18.769444 57.467216 +18.78833 57.448326 +18.714443 57.246941 +18.711941 57.241661 +18.658054 57.220833 +18.551941 57.182777 +18.514721 57.169441 +18.498333 57.165276 +18.455555 57.156944 +18.439442 57.152771 +18.417221 57.144165 +18.397221 57.134163 +18.391388 57.129997 +18.386665 57.124992 +18.345554 57.07972 +18.341389 57.073883 +18.339165 57.068604 +18.335552 57.023331 +18.335831 57.017494 +18.34333 57.014442 +18.346664 56.998604 +18.302498 56.937492 +18.294998 56.934715 +18.215553 56.913055 +19.334442 57.955826 +19.286663 57.937492 +19.277496 57.940277 +19.274441 57.945 +19.268055 57.948608 +19.256664 57.94944 +19.238052 57.946938 +19.170555 57.929443 +19.162777 57.926941 +19.150833 57.91861 +19.145832 57.913605 +19.141666 57.907776 +19.139999 57.901665 +19.12611 57.839722 +19.09333 57.851944 +19.077774 57.85833 +19.073055 57.862495 +19.037498 57.896385 +19.034443 57.901108 +19.034443 57.912498 +19.03611 57.91861 +19.088886 57.970276 +19.095833 57.97361 +19.104721 57.975273 +19.285831 57.976662 +19.296387 57.976662 +19.307499 57.974442 +19.332497 57.965271 +19.335552 57.960548 +11.594444 57.932495 +11.584999 57.930832 +11.57472 57.931664 +11.528055 57.948051 +11.522499 57.951942 +11.518125 57.98069 +11.509722 57.989716 +11.498333 58.006943 +11.497221 58.012772 +11.498055 58.031387 +11.501944 58.036659 +11.520555 58.047775 +11.529999 58.049164 +11.735884 58.041714 +11.74111 58.030548 +11.742222 58.024994 +11.736944 58.00444 +11.734165 57.998604 +11.729166 57.993889 +11.722776 57.990273 +11.659443 57.957497 +11.646111 57.950829 +16.816666 58.116104 +16.783333 58.096664 +16.77861 58.100555 +16.778053 58.106384 +16.781944 58.112221 +16.787777 58.116386 +16.801109 58.123329 +16.810833 58.124443 +16.818886 58.121384 +11.806389 58.120552 +11.800278 58.116943 +11.714722 58.101105 +11.676388 58.098885 +11.624722 58.107498 +11.62361 58.113052 +11.606667 58.118607 +11.583055 58.118889 +11.553333 58.115273 +11.467222 58.101387 +11.465832 58.095833 +11.46361 58.071663 +11.464998 58.066109 +11.454721 58.072495 +11.450554 58.076942 +11.40111 58.130272 +11.402777 58.13694 +11.410555 58.147499 +11.668888 58.284439 +11.6775 58.286659 +11.708887 58.285828 +11.721666 58.284721 +11.736666 58.281662 +11.786665 58.245552 +11.809999 58.224442 +11.812498 58.219162 +11.81361 58.213608 +11.815832 58.171944 +11.814722 58.147217 +11.81111 58.133606 +19.236942 58.337219 +19.226109 58.337219 +19.21833 58.340271 +19.187222 58.381386 +19.184166 58.386108 +19.186665 58.391388 +19.224998 58.389717 +19.261665 58.384163 +19.305832 58.375275 +19.324718 58.36972 +19.331108 58.366104 +19.327499 58.361664 +19.315277 58.353333 +19.302219 58.346107 +19.294167 58.343605 +19.285275 58.341942 +17.691387 58.916939 +17.706387 58.904442 +17.695831 58.905548 +17.676388 58.916382 +17.671387 58.920555 +17.664444 58.929993 +17.641109 58.965828 +17.639164 58.971107 +17.639164 58.976662 +17.641941 58.989166 +17.660553 59.039719 +17.667774 59.052216 +17.675831 59.054718 +17.68222 59.051109 +17.696388 59.039719 +17.718052 59.018051 +17.721664 59.007774 +17.720276 59.001663 +17.71611 58.995552 +17.704166 58.987221 +17.69611 58.975555 +17.690277 58.950829 +17.687775 58.926941 +17.688053 58.921387 +18.40583 59.023888 +18.377499 59.01944 +18.365555 59.020271 +18.360554 59.024437 +18.357498 59.02916 +18.35722 59.034996 +18.396942 59.080826 +18.407219 59.090828 +18.41333 59.094994 +18.444164 59.115829 +18.450554 59.11805 +18.459721 59.11972 +18.469719 59.120552 +18.479164 59.119995 +18.491665 59.102776 +18.490555 59.098053 +18.424164 59.036385 +18.53722 59.223885 +18.527222 59.223053 +18.515274 59.223885 +18.503887 59.22583 +18.435555 59.253609 +18.428886 59.257217 +18.389442 59.284721 +18.391941 59.290276 +18.466663 59.29277 +18.478886 59.291939 +18.49472 59.290833 +18.503609 59.288887 +18.601944 59.2575 +18.610275 59.254166 +18.571941 59.232216 +18.56361 59.229721 +17.786942 59.310555 +17.777775 59.308609 +17.754444 59.309441 +17.721664 59.316109 +17.686943 59.328049 +17.671944 59.334717 +17.661942 59.343048 +17.617496 59.397774 +17.605553 59.416664 +17.610554 59.421661 +17.61861 59.424438 +17.627777 59.426109 +17.638885 59.426109 +17.650555 59.424164 +17.737499 59.393326 +17.744164 59.389717 +17.773888 59.372772 +17.777222 59.36805 +17.789165 59.321388 +17.789165 59.315826 +17.734722 59.296104 +17.817497 59.277771 +17.758053 59.28083 +17.681942 59.289719 +17.658886 59.293884 +17.649166 59.296387 +17.639164 59.299164 +17.622776 59.305275 +17.610832 59.313049 +17.520554 59.406944 +17.518887 59.411942 +17.520275 59.418327 +17.523609 59.422775 +17.531666 59.425278 +17.539165 59.426666 +17.570553 59.428604 +17.622776 59.378609 +17.629719 59.369438 +17.636944 59.348885 +17.637218 59.343048 +17.635555 59.336937 +17.636108 59.325554 +17.637775 59.320549 +17.647778 59.317772 +17.266388 59.374443 +17.256386 59.373329 +17.23111 59.375549 +17.155552 59.383606 +17.147221 59.386665 +17.070274 59.453888 +17.07 59.459442 +17.089722 59.459999 +17.150555 59.456665 +17.236111 59.449715 +17.256943 59.446663 +17.266941 59.44416 +17.280277 59.436943 +17.316109 59.408051 +17.318054 59.403053 +17.317219 59.398048 +17.309719 59.394165 +18.575554 59.448326 +18.565277 59.447495 +18.553055 59.448326 +18.526665 59.468605 +18.521664 59.472771 +18.519997 59.483604 +18.519997 59.489441 +18.522778 59.49472 +18.528889 59.498886 +18.570274 59.526382 +18.610832 59.546661 +18.63361 59.555832 +18.643608 59.556664 +18.738888 59.548332 +18.746944 59.544998 +18.732498 59.53833 +18.724442 59.535828 +18.715275 59.534164 +18.668053 59.526665 +18.591389 59.501106 +18.588608 59.495552 +18.590275 59.490555 +18.606941 59.467216 +18.605274 59.461105 +18.583611 59.450829 +18.57 60.307777 +18.561665 60.305275 +18.549164 60.306107 +18.521111 60.315826 +18.512775 60.31916 +18.401108 60.365273 +18.394165 60.374718 +18.392498 60.379715 +18.381943 60.416382 +18.371666 60.494164 +18.374165 60.499718 +18.380554 60.503883 +18.389999 60.505554 +18.408886 60.499718 +18.422497 60.486664 +18.456108 60.427498 +18.507221 60.348053 +18.53722 60.342499 +18.572777 60.313332 +17.509163 62.363327 +17.484722 62.363052 +17.456665 62.365273 +17.444164 62.367493 +17.422222 62.372498 +17.416664 62.376663 +17.412777 62.381386 +17.369164 62.46666 +17.367222 62.471664 +17.373333 62.474442 +17.463055 62.461662 +17.472221 62.458328 +17.514442 62.414444 +17.5425 62.366104 +18.060833 62.67083 +18.049721 62.669998 +18.041664 62.672218 +18.03611 62.676384 +18.026665 62.685272 +18.023052 62.689995 +18.019165 62.700272 +18.022499 62.712494 +18.039165 62.73555 +18.04583 62.739716 +18.060276 62.743889 +18.070553 62.745552 +18.129719 62.740555 +18.141388 62.739166 +18.146942 62.734993 +18.153053 62.728882 +18.156944 62.71833 +18.154999 62.712219 +18.114166 62.686943 +18.10722 62.682777 +18.099442 62.679443 +20.885555 63.751663 +20.875832 63.749161 +20.840832 63.763054 +20.837498 63.767776 +20.838055 63.773331 +20.84222 63.779999 +20.8475 63.785828 +20.855 63.789993 +20.873333 63.795555 +20.884998 63.796104 +20.899998 63.794167 +20.91111 63.791382 +20.921944 63.782776 +20.928608 63.773331 +20.927219 63.768608 +21.809166 68.570541 +21.824718 68.570267 +21.864719 68.573608 +21.881386 68.572495 +21.897221 68.569992 +21.933887 68.555267 +21.959442 68.543884 +21.997776 68.523605 +22.003887 68.51944 +22.022499 68.506653 +22.035 68.498047 +22.038055 68.487778 +22.041943 68.483047 +22.050552 68.479156 +22.063889 68.476105 +22.150833 68.465546 +22.1675 68.464432 +22.371944 68.463608 +22.430553 68.45166 +22.5 68.440132 +22.581665 68.427216 +22.659721 68.422485 +22.673885 68.420822 +22.823608 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75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 117 +117 118 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 125 +125 126 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 137 +137 138 +138 139 +139 64 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 +143 144 +144 145 +145 146 +146 147 +147 148 +148 149 +149 150 +150 151 +151 152 +152 153 +153 154 +154 155 +155 156 +156 157 +157 158 +158 159 +159 160 +160 161 +161 162 +162 163 +163 164 +164 165 +165 166 +166 167 +167 168 +168 140 +169 170 +170 171 +171 172 +172 173 +173 174 +174 175 +175 176 +176 177 +177 178 +178 179 +179 180 +180 181 +181 182 +182 183 +183 184 +184 185 +185 186 +186 187 +187 188 +188 189 +189 190 +190 169 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565.1900800000 435.7559900000 + 567.5643700000 465.3340700000 + 550.8762600000 490.9635800000 + 532.9817400000 515.8449100000 + 500.6681700000 551.8907800000 + 478.7512000000 562.1722200000 + 430.0337100000 583.9428600000 + 401.2045400000 587.6991000000 + 368.3221400000 581.1011000000 + 354.2630300000 585.8608500000 + 346.7520000000 601.1036700000 + 332.8513700000 628.7460200000 + 308.0218800000 645.8418000000 + 295.5234400000 647.1852500000 + 286.5151900000 651.6032800000 + 285.9884600000 662.0733900000 + 298.9345500000 665.6631600000 + 301.7022600000 682.7957000000 + 278.6585700000 689.6385000000 + 266.2573700000 712.1100500000 + 287.2870100000 732.7714700000 + 318.1954800000 736.8515100000 + 343.8306700000 753.6095700000 + 375.5316400000 758.3523100000 + 405.7344400000 768.9868700000 + 406.3387300000 785.5900100000 + 378.3543600000 789.4424000000 + 350.0215100000 795.0223800000 + 338.6803000000 788.8732500000 + 325.6793000000 786.1017700000 + 319.0599500000 798.0465700000 + 301.7815800000 795.3425400000 + 280.6927200000 773.8663400000 + 254.5584400000 758.0289800000 + 234.0775900000 737.4209000000 + 218.3833700000 711.4150000000 + 220.9908600000 682.1783300000 + 224.5064000000 651.9629700000 + 240.2597100000 631.3611700000 + 259.8617400000 612.6025300000 + 291.8538100000 556.7038500000 + 315.5213900000 537.5638700000 + 341.6366300000 520.1251900000 + 351.3713000000 458.7537200000 + 349.3318300000 431.3145400000 + 328.8046500000 412.4305500000 + 238.6485300000 266.5897800000 + 235.1402600000 287.9518300000 + 238.2073600000 303.4678500000 + 250.1390200000 303.7129000000 + 258.5167500000 297.4697300000 + 274.5530000000 291.2735700000 + 284.6623000000 280.7206300000 + 279.7328800000 267.8345500000 + 270.6847800000 255.5544000000 + 255.7380100000 249.1687200000 + 241.7269000000 256.7344800000 + 102.6613426793 310.3034822714 + 101.3085194188 318.2493030512 + 112.0199859524 297.0656354035 + 113.2634860591 307.6660645770 + 110.5542451442 316.4866326066 + 109.3066060834 325.9990809405 + 106.0348277188 336.2854728040 + 116.5042572132 338.3801748088 + 120.7168158750 291.1648258178 + 119.9871261758 301.2304104487 + 123.2974702111 310.3697254860 + 118.9363780852 319.3931647520 + 125.3165286748 326.9828577634 + 116.8925021136 330.0487791319 + 122.6336292354 346.0374095118 + 117.9233586841 355.3018433553 + 124.0825722370 364.1746029873 + 132.9653674038 292.6022650490 + 128.5148009831 300.2925229718 + 133.7391449463 308.8069966394 + 129.4182527781 318.1625524854 + 134.1735736587 327.1921876286 + 127.0776814664 336.6165982716 + 132.9098740608 345.2029250219 + 128.3172352452 354.8008686192 + 134.0479310830 363.5012126867 + 130.1938425000 372.9782970993 + 136.4106501870 381.9340249388 + 141.3457471768 272.6189890707 + 134.9230945409 279.2926551378 + 141.7803920843 288.5651493600 + 138.8692204751 299.6218964488 + 143.8780459208 308.3974031247 + 139.1819423654 317.6136295521 + 143.6749665904 326.9560791030 + 137.8501325220 336.1404836051 + 143.1698243684 345.0988255458 + 138.3566159089 354.1538826503 + 143.9443203540 362.5898000766 + 139.8891140056 372.1865041904 + 145.5484631018 381.1667883830 + 156.5290672883 261.8225429808 + 153.8666054934 272.3283775709 + 147.1714833984 280.3557760296 + 152.6017569528 289.3003849924 + 148.0558097144 298.2269594679 + 153.4665386459 308.1186548991 + 148.9126710066 317.4370859795 + 153.5583224892 326.6704727957 + 148.1294467334 335.9604458972 + 153.7264809366 344.7868997588 + 148.8341985269 353.8248395215 + 154.2337359472 362.7887487427 + 149.5174697610 371.3282254962 + 155.0746011786 379.3823092177 + 152.7740751102 388.2317171684 + 149.7112121743 397.9696942978 + 165.5122610594 257.4383628840 + 163.7900071380 269.9279157564 + 158.1036660873 280.3939760113 + 162.6534817145 289.9238728763 + 157.9453963981 298.8960285557 + 163.4188025518 308.0511097826 + 158.6738803643 317.1353148818 + 163.4545459772 326.5679804236 + 158.4407105756 335.7107279287 + 163.8040000412 344.6876932005 + 158.9670129319 353.8889679539 + 164.1909616077 362.8743835005 + 159.8066740405 371.7369508196 + 163.4547002803 383.2758543201 + 159.9531869585 394.2849890442 + 166.7490206079 401.5531934228 + 156.4594884980 404.6322694839 + 175.5333953485 252.5476237307 + 172.0736993339 262.8323349169 + 173.6371586984 273.2219833965 + 167.8075911925 280.6652201374 + 172.8439537324 290.6338083318 + 167.9863393977 299.3869074874 + 173.2007963035 308.5343514774 + 168.5927627212 317.2705987727 + 173.5121962499 326.4067048040 + 168.6423045430 335.6389639378 + 173.9207095574 344.6485278362 + 169.0437726068 353.6913455971 + 173.8293272339 363.2909100205 + 168.9027394414 372.9678150732 + 173.7208320197 381.6138421870 + 169.6407953010 391.2881496021 + 176.8902947174 398.7934604431 + 174.1444995156 408.3434362162 + 183.6528100629 256.7509222648 + 180.0580173697 265.3792462904 + 184.0161889268 274.3380545018 + 178.3469068226 282.6056421993 + 183.4178155846 291.5178991858 + 178.1824778100 299.8908225354 + 183.4882700621 308.9361108452 + 178.6293662186 317.6581861377 + 183.6973033756 326.8080059401 + 178.6992565694 335.6579196297 + 183.7940615738 344.7359317386 + 178.7760971467 353.9231405613 + 183.8586042836 362.9291942406 + 178.7044510665 372.0217601464 + 183.9353891292 380.4385403520 + 179.6790950487 389.4095781906 + 187.8016871899 396.7204243739 + 184.2623889465 405.5226310531 + 186.4945561584 247.1981117102 + 193.0546308082 256.5964419794 + 189.5579604425 265.8020159270 + 194.2876341663 275.0558742809 + 188.8449235059 283.3481782379 + 194.2124523770 292.0216729094 + 188.7522666786 300.2682611502 + 193.9472054412 309.1040807543 + 188.7522014912 317.8500152234 + 193.8009519414 326.6536120878 + 188.9382063309 335.5803217191 + 193.9026841980 344.9380135682 + 188.7290247562 353.9545105704 + 194.0761929487 362.7645986015 + 189.0405409331 371.7979105893 + 194.6473182294 380.8806511660 + 189.7603928124 388.1705909721 + 195.3746268647 402.4246076651 + 202.4190788745 235.2288340073 + 198.8270708139 250.1516084253 + 203.4426979517 258.6849522288 + 199.1542559593 266.6091063892 + 204.4685594468 275.0328281598 + 199.2315376510 283.4119370306 + 204.7455008820 292.1052051712 + 199.2310298786 300.4669595294 + 204.3779135927 309.1656858846 + 198.9576241181 317.7949574936 + 204.0182301005 326.6288617418 + 198.8673758030 335.6819058491 + 204.0262400659 344.7688345997 + 198.8915582839 353.8408342380 + 203.9665723344 362.9465584212 + 199.2133247670 371.8961385635 + 204.0103704774 381.6960191080 + 198.7443596131 392.0367417165 + 205.9229420832 399.4838024474 + 218.8754441950 230.0366381743 + 207.9755303144 228.4724879190 + 206.7028584518 243.5027638517 + 209.0413788986 251.3374106575 + 214.3276755318 258.4064457600 + 209.4582727284 266.4456527376 + 214.9498366641 274.8115099673 + 209.5640914616 283.7405298514 + 215.7598047499 291.8469114103 + 209.4874338671 300.6012700407 + 215.0392911217 309.1425661720 + 209.3424340717 317.9683300860 + 214.0888137261 326.6163216539 + 208.9788868157 335.5658928272 + 213.9768932924 344.7292125026 + 209.0593297426 353.7246159557 + 214.2265222581 362.7568241094 + 208.9974457975 372.0560974278 + 214.2112241034 380.4672707641 + 209.3920671062 389.7996513086 + 224.6308762719 398.4280877130 + 222.2618567620 205.8204119469 + 217.9962524927 213.5982008504 + 224.1420719050 221.8711919612 + 213.5146350505 237.6885466022 + 223.7432735956 238.9568395195 + 217.8950637335 247.5184728930 + 223.3473710502 257.1564643976 + 220.1228259591 267.0884611178 + 226.6290667156 276.6668862973 + 219.0706634718 282.7525655937 + 228.3847038519 298.2736637301 + 219.6693992363 300.2438613017 + 225.7998131449 308.4215395844 + 219.6527319420 317.5948427667 + 223.9704442391 327.1557589086 + 218.9042357922 335.7298228329 + 223.7797084015 345.0845386465 + 219.1189089895 353.7877756870 + 224.2927679846 362.3818529590 + 219.0673787287 371.4838695543 + 224.7168998213 380.0439911612 + 219.9135319364 388.4163204961 + 232.4788490701 400.2808922640 + 223.3851846613 661.5995905748 + 222.1766221691 671.9869423860 + 220.0970911021 692.1997783373 + 219.2164933752 702.0735439676 + 227.4167043548 710.2309619688 + 240.7086413885 188.6157641641 + 233.1615667712 204.3424718234 + 228.7940853073 213.4011127483 + 234.5773604240 222.1194266946 + 229.6677429775 230.7318667540 + 234.5250024410 239.5606687427 + 228.5540421036 248.2297665643 + 232.7683802617 257.5441027943 + 229.2556396187 266.7780494862 + 237.4484931425 273.8968707744 + 226.0110436166 288.2327913619 + 236.2765436180 281.0329362259 + 236.6137884131 295.4061993810 + 234.5429300154 311.6104548397 + 229.1071015088 318.9521677836 + 234.2489638066 327.8568817591 + 228.8143390741 336.2236245205 + 234.0711678435 345.1364848624 + 229.2981107521 353.6023820055 + 234.3160689204 362.2778304959 + 229.4178415616 371.2364295823 + 234.7056199271 379.8371534908 + 229.8688255265 388.8554267835 + 237.5343979176 393.8344942493 + 234.8828721798 638.3928692051 + 229.5637266458 645.3491198256 + 233.4056551436 656.4098669326 + 230.3530997365 666.5993431646 + 235.6001300716 673.7255212861 + 229.4686983264 679.6077267521 + 229.7665988003 689.5148178131 + 228.2633921348 700.0087869637 + 236.3099250866 707.2416121682 + 223.5372364959 719.9551464174 + 228.4191483601 728.0446540035 + 255.1267955088 174.6683988579 + 233.7869886140 193.2325675829 + 242.2461124989 201.9059455834 + 239.0278021046 212.4122329359 + 244.0422965193 221.9837102685 + 240.0890583200 231.4983178331 + 245.3693010614 241.6497756649 + 238.5955570230 248.1945095491 + 244.7419519160 311.3482448254 + 239.7608864645 319.7671763907 + 244.5595602129 328.2655564886 + 238.9939427775 336.3846951693 + 244.4935160392 345.0771942337 + 239.4651622690 353.6001186292 + 244.6978378953 361.9947103709 + 239.6099712786 370.6598429678 + 245.7173742549 378.5403606714 + 241.2793302082 386.2930714345 + 247.3096026993 395.4079502728 + 244.8017478393 640.2476377320 + 239.2276456231 648.1952772559 + 244.4607648203 656.4790302683 + 240.0359823120 664.5372279706 + 244.4629593544 674.5878457417 + 238.6919564503 684.3019573131 + 244.7830304612 692.4804087426 + 236.9128712532 696.4513677958 + 243.9055563494 713.0127501742 + 234.4965478765 718.3828446821 + 243.9788475888 723.1654797993 + 237.3231688614 728.4126162330 + 240.8706848377 744.2561945245 + 255.6279748406 189.3781280147 + 248.3135169598 194.9840800963 + 253.0697726303 203.9886704791 + 248.4670583257 212.5085635602 + 253.9469545441 221.8331983255 + 249.4961218105 231.0951636840 + 254.4628139870 239.8784614505 + 248.8449999431 252.8908276537 + 255.0759214842 312.0880858810 + 249.8086655931 320.0167665833 + 254.7088217684 328.1512751049 + 249.7456509953 336.8189329389 + 254.9864881916 345.2945656757 + 249.5935437692 353.6223483757 + 255.0592705234 362.2001268372 + 250.1579379672 370.3869157190 + 255.8482054600 379.2292949584 + 251.3217328263 387.3865617629 + 256.7905469667 397.4991738324 + 249.6589045239 404.9525645393 + 253.5503729121 618.6423464430 + 247.3028826975 624.6210343564 + 255.3720109458 639.6350744348 + 250.1038231724 648.6571976954 + 255.0312005750 657.2551466820 + 249.9600108551 665.7471472025 + 254.8384096086 674.7635638862 + 249.0021261105 683.2189257720 + 254.5300668919 690.9100548486 + 245.3052037236 702.9816153716 + 254.7359180234 709.6634941948 + 252.0778179112 718.4766682505 + 253.1174881386 728.3180154337 + 244.7930265310 734.4874048471 + 252.1321589141 740.6848813599 + 247.5744552130 751.0016096902 + 264.4970080255 173.7895964062 + 259.8358375694 181.9632491792 + 266.1029325948 188.8176742451 + 260.1252058251 197.1803575129 + 264.4374367045 205.3348346213 + 258.6997994794 213.1172641292 + 264.4279559191 222.1425522691 + 259.3696183554 230.6609070189 + 263.9055155092 240.3640377770 + 260.6375453718 251.2619391392 + 260.9754284493 304.9431924376 + 265.9796773206 311.8433558227 + 260.1208340068 319.9672068446 + 264.9534894603 328.1150214140 + 260.0345301678 336.6161730335 + 265.0651062322 345.1669279818 + 259.8453340144 353.8168778543 + 265.4730091998 362.3755753547 + 260.4335714859 370.8830292930 + 265.5072362630 379.9829168613 + 260.6713596996 388.8400853871 + 266.3001828999 399.1988679506 + 257.7052969089 407.4570305269 + 264.7138635240 604.1245759262 + 264.5619817067 621.2202281160 + 258.7305088996 629.0197508229 + 250.1392953496 632.5312995322 + 264.7587833088 638.7623666475 + 259.8892104889 648.2494548640 + 265.6591365814 657.3389775215 + 260.2510276475 666.1152216560 + 264.5138261630 675.4653719768 + 260.0436780837 683.7512210528 + 264.6960761846 693.7660142215 + 253.5845880190 699.3508095083 + 261.8004260841 702.9239761333 + 260.7541315099 720.1910650599 + 268.0248589615 726.3176005650 + 260.1763730922 733.5717874927 + 263.5460728044 742.5313302052 + 257.3215161944 749.4027672051 + 263.2486282192 763.2952295119 + 273.0523101160 155.0462000881 + 267.6663794423 160.1895179481 + 273.3553667854 169.7900980186 + 270.6257378753 180.0061993346 + 276.0033260424 187.8527723597 + 270.5298474701 196.8057894853 + 275.1339055550 205.2667506621 + 269.7495962092 213.7239487561 + 274.6750114713 222.4612191396 + 269.7343717079 231.2403799590 + 275.5758064228 239.4073173183 + 270.5867657628 246.4629999960 + 265.4612653049 253.3227677933 + 266.5161261149 294.3788942804 + 270.5570009392 302.4410535214 + 275.4901188178 310.6847991618 + 270.5656016075 319.9293132681 + 275.5900404681 327.9696974939 + 270.3152223929 336.6390254722 + 275.0720945834 345.2365791195 + 269.9095665959 353.8211412721 + 275.2032006044 362.5389518507 + 270.6179478654 371.1330004903 + 275.1570204389 379.8474543136 + 270.0370740374 389.4702413862 + 276.8224399151 396.8541625659 + 273.9642851478 406.6957025517 + 274.1052462761 587.7153251582 + 269.4811793204 595.7948035743 + 275.0269351089 604.4179339251 + 269.7776591812 613.1187562383 + 274.8288954835 621.8160463809 + 269.2733473506 629.9965601502 + 274.8332547034 639.1255890179 + 269.5452103193 648.1968995906 + 276.1001525688 658.1203259835 + 270.5346597500 666.4559557971 + 273.5630015980 676.1287721849 + 270.2383411613 685.3798843533 + 274.7731987801 696.6789729894 + 270.5866249471 704.2652390940 + 272.9453293753 718.6809060678 + 279.8571747175 725.4717279549 + 270.0143301276 734.8476322774 + 273.4138254808 744.4201681684 + 266.2429552569 752.7367825284 + 273.0215083946 759.9049756736 + 289.4906784395 147.8862969077 + 278.1687252943 161.6351666963 + 283.7113988878 168.8349140858 + 280.0515826462 178.1387722501 + 285.7953556288 186.5503326764 + 280.5626765884 196.1529200090 + 285.1903449951 204.5871135948 + 279.9595068381 213.7650766830 + 285.1098021553 222.4398023462 + 280.1752758814 231.0464333896 + 284.9290411908 240.7901177957 + 279.7271492645 250.2132316355 + 284.8662744621 259.0903779421 + 275.0621886232 261.4954522104 + 279.6988669484 285.9018800557 + 285.4856723153 292.9401882217 + 279.8866479801 300.6913163474 + 285.1994025702 309.7602700609 + 280.5877528360 319.0443003788 + 285.3721375616 327.8232227936 + 280.2157177866 336.5941979552 + 285.2878990163 345.0461334830 + 280.0220106086 353.6421003906 + 285.0401202433 362.1667409894 + 280.3030653019 371.7840964204 + 285.8640649713 381.0733418535 + 279.6538853893 388.1139293551 + 282.9081415744 403.5618342654 + 283.4659004091 571.3597654844 + 278.7958775662 579.5195410940 + 284.5216268733 587.3702962788 + 279.7942686678 595.9222783754 + 284.7629816016 604.4270489458 + 279.8036026669 613.0085435303 + 284.9942146645 621.7997954618 + 279.7112223130 630.6387832857 + 285.0676876522 640.1524783580 + 278.5331497192 648.2987267206 + 286.2576137519 656.7232687063 + 280.7600685557 669.3215629727 + 290.3603904319 674.6274654786 + 281.5880993619 679.8830021697 + 278.6398966766 735.5431051134 + 284.0192401009 743.7620402542 + 278.3870926493 752.7543467497 + 282.6556045457 763.3581838686 + 272.3896388709 768.8346771820 + 285.9134666001 779.1829762778 + 296.3403642741 155.8201050480 + 286.5347699362 157.4249410995 + 292.9031608087 166.2148924468 + 290.1227523263 176.6720680697 + 295.8416945740 185.5518743948 + 290.6102639536 195.2153998158 + 295.1307841778 204.0823832076 + 289.9302087558 213.5098973468 + 295.2454506650 222.2901909173 + 290.0749360592 231.3104692321 + 295.1142853025 240.5140273429 + 289.9760079578 249.9672520543 + 294.5110327698 258.7917305063 + 288.8246669709 269.2001950688 + 294.8813247226 276.1392042791 + 291.7927991268 285.3149769291 + 296.2997454006 293.3433985140 + 290.4461086348 301.3896943693 + 295.2567367893 310.0478381191 + 290.4814031408 318.6101695879 + 295.3159744108 327.3261429071 + 290.3512513657 336.2243493634 + 295.3066263567 344.6881574902 + 290.2150943888 353.4851968503 + 295.0105073052 361.9979871744 + 289.5776112661 370.7653629593 + 294.7098271387 378.5420338760 + 287.4750636857 392.5184888565 + 301.0593244638 394.2135046371 + 287.7774710148 563.8263015483 + 294.2850397077 569.5460995704 + 289.6568997506 578.7390241975 + 294.7664067054 587.1045065328 + 290.1833037690 595.8173479190 + 295.2000277789 604.3654369684 + 289.8724639885 613.0399899619 + 295.2598216365 621.4650935373 + 289.3754618653 630.3869816095 + 294.4569454842 637.8889667963 + 290.9995241790 649.4039712627 + 292.3469417341 663.8365082059 + 300.3218909824 674.2510087542 + 286.8604662804 687.2029553512 + 298.1432995834 734.2045430622 + 293.4125916091 742.6240897928 + 288.0212210735 753.1781275746 + 292.9419147833 761.8985418464 + 290.7976017026 771.3076667895 + 299.1623399213 778.7364696641 + 305.9662157888 156.3557502808 + 302.2267127300 165.7683784666 + 299.8176434166 175.7534382747 + 305.8006861103 185.5018940812 + 300.9638353233 194.4755540706 + 304.8806618835 203.5092751862 + 299.9268818307 213.0593470935 + 305.1295017503 222.0076151498 + 300.3724715390 231.1653594843 + 305.2706571009 240.1704187477 + 300.0368454655 249.2441453851 + 304.9890187241 257.5605634372 + 299.6595118729 266.8659603685 + 305.5021288890 274.8184491558 + 301.3421151900 283.8925065829 + 305.8934179709 292.3310072085 + 300.7523923049 301.6729270727 + 305.4515832688 310.1505647145 + 300.5340337023 318.8178745044 + 305.2826356024 327.1197727117 + 300.2197687072 335.9467736350 + 305.2362049864 344.5579313806 + 300.1627908082 353.4628013994 + 305.1655613830 362.0413462006 + 300.0295981580 370.1671890314 + 303.7072583540 379.5269861410 + 295.3683259912 387.3635813034 + 299.3268750827 401.9375083279 + 299.7719212024 550.3004707762 + 300.1865835716 560.4836585819 + 304.2793610346 569.5226871540 + 299.5905471735 578.2553943059 + 305.0470429043 586.3325579944 + 300.1232392683 595.3827212906 + 305.4926122683 604.0722330123 + 300.2698255862 612.8903082958 + 305.7847342305 621.5553306718 + 300.0539151875 629.6679431891 + 303.9758711248 638.7038769891 + 294.1640980723 685.0341494167 + 308.7146048075 735.5999970645 + 297.8471221675 751.5378379060 + 302.0947880631 760.1524292329 + 301.1733805689 769.7537014210 + 310.1733969179 776.1163945640 + 291.0601157303 784.4241541343 + 296.3105990216 789.7710732783 + 309.5423613574 176.2122363919 + 316.3827395244 185.4022144845 + 311.4955703967 194.3967050967 + 314.3331300059 203.5436386507 + 309.8388430062 212.7703691054 + 315.1264880390 222.4761208248 + 310.3588430317 231.2237037755 + 315.7286147590 239.9360055300 + 310.5638945168 248.6285130641 + 316.0918952281 256.8291223946 + 310.3131433149 265.5640593304 + 315.4209936373 273.7982524121 + 311.0188306104 283.1756590798 + 315.7591477618 291.5889293367 + 310.5952268416 301.0503134514 + 315.5856069870 309.6458067940 + 310.3608032515 318.4942770367 + 315.4053729774 327.2093359117 + 310.3696657463 335.8061064475 + 314.9651539992 344.6316805229 + 310.2688087726 353.2541978881 + 314.9364040250 362.4189452297 + 309.6226518287 371.0475945491 + 313.7665050464 380.1686651292 + 307.4961420378 387.6674860136 + 312.1364776736 395.4870416050 + 307.8895173902 543.7357679766 + 309.5501195695 553.0922999332 + 309.6187810805 561.6148301395 + 315.0738745400 568.7158306765 + 309.7379115995 577.3252292418 + 315.0130207929 586.0223447738 + 310.1295661052 595.1646040024 + 315.5996920357 603.9477438991 + 310.6329224181 612.4995773687 + 315.7473399192 620.7853808353 + 310.4031424649 630.9768064081 + 316.4061956887 640.0689703339 + 304.7642297226 743.6724998302 + 308.3432799102 753.3947087832 + 317.1729041842 757.2531652259 + 310.2458727541 764.9034459541 + 314.8211435724 786.3002026966 + 305.8933042996 785.9997277369 + 322.2910019203 792.2160475200 + 318.9893769798 175.7556390736 + 322.4722551428 194.2463157927 + 323.0083013008 204.4604434644 + 331.4890482231 202.4770182951 + 318.9389065341 213.2629698022 + 325.1399069369 222.4427989660 + 321.0238143861 231.4355774347 + 326.9639585789 240.2151815830 + 321.4312487162 248.0486661706 + 327.0012366621 255.9155600745 + 320.9308307246 264.8019645813 + 325.3946775342 273.5691545641 + 320.7529740497 282.3709062543 + 325.4578824206 291.6215883637 + 320.8686473408 300.4669714252 + 325.4015843957 309.6343622453 + 320.5498807000 318.3984616391 + 325.3651286328 327.1539623251 + 320.1767864431 335.8983859342 + 324.8756446439 345.1763951524 + 320.0663267078 353.7786109649 + 324.8958098001 362.9428396139 + 319.7298341316 371.6385989982 + 324.2848734948 380.6404266409 + 318.7324314177 388.6789563309 + 322.7873721277 397.9256936983 + 307.5316467524 403.1550666372 + 324.2045698912 531.7656006559 + 317.2715634815 547.3848855455 + 325.7225596045 551.5915373515 + 319.1673065023 558.5804884068 + 324.7341924679 567.5491932827 + 319.9222503597 576.8868315615 + 324.6989707335 585.7114714727 + 319.9969824335 594.8741260332 + 325.7659067311 603.4333898756 + 321.1182244660 612.3309195643 + 326.5965391638 621.2498039632 + 319.4411984558 628.8529357089 + 326.4844833071 742.2701402017 + 315.9595352751 746.3717335225 + 326.0220118981 761.5274967855 + 318.6015457422 768.4994674674 + 321.1706693249 777.6991662763 + 310.2818675393 796.6728178280 + 333.3591296822 192.8510132021 + 340.2906608235 201.4095166131 + 328.7582203519 212.9551936328 + 334.9001922817 221.6719071276 + 331.4501072411 231.3062353835 + 338.4542182826 239.9820159934 + 333.3943155122 247.9618849919 + 338.3409628592 255.6558415814 + 331.1171334298 264.3393343206 + 334.9644452974 273.4059168000 + 330.4920681474 282.4314646303 + 334.7517410479 291.9610462408 + 330.4885818542 301.0281211666 + 335.4601562226 309.5737563147 + 330.3794846524 318.2740491388 + 334.9911268442 327.1298863193 + 330.0154087162 336.0630113583 + 334.6938829891 344.9128825871 + 329.8325223109 353.8465702732 + 334.7185509635 362.9448267335 + 329.5123516967 371.9834952703 + 334.0852846590 381.1688307673 + 328.9421208806 390.1512023213 + 332.2399915755 400.8039056051 + 322.8240580164 408.5858830344 + 335.4439115154 418.5383421110 + 333.2628407453 534.8575242234 + 326.4834737544 541.9609903827 + 334.8512513944 550.6947996329 + 330.0962100975 559.8777729231 + 335.2257103458 568.3581008250 + 329.7965393980 576.5841895576 + 334.4538835320 585.4119494360 + 330.0207406193 594.3726231242 + 336.1766518519 602.6235475196 + 331.4788140725 611.7939067730 + 337.3465503475 619.8070475592 + 325.0124218714 634.1433492499 + 326.0946947835 752.0450165093 + 335.4393704552 759.6719353438 + 328.9597262528 770.5586776614 + 332.9858403593 779.7029632251 + 344.3934583051 791.9708871241 + 337.8885627682 211.5078547701 + 344.2313836511 220.1057471412 + 341.3823489680 230.2754053769 + 348.7588817395 238.4399756939 + 346.0745544553 248.0571942737 + 348.5514564691 258.2776347892 + 340.9451682468 265.0192730168 + 343.9751066580 274.4150481851 + 340.1790299935 283.2018923715 + 344.0411434439 292.0547986906 + 340.6319199569 300.8745645765 + 345.5378930718 309.7248770992 + 340.3398663127 318.2265609251 + 344.7780588044 327.4036659066 + 339.7036919929 336.0239679301 + 344.6147672996 344.9766639394 + 339.5998483361 353.9464281376 + 344.4376738251 362.9152675984 + 339.2134679480 371.7103683548 + 343.9752214787 380.6865427712 + 338.2928676624 390.4315794719 + 342.7194904650 398.5526868540 + 338.2360334348 408.2002630589 + 345.0969998289 415.2571338455 + 342.2283900359 424.7797266819 + 344.8421925228 499.9159703550 + 343.1934254937 510.3104938741 + 333.3761000147 525.6412311715 + 342.6571504064 532.2940877314 + 338.6591191976 542.3657670006 + 344.7778568581 551.6170687455 + 340.2273690883 560.1664355589 + 346.1095683156 569.0174008962 + 339.9140574432 576.9565788335 + 344.2845561871 585.4185986330 + 339.9310004202 593.8444297677 + 350.5591782534 593.3774150357 + 342.0260315325 610.5015803442 + 335.3890190532 748.0911520337 + 345.6780817425 763.5719682893 + 338.7719152896 770.5705997578 + 349.0698190961 773.3299726269 + 343.2676213866 780.7435895514 + 346.8943173060 209.5631864704 + 353.4941686404 217.7121580334 + 350.7788202541 228.1791062657 + 358.8701089257 234.7864928191 + 357.9601124129 244.0352288558 + 357.6330511329 263.4141410039 + 350.5164134162 268.7720256899 + 358.2070693972 274.5167776208 + 350.1941721729 281.0775421462 + 352.1560417627 291.0948840183 + 350.7884130007 300.9708824891 + 355.6040591329 310.3579507717 + 350.5757873323 318.7506584030 + 354.6351322336 327.1237716457 + 349.3961481063 336.0136568833 + 354.2783667058 345.4546313996 + 349.5497194792 354.0490242163 + 354.5006460014 362.8747777561 + 349.2701095487 371.7220680766 + 354.0414378626 380.3820619387 + 348.3099438142 389.1285548519 + 353.3157447459 397.3927809901 + 349.0608030017 406.3260316122 + 355.2973335958 414.0096221649 + 351.7337245858 422.7575602599 + 357.7248199318 432.2882502288 + 349.9893421847 440.1607574919 + 350.6550727984 449.1175463345 + 349.8278342793 468.4843796089 + 348.1842109594 478.8464750131 + 354.8236684971 485.2132239481 + 346.4733485425 489.6324740757 + 354.3845016857 496.9811758095 + 351.2774291172 506.3502396945 + 352.5412817183 516.1720408838 + 349.3832283414 525.4115126808 + 353.7422331126 534.4058899568 + 348.4158423385 542.3963271868 + 354.4653785753 552.4785383732 + 350.6151922893 561.3390321290 + 357.2554045155 572.2299491067 + 350.2103052982 577.7970818240 + 351.7260807049 754.7907919048 + 355.6421121938 764.8500961797 + 358.1761010090 774.7046515880 + 352.7224417565 784.1981113344 + 360.1829044299 294.8320373442 + 366.5619840195 309.2781517202 + 361.1785426284 318.7616913424 + 364.0024950116 328.7127531956 + 359.1051964645 336.6660630664 + 364.2166465888 345.6704226244 + 359.5019478839 354.1889544753 + 364.6275315256 362.5634836312 + 359.2444236479 371.5936117770 + 364.3941901525 379.9367430641 + 358.8370320595 388.7861695100 + 364.2016720603 396.9963809643 + 359.4676902511 405.4368653083 + 365.3217635659 413.9166507080 + 360.9900031585 422.6991400903 + 365.9841571403 431.5949811827 + 359.1502231153 442.1040710920 + 365.5316540292 448.4736989932 + 358.9104911669 454.2372991361 + 360.7236742106 465.0104278512 + 357.5356957868 474.9582488595 + 364.5780546835 482.3786501564 + 361.6118471210 491.2780448674 + 364.8282149575 500.3013519504 + 359.5735406201 508.0219287833 + 363.7748676454 517.0395472436 + 358.9694207877 525.3758366113 + 363.9574804801 534.6696316568 + 358.7789254322 543.5639779956 + 364.2087458527 552.7638219034 + 360.1254540235 562.3253751121 + 366.4338688304 571.1277783493 + 361.3548127551 583.4599076239 + 360.0630510898 756.0380749666 + 366.1447268289 765.9030745922 + 363.4179918727 783.4405273444 + 359.5834991779 793.1392052268 + 370.8506170934 322.7548271495 + 373.6319284416 331.0714947984 + 368.7654408433 337.7408937054 + 375.0572968345 344.7708318007 + 369.9295266460 353.5217770841 + 374.6388288982 362.3797278189 + 369.4838337147 371.1155639722 + 374.4722409687 379.5059530665 + 368.9416140285 388.3752186206 + 374.5002721815 396.5617813750 + 369.5288296501 405.1377527048 + 375.3128659941 413.7862304248 + 370.5481564838 422.5718083935 + 375.4310331044 431.1316227059 + 369.5927324593 440.0189769037 + 374.5523046939 448.9032147577 + 368.1617335066 457.6850548718 + 372.8546700041 465.6611250996 + 367.7186512400 473.5323163199 + 374.3283528242 482.1657630133 + 370.7060874604 491.2165372801 + 374.8532114945 500.0632876684 + 369.7589839648 508.8374494750 + 374.3107615440 517.6329368699 + 369.1416738024 525.8670798540 + 374.3800278181 535.1168831435 + 368.9343830808 543.5738200564 + 373.8347394148 552.0603646259 + 370.2227354698 562.0049221208 + 379.3244665054 568.3646003258 + 375.1498783045 575.5354238423 + 367.8170105494 757.1981345385 + 368.0829143110 774.6537218353 + 374.4543950983 781.0544398655 + 369.2432584707 791.2367752327 + 388.4551486285 326.7428611346 + 380.9913236864 335.5162708343 + 384.9696755011 344.7494744207 + 379.9054294397 353.5207624273 + 384.8314035056 362.1840340515 + 379.7174745622 370.9210960455 + 384.4280504172 379.2956719127 + 379.2475812109 387.8561985177 + 384.6592621250 396.4241386327 + 379.7939199563 405.1174729525 + 385.2258595272 413.8045627134 + 380.3230190923 422.3987253470 + 385.0338211535 431.3396946869 + 379.5570884895 440.2010227735 + 384.2219491552 448.9347310467 + 378.7764695366 457.5277919750 + 383.6232832299 465.9742437386 + 378.3913052576 473.9782205024 + 384.4317340635 482.7006632875 + 380.0707187730 491.2803365419 + 384.8327424768 500.1515900259 + 379.9073040834 508.8100481785 + 384.7349071071 518.0737804762 + 379.5363950060 526.6178370909 + 384.7396601703 535.4383156510 + 379.5610531238 543.9991693801 + 384.6222265452 552.4650074945 + 379.5148298852 559.6929390648 + 386.3660461632 575.7033668145 + 379.9246535705 583.4291960191 + 376.9121686812 769.3593083836 + 387.5591323321 770.9536410934 + 384.2435233190 779.3051793841 + 390.5906942119 336.4881507632 + 395.0678863792 345.3417356131 + 390.1345077577 353.7520259526 + 394.9798287576 362.1796719783 + 390.0551809275 370.7458053585 + 394.9165680279 379.2146316640 + 389.5905683601 387.4934014143 + 394.7790513443 396.2818282780 + 389.8995247326 404.8488999705 + 395.1868153477 413.7321303700 + 390.2672764342 422.5585237023 + 394.8453495974 431.4811609290 + 389.5935515716 440.3382062502 + 394.2345089407 449.0252261248 + 388.8962156684 457.5883915742 + 394.0295384372 465.9965804408 + 389.2112608597 474.5769453277 + 394.7093643002 482.7816881886 + 389.9023004478 491.3194566318 + 395.2205980245 500.3650683320 + 389.7715352248 509.1051426301 + 394.9293027058 518.0849821326 + 389.9040713846 526.6622426153 + 394.9840715643 535.9009736477 + 389.9401281804 544.3198309334 + 394.1554114234 554.1670531519 + 388.4551749793 563.5975985256 + 394.3739282088 571.8023911690 + 390.5818795223 585.5676158677 + 385.5137616391 761.8670659663 + 395.6180556276 776.7377076052 + 388.3153921832 788.0711423740 + 400.3321079795 337.3938726002 + 405.2170919820 345.2911343483 + 400.0590357240 353.5720510013 + 405.3118583639 362.0205293899 + 400.1110860669 370.3970731021 + 405.2207680824 378.9955867885 + 400.0716924172 387.5317389496 + 405.0457659810 396.3254927016 + 400.0748991991 404.8018583901 + 404.9327256319 413.8155038281 + 399.9657039781 422.4650289116 + 404.7241921148 431.2558125727 + 399.7697874269 440.1195305603 + 404.6881070879 448.7915504227 + 399.2391812629 457.3280485575 + 404.6289673034 466.0889226108 + 399.5820064639 474.5049302649 + 404.9865221683 482.9544195214 + 400.1863490332 491.4991073525 + 405.1907277924 500.5653720783 + 400.1710615463 509.3661052260 + 405.0808786871 518.4371262129 + 400.3357166276 527.2022214772 + 405.0527142899 536.4515651748 + 399.7452670341 545.2976081108 + 404.6534610871 553.7900814264 + 399.1349671320 562.5642086433 + 404.3810484085 570.7714965830 + 399.6878939401 579.4511422163 + 410.2627270352 586.5188813371 + 395.9309197865 765.5350005071 + 406.0379558707 777.3261052912 + 397.1726100076 786.8518382633 + 404.3985340298 328.0797458837 + 409.9428951111 336.4603759906 + 415.5983446027 344.3501590710 + 410.6467521150 353.1445034190 + 415.6319945049 361.8587219257 + 410.3473554571 370.5180641335 + 415.1511211072 378.9420600986 + 410.4273112489 387.4452804978 + 415.3402417752 396.1966013728 + 410.1466930162 404.9224214080 + 414.9208342052 413.5975591418 + 410.1288509649 422.5055083550 + 414.8262679632 431.0839123181 + 409.9932615750 439.8775949747 + 414.6967167505 448.7224796673 + 409.5172268496 457.3211280411 + 414.9175666354 465.9874923196 + 409.8507712147 474.3459536503 + 415.0583472917 483.1966755737 + 410.1619099102 491.9106994056 + 415.4095286933 501.0401622446 + 410.0295381683 509.5488153633 + 415.1806163311 518.7883182612 + 410.2674268732 527.6400651781 + 415.0752006054 536.7718412578 + 410.3414064116 545.5935540973 + 415.7189417926 555.2804890936 + 409.8191720592 562.2655944982 + 414.4276022389 569.5931812704 + 410.8911498478 578.2033543988 + 418.9831710765 321.3197756010 + 419.5791773115 334.8776899172 + 425.2968237643 343.7195548130 + 420.4883610037 352.7662314215 + 425.3019312799 361.3323050402 + 420.5812356096 370.2401126849 + 425.3658599196 379.0333637526 + 420.3147044127 387.6536382775 + 425.1648644348 396.1423388466 + 420.1318338801 405.1147179620 + 425.3648729844 413.6819747631 + 420.1373879093 422.2609318775 + 424.8101979605 430.8498505786 + 420.0071374623 439.8839044145 + 425.1547412394 448.3134393993 + 419.7334073360 457.0315452730 + 425.0045934931 465.9118296372 + 419.9370311163 474.5267291743 + 425.1920173194 483.3484161220 + 420.1329413305 492.1303363048 + 425.1088875187 500.9835536115 + 420.0554195971 509.9391118659 + 424.9053676793 518.7850016702 + 420.2143823106 528.0753086059 + 425.0331702760 536.8961339047 + 420.2223814072 546.1192627253 + 425.6958437885 555.0356510277 + 422.0682654495 564.6001126138 + 422.1200911748 575.6698355698 + 419.9933449668 585.2510496132 + 430.7882228597 308.7118411613 + 433.3784635697 324.7691563536 + 424.8276579746 326.6632605259 + 429.7582162989 334.5775513214 + 435.0165352657 343.6787718706 + 430.3685581291 352.6227838780 + 435.2428603694 361.3695589230 + 430.4451355617 370.0418536814 + 435.4597139368 379.0466545821 + 430.4545208232 387.6891894447 + 435.3102455632 396.3803363938 + 430.2432534641 404.8901163435 + 435.3473433522 413.6005619762 + 430.2888493320 422.6211074935 + 435.2491933152 431.0926420587 + 429.9549607599 439.6854808219 + 435.0686381326 448.7061194915 + 429.9918052484 457.3555760320 + 435.3264831744 465.8756975285 + 430.3216203544 474.4984686148 + 435.1250449791 483.4811103392 + 430.2817202396 492.1706183019 + 435.2399326644 501.0585225630 + 430.1501034823 509.9874355066 + 435.1361645268 519.1264771229 + 430.0537734906 527.8630772226 + 435.0593892214 536.8392447111 + 430.2360670850 545.5855707117 + 435.6762613553 553.6347517236 + 431.9005894095 563.6076712342 + 440.9954828173 570.0892411036 + 431.1762479448 573.3250002893 + 442.1178862066 308.7029015714 + 436.8683653691 316.6793370232 + 443.3407553341 325.7249395044 + 439.0014010583 334.1715178737 + 444.6322683454 343.1401863749 + 440.1949414141 352.5087085516 + 445.2196171587 361.1089158654 + 440.4394995081 369.8782574556 + 445.4835597780 378.8152690448 + 440.5205147365 387.4929367978 + 445.4796601628 396.2417881934 + 440.3677919486 405.3240225081 + 445.1456456990 413.8931811380 + 440.4344218286 422.4065310285 + 445.4837329465 431.3276066563 + 439.8778725532 439.9031326991 + 445.0597775822 448.6223987487 + 440.2353767149 457.3356392125 + 445.0523758620 465.9029692306 + 440.1605312117 474.8030224508 + 445.2688630932 483.4627240239 + 440.2073248958 492.1965980306 + 445.2665057804 501.3193788114 + 440.1013670206 510.1348909353 + 445.2844066335 518.9582494114 + 440.1511275720 527.7728881493 + 445.5084238655 536.6295994402 + 440.5048170502 545.4464464286 + 446.4201225473 553.9477740577 + 441.4364111186 561.1174466350 + 449.5312848961 575.2298765533 + 439.7257522072 579.6117263197 + 447.5855534060 299.8914507565 + 451.1748735017 309.3488772333 + 447.6061180494 317.7322042980 + 454.1053778368 325.7499408575 + 449.0038698204 334.2392548597 + 454.4120703599 343.3431184399 + 449.8210448892 352.3151247184 + 455.4224402976 360.9859655357 + 450.3611395263 369.8504337571 + 455.5864893648 378.7686392921 + 450.4653853684 387.4557224045 + 455.2763120709 396.1960375509 + 450.2603784693 405.4421318395 + 455.5105894009 413.7929500985 + 450.4833233386 422.3740817303 + 455.5032983748 430.9991187528 + 449.9677994545 439.9577187772 + 455.1976400349 448.5557890404 + 450.2911233296 457.2534498307 + 455.2203376202 466.0523441672 + 450.2602230375 474.5956038707 + 455.3578262079 483.5265374834 + 450.4250340485 492.6513286122 + 455.2406705023 501.3233810128 + 450.1938581183 510.3145647150 + 455.3041295320 519.0368744265 + 450.3663484598 527.9299863994 + 455.5446808823 536.7465702865 + 450.8414612076 545.5163923080 + 456.2777886501 554.7171338458 + 450.6895512905 564.4608770450 + 459.1488816317 570.9320107109 + 458.6547817888 305.9627543414 + 465.9394842499 310.7765469092 + 458.6140848331 317.2492018478 + 464.2029359939 325.8486740281 + 459.3590702455 334.7330908785 + 464.8148465118 343.2941630354 + 460.0037760896 352.1243376786 + 465.4920489258 361.1625154319 + 460.3140843995 369.7113147506 + 465.3930860509 378.6040629514 + 460.4646160535 387.4757483918 + 465.4088990068 396.2308930521 + 460.3411301278 404.7760367364 + 465.6399928843 413.4817739437 + 460.4983198229 422.2151585893 + 465.2805975324 430.8832058699 + 460.2635092673 439.6353055111 + 465.2852433054 448.4338139973 + 460.3457764264 457.3335882885 + 465.4921148684 466.2390341061 + 460.5092844368 474.8510142494 + 465.4296571750 483.6181253516 + 460.2335442510 492.4211560630 + 465.2991609674 501.2348409833 + 460.3954094131 510.1631689744 + 465.4569018433 519.0769236302 + 460.4812515104 528.0302141558 + 465.3056682906 536.8692043068 + 461.0849622382 546.3962861468 + 467.8066326106 555.6126759030 + 460.8179117943 562.1918073401 + 469.4644312605 293.0863182718 + 468.1290000254 301.6563715231 + 475.2315507501 308.6218957962 + 470.1659634153 318.3053568078 + 475.0375504455 326.3813529394 + 469.5915414603 334.7037955642 + 474.9556580118 343.4810253364 + 470.0313756907 352.2072665556 + 475.3900766265 360.9657448456 + 470.6203344073 369.9342816845 + 475.4314051176 378.6651977560 + 470.4528877755 387.4750492762 + 475.4446449523 396.2136164070 + 470.4817740966 404.6379903473 + 475.5651951945 413.5988918608 + 470.6765801385 422.0097668203 + 475.5707251511 431.0727171587 + 470.4620069877 439.8888934440 + 475.3387320540 448.6682117697 + 470.2507209549 457.2759685524 + 475.7582834555 466.1610511801 + 470.6725722451 474.9144211830 + 475.6354282856 483.6972971469 + 470.2856757464 492.4873324657 + 475.3738848807 501.1203381470 + 470.3705161068 510.2649042590 + 475.5669185950 518.7288151939 + 470.3960624387 527.7336328599 + 475.1080041739 536.1015607061 + 470.3328219968 545.8891377898 + 477.7439318044 553.0593761431 + 469.3688998763 566.3649376126 + 488.2631680171 288.4488690490 + 478.6469733066 298.7251373162 + 484.8776058349 307.7281726045 + 480.1505076216 317.0865978319 + 484.9535781985 326.1986176163 + 479.8417344307 335.0426053913 + 485.1869740025 343.4318844779 + 480.4153012535 352.1396172778 + 485.3944809891 361.0256675434 + 480.5337815792 370.0256958175 + 485.5314675270 378.6337140610 + 480.3473686536 387.2389496151 + 485.5784926742 396.2299820660 + 480.5407814946 404.9452676589 + 485.7244191991 413.6747155362 + 480.6933498858 422.4212403409 + 485.6619832838 431.1412653975 + 480.4584441744 439.8605434336 + 485.6626543140 448.6017049048 + 480.6114939248 457.4049925384 + 485.9244677722 466.3325064316 + 480.8403150886 474.9929167876 + 485.8661086942 483.7987912625 + 480.5856410180 492.5654870032 + 485.6715275895 500.9139796968 + 480.8208377650 509.9576962846 + 485.6195215096 518.6758376012 + 480.5864530024 527.6795578163 + 485.7405551209 536.9068691991 + 479.4918405848 543.9154687935 + 487.5734627358 547.8172481045 + 486.3035578670 558.6293436686 + 501.3667079935 268.3963824275 + 486.5884253179 279.3096585248 + 496.0722777735 290.4162589866 + 488.9873376513 298.5022450183 + 494.5433316845 308.0282886027 + 489.9907537839 317.1323411566 + 495.2631427293 325.9123228019 + 489.9510060964 334.8122810359 + 495.2023544611 343.6102538804 + 490.4401096107 352.1230523408 + 495.5103648406 361.1915875514 + 490.4656962571 369.8868819597 + 495.7629949370 378.7953220574 + 490.6773979165 387.6812765331 + 495.7888097249 396.1905789934 + 490.7338384102 404.8340903296 + 495.8097963323 413.6530873440 + 490.8313647487 422.4714575033 + 495.8606371311 431.0933395913 + 490.7098755816 439.8085789471 + 495.6018497702 448.5906410054 + 490.7683881124 457.2594834690 + 495.8391545512 466.1564309158 + 491.0621634827 475.2548166752 + 496.1233775220 483.8927280970 + 490.8572236626 492.4028920190 + 495.8580443941 501.2012773387 + 490.9472698241 509.8001467590 + 495.8661267840 518.1705602163 + 490.0102114324 526.9993894758 + 494.7570372946 534.8943947427 + 496.0917064740 543.7340560172 + 493.5857235834 555.2132168097 + 509.6674559623 266.5793650999 + 496.9554871715 279.9294392043 + 504.9392944629 289.1695356627 + 499.4446095546 299.6694946813 + 504.8462238096 308.4932801737 + 500.0160645557 317.3148194738 + 505.4454436190 326.3198445089 + 500.3002620915 334.7903745861 + 505.2400420632 343.6127206808 + 500.6162342861 352.5295755024 + 505.7363592072 361.3243062446 + 500.7114278622 370.3414293264 + 505.7090710379 379.0328730101 + 500.6745038118 387.7591040687 + 506.1217253215 396.2574841528 + 500.7823766214 404.9276654428 + 506.2916218493 413.6456080096 + 501.0949919016 422.2705812641 + 505.8811230401 431.0221968658 + 500.7830301130 439.7140408408 + 505.6734964620 448.4023549789 + 500.6677201686 457.4602943261 + 505.7847546398 466.3923434496 + 501.0385729252 475.0785479837 + 506.0067196417 483.9549465874 + 501.3704201175 492.6529403101 + 506.1174034349 501.7408315486 + 501.3100914609 509.8748523454 + 506.5655035581 518.7147094807 + 500.4912991421 526.5749647142 + 503.9655716740 535.9836414550 + 506.7944008725 545.0569537896 + 514.0213584477 274.0414678528 + 506.4838571474 279.0654120419 + 514.0143050478 291.0506505758 + 509.2419894711 299.4436413987 + 514.8536078334 308.6598165416 + 510.1464479560 317.6816632642 + 515.4422680869 326.3731157097 + 510.4391075955 335.1410464636 + 515.6416163546 343.8098293947 + 510.6493402249 352.4074647547 + 515.7805035928 361.6470545692 + 510.7687745405 370.3457846505 + 516.0375161356 378.9258098619 + 510.9352949556 387.6723336961 + 515.9045527961 396.2388162704 + 510.8915239168 404.9143029247 + 516.2411453905 413.7011628895 + 511.1733830717 422.2596917088 + 516.0965163005 430.6996729772 + 510.6593039339 439.6995992729 + 515.6557031688 448.5368741198 + 510.4757472676 457.4475617915 + 515.6884139549 466.3746722597 + 511.0450363968 475.4539177858 + 516.1956644880 484.3336693596 + 511.5329646693 492.9393893879 + 515.6257582145 502.3346917940 + 511.8518965910 510.8677709571 + 516.9608733737 519.9976368372 + 510.4719261250 527.8894567851 + 513.6390332766 537.4217488327 + 528.3345437398 265.7756327534 + 523.6050085953 274.2081330705 + 517.6079244623 282.8884855122 + 523.9067899371 291.4199355178 + 519.5132238965 300.0171414209 + 525.2514402143 308.8258413803 + 520.0197432354 317.4767210259 + 525.7706263213 326.2342515058 + 520.7451733197 335.1879358131 + 525.5114268917 343.9969655819 + 520.5521081834 352.8334144004 + 525.9194273953 361.5486440140 + 520.8210640305 370.1164555863 + 526.0595449210 378.5877186991 + 521.3076215587 387.4122532396 + 526.2058782547 396.4049162934 + 521.3004732666 405.0852745359 + 526.5845519437 413.3681682926 + 521.4712479069 422.0678087549 + 526.4164846420 430.7428069339 + 520.6182835579 439.5703714410 + 525.6546011996 448.3319893011 + 520.6007447408 457.3792712630 + 525.5941016133 466.3990679666 + 521.0470157371 475.7082241942 + 526.2594374963 485.1386395730 + 521.8075372665 493.0729466382 + 524.3426973581 501.9480040419 + 522.7358182499 511.9393154207 + 526.8433485892 522.6923013221 + 520.2420781414 530.0560353940 + 537.9666206769 267.0088406262 + 533.3987481903 274.9381220577 + 528.5741511658 283.1032076529 + 534.5068601309 291.7341605877 + 529.9175947573 300.1627459123 + 535.7094524690 308.6238581512 + 530.5547533346 317.6890429526 + 535.7862025350 326.6446323392 + 530.8355816201 335.2377315243 + 535.4684117907 344.2331319446 + 530.9224002012 353.0014817173 + 536.4357322561 361.8581302725 + 531.1306459451 370.1510476914 + 536.4504308792 378.8919223618 + 531.3266284581 387.6054152828 + 536.0958241513 396.2019987099 + 531.5410747528 405.0928518170 + 537.8136372191 413.3182856351 + 531.7781326924 421.7385446946 + 536.3046466135 430.3158481066 + 530.4111462845 439.6104913741 + 535.3938186775 448.7330910862 + 530.4193962307 457.5923812771 + 535.4908791577 466.5167016041 + 530.5957735884 475.4211713002 + 535.5408118136 484.4046032426 + 532.4308258742 495.6468380456 + 539.3495358857 506.9908456940 + 531.2869575463 506.0722436769 + 543.8677413252 275.9254569791 + 539.2177553091 283.7751211038 + 545.4404420519 291.1867959440 + 540.4185667923 299.8645419559 + 545.9373283174 308.4474356291 + 540.7321724145 317.6207707459 + 546.0688905894 326.5375013077 + 541.0856813109 335.4843381754 + 545.6106268342 344.0596779322 + 541.1743695145 353.0936240018 + 547.1853852513 361.6867154846 + 541.4265742491 370.6061186970 + 547.2970098189 379.8192048245 + 541.7789136652 387.2120862150 + 545.3692244266 395.1119895107 + 542.0362529698 404.6543872743 + 549.0763127301 412.4935357843 + 542.4095533161 421.4779685609 + 545.9643450726 430.4203557297 + 540.2185486913 439.6727348934 + 545.7172808992 448.5178274512 + 540.2219465927 457.2871603763 + 545.5841177231 466.1661569087 + 540.5303498774 475.1028347997 + 545.7162782512 483.2099713827 + 540.9579880831 491.5069585013 + 555.2610254546 272.4980961180 + 550.8087302133 282.3192898734 + 556.1236942681 291.0113538422 + 550.7349422852 299.6999313435 + 555.8070401012 308.2798772801 + 550.4186248036 317.3397348876 + 556.1284046508 326.2606550527 + 551.7547740956 334.9381639040 + 555.0438495852 343.6570266362 + 551.0425741574 353.0143328662 + 557.9705036748 361.4424815988 + 551.0958156644 370.7545993641 + 557.0881617978 379.9197897809 + 553.4349212664 389.7096738157 + 561.0872522362 397.2359917395 + 551.7873742440 400.8939535936 + 560.2657530533 415.9511455081 + 552.4081873207 422.1280336358 + 555.5038022368 431.7192487071 + 549.3869974990 439.9390562179 + 556.0466481610 449.8798953355 + 550.1537509602 457.7644739326 + 555.8980177495 466.8596138295 + 550.7408564668 474.7298767371 + 556.3599217152 482.5418016939 + 544.7425684256 499.4921353444 + 558.7806106068 262.1914731658 + 564.8617750735 272.7342127231 + 560.9361190569 282.1449853874 + 566.2599962891 291.6085811058 + 561.0991135611 299.9688693382 + 565.7594540460 308.6228777707 + 560.0942058463 317.4030916764 + 566.6185294842 325.7843479813 + 562.6469221276 334.2861090161 + 563.8453342311 343.1518026938 + 560.7645593017 352.5785031908 + 568.8064322057 363.8552927591 + 559.8772533490 370.5971275638 + 567.9910520662 370.9969063314 + 564.0767769552 387.8910679530 + 562.6751693748 425.6414272622 + 557.9864076141 441.1163781171 + 566.0049537199 445.9074037183 + 559.4234802090 458.9036918874 + 566.7547043951 455.2475371695 + 561.9041299542 474.0270363608 + 569.9890862927 256.3971322809 + 570.3008261128 264.9601336501 + 574.9704312941 275.4229829445 + 570.9607514132 283.6010124067 + 576.5489160916 292.9912481511 + 571.7986402258 301.0349437386 + 576.2449391366 310.4886368483 + 569.5447258239 317.1619800972 + 574.6813985202 331.3531040965 + 572.6708883452 339.8067539764 + 569.6172889626 356.7532978247 + 580.7974420526 259.7877355493 + 580.1419164754 268.6199194368 + 586.8062016616 275.9350692972 + 581.3774363629 283.9424850114 + 586.2535303437 292.6389549927 + 582.0037743138 303.3898559577 + 591.7390124785 310.0658377063 + 584.5830004859 315.8782296746 + 580.7439612219 250.8372851385 + 591.2796424856 256.8345506939 + 590.2186590812 266.5011679126 + 596.8991869600 276.1239213913 + 592.4766132075 284.6687411857 + 597.2754890526 293.3802408148 + 590.7518680759 300.6491384031 + 590.1953557060 245.9512860952 + 598.7122595645 250.2497620451 + 603.7498147083 257.9696086821 + 600.0020063900 266.1694670024 + 606.6210111120 274.7256083888 + 603.3347605060 285.8070746419 + 606.8627250791 297.7817686267 + 599.3953127008 303.8470921305 + 613.2427869136 239.5134215651 + 608.2592411307 247.9588815861 + 613.9004277541 256.7956662605 + 611.7025735402 266.2499204004 + 617.9476742714 275.0415635832 + 612.2687379635 282.7143546219 + 628.6612533248 245.9826202350 + 618.7885117456 246.9284382525 + 623.2750373559 256.1090501224 + 622.7592295204 265.3181465701 + 627.6884268399 273.3311779516 + 613.7869287188 292.1576604413 + 631.3024295242 253.3982304611 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Letter u.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Letter u.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dccc01 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Letter u.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +8 8 +0 0 +4 0 +4 1 +2 1 +2 2 +4 2 +4 3 +0 3 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/OnEdge.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/OnEdge.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50f382c --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/OnEdge.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +20 0 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0.01 0.01 +0.03 0.03 +0.06 0.06 +0.12 0.12 +0.24 0.24 +0.5 0.5 +0.96 0.96 +0.001 0.001 +0.02 0.02 +0.4 0.4 +0.8 0.8 +0.9 0.1 +0.8 0.2 +0.6 0.4 +0.3 0.7 +0.1 0.9 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/OnEdge2.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/OnEdge2.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5351411 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/OnEdge2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +34 0 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0.01 0.01 +0.03 0.03 +0.06 0.06 +0.12 0.12 +0.24 0.24 +0.5 0.5 +0.96 0.96 +0.001 0.001 +0.02 0.02 +0.4 0.4 +0.8 0.8 +0.9 0.1 +0.8 0.2 +0.6 0.4 +0.3 0.7 +0.1 0.9 +0.5000000000000001 0.5000000000000001 +0.49999999999999994 0.49999999999999994 +0.5000000000000001 0.49999999999999994 +0.49999999999999994 0.5000000000000001 +0.5000000000000002 0.5000000000000001 +0.5000000000000003 0.5000000000000001 +0.5000000000000004 0.5000000000000001 +0.5000000000000002 0.49999999999999994 +0.5000000000000003 0.49999999999999994 +0.5000000000000004 0.49999999999999994 +0.5000000000000005 0.49999999999999994 +0.5000000000000002 0.49999999999999985 +0.5000000000000003 0.49999999999999985 +0.5000000000000004 0.49999999999999985 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Orange County.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Orange County.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7bcb1b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Orange County.txt @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +116 116 +-73.98127 41.324932 +-73.96171700000001 41.348267 +-73.959732 41.35283199999999 +-73.959376 41.363268 +-73.956631 41.373536 +-73.953109 41.379853 +-73.951497 41.38606299999999 +-73.947771 41.393634 +-73.950202 41.398671 +-73.959182 41.400532 +-73.963109 41.405846 +-73.963506 41.410996000000004 +-73.968072 41.419531000000006 +-73.96957433919799 41.42111306145625 +-73.972846 41.424558000000005 +-73.977042 41.43352000000001 +-73.981472 41.439007 +-73.986388 41.44403299999999 +-73.997075 41.450868 +-74.001346 41.457813 +-73.999056 41.463044 +-73.997959 41.474698 +-73.998623 41.48542 +-73.995029 41.49816400000001 +-73.99797 41.503053 +-73.997426 41.517657 +-73.995963 41.52407900000001 +-73.9931 41.52900900000001 +-73.987602 41.543203000000005 +-73.975188 41.557645 +-73.963206 41.566306 +-73.955752 41.57776700000001 +-73.955994 41.58212700000001 +-73.953641 41.589897 +-74.053852 41.580600999999994 +-74.053686 41.585984 +-74.067974 41.605808 +-74.089934 41.598662 +-74.095019 41.606483999999995 +-74.134524 41.615682 +-74.126392 41.582496 +-74.185414 41.594038 +-74.187638 41.590718 +-74.21793256064282 41.597619194043375 +-74.251619 41.605282 +-74.250015 41.629236 +-74.264078 41.632746 +-74.276403 41.625535 +-74.280844 41.62521600000001 +-74.292776 41.618272 +-74.295212 41.619679 +-74.304711 41.615250999999994 +-74.304412 41.612151000000004 +-74.314349 41.609592 +-74.320161 41.603006 +-74.329614 41.601547 +-74.332033 41.59673899999999 +-74.34068 41.594376 +-74.344713 41.59785300000001 +-74.350729 41.598535 +-74.352608 41.592622999999996 +-74.367055 41.590977 +-74.37008900000001 41.58859 +-74.380756 41.586158 +-74.395429 41.580693 +-74.397866 41.575042 +-74.401874 41.575332 +-74.40695200000002 41.572320999999995 +-74.409894 41.56821699999999 +-74.417781 41.567911 +-74.419733 41.56242600000001 +-74.429823 41.558459000000006 +-74.438229 41.547441 +-74.439199 41.543023000000005 +-74.445564 41.543867 +-74.444602 41.537233 +-74.450465 41.532955 +-74.45604 41.531884 +-74.46024 41.524656 +-74.465748 41.522862 +-74.46561600000001 41.516882 +-74.476092 41.510399 +-74.475584 41.504603 +-74.54652837923757 41.50180942857025 +-74.752439 41.493452999999995 +-74.760829 41.490658999999994 +-74.759951 41.482887 +-74.754262 41.478203 +-74.750963 41.46372000000001 +-74.759817 41.460887 +-74.758684 41.455194 +-74.76182 41.448756 +-74.756184 41.437592 +-74.751595 41.430749 +-74.756084 41.427627 +-74.754664 41.424914 +-74.750269 41.428225999999995 +-74.74306800000001 41.431006000000004 +-74.73813 41.430474999999994 +-74.734838 41.425668 +-74.737527 41.415845 +-74.741631 41.410071 +-74.740934 41.404937 +-74.736573 41.398826 +-74.729093 41.395343 +-74.72045000000001 41.394723 +-74.716544 41.393044 +-74.71221 41.387481 +-74.709984 41.381463 +-74.703143 41.375056 +-74.695061 41.370475 +-74.690646 41.366373 +-74.69071 41.36083899999999 +-74.69571300000001 41.35752299999999 +-74.234301 41.142996000000004 +-74.21793256064282 41.15481278196612 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/ProblematicCase1.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/ProblematicCase1.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..254faba --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/ProblematicCase1.txt @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +8 1 +0 0 +6 2 +8 1 +10 2 +16 0 +10 -2 +8 -1 +6 -2 +0 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Sweden with constraints.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Sweden with constraints.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6ab20d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/Sweden with constraints.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2641 @@ +2637 3 +16.836666 56.826942 +16.828053 56.825272 +16.816944 56.825829 +16.808331 56.824165 +16.785 56.809998 +16.779442 56.805832 +16.770275 56.79583 +16.726665 56.702217 +16.635555 56.518883 +16.576664 56.406944 +16.570553 56.39444 +16.569443 56.388054 +16.570274 56.376938 +16.571941 56.371666 +16.575275 56.367218 +16.575554 56.361382 +16.571663 56.354996 +16.553055 56.326385 +16.496109 56.240829 +16.486385 56.231384 +16.47361 56.224442 +16.437222 56.211388 +16.429722 56.208885 +16.42083 56.211105 +16.416111 56.215271 +16.410831 56.224998 +16.403332 56.274162 +16.391666 56.464996 +16.39333 56.52916 +16.395832 56.535828 +16.420277 56.586388 +16.5425 56.776382 +16.611942 56.868332 +16.616665 56.873604 +16.629166 56.879166 +16.644997 56.883606 +16.749443 56.93972 +16.848053 57.064163 +16.899998 57.134995 +16.959442 57.22361 +16.963055 57.229439 +16.965553 57.241661 +16.960278 57.256943 +16.959164 57.274162 +16.960552 57.280273 +16.96611 57.29361 +16.973331 57.305275 +16.982777 57.315552 +16.993053 57.324715 +17.009998 57.337494 +17.022221 57.344994 +17.035553 57.351944 +17.056664 57.359161 +17.09861 57.350555 +17.105553 57.348328 +17.124165 57.320831 +17.050552 57.186661 +17.008888 57.131943 +16.961109 57.075272 +16.926666 57.038055 +16.880276 56.929718 +16.848331 56.843887 +16.84111 56.832222 +16.836666 56.826942 +18.206108 56.911942 +18.168888 56.909996 +18.147778 56.911942 +18.140274 56.914993 +18.142498 56.920273 +18.158333 56.941666 +18.209164 56.989166 +18.256664 57.032219 +18.254444 57.079163 +18.173332 57.141937 +18.148331 57.235275 +18.158054 57.315826 +18.142498 57.409439 +18.115276 57.480827 +18.110275 57.496109 +18.109997 57.513054 +18.111385 57.51944 +18.119164 57.531105 +18.138611 57.551109 +18.179165 57.588333 +18.191441 57.596138 +18.211941 57.605827 +18.227776 57.611382 +18.242222 57.617493 +18.249165 57.620827 +18.276108 57.634163 +18.29472 57.645828 +18.338886 57.681664 +18.355831 57.695831 +18.381943 57.718605 +18.401665 57.738609 +18.41972 57.760277 +18.456387 57.802773 +18.461388 57.807777 +18.46722 57.811943 +18.48111 57.818604 +18.681942 57.913605 +18.689999 57.916107 +18.71611 57.921104 +18.724998 57.922775 +18.881943 57.919716 +18.902496 57.918327 +18.914165 57.917496 +19.004719 57.908607 +19.006107 57.90361 +19.003887 57.898888 +19.033333 57.826942 +18.929443 57.739716 +18.848888 57.721107 +18.809166 57.703606 +18.793331 57.659164 +18.75972 57.508049 +18.768055 57.472221 +18.769444 57.467216 +18.78833 57.448326 +18.714443 57.246941 +18.711941 57.241661 +18.658054 57.220833 +18.551941 57.182777 +18.514721 57.169441 +18.498333 57.165276 +18.455555 57.156944 +18.439442 57.152771 +18.417221 57.144165 +18.397221 57.134163 +18.391388 57.129997 +18.386665 57.124992 +18.345554 57.07972 +18.341389 57.073883 +18.339165 57.068604 +18.335552 57.023331 +18.335831 57.017494 +18.34333 57.014442 +18.346664 56.998604 +18.302498 56.937492 +18.294998 56.934715 +18.215553 56.913055 +18.206108 56.911942 +19.334442 57.955826 +19.286663 57.937492 +19.277496 57.940277 +19.274441 57.945 +19.268055 57.948608 +19.256664 57.94944 +19.238052 57.946938 +19.170555 57.929443 +19.162777 57.926941 +19.150833 57.91861 +19.145832 57.913605 +19.141666 57.907776 +19.139999 57.901665 +19.12611 57.839722 +19.09333 57.851944 +19.077774 57.85833 +19.073055 57.862495 +19.037498 57.896385 +19.034443 57.901108 +19.034443 57.912498 +19.03611 57.91861 +19.088886 57.970276 +19.095833 57.97361 +19.104721 57.975273 +19.285831 57.976662 +19.296387 57.976662 +19.307499 57.974442 +19.332497 57.965271 +19.335552 57.960548 +19.334442 57.955826 +11.594444 57.932495 +11.584999 57.930832 +11.57472 57.931664 +11.528055 57.948051 +11.522499 57.951942 +11.518125 57.98069 +11.509722 57.989716 +11.498333 58.006943 +11.497221 58.012772 +11.498055 58.031387 +11.501944 58.036659 +11.520555 58.047775 +11.529999 58.049164 +11.735884 58.041714 +11.74111 58.030548 +11.742222 58.024994 +11.736944 58.00444 +11.734165 57.998604 +11.729166 57.993889 +11.722776 57.990273 +11.659443 57.957497 +11.646111 57.950829 +11.594444 57.932495 +16.816666 58.116104 +16.783333 58.096664 +16.77861 58.100555 +16.778053 58.106384 +16.781944 58.112221 +16.787777 58.116386 +16.801109 58.123329 +16.810833 58.124443 +16.818886 58.121384 +16.816666 58.116104 +11.800278 58.116943 +11.714722 58.101105 +11.676388 58.098885 +11.624722 58.107498 +11.62361 58.113052 +11.606667 58.118607 +11.583055 58.118889 +11.553333 58.115273 +11.467222 58.101387 +11.465832 58.095833 +11.46361 58.071663 +11.464998 58.066109 +11.454721 58.072495 +11.450554 58.076942 +11.40111 58.130272 +11.402777 58.13694 +11.410555 58.147499 +11.668888 58.284439 +11.6775 58.286659 +11.708887 58.285828 +11.721666 58.284721 +11.736666 58.281662 +11.786665 58.245552 +11.809999 58.224442 +11.812498 58.219162 +11.81361 58.213608 +11.815832 58.171944 +11.814722 58.147217 +11.81111 58.133606 +11.806389 58.120552 +19.236942 58.337219 +19.226109 58.337219 +19.21833 58.340271 +19.187222 58.381386 +19.184166 58.386108 +19.186665 58.391388 +19.224998 58.389717 +19.261665 58.384163 +19.305832 58.375275 +19.324718 58.36972 +19.331108 58.366104 +19.327499 58.361664 +19.315277 58.353333 +19.302219 58.346107 +19.294167 58.343605 +19.285275 58.341942 +19.236942 58.337219 +17.691387 58.916939 +17.706387 58.904442 +17.695831 58.905548 +17.676388 58.916382 +17.671387 58.920555 +17.664444 58.929993 +17.641109 58.965828 +17.639164 58.971107 +17.639164 58.976662 +17.641941 58.989166 +17.660553 59.039719 +17.667774 59.052216 +17.675831 59.054718 +17.68222 59.051109 +17.696388 59.039719 +17.718052 59.018051 +17.721664 59.007774 +17.720276 59.001663 +17.71611 58.995552 +17.704166 58.987221 +17.69611 58.975555 +17.690277 58.950829 +17.687775 58.926941 +17.688053 58.921387 +17.691387 58.916939 +18.40583 59.023888 +18.377499 59.01944 +18.365555 59.020271 +18.360554 59.024437 +18.357498 59.02916 +18.35722 59.034996 +18.396942 59.080826 +18.407219 59.090828 +18.41333 59.094994 +18.444164 59.115829 +18.450554 59.11805 +18.459721 59.11972 +18.469719 59.120552 +18.479164 59.119995 +18.491665 59.102776 +18.490555 59.098053 +18.424164 59.036385 +18.40583 59.023888 +18.53722 59.223885 +18.527222 59.223053 +18.515274 59.223885 +18.503887 59.22583 +18.435555 59.253609 +18.428886 59.257217 +18.389442 59.284721 +18.391941 59.290276 +18.466663 59.29277 +18.478886 59.291939 +18.49472 59.290833 +18.503609 59.288887 +18.601944 59.2575 +18.610275 59.254166 +18.571941 59.232216 +18.56361 59.229721 +18.53722 59.223885 +17.786942 59.310555 +17.777775 59.308609 +17.754444 59.309441 +17.721664 59.316109 +17.686943 59.328049 +17.671944 59.334717 +17.661942 59.343048 +17.617496 59.397774 +17.605553 59.416664 +17.610554 59.421661 +17.61861 59.424438 +17.627777 59.426109 +17.638885 59.426109 +17.650555 59.424164 +17.737499 59.393326 +17.744164 59.389717 +17.773888 59.372772 +17.777222 59.36805 +17.789165 59.321388 +17.789165 59.315826 +17.786942 59.310555 +17.734722 59.296104 +17.817497 59.277771 +17.758053 59.28083 +17.681942 59.289719 +17.658886 59.293884 +17.649166 59.296387 +17.639164 59.299164 +17.622776 59.305275 +17.610832 59.313049 +17.520554 59.406944 +17.518887 59.411942 +17.520275 59.418327 +17.523609 59.422775 +17.531666 59.425278 +17.539165 59.426666 +17.570553 59.428604 +17.622776 59.378609 +17.629719 59.369438 +17.636944 59.348885 +17.637218 59.343048 +17.635555 59.336937 +17.636108 59.325554 +17.637775 59.320549 +17.647778 59.317772 +17.734722 59.296104 +17.266388 59.374443 +17.256386 59.373329 +17.23111 59.375549 +17.155552 59.383606 +17.147221 59.386665 +17.070274 59.453888 +17.07 59.459442 +17.089722 59.459999 +17.150555 59.456665 +17.236111 59.449715 +17.256943 59.446663 +17.266941 59.44416 +17.280277 59.436943 +17.316109 59.408051 +17.318054 59.403053 +17.317219 59.398048 +17.309719 59.394165 +17.266388 59.374443 +18.575554 59.448326 +18.565277 59.447495 +18.553055 59.448326 +18.526665 59.468605 +18.521664 59.472771 +18.519997 59.483604 +18.519997 59.489441 +18.522778 59.49472 +18.528889 59.498886 +18.570274 59.526382 +18.610832 59.546661 +18.63361 59.555832 +18.643608 59.556664 +18.738888 59.548332 +18.746944 59.544998 +18.732498 59.53833 +18.724442 59.535828 +18.715275 59.534164 +18.668053 59.526665 +18.591389 59.501106 +18.588608 59.495552 +18.590275 59.490555 +18.606941 59.467216 +18.605274 59.461105 +18.583611 59.450829 +18.575554 59.448326 +18.57 60.307777 +18.561665 60.305275 +18.549164 60.306107 +18.521111 60.315826 +18.512775 60.31916 +18.401108 60.365273 +18.394165 60.374718 +18.392498 60.379715 +18.381943 60.416382 +18.371666 60.494164 +18.374165 60.499718 +18.380554 60.503883 +18.389999 60.505554 +18.408886 60.499718 +18.422497 60.486664 +18.456108 60.427498 +18.507221 60.348053 +18.53722 60.342499 +18.572777 60.313332 +18.57 60.307777 +17.509163 62.363327 +17.484722 62.363052 +17.456665 62.365273 +17.444164 62.367493 +17.422222 62.372498 +17.416664 62.376663 +17.412777 62.381386 +17.369164 62.46666 +17.367222 62.471664 +17.373333 62.474442 +17.463055 62.461662 +17.472221 62.458328 +17.514442 62.414444 +17.5425 62.366104 +17.509163 62.363327 +18.060833 62.67083 +18.049721 62.669998 +18.041664 62.672218 +18.03611 62.676384 +18.026665 62.685272 +18.023052 62.689995 +18.019165 62.700272 +18.022499 62.712494 +18.039165 62.73555 +18.04583 62.739716 +18.060276 62.743889 +18.070553 62.745552 +18.129719 62.740555 +18.141388 62.739166 +18.146942 62.734993 +18.153053 62.728882 +18.156944 62.71833 +18.154999 62.712219 +18.114166 62.686943 +18.10722 62.682777 +18.099442 62.679443 +18.060833 62.67083 +20.885555 63.751663 +20.875832 63.749161 +20.840832 63.763054 +20.837498 63.767776 +20.838055 63.773331 +20.84222 63.779999 +20.8475 63.785828 +20.855 63.789993 +20.873333 63.795555 +20.884998 63.796104 +20.899998 63.794167 +20.91111 63.791382 +20.921944 63.782776 +20.928608 63.773331 +20.927219 63.768608 +20.885555 63.751663 +21.809166 68.570541 +21.824718 68.570267 +21.864719 68.573608 +21.881386 68.572495 +21.897221 68.569992 +21.933887 68.555267 +21.959442 68.543884 +21.997776 68.523605 +22.003887 68.51944 +22.022499 68.506653 +22.035 68.498047 +22.038055 68.487778 +22.041943 68.483047 +22.050552 68.479156 +22.063889 68.476105 +22.150833 68.465546 +22.1675 68.464432 +22.371944 68.463608 +22.430553 68.45166 +22.5 68.440132 +22.581665 68.427216 +22.659721 68.422485 +22.673885 68.420822 +22.823608 68.388046 +22.82972 68.383881 +22.863609 68.357498 +22.899719 68.331665 +22.910275 68.328323 +22.936386 68.32222 +22.969444 68.317764 +23.048054 68.293884 +23.058609 68.290268 +23.066944 68.286377 +23.353333 68.083603 +23.367496 68.064713 +23.376942 68.055542 +23.394444 68.042496 +23.531666 67.992493 +23.638332 67.958054 +23.648888 67.954712 +23.656944 67.950821 +23.666111 67.941666 +23.667221 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55.433884 +13.891388 55.433609 +13.730555 55.425552 +13.710278 55.424164 +13.641666 55.417496 +13.632221 55.415833 +13.497776 55.382217 +13.465832 55.373604 +13.429722 55.356667 +13.418333 55.352493 +13.375555 55.339996 +13.344721 55.339165 +13.300833 55.340828 +13.289999 55.341942 +12.982222 55.400551 +12.918055 55.538605 +12.916388 55.544167 +12.914444 55.562218 +12.914721 55.565552 +12.916388 55.568329 +12.922499 55.574715 +12.93111 55.581108 +12.960278 55.59111 +12.981943 55.599159 +13.034721 55.623886 +13.040554 55.627495 +13.044998 55.6325 +13.058887 55.662773 +13.063332 55.68222 +13.062498 55.684998 +13.059721 55.693054 +12.928055 55.823051 +12.912777 55.838051 +12.681389 56.061943 +12.66361 56.078606 +12.633888 56.10305 +12.623888 56.107773 +12.615 56.109444 +12.609722 56.111664 +12.58111 56.141663 +12.453054 56.293327 +12.451666 56.297775 +12.461666 56.298332 +12.473888 56.297218 +12.629166 56.258888 +12.645277 56.253326 +12.718681 56.222778 +12.787222 56.222221 +12.794443 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56.648888 +12.821665 56.658333 +12.813332 56.656662 +12.785 56.643608 +12.758055 56.639999 +12.725277 56.639717 +12.718611 56.643326 +12.670832 56.676109 +12.613609 56.746941 +12.599998 56.777771 +12.598331 56.783333 +12.599165 56.79583 +12.601387 56.802498 +12.599998 56.808052 +12.5975 56.813332 +12.593332 56.817497 +12.579443 56.830276 +12.573889 56.833885 +12.484722 56.88166 +12.468332 56.887772 +12.418055 56.897217 +12.350277 56.914444 +12.3475 56.919167 +12.349998 56.969994 +12.28611 57.032494 +12.253611 57.04805 +12.237778 57.059715 +12.149443 57.183884 +12.146666 57.188332 +12.109999 57.25 +12.134722 57.275551 +12.148611 57.281105 +12.151388 57.287216 +12.145832 57.309166 +12.094999 57.426941 +12.058332 57.45472 +12.051388 57.457771 +12.043888 57.459717 +12.036943 57.45694 +12.011665 57.434166 +12.007776 57.428886 +12.005833 57.422218 +12.00861 57.411385 +12.007776 57.404999 +11.989443 57.347496 +11.986111 57.341385 +11.979166 57.343605 +11.942778 57.376106 +11.917776 57.402222 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58.23027 +11.526388 58.230553 +11.515833 58.231941 +11.495277 58.236107 +11.405554 58.261108 +11.384165 58.311943 +11.238333 58.346939 +11.201387 58.399437 +11.235554 58.505272 +11.254166 58.551109 +11.257221 58.556938 +11.266388 58.579437 +11.26111 58.632217 +11.259443 58.637772 +11.252222 58.653053 +11.247776 58.657494 +11.210278 58.679718 +11.180832 58.70916 +11.178055 58.713882 +11.176943 58.730827 +11.181665 58.747772 +11.200832 58.769997 +11.218054 58.784164 +11.229166 58.792221 +11.233889 58.796944 +11.236111 58.803604 +11.233055 58.833054 +11.231388 58.845276 +11.194166 58.917496 +11.166666 58.924438 +11.131943 58.935272 +11.123055 58.938332 +11.115833 58.941383 +11.106943 58.949997 +11.113333 59.003609 +11.119165 59.015831 +11.127499 59.026382 +11.166388 59.064438 +11.172499 59.068604 +11.186666 59.074997 +11.204166 59.079437 +11.265554 59.093887 +11.314999 59.101387 +11.324999 59.099159 +11.338333 59.091942 +11.349998 59.084442 +11.373333 59.050827 +11.401667 59.012772 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+12.505833 60.629997 +12.424999 60.710274 +12.38611 60.750832 +12.378887 60.760277 +12.364721 60.779442 +12.353611 60.799721 +12.35111 60.804718 +12.336111 60.835831 +12.308611 60.887215 +12.271944 60.946106 +12.245554 60.973053 +12.23361 60.980827 +12.217222 60.99305 +12.212776 60.997498 +12.209999 61.002495 +12.215555 61.006943 +12.2225 61.010826 +12.247776 61.018608 +12.294167 61.029442 +12.388054 61.050552 +12.407776 61.053886 +12.432499 61.054443 +12.458055 61.053886 +12.500277 61.050827 +12.567221 61.04805 +12.602221 61.049721 +12.621944 61.053055 +12.637825 61.057541 +12.670277 61.087776 +12.772221 61.200829 +12.796665 61.244995 +12.83111 61.312218 +12.85611 61.362495 +12.773888 61.414719 +12.529999 61.566109 +12.523054 61.567215 +12.481388 61.569443 +12.468332 61.569717 +12.444721 61.568604 +12.430277 61.569443 +12.406666 61.573326 +12.392776 61.580551 +12.144444 61.717499 +12.124443 61.728607 +12.159443 61.844444 +12.169998 61.878609 +12.181665 61.912498 +12.200277 61.963333 +12.214998 62.006104 +12.25861 62.142494 +12.294617 62.258217 +12.295832 62.261665 +12.291666 62.272499 +12.271387 62.308052 +12.256388 62.327217 +12.245344 62.337982 +12.209999 62.389999 +12.19972 62.404716 +12.184444 62.423882 +12.172222 62.437775 +12.149166 62.460274 +12.084721 62.52916 +12.047499 62.589996 +12.046665 62.665276 +12.072777 62.715828 +12.089443 62.749443 +12.066666 62.803055 +12.050278 62.838882 +12.028889 62.892494 +12.058332 62.91861 +12.113333 62.967216 +12.15111 62.999443 +12.16861 63.015831 +12.144165 63.045273 +12.036943 63.173882 +12.027491 63.182449 +11.936388 63.272217 +11.998888 63.323883 +12.078333 63.388329 +12.13722 63.436661 +12.195 63.485275 +12.17861 63.512215 +12.139444 63.58416 +12.153889 63.594994 +12.346666 63.728882 +12.473055 63.833328 +12.530832 63.872772 +12.633888 63.942772 +12.681944 63.967216 +12.794443 64.007217 +12.846943 64.025269 +12.938055 64.053329 +12.988333 64.064438 +13.032221 64.071106 +13.135555 64.083603 +13.193609 64.089996 +13.23 64.093048 +13.291388 64.086655 +13.981667 64.013046 +13.988333 64.018051 +14.146666 64.173874 +14.154722 64.185822 +14.151388 64.333603 +14.149721 64.344986 +14.116388 64.470551 +14.032499 64.488052 +13.900833 64.507492 +13.820276 64.529434 +13.68222 64.571106 +13.663332 64.577209 +13.662498 64.582764 +13.664999 64.589722 +13.676943 64.607773 +13.696943 64.62944 +13.707499 64.639709 +13.725571 64.652267 +13.832777 64.733322 +13.879166 64.771103 +13.955832 64.835541 +14.091389 64.949158 +14.235277 65.048874 +14.296438 65.102127 +14.308832 65.115234 +14.319443 65.12999 +14.329166 65.149719 +14.35611 65.208603 +14.368889 65.246658 +14.493055 65.313599 +14.494444 65.358887 +14.49361 65.376389 +14.495277 65.446381 +14.497221 65.516098 +14.500555 65.585831 +14.532221 65.696106 +14.535 65.702774 +14.539444 65.708878 +14.565277 65.736374 +14.588055 65.756943 +14.603888 65.773331 +14.621387 65.797211 +14.631666 65.816666 +14.634722 65.826935 +14.608889 65.876389 +14.580276 65.931107 +14.569443 65.949432 +14.540554 66.007492 +14.534721 66.025269 +14.519165 66.078888 +14.509165 66.114716 +14.504999 66.132492 +14.717777 66.140549 +14.981388 66.149155 +15.025276 66.149994 +15.468054 66.283875 +15.446854 66.321381 +15.400555 66.406937 +15.371387 66.461655 +15.362778 66.479996 +15.527777 66.558044 +15.625832 66.60582 +15.73111 66.684998 +16.009998 66.890823 +16.353886 67.017776 +16.40583 67.16333 +16.399166 67.177765 +16.361385 67.237778 +16.337498 67.260818 +16.261944 67.305542 +16.220554 67.329987 +16.20472 67.337494 +16.161663 67.35582 +16.138611 67.367493 +16.111111 67.383606 +16.104164 67.387772 +16.089722 67.401657 +16.086941 67.406662 +16.085831 67.411652 +16.192219 67.5 +16.206108 67.501663 +16.3825 67.515549 +16.403332 67.529999 +16.508331 67.609161 +16.570274 67.656937 +16.576942 67.665543 +16.588055 67.68222 +16.620277 67.732208 +16.684719 67.832214 +16.726944 67.899155 +17.188332 68.030273 +17.234547 68.062103 +17.252583 68.07457 +17.273609 68.090546 +17.592499 68.029709 +17.648888 68.01416 +17.680275 68.00444 +17.743332 67.984711 +17.801941 67.964157 +17.82 67.95694 +17.831108 67.953598 +17.858055 67.948608 +17.884163 67.945541 +17.93972 67.997772 +18.135555 68.150269 +18.155277 68.166107 +18.103886 68.280823 +18.085831 68.317764 +18.069443 68.354431 +18.053333 68.391098 +18.04583 68.409439 +18.058052 68.439987 +18.081665 68.490829 +18.090832 68.507767 +18.099541 68.508926 +18.149441 68.515274 +18.358055 68.539154 +18.611942 68.475266 +18.952221 68.487778 +19.41333 68.419434 +19.543888 68.399719 +19.71722 68.372772 +19.860554 68.349991 +19.898331 68.341385 +19.923885 68.336655 +19.937775 68.337494 +19.948055 68.34082 +19.956665 68.344711 +19.964165 68.349716 +19.976665 68.361374 +20.006664 68.381104 +20.030277 68.394989 +20.048054 68.40332 +20.075832 68.414719 +20.167221 68.443878 +20.175831 68.448044 +20.198608 68.462769 +20.208611 68.47583 +20.211109 68.482208 +20.088055 68.501663 +19.956387 68.543884 +20.063053 68.583054 +20.177219 68.646942 +20.202499 68.662216 +20.238331 68.691376 +20.313889 68.754715 +20.350277 68.786652 +20.31472 68.928329 +20.238888 68.968597 +20.096943 69.042221 +20.535275 69.056381 +20.580929 69.060303 +20.604164 69.053055 +20.650063 69.043793 +20.744164 69.031097 +20.791664 69.023331 +20.846386 69.011932 +20.866665 69.00499 +20.884441 68.997498 +20.908886 68.98555 +20.928608 68.973053 +20.932777 68.968323 +20.938889 68.958328 +20.938332 68.952774 +20.93111 68.946381 +20.915554 68.939438 +20.888885 68.925827 +20.883053 68.91333 +20.882774 68.907776 +20.888611 68.898041 +20.895275 68.8936 +20.904163 68.889999 +20.915276 68.886658 +20.944721 68.881378 +20.959442 68.87999 +20.990833 68.87944 +21.024719 68.877487 +21.058887 68.873322 +21.081387 68.866653 +21.207775 68.819717 +21.216663 68.816101 +21.420555 68.724152 +21.448608 68.691101 +21.452774 68.686661 +21.465553 68.678055 +21.487499 68.671387 +21.500832 68.66832 +21.550552 68.661652 +21.585278 68.6586 +21.601109 68.656097 +21.623055 68.649429 +21.642776 68.642487 +21.701664 68.620819 +21.710278 68.617218 +21.714165 68.612488 +21.711109 68.606384 +21.710552 68.600555 +21.71833 68.59111 +21.735554 68.583603 +21.7575 68.576935 +21.773331 68.574432 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/cdt.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/cdt.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9aa25ca --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/cdt.txt @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +101 103 +765 1970 +640.016 1942.47 +530.875 1900.5 +433.547 1842.03 +344 1765 +269.5 1681.12 +216 1589 +147.75 1407.25 +123 1197 +129.445 982.248 +166.875 795.422 +234.305 637.541 +330.75 509.625 +455.227 412.693 +606.75 347.766 +784.336 315.861 +987 318 +1148.38 339.875 +1258 370 +1276.5 390 +1280 455 +1279.23 504.359 +1268.62 525.875 +1168 509 +937.375 482.375 +730 494 +619.781 533.922 +526.25 593.625 +449.594 673.016 +390 772 +332.375 951.125 +322 1179 +330.75 1317.5 +350 1405 +397.844 1521 +461.25 1619 +539.281 1697.5 +631 1755 +759 1800 +863.391 1810.11 +977.625 1805.12 +1091.3 1786.08 +1194 1754 +1257 1730 +1300 1809 +1339 1888 +1267 1914 +1125 1955 +940.875 1974.12 +3080 1875 +3080 1790 +3335 1790 +3590 1790 +3590 1065 +3590 340 +3685 340 +3780 340 +3780 1065 +3780 1790 +4035 1790 +4290 1790 +4290 1875 +4290 1960 +3685 1960 +3080 1960 +1630 1141 +1630 330 +1883 330 +2196.38 338.875 +2389 371 +2527.62 424.547 +2651.25 503.875 +2753.5 604.016 +2828 720 +2896.5 915.625 +2914 1160 +2909.38 1317.38 +2892 1414 +2819.53 1595.61 +2711.25 1740.38 +2566.59 1848.95 +2385 1922 +2265 1941 +1968 1948 +1630 1952 +2320 1767 +2458.41 1708.47 +2567.75 1622.75 +2648.22 1509.66 +2700 1369 +2721 1150 +2700 931 +2644.95 783.922 +2558.12 665.625 +2439.98 576.766 +2291 518 +2018 493 +1820 487 +1820 1140 +1820 1792 +2043 1787 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +0 48 +0 0 +0 0 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +49 64 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +65 84 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +85 100 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/cdt_duplicates.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/cdt_duplicates.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24bf8b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/cdt_duplicates.txt @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +103 103 +765.0000 1970.0000 +640.0156 1942.4688 +530.8750 1900.5000 +433.5469 1842.0313 +344.0000 1765.0000 +269.5000 1681.1250 +216.0000 1589.0000 +147.7500 1407.2500 +123.0000 1197.0000 +129.4453 982.2480 +166.8750 795.4219 +234.3047 637.5410 +330.7500 509.6250 +455.2266 412.6934 +606.7500 347.7656 +784.3359 315.8613 +987.0000 318.0000 +1148.3750 339.8750 +1258.0000 370.0000 +1276.5000 390.0000 +1280.0000 455.0000 +1279.2344 504.3594 +1268.6250 525.8750 +1168.0000 509.0000 +937.3750 482.3750 +730.0000 494.0000 +619.7813 533.9219 +526.2500 593.6250 +449.5938 673.0156 +390.0000 772.0000 +332.3750 951.1250 +322.0000 1179.0000 +330.7500 1317.5000 +350.0000 1405.0000 +397.8438 1521.0000 +461.2500 1619.0000 +539.2813 1697.5000 +631.0000 1755.0000 +759.0000 1800.0000 +863.3906 1810.1094 +977.6250 1805.1250 +1091.2969 1786.0781 +1194.0000 1754.0000 +1257.0000 1730.0000 +1300.0000 1809.0000 +1339.0000 1888.0000 +1267.0000 1914.0000 +1125.0000 1955.0000 +940.8750 1974.1250 +765.0000 1970.0000 +765.0000 1970.0001 +3080.0000 1875.0000 +3080.0000 1790.0000 +3335.0000 1790.0000 +3590.0000 1790.0000 +3590.0000 1065.0000 +3590.0000 340.0000 +3685.0000 340.0000 +3780.0000 340.0000 +3780.0000 1065.0000 +3780.0000 1790.0000 +4035.0000 1790.0000 +4290.0000 1790.0000 +4290.0000 1875.0000 +4290.0000 1960.0000 +3685.0000 1960.0000 +3080.0000 1960.0001 +1630.0000 1141.0000 +1630.0000 330.0000 +1883.0000 330.0000 +2196.3750 338.8750 +2389.0000 371.0000 +2527.6250 424.5469 +2651.2500 503.8750 +2753.5000 604.0156 +2828.0000 720.0000 +2896.5000 915.6250 +2914.0000 1160.0000 +2909.3750 1317.3750 +2892.0000 1414.0000 +2819.5313 1595.6094 +2711.2500 1740.3750 +2566.5938 1848.9531 +2385.0000 1922.0000 +2265.0000 1941.0000 +1968.0000 1948.0000 +1630.0000 1952.0000 +2320.0000 1767.0000 +2458.4063 1708.4688 +2567.7500 1622.7500 +2648.2188 1509.6563 +2700.0000 1369.0000 +2721.0000 1150.0000 +2700.0000 931.0000 +2644.9531 783.9219 +2558.1250 665.6250 +2439.9844 576.7656 +2291.0000 518.0000 +2018.0000 493.0000 +1820.0000 487.0000 +1820.0000 1140.0000 +1820.0000 1792.0000 +2043.0000 1787.0000 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 0 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 51 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 67 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 95 +95 96 +96 97 +97 98 +98 99 +99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 87 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/corner cases.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/corner cases.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..600fb72 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/corner cases.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +12 6 +0 1 +2 2 +4 2 +2 0 +4 0 +6 1 +8 1 +10 2 +12 2 +10 0 +12 0 +14 1 +0 11 +0 6 +1 3 +2 4 +7 9 +8 10 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/crossing-edges.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/crossing-edges.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5dcfef --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/crossing-edges.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +4 2 +0 0.2 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0 2 +1 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/ditch.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/ditch.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21b139a --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/ditch.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +11 12 +15.2817039560085 -35.8482583312558 +16.9298083110526 -19.5320252163193 +15.2817039560085 9.044687862274401e-01 +17.5890500530702 18.044754078686 +16.1057561335305 40.7061889605422 +-16.6915205318468 -35.6010426779992 +-14.3017692170329 -14.9173330221958 +-14.9610109590506 14.006898408828 +-15.0434161768028 37.9044115569673 +1.27281693813374 -36.0954739845124 +1.27281693813374 40.62378374279 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +9 10 +0 9 +5 9 +4 10 +8 10 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/duplicates.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/duplicates.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9eb9560 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/duplicates.txt @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +7 4 +0 0 +0 0 +0 1 +1 1 +1 0 +1 0 +0 0 +6 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 6 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/gh_issue.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/gh_issue.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af732a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/gh_issue.txt @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +78 78 +2646.483004 4635.168252 +2940.454821 4768.453360 +2956.371323 4741.992504 +2919.866354 4733.151108 +2907.399464 4714.272492 +2860.306798 4697.221008 +2780.158799 4650.778860 +2265.225986 4403.916563 +2182.209600 4365.631781 +2173.947532 4397.984430 +2232.832254 4409.193994 +2145.628913 4499.153591 +2066.116789 4531.471540 +2107.904595 4569.142974 +2173.586631 4545.401212 +2245.979345 4504.443379 +2329.936334 4536.309812 +2382.950861 4505.163464 +2414.148222 4533.413655 +2420.020403 4567.534854 +2469.472407 4591.682871 +2538.962717 4586.428933 +2606.040217 4616.841854 +2595.426630 4630.277520 +2568.937784 4646.133540 +2554.361486 4663.323147 +2552.593887 4672.138585 +2564.495713 4691.093858 +2583.462998 4703.889658 +2583.911492 4693.312373 +2590.975244 4690.229175 +2608.631592 4687.598233 +2615.241370 4693.777127 +2615.239494 4696.864568 +2594.057935 4700.373892 +2580.785697 4755.025906 +2570.185110 4768.249869 +2570.174324 4786.317531 +2587.819934 4800.873632 +2593.997380 4800.877349 +2590.474213 4788.090764 +2586.503055 4785.012080 +2591.805134 4780.601452 +2593.577019 4764.730612 +2601.971607 4754.158121 +2614.770649 4751.078432 +2614.796616 4708.322388 +2618.328357 4706.998159 +2627.147740 4714.939484 +2646.567444 4710.548705 +2657.148030 4720.252242 +2653.172499 4734.349482 +2635.514965 4739.187149 +2631.101149 4747.120403 +2620.062813 4752.842717 +2605.929343 4769.151887 +2605.926408 4774.000396 +2612.545497 4774.884941 +2616.957172 4780.616664 +2621.371786 4781.499884 +2624.025906 4769.162877 +2629.322080 4764.317597 +2641.231696 4769.608090 +2648.729638 4779.309717 +2663.295551 4778.884008 +2666.828119 4766.101730 +2690.222871 4758.180330 +2706.114874 4748.493266 +2710.977196 4740.560372 +2710.115392 4704.848041 +2688.487237 4715.423185 +2670.390725 4714.966084 +2665.102357 4707.026855 +2639.960968 4688.943700 +2619.221169 4682.756151 +2604.677698 4655.852030 +2615.271092 4644.846203 +2635.574060 4642.651673 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/guitar no box.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/guitar no box.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c219bb --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/guitar no box.txt @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +144 144 +20.75 12 +20 12.5 +19 12.75 +18 12.6 +17 12.35 +16 12 +15 11.6 +14 11 +13 10.7 +12 10.5 +11 10.7 +10 11.2 + 9 12 + 7 13.1 + 6 13.5 + 5 13.5 + 4 13.2 + 3 12.4 + 2 11.2 + 1.3 10 + 0.8 8 + 0.5 6 + 0.6 4 + 0.8 3 + 1.3 2 + 2.1 1 + 3 0.4 + 4 0 + 5 -0.1 + 6 0.1 + 8 0.8 +10 1.9 +11 2.3 +12 2.4 +13 2.2 +14 1.75 +15 1.5 +16 1.5 +16.75 1.8 +16 2.15 +15 3 +14.15 4 +14 5 +14.4 5.6 +15 5.75 +16 5.85 +27 5.85 +28 5.7 +29 5.25 +29.8 4.6 +32 5.05 +33 5 +33.75 4.6 +34.5 4.7 +35.3 5 +36 5.5 +36.25 6 +36.1 6.3 +34.1 7.1 +34.2 7.35 +34.4 7.56 +34.4 7.85 +34.2 7.93 +34 7.72 +34 7.43 +33.9 7.18 +33.3 7.42 +33.4 7.67 +33.6 7.88 +33.6 8.17 +33.4 8.25 +33.2 8.04 +33.2 7.75 +33.1 7.5 +32.5 7.74 +32.6 7.99 +32.8 8.2 +32.8 8.49 +32.6 8.57 +32.4 8.36 +32.4 8.07 +32.3 7.82 +31.7 8.06 +31.8 8.31 +32 8.52 +32 8.81 +31.8 8.89 +31.6 8.68 +31.6 8.39 +31.5 8.14 +30.9 8.38 +31 8.63 +31.2 8.84 +31.2 9.13 +31 9.21 +30.8 9 +30.8 8.71 +30.7 8.46 +30.1 8.7 +30.2 8.95 +30.4 9.16 +30.4 9.45 +30.2 9.53 +30 9.32 +30 9.03 +29.9 8.78 +28.6 9.3 +28.2 9.2 +28.1 7.8 +18 7.8 +17 7.9 +16.3 8.3 +15.85 9 +16.2 10 +17 10.7 +19 11.6 +20 11.8 + 3 6.8 + 3.3 7.5 + 4 7.8 + 4.7 7.5 + 4 6.8 + 4.7 6.1 + 4 5.8 + 3.3 6.1 + 5.5 5.8 + 6.25 5.8 + 6.25 6.3 + 6.75 5.8 + 7.25 6.3 + 7.25 5.8 + 8 5.8 + 8 7.8 + 7.25 7.8 + 6.75 7.3 + 6.25 7.8 + 5.5 7.8 + 8.8 7.8 + 8.8 6.6 + 9.1 6.05 + 9.8 5.8 +10.5 6.05 +10.8 6.6 +10.8 7.8 + 0 1 + 1 2 + 2 3 + 3 4 + 4 5 + 5 6 + 6 7 + 7 8 + 8 9 + 9 10 + 10 11 + 11 12 + 12 13 + 13 14 + 14 15 + 15 16 + 16 17 + 17 18 + 18 19 + 19 20 + 20 21 + 21 22 + 22 23 + 23 24 + 24 25 + 25 26 + 26 27 + 27 28 + 28 29 + 29 30 + 30 31 + 31 32 + 32 33 + 33 34 + 34 35 + 35 36 + 36 37 + 37 38 + 38 39 + 39 40 + 40 41 + 41 42 + 42 43 + 43 44 + 44 45 + 45 46 + 46 47 + 47 48 + 48 49 + 49 50 + 50 51 + 51 52 + 52 53 + 53 54 + 54 55 + 55 56 + 56 57 + 57 58 + 58 59 + 59 60 + 60 61 + 61 62 + 62 63 + 63 64 + 64 65 + 65 66 + 66 67 + 67 68 + 68 69 + 69 70 + 70 71 + 71 72 + 72 73 + 73 74 + 74 75 + 75 76 + 76 77 + 77 78 + 78 79 + 79 80 + 80 81 + 81 82 + 82 83 + 83 84 + 84 85 + 85 86 + 86 87 + 87 88 + 88 89 + 89 90 + 90 91 + 91 92 + 92 93 + 93 94 + 94 95 + 95 96 + 96 97 + 97 98 + 98 99 + 99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 0 +117 118 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 117 +125 126 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 125 +137 138 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 +143 137 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/guitar.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/guitar.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ec7cff --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/guitar.txt @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +148 144 +20.75 12 +20 12.5 +19 12.75 +18 12.6 +17 12.35 +16 12 +15 11.6 +14 11 +13 10.7 +12 10.5 +11 10.7 +10 11.2 + 9 12 + 7 13.1 + 6 13.5 + 5 13.5 + 4 13.2 + 3 12.4 + 2 11.2 + 1.3 10 + 0.8 8 + 0.5 6 + 0.6 4 + 0.8 3 + 1.3 2 + 2.1 1 + 3 0.4 + 4 0 + 5 -0.1 + 6 0.1 + 8 0.8 +10 1.9 +11 2.3 +12 2.4 +13 2.2 +14 1.75 +15 1.5 +16 1.5 +16.75 1.8 +16 2.15 +15 3 +14.15 4 +14 5 +14.4 5.6 +15 5.75 +16 5.85 +27 5.85 +28 5.7 +29 5.25 +29.8 4.6 +32 5.05 +33 5 +33.75 4.6 +34.5 4.7 +35.3 5 +36 5.5 +36.25 6 +36.1 6.3 +34.1 7.1 +34.2 7.35 +34.4 7.56 +34.4 7.85 +34.2 7.93 +34 7.72 +34 7.43 +33.9 7.18 +33.3 7.42 +33.4 7.67 +33.6 7.88 +33.6 8.17 +33.4 8.25 +33.2 8.04 +33.2 7.75 +33.1 7.5 +32.5 7.74 +32.6 7.99 +32.8 8.2 +32.8 8.49 +32.6 8.57 +32.4 8.36 +32.4 8.07 +32.3 7.82 +31.7 8.06 +31.8 8.31 +32 8.52 +32 8.81 +31.8 8.89 +31.6 8.68 +31.6 8.39 +31.5 8.14 +30.9 8.38 +31 8.63 +31.2 8.84 +31.2 9.13 +31 9.21 +30.8 9 +30.8 8.71 +30.7 8.46 +30.1 8.7 +30.2 8.95 +30.4 9.16 +30.4 9.45 +30.2 9.53 +30 9.32 +30 9.03 +29.9 8.78 +28.6 9.3 +28.2 9.2 +28.1 7.8 +18 7.8 +17 7.9 +16.3 8.3 +15.85 9 +16.2 10 +17 10.7 +19 11.6 +20 11.8 + 3 6.8 + 3.3 7.5 + 4 7.8 + 4.7 7.5 + 4 6.8 + 4.7 6.1 + 4 5.8 + 3.3 6.1 + 5.5 5.8 + 6.25 5.8 + 6.25 6.3 + 6.75 5.8 + 7.25 6.3 + 7.25 5.8 + 8 5.8 + 8 7.8 + 7.25 7.8 + 6.75 7.3 + 6.25 7.8 + 5.5 7.8 + 8.8 7.8 + 8.8 6.6 + 9.1 6.05 + 9.8 5.8 +10.5 6.05 +10.8 6.6 +10.8 7.8 +-8 -8 +40 -8 +40 20 +-8 20 + 0 1 + 1 2 + 2 3 + 3 4 + 4 5 + 5 6 + 6 7 + 7 8 + 8 9 + 9 10 + 10 11 + 11 12 + 12 13 + 13 14 + 14 15 + 15 16 + 16 17 + 17 18 + 18 19 + 19 20 + 20 21 + 21 22 + 22 23 + 23 24 + 24 25 + 25 26 + 26 27 + 27 28 + 28 29 + 29 30 + 30 31 + 31 32 + 32 33 + 33 34 + 34 35 + 35 36 + 36 37 + 37 38 + 38 39 + 39 40 + 40 41 + 41 42 + 42 43 + 43 44 + 44 45 + 45 46 + 46 47 + 47 48 + 48 49 + 49 50 + 50 51 + 51 52 + 52 53 + 53 54 + 54 55 + 55 56 + 56 57 + 57 58 + 58 59 + 59 60 + 60 61 + 61 62 + 62 63 + 63 64 + 64 65 + 65 66 + 66 67 + 67 68 + 68 69 + 69 70 + 70 71 + 71 72 + 72 73 + 73 74 + 74 75 + 75 76 + 76 77 + 77 78 + 78 79 + 79 80 + 80 81 + 81 82 + 82 83 + 83 84 + 84 85 + 85 86 + 86 87 + 87 88 + 88 89 + 89 90 + 90 91 + 91 92 + 92 93 + 93 94 + 94 95 + 95 96 + 96 97 + 97 98 + 98 99 + 99 100 +100 101 +101 102 +102 103 +103 104 +104 105 +105 106 +106 107 +107 108 +108 109 +109 110 +110 111 +111 112 +112 113 +113 114 +114 115 +115 116 +116 0 +117 118 +118 119 +119 120 +120 121 +121 122 +122 123 +123 124 +124 117 +125 126 +126 127 +127 128 +128 129 +129 130 +130 131 +131 132 +132 133 +133 134 +134 135 +135 136 +136 125 +137 138 +138 139 +139 140 +140 141 +141 142 +142 143 +143 137 diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/island.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/island.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd1edab --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/island.txt @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +95 95 +0.35790337 0.38864577 +0.31071450 0.40218492 +0.26291196 0.39019645 +0.21429804 0.38283820 +0.16613300 0.39383360 +0.11818326 0.40414870 +0.08260139 0.37538306 +0.05361811 0.34207291 +0.02510484 0.30843907 +0.00000000 0.27304858 +0.01116075 0.23446584 +0.05253742 0.21147779 +0.08739790 0.18215957 +0.13184782 0.16365548 +0.17678370 0.14569794 +0.20997123 0.11555512 +0.23487661 0.08013357 +0.27428417 0.05577003 +0.30609623 0.02448313 +0.34462248 0.00000000 +0.38499725 0.00703740 +0.41201013 0.04110566 +0.44407198 0.07251598 +0.47554188 0.10433305 +0.48615282 0.14127188 +0.48526458 0.18209454 +0.48934181 0.22286040 +0.51277842 0.25712118 +0.55446391 0.27665125 +0.59998065 0.26611232 +0.63374109 0.23635467 +0.68219858 0.22657993 +0.72344682 0.20595516 +0.76098068 0.18314759 +0.81015186 0.18044212 +0.85789280 0.17704054 +0.90231042 0.15823834 +0.94725198 0.14091650 +0.99263450 0.14300645 +1.00000000 0.18113114 +0.97482369 0.21584709 +0.93601160 0.24166059 +0.89769796 0.26773059 +0.88612883 0.30756282 +0.88036141 0.34822807 +0.86637401 0.38744400 +0.87126547 0.42698375 +0.87836588 0.46738117 +0.86679577 0.50495740 +0.83885184 0.53889814 +0.80885902 0.57161229 +0.77548249 0.60209880 +0.73774132 0.62777801 +0.69229886 0.64485535 +0.64664787 0.66155981 +0.59924870 0.67318904 +0.54986089 0.67381738 +0.50097893 0.66757989 +0.46691922 0.69313520 +0.44449627 0.72973059 +0.40854079 0.75668093 +0.36290331 0.77039793 +0.36624793 0.79505758 +0.37098973 0.82539964 +0.32954240 0.84365456 +0.32368068 0.87731391 +0.36206162 0.90145428 +0.41147458 0.90716326 +0.45332716 0.92956622 +0.50176592 0.93780257 +0.54970945 0.94883030 +0.57634292 0.97479673 +0.53570147 0.98649919 +0.48652917 0.99385804 +0.43997944 0.98533700 +0.40368105 1.00000000 +0.36167108 0.98189826 +0.32369722 0.95572597 +0.28265677 0.93271435 +0.24867592 0.90286457 +0.22284050 0.86781008 +0.22698494 0.82708497 +0.23260900 0.78640307 +0.25654498 0.75174722 +0.29129654 0.72243251 +0.31907943 0.68878353 +0.34391654 0.65324854 +0.37314261 0.62077328 +0.41247022 0.59552654 +0.45405330 0.57278959 +0.46246974 0.53265774 +0.47030304 0.49222005 +0.47073181 0.45153024 +0.44700288 0.41863218 +0.40728793 0.39400451 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 50 +50 51 +51 52 +52 53 +53 54 +54 55 +55 56 +56 57 +57 58 +58 59 +59 60 +60 61 +61 62 +62 63 +63 64 +64 65 +65 66 +66 67 +67 68 +68 69 +69 70 +70 71 +71 72 +72 73 +73 74 +74 75 +75 76 +76 77 +77 78 +78 79 +79 80 +80 81 +81 82 +82 83 +83 84 +84 85 +85 86 +86 87 +87 88 +88 89 +89 90 +90 91 +91 92 +92 93 +93 94 +94 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap-2.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap-2.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd8954b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap-2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +12 16 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0.25 0.25 +0.75 0.25 +0.75 0.75 +0.25 0.75 +0.4 0.4 +0.6 0.4 +0.6 0.6 +0.4 0.6 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +4 5 +4 5 +5 6 +5 6 +6 7 +6 7 +7 4 +7 4 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 8 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0471e62 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-full-boundary-overlap.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +12 16 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0.25 0.25 +0.75 0.25 +0.75 0.75 +0.25 0.75 +0.4 0.4 +0.6 0.4 +0.6 0.6 +0.4 0.6 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 8 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5888c39 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-hole-overlaps-bondary.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +8 8 +0 0 +2 0 +2 3 +0 3 +0.5 0 +1.5 0 +1.5 1 +0.5 1 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..037282f --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps-conform-to-edge.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +16 20 +0 0 +2 0 +2 3 +0 3 +0.6 0 +1.4 0 +1.4 0.75 +0.6 0.75 +0.75 0 +1.25 0 +1.25 0.7 +0.75 0.7 +0.9 0 +1.1 0 +1.1 0.4 +0.9 0.4 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 8 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 12 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d394983 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-42-multiple-boundary-overlaps.txt @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +16 16 +0 0 +2 0 +2 3 +0 3 +0.5 0 +1.5 0 +1.5 1 +0.5 1 +0.75 0 +1.25 0 +1.25 0.7 +0.75 0.7 +0.9 0 +1.1 0 +1.1 0.4 +0.9 0.4 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 4 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 8 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 12 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-65-wrong-edges.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-65-wrong-edges.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb3cd0b --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/issue-65-wrong-edges.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +3 0 +1 0 +0 0.251 +-1 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/kidney.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/kidney.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2589d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/kidney.txt @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +50 50 +0.6814 1.2932 +0.7148 1.2004 +0.7574 1.1074 +0.8143 1.0178 +0.8963 0.9360 +0.9825 0.8672 +1.0713 0.8072 +1.1610 0.7660 +1.2482 0.7350 +1.3416 0.7122 +1.4344 0.6954 +1.5202 0.6852 +1.6132 0.6802 +1.7064 0.6802 +1.7994 0.6946 +1.8926 0.7160 +1.9848 0.7412 +2.0780 0.7758 +2.1706 0.8178 +2.2616 0.8718 +2.3498 0.9444 +2.4318 1.0256 +2.5044 1.1130 +2.5600 1.1984 +2.5896 1.2914 +2.6132 1.3848 +2.6294 1.4774 +2.5998 1.5688 +2.5333 1.6370 +2.4400 1.6230 +2.3494 1.5844 +2.2576 1.5308 +2.1664 1.4872 +2.0820 1.4402 +1.9928 1.4052 +1.8996 1.3756 +1.8068 1.3492 +1.7136 1.3342 +1.6208 1.3278 +1.5274 1.3264 +1.4346 1.3384 +1.3414 1.3596 +1.2484 1.3860 +1.1556 1.4258 +1.0634 1.4642 +0.9744 1.5058 +0.8816 1.5464 +0.7882 1.5496 +0.7046 1.4790 +0.6890 1.3860 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 8 +8 9 +9 10 +10 11 +11 12 +12 13 +13 14 +14 15 +15 16 +16 17 +17 18 +18 19 +19 20 +20 21 +21 22 +22 23 +23 24 +24 25 +25 26 +26 27 +27 28 +28 29 +29 30 +30 31 +31 32 +32 33 +33 34 +34 35 +35 36 +36 37 +37 38 +38 39 +39 40 +40 41 +41 42 +42 43 +43 44 +44 45 +45 46 +46 47 +47 48 +48 49 +49 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/overlapping constraints.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/overlapping constraints.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79ba16a --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/overlapping constraints.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +8 8 +40.8 -2.8 +38 0 +38 2 +40.8 4.8 +40.8 5.2 +38 8 +38 10 +40.8 12.8 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 7 +7 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/overlapping constraints2.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/overlapping constraints2.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f676b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/overlapping constraints2.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +6 6 + 10 0 + 0 10 +-10 0 + 0 -10 + -5 0 + 5 0 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 +2 5 +4 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/points_on_constraint_edge.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/points_on_constraint_edge.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8f328d --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/points_on_constraint_edge.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +12 1 +0 1 +2 2 +4 2 +2 0 +4 0 +6 1 +8 1 +10 2 +12 2 +10 0 +12 0 +14 1 +0 11 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1e4ca0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +36 0 +0.15147567518991 -5.144230291488 +0.10442 -5.06098 +0.1228735248885 -5.12897066233 +0.1322969035965 -5.141286788425 +0.115882234089 -5.115648852375 +0.13262891777369 -5.119598039304 +0.11311813200326 -5.138343285364 +0.111139345548 -5.09040217055 +0.121648346645 -5.09478239621 +0.1152696449675 -5.098554719315 +0.1303134549875 -5.106097900345 +0.10889094329024 -5.1023270424231 +0.142052296482 -5.131914165395 +0.154751587595 -5.127544895745 +0.1484019420385 -5.129729530575 +0.1389785633305 -5.117413404475 +0.1563895437975 -5.119202197875 +0.150039898241 -5.1213868327 +0.140515429906 -5.12466378494 +0.145328208887 -5.11522876965 +0.1516778544435 -5.113044134825 +0.1580275 -5.1108595 +0.107779672774 -5.075691085275 +0.112085873903 -5.07104664934 +0.1514750401785 -5.061655309135 +0.13440575 -5.08723775 +0.110784 -5.063616 +0.11338774780615 -5.078477298681 +0.1682004187975 -5.131013072875 +0.18164925 -5.13448125 +0.1921660803575 -5.05969461827 +0.1750967901785 -5.085277059135 +0.221046245536 -5.045923052405 +0.31820357142857 -4.9298217230895 +0.2499264107145 -5.032151486545 +0.284064991072 -4.980986604815 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..669f636 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/regression_issue_38_wrong_hull_small.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +6 0 +0.15147567518991 -5.144230291488 +0.10442 -5.06098 +0.1228735248885 -5.12897066233 +0.1322969035965 -5.141286788425 +0.115882234089 -5.115648852375 +0.13262891777369 -5.119598039304 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/square with crack.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/square with crack.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f27079 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/square with crack.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +7 7 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0.5001 1 +0.5 0.5 +0.49990 1 +0 1 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 4 +4 5 +5 6 +6 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/unit square.txt b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/unit square.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61d3ecd --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/data/unit square.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +4 4 +0 0 +1 0 +1 1 +0 1 +0 1 +1 2 +2 3 +3 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/main.cpp b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed35073 --- /dev/null +++ b/Duin/vendor/cdt/visualizer/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,806 @@ +/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ +#include "CDT.h" +#include "VerifyTopology.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +typedef double CoordType; +typedef CDT::Triangulation Triangulation; +typedef CDT::V2d V2d; +typedef CDT::Triangle Triangle; +typedef CDT::Box2d Box2d; +typedef CDT::Edge Edge; + +enum class TriangulationType +{ + ConstraintDelaunay, + ConformingDelaunay, +}; + +enum class FinalizeTriangulation +{ + DontFinalize, + EraseSuperTriangle, + EraseOuterTriangles, + EraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles, +}; + +class CDTWidget : public QWidget +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + explicit CDTWidget(QWidget* parent = NULL) + : QWidget(parent) + , m_ptLimit(9999999) + , m_edgeLimit(9999999) + , m_vertexInsertionOrder(CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::Enum::Auto) + , m_intersectingEdgesStrategy( + CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum::TryResolve) + , m_minDistToConstraintEdge(1e-6) + , m_triangulationType(TriangulationType::ConstraintDelaunay) + , m_finalizeType(FinalizeTriangulation::DontFinalize) + , m_fixDuplicates(true) + , m_isHidePoints(false) + , m_isDisplayIndices(false) + , m_translation(0., 0.) + , m_scale(1.0) + { + setAutoFillBackground(false); + } + + QSize sizeHint() const + { + return QSize(9001, 9001); // over 9000! + } + +public slots: + void buildCDT(QListWidgetItem* item) + { + QDir dir = QDir(QString(), tr("*.txt")); + const QString fileName = dir.filePath(item->text()); + readData(fileName); + initTransform(); + updateCDT(); + } + + void setTriangulationType(int index) + { + switch(index) + { + case 0: + m_triangulationType = TriangulationType::ConstraintDelaunay; + break; + case 1: + m_triangulationType = TriangulationType::ConformingDelaunay; + break; + } + updateCDT(); + } + + void setMinDistToConstraintEdge(double tolerance) + { + m_minDistToConstraintEdge = tolerance; + updateCDT(); + } + + void setVertexInsertionOrder(int index) + { + switch(index) + { + case 0: + m_vertexInsertionOrder = CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::Enum::Auto; + break; + case 1: + m_vertexInsertionOrder = + CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::Enum::AsProvided; + break; + } + updateCDT(); + } + + void setIntersectingEdgesStrategy(int index) + { + switch(index) + { + case 0: + m_intersectingEdgesStrategy = + CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum::NotAllowed; + break; + case 1: + m_intersectingEdgesStrategy = + CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum::TryResolve; + break; + case 2: + m_intersectingEdgesStrategy = + CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum::DontCheck; + break; + } + updateCDT(); + } + + void setPointsLimit(int limit) + { + m_ptLimit = static_cast(limit); + updateCDT(); + } + + void setEdgeLimit(int limit) + { + m_edgeLimit = static_cast(limit); + updateCDT(); + } + + void hidePoints(int isHidePoints) + { + m_isHidePoints = (isHidePoints != 0); + update(); + } + + void setFinalizeType(int index) + { + switch(index) + { + case 0: + m_finalizeType = FinalizeTriangulation::DontFinalize; + break; + case 1: + m_finalizeType = FinalizeTriangulation::EraseSuperTriangle; + break; + case 2: + m_finalizeType = FinalizeTriangulation::EraseOuterTriangles; + break; + case 3: + m_finalizeType = FinalizeTriangulation::EraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles; + break; + } + updateCDT(); + } + + void setFixDuplicates(int index) + { + m_fixDuplicates = (index == 0); + updateCDT(); + } + + void displayIndices(int isDisplayIndices) + { + m_isDisplayIndices = (isDisplayIndices != 0); + update(); + } + + void prtScn() + { + QFile file("cdt_screenshot.png"); + file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); + QPixmap pixmap(rect().size()); + pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); + paint_(&pixmap); + pixmap.save(&file, "PNG"); + } + + void saveToOff() + { + std::ofstream fout("out.off"); + fout.precision(std::numeric_limits::digits10 + 1); + if(!fout.is_open()) + throw std::runtime_error("Save can't open file for writing OFF"); + fout << "OFF\n"; + + fout << m_cdt.vertices.size() << ' ' << m_cdt.triangles.size() + << " 0\n"; + // Write vertices + const Box2d box = envelopBox(m_points); + const CoordType stZ = + -std::fmax(box.max.x - box.min.x, box.max.y - box.min.y); + std::size_t counter = 0; + typedef Triangulation::V2dVec::const_iterator VCit; + for(VCit v = m_cdt.vertices.begin(); v != m_cdt.vertices.end(); ++v) + { + const CoordType z = + m_finalizeType == FinalizeTriangulation::DontFinalize && + counter < 3 + ? stZ + : 0.0; + fout << v->x << ' ' << v->y << ' ' << z << "\n"; + counter++; + } + // Write faces + typedef CDT::TriangleVec::const_iterator TCit; + for(TCit t = m_cdt.triangles.begin(); t != m_cdt.triangles.end(); ++t) + { + fout << "3 " << t->vertices[0] << ' ' << t->vertices[1] << ' ' + << t->vertices[2] << "\n"; + } + fout.close(); + } + +private: + void readData(const QString& fileName) + { + QFile file(fileName); + if(!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) + { + QMessageBox::warning( + this, tr("CDT"), tr("Could not open file ") + fileName); + } + QTextStream inStream(&file); + std::size_t nPts, nEdges; + inStream >> nPts >> nEdges; + m_points.clear(); + for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nPts; ++i) + { + CoordType x1, y1; + inStream >> x1 >> y1; + m_points.push_back(V2d::make(x1, y1)); + } + m_edges.clear(); + for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nEdges; ++i) + { + CDT::VertInd v1, v2; + inStream >> v1 >> v2; + m_edges.push_back(Edge(v1, v2)); + } + inStream.skipWhiteSpace(); + } + + void updateCDT() + { + m_cdt = Triangulation( + m_vertexInsertionOrder, + m_intersectingEdgesStrategy, + m_minDistToConstraintEdge); + if(!m_points.empty()) + { + std::vector pts = + m_ptLimit < m_points.size() + ? std::vector(&m_points[0], &m_points[m_ptLimit]) + : m_points; + + CDT::DuplicatesInfo dupeInfo; + if(m_fixDuplicates) + { + dupeInfo = CDT::RemoveDuplicates(pts); + if(!dupeInfo.duplicates.empty()) + { + QMessageBox errBox; + errBox.setText("Duplicate vertices were found and fixed"); + errBox.exec(); + } + } + + try + { + m_cdt.insertVertices(pts); + } + catch(const CDT::Error& e) + { + QMessageBox errBox; + errBox.setText(e.what()); + errBox.exec(); + return; + } + if(m_ptLimit >= m_points.size() && !m_edges.empty()) + { + std::vector edges = + m_edgeLimit < m_edges.size() + ? std::vector(&m_edges[0], &m_edges[m_edgeLimit]) + : m_edges; + if(m_fixDuplicates) + { + CDT::RemapEdges(edges, dupeInfo.mapping); + } + try + { + switch(m_triangulationType) + { + case TriangulationType::ConstraintDelaunay: + m_cdt.insertEdges(edges); + break; + case TriangulationType::ConformingDelaunay: + m_cdt.conformToEdges(edges); + break; + } + } + catch(const CDT::Error& e) + { + QMessageBox errBox; + errBox.setText(e.what()); + errBox.exec(); + return; + } + } + switch(m_finalizeType) + { + case FinalizeTriangulation::DontFinalize: + break; + case FinalizeTriangulation::EraseSuperTriangle: + m_cdt.eraseSuperTriangle(); + break; + case FinalizeTriangulation::EraseOuterTriangles: + m_cdt.eraseOuterTriangles(); + break; + case FinalizeTriangulation::EraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles: + m_cdt.eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles(); + break; + } + const CDT::unordered_map tmp = + CDT::EdgeToPiecesMapping(m_cdt.pieceToOriginals); + const CDT::unordered_map > + edgeToSplitVerts = EdgeToSplitVertices(tmp, m_cdt.vertices); + } + if(!CDT::verifyTopology(m_cdt)) + { + QMessageBox errBox; + errBox.setText(QStringLiteral("Triangulation has wrong topology")); + errBox.exec(); + } + update(); + } + +protected: + void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) + { + paint_(this); + } + +private: + QPointF sceneToScreen(const V2d& xy) const + { + const QPointF screenCenter(width() / 2.0, height() / 2.0); + return QPointF(m_scale * xy.x, -m_scale * xy.y) + screenCenter + + m_translation; + } + QPointF screenToScene(const QPointF& xy) const + { + const QPointF screenCenter(width() / 2.0, height() / 2.0); + QPointF out = (xy - m_translation - screenCenter) / m_scale; + out.setY(-out.y()); + return out; + } + double calculateScale(const int w, const int h) const + { + const V2d sceneSize = V2d::make( + m_sceneBox.max.x - m_sceneBox.min.x, + m_sceneBox.max.y - m_sceneBox.min.y); + const double sceneRatio = sceneSize.x / sceneSize.y; + const double screenRatio = static_cast(w) / h; + double scale = + (sceneRatio > screenRatio) ? w / sceneSize.x : h / sceneSize.y; + return scale * 0.95; + } + void initTransform() + { + m_sceneBox = envelopBox(m_points); + QPointF sceneCenter( + (m_sceneBox.min.x + m_sceneBox.max.x) / CoordType(2), + (m_sceneBox.min.y + m_sceneBox.max.y) / CoordType(2)); + m_scale = calculateScale(width(), height()); + m_translation = + QPointF(-m_scale * sceneCenter.x(), m_scale * sceneCenter.y()); + } + + void paint_(QPaintDevice* pd) + { + const QColor highlightColor(100, 100, 0); + const QColor outerTrisColor(220, 220, 220); + const QColor trianglesColor(150, 150, 150); + const QColor fixedEdgeColor(50, 50, 50); + const QColor pointColor(3, 102, 214); + const QColor pointLabelColor(150, 0, 150); + const QColor triangleLabelColor(0, 150, 150); + + QPainter p(pd); + p.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); + + p.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::white)); + if(m_cdt.vertices.empty()) + return; + + QPen pen; + pen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); + + // Draw triangles + pen.setWidthF(2.0); + // outer triangles + if(m_finalizeType == FinalizeTriangulation::DontFinalize) + { + pen.setColor(outerTrisColor); + p.setPen(pen); + typedef CDT::TriangleVec::const_iterator TCit; + for(TCit t = m_cdt.triangles.begin(); t != m_cdt.triangles.end(); + ++t) + { + if(t->vertices[0] > 2 && t->vertices[1] > 2 && + t->vertices[2] > 2) + continue; + const V2d& v1 = m_cdt.vertices[t->vertices[0]]; + const V2d& v2 = m_cdt.vertices[t->vertices[1]]; + const V2d& v3 = m_cdt.vertices[t->vertices[2]]; + const QPointF pt1 = sceneToScreen(v1); + const QPointF pt2 = sceneToScreen(v2); + const QPointF pt3 = sceneToScreen(v3); + p.drawLine(pt1, pt2); + p.drawLine(pt2, pt3); + p.drawLine(pt3, pt1); + } + } + + // actual triangles + pen.setColor(trianglesColor); + p.setPen(pen); + typedef CDT::TriangleVec::const_iterator TCit; + int iT = 0; + for(TCit t = m_cdt.triangles.begin(); t != m_cdt.triangles.end(); + ++t, ++iT) + { + if(m_finalizeType == FinalizeTriangulation::DontFinalize) + { + if(t->vertices[0] < 3 || t->vertices[1] < 3 || + t->vertices[2] < 3) + { + continue; + } + } + const V2d& v1 = m_cdt.vertices[t->vertices[0]]; + const V2d& v2 = m_cdt.vertices[t->vertices[1]]; + const V2d& v3 = m_cdt.vertices[t->vertices[2]]; + const CDT::array pts = { + sceneToScreen(v1), sceneToScreen(v2), sceneToScreen(v3)}; + const QPointF c( + (pts[0].x() + pts[1].x() + pts[2].x()) / 3.f, + (pts[0].y() + pts[1].y() + pts[2].y()) / 3.f); + p.drawPolygon(pts.data(), pts.size()); + } + if(m_isDisplayIndices) + { + pen.setColor(triangleLabelColor); + p.setPen(pen); + iT = 0; + for(TCit t = m_cdt.triangles.begin(); t != m_cdt.triangles.end(); + ++t, ++iT) + { + const V2d& v1 = m_cdt.vertices[t->vertices[0]]; + const V2d& v2 = m_cdt.vertices[t->vertices[1]]; + const V2d& v3 = m_cdt.vertices[t->vertices[2]]; + const CDT::array pts = { + sceneToScreen(v1), sceneToScreen(v2), sceneToScreen(v3)}; + const QPointF c( + (pts[0].x() + pts[1].x() + pts[2].x()) / 3.f, + (pts[0].y() + pts[1].y() + pts[2].y()) / 3.f); + p.drawText(c, QString::number(iT)); + } + } + // constraint edges + pen.setColor(fixedEdgeColor); + p.setPen(pen); + typedef CDT::EdgeUSet::const_iterator ECit; + for(ECit e = m_cdt.fixedEdges.begin(); e != m_cdt.fixedEdges.end(); ++e) + { + const V2d& v1 = m_cdt.vertices[e->v1()]; + const V2d& v2 = m_cdt.vertices[e->v2()]; + p.drawLine(sceneToScreen(v1), sceneToScreen(v2)); + } + // last added edge + if(m_edgeLimit && m_edgeLimit <= m_edges.size()) + { + pen.setColor(highlightColor); + pen.setWidthF(4.0); + p.setPen(pen); + p.drawLine( + sceneToScreen(m_points[m_edges[m_edgeLimit - 1].v1()]), + sceneToScreen(m_points[m_edges[m_edgeLimit - 1].v2()])); + } + + if(m_isHidePoints) + return; + // draw points + pen.setColor(pointColor); + pen.setWidthF(7.0); + p.setPen(pen); + for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_cdt.vertices.size(); ++i) + { + const QPointF pos = sceneToScreen(m_cdt.vertices[i]); + p.drawPoint(pos); + } + if(m_isDisplayIndices) + { + pen.setColor(pointLabelColor); + p.setPen(pen); + for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_cdt.vertices.size(); ++i) + { + const QPointF pos = sceneToScreen(m_cdt.vertices[i]); + p.drawText(pos, QString::number(i)); + } + } + // last added point + if(m_ptLimit && m_ptLimit <= m_points.size()) + { + pen.setColor(highlightColor); + pen.setWidthF(9.0); + p.setPen(pen); + p.drawPoint(sceneToScreen(m_points[m_ptLimit - 1])); + } + } + + void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) + { + m_prevMousePos = event->pos(); + qApp->setOverrideCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor); + setMouseTracking(true); + } + void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) + { + m_translation += (event->pos() - m_prevMousePos); + m_prevMousePos = event->pos(); + update(); + } + void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) + { + qApp->restoreOverrideCursor(); + setMouseTracking(false); + } + void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) + { + const double newScale = + m_scale * std::max(0.3, (1. + event->angleDelta().y() * 8e-4)); + if(m_scale == newScale) + { + return; + } + const QPointF cursor = event->position(); + const QPointF scenePt = screenToScene(cursor); + const QPointF screenCenter = QPointF(width(), height()) / 2.0; + m_translation = cursor - newScale * QPointF(scenePt.x(), -scenePt.y()) - + screenCenter; + m_scale = newScale; + update(); + } + void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) + { + const double scaleRatio = + calculateScale(width(), height()) / + calculateScale(e->oldSize().width(), e->oldSize().height()); + m_scale *= scaleRatio; + m_translation *= scaleRatio; + update(); + } + +private: + Triangulation m_cdt; + std::vector m_points; + std::vector m_edges; + std::size_t m_ptLimit; + std::size_t m_edgeLimit; + CDT::VertexInsertionOrder::Enum m_vertexInsertionOrder; + CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::Enum m_intersectingEdgesStrategy; + CoordType m_minDistToConstraintEdge; + TriangulationType m_triangulationType; + FinalizeTriangulation m_finalizeType; + bool m_fixDuplicates; + bool m_isHidePoints; + bool m_isDisplayIndices; + + QPointF m_prevMousePos; + QPointF m_translation; + double m_scale; + Box2d m_sceneBox; +}; + +class MainWindow : public QWidget +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + explicit MainWindow(QWidget* parent = Q_NULLPTR) + : QWidget(parent) + { + m_cdtWidget = new CDTWidget(); + m_cdtWidget->setMinimumSize(QSize(1, 1)); + // Right pane + QPushButton* refreshFiles = new QPushButton(tr("Refresh files list")); + connect(refreshFiles, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateFilesList())); + + m_filesList = new QListWidget(); + connect( + m_filesList, + SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(buildCDT(QListWidgetItem*))); + + QComboBox* vOrder = new QComboBox; + vOrder->addItem("Auto"); + vOrder->addItem("AsProvided"); + connect( + vOrder, + SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(setVertexInsertionOrder(int))); + + QComboBox* isecStrategy = new QComboBox; + isecStrategy->addItem("NotAllowed"); + isecStrategy->addItem("TryResolve"); + isecStrategy->addItem("DontCheck"); + isecStrategy->setCurrentIndex(1); + connect( + isecStrategy, + SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(setIntersectingEdgesStrategy(int))); + + QDoubleSpinBox* distTolerance = new QDoubleSpinBox; + distTolerance->setDecimals(6); + distTolerance->setRange(0.0, 0.1); + distTolerance->setSingleStep(1e-6); + distTolerance->setValue(1e-6); + connect( + distTolerance, + SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(setMinDistToConstraintEdge(double))); + + QComboBox* triType = new QComboBox; + triType->addItem("constraint Delaunay triangulation"); + triType->addItem("conforming Delaunay triangulation"); + connect( + triType, + SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(setTriangulationType(int))); + + QComboBox* finalizeWith = new QComboBox; + finalizeWith->addItem("don't finalize"); + finalizeWith->addItem("eraseSuperTriangle"); + finalizeWith->addItem("eraseOuterTriangles"); + finalizeWith->addItem("eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles"); + connect( + finalizeWith, + SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(setFinalizeType(int))); + + QComboBox* fixDupes = new QComboBox; + fixDupes->addItem("fix duplicated vertices and remap edges"); + fixDupes->addItem("don't fix duplicated vertices"); + connect( + fixDupes, + SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(setFixDuplicates(int))); + + QFormLayout* triangulationConfig = new QFormLayout; + triangulationConfig->addRow(new QLabel("vertexInsertionOrder"), vOrder); + triangulationConfig->addRow( + new QLabel("intersectingEdgesStrategy"), isecStrategy); + triangulationConfig->addRow( + new QLabel("minDistToConstraintEdge"), distTolerance); + triangulationConfig->addRow(triType); + triangulationConfig->addRow(finalizeWith); + triangulationConfig->addRow(fixDupes); + QGroupBox* triOptGroup = new QGroupBox("Triangulation"); + triOptGroup->setLayout(triangulationConfig); + + QSpinBox* ptsSpinbox = new QSpinBox; + ptsSpinbox->setRange(0, 9999999); + connect( + ptsSpinbox, + SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(setPointsLimit(int))); + ptsSpinbox->setValue(9999999); + + QSpinBox* edgesSpinbox = new QSpinBox; + edgesSpinbox->setRange(0, 9999999); + connect( + edgesSpinbox, + SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(setEdgeLimit(int))); + edgesSpinbox->setValue(9999999); + + QFormLayout* limitsLayout = new QFormLayout; + limitsLayout->addRow(new QLabel(tr("Points")), ptsSpinbox); + limitsLayout->addRow(new QLabel(tr("Edges")), edgesSpinbox); + QGroupBox* limitsGroup = new QGroupBox("Limits"); + limitsGroup->setLayout(limitsLayout); + + QCheckBox* displayIndices = + new QCheckBox(QStringLiteral("Display point/triangle indices")); + connect( + displayIndices, + SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(displayIndices(int))); + m_cdtWidget->displayIndices(0); + displayIndices->setChecked(false); + + QCheckBox* hidePoints = new QCheckBox(QStringLiteral("Hide points")); + connect( + hidePoints, + SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), + m_cdtWidget, + SLOT(hidePoints(int))); + m_cdtWidget->hidePoints(0); + hidePoints->setChecked(false); + + QFormLayout* visOptions = new QFormLayout; + visOptions->addRow(displayIndices); + visOptions->addRow(hidePoints); + QGroupBox* visOptionsGroup = new QGroupBox("Visualization"); + visOptionsGroup->setLayout(visOptions); + + QPushButton* screenshotBtn = new QPushButton(tr("Make Screenshot")); + connect(screenshotBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_cdtWidget, SLOT(prtScn())); + + QPushButton* saveBtn = new QPushButton(tr("Save to .OFF")); + connect(saveBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_cdtWidget, SLOT(saveToOff())); + + QGridLayout* rightLayout = new QGridLayout; + int cntr = 0; + rightLayout->addWidget(refreshFiles, cntr++, 0); + rightLayout->addWidget(m_filesList, cntr++, 0); + rightLayout->addWidget(triOptGroup, cntr++, 0); + rightLayout->addWidget(limitsGroup, cntr++, 0); + rightLayout->addWidget(visOptionsGroup, cntr++, 0); + rightLayout->addWidget(screenshotBtn, cntr++, 0); + rightLayout->addWidget(saveBtn, cntr++, 0); + + // Center + QHBoxLayout* centralLayout = new QHBoxLayout; + centralLayout->addWidget(m_cdtWidget); + centralLayout->addLayout(rightLayout); + setLayout(centralLayout); + + setWindowTitle(tr("CDT Visualizer")); + + // Read files list + updateFilesList(); + } +public slots: + void updateFilesList() + { + // Read files list + QDir dir = QDir(QString(), tr("*.txt")); + QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(); + m_filesList->clear(); + QFileInfoList::iterator it; + for(it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) + m_filesList->addItem(it->fileName()); + m_filesList->setCurrentRow(0); + } + +private: + CDTWidget* m_cdtWidget; + QListWidget* m_filesList; +}; + +int main(int argc, char* argv[]) +{ + QApplication app(argc, argv); + MainWindow window; + window.show(); + return QApplication::exec(); +} + +#include "main.moc" diff --git a/Duin/vendor/fmt-10.2.1.zip b/Duin/vendor/fmt-10.2.1.zip deleted file mode 100644 index c54a3ec..0000000 Binary files a/Duin/vendor/fmt-10.2.1.zip and /dev/null differ diff --git a/DuinEditor/DuinEditor.vcxproj b/DuinEditor/DuinEditor.vcxproj index bac09cd..3a00b84 100644 --- a/DuinEditor/DuinEditor.vcxproj +++ b/DuinEditor/DuinEditor.vcxproj @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ NotUsing Level3 DN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;DN_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - ..\Duin\src;..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + ..\Duin\src;..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;..\Duin\vendor\cdt\CDT\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) EditAndContinue Disabled MultiThreadedDebugDLL @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ NotUsing Level3 DN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;DN_RELEASE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - ..\Duin\src;..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + ..\Duin\src;..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;..\Duin\vendor\cdt\CDT\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) Full true true @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ NotUsing Level3 DN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;DN_DIST;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - ..\Duin\src;..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + ..\Duin\src;..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;..\Duin\vendor\cdt\CDT\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) Full true true diff --git a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/Sandbox.vcxproj b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/Sandbox.vcxproj index 19ab7e2..fbe608c 100644 --- a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/Sandbox.vcxproj +++ b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/Sandbox.vcxproj @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ NotUsing Level3 DN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;DN_DEBUG;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - ..\..\Duin\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + ..\..\Duin\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\cdt\CDT\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) EditAndContinue Disabled MultiThreadedDebugDLL @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ NotUsing Level3 DN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;DN_RELEASE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - ..\..\Duin\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + ..\..\Duin\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\cdt\CDT\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) Full true true @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ NotUsing Level3 DN_PLATFORM_WINDOWS;DN_DIST;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) - ..\..\Duin\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) + ..\..\Duin\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\patches\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\spdlog\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib5\src;..\..\Duin\vendor\raylib-cpp\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\imgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\rlgui;..\..\Duin\vendor\entt\single_include;..\..\Duin\vendor\fmt\include;..\..\Duin\vendor\cdt\CDT\include;%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories) Full true true @@ -149,8 +149,12 @@ + + + + diff --git a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/Sandbox.vcxproj.filters b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/Sandbox.vcxproj.filters index 5a8947e..5331ce5 100644 --- a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/Sandbox.vcxproj.filters +++ b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/Sandbox.vcxproj.filters @@ -36,8 +36,12 @@ Components + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/DelaunayTest.cpp b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/DelaunayTest.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4032f93 --- /dev/null +++ b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/DelaunayTest.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +#include "DelaunayTest.h" + +#include +#include + +#include + + + +#include + + +void DelaunayTest::Initialize() +{ +} + +void DelaunayTest::Ready() +{ + //Generate random points + int min = 20; + int max = 700; + std::random_device rd; + std::mt19937 gen(rd()); + std::uniform_int_distribution<> distr(min, max); + + points = { + CDT::V2d(distr(gen), distr(gen)), + CDT::V2d(distr(gen), distr(gen)), + CDT::V2d(distr(gen), distr(gen)), + CDT::V2d(distr(gen), distr(gen)), + CDT::V2d(distr(gen), distr(gen)), + CDT::V2d(distr(gen), distr(gen)) + }; + + // Perform Delaunay triangulation + cdt.insertVertices(points); + cdt.eraseSuperTriangle(); + triangles = cdt.triangles; +} + +void DelaunayTest::HandleInputs(Duin::InputEvent e) +{ +} + +void DelaunayTest::Process(double rDelta) +{ +} + +void DelaunayTest::PhysicsProcess(double pDelta) +{ +} + +void DelaunayTest::Draw() +{ + for (const auto& triangle : cdt.triangles) + { + const auto& v1 = cdt.vertices[triangle.vertices[0]]; + const auto& v2 = cdt.vertices[triangle.vertices[1]]; + const auto& v3 = cdt.vertices[triangle.vertices[2]]; + + Duin::DebugDraw::DrawLine(v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, Duin::BLACK); + Duin::DebugDraw::DrawLine(v3.x, v3.y, v2.x, v2.y, Duin::BLACK); + Duin::DebugDraw::DrawLine(v1.x, v1.y, v3.x, v3.y, Duin::BLACK); + + } +} diff --git a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/DelaunayTest.h b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/DelaunayTest.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2321f7b --- /dev/null +++ b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/DelaunayTest.h @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +#include + +class DelaunayTest : public Duin::Application +{ +public: + DelaunayTest() {} + ~DelaunayTest() {} + + void Initialize() override; + void Ready() override; + void HandleInputs(Duin::InputEvent e) override; + void Process(double rDelta) override; + void PhysicsProcess(double pDelta) override; + void Draw() override; + + CDT::Triangulation cdt; + CDT::TriangleVec triangles; + std::vector> points; + +}; diff --git a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/Sandbox.cpp b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/Sandbox.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cf2378 --- /dev/null +++ b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/Sandbox.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#include +#include + + +//#include "SandboxGame.h" +//Duin::Application* Duin::CreateApplication() { return new Sandbox(); } + +#include "DelaunayTest.h" +Duin::Application* Duin::CreateApplication() { return new DelaunayTest(); } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/SandboxGame.cpp b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/SandboxGame.cpp index ff252b0..9033f99 100644 --- a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/SandboxGame.cpp +++ b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/SandboxGame.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -#include -#include +#include "SandboxGame.h" #include "Components/PlayerComponent.h" #include "Components/PlayerInputComponent.h" @@ -10,45 +9,27 @@ #include "Components/TransformCMPManager.h" #include "Components/RenderableComponent.h" #include "Components/RenderableCMPManager.h" - #include "Components/NewTransfromCMPManager.h" #include +#include + + int min = 20; int max = 700; std::random_device rd; // Obtain a random number from hardware std::mt19937 gen(rd()); // Seed the generator std::uniform_int_distribution<> distr(min, max); // Define the range -std::shared_ptr texture; std::shared_ptr registry; NewTransformCMPManager* newTFCMPManager; int entityCount = 0; - +std::shared_ptr texture; Duin::QuadTree qTree(Duin::Rectangle(0.0f, 0.0f, 1280.0f, 720.0f), 2, 1000, 0); - Duin::Profiler profiler; -class Sandbox : public Duin::Application -{ -public: - Sandbox() {} - ~Sandbox() {} - - void Initialize() override; - void Ready() override; - void HandleInputs(Duin::InputEvent e) override; - void Process(double rDelta) override; - void PhysicsProcess(double pDelta) override; - void Draw() override; - - void SpawnEntityBatches(); - void SpawnEntity(Duin::Vector2 position, Duin::Vector2 velocity); -}; -Duin::Application* Duin::CreateApplication() { return new Sandbox(); } - void Sandbox::Initialize() @@ -61,7 +42,6 @@ void Sandbox::Initialize() void Sandbox::Ready() { - } void Sandbox::HandleInputs(Duin::InputEvent e) @@ -83,6 +63,7 @@ int numEntities = 2500; void Sandbox::PhysicsProcess(double pDelta) { Duin::Timer timer; + if (numEntities > entityCount) { SpawnEntityBatches(); @@ -152,4 +133,5 @@ void Sandbox::SpawnEntity(Duin::Vector2 position, Duin::Vector2 velocity) entity->AddComponent(&qTree, entity->GetUUID(), position); entityCount++; -} \ No newline at end of file +} + diff --git a/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/SandboxGame.h b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/SandboxGame.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f4b013 --- /dev/null +++ b/ExampleProjects/Sandbox/src/SandboxGame.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#pragma once + +#include + +class Sandbox : public Duin::Application +{ +public: + Sandbox() {} + ~Sandbox() {} + + void Initialize() override; + void Ready() override; + void HandleInputs(Duin::InputEvent e) override; + void Process(double rDelta) override; + void PhysicsProcess(double pDelta) override; + void Draw() override; + + void SpawnEntityBatches(); + void SpawnEntity(Duin::Vector2 position, Duin::Vector2 velocity); + +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/premake5.lua b/premake5.lua index da01950..ea30e80 100644 --- a/premake5.lua +++ b/premake5.lua @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ workspace "Duin" IncludeDir["patches"] = "Duin/vendor/patches/include" IncludeDir["entt"] = "Duin/vendor/entt/single_include" IncludeDir["fmt"] = "Duin/vendor/fmt/include" + IncludeDir["cdt"] = "Duin/vendor/cdt/CDT/include" @@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ project "Duin" "%{IncludeDir.rlgui}", "%{IncludeDir.entt}", "%{IncludeDir.fmt}", + "%{IncludeDir.cdt}", } libdirs @@ -133,6 +135,7 @@ project "DuinEditor" "%{IncludeDir.rlgui}", "%{IncludeDir.entt}", "%{IncludeDir.fmt}", + "%{IncludeDir.cdt}", } libdirs @@ -202,6 +205,7 @@ project "Sandbox" "%{IncludeDir.rlgui}", "%{IncludeDir.entt}", "%{IncludeDir.fmt}", + "%{IncludeDir.cdt}", } libdirs