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Analysis of 7,126 WT IECs (droplet-based)

Load required R packages

Can be installed using 'install.packages'


### Load all the required functions for this analysis

Download data and identify variable genes

Load UMI count data from GEO

## Downloading UMI count data
download.file("", destfile="GSE92332_atlas_UMIcounts.txt.gz")
## Reading UMI count data from file
atlas_umis = read.delim("GSE92332_atlas_UMIcounts.txt.gz")
info(sprintf("Data dimensions: %s" , paste(dim(atlas_umis), collapse = "x")))
## 2017-11-17 11:49:52 INFO: Data dimensions: 15971x7216

Get variable genes

v = get.variable.genes(atlas_umis, min.cv2 = 100)
## 2017-11-17 11:49:57 INFO: Fitting only the 9723 genes with mean expression > 0.0330515521064302

## 2017-11-17 11:49:58 INFO: Found 3542 variable genes (p<0.05)
var.genes = as.character(rownames(v)[v$p.adj<0.05])

Batch correction (ComBat)

Check whether there is a batch effect

get_field = function(string,field=1,delim="_", fixed=T) return(strsplit(string,delim, fixed=fixed)[[1]][field])
batch.labels = factor(unlist(lapply(colnames(atlas_umis), get_field, 1,"_")))
## batch.labels
##   B1  B10   B2   B3   B4   B5   B6   B7   B8   B9 
## 1385  326 1250  840  200  316   75 1258  942  624
atlas_tpm = data.frame(log2(1+tpm(atlas_umis)))
## 2017-11-17 11:49:58 INFO: Running TPM normalisation
## take mean tpm across batches to show batch effect
batch_mean_tpm = group.means(counts = atlas_tpm, groups = batch.labels)
x = batch_mean_tpm[, 1]
y = batch_mean_tpm[,2]
expr.cor = round(cor(x,y),2)
smoothScatter(x, y, nrpoints=Inf, pch=16, cex=0.25, main=sprintf("Before batch correction, correlation between \ntwo illustrative batches is %s", expr.cor), xlab="All genes Batch 2, mean log2(TPM+1)", ylab="All genes Batch  1, mean log2(TPM+1)")

Compensate for batch effect using ComBat

# Takes a few minutes
atlas_tpm_norm = batch.normalise.comBat(counts = atlas_tpm, batch.groups = batch.labels)
## Found 10 batches
## Adjusting for 0 covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Standardizing Data across genes
## Fitting L/S model and finding priors
## Finding parametric adjustments
## Adjusting the Data
batch_mean_tpm_norm = group.means(counts = atlas_tpm_norm, groups = batch.labels)
x = batch_mean_tpm_norm[, 1]
y = batch_mean_tpm_norm[,2]
expr.cor = round(cor(x,y),2)
smoothScatter(x, y, nrpoints=Inf, pch=16, cex=0.25, main=sprintf("After batch correction, correlation between \ntwo illustrative batches is %s", expr.cor), xlab="All genes Batch 2, mean log2(TPM+1)", ylab="All genes Batch  1, mean log2(TPM+1)")

Dimensionality reduction

Run (randomized) PCA, t-SNE

pca = rpca(t(atlas_tpm_norm[var.genes,]), center=T, scale=T, retx=T, k=100)$x

# or read PCA rotations used in the paper (since the alg is randomized)
#pca = read.delim(file="atlas_pca_scores.txt")

### run t-SNE
#barnes_hut_tsne = Rtsne(pca[, 1:13], check_duplicates=T,   pca=FALSE, #dont run PCA again
#                               initial_dims = 13, perplexity = 20, max_iter = 100000, verbose=T, whiten=F)
#tsne.rot = barnes_hut_tsne$Y
# or read t-SNE rotations used in the paper (since the alg is randomized)
tsne.rot = read.delim("atlas_tsne.txt")

Test for significant PCs. To avoid very long runtimes, run on a high memory server with lots of cores (n.cores).

y = sig.pcs.perm(dat=t(atlas_umis[var.genes,]), center=T, scale=T, max.pc=100, B=1000, n.cores=20, randomized=T)
 PC permutation test completed.
 13 PCS significant (p<0.05, 1000 bootstraps)
 Runtime: 5110 s

Unsupervised clustering

Run kNN-graph clustering

# build cell-cell euclidean distance matrix using significant PC scores
dm = as.matrix(dist(pca[, 1:13]))
# build nearest neighbor graph
knn = build_knn_graph(dm, k = 200)
clustering = cluster_graph(knn)$partition

# merge a spurious cluster (cluster 16 is only a single cell) into the most similar cluster
clustering = merge_clusters(clustering, c(8, 16))
## Merging cluster 16 into 8 ..
## confirm that clusters are extremely similar to those in the paper (infomap is a random-walk based alg, so there may begetwd minor differences)
clusters_from_paper = factor(unlist(lapply(colnames(atlas_umis), get_field, 3,"_")))

overlap =, clustering))
overlap = round(sweep(overlap,2,colSums(overlap),`/`),2)
overlap = overlap[,apply(overlap, 1, FUN=which.max)]
aheatmap(overlap, color = cubehelix1.16, border_color = list("cell"="white"), txt=overlap, Colv = NA, Rowv = NA)

Visualize the clustering overlaid onto the t-SNE (Figure 1b)

x = data.frame(tsne.rot, clustering)
ggplot(x, aes(x=tSNE_1, y=tSNE_2, color=clustering)) + geom_point() + scale_color_manual(values=brewer16)