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File metadata and controls

126 lines (97 loc) · 8.47 KB

The Xpra HTML5 client options are normally specified using the connect dialog form, but all the options can also be specified as URL parameters. ie:


Default values can be specified in the default-settings.txt

Connection Options
Parameter Name Purpose Default Value
server Hostname or IP address of the xpra server to connect to *1
port Port number of the xpra server *1
username Authentication with the server
password Authentication with the server
ssl Enable SSL connection to the xpra server *1
insecure Allow sending of passwords over unencrypted connections No
path The WebSocket path to connect to (usually not needed) *1
display The display to connect to (for proxy servers)
encryption To enable encryption, specify AES-CBC, AES-CTR or AES-CFB (see #94)
key The AES encryption key to use
sharing Allow other clients to connect to the same session No
steal Take over the session and disconnect any existing client(s) Yes
reconnect Automatically reconnect when the connection drops Yes
bandwidth_limit Bandwidth budget in bits per second 0 (no limit)
override_width The desired width of client desktop, pixels width of browser window

*1 the default values for the server host, port and SSL status will mirror that of the connection which was used to load the HTMl5 client (as found in the browser's URL bar), and those values don't usually need to be modified.


Some browsers have security features which may remove the password from the URL parameters.
This can be worked around by:

  • using a secure https connection.
  • using Javascript to keep the password value client side in the browser's sessionStorage area, just like the default connect page does.

If the authentication module used by the xpra server supports it, authentication is done using HMAC with a strong hash function (SHA256 or better) which means that the actual password is never sent to the xpra server.
By default the HTML5 client will refuse to send passwords over remote unencrypted connections.

Parameter Name Purpose Default Value
keyboard Enable keyboard input Enabled unless the client does not have a mouse pointer device
keyboard_layout The keyboard layout the client will be using us
clipboard Enable clipboard sharing Yes
printing Enable printer forwarding Yes
file_transfer Enable file-transfers Yes
swap_keys Swap Command and Control keys Yes on MacOS
scroll_reverse_x Reverse X axis of the mouse pointer No
floating_menu Show a floating menu Yes
toolbar_position Default position of the toolbar (ie: top, top-right) top-left
autohide Hide most of the toolbar until the pointer hovers over it No
sound Forward audio from the server ("speaker output") Yes
video Allow the use of software video decoding Yes on 64-bit clients
Advanced Options
Parameter Name Purpose Default Value
audio_codec Which audio format to use detected
encoding Which picture encoding to use (ie: png, jpeg, webp, etc) auto
remote_logging Send important events to the server Yes
action Connection mode (ie: start, shadow) connect
shadow_display The display to shadow if action=shadow
submit Show diagnostics when disconnecting Yes
start Request the server to run this command after connecting
exit_with_children If starting a new session, terminate it when the last start command exits No
exit_with_client If starting a new session, terminate it when the connection is closed No
Apache Proxy

To use the Xpra html5 client and connect to the xpra server via an Apache web proxy, you must use mod_proxy.

ie: start an xpra server listening on a TCP port, ie:

xpra start :100 --start-child=xterm --bind-tcp=

And add the following configuration to your apache web server:

<Location "/xpra">

  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:UPGRADE} ^WebSocket$ [NC]
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:CONNECTION} ^Upgrade$ [NC]
  RewriteRule .* ws://localhost:14500/%{REQUEST_URI} [P]

  ProxyPass ws://localhost:14500
  ProxyPassReverse ws://localhost:14500

  ProxyPass http://localhost:14500
  ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:14500

Make sure to reload the server to update the configuration.

If you are not using the default connect dialog page, you may need to override the path option.