The Xmf\Jwt\JsonWebToken
class is used to create and decode JSON Web Tokens. A full description and specification of JSON Web Tokens can be found in RFC7519.
Instantiates a new JsonWebToken object, using a Xmf\Key\KeyAbstract object $key, using the specified $algorithm for signing and verifying. An invalid algorithm will throw \DomainException.
The default $algorithm is 'HS256', and the currently supplied TokenFactory and TokenReader classes are locked to it. HS256 uses HMAC with SHA256 for signing and verifying.
Change the algorithm used for signing/verifying the token. An invalid algorithm will throw \DomainException.
Decode a JWT string $jwtString, validating signature and well defined registered claims, and optionally validate against a list of supplied claims in the $assertClaims.
Claims such as 'exp', expiration time, are automatically enforced. Application specific public or claims to be verified by specifying the required claims in $assertClaims array.
An example array could look like this: array('aud' => 'myscript');
If no application claims are to be validated, an empty array (the default) should be specified in $assertClaims.
Returns the payload of the decoded token as a stdClass object, or false if the token was invalid.
Create a signed token string for the array of claims specified in $payload. The integer $expirationOffset parameter can be used to specify an expiration time as the number of seconds from now that the token will expire. If specified, this will be added as an 'exp' claim to the payload.
Returns a string of the signed token with the specified payload.